Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star State of Connecticut, Incorporated Website: Mrs. Bernadine O. Charles #1 Grand Worthy Matron 32 Cedar Street Ansonia, CT 06401 (203) 545-8291 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Richard A. Gaskins, Sr. #2 Grand Worthy Patron P.O. Box 9108 New Haven, CT 06532-0108 (203) 435-8121 Email: [email protected] [email protected] April 24, 2015 Mrs. E. Lavern Jenkins #4 Grand Associate Matron 128 Joseph Street Waterbury, CT 06705 (203) 757-4994 Email: [email protected] Mr. Raymond F. Johnson, Jr. #2 Grand Associate Patron 190 Mildred Road Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 605-8956 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Vernelle J. Davis #22 Grand Conductress 744 Tower Avenue Hartford, CT 06112 (860) 243-9486 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Sonda J. Thomas #2 Grand Associate Conductress 18 Antonio Avenue Meriden, CT 06451 (203) 2014-5183 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Lillie Cain #26 Grand Treasurer 60 Training Hill Road Middletown, CT 06457 (860) 347-2140 E-mail: [email protected] Mrs. LaTisha Clinepeat#2 Grand Secretary 1755 Quinnipiac Avenue Hamden, CT 06513 (203) 889-7343 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Grand Trustees Mrs. Ora Ware #16 Mr. Webb Hallman #2 Mr. Samuel Mitchell #8 Mrs. Cynthia King #14 Mrs. Phyllis M. Hargrove, PGM #2 Grand C.C.F.C. Mrs. Juanita E. Wells, PGM #7 15 Goldfinch Terrace East Lyme, CT 06333 (860) 739-7969 E-mail: [email protected] Proclamation Number Two To: Grand Chapter Officers Elected and Appointed, Past Grand Matrons, Past Grand Patrons, Worthy Matrons, Worthy Patrons, Past Matrons, Past Patrons, Officers and Members of all Subordinate Chapters of Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, State of Connecticut, Inc. Greetings: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in him will I trust”. Psalms 91:1-2 By the power and authority vested in us as, Grand Worthy Matron Sister Bernadine Olivia Charles and Grand Worthy Patron Brother Richard Allen Gaskins, Sr., we do hereby issue Proclamation No. 2 to be read at three (3) consecutive meetings and copies given each member. Please take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly to the following information. We greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior for all his Grace and Mercies over the past year. Grand Session Information The One Hundred and Twenty-First Annual Grand Session of the Order of Eastern Star will convene on September 10-13, 2015 (Thursday thru Sunday) at the Sheraton Hartford Hotel, 100 Capital Boulevard, Rocky Hill Connecticut 06067. Hotel Reservations Hotel reservations are now being accepted. The rate is $95.00 per night plus 15% (14.25) occupancy tax for double or king size beds. Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and Check-out time is 12:00 a.m. Upon check-in please verify your departure and date. The deadline for the above rate is August 14, 2015. You may make reservations in the following manner: Phone: 1-888-627-8263 Web link to reserve hotel room: Reference Code: Prince Hall Grand Chapter Registration Advanced Registration is due on or before August 7, 2015. The cost is Eighty-five Dollars ($85.00) and will include your kit bag, two (2) lunch tickets, souvenir journal, I.D. badge and proceedings. Friday Meal is Roasted Chicken. Meal Choice for Saturday is either Braised Short Rib Beef or Flounder Fillet. Late Registration is Ninety Dollars ($90.00) and must be paid by cash or money order Please note – “personal checks” will not be accepted for late registration. Pre-paid Breakfast has been reserved at the cost of $15.00 per day. A variety of breakfast buffet items will be served. Checks should be made payable to: PHGC of CT and mail to the Grand Secretary, Sis. Latisha Clinepeat, 1755 Quinnipiac Avenue, New Haven Ct 06513. All Delegates must pre-register through their Chapters. (See attached form). There is NO REGISTRATION fee for the Past Grand Matrons, Past Grand Patrons. Chapter Secretaries please list these officers on your Chapter Registration Form. Note: ALL members will be responsible for picking up their convention kit and badge individually. Please have your 2015 dues card available for inspection. Delegates and Credentials We are requesting each Chapter to send four (4) delegates; Worthy Matrons, Worthy Patron, Associate Matron and Associate Patron. A proxy must be elected by each Constituent Chapter. No Elected or Appointed Grand Officer shall be elected as proxy. Two (2) copies of the Credential Form must be completely filled out attested with the Chapter Seal; signatures of the Worthy Matron and Secretary. Mail to the Grand Secretary postmark on or before August 8, 2015. Your second (2nd) copy should be given to the Credential Chairperson, Sis. Joyce Lundy, PM #25 upon your arrival at the Hotel. (See attached form) It is the responsibility of the Worthy Matron to place the Credential Form in the hand of the Chairperson before the opening of our 121st Grand Session on Thursday- September 10, 2015. September 10, 2015 Dedication of Meeting Hall and Opening Ceremonies For the purpose of dedicating the meeting room for the Prince Hall Grand Session, all Grand Chapter Officers elected and appointed are requested to be in their respected stations by 5:45 P.M. (sound of the gavel). The Dedication of the Meeting Room and Ritualistic Opening will begin at 6:00 P.M. sharp. Chapter of Sorrow The Chapter of Sorrow will begin at 7:00P.M. and all Chapters are requested to cordially invite the families and friends of their deceased member(s) who departed this life August 1, 2014 through July 31, 2015 in writing no later than August 8, 2015. Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons please stand with your members as the Grand Secretary calls your deceased member name(s). Please note one (1) floral arrangement per Chapter for your deceased member(s) is requested and is to be placed in the Grand East at the foot of the dais in memory of your deceased member(s). Please mail your report to the Grand Secretary no later than August 8, 2015. Please be sure to include your deceased member(s) full name and date of their demise. Friday – September 11, 2015 Devotional Service Friday morning from 8:15-8:45 A.M. we will begin our business day with Devotional Service under the direction of our Grand Chaplain, Sis. Judy Simpson, P.M. Please join us in Praise, Worship and Prayer Full Business Day The Gavel will sound in the Grand East at 9:00 A.M. and we will begin our business transactions. All Committees are requested to have your Reports prepared and e-mail or mailed to the Grand Secretary by August 8, 2015, except those reports which cannot be completed until arrival at the Grand Session. Please refer to your Book of Reports to see when you are scheduled to present your report in order to expedite time. At approximately 10:00 A.M. we will officially receive into our 121st Grand Session our Past Grand Matrons and Past Grand Patrons; thereafter we will receive our Subordinate Chapters Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons. Please be advised roll call of all Worthy Matrons, Worthy Patrons and proxy will be held on both Friday and Sunday. Election of Officers Election of Officers will take place at 3:00 P.M. Public Relations/Scholarship Programs The Public Relations Program will take place Friday evening at 7:00 P.M. The Grand Chapter’s chosen charity will be presented. Dress attire is Business Casual. Saturday – September 12, 2015 The reception of all visiting Jurisdictions Grand Worthy Matrons, Grand Worthy Patrons. Worthy Grand Matrons, Worthy Grand Patrons and their Delegations will begin to be received at 9:30 A.M., followed by our Connecticut Concordant Bodies. Our Grand OES Queen, Sis. Linda Knight #9 will be officially received. The Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Honorable Charles L. Robinson, Jr., and his cabinet will be received at 12 Noon or at his will and pleasure. Our Youth Department (Order of Novae) will follow under the direction of Sis. Tomi Veale, #1 Grand Youth Director. Entertainment Our Evening event will be an evening of “Dancing with the Stars” sponsored by our Special Deputies. Donation $10.00. Additional information and tickets will be sent under separate mailing. The Grand Worthy Matron and Grand Worthy Patron request all to support this event. Sunday – September 13, 2015 Devotional Service – 8:00 A.M. Devotional Service will commence at 8:00 A.M. Communion will be served. Please show your support and join us in Worship Annual Returns Each Chapter must submit (one copy) their Annual Returns to the Grand Secretary and Chairperson PM Sis. Hazel Walker-Frankson #22, 11-A Carillon Drive, Rocky Hill, CT 06067 on or before August 8, 2015 (see attached form). Charity and Good Cheer Each Chapter is requested to submit a donation for Charity and Good Cheer along with your Annual Return. Donations are to be mailed to the Grand Secretary. Arts and Crafts for 2015 We will continue the Basket Project. Each Chapter shall present a surprise basket on Thursday, September 10th to the Chairpersons, Sis. Etta Royster, PM and Sis. Edith Gooch, PM #8, prior to Opening Ceremonies, to be raffled off on Saturday evening, September 12. Additional information will be forthcoming from Sis. Royster. All baskets will be placed in the registration room each night; the doors will be locked. For additional information if required please contact Sis. Etta Royster at (203) 576-6617. Kit Stuffers We are requesting articles such as pens, pencils, flyers, crackers, water, candy, etc. as items to be placed in our Kit Bags. Please contact Sis. LaKisha Jordan, #1 at (203-287-0656). Vendors We are seeking Vendors for this year’s session. The price for Friday and Saturday is $75 per table each day and Sunday $50 per table. Please contact Sis Laura Johnson-Dawson, PM #2 (203-230-0862) for more information. Constitution and Code Any proposed changes, corrections or amendments to the Constitution and Code shall be submitted to PGP Bro. William Randolph, 201 Park Avenue, Bloomfield, CT 06002. The deadline is July 31, 2015. Jurisprudence The reporting deadline is July 31, 2015 for submission on By-Law changes for Chapters. All matters for the Jurisprudence Committee must be submitted to the Chairperson, PGM Sis. Karen E. Dowdell 990 W. Main Street, #320, Waterbury, CT 06708. Should you have any question please call (203 753-0096) Note: If your Chapter has any action to be brought before the Constitution and Code or Jurisprudence Committees, a representative must be present when this Committee meets on August 8, 2015. All Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons are asked to be present at this meeting. Souvenir Journal Grand Elected Officers and each Chapter are urge to place an ad in the journal. The deadline is August 8, 2015. The rates are as follows: Full Page Quarter Page Patron List Inside Back Cover $ 60.00 $ 30.00 $ 3.00 $175.00 Half Page $ 45.00 Mr. & Mrs. Patron $ 5.00 Outside Back Cover $ 200.00 (Full Page and Half Page only are with or without photo). Camera ready is preferred. It is encouraged that ads be e-mailed directly to Grand Associate Conductress Sis. Sonda Thomas at [email protected] or Grand Conductress Sis. Vernelle J. Davis at [email protected] Hotel Premises/Hospitality While on hotel premises, please be courteous to other guest by avoiding loud music and loud voices especially during late hours. If you have any questions, complaints or issues regarding the hotel please see PGM Phyllis Hargrove. The Hotel prohibits the use of candles, sternos or any electrical cooking appliances on hotel premises. The Grand Chapter will not be responsible for any liability levied for negligence of this policy. It is requested that you refrain from food and beverages being brought into the hotel unless you purchase it from the hotel. We hereby proclaim, Proclamation Number Two to be read at all Chapter meetings until the Session has begun. Given under our Hands and Great Seal of Prince Hall Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star State of Connecticut, Incorporated, on this 30th day of April 2015. Yours in the Star Sis. Bernadine Olivia Charles Grand Worthy Matron Bro. Richard Allen Gaskins, Sr. Grand Worthy Patron Attest: Sis. LaTisha Clinepeat Grand Secretary Cc: Charles L. Robinson, Jr., Most Worshipful Grand Master Registration Committee
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