PROVINCE OF EAST KENT Worshipful Master. Immediate Past Master. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Chaplain. Treasurer. Secretary. Director of Ceremonies. Almoner. Charity Steward. Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Asst. Dir. Of Ceremonies Organist. Asst. Secretary Inner Guard. W Bro. Ian Rowan W Bro. Sean Kavanagh OFFICERS 2013/2014 Bro. Lee Glover Bro. Harry Pendleton W Bro. Len Payne PPrDepSup Wks W Bro. David Mienert W Bro. Kevan Larbey PM PPDGReg,PZ W Bro. Timothy Grimes PM, PPrJGD, PZ W Bro. David Rogers SLGR,PPrJGD W Bro. Roy White PM, PPrAGR Bro. Bob Thornhill Bro. Tom Mulligan W Bro. Mark Howells W Bro. Peter Torres W Bro. R. Jones PM Bro.David Swinshaw Stewards. Bro Carl Smith Bro Arthur Dyke Bro.Gary Emery Bro. Glen Pumfrey Bro Geoffrey Paterson Bro Steven Tothill Bro. Robert Tallon Dining Steward Bro. Tom Mulligan Tyler. Dictis facta suppetant Date of Warrant 9th September 1987. Consecrated 7th March 1988. Worshipful Master – W Bro. Ian Rowan Dear Sir and Brother, . W Bro. Charles Pilbeam PM,PPrDGSwdBr January 2015 ADDRESSES. You are hereby summoned to attend the 134th Regular meeting of your Lodge to be held at the Masonic Hall, Gundulph Square, Rochester, on Wednesday 4th February 2015 at 6 p.m. Worshipful Master. Dress: - Dark Lounge Suit, Black Tie and White Gloves. Acres Gate, Ashford Road, Harrietsham, Kent ME17 1BJ By Command of the Worshipful Master. Almoner 285, Hempstead Road, Hempstead, Gillingham, Kent. ME7 3QJ Charity Steward. 74, Hamelin Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 3ER. 01634 571061 Library and Museum Representative. W Bro. Charles Pilbeam PM,PPrDGSwdBr 55, Lapis Close, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 4UE Holy Royal Arch Liaison Officer W Bro. David Rogers SLGR,PPrJGD Yours faithfully and fraternally, Kevan F. Larbey PM, PPrDGReg Secretary, 86, Tritton Fields, Kennington, Ashford, Kent, TN24 9HL 01233 634128 E Mail Address [email protected] AGENDA. 1. To Open the Lodge 2. To confirm the previously circulated minutes of the 133rd Regular & installation meeting held on 21st November 2014. 3. To Install officers not present at the Installation Meeting. 4. To Raise to the degree of a Master mason Geoffrey Douglas Paterson Initiated – 5th Feb. 2014, Passed – 2nd July 2014 and or Carl Smith – Initiated - 11 July 2013, Passed - 5th March 2014 BRETHREN PLEASE NOTE. Any change of your Address or Telephone number please notify the Secretary. DINING. PLEASE NOTE NEW DINING STEWARD 5. 6. 7. To receive reports from the Almoner and Charity Steward. To collect Alms To Close the Lodge. Provincial Diary February 13 Provincial Event Winter Warmer V - Dinner & Dance, Mercure Hotel, Maidstone. 19 Provincial Event Cornwallis Lecture -Romney Marsh Lodge, Dymchurch 24 Provincial Event. Preparing for the Master's Chair Seminar - Sheerness March 6 Sports Association EKPSA Annual Dinner -Priestfield Stadium, Gillingham 11 Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication 19 Provincial Event Provincial Officers' Mess - Margate (Lunchtime) 20 Provincial Event Cornwallis Lecture -East Kent Masters Lodge, Canterbury 21 Provincial Event Preparing for the Master's Chair Seminar - Provincial Office, Whitstable April 16 Metropolitan Grand Chapter - RA Festival 17 Provincial Event East Kent Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Communication Margate May 21 Provincial Event East Kent Provincial Grand Chapter Annual Convocation Margate June 18 Norfolk Provincial Grand Chapter 26 Provincial Event Province of Bristol Chapter Demonstration Team Visit - Tovil Next Regular Meeting – Wednesday 4th March 2015 Permanent Diners should notify the Dining Steward if they will not be dining AND non Permanent Diners should notify of their intention to dine, no later than the Friday before the meeting including details of any Guests. To the Dining Steward : Bro. Tom Mulligan Tel. 07581191825 ALL MEALS BOOKED OR NOT CANCELLED WILL BE CHARGED FOR. Subscriptions. Your Lodge subscriptions are due 1st April 2015 prompt payment to the Treasurer will be appreciated. W Bro.David Meinert, PM, “Oakview”, 13, St Andrews Road, Barming, Maidstone, Kent. ME16 9AN Sick or Distressed. Brethren who become aware of any Brother who may be sick, distressed or require some form of assistance please inform the Almoner, W Bro. David Rogers SLGR,PPrJGD as a matter of urgency. Past Masters and Lodge Reference Committee Meetings 2015. Next reference committee Meeting: at 7.30p.m. 14th Feb, 12th March, 14th May & 9th July 2015 Past Masters: 9th July at 7p.m. followed by Reference Committee. Venue for the Ref. Com. Meetings, Masonic Hall, Gundulph Square, Rochester. Apart from July mtgs. at Balmoral Rooms, Gillingham. Lodge Meeting Dates. First Wed in February, March, May, July and Third Friday in Nov (Install). Officers unable to attend should inform the Secretary as early as possible. Lodge of Instruction. Meeting at the Working Mansclub on Tuesdays as per schedule at 7.30pm. It is the practice of the Lodge that only Brethren who actively attend the Lodge of Instruction will be considered to hold office in the Lodge. Honorary Members of the Lodge. W Bro Peter Torres PM HOLY ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER Brethren are reminded that Master Masons are eligible for, and are invited to become, Members of the Holy Royal Arch Chapter. Further details can be obtained from W Bro.’s David Rogers, (Chapter Liaison Officer), Kevan Larbey or Frank Holding.
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