Recent Results from the Daya Bay Experiment Bei-Zhen Hu On behalf of the Daya Bay collaboration 2015/3/30 March 30th, 2015 @ National Taiwan University 1 Neutrino Oscillation 1968 - Homestake (Raymond Davis Jr. and John N. Bahcall) The first experiment to detect the electron neutrino from Sun What’s wrong??? Only 1/3 of prediction Neutrino oscillation John N. Bahcall Pontecorvo 1998 Super-Kamiokande Collaboration announced the first evidence of neutrino oscillations, consistent with the theory that the neutrino has non-zero mass. 2015/3/30 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 011301 (2002) Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 181301 (2004) 2 Neutrino Mixing The neutrino flavor eigenstates are linear combination of the mass eigenstates 3 n a = åUai n i How they interact Flavor states i=1 How they propagate Mass states Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata matrix (PMNS matrix) æ 0 ç 1 U PMNS = ç 0 cosq 23 çç è 0 -sinq 23 öæ cosq 0 13 ÷ç sinq 23 ÷ç 0 ç ÷ id cosq 23 ÷øç -e sinq13 è θ23 ≈ 45o Atmospheric ν Accelerator ν 2015/3/30 ö 0 e-id sin q13 ÷æ cosq12 ç ÷ ç -sinq12 1 0 ÷ç 0 cosq13 ÷ç 0 øè θ13 < 10o (2003, CHOOZ) Short-Baseline Reactor ν Accelerator ν sin q12 cosq12 0 0 ö ÷ 0 ÷ ÷ 1 ÷ø θ12 ≈ 35o Solar ν Long-Baseline Reactor ν 3 Detection Strategy 1) Accelerator-based experiments: Principle: look for ne appearance in a nm beam. ne? nm (Far Detector can be slightly off-axis) Near Detector Neutrino beam Far Detector Need to use much longer baselines (hundreds of kms). There are currently three experiments: MINOS, NOnA and T2K. 2) Reactor-based experiments: Principle: look for electron anti-neutrino disappearance ne Near Detector Far Detector There are currently three experiments: Daya Bay, Double CHOOZ, and RENO. 2015/3/30 4 Reactor-Based Experiment Antineutrino survival probability: æ Dmee2 L ö æ 2 ö 4 2 2 Dm21L P n e ® n e = Pee =1- sin 2q13 sin ç ÷ - cos q13 sin 2q12 sin ç ÷ è 4E ø è 4E ø ( ) 2 sin 2 (Dmee2 2 L 2 L 2 L ) º cos2 q12 sin 2 (Dm31 ) + sin 2 q12 sin 2 (Dm32 ) 4E 4E 4E 2 Dm31 º m32 - m12 2 Dm32 º m32 - m22 2 2 Dm31 ~ Dm32 2 Dm31 = 2.32 ´10 -3 eV 2 P. Adamson et al. (MINOS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 181801(2011). 2 Dm21 º m22 - m12 = 7.59 ´10-5 eV 2 sin 2 2q12 = 0.861+0.026 -0.022 2015/3/30 θ13 revealed by deficit of reactor antineutrinos at ~2 km. 5 Keys to a precise measurement of θ13 Baseline Optimization High statistics: powerful reactors, larger detectors, long run-time Reduction of systematic errors: æ öæ – Reactor-related: Far/ near relative measurement – Detector-related: functionally identical detectors Nf N p, f Ln ö æ e f öé Psur (E, L f , q13 ) ù ÷ç ÷ ç ÷ê =ç ú N n çè N p,n ÷øçè L f ÷ø è e n øë Psur (E, Ln , q13 ) û 2 Low background Deeper overburden (m.w.e): 250 (EH1), 265(EH2), 860(EH3) 2015/3/30 6 Daya Bay Experiment North America (17) Brookhaven Natl Lab, CalTech, Illinois Institute of Technology, Iowa State, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Princeton, Rensselaer Polytechnic, Siena College, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Univ. of Cincinnati, Univ. of Houston, UIUC, Univ. of Wisconsin, Virginia Tech, William & Mary, Yale Europe (2) Charles University, JINR Dubna South America (1) Catholic Univ. of Chile Asia (21) National Chiao Tung Univ., National Taiwan Univ., National United Univ. Beijing Normal Univ., CGNPG, CIAE, Dongguan Polytechnic, ECUST, IHEP, Nanjing Univ., Nankai Univ., NCEPU, Shandong Univ., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shenzhen Univ., Tsinghua Univ., USTC, Xian Jiaotong Univ., Zhongshan Univ., Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Univ. of Hong Kong, An International Effort: 230 Collaborators from 40 Institutions 2015/3/30 7 The Daya Bay Experiment EH3 EH2 • 17.4 GWth power • 8 operating detectors • 160 t total target mass LA2 LA1 EH1 DYB DYB: Daya Bay LA1: Ling Ao 1 power plant LA2: Ling Ao 2 power plant 2015/3/30 DYB Near Hall (EH1): 363 m from DYB 98 m overburden LA Near Hall (EH2): 481 m from LA1 526 m from LA2 112m overburden Far Hall (EH3): 1615 m from LA1 1985 m from DYB 350 m overburden 8 Detection Method Inverse β-decay (IBD): n e + p ® e+ + n |+H ® D + g |+Gd ® Gd * ® Gd + g 's 2.2 MeV 200 m s 8MeV 30 m s Prompt positron: Carries antineutrino energy Ee+ ≈ Eν – 0.8 MeV Delayed neutron capture: Efficiently tags antineutrino signal Prompt + Delayed coincidence provides distinctive signature 2015/3/30 9 Antineutrino Detector (AD) Design 3 zone cylindrical vessels Liquid Mass Function 3m Inner acrylic Gd-LS 20 ton Antineutrino target 4m Outer acrylic LS 20 ton Gamma Catcher 5m Stainless steel MO 40 ton Radiation shielding 192 8” PMTs in each detector Top and bottom reflectors 3 Automatic calibration units (ACU) Gd-LS: 0.1% Gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator LS: liquid scintillator MO: mineral oil PMT: Photomultiplier tubes (Hamamatsu) 2015/3/30 10 Anti-neutrino detectors ADs were assembled in clean-room Stainless Steel Vessel (SSV) in assembly pit Install top reflector Close SSV lid Install lower reflector Install PMT ladders 2015/3/30 Install Acrylic Vessels 11 Install calibration units Muon Veto System Dual veto systems: 2.5 meter thick two-zone water cherenkov and RPCs • Water Cherenkov detector: • Veto cosmic ray muons • Shield neutrons and gammas from rock • 4-layer RPC: • Covers water pool to provide muon tagging. • Goal efficiency: > 99.5% with 2015/3/30 uncertainty <0.25% Two-zone ultrapure water cherenkov detector 12 Fill pool with purified water (~1 wk) Near Hall (EH1) Installation Install filled AD1 and AD2 in pool Data taking started on 15 Aug 2011 2015/3/30 Roll RPC over cover Place cover over pool 13 2015/3/30 14 Detector Calibration Automatic Calibration Units (ACUs) • Three different Z axis: A. Central (R=0) B. GdLS edge (R=1.35 m) C. LS (R=1.7725 m) • 3 sources for each z axis 1. LED diffuser ball (500 Hz) for time calibration 2. 10 Hz 68Ge (0 KE e+ = 20.511 MeV ’s) 3. 0.75 Hz 241Am-13C neutron source (3.5 MeV n without ) + 100 Hz 60Co gamma source (1.173+1.332 MeV s) • Temporary special calibration sources: 1. : 137Cs (0.662 MeV), 54Mn (0.835 MeV), 40K (1.461 MeV) 2. n: 241Am-9Be, 239Pu-13C 2015/3/30 15 Overview of the Energy Response Model True energy Etrue to reconstructed kinetic energy Erec Not discussed in this talk 2015/3/30 • Minimal impact on oscillation measurement • Crucial for measurement of reactor spectra 16 Energy Nonlinearity Calibration (Beta+gamma) Daya Bay Daya Bay Daya Bay • The semi-empirical model has been constructed and checked with various sources. • Energy model is constrained with gamma and electron sources. ~1% uncertainty (correlated among detectors) 2015/3/30 17 Antineutrino Candidate Selection Inverse Beta Decay ( IBD ): n e + p ® e+ + n |+H ® D + g |+Gd ® Gd * ® Gd + g 's nH nGd Reject PMT Flashers* Water Pool 0.4 μs 0.6 μs AD (>20 MeV) 0.8 μs 1 μs AD shower (>2.5 GeV) 1s 1s Prompt Energy [MeV] [1.5, 12] [0.7, 12] Delayed Energy [MeV] 3σ [6, 12] (σ~0.14MeV) Capture time [μs] [1, 400] [1, 200] e+ n Distance Cut [mm] 500 N/A Muon veto 2015/3/30 nH 2.2 MeV 200 m s 8MeV 30 m s nGd 18 Backgrounds Backgrounds Uncorrelated Accidental (from singles) : 1.4 %(near)/2.3%(far) Fast neutron: Cosmic Muon 0.4 %(near)/0.4%(far) 9Li/8He: 0.03 %(near)/0.2%(far) Correlated 2015/3/30 Calibration source AmC (n-Fe): 0.1 %(near)/0.1%(far) Intrinsic radioactivity 13C(α,n)16O : 0.01 %(near)/0.1%(far) Mimic Process Prompt Delayed Any two triggers within the time window Neutron scatters/stops in target β-decay Neutron inelastic scattering Neutron captures Neutron scatters/ 16O* decay with e+e19 Antineutrino Rate vs. Time Collected more than 1 million antineutrino events • 621 days of data, including more than one year in full 8-AD configuration • 4 times more statistics than previously published result • Detected rate strongly correlated with reactor flux expectations 2015/3/30 20 Far vs. Near Comparison (nGd analysis new preliminary, data set: 24-Dec-2011 to 30-Nov-2013 ) The observed relative rate deficit and relative spectrum distortion are highly consistent with oscillation interpretation 2015/3/30 21 Results of Oscillation Parameter (nGd analysis new preliminary, data set: 24-Dec-2011 to 30-Nov-2013 ) • Most precise measurement of sin22θ13, precision reached<6% • Most precise measurement of in the electron neutrino disappearance channel sin 2 2q13 = 0.084+0.005 -0.005 -3 2 | Dmee2 |= 2.44+0.10 ´10 (eV ) -0.11 c 2 / NDF = 134.7 /146 2015/3/30 22 Results of Oscillation Parameter (nGd analysis new preliminary, data set: 24-Dec-2011 to 30-Nov-2013 ) sin 2 2q13 = 0.084+0.005 -0.005 -3 2 | Dmee2 |= 2.44+0.10 ´10 (eV ) -0.11 c 2 / NDF = 134.7 /146 2015/3/30 23 Results of nH Analysis Phys. Rev. D 90, 071101 (2014) Benefits: Larger target mass, independent statistics Challenges: Greater accidental background and more energy leakage 10 104 8 103 6 After accidental background subtraction_1 12 103 10 8 102 6 Delayed Energy [MeV] 10 5 12 103 10 8 102 6 102 4 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Prompt Energy [MeV] 10 2 1 0 0 10 4 10 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 Prompt Energy [MeV] 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Prompt Energy [MeV] Accidental background made by singles_1 40000 Delayed Energy [MeV] Delayed Energy [MeV] 12 Delayed Energy [MeV] After Distance Cut. Before Accidental Subtraction Before Distance Cut 35000 30000 25000 20000 nGd (6~12 MeV) signals Ep <3MeV and Ed <3MeV nH (Ep >3.5 MeV) signals 15000 10000 5000 0 0 500 1000 1500 2015/3/30 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Distance [mm] 12 103 10 8 102 6 4 10 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Prompt Energy [MeV] 1 24 1 Results of nH Analysis Phys. Rev. D 90, 071101 (2014) Benefits: Larger target mass, independent statistics Challenges: Greater accidental background and more energy leakage Best fit: sin 2 2q13 = 0.083± 0.018, c 2 / ndf = 4.6 / 4 Consistent with: Combined with previous 6AD Gd capture results ( sin 2 2q13 = 0.089 ± 0.009 ) Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 061801 (2014) sin 2 2q13 = 0.089 ± 0.008 2015/3/30 25 Sterile Neutrino Search Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 141802 (2014) Survival Probability for 3+1: Illustration 2015/3/30 æ Dmee2 L ö æ 2 ö 2 2 Dm41 L P(n e ® n e ) @1- cos q14 sin 2q13 sin ç ÷ - sin 2q14 sin ç ÷ è 4En ø è 4En ø 4 2 2 26 Sterile Neutrino Search Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 141802 (2014) • Result from 217 days of 6AD data • No significant signal observed 2 • Set most stringent limit at 10-3 eV2 < Dm41 < 0.1 eV2 2015/3/30 27 Summary • Daya Bay has new preliminary measurements from 24-Dec-2011 to 30-Nov-2013 sin 2 2q13 = 0.084+0.005 -0.005 -3 2 | Dmee2 |= 2.44+0.10 ´10 (eV ) -0.11 • Independent nH rate analysis has measured sin 2q13 = 0.083± 0.018, c / ndf = 4.6 / 4 2 2 • Sterile neutrinos: Set most stringent limit at 2 10-3 eV2 < Dm41 < 0.1 eV2 2015/3/30 28 Summary • Data taking planned to continue to 2017 Precision of oscillation parameters will be improved in the future. Both sin22θ13 and Δm2ee will below 3% 2015/3/30 29 Thank you very much! 2015/3/30 30 List of Recent θ Measurements 13 List of all θ Measurements 13 2015/3/30 19 31 Signal and Background Summary (nGd analysis) 2015/3/30 32 Detection Strategy Relative Relative measurement measurement with 8 functionally identical detectors The number of detected antineutrinos : N det = Np 4p L2 N p : the number of proton ò e × s × Psur (E, L,q13 )× S dE The ratio of number of detected antineutrinos : L: detector baseline e : detection efficiency s : Invers Beta Decay (IBD) cross section IBD process: n e + p ® e+ + n S: anti-neutrino flux N f æ N p, f öæ Ln ö æ e f öé Psur (E, L f , q13 ) ù ÷÷çç ÷÷ ç ÷ê = çç ú N n è N p,n øè L f ø è e n øë Psur (E, Ln , q13 ) û 2 Reduction of systematic errors: reactor flux uncertainty and detector systematics 2015/3/30 33 PMT light-emission (flashing) Flashing PMTs Neutrinos Flashers - Instrumental background from ~5% of PMTs - ‘Shines’ light to opposite side of detector - Easily discriminated from normal signals Relative PMT charge Quadrant = Q3/(Q2+Q4) MaxQ = maxQ/sumQ (contains ‘hottest’ PMT) 34 2015/3/30 Inefficiency to antineutrinos signal: 0.024% ± 0.006%(stat) Contamination: < 0.01% Background: Fast neutrons Constrain fast-n rate using IBD-like signals in 10-50 MeV Fast Neutrons: Energetic neutrons produced by cosmic rays (inside and outside of muon veto system) Mimics antineutrino (IBD) signal: - Prompt: Neutron collides/stops in target - Delayed: Neutron captures on Gd Analysis muon veto cuts control B/S to 0.06% (0.1%) of far (near) signal. 2015/3/30 Validate with fast-n events tagged by muon veto. 35 Background: 241Am-13C A subtle background from our calibration neutron source Single n-like z distribution in physics run 241Am-13C source produces ~0.75 Hz neutrons via 13C(α,n)16O. Neutrons interact with steel to produce fake (prompt,delayed) pair 241Am-13C n-Fe captures (23040/day/AD) 12B/12N bottom Reconstructed z (m) top Correlated background expected small 0.2~0.3/day/module (MC) 2015/3/30 Constrained with data, special calibration 36 Background: β-n decay This background is directly measured by fitting the distribution of IBD candidates vs. time since last muon. 9Li/8He τ½ = 178 ms, Q = 13. 6 MeV 8He: τ = 119 ms, Q = 10.6 MeV ½ 9Li: - Generated by cosmic rays - Long-lived - Mimic antineutrino signal 2015/3/30 uncorrelated Analysis muon veto cuts control B/S to ~0.3±0.1%. 37 Near Hall Installation Installation in the first Near Hall: 2015/3/30 38 The search for q13 One of the main priorities in the field of neutrino physics is to make a precise measurement of q13: q13 was the last unknown mixing angle in the PMNS matrix A non-zero q13 opens the door to answering many other questions: o Why is there more matter than anti-matter in our universe? Is there CP violation in the lepton sector? 10,000,000,001 Matter 10,000,000,000 Anti-matter o What is the mass hierarchy of the neutrino sector? Until quite recently, all we knew is that q13 was small, but we didn’t know how small: sin2(2q13) < 0.15 (90 C.L.) from PDG 2011 An aggressive experimental program has been set in motion to measure this angle 2015/3/30 39 Questions Which is the right mass hierarchy? Is θ13=0 or just very small? Focus of the rest of the talk 2 m12 2 m23 Is q23 exactly p/4? What is the rest mass of neutrinos? And also: 2015/3/30 Do neutrinos obey CP, CPT? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles? Are there more than 3 neutrinos (sterile, heavier than Z)? Physics of neutrino-nucleon low energy interactions? 40 Detection Strategy There are currently two strategies being used for going after q13: 1) Accelerator-based experiments: ne? nm Neutrino beam (Far Detector can be slightly off-axis) Near Detector Far Detector Principle: look for ne appearance in a nm beam. o Probability is sensitive to mass hierarchy and CP-violating phase d. Need to use much longer baselines (hundreds of kms). o Need very large detectors (>10 ktons) o Need very powerful beams (~1MW) There are currently three experiments that operate under this principle under construction 2015/3/30 41 and/or in operation: MINOS, NOnA and T2K. Detection Strategy 2) Reactor-based experiments: ne/MeV/fisson ne Far Detector Near Detector Flux × L2 reactor (at optimal energy) < 15% 2(2q ) sin 13 Energy (MeV) Principle: look for electron anti-neutrino disappearance o Anti-neutrinos are produced in copious amounts in nuclear reactors. o Look for disappearance at ~1-2km from reactor. o Need detectors in the order of several hundreds of tons. Looking for a small effect: o Key is to keep the systematics under control. There are currently three experiments that operate under this principle: Daya Bay, Double CHOOZ, and RENO. 2015/3/30 42 Detector Response: Acrylic Vessels Energy loss in acrylic causes small distortion of energy spectrum If antineutrino interacts in or near acrylic vessel, a portion of the kinetic energy of inverse beta positrons will not be detected True versus visible MC e+ energy e+ traversed acrylic Annihilation gammas with longer range can also deposit energy in the vessels e+ stopped in acrylic Simulation IBD in target Generated 2D distortion matrix from MC to correct predicted positron energy spectrum IBD in acrylic (~1.3%) 2015/3/30 Uncertainties from varying acrylic vessel thicknesses and MC statistics incorporated into analysis. 43 Scintillator Response Model Electron response 2 parameterizations to model quenching effects and Cherenkov radiation: 1) 3-parameter purely empirical model: 2) Semi-emp. model based on Birks' law: Gammas + positrons • Gammas connected to electron model through MC: Simulation of individual e-, e+ energies due to gamma interaction in scintillator. • Positrons connected to electron model through MC: 2015/3/30 44 Electronics Non-Linearity Model PMT readout electronics introduces additional biases Electronics does not fully capture late secondary hits • Slow scintillation component missed at high energies • Charge collection efficiency decreases with visible light PMT readout electronics introduces additional biases • Effective model as a function of total visible energy • 2 empirical parameterizations: exponential and quadratic • Total effective non-linearity f from both scintillation and electronics effects: 2015/3/30 45
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