WAVE AND SOUND SAMPLE TEST KEY 1 ! !!!!!!! 4 3 !l = 66cm ... the next resonant would be at ! 4 1.!!it is resonating at the fundamental !!l = 2. (A) !!n = c v v= c 3.00!x!10 8 = n 1.44 m s = 2.08!x!10 8 m s !!!!!!(B)!v = x t t= x 6, 091km = = 0.0293s !!! v 2.08!x!10 5 kms # 1 & (C)!!1.44 sin ! c = 1.00 sin 90.0 o !!!!! c = sin "1 % = 44.0 o $ 1.44 (' 3. Look at your notes 4.!! f = fs v ± vo v + vo !!!!! f = fs ! v ± vs v ! vs f = 847Hz 343 + 27.0 = 992Hz 343 ! 27.0 v 343 ms = = 1.309m f 262Hz 1 1 l = ! " 0.4d l = (1.309m) " (0.4 * 0.0220m) = 0.318m 4 4 5.!!v = f ! ! = 6.!l = 5 2 ! !! ! = l 2 5 7.!!(A)! f = fs !!v = f ! ! !!v = v ± vo v ! vo !!!!! f = fs ! v ± vs v ! vs 322 = (298.33 m s ) = 340 m s ! vo 355 FT v !!!! f = = m ! L 322Hz = 355Hz FT m l = 2 l 5 55.8N 0.00155kg 1.25m = 424Hz 2 (1.25m) 5 340 ! vo !!!!!!!!!!!(B)!Doppler!effect 150, 000m % " 340 ! $# ' 3600s & vo = 340 m s ! 270.6 m s = 69.40 m 3600s 1!km x x = 250 km h s h 1, 000m 8. (A) in your notes (B)look at your notes.... how does a standing wave form? (C) in your notes 9.!!v = x tup !!!x = vtup !!!!y = vot + 340(3.76 ! t) = t= 1 2 1 at !!!!!vtup = gt 2 !!!!!!tup = 3.76s ! t 2 2 1 9.80t 2 !!!!!4.9t 2 + 340t ! 1278.4 = 0!!!!quadratic 2 !340 ± 340 2 ! (4 x 4.9 x ! 1278.4) 1 = 3.5757s!!!!!!!y = g(3.5757s)2 = 62.7m 2(4.9) 2 10.!(A)!sound!quality...look!at !your!notes v v v (B)!v = f ! !!! f = !!!beat ! frequency = fhigh " flow !!!!2.00Hz = !"! ! 1.287m 1.297m 1.297m 1.297m!x! 2.0 s = " v!!!!!!!v = 334 = 3.3!x!10 2 m s !!!!(C)!!see!your!notes 1.287m I "! % !!!!!!I = $ ! ' !10 x I o = (5.55)!10 x !i!1!x!10 (12 # 10 & Io 12.!look!at !your!notes! 11.!(A)! ! = 10 log W m2 = !3.55!x!10 -7 W m2 !!!!!(B)!look!at !your!notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 v 340 m s " !!!! " = 2l!!!!v = fo " !!!! fo = = = 109.7 = 110Hz 2 " 2(1.55m) v 340 m s !!!!!(B)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l = 2 " !!!! " = 0.5l!!!!!!! fo = = = 439Hz " 0.5(1.55m) 13.!(A)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l ! 14.!(A)!!v = f ! !!!! ! = !(B)!T = v 340 m s = = 0.276m !! f 1255Hz 1 1 so x f = 1 the product!of!a!number!and!its!reciprocal!is!always!1! f f 15. (A) Look at your notes (B) Three are mentioned in the sound lab (C) water... its denser 2(600m) !(D)!(1)!double!the!distance!!!v = = 1.4!x!10 3 m s !!!(2)!Doppler!shift!....the!fish!our!swimming!up 0.85s 16.!!!!! f l' F D' 444Hz 2 1 .5 444Hz = x x !!!!!! = x x !!!!!!! f ' != = 544Hz ' ' ' f l f 1 0.816 D 3 1 F 17.!(A)!Brewster's!angle!(also!called!the!angle!of!polarization) !!!!!(B)!!!tan ! p = n2 n1 # 1.33 & ! p = tan "1 % = 53.1o !!!!(C)!look!at!your!notes $ 1.00 (' 18.!I = 2! 2 f 2 "vao2 !!!!!ao = I = 2 2 2! f " 1!x!10 #10 mW2 = 2.15!x!10 -10 m 2! 2 (500Hz)2 (340 m s )1.29 kg m 3 19.!!v = f ! = f (4[l + 0.4d]) = 320Hz(4[0.252m + 0.4(0, 0285m)]) =! 337 m s 20.!!!! h ' n1 = h n2 ! 5.00m 1.00 = !!!!h = 6.65m h 1.33 21. (A) it is a wave (B) either increase the wavelength or decrease the opening 22.!(A)!use!Snell's!law :!n1 sin !1 = n2 sin ! 2 1.00 sin 60.0 o = 2.42 sin ! rr!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! r = 21.0 o c c c (B)!n = !!!!!!vdia = = = 1.24!x!10 8 m s !!!!!(C)!!total!internal!reflection!&!dispersion vdia n 2.42 23. (A) longitudinal compression waves (B) primary... they are the first to arrive v1 sin !1 5.0 km s sin 44.4 o (D) look at your notes and lab = = !!!!!!v2 = 4.15 m s v2 sin ! 2 v2 sin 35.5 o 24. (A ) The orga n of Cor ti in t he coc hlea o f t he inner ear (B) so un d is an i nver se sq uare la w, an d ear bu d s bei ng place d in the ear ca nal po sitio ni ng t hem reall y clo se to t he i nner ear' s c hoc hlea 25. (A ) t he ocea n goe s fro m dee p wa ter to sh allo w wa ter (B) tow surfer in wit h a je t ski
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