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IUPUI Department of Physics Presents:
Dr. Aaron Dinner
Department of Chemistry
University of Chicago
“Modeling stochastic cellular dynamics”
Thursday, March 26, 2015
3:30p.m., LD 010
402 N. Blackford Street
Refreshments at 3:00pm in the Physics Conference Room, LD 154B
For additional information, call 317-274-6900
The dynamics of living systems are noisy. These fluctuations contain information about contributing microscopic mechanisms, and this
information can be extracted by quantitative analysis of experimental imaging data together with computational modeling. In the first part of my
talk, I will describe particle-tracking data for molecular motors moving on cytoskeletal filament networks. The motors exhibit glass-like powerlaw statistics that can give rise to complex cellular kinetics with important biological consequences; simulations of motors moving on static
filament networks suggest that these power-law statistics result from a novel trapped state for motors. Treating filament dynamics and motorinduced network rearrangements accurately requires bridging separations in timescales. In the second part of my talk, I will discuss simulation
algorithms that we are developing to enhance sampling of such dynamics.
**Physics colloquium is scheduled for 2014-15 academic year for every Thursday, 3:30p.m. in LD 010. Changes to the schedule will be posted