San Antonio Catholic Women`s Conference

San Antonio Catholic Women’s Conference
Exhibitor Details and Application
TM Greetings from the Catholic Women’s Conference!
We thank you for considering joining the Catholic Women’s Conference in our mission to foster an appreciation for the
personal dignity of women, to encourage women to know and love God, and to inspire women to use their feminine gifts
to transform the family and society. The Catholic Women's Conference (CWC) is an event for healing, for spiritual
direction, for receiving tools for everyday living and resources for education. The conference has the blessing and support
of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
Exhibitors at the Catholic Women’s Conference enhance the Conference experience for the women in attendance by
providing merchandise, resources and witness to help them grow in the Catholic faith. With approximately 2000 women
attending ever year, our exhibitors benefit from this great event, as well. It is a rewarding partnership and we appreciate
your consideration in joining us this year.
Our 2015 Event:
Friday and Saturday
August 28-29, 2015
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street
San Antonio, TX
Please make note that we traditionally sell out of all exhibitor tables. We highly recommend submitting application and
payment deposit at your earliest convenience as we rent exhibitor tables on a first come/first serve basis.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
In Christ,
N an Balfour
CWC Coordinator
7680 Joe Newton Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78251
985-373-5077-Nan’s cell
Email: [email protected]
The Catholic Women’s Conference is a Ministry of and Organized by
The Pilgrim Center of Hope
A Catholic Evangelization Apostolate since 1993
7680 Joe Newton, San Antonio, TX 78251
San Antonio Catholic Women’s Conference
Exhibitor Details and Application
TM CWC Exhibitor Policy & Requirements
1. Vendors participating at the Catholic Women’s Conference San Antonio (CWC) agree they will not promote and/or
sell items which conflict with or are in opposition to the teaching of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. 80% or
more of items sold must be of a Catholic/Christian nature with no more 20% being secular in nature.
Representatives of The Catholic Women’s Conference reserve the right to stop vendors in selling or distributing items
and/or materials at the Conference which conflict with Catholic Magisterial Teaching, exceed the 25% secular nature
and/or those which are deemed not in line with the mission of the conference. Should Catholic Women’s Conference
representative determine an item does not comply, the vendor agrees to immediately remove the item(s). Please note
that the focus of the Catholic Women’s Conference is to encourage women to live and share their faith so products and
services should reflect the God-given dignity of all women and vendors are selected based on whether their products
and services aid in our mission. It is our mission to provide the spiritual tools, resources, products and services that help
women grow in their holy vocation to womanhood in Christ and we take our mission very seriously.
2. Selling times are throughout the Conference with the exception of Prayer Services: Friday during Eucharistic
Healing Service and Saturday during Mass. Vendors agree to close their tables during these exception times.
Friday: Check-in time begins at 10am and vendors must be open for business no later than 4:00pm.
Saturday: Vendors may open before Mass from 7:30am – 8:15am, if they choose.
3. The minimum required vendor fee covers the cost of 1- 8’ table clothed and skirted, 2 chairs and lunch on
Saturday for 2 staffers. In addition to the minimum fee, vendors agree to donate 1 item valued at $25 or more for
the Pilgrim Center of Hope Raffle. With the exception of the area provided behind the table, no additional space
may be used by vendors unless purchased (see application for fees.) Electrical outlets are an additional charge (see
application). Saturday Lunch: Chicken Salad Sandwich, Chips, Cookie and Drink Please note that the Convention
Center does not allow walls to be used for display.
4. Vendors are to check in at the Exhibitor Check-in table located in the Exhibitor Room no earlier than 10am on
Friday. Vendors will be given their table assignment and 2 Staff ID badges at check-in. Staff must wear IDs while
on site. If more than 2 staffers at one time, additional fees will apply (see application.) Item for PCH Raffle will
be collected at Exhibitor check-in.
5. Please note that table designations are determined by the Catholic Women’s Conference representatives and any
change in location will need to be approved first by a CWC representative.
6. There is no exclusivity and some vendors sell similar items. The CWC strives to provide women with many
resources to encourage their spiritual journey. If you have questions or concerns with another vendor’s
items/information, bring your concern to a CWC representative for handling.
7. All vendors agree to abide by any and all guidelines regarding table set-up, loading and parking by both the
Catholic Women’s Conference and the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
Please retain Vendor Policy and Requirements for Your Record
The Catholic Women’s Conference is a Ministry of and Organized by
The Pilgrim Center of Hope
A Catholic Evangelization Apostolate since 1993
7680 Joe Newton, San Antonio, TX 78251
San Antonio Catholic Women’s Conference
Exhibitor Details and Application
TM Exhibitor Application
Name of Organization/Business: _______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________________________
Name of Contact Person(s):
1) ___________________________________________ Email Address ________________________________
Phone # ____________________________________________Cell / Business / Home (Circle)
Name of Contact Person(s):
2) ___________________________________________ Email Address ________________________________
Phone # ____________________________________________Cell / Business / Home (Circle)
Type of Business (i.e. jewelry, books, CD) :______________________________________________________
Please note 80% or more items must be of a Catholic/Christian nature with no more than 20% being secular in nature.
8’ table clothed and skirted, 2 chairs and Saturday lunch for 2 staffers
Product valued at $25 or more to be donated towards Pilgrim Center of Hope Raffle*
*Product will be collected at conference on Friday at check-in.
# Needed
8’ Table*
8’ Display Area *
Electricity Outlet
Additional staffers over 2
Total Fee
$100 ea
$100 ea
$40 if Yes
$35 ea
*Limited number of additional tables/spaces available for rent. Additional tables/spaces rented on a first come/first serve
TOTAL DUE $_______ $100 non-refundable deposit due now to secure space. Total due 7/24/2015
Deposit is applied to vendor fee. If total not paid by 7/24/21015, space may be released.
I have read and agree to Vendor Policy and Requirements ____________________________________________
Please print and sign above (Required)
TO REGISTER: Complete this application and mail with payment to the Pilgrim Center of Hope.
The Catholic Women’s Conference is a Ministry of and Organized by
The Pilgrim Center of Hope
A Catholic Evangelization Apostolate since 1993
7680 Joe Newton, San Antonio, TX 78251