Heartland Herald Midwest District Governor’s Bulletin April 2015 Creating the Picture of Pilot Together! WORDS FROM THE GOVERNOR “Greetings, Pilots!” It’s hard to believe that convention is about two weeks away. The DAC has been hard at work in conjunction with the Jacksonville Pilot Club who are the official hosts of the convention. The Holiday Inn in Rock Island is in the process of completing interior renovations and hope to have everything completed before April 18 and then begin on the outside of the building. Since our 2016 convention is also being held in Rock Island, at that time you will see the totally refurbished hotel. When I met there with the Jacksonville Convention Committee Co‐ Chairs earlier this week, new mattresses were being installed in all the rooms so they will be almost brand new for all of you staying overnight. The room block was almost filled at the time I’m writing, so please make your reservations soon. All the convention activities are located close together so it should be easy for those of you with walking difficulties to participate in everything planned for you. If you are planning to attend the Friday night dinner at Atlante’s, please contact me to make your reservation. This is open to all Pilots whether you are attending the convention or not and the cost is $25 (not included in convention fee). There is plenty of room at the restaurant so I’m hopeful to have a good crowd. If you are staying overnight in the hotel the normal checkout time is noon. There should be adequate time for you to check out between the morning convention activities and the start of the Installation Luncheon. If you are a member of the Galesburg Club, Jacksonville Club, or either DAC and need to stay after the convention for meetings, you may request a late checkout and the hotel should be able to accommodate your request. Everyone is welcome to request a late checkout no matter if you are in one of these groups or not. The hotel does ask that you let them know when you check in so they can mark your reservation record for the Housekeeping staff. The Hospitality Room will be open during the convention except for the business session on Saturday afternoon. Plan to stop by and visit with friends and renew acquaintances with other Pilots. This is where you will drop off your donations also. Exciting news is that the Midwest Convention will be the first convention that will host the new vendor for the Pilot Store. Information has been shared with Club Presidents on how to pre‐order Pilot merchandise. Also included in this issue of the Heartland Herald is a two‐page catalog showcasing Pilot items. You can order direct at the following websites www.pilotclubstore.com and www.anchorclubstore.com and place an order to be picked up at convention and save shipping costs. Make sure when you order it is clear you will be picking up the item in Rock Island. I have been told that aprons are sold out and the new supply will be available at the PI Convention in Orlando. All the District Governors share their monthly newsletter and they are fun to peruse and learn what other Districts are doing. I’ve included some articles I thought might be of interest so look for them as you read this issue. It’s not too late to make a reservation for the convention. The DAC is anticipating feedback on the new shortened convention and the more feedback from our attendees, the better for next year’s DAC. They will be making the decision to continue the shortened format or return to the traditional format. If Midwest you’ve already made a reservation, District Heartland HeraldI look forward to seeing you and I’m sure you’ll have a great time. April 2015 - Page 1 of 10 In Pilot friendship, Governor Carol District Administrative Council Governor Carol Triebel 2629 38th Avenue Moline, IL 61265 c: 309-644-1179 [email protected] Gov-Elect Cindy Lane 2617 Ashford Ave Muscatine, IA 52761 563-264-4501/ 563-506-9130 [email protected] (h) [email protected] (w) Secretary Janice Megel 1916 34th Street Des Moines, IA 50310 515-724-3008 [email protected] Treasurer Judy Brotherton 2512 Mulberry Ave Muscatine, IA 52761 h: 563-264-5372 [email protected] Executive Committee Representative (ECR): Karen Cupit [email protected] h: 318‐722‐3707 c: 318‐376‐4795 Pilot International website: www.pilotinternational.org Dates to Remember 20th of the month Heartland Herald submittals to Gov. Carol & Editor Jane [email protected] April 18‐19, 2015, Rock Island, IL April 26, 2015 – Cedar Rapids PC 25th Anniversary Celebration May 15, 2015 – Bend of the River Trivia Night. June 1, 2015 – DEADLINE PI Convention low rate Registration deadline for the $280.00 rate July 8‐12, 2015 Pilot International Convention, Orlando,FL, Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort Sept. 12, 2015 Fall Workshop is confirmed MWD Spring Convention April 18‐19, 2015, Rock Island, IL Midwest District Executive Committee Representative Karen Cupit Spring is here and District Conventions are just around the corner. As the flowers peek through the frosty ground, our thoughts turn toward renewing and refreshing. What better time to celebrate Pilot friendships than at your District Convention! Our clubs need to renew and refresh as well, and we do that by electing new club and district officers each spring. Attending District Convention is a great opportunity to meet your new district officers and appointees, as they can be great resources of information and inspiration to you and your club! Pilots who attend a convention for the very first time are usually amazed as a “wider world of Pilot International” is revealed to them! District Convention is the ideal Spring Outing. Are you making plans to attend the 2015 Pilot International Annual Convention and Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida July 8 – 11th at the beautiful Walt Disney Swan and Dolphin Resort? Are you encouraging your Anchors to attend? I hope the answer is YES! We have a full lineup of great speakers and trainers ready to encourage Pilots and Anchors as we Do More. Care More. and Be More! Registration links are online now at: www.pilotinternational.org. Our 2015 keynote speaker will be Ethan Zohn, the winner of Survivor: Africa. While many of you may recognize Ethan from the television series, Survivor; he is also a cancer survivor, motivational speaker, inventor, humanitarian and athlete. His time on Survivor: Africa exposed him to the challenges facing youth in the developing world, including unemployment, gender inequality and HIV/AIDS. Fresh off his victory on Survivor: Africa, Ethan was determined use his prize winnings for something bigger than himself. Ethan will talk to us about finding purpose in the face of life’s most difficult challenges. It’s never too early to be looking ahead to your club plans for the coming year. Does your club have a strategic plan in place that has been reviewed annually? Have you set a goal for growth in membership? As your club starts to create your Plans of Work for the coming year, make sure you are evaluating your current projects and fundraisers. Do you have too many or not enough? Are they effective? Do you need to address some new needs in your community? Are you addressing the ABC initiatives of Pilot International…Anchor (Youth Development), Brain Safety and Fitness and Caring for Families in times of need? As you make critical decisions for the future of your club, remain focused on the mission and vision of Pilot International and on your purpose for service in the community. Let this drive the work of your club. I leave you with one last thought; “Friendship and Service”. What better way to accomplish them both than to have like‐ minded people meeting and serving together. Best wishes that your District Convention. In Pilot Friendship, Karen Cupit Pilot International Treasurer 2014‐15 P O Box 21, Crowville, LA 71230 h: 318‐722‐3707 c: 318‐376‐4795 [email protected] When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. Walt Disney Sign up for Constant Contact: http://www.formstack.com/forms/?1573957‐0f3ecDCqB1 Midwest District Heartland Herald April 2015 - Page 2 of 10 MIDWEST DISTRICT CONVENTION April 18-19, 2015 Registration for the 2015 MWD Convention is $70.00 per Pilot. Registration for Anchors is $50 per Anchor. TENTATIVE OUTLINE SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 (Business Casual) 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Doors Open, Marketplace Open Welcome and Call to Order Invocation, Flag Ceremony Introductions, Convention Rules, Registration Committee Report Business Meeting, Election of Officers Vision for 2015 and 2016 TBI Brain Camp Update, Budget, PI Report Break Speaker Stacey Jones Bock, PhD.: Autism Officer Training DCR Reception for New Officers and Outgoing DCR Banquet & Award Ceremony (Formal Dress) Entertainment SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Memorial Service Anchors Report, Updates and More Break for preparation for Installation Banquet, Hotel checkout Installation Banquet (Dressy Attire) Convention concluded VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Seeking volunteers for Doorkeeper or Timekeeper for the April Convention. Please contact Gov. Carol. We would like to include as many volunteers as possible. 2015 CALENDAR April 18‐19 Midwest District Convention April 26 Cedar Rapids Metro Pilot Club 25th Anniv Tea Party May 1 List of new club officers due to District and PI May 15 Bend of the River Trivia Night July 8‐12 Pilot International Convention Orlando, Florida YOU’RE INVITED TO A PILOT SOCIAL EVENT FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 ATLANTE RESTAURANT 140 18 Street, Rock Island, Illinois 61201 Social 6:30 p.m. Buffet Dinner: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Dinner cost $25 (includes dessert and gratuity) If you are traveling to the Midwest Convention and arrive on Friday, you are welcome to join Midwest Pilots for dinner and socializing. Anytime between 7 and 8 for dinner. If you attended the Friday event at the Fall Workshop, you know what a wonderful meal we had. The restaurant is within walking distance of the convention hotel and the entire restaurant is ours, so let’s fill it up! Please RSVP via email at [email protected] by April 3 for an accurate count for the restaurant. Please forward dietary restrictions. This event is not included in the convention fee. PILOT MERCHANDISE The new representative, Mr. Parker Tracey, will be attending the MWD Conv and will have Pilot merchandise available to purchase! See attached two‐page catalog. You can pre‐order and pick up items at the convention and save the shipping cost! You may also use the websites listed below. Contact Parker directly at 847.681.3970. Or order at www.pilotclubstore.com www.anchorclubstore.com Midwest District Heartland Herald April 2015 - Page 3 of 10 ATTENTION CLUB TREASURERS!! It is a long time until July and the need for your treasurer's books to be audited, but you still should be doing some things right now to get ready. The audit committee will want to see all your records since the last audit. How many of you are using the Expense Voucher sheet that was included in your Treasurer's Notebook from the last convention—and that each treasurer was given even if you weren't at the convention? With the information on that sheet, it will be very easy to get your disbursements organized. Other records you will need are your deposit slips, bank statements, receipts, cancelled checks, voided checks, checkbook register, savings account register and monthly income and expense records. Remember to have meeting minutes, especially if they contain authorization for large expenditures or for expenditures that are not in the budget. Have everything organized so it is easy for the audit committee to make sure everything matches. It is good for the treasurer to attend or at least be available in case there are any questions. Hopefully every audit will go smoothly and there are no problems. If you have any questions, please contact me. I look forward to seeing all club treasurers at the Treasurer's Workshop at the Midwest District Convention in Rock Island, IL in a few weeks. Judy Brotherton, MWD Treasurer Pictured are the first place winners from Christian Care’s 2014 Trivia Night. Congratulations go out to the Pilot Club of Moline. IC Pilot Jane Driscoll and John Deere coworkers lend their hands to projects at the Christian Care Domestic Violence Shelter on February 18. Club Anniversaries CONGRATULATIONS! PC Moline 4/6/46 Cedar Rapids Metro PC (25 years!) April 9, 1990 Jacksonville Galesburg Milwaukee 4/14/51 4/15/53 4/24/53 Midwest District Heartland Herald April 2015 - Page 4 of 10 2015 MIDWEST DISTRICT CONVENTION SERVICE PROJECT: NEW DIRECTIONS The service project for the 2015 Midwest District Convention is the New Directions Heating and Cooling Center in Jacksonville, IL. The purpose of New Directions is to assist displaced homeless persons in Jacksonville and the surrounding area with emergency shelter and related needs, enabling them to become stable, functioning members of society. In January of 2011, Grace Methodist Church in Jacksonville graciously offered the Center the use of several rooms in the church for this homeless shelter, including bathroom and shower facilities. The Center is able to accommodate both individuals and families in need of temporary shelter, and consequently has proved to be a blessing for our community. Suggested items on the Center’s ‘Wish List’ are: Paper towels Aspirin/Tylenol Leaf bag size trash bags Pop Tarts Hand sanitizer Coffee/sugar/creamer 18 gal plastic tote boxes Toilet paper Plastic tableware/paper plates Oatmeal (boxed singles) Kool Aid “to go”packs (to add to bottled water) Or by check payable to “New Directions, Jacksonville, IL.” Mission Statement New Directions Heating & Cooling Center Jacksonville, IL We live, we love, we laugh, we cry, but we have hope… Our mission at New Directions is to provide opportunities with a vision. We aim to empower the homeless and “at risk” men, women and children to become self‐supporting members of the community, to provide educational opportunities, life training, financial skills, enhance social, emotional, mental, and spiritual well‐being, problem solving, and the ability to maintain a normal life. What do we provide? New Directions will assist guests by identifying the immediate needs of the individual and families. We will provide a safe place to take showers, clean sheets for resting, and meals. We also provide social interaction with other guests, assistance agencies and volunteers. Other services include: Life skills, meals, community outreach, hotel vouchers, Bible study, case management, job preparation, showers, laundry, and mail. To date, New Directions has sheltered 1,475 adults and 105 children (totaling over 36,400 shelter bed nights). Also totaled over 54,000 volunteer hours in the past three years. February 4, 2015 marks our 5 year anniversary! Cedar Rapids Metro Pilot Club This Club was chartered on April 9, 1990 through the efforts of the Pilot Club of Iowa City. The PI President was Dot Saari and PI Secretary was Janice Watson ‐ per the signatures on the charter document. The Midwest District Governor was Maralyn Fries. There are 25 charter member signatures on the document, including P‐PIP Georgena Havlena‐and FOUR Charter Members are still in the club today. They have 11 members of which 8 are active‐and they ARE making a difference in our community! PC of Jacksonville Sweethearts Carol Wallbaum & Harriet Markillie with President Diana McCutcheon Bushnell, middle. They will be celebrating their 25th anniversary on April 26‐see attached invitation. Please RSVP by April 19th! If you are unable to attend and want to send a congratulatory note they may be sent to: Maryann Frazer, CRMPC President pi‐[email protected] 6004 Teakwood Ct NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402‐1644 Midwest District Heartland Herald April 2015 - Page 5 of 10 Pilot Club of Moline Sweetheart Connie Moore with Barb Crawford. Chaplain’s Corner "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but, it will help." Unknown Thoughts & Prayers for: Prayers needed for Dave Griese, Brother in Law of Kim Nelson, Bend of the River QC Pilots. He is having some health issues. Cards can be sent to: P O Box 26, Pleasant Valley, IA 52767 On April 15th, Emma Taylor, PC of Peoria, will have reverse shoulder replacement…pray for her successful surgery and that she will be free of pain. (Cards can be sent to: 1243 N Hickory Lane, East Peoria, IL 61611 on April 15th) Shirley Schmidt, Bend of the River QC Pilots, will have eye surgery on April 15. Cards can be sent to: 422 Kevin Road, Blue Grass, IA 52726….prayers that she will be able to see better. Lilah Hurley, Bend of the River QC Pilots, had vein surgery. Cards can be sent to 1734 W 56th St. Davenport, IA 52806 Continuing prayers for those still recuperating: Fred McGarry (PC of Omaha); Penny & Jim Hall (PC of Iowa City); Nancy Rudnick (Bend of the River Pilots), Ruth McGinnis (Bend of the River Pilots) and others needing a little TLC. Condolences: Sue Johnson, Bend of the River Pilots, who lost her aunt on March 11th. Cards can be sent to: 1845 Providence Dr., Bettendorf, IA 52722 PC of Iowa City on the loss of an emeritus member, Grace Cooper…she was 99 years young. Cards can be sent to "The family of Grace Cooper" at 600 W Benton St., Iowa City, IA 52246 Jane Ellwood, PC of Peoria, on the death of her co‐pilot Stan who died on March 29th. Cards can be sent to: Mrs. Jane Ellwood, 5105 N. Sherbrook Lane, Peoria, IL 61614 Nic Czubara, co‐pilot of Nancy, Bend of the River Pilots, passed away following a heart attack Thurs. (4/2/15). Cards can be sent to: 2305 Lindenwood Dr., Bettendorf, IA 52722 or email: [email protected]. Services: April 6th, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 2400 Middle Rd (Corner Middle Rd & 23rd Ave) Bettendorf, IA. Visitation: 5:00‐7:00 P.M. Services following at 7:00 P.M. THANK YOU MWD PILOTS: ●Thanks for all the calls, cards and concerns about my great‐grandson, Griffin. He is now home, but still under a doctor's care It means a lot to know so many of you cared. He was finally diagnosed with Metropneunovirus,caused probably by the croup he had about two weeks ago. He is acting like his self at this point, eating, drinking and laughing with his brothers. Pilots Rock! It seems if one has a pain all Pilots have the pain. With love and lots of HUGS… Mary Jo and the rest of Griffin's family. ● My Co‐Pilot, Jim, and I want to thank all the caring and thoughtful Pilots and Pilot Clubs who sent us get‐well and caring cards and messages earlier this winter. They brightened our days and certainly helped the healing! Jim's back is doing very well. My foot is almost back to normal‐‐‐at least I can wear shoes and not an orthopedic boot now! Our many sincere thanks to you all!! Penny Hall, Past MW Governor, Pilot Club of Iowa City In Pilot Friendship and Service, Mary Jo Mularz, MWD Chaplain Love recognizes no barriers. Love jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination...Full of Hope ‐ Maya Angelou PC Muscatine‐Pick Me Up: Trail Mix Bags Joyce Lindow, Irene Lary presenting 120 DAC prep for MWD Convention: Gov. Carol trail mix bags to Long Term Care Dir. Char. Gov‐Elect Cindy, Sec Janice, Treas. Judy B Midwest District Heartland Herald April 2015 - Page 6 of 10 TRIVIA NIGHT All proceeds will go to CASI / Jane's Place Sponsored by the Bend of the River Quad-Cities Pilot Club Friday, May 15, 2015 DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 PM – QUESTIONS START AT 7:00PM COST: $10.00 Per Person – (8 Players maximum per team) No spectators Join us for this event at CASI, 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA Cash Prizes to the top two teams Door Prizes 50/50 Raffle Silent Auction Bring Your Own Snacks, Dips, Desserts, for your team!!! ALL BEVERAGES MUST BE PURCHASED AT THE EVENT FORM YOUR TEAM AND RESERVE YOUR TABLE TODAY! Walk–ins welcome TO RESERVE YOUR TABLE CALL Mary Jo Mularz at (563) 505-5442 Pilot International was founded on the principles of Friendship and Service in 1921, with its main focus on brain safety and fitness and caring for families in time of need. Our club has been serving the community since 1958. Some of our recipients of fund-raisers, or support by donations or volunteering, have been Genesis Rehabilitation Department, Friendly House, Jane’s Place, the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa - Quad City Chapter, as well as saving pop can tabs for the Shriners. Pilot International Founders Fund has grants and scholarships, from which we have received matching grant funds for several projects. Special thanks to CASI for the donation of their space for the event.
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