Regional Development Fund GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA APRIL 2015 AAPRIL APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 1 Regional Development Fund Guidelines and Assessment Criteria Information current as of April 2015 © Government of South Australia 2015 Disclaimer Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) and its employees do not warrant or make any representation regarding the use, or results of the use, of the information contained herein as regards to its correctness, accuracy, reliability and currency or otherwise. PIRSA and its employees expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or advice. These Guidelines are subject to change by Regions SA. All enquiries Gary Rayner Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) Level 14, 25 Grenfell Street GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001 T 08 8226 0232 E [email protected] MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Major Projects Program (MPP) 5 3. Community Infrastructure Program (CIP) 6 4. Assistance and Conditions 7 5. Making an Application 9 6. RDF grants program process flowchart 10 7. RDF grants program indicative timeline 11 MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 3 1. Introduction The South Australian Government recognises that our regions are fundamental to the success of South Australia’s economy. The purpose of the Regional Development Fund (RDF) is to drive economic growth and productivity by investing in regional infrastructure, creating jobs and new opportunities for regional South Australia. The broad objectives of the RDF are to support regional economic development by: creating new jobs and improving career opportunities; providing better infrastructure facilities and services; strengthening the economic, social and environmental base of communities; supporting the development and delivery of projects; and leveraging funding and investment. The RDF achieves these objectives by supporting projects that align with the Government’s ten Economic Priorities and seven Strategic Priorities. The RDF is an annual grant fund administered by Regions South Australia (Regions SA). In the 2015/16 year, the Fund comprises two programs: 1. Major Projects Program – to support major economic projects designed to strengthen regional industries, support local economies and provide opportunities through investment in strategic projects. 2. Community Infrastructure Program – to support investment in regional communities to develop their economic infrastructure and grow their capabilities as a foundation for future jobs and economic growth. The Fund My Idea Program, which commenced in 2014-15 will continue and will support communities that host Country Cabinet meetings, by funding project proposals that will assist the community meet its economic and social needs. This program is related to specific council areas. Details of round opening and closures are available at MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 4 2. Major Projects Program (MPP) The Major Projects Program (MPP) offers support in delivering major economic projects that create sustainable economic benefits to the State or region, are strategically important to the State, the broader region or a major industry, and address the Government’s ten Economic Priorities and seven Strategic Priorities. Eligible organisations include: Local governing authorities; Incorporated Associations; Businesses. Regional Development Australia associations may apply in their own right or as a lead member of a consortium. Funding can be provided from $200,000 to a maximum of $2,000,000 with leveraged funding at a minimum ratio of $3 for each $1 grant. Larger funding amounts may be considered where there are outstanding benefits for the region and the State. These projects will need to be endorsed by the Regional South Australia Cabinet Committee. Applicants seeking over $2,500,000 in grant funding need to comply with the South Australian Industry Participation Policy (see: Preference will be given to projects that commence within 6 months of approval, with the funds fully acquitted within 24 months of commencement. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Applications to the MPP are assessed and prioritised based on how well the application and the project meet the following criteria: Essential creates sustainable economic benefits to the State or region (eg new long-term jobs, investment, higher incomes, etc); is strategically important to the State, the region or a major industry; is viable and sustainable in the medium to longer term; the proposed project is cost effective and ‘fit for purpose’; does not unreasonably impact upon existing businesses, industries or communities; and the project, or specific elements of the project, are not more appropriately funded by other State, Commonwealth and/or Local Government or industry sources. Desirable Project proposals which create direct economic benefits that are broadly distributed across communities or industries beyond the organisation that receives the grant will be considered favourably (these benefits can be economic, social or environmental). Project proposals that demonstrate a commitment to employing locally, local investment and local supplier inputs wherever possible will also be considered favourably. MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 5 3. Community Infrastructure Program (CIP) The Community Infrastructure Program (CIP) offers support in delivering critical community economic infrastructure that creates sustainable economic benefits to the State or broader region, is strategically important to the State, the region or a major industry, and is viable and sustainable in the medium to longer term. Eligible organisations include: Local governing authorities; Incorporated Associations; and Businesses (where the benefits extend to the broader community). Regional Development Australia associations may apply in their own right or as a lead member of a consortium. A minimum of $200,000 up to a maximum of $1,000,000 can be provided for projects which meet the Program’s criteria with leveraged funding at a minimum ratio of $2 for each $1 grant. Preference will be given to projects that commence within 6 months of approval with the funds fully acquitted within 24 months of commencement. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Applications to the CIP are assessed and prioritised based on how well the project meets the following criteria: Essential provides critical community infrastructure with direct economic benefit for the region; creates sustainable economic benefits to the State or region (eg new long-term jobs, investment, higher incomes, etc); is strategically important to the State, the region or a major industry; is viable and sustainable in the medium to longer term; the proposed project is cost effective and ‘fit for purpose’; does not unreasonably impact upon existing businesses, industries or communities; and the project, or specific elements of the project, are not more appropriately funded by other State, Commonwealth and/or Local Government or industry sources. Desirable Project proposals that leverage funds from non-State Government sources and/or that foster collaboration will be considered favourably. Project proposals that demonstrate a commitment to employing locally, local investment and local supplier inputs wherever possible will also be considered favourably. MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 6 4. Assistance and Conditions Assistance Offered: Grant payments are made on a reimbursement basis upon presentation of paid invoices for approved project expenditure, including evidence of eligible applicant contributions. Final payments are made on receipt of a final report evidencing project completion to the satisfaction of the Minister for Regional Development. Funding from other State Government sources will not be considered as part of the leveraged funds. The following conditions will be expected of any financial assistance recipients: complete the project as stated in the application; meet all key milestones and obligations as defined in the funding agreement; seek prior consideration and approval, through Regions SA, before making any changes to the project; and acknowledge the contribution of the South Australian Government on any promotional material and provide opportunities for the Minister for Regional Development or a representative to take part in any formal project milestones and launches. Note: Grants may be subject to GST and income tax. Successful applicants should seek advice on these and other tax implications from their tax advisers or the Australian Taxation Office. What are the Eligibility Requirements? Eligible organisations must: be legal entities, i.e. with which the South Australian Government can enter into a legally binding funding agreement. Regions SA may require third parties who have a significant financial interest in the project (for example, parent companies or landowners) to be a party to the funding agreement; have an Australian Business Number, and be registered for GST; demonstrate the availability of project funding required to complete the project, exclusive of in-kind contributions (in general, funding from other State Government sources will not be considered as part of the leveraged funds); and have the project located in: o areas defined by the State Government non-metropolitan regions boundaries as the Greater Adelaide Area and Country Regions; or o for the Major Projects Program only, the area defined as the McLaren Vale Character Preservation District by the Character Preservation (McLaren Vale) Act 2012 plus the townships located within the boundaries of the District, namely Clarendon, Kangarilla, McLaren Vale, McLaren Flat, Willunga and Port Willunga. MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 7 Funding will not be provided for: projects undertaken on behalf of third parties; requests for retrospective funding, where projects have been completed or have commenced prior to the application being received by Regions SA; a project, or elements of a project, which are more appropriately funded by other State, Commonwealth and/or Local Government or industry sources; projects that require ongoing recurrent State Government funding; feasibility studies, business cases and reports where they do not form part of an established and broader project that meets the Fund’s objectives; projects being undertaken to directly or indirectly meet a legal or contractual requirement; costs associated with the preparation of the application and project management fees and costs; and human resources (ie grant funding will not be provided to meet internal staffing costs); projects that have already received assistance from the RDF or other relevant grant funds to achieve the same project outcomes. MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 8 5. Making an Application Expressions of Interest (EoI) must be submitted using the form provided by Regions SA. Applicants should contact the RDF Program Manager at Regions SA on 8226 0232 to receive information about the application process and to obtain a copy of the EoI form. The RDF has a two stage application process: Stage 1 Involves a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from which submissions are shortlisted based on which projects are likely to provide the best outcomes and are consistent with RDF objectives and criteria. Relevant government agencies will be consulted on submissions received to ensure proposals align with industry, regional and State Government priorities. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to lodge a full application on a no commitment basis. All EOIs received will be subject to a due diligence process. Late EOIs will not be accepted. Stage 2 Involves assessing full applications against the Program’s prescribed criteria, including the Government’s ten Economic Priorities and seven Strategic Priorities, economic impact and commercial viability. Projects will also be assessed on the extent to which they address the Fund’s desirable criteria, including proposals that demonstrate a commitment to employing locally, local investment and local supplier inputs. Applications will undergo comprehensive due diligence to determine the applicant’s financial capability and the project’s commercial feasibility. An inter-departmental assessment panel will then consider applications on merit against the assessment criteria, before making recommendations to the Minister for Regional Development. Applicants can expect to be informed of the outcome of their application within approximately 8 weeks from the closing date of full applications, although longer time periods may be required when a large number and/or complex applications are received. Successful applicants will be involved in the preparation of public announcements about the RDF grant assistance. Successful applicants will also be required to enter into a standard Crown approved Funding Agreement with the Minister for Regional Development in order to receive assistance, which will be subject to the Government’s Contract Disclosure policy (see: See below for an RDF grants program process flowchart (page 10) and an indicative timeline (page 11). Late applications will not be accepted. MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 9 6. RDF grants program process flowchart MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PAGE 10 7. RDF grants program indicative timeline Regional Development Fund (RDF) 2015 -16 – Indicative Timeline 2 Regional Development Funding Round Announced Expressions of Interests - Open 10 April Expressions of Interests - Close 22 May Expressions of Interests Shortlisted Mid June Full Applications Open Mid June Full Applications Close Early July Full Application Assessment Completed End July Assessment Panel Recommendations presented to the Minister Mid August Minister considers Recommendations Determination of 2015-16 RDF projects to be funded MAR APRIL 2015 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND: GUIDELINES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Mid September PAGE 11
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