Innova5ve, Disrup5ve, Scale, Teamwork An Introduc+on To the firm we built for you 1 Relaunched in July 2014, India based PIVOT Management Consul@ng was founded in 2008 by Viraj Kulkarni as Viraj Kulkarni and Associates PIVOT as an advisory firm specializes in Securi@es Services, NRI services and Financial services, backed by over 77 man years of cross Industry exper@se Our core strength lies in enabling Business transforma@ons through effec@ve and comprehensive solu@ons for India based clients, Global providers planning to invest in India We leverage on our abili@es to‐ establish strategies, innovate and implement seamless solu@ons, Interna@onal exposure, experienced leadership, rich local market exper@se, deep intellectual capital and associa@ons CommiWed to assist our exis@ng clients and new ones to stay ahead of market evolu@on Our client base comprises of Ins@tu@ons ‐ Corporates, Banks, Self Regulatory Ins@tu@ons, Local Ins@tu@ons and Global Ins@tu@ons in Securi@es Services, Brokerage Houses, Wealth Management and Financial Services segment We are recognized for Market Advocacy and development of best prac@ces From May 2015 as a franchisee of SPL, we promote SPL’s Technology driven Electronic Document Management Solu@ons & Digi@zing Services, to Ins@tu@ons Offices in Mumbai and Delhi in India, India partner of Regula@on Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo and Beijing) and of HornbyChapman( London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong) Innova&ve, Disrup&ve, Scale, Teamwork 2 PIVOT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Learning & Human Development Capital Markets & Banking Regula@on Asia Securi@es Services Brokerages Banking HornbyChapman Electronic Documenta@on Services Non Resident Services Client centric, Innova@ve Our business is – con&nue to INNOVATE , over deliver client aspira&ons 3 Solu+ons for Securi+es Services Sustainable Business Plan/Structuring Market Entry/ Ouflow Tie‐ups Leadership development Performance Mgmt Broad range of Product formats Process Improvement Solu@ons Deal Structuring Financials Sales Development Integrated Technology Solu@ons Complex Project/ Change Mgmt Market Advocacy Time sensi@ve Opera@ons Solu@ons Clients Interests form the CORE(heart) of our solu&ons 4 Solu+ons for NRI Services Develop Integrated Plaform & value add Services New Market entry Strategy Process evalua@on and Performance Mgmt On shore and off shore Strategy Leadership Development Business Plan and Strategy Recruitment & Resource Development Business Evalua@on, Development Technology Solu@ons Complex Project/ Change Mgmt Market Advocacy Time sensi@ve Opera@ons Solu@ons Our business is – con&nue to INNOVATE , over deliver client aspira&ons 5 EDMS Solu+ons Mumbai based franchisee of Stock Holding Projects (SPL) Broad range of Product formats Only Integrated EDMS/RMS provider Reputed Pedigree Physical Record Management Solu@on (RMS) Electronic Document Management Solu@on (EDMS) Secured Digi@za@on Services Work flow Management Solu@on Own Data Center and DRC Enterprise Content Management ISO 9001:2008 Cer@fied Microsok Gold Cer@fied Record Management Solu@on Fastest Retrieval in Industry Complex Project/ Change Mgmt 20 Storage loca@ons in India 189 client support loca@ons Efficient Transi@on Management Robo@cs and Missile proof storage facility at Mahape IRDA approved Insurance Repository 2014: SEBI entrusted SPL with storage and digi5zing 126 Truckloads of documents received from an Indian en5ty, Sahara Group. The ac5vity was completed in 7 days, in a secure environment Diverse Client base Time sensi@ve ITeS Solu@ons Our business is – con&nue to INNOVATE , over deliver client aspira&ons 6 FPI- PIVOT foot prints since July 2014 Foreign Porfolio Investor (FPI) Regula@ons effec@ve from June 01, 2014. India with this change, adopts Risk based Categoriza@on of Investors. SEBI pro‐ac@vely framed FAQs, KYC norms, thus enabling a beWer understanding. PIVOT has played an ac@ve role, being engaged with SEBI FII Division, Stock Exchanges, Industry ini@a@ves, Developing FPI structure for the leading Custodian, engaged with the worlds largest Custodian in developing the FPI space. Some of the key ac+vi+es being: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Devising and implementa@on of an unique FPI offering for StockHolding, the largest Custodian of India Co‐hos@ng a FPI marke@ng workshop with Na@onal Stock Exchange on FPI Marke@ng‐ For Custodians and CPAs Co‐ordina@ng the hos@ng of the first India FPI Roadshow in New York, by BSE and Bank of New York Mellon Assis@ng signing of MOU between BSE‐ Bank of New York Mellon for accep@ng AAA securi@es as collateral, from FPIs Developing marke@ng tools and market Intelligence wrt FPIs Structuring and Modera@ng a Global Telecall for FPIs on Union Budget. The first by a Stock Exchange, it had leading Economist/ Researchers, Exchange, Clearing Corp, CPA as panelists. Call in @me zones of Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Europe and USA 7. Knowledge partner for BSE‐ICCL workshop on Marke@ng to FPIs‐ especially Category III for Industry. AWendees being Custodian (domes@c/ Foreign), Banks, Legal Firms, Prominent Accoun@ng firms 8. Partnered Regula@on Asia, Hong Kong in the hos@ng of the first India Regulatory Summit 2015, at Four Seasons, Mumbai. Conceptualized and Moderated the FPI panel comprised of SEBI, NSE, StockHolding, Ernst and Young, Credit‐ Suisse (Broking). 9. Developed FPI related rela@onships with Wadia Ghandy, Venture Intelligence, Regula@on Asia, Abax Consul@ng, AZB partners, Finsec Law Advisors, Banks, leading CPA firms and others 10. Hosted separate page on website as well as new Facebook link covering ar@cles etc related to FPI, including MAT 11. Providing inputs to a leading Global Custodian, planning to invest in India 12. Devising and Implementa@on of a FPI offering Roadmap for a leading Broking en@ty 13. Conceptualizing, Knowledge partner, selec@ng speakers, modera@ng the first ever Na@onwide FPI workshop/ seminar” All you wanted to know about FPI’s ”for BSE‐ ICCL. Successfully held across 6 key Indian ci@es with speakers from 18 leading Ins@tu@ons, over 550 aWendees (Mumbai and Delhi) from Ins@tu@onal Brokers, Wealth Managers, Investment Bankers, PEs, Corporates, Custodians‐ this was the biggest familiarizing event wrt FPI’s We con@nue inves@ng in thought leadership, market advocacy, developing best prac@ces that assist in developing the segment, our clients‐ whether Exchanges, DDPs etc, in seqng up their FPI offering and in implemen@ng the Marke@ng and Product Development strategies. We are also equipped to assist FPIs looking to access the market Innova&ve, Disrup&ve, Scale, Teamwork 7 September 2014 onwards… S.No Client Profile PIVOT’s Assignment 1 SHCIL‐India’s Largest Custodian by Assets (USD 195 billion‐Ins@tu@onal) and volumes (over 47 Million p.a) From November 2014 engaged in re‐engineering the Ins@tu@onal Custody and seqng up FPI business 2 Bank of New York Mellon‐ World’s leading Global Custodian (USD 28 Trillion); Largest Depositary; Largest in Collateral management From September 2014 engaged in market leadership ini@a@ves wrt Sahoo commiWee report on DR’s; Planning and Execu@ng the road show in NY; Collateral management MOU with BSE; Process flow wrt Collateral management 3 ICCL‐ India’s Second largest Clearing Corpora@on FPI workshops in India; AAA MOU with BoNYM; Roadshow in New York; Modera@ng the India Budget Global Tele Call for Foreign investors, Ouflow business structure; Advisory CommiWee, FPI commiWee etc 4 SPL‐ StockHolding Projects Limited‐ India’s most advanced Technology driven Integrated Document Management Solu@on Provider Promo@ng SPL’s Technology driven Electronic Document Management Solu@ons & Digi@zing Services to Banks, Corporates, Ins@tu@ons; guiding the marke@ng drive. 5 Partnership ‐ Regula@ons Asia/ HornbyChapman Regulatory India Summit March 2015; Launch of HornbyChapman rela@onship in February 2015 Capital market value crea&ng proposals for our clients 8 Market advocacy and Thought Leadership Ini+a+ves…Sept 2014 to May 2015 No Year Topic/Venue/aXendees 1 Sep ‐2014 “Depositary Receipts: The Changing Paradigm”; BSE Intl. Conven@on Hall; over 200 aWendees from Industry Bank of New York Mellon & BSE Ltd 2 Sep‐ 2014 Panelist at BoNYM’S ”Depositary Reciepts Issuers Conference”, Jaipur Hosted by Bank of New York Mellon 3 Sep‐2014 “FPI Marke+ng Workshop”; NSE Conference Room; Leading Custodians and Leading CPAs 4 Sep‐2014 ‘India Easing Condi+on Road Show’;Harvard Club, New York‐ Speakers‐MOF, KPMG, Dr. M.S Sahoo; 60 FPI aWendees Bank of New York Mellon & BSE Ltd hWp://‐provides‐ guidance‐in‐hos@ng‐india‐roadshow‐on‐ september‐26th‐at‐new‐york/ 5 Sep‐2014 Collateral Management MOU between BSE and Bank of New York Mellon; New York Bank of New York Mellon & BSE Ltd ‐ 6 Sep‐2014 Dr. M S Sahoo mee@ng with J P Morgan Depositary Receipt Team, New York 7 Mar‐2015 Conceptualised & moderated BSE’s Global Telecall on BUDGET FOR FIIs ‐ Mar 3rd. Investors from US, ASPAC, Europe, Japan, Australia. First by Exchange, engages a expert panel 8 Mar‐2015 “India Regulatory Summit 2015”, Four Seasons, Mumbai . 145 invitees aWend represen@ng 98 ins@tu@ons. Nine Panels across Banking and Capital Markets‐SEBI, RBI, Exchanges, Industry, CCIL 9 Apr‐June 2015 Conceptualised, Knowledge partner for BSE‐ICCL Na@onwide FPI Seminar; 6 ci@es, 18 par@cipa@ng speakers from leading ins@tu@on,over 550 aWendee‐ Delhi, Mumbai Host/ Co‐Host Na@onal Stock Exchange (NSE) J P Morgan BSE Ltd. Web‐Link hWp://‐mellon‐bse‐ pivot‐event/ Request for PPT Request for PPT Regula@on Asia hWp://[email protected]/ BSE Ltd ‐ ICCL Request for comprehensive PPTs 9 PIVOT Clientele, Tes+monial, Associates “PIVOT Management Consul5ng’s skill in naviga5ng India’s capital markets and infrastructure is excep5onal. Viraj’s connec5vity with senior securi5es market prac55oners and experts in India is quite remarkable. In par5cular, I would like to acknowledge PIVOT’s contribu5on to the success of the investor Roadshow BNY Mellon and the Bombay Stock Exchange, hosted in New York. I look forward to collabora5ng further with PIVOT in the near future.” Neil Atkinson, Head of Asia‐ Pacific, Depository Receipts, BNY Mellon Associates Shweta Gokarn & Co. Prac+cing Company Secretaries PIVOT‐ Your responsive commiOed Partner 10 PIVOT Team Profile PIVOT’s team bring to the table over 77 years of combined experience and cross‐industry exper@se Viraj Kulkarni‐ Founder, [email protected] Viraj’s rich work experiences spanned at 3 of the top 5 Global Custodians, for over 12 years as country head of securi@es services with BNP Paribas, Ci@ Bank, JP Morgan Chase, in India and Switzerland. He has over twenty four years of in‐depth and diverse exposure to emerging and advanced capital markets including as Opera@ons head at Morgan Stanley Securi@es Services, India. Viraj’s wide and varied Industry exposure relates to Corporate Banking, Regulatory, Compliance, Capital Markets, Securi@es and Fund Services, Brokerage Business and BPO Services. Viraj is the only Indian to receive a personal recognisa@on for leadership in India, from the Global Custodian magazine in 2013, through ASPAC industry nomina@on. This award given for contribu@ons to development in Securi@es Services Industry. Viraj is a Member of the Steering CommiWee of the" NSE Lecture Series on Securi@es Law and Prac@ces "and a faculty in many renowned ins@tu@ons. A Fellow member of ICSI, India, he is based in Mumbai. Munish Chawla [email protected] Munish held key posi@ons at Shriram Transport Finance, ICICI Bank, as a Private Banker with Rak Bank, Dubai, was Head of Non Resident Business at Ci@ Global Markets, India where he launched services in key markets as Australia, Hong Kong, Dubai etc. Munish has over 19 years of in‐depth and specialized exposure in Personal Banking, Wealth Management, Securi@es Services, NRI Business, Distribu@on of Retail Assets/ Liability/ Third Party Products and Merchant Banking. Munish has excellent exposure in designing and launching new Products & Services, Developing Cross Border Equity Advisory and Execu@on plaform for NRIs and Managing Private Banking Rela@onships. He is based at Delhi. 11 Abhijit More [email protected] Abhijit, PMP adds a rich and varied Securi@es Services work experience of over 17 years with HSBC, JP Morgan Chase Bank, SBI‐SG Global Securi@es Private Limited and Deutsche bank Opera@ons Interna@onal. Abhijit was engaged in Opera@ons Project set up and management, System implementa@on, SeWlements, Cash Management, Asset servicing in custody business; depository Services; system development support, key customer management, process excellence, training and strategic planning in the financial securi@es/ capitals markets sector. A graduate of University of Mumbai, he is based at Mumbai. Garima Chitkara [email protected] Garima is an Asia‐based independent journalist covering Asian financial markets, banking and regula@on. She has worked as a staff writer at Asia Risk and Central Banking in Hong Kong and as a research analyst at KPMG, Mumbai. She is currently working freelance and has contributed to publica@ons like Euro money, IFR Asia, Nikkei Asian Review, Asia Etrading and The Asset. At KPMG, she was involved in research in corporate intelligence and subsequently worked in financial risk management focusing on Basel II implementa@on projects. Garima’s exper@se includes Interna@onal banking and market regula@on and its impact in Asia: Basel III, OTC reform in Asia as well as under Dodd‐Frank, Emir and Iosco‐CPSS norms, High frequency trading and exchange regula@on, capital market reform in India, China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Australia and renminbi interna@onaliza@on, Market structure and technology: Exchange consolida@on and compe@@on, equity and FX market micro structure, collateral management and related technology and challenges in the evolving 12 trading infrastructure in Asia. Garima is based at Delhi. Heena Patel [email protected] Heena is office Manager, she assists the team. A graduate of University of Mumbai, she is based at Mumbai office. 12 Team’s Past Employer Profile , News 13 Contact Informa+on ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ BY PHONE- MUMBAI, INDIA: +91 91 6789 5050 +91 22 2781 0575 BY EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] BY SKYPE: pivotmgmt VISIT FACEBOOK It is important to have a partner who understands your aspira&ons, innovates solu&ons, helps you adapt smoothly and in a &mely manner. THAT’S OUR JOB!!! 14
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