4/13-4/24/15(Next 3 Weeks) PIZZO’S PRESS [email protected] April 2 , 2015 Hot off the Press: Happy April Birthday: Melina 4/3 Alexa 4/6 J.D. 4/8 Jacob 4/11 *Bonus Ticket ?: what is ¾ of 20? *Recorder Belt Earners: Congrats! Abigail, Joey, Cali, Victoria V., Rachel, Fadi, Ranyah Keep practicing! J*M-Step Testing Dates for 4th gradeattendance imperative April 27-29 May 4, 6 May 11, 12 online practice test questions: https://wbte.drcedirec t.com/MI/portals/mi Monday R.C. B.C.:Twain/Wagons Spelling sort Math: 21.1 U 5less3 ______________ B.C.: Wagons/Twain Spelling: sort / p 557 Math: Science: Day/Night SS: U5 Tuesday Gym BC: lev Spelling hunt/W.L. 21.1 Sun ___________ B.C. leveled reader Hunt/W.L. 21.6 reteach SS: U5 Test Wednesday Music BC: choice 21.3 U5 less3 ____________ BC:leveled read choice 21.6 practice Day/Night This Week’s Happenings: Thursday Science Lab BC: Choice/W.L. Quick Chk p 549 Sun _________________ BC: leveled read choice review U 10 U6 less1 Friday Art BC: : bk report/due Spelling test/W.L. 21.4 U5 Quiz /Sun ___________ BC: bk report/due W.S.Test/W.L. U 10 test Day/Night Next 2 Week’s Curriculum: Room 15 has been active for March is Reading Month. Please encourage 20-30 minutes of reading each night. Practice summarizing & comprehension by asking questions about the chapter your child read. Summarizing is a couple of sentences and focuses on the highlights; it’s less in depth than a retelling. Your student knows the difference. We will wrap up fractions before break (4/1 test). Report Cards come home 4/2; please sign envelope & return 4/13. Assessments will begin after break. Encourage attendance and personal best every day. I so appreciate your continued commitment to your child’s education. Your help at home allows for more successes. Have an amazing spring break! Mrs. Pizzo • • • Social Studies: Sights to See due 4/13 U 5 Mid West Review: 4/20, Test: 4/21 MW post Card Due 4/21 • • • Science: (Discovery Education) Our Star the Sun Cycles of Day & Night Science News 4th Qtr Due 4/20 • • Math-Common Core: U 10- decimals U10 Review: 4/23 TEST:4/24 • • • • • • • *To access the M-Step practice website, use Chrome, not Safari. J • Literacy: “Write & Tell”4 paragraphsDUE MONDAYS Book Club: (B.C.) leveled readers I.R. OR Book Report due Fridays New Genre Unit: Williwaw-adventure Spelling: Word Study (W.S.)- contract due Thursdays Word Study Test Fridays-Big IQ Kids “Spice It Up” words due on Fridays Word Ladders (W.L. Book 2)-started 1/20due 4th quarter, date to be determined Super Sites: Class webpage: www.pizzopress.weebly.com Science websites: http://Utica.DiscoveryEducation.com (use Important Dates: rd Specials M: R.C.: 9:35-10:25 T: Gym 8:40-9:30 W: Music: 10:30-11:20 Th: Science.: 8:40-9:30 F: Art 9:30-10:20 Recess: 1:45-2:00 M-F 3 Marking Ends Lorenzo Field Trip Report cards come home Spring Break Volunteer Week PTA Mtg/School Store Spring Pictures M-Step 4th gr March 27 March 27 April 2 April 3-10 April 13-17 April 23 April 27 April 27-29 student login & password to access “Techbook”) www.sciencebrain.com www.eia.doe.gov/kids, www.neok12.com/quiz http://educationjlab.org/vocabularyhangman Reading comprehension: www.bookadventure.com, www.starfall.com www.cmpl.org (homework help) S.S.Text website: www.macmillanmh.com Math:https://play.dreambox.com/login/school_login/classroo m?asp=74189&district=66et&school=floydee watchknowlearn.org hodamath.com mathplayground.com www.bedtimemath.org Online Scholastic Orders: www.scholastic.com/bookorders code:H3LYY Monday March/April Volunteer Schedule-Room 15 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 23 24 am: Welch 25 pm: Salman Wear sunglasses PTA mtg 7pm 26 BOOK SWAP 30 31 U 9 Review CORE Math am: Welch 1 U9 TEST CORE pm: Salman Contract Due 2 Spelling Test!! REPORT CARDS COME home 13 Volunteer Week 14 ------- 15 -------- 16-------- Return signed report card envelope 20 MW Review am: Welch pm: Salman 17---stop in the lounge when you’re in the building!!! 21 MW TEST am: Welch 22 23 24 *Science NEWs due 4/20 or before 27 Lorenzo Field Trip 12-3pm March Clock Log Due 3/31 3 No School Spring Break: 4/3-12 pm: Salman *March is Reading month continues….remember to read each night 20-30 minutes! *M-Step Testing Dates for 4th grade-attendance imperative April 27, 28-29 May 4, 6 May 11, 12 Go to the following website for online practice test questions: https://wbte.drcedirect.com/MI/portals/mi Your student has practiced in class & can earn extra credit points each week for math AND ELA!! Please use chrome to access website*** *Please have your child visit Dream Box each night at home. We try to visit it each day during school but some students aren’t able to squeak it in.
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