Spelling Bees Dear Parents You will have noticed that your children have been bringing home spelling lists each week and we thought it would be helpful to explain a little about the tasks and expectations. The programme that we have chosen to follow is called ‘Spelling Bees’ which provides a wide range of engaging activities that cater to different learning styles. The children in Silver Birch will be given a new list of spellings every Wednesday morning in the form of a ‘Look Say Cover Write Check’ sheet (LSCWC). The words on the list are drawn from the new National Curriculum, and are quite challenging. This is deliberate – it tackles the demands of the new curriculum whilst also giving us the opportunity to embed a deep understanding of language in the children. The LSCWC sheet can be used at home to practice spellings ready for the spelling test the following Wednesday, and it would be very helpful if you could support your child in both learning and understanding these words. Little and often is usually the best approach. Following the test in school, the children peer mark which helps consolidate the spellings. The marking is checked by an adult, and as the test is completed on the reverse of the new LSCWC sheet, you will be able to see how your child is getting on each week. From now on in school, housepoints will be awarded for ‘Personal Best’ score, first ‘Full House’ (fifteen out of fifteen), and thereafter for ‘Three In A Row’ (Full House for three consecutive weeks). In addition to the LSCWC sheet for use at home, the children will have a spelling activity that will normally be completed in school, during the daily ‘Guided Reading’ session. This will change from week to week, but the types of activity are explained on the reverse of this sheet. All the activity sheets are designed to be attractive and wellspaced out to appeal to children, whilst giving them quality space to work. There may be occasions when children bring these home for completion as an optional homework. Occasionally, we may increase or decrease the number of words on the list, to cater for individual needs. We would welcome feedback from you, so please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Kind regards, Sue Long and Katie Leigertwood www.links2learn.co.uk Spelling Bees The activities Sentences Spelling understanding can be embedded and used in their own writing when children understand the words. To enable this, the children are encouraged to write their own sentences for each word. You may wish to encourage children to start sentences with a range of words as ‘I’ and ‘My’ are always favourites. Alphabetical order Sort all 15 words into alphabetical order. An alphabet is provided on each sheet in upper and lower case to help. Wordsearches A familiar favourite of children. The words in these go in five directions – horizontal (forwards and backwards), vertical (forwards and backwards and diagonal (forwards only). Crack the codes Use the number codes to translate into the words in the children’s spelling list. Definitions Only by understanding the word, can children use these spellings to apply to their written work. For this task the children need to research the meaning themselves. Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check A great tool for raising the profile of spelling lists, we will use them as homework, but also sometimes as a directed task or start of the day peer assessment. Additionally, we use these to self and / or peer mark. Word Jumbles The letters of each spelling word are scrambled up. Word Lists are provided for the children to order them. www.links2learn.co.uk
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