DeKalb County Department of Planning & Sustainability 330 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 500 Decatur, GA 30030 (404) 371-2155 / [email protected] Lee May Interim Chief Executive Officer Planning Commission Hearing Date: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 6:30 P.M. Board of Commissioners Hearing Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 6:30 P.M. STAFF ANALYSIS Case No.: Z-15-19586 Agenda #: D-3 Location/ Address: The east side of West Side Place approximately 320 feet north of Henrico Road at 3930 West Side Place, in Ellenwood, Georgia. Commission District: 3 Parcel ID: 15-045-02-008 Request: To rezone property from R-100 (Single-Family Residential) District to R-75 (SingleFamily Residential) District to develop an 18-lot single-family detached subdivision at a maximum density of 2.14 units per acre within Tier 5 of the BouldercrestCedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District. Property Owner: John & Kim Osignuga Applicant/Agent: John & Kim Osignuga/ Michèle L. Battle, Esq. Acreage: 8.379 Existing Land Use: One (1) single-family residence Adjacent Zoning: North, South, East, West: R-100 (Single-Family Residential) District Comprehensive Plan: Suburban Super District: 6 Consistent X Proposed Sq. Ft: Min. 3,000 Sq. Ft. Proposed Density: 2.148 Units Per Acre Proposed Lot Coverage: < 35% per lot Existing Building Sq. Ft.: Aprox.1,846 Sq. Ft. Existing Density: 1 Unit on 8.379 Acres Existing Lot Coverage: < 35% STAFF RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS The requested rezoning of the subject property from R-100 (Single-Family) District to R-75 (Single-Family) District allows greater flexibility for development by incorporating development standards consistent with the recently approved Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District. The proposed subdivision will be developed with 6foot wide sidewalks, 4-foot wide landscape strip between curb and sidewalk and 20% open space. Architectural design standards shall be applied to building facades with architectural accents. The proposed single-family 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 1 Z-15-19586 development is consistent with the following Comprehensive plan policy and strategy: Protect stable neighborhoods from incompatible development that could alter established residential development patterns and density (SCAP1); and Ensure that new development and redevelopment is compatible with existing residential areas (LUP6). Given that the proposed development will enhance the surrounding area, Planning Staff concludes that the proposed R-75 zoning district is appropriate for the site. The Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends APPROVAL per the following attached conditions: 1. Development of the subject property shall be in compliance with development regulations of Chapter 14. Subdivision Regulations. 2. A maximum of 18 single-family lots shall be developed on the property with an average lot size of 12,000 square feet. 3. The minimum heated floor area for each residence shall be 3,000 square feet. 4. Building shall not repeat architectural design for every four lots. 5. Developer shall provide sodded front, side and rear lawns prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. Provide underground utilities. 7. Model homes shall be erected at the front of the subdivision on any of the first four (4) lots along the northern and/or southern boundary of the subdivision. 8. The entrance to the subdivision shall be landscaped subject to the approval of the DeKalb County Arborist. 9. Provide brick entry monument at entrance along West Side Place to identify subdivision. 10. Limit number of curb-cuts to one (1) on West Side Place. Access and road improvements are subject to approval by the Transportation Division of the Department of Public Works. 11. Subject to the approval of the DeKalb County Transportation Department and the dedication of the required right-of-way, the developer of the subdivision shall make off-site road improvements to install the roadway pavement necessary to widen the travel lane to the required twelve (12) feet from the centerline of the West Side Place right-of-way along the frontage of 3950 West Side Place (Tax Parcel 15 045 02 006) and 3970 West Side Place (15 045 02 007). 12. An opaque wooden fence shall be erected along the southern and rear boundary lines of the subdivision prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. 13. The approval of this rezoning application by the Board of Commissioners has no bearing on other approvals by the Zoning Board of Appeals or other authority, whose decision should be based on the merits of the application before said authority. 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 2 Z-15-19586 SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is comprised of approximately 8.379 acres along the east side of West Side Place within the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District. It is northeast of the intersection of Henrico Road and West Side Place. The site is developed with a one-story frame single-family residence with two points of access via a circular drive way from West Side Place. The front yard appears relatively flat with a few mature trees in the front yard. The large site is heavily wooded behind the existing residential structure. DeKalb County records indicate that the subject property has been zoned R-100 since adoption of the first zoning ordinance and map in 1956. CHARACTER OF THE SURROUNDING AREA: The proposed subdivision is adjacent to and nearby single-family residences on large lots. Single-family detached subdivisions are adjacent to the site and in the immediate surrounding area. Further north and adjacent to the site along the east property line is Boulder Forest Subdivision. Northwest along West Side Place is West Side Place Subdivision. At the southwest intersection of Henrico Road and West Side Place is Marseille Subdivision. PROJECT ANALYSIS The proposed development consists of 18 minimum 10,000 square foot single-family lots served by one cul-de-sac (1) street. The subject property fronts on West Side Place, a two-way local street. The submitted site plan depicts vehicular access to the single-family homes will be provided via individual driveways to the newly created subdivision street. The submitted site plan depicts curb, gutter, sidewalks and landscaping along the street frontage within the proposed subdivision. Sidewalks are also depicted along West Side Place. The applicant has agreed to make off-site roadway improvements along property frontages of 3950 and 3970 West Side Place which is reflected in Staff recommended conditions. Detention is shown on a separate lot adjacent to a proposed T-lane which may be used for emergency vehicle turnaround. Per the International Fire Code (IFC), the site must provide sufficient turn radius and width for access and turn-around for emergency vehicles. A preliminary review of the submitted site plan by Engineering Staff indicates that the site appears to satisfy this requirement. Open space is depicted on 1.44 contiguous acres. Detention is on a separate lot. COMPLIANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS: Located within Tier 5 of the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District, the requested single-family detached subdivision is applicable to the following development standards: R-75 (SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED) STANDARD LOT WIDTH Sec. 27-186. (a) LOT AREA Sec. 27-186. (b) MINIMUM HEATED FLOOR AREA Sec. 27-188 FRONT YARD SETBACK Sec. 27-730.6.5.(a) & Sec. 27-186. (c)(4) INTERIOR SIDE YARD Sec. 27-730.6.5.(a) 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL REQUIREMENT PROPOSED COMPLIANCE Min. 75 feet. Min. 75 feet Yes Min. 10,000 square feet Min. 10,000 square feet Yes Min.1,600 square feet Min. 3,000 square feet Yes Min. 30 feet 30 feet Yes Min. 10 feet 7.5 Feet Variances will be required for the lots that do not meet this Page 3 Z-15-19586 requirement. REAR YARD SETBACK INTERIOR SIDE YARD Sec. 27-730.6.5.(a) CORNER LOT BUILDING ORIENTATION Sec. 27-730.6.5.(c) LOT COVERAGE Sec.27-189 Min. 30 feet 40 feet Yes Home construction on corner lots, shall be oriented to face only one (1) street. Not to exceed three (3) stories or 35% Building orientation not depicted on submitted site plan Not depicted on site plan BLDG. HEIGHT Sec. 27-730.6.5.(b) PARKING Sec. 27-730.6.6(e)(2)B Max. 35 ft. Max. 35 ft. Must comply during building permitting phase. Must comply during building permitting phase. Yes Min. 4 spaces/single-fam. house 4 spaces Not indicated on submitted site plan. SIDEWALKS Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District Design Guidelines IV. Streets and sidewalks— Residential. Six-foot-wide sidewalks are required on both sides of the streets in all new Tier 5 singlefamily residential development. A four-foot minimum landscape strip is required between the curb and sidewalk. Six-foot wide sidewalks and landscaping are depicted along the residential street for the proposed subdivision. Yes An 8-foot wide sidewalk and landscape strip is required along West Side Place 20 % land area dedicated as usable open space Proposed 6-foot sidewalk depicted. Landscape strip not depicted. 20% or 1.6 acres No. Applicant must comply during permitting phase. Yes OPEN SPACE Sec. 27-730.6.3.(d)(1) In addition to lot development standards, Sec. 27-730.6.6 (a) of the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District, defines architectural design standards applicable to all structures within all Tiers as follows: (1) All principal building facades facing a public street shall consist of at least eighty (80) percent brick, stone, glass, decorative concrete, finished masonry materials or hard-coat stucco, or a combination thereof and (2) Architectural accents, where utilized, shall consist of metal, vinyl, non-reflective glass, glass block, natural stone, decorative concrete, brick, terra cotta, stucco, hardi-plank or wood. Per the submitted information, the applicant is requesting Traditional Craftsman Bungalow style homes inconsistent with the above standard. Should the proposed zoning and subdivision be approved, the proposed single-family residences must adhere to the required architectural standards or file for a variance with the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). ZONING ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject site from the R-100 (Single-Family Residential) District to R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District. The intent of the R-100 zoning district is to provide for the protection of neighborhoods within the county where lots have a minimum area of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet; and provide for infill development in neighborhoods having fifteen thousand (15,000) square foot lots in a manner compatible with existing development. The intent of the R-75 zoning district is to provide for the protection of 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 4 Z-15-19586 neighborhoods within the county where lots have a minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet; and to provide for infill development in neighborhoods having ten thousand (10,000) square foot lots in a manner compatible with existing development. Although the R-75 District allows 10,000 square foot lots, Staff notes that the applicant has agreed to an average lot size of 12,000 square feet which is more compatible with the adjacent and surrounding R-100 lots. Per the DeKalb County Zoning Code, the intent of the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District is to promote physically attractive, environmentally safe and economically sound residential communities; to improve the visual appearance and increase property values within the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland community and to promote uniform and aesthetically pleasing architectural features which serve to unify the distinctive visual qualities of the District, and to preserve and enhance the character of the overall community. If approved, the site will be developed per recent Board policy pursuant to approved development standards for single-family residential subdivisions within the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District. New development will ensure the aesthetic appeal of the subdivision with wider sidewalks, street landscaping, lot and house orientation and architectural standards. LAND USE ANALYSIS The subject site is located within the Suburban Character area designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The Suburban character area allows a maximum density of 8 units per acre which is consistent with the applicant’s request of 2.148 units per acre. The requested R-75 zoning district would require development standards that would enhance the esthetic appeal of the surrounding area, thereby encouraging other new residential developments in the area. The rezoning request would be consistent with the following plan policy and strategy: Protect stable neighborhoods from incompatible development that could alter established residential development patterns and density (SCAP1); and Ensure that new development and redevelopment is compatible with existing residential areas (LUP6). Section 27-832 of the Zoning Ordinance, “Standards and factors governing review of proposed amendments to the official zoning map” states that the following standards and factors shall govern the review of all proposed amendments to the zoning maps. A. Whether the zoning proposal is in conformity with the policy and intent of the comprehensive plan: The proposed density of 2.14 units per acre is consistent with the Future Land Use Map designation of Suburban, which allows up to eight units per acre. The proposed development is consistent with the following 2025 Comprehensive Plan policies: “Protect stable neighborhoods from incompatible development that could alter established residential development patterns and density.” (SCAP1) and “Preserve and enhance the integrity and quality of existing residential neighborhoods.” (SCAP3). B. Whether the zoning proposal will permit a use that is suitable in view of the use and development of adjacent and nearby properties: The requested zoning classification of R-75 for the subject property is suitable in view of existing residential properties when developed per standards the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District. C. Whether the property to be affected by the zoning proposal has a reasonable economic use as currently zoned: There may be economic use of the property current ly zoned R-100. Located on 8.379 acres, the site can be developed with more than one single-family residence with applicable development standards. D. Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property: The proposed subdivision zoned R-75 developed per standards the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Moreland Overlay District will not adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby properties zoned R-100. 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 5 Z-15-19586 E. Whether there is other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property, which give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of the zoning proposal: Further north is property zoned R-75 which gives supporting grounds for approval. F. Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect historic buildings, sites, districts, or archaeological resources: Although this property is within the Soapstone Ridge Historic District, a reconnaissance level archeological survey performed by Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. did not identify any significant archeological sites. The application for a certificate of appropriateness was reviewed by the DeKalb County Historical Preservation Commission on February 23, 2015. The certificate of appropriateness was approved as recommended by the preservation planner. G. Whether the zoning proposal will result in a use which will or could cause an excessive or burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools: The zoning request per the applicant will add 18 new lots that will access West Side Place. The proposed subdivision may impact traffic but may not cause an excessive or burdensome use of surrounding streets, utilities, or schools. Attachments: 1. Department Comments 2. Pre-Community Meeting Sign-In Sheet 3. Application, Letter-of-Intent, Impact Statement 4. Site Survey 5. Site Plan 6. Zoning Map 7. Future Land Use Plan Map 8. Site Photographs 9. Site Pictometry 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 6 Z-15-19586 DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT DISTRIBUTION FORM The following areas below may warrant comments from the Development Division. Please respond accordingly as the issues relate to the proposed request and the site plan enclosed as it relates to Chapter 14. You may address applicable disciplines. DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: • Transportation/Access/Row Consult the DeKalb County Transportation Department if a land development permit is sought. Verify widths from the centerline of the roadways to the property line for possible right-of-way dedication. Improvements within the right-of-way may be required if a land development permit is sought. Safe vehicular circulation is required. Paved off-street parking is required. • Storm Water Management Compliance with the Georgia Stormwater Management Manual, DeKalb County Code of Ordinances 14-40 for Stormwater Management and 14-42 for Storm Water Quality Control is required if a land development permit is needed. • Flood Hazard Area/Wetlands The presence of FEMA Flood Hazard Area was not indicated in the County G.I.S. mapping records for the site; and should be noted in the plans at the time of any land development permit application. • Landscaping/Tree Preservation Landscaping and tree preservation plans for any building, or parking lot must comply with DeKalb County Code of Ordinances 14-39 and are subject to approval from the County Arborist. • Tributary Buffer State water buffer was not reflected in the G.I.S. records for the site. Typical state waters buffer have a 75’ undisturbed stream buffer and land development within the undisturbed creek buffer is prohibited without a variance per DeKalb County Code of Ordinances 14-44.1. • Fire Safety Plans for land development permit must comply with Chapter 12 DeKalb County Code for fire protection and prevention. From: Keeter, Patrece Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 4:33 PM To: Spann, Madolyn Cc: Pelton, David Subject: Zoning Comments for Planning Commission on March 2, 2015 D.1. No Comment D.2. GDOT permits/approvals for access and infrastructure required. Candler Road (SR 155) is classified as a Major Arterial. Please be aware of infrastructure requirements in Section 14-190 of the DeKalb County Code. Candler Road is a truck route. Candler Road is on the First Tier Priority Bike Network. Closest GDOT Count Station is 18,930 vehicles per day D.3. GDOT permits/approvals for access and infrastructure required. Clairmont Road (SR 155) is classified as a Major Arterial. Please be aware of infrastructure requirements in Section 14-190 of the DeKalb County Code. Clairmont Road is a truck route. Clairmont Road is on the First Tier Priority Bike Network. Closest GDOT Count Station is 25,320 vehicles per day N.1. No Comment. West Side Place Classified as a local road. New road location to be approved by Transportation to ensure new road has adequate intersection sight distance, when exiting, and left turn stopping sight distance, when entering. No count data available. N.2. No Comment. Dedee Court is classified as a local road. No count data available. N.3. No Comment. Zemory Drive is classified as a local road. No count data available. N.4. No Comment. Chamblee Tucker Road is classified as a Minor Arterial. Closest GDOT Count Station is 15,730 vehicles per day. N.5. Panola Road is classified as a Major Arterial. Please be aware of infrastructure requirements in Section 14-190 of the DeKalb County Code. Panola Road is a truck route. Panola Road is on the is Second Tier Priority Bike Network. Closest GDOT Count Station is 15,670 vehicles per day. Dedicate right of way necessary for Panola Road operational project (DK-065 series of projects in Regional Transportation Plan. N.6. Oak Grove Road is classified as a collector street. Please be aware of infrastructure requirements in Section 14-190 of the DeKalb County Code. Add sidewalks along property frontages along Oak Grove Road. Closest GDOT Count Station is 5,110 vehicles per day N.7. GDOT permit/approvals for access and infrastructure required for Lavista Road (SR 236). Provide traffic study and associated improvements identified through the study. Lavista Road (SR 236) is classified as a Minor Arterial. Northlake Parkway is classified as a Minor Arterial. Please be aware of infrastructure requirements in Section 14-190 of the DeKalb County Code. Provide pedestrian and bike connections between facilities on County right of way and destinations. Provide Bike racks. Lavista Road is a truck route. Lavista Road is on the First Tier Priority Bike Network. Signal warrant study required for traffic signal on Northlake Parkway. Developer to pay for traffic signal and traffic signal communication interconnect, if warranted. Closest GDOT Count Station is 23,190 vehicles per day on Lavista Rd and 12,950 on Northlake Parkway. RegardsPatrece G. Keeter, P.E. Supervising Engineer DeKalb County Transportation 1950 West Exchange Place, 4th Floor Tucker, GA 30084 (770) 492-5281 [email protected] West Side Place S/D Boulder Forest S/D Site Marseille S/D SUB SUB SUB Site D.3 Z-15-19586 Existing Single-Family Land Use D.3 Z-15-19586 Aerial DeKalb County Department of Planning & Sustainability 330 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 500 Decatur, GA 30030 (404) 371-2155 / [email protected] Lee May Interim Chief Executive Officer Planning Commission Hearing Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6:30 P.M. Board of Commissioners Hearing Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 6:30 P.M. STAFF ANALYSIS Case No.: SLUP-15-19764 Agenda #: N-6 Location/ Address: The south side of Battlecrest Drive, approximately 485 feet south of Manassas Lane at 2883 Battlecrest Drive in Decatur, Georgia. Commission District: 3 Parcel ID: 15-107-01- 226 Request: To request a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to operate a child day care facility for no more than six (6) children in an existing single-family residence zoned R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District. Property Owner: Kimotta Jackson Applicant/Agent: Kimotta Jackson Acreage: .44 acres Existing Land Use: Single-Family Residence Adjacent Zoning: North, South, East & West: R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District Comprehensive Plan: Suburban Super District: 6 Consistent Yes Proposed Sq. Ft: N/A Proposed Lot Coverage: N/A Existing Sq. Ft.: 2,291 square feet + 1,932 square feet of unfinished basement Lot Coverage: < 35% Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Based on the submitted information, it appears that the application meets the criteria of the zoning ordinance for a Special Land Use Permit for a child day care facility for up to six children in an existing single family residential structure. The proposed child day care facility is not expected to have a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood, due to the proposed hours of operation (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday), and the relatively small number of children. There would be no changes to the exterior of the house in which the day care facility would be operating, so that the existing residential character of the property would remain unchanged. The 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 1 SLUP-15-19764 site complies with supplemental regulations for child day care facilities except for driveway turnaround. However, the existing drive will accommodate parking for four (4) vehicles. Adequate indoor and outdoor play areas with fencing will be provided in accordance with County and State Codes. Located within a Suburban Character area designated by the 2005-2025 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, the proposed use is consistent with the following plan strategies: Create neighborhood focal points by locating schools, community centers, or well-designed small commercial centers at suitable locations within walking distance of residences (SCAS18). The applicable requirements of the R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District have been met. Using the benchmark of 1,000 feet that has been established for similar special uses in residential areas, the proposed facility would not result in a disproportional proliferation of child care facilities or similar uses. To promote the successful operation of the facility, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends that the facility be operated in a manner that would minimize off-site impacts, as addressed in the recommended conditions, below. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “Approval” with Staff’s recommended conditions. 1. The child care facility shall be limited to a maximum number of six children between the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, in the existing single-family residence. 2. Refuse containers shall not be visible from the street except during pick-up. No identification sign for the child day care facility shall be posted on the property. 3. No evidence of a child day care facility shall be located in the front of the property. 4. Provide and maintain a minimum 6-foot high fenced designated play area for as long as the child day care facility is operated on the subject property. 5. The applicant shall secure the necessary certification by the State of Georgia Bright From The Start program and the necessary building permit and certificate of occupancy from DeKalb County before obtaining a business license. 6. The Special Land Use Permit shall be issued to Kimotta Jackson for operation of a child day care facility and shall not be transferrable. 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 2 SLUP-15-19764 SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject site, consisting of .44 acres is zoned R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District. It is located at 2883 Battlecrest Drive, a local street that intersects with Flat Shoals Road (a minor thoroughfare). The property is developed with a two-story brick single-family detached residence with a basement consisting of approximately 4,223 total square feet. Access to the site is via a single curb cut from Battlecrest Drive. The residence has a concrete driveway that can accommodate up to six (6) vehicles. The residence sits slightly below grade. The property frontage is improved with sidewalks, curb and gutter. The site is surrounding and adjacent to detached single-family residences. PROJECT ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a Special Land Use Permit to operate a child day care facility in the existing single family residence within an R-75 (Residential) zoning district. According to the information submitted by the project applicant, the in-home child day care facility would have a total of six (6) children. The proposed hours of operation are 7:00am - 7:00pm, Monday through Friday. The designated play-area is located within the front yard which sits slightly below grade. The applicant does not intend to make any changes to the exterior of the house nor install any signs on the property. If this petition is approved, the applicant must complete all required steps for obtaining a certificate of occupancy and business license from DeKalb County. Located within an R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District, the structures must adhere to the following development standards. The submitted site survey indicates a non-conforming lot by 1-foot and minor encroachments into the front and side yards. The applicant should seek remedy for yard encroachments through the administrative variance process. STANDARD LOT WIDTH Sec.27-186(a) REQUIRED 75 Feet EXISTING 74 Feet COMPLIANCE Existing non-conforming lot. LOT AREA Sec.27-186(b) 10,000 Square Feet 19,514 Square Feet Yes FRONT SETBACK Sec.27186(c)(4) 30 Feet 29.2 Feet No – Applicant should apply for administrative variance. INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK Sec.27-186(d) 7.5 Feet 6.8 Feet No – Applicant should apply for administrative variance REAR SETBACK Sec.27-186(e) 40 Feet > 40 Feet Yes TRANS. BUFFERS None Required None N/A BUILDING HEIGHT Sec.27-187 Maximum 35 Feet Yes LOT COVERAGE May not exceed 35% Existing 2 story residential structure < 35% PARKING Sec. 27-150 (e) 4 parking spaces required Site can accommodate 4 Parking Spaces Yes Yes DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Child day care facilities must comply with Sec.27-741(a) through (h) of the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance and zoning district in which the use is located. (a) The applicant must provide 30 square feet of indoor play area for each child. Given a maximum enrollment of six (6) children, one hundred and eighty (180) square feet of indoor play area must be provided. Per the submitted 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 3 SLUP-15-19764 application and site survey, it appears the child care facility area would have enough space for an 180 square foot indoor play area. (b) One hundred (100) square feet of outdoor play area is allowed for each child. A total of six (6) children require 600 square feet of outdoor play area. It appears from the submitted survey and field observation, that the applicant will be able to meet the minimum requirement of 600 square feet. (c) A minimum 4-foot high fence is required around the outdoor play area. Per Planning Staff's field investigation and the submitted site plan, a fence exists in the front yard that will serve as the outdoor play area. (d) Four parking spaces are required and an adequate turnaround on the site. Based on Planning Staff's field investigation and the submitted site plan, the existing driveway on Battlecrest Drive can accommodate four (4) vehicles. There is no turnaround on the site. Patrons must use the existing linear driveway for entering and exiting the site. (e) No more than fifty (50) percent of the floor area of a residence may be used for child care. Per the submitted plans and conversation with the applicant, the garage will be converted into the child care facility. The garage does not utilize more than 50% of the floor area of the single-family residence. (f) Maintain exterior appearance of single-family residence. The applicant does not intend to change the exterior appearance of the residence or use graphic displays to advertise the in-home child care facility. (g) No child day care facility can be within 1,000 feet of another child day care facility. Staff notes that there are no known in-home DeKalb County or State approved child care facilities within 1,000 feet of the single-family residence. (h) The applicant must comply with permitting regulations for DeKalb County and the State Department of Human Resources. If the application is approved by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners, the applicant must comply with permitting regulations for DeKalb County and comply with State Department requirements for licensed child care operators. LAND USE AND ZONING ANALYSIS Section 27-873 of the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance, “Special land use permit; criteria to be applied” states that the following criteria shall be applied in evaluating and deciding any application for a Special Land Use Permit. No application for a Special Land Use Permit shall be granted unless satisfactory provisions and arrangements have been made concerning each of the following factors, all of which are applicable to each application. A. Adequacy of the size of the site for the use contemplated and whether or not adequate land area is available for the proposed use including provision of all required yards, open space, off-street parking, and all other applicable requirements of the zoning district in which the use is proposed to be located: The 4,223 square foot residence on .44 acres is adequate for operation of a child care facility for up to six children. B. Compatibility of the proposed use with adjacent properties and land uses and with other properties and land uses in the district: The proposed child care facility for not more than six children in the existing single family residence is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The exterior of the existing single-family residence is not proposed for alterations, therefore remaining compatible with surrounding single-family residences. C. Adequacy of public services, public facilities, and utilities to serve the contemplated use: Given that the site is within an established residential neighborhood, it appears that there are adequate public services, public facilities and utilities to serve the proposed child care facility in the existing residential structure. 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 4 SLUP-15-19764 D. Adequacy of the public street on which the use is proposed to be located and whether or not there is sufficient traffic carrying capacity for the proposed use, so as not to unduly increase traffic or create congestion in the area: Given that Battlecrest Drive is an existing local street, Planning Staff anticipates little or no impact on public streets or traffic in the area for the limited enrollment of six children. E. Whether or not existing land uses located along access routes to the site would be adversely affected by the character of the vehicles or the volume of traffic to be generated by the proposed use: Traffic or character of vehicles generated by the proposed use will not adversely impact existing land uses along access routes to the sites. F. Ingress and egress to the subject property and to all proposed buildings, structures, and uses thereon, with particular reference to pedestrian and automotive safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in the event of fire or other emergency: The existing residential structure on the site is accessed by vehicles via existing curb cut with a long driveway on Battlecrest Drive. Pedestrian access to the home can be safely provided by the walkway that leads from the driveway to the front door or you can access the home through the garage. Emergency vehicles can access the site from the existing driveway. G. Whether or not the proposed use would create adverse impacts upon any adjoining land use by reason of noise, smoke, odor, dust, or vibration that would be generated by the proposed use: The child care facility should not create adverse impacts upon any adjoining land use by reason of noise, smoke, odor, dust or vibration. H. Whether or not the proposed use would create adverse impacts upon any adjoining land use by reason of the hours of operation of the proposed use: Per the information submitted with the application, the hours of operation are Monday - Friday (7:00a.m.7:p.m). Except for periods of outdoor play, all activities will occur inside the building. The operating hours should not create adverse impacts upon any adjoining land uses. I. Whether or not the proposed plan is otherwise consistent with the requirements of the zoning district classification in which the use is proposed to be located: The proposed child care facility within the existing residential structure is consistent with the requirements of the R-75 (Single-Family Residential) District except for minor encroachments into front and side yard setbacks. In-home child care facilities are allowed in the R-75 District with an approved Special Land Use Permit. J. Whether or not the proposed use is consistent with the policies of the comprehensive plan: Located within a Suburban Character area designated by the 2005-2025 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map, the proposed use is consistent with the following plan strategies: Create neighborhood focal points by locating schools, community centers, or well-designed small commercial centers at suitable locations within walking distance of residences (SCAS18); and Focus educational programs to meet the needs of all students (PS8); Encourage the development of social programs that will serve all ages (PS11). K. Whether or not the proposed plan provides for all buffers and transitional buffer zones where required by the regulations of the district in which the use is proposed to be located: Transitional buffer zones are not required for an in-home child day care facility. L. Whether or not there is adequate provision of refuse and service areas: Adequate refuse areas will be provided. 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 5 SLUP-15-19764 M. Whether the length of time for which the special land use permit is granted should be limited in duration: There does not appear to be any compelling reasons for limiting the duration of the requested Special Land Use Permit. The proposed in-home child day care facility is an on-going business and should not be limited in duration. N. Whether or not the size, scale, and massing of proposed buildings are appropriate in relation to the size of the subject property and in relation to the size, scale, and massing of adjacent and nearby lots and buildings: The child day care facility in the existing two-story residential structure is consistent in size, scale, and massing with adjacent and surrounding single-family residences in the area. O. Whether the proposed plan would adversely affect historic building sites, districts, or archaeological resources: It does not appear that the proposed in-home child day care facility will adversely affect historic building sites, districts, or archaeological resources. P. Whether the proposed use satisfies the requirements contained within the supplemental regulations for such special land use permit: Per site observation, the site does not comply with Sec. 27-741(d) which requires adequate turnaround on the site. Patrons will have to back out of the existing driveway when exiting the site. Q. Whether or not the proposed building as a result of its proposed height, would create a negative shadow impact on any adjoining lot or building: Adjacent and surrounding residential properties are two-stories which is the same as the existing residence on the site. There will be no negative shadow impact on any adjoining lot. R. Whether the proposed use would result in a disproportional proliferation of that or similar uses in the subject character area: Based on field investigation of project site, it does not appear that the use would result in a disproportionate proliferation of in-home child care facilities in the immediate surrounding area. S. Whether the proposed use would be consistent with the needs of the neighborhood or of the community as a whole, be compatible with the neighborhood, and would not be in conflict with the overall objectives of the comprehensive plan: The proposed in-home child day care facility within the existing residential structure is compatible with existing single-family residences in the area. The proposed use does not conflict with the overall objective of the comprehensive plan to provide economic growth, educational and employment opportunities in unincorporated DeKalb County. Attachments: 1. In-Home Child Day Care Application Process 2. Department Comments 3. Application 4. Community Meeting Attendance 5. Letter of Intent 6. Impact Analysis 7. Site Plan, Interior Floor Plan, Exterior Play Area 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 6 SLUP-15-19764 8. Zoning Map, Land Use Plan Map 9. Site Photographs 10. Pictometry 04/29/15 Prepared By: KFHILL Page 7 SLUP-15-19764 In-Home Child Day Care Facilities A Summary of the Process ___________________________________________________________________________ Step 1: Obtain SLUP and Bright From the Start approval. Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) o Application form is available at o Process is initiated by a pre-application conference with a staff person of the Planning Division (call (404) 371-2155). o Length of process: 4 months, starting with pre-application conference and ending with approval by Board of Commissioners. o Meetings: pre-application meeting, pre-community meeting, Community Council, Planning Commission, Board of Commissioners. o Costs: $400 application fee; Preparation of a site plan that shows fencing for the required outdoor play area and parking; Preparation of a floor plan of each story of the house by an architect or structural engineer, prepared according to commercial plan submittal requirements in “Commercial Alterations – Repairs” application form available at Available at Notification by mail of surrounding property owners for pre-community meeting; and Photocopying of 4 collated sets of complete application. Obtain certification from the State of Georgia Bright From The Start program. For more information, go to or call (404) 657-5562. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2: Apply for Certificate of Occupancy Use “Commercial Alterations – Repairs” application form. Available at Board of Health approval is required for use of septic tank. (Call (404) 508-7900). Cost of Certificate of Occupancy: o If size of home is 2,500 square feet or less - $550.00 (includes Fire Inspection) o If size of home is more than 2,500 square feet - $650.00 (includes Fire Inspection) Note: Floor plans prepared for the SLUP application may be used for the certificate of occupancy application if floor plans are prepared according to commercial plan submittal requirements. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: Apply for business license. Application forms are available at . Obtain a sanitation account number from the Sanitation Division ((404) 294-2900). Show your Bright From The Start certification to the intake staff. Fee: $75.00 + $4.00 per employee + .0003 x gross annual receipts. Fees are calculated by Business License Division intake staff. September, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT DISTRIBUTION FORM The following areas below may warrant comments from the Development Division. Please respond accordingly as the issues relate to the proposed request and the site plan enclosed as it relates to Chapter 14. You may address applicable disciplines. SLUP-15-19764 DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: • Transportation/Access/Row _ Any future improvements shall comply with DeKalb County’ Transportation Dept. requirements. Storm Water Management Any future improvements shall require compliance with DeKalb County Code of Ordinances 14-40 for Storm Water Management and 14-42 for Storm Water Quality Control. A detailed study is required prior to land disturbance permit and development. • Flood Hazard Area/Wetlands Subject property is within FEMA 100 year and 500 year Flood Hazard areas and Floodway according to the county GIS mapping records as of 4/17/15. The presence of wetlands is not indicated on the plan and must be field verified. • Landscaping/Tree Preservation Landscaping and tree preservation plans for new development shall be in compliance with DeKalb County Code of Ordinances 14-39 and are subject to approval by the County Arborist. Tributary Buffer County records does identify presence of state waters within the properties. All state waters have a 75’ buffer. Site improvements or land disturbance activities within buffer shall comply with DeKalb County Code of Ordinance Section 14-44.1 and 14-44.2. Fire Safety Plans for land development permit must comply with Chapter 12 DeKalb County Code for fire protection and prevention. N.6 SLUP-15-19764 Proposed In-Home Child Day Care Facility N.6 SLUP-15-19764 Proposed In-Home Child Day Care Facility Site Battlecrest Drive DeKalb County Department of Planning & Sustainability 330 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Suite 500 Decatur, GA 30030 (404) 371-2155 / [email protected] Lee May Interim Chief Executive Officer Planning Commission Hearing Date: May 5, 2015, 6:30 P.M. Board of Commissioners Hearing Date: May 26, 2015, 6:30 P.M. STAFF ANALYSIS Case No.: Z-15-19767 Agenda #: N. 8 Location/ Address: 1713 Pine Trail and 1030 Fayetteville Road, Atlanta. Commission District: 3 Super District: 6 Parcel ID: 15-148-02-033 & -034, 15-147-05-013 Request: To rezone property from R-75 (Single-Family Residential) to O-I (Office-Institutional) for a three-story, 20,000 square foot office building. Property Owner: Chris Kids, Inc. Applicant/Agent: Chris Kids, Inc. Acreage: 2.15 acres Existing Land Use: A single-family detached house. Surrounding Properties: To the north, northeast, east, southeast, and south: single-family residential; to the southwest and west, institutional (the Chris Kids residential complex) and commercial. Adjacent Zoning: North: R-75 South: R-75 East: R-75 West: O-I Northeast: R-75 Northwest: O-I Southeast: R-75 Southwest: O-I Comprehensive Plan: Suburban X Consistent Inconsistent Proposed Square Ft.: 20,000 s.f. Existing Square Feet: (Estimate) 2,000 Proposed Lot Coverage: 49.19 % Existing Lot Coverage: 4.67 Staff Recommendation: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS. The proposed development is to allow a social service agency to expand into new office and training space. The proposed location for the new facility would complement the land uses at an existing commercial node at the intersection of Fayetteville Road and Flat Shoals Avenue and is consistent with the O-I zoning on the adjoining property, which was approved in 2013. The proposal is consistent with County policies to promote the concentration of non-residential land uses and thereby prevent or minimize sprawl. The new 5/26/15 BOC Prepared By: MLF Page 1 Z-15-19768/N. 8 administration building is not expected to cause an excessive or burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools. If constructed in accordance with the recommended conditions, it is not expected to adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property. The proposal is consistent with the following strategy of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan: “Identify opportunities to enhance and expand supportive services for all age cohorts.” (PS7) CHRIS Kids provides needed programs for residents of the county with mental health issues and their families, and the new building would enable the programs to expand. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends that the proposal be “Approved with Conditions”. The recommended conditions are: 1. The stormwater detention facilities next to Pine Trail shall be screened from view behind a planting strip at least five feet wide. 2. The Fayetteville Road frontage of the site shall be streetscaped with a landscape strip at least 10 feet wide next to the street pavement and a sidewalk at least six feet wide between the landscape strip and the building site. The landscape strip shall be planted with trees at least 40 feet on center, subject to approval by the County Arborist. 3. The Pine Trail frontage of the site shall be streetscaped with a landscape strip at least 6 feet wide next to the street pavement and a sidewalk at least 10 feet wide between the landscape strip and the building site. The landscape strip shall be planted with trees at least 50 feet on center, subject to approval by the County Arborist. 4. Ground signage shall be designed as a monument, at a height of no more than 8 feet, a maximum sign area of 32 square feet, with a base of brick, stone, stucco, or a combination of these material, and with external lighting only. 5. At least 50% of the building walls oriented towards Fayetteville Road and Pine Trail shall be finished with brick, stone, stucco, or a combination of these materials. 6. Refuse areas shall be enclosed and screened from view from the street and from public entrances. 7. Subject to approval by the County Arbortist, trees shall be planted in the parking lot bump-outs, with a minimum trunk diameter of two inch caliper as measured at a height of six inches above ground level, a minimum of ten feet in height at planting, a minimum mature height of 30 feet. Trees shall be droughttolerant. A minimum of 75 percent of the trees planted pursuant to this condition shall be deciduous hardwood shade trees. 8. Access shall be limited to not more than one curb cut on Fayetteville Road, which shall be aligned with Graham Circle. No access shall be provided on Pine Trail. ZONING HISTORY: A 1.026-acre portion of the property was rezoned in 2014 from R-75 to O-I for development of a new administration building. The applicant recently purchased two R-75 parcels that adjoin each other and the O-I lot, and requests the rezoning under consideration in this staff report so that a larger administration building can be constructed on a tract that would result from combination of all three parcels. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is comprised of three parcels: one with frontage on Fayetteville Road that is already zoned O-I, which measures 1.026 acres and two adjoining parcels with frontage on Pine Trail that are currently zoned R-75 and measure .414 and .764 acres, for a total of 1.178 acres. Each of the two smaller parcels are developed with a one5/26/15 BOC Prepared By: MLF Page 2 Z-15-19768/N.8 story single-family house, while the larger parcel is wooded. A small portion of the larger parcel extends into the City of Atlanta. The topography slopes towards Pine Trail. Trees are growing throughout the site. Character of Surrounding Area: The surrounding area includes commercial land uses at the intersection of Fayetteville Road and Flat Shoals Road, approximately 500 feet to the southwest of the subject property, and singlefamily residential land uses, zoned R-75, to the east and southeast on Pine Trail. In addition, a cleared and undeveloped tract, zoned O-I (Office-Institutional), is located to the northwest of the subject property and is used for a radio tower. Commercial land uses at the Fayetteville – Flat Shoals intersection include the following: the Kinder World child day care center, a Shell gas station, a small shopping center, a Chevron gas station, and a Citgo gas station. Similar commercial land uses continue along Flat Shoals Road to the northwest of the intersection. The existing Chris Kids administrative building and dormitories are located across Fayetteville Road, just to the northwest of the subject property. PROJECT ANALYSIS The applicant proposes a three-story, 20,000 square foot administrative office building with accessory space for staff training. CHRIS Kids is a not-for-profit social services agency that assists children with mental health or other conditions that require therapy and a stable living environment. It operates group homes, a counseling center, the CHRIS Kids Trauma-Informed Foster Care Adoption Home, a “no-eject” youth summer camp for severely emotionally disturbed children, the CHRIS training program for service providers, and other similar programs. The application states that CHRIS Kids plans “to move its administration, executive offices and meeting facilities to the 1030 Fayetteville Road property, after a future capital campaign has been completed and the funds have been raised to complete the new building.” The administrative offices and meeting facilities are currently located across the street. The applicant has stated that the new building would be LEED-certified, consistent with the existing facility across Fayetteville Road, which has solar rooftop panels and other LEED-certified features. Parking would be located in front and to the rear of the building. The natural topography of the site, which slopes downward towards the rear property line, allows for a three-story building with two stories above grade and a “daylight basement” as the lower level. Staff has recommended conditions to make the proposed building more compatible with the residence on the opposite side of Pine Trail and to ensure that the design of the building and sign is consistent with the standards of the draft Zoning Code Update. Zoning Compliance REQUIREMENT PROPOSED COMPLIANCE LOT WIDTH LOT AREA FRONT Min. 100 ft. Min. 20,000 sq. ft. Min. 50 ft. 274 ft. on Pine Trail 2.15 acres CORNER LOT - SIDE Min. 50 ft. 115 ft. Yes Yes A variance will be needed to allow parking in the front yard setback. Yes INTERIOR LOT - SIDE Min. 20 ft. REAR Min. 30 ft. Not applicable – 50’ buffer applies. Not applicable – 50’ buffer applies. YARD SETBACKS O-I STANDARD 5/26/15 BOC Prepared By: MLF Page 3 N.A. N.A. Z-15-19768/N.8 O-I STANDARD REQUIREMENT PROPOSED COMPLIANCE TRANS. BUFFERS Min. 50 feet undisturbed area and min. 6 ft. high fence. 20 ft. along south property line and 50 ft. along east property line. A variance will be needed to reduce the buffer along the south property line. HEIGHT Max. 5 stories and 70 feet. Yes. PARKING Min. 1 space/250 sq. ft. = 80 spaces Max. 80% 3 stories including a “daylight” level, and a maximum of 70 ft. 80 Yes 49.5% Yes. LOT COVERAGE Access and Transportation: Fayetteville Road is a two-lane minor thoroughfare. Pine Trail is a two-lane, dead-end, local street. LAND USE AND ZONING ANALYSIS Section 27-832 of the Zoning Ordinance, “Standards and factors governing review of proposed amendments to the official zoning map” states that the following standards and factors shall govern the review of all proposed amendments to the zoning maps. A. Whether the zoning proposal is in conformity with the policy and intent of the comprehensive plan: The proposal is consistent with the following strategy of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan “Identify opportunities to enhance and expand supportive services for all age cohorts. (PS7) B. Whether the zoning proposal will permit a use that is suitable in view of the use and development of adjacent and nearby properties: The zoning proposal will make use of the natural topography to create a below-grade sub-level, thereby reducing the visual impact of its height as seen from Fayetteville Road. Staff has recommended that substantial screening be installed along the Pine Trail frontage so that the building and the detention ponds will be less visible to the single-family residence on the opposite side of Pine Trail. In addition, all except a small portion of the transitional buffer will remain with existing natural vegetation. (The edge of the parking lot at the rear of the building encroaches into the transitional buffer.) The proposed use would complement the non-residential land uses at the intersection of Fayetteville Road and Flat Shoals Avenue, and the office use provides a transition between the level of activity at the intersection and that of the residential properties on Pine Trail. C. Whether the property to be affected by the zoning proposal has a reasonable economic use as currently zoned: The homes on the two parcels on Pine Trail are vacant and dilapidated. The front yard of 1723 Pine Trail, is overgrown to the extent that the house is not visible from the street. The properties do not appear to have a reasonable economic use under R-75 zoning. D. Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property: The zoning proposal is not expected to adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property because of the natural screening that will remain on the site during and after construction and because the use itself is not expected to generate noise or activity at levels that would be noticeable to adjoining properties. E. Whether there are other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property, which give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of the zoning proposal. The current CHRIS Kids facility and the undeveloped property across the street from the subject property is zoned O-I, and the 5/26/15 BOC Prepared By: MLF Page 4 Z-15-19768/N.8 requested O-I zoning would be consistent with this designation. O-I zoning is a suitable transition between the commercial node at the intersection of Fayetteville Road and Flat Shoals Avenue and the R-75 properties on Pine Trail. Location of the new facility across the street from the existing facility would create a convenient exchange between staff of the adoption home and youth summer camp and the administrative staff. F. Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect historic buildings, sites, districts, or archaeological resources: No historic buildings, sites, districts, or archaeological resources are located on the property or in the surrounding area. G. Whether the zoning proposal will result in a use which will or could cause an excessive or burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools: The zoning proposal will not result in a use which will or could cause an excessive or burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools. As a minor thoroughfare, Fayetteville Road has adequate capacity to absorb traffic that will be generated by the new facility. Location of the point of access on Fayetteville Road will prevent traffic to disturb the residents on Pine Trail Road. As a non-residential use, the new facility will have no impact on the school system. Attachments: 1. Department and Division Comments 2. Board of Health Comments 3. Application 4. Site Plan 5. Zoning Map 6. Aerial Photograph 7. Photographs 5/26/15 BOC Prepared By: MLF Page 5 Z-15-19768/N.8 N Site Plan Z-15-19768 Z-1519768 CZ-1318507 N Zoning Map Z-15-19768 I-20 Z-1519768 CZ-1318507 N Land Use Map Z-15-19768 I-20 Existing Chris Kids Facility Subject Property N Aerial Photo of Subject Property and Surrounding Area SLUP-15-19775 View from corner of Fayetteville Road and Pine Trail View of home on opposite side of Pine Trail Z-15-19768 REV. 3/28 DEKALB COUNTY N12 ITEM NO. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUSINESS AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE Public Hearing ACTION TYPE Resolution MEETING DATE: May 26th, 2015 SUBJECT: Resolution to change name of a local street in DeKalb County, Georgia from Lithonia Way to Acuity Way SN-15-19803 Commission Districts: 5 and 7 DEPARTMENT: ATTACHMENT: PAGES: Planning and Sustainability YES No 2 PUBLIC HEARING: YES NO INFORMATION CONTACT: Commissioner Stan Watson, Super District 7 PHONE NUMBER: 404-371-7031 Full document on CD PURPOSE: To consider approving a resolution that changes the name of a local street in DeKalb County, Georgia from Lithonia Way to Acuity Way, authorized by the DeKalb County Interim CEO and the Board of Commissioners NEED/IMPACT: The company Acuity Brands Lighting, Incorporated, is undergoing a $10,000 renovation of its One Lithonia Way facility in Decatur, Georgia. As part of the economic development effort the company renovation will upgrade the building into a state-of-the art facility that will create 250 new jobs. The company Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc., is requesting to rename Lithonia Way, located between Snapfinger Woods Drive and Panola Industrial Boulevard to Acuity Way. This request will assist in creating a strong sense of company pride for the employees and visitors of the Decatur facility. The applicant will bear all costs necessary for street marker changes as determined by the county, per Section 23-1 of the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances. RECOMMENDATION(S): To approve a resolution that changes the name of a local street in DeKalb County, Georgia from Lithonia Way to Acuity Way, authorized by the DeKalb County Interim CEO and Board of Commissioners. April 29, 2015 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA TO APPROVE THE NAME CHANGE REQUEST OF LITHONIA WAY TO ACUITY WAY PER SECTION 23-1 OF THE DEKALB COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, in March 2015, Acuity Brands Lighting, Incorporated, submitted an application with DeKalb County’s Planning and Sustainability Department requesting a name change of Lithonia Way to Acuity Way, in Decatur, Georgia, and WHEREAS, Lithonia Way is located between Snapfinger Woods Drive and Panola Industrial Boulevard, and WHEREAS, the parcels affected by this renaming process are in seven (7) adjoining tracts or parcels as follows; 16 009 01 017, 16 009 01 001, 16 009 07 090, 16 024 06 001, 16 024 01 012, 16 024 01 014, and 16 024 01 010, and WHEREAS, a written petition bearing the signatures of a minimum of 51% of the linear street frontage of property owners fronting on said street has been submitted, and WHEREAS, DeKalb County recognizes that through verification through the DeKalb County’s GIS Department that there are no other local streets will be named or show duplication of the street to be named Acuity Way, and WHEREAS, the renaming of Lithonia Way to Acuity Way will create a strong sense of company and community as well as make notable the economic development efforts in creating 250 new jobs. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners: April 29, 2015 (1) hereby approves Acuity Brands Lighting, Incorporated request to rename Lithonia Way to Acuity Way; and (2) the applicants will bear all costs necessary for street marker changes as determined by the county, per Section 23-1 of the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances; and (3) approval of this request shall require an update to the DeKalb County Thoroughfare Map through the GIS department. APPROVED by the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners, this ___ day of ________, 2015. LARRY L. JOHNSON, MPH Presiding Officer Board of Commissioners DeKalb County, Georgia APPROVED by the Chief Executive Officer of DeKalb County, this ___ day of _______, 2015. LEE MAY Interim Chief Executive Officer DeKalb County, Georgia ATTEST: BARBARA SANDERS, CCC Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and Chief Executive Officer DeKalb County, Georgia APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO SUBSTANCE: OVERTIS (O.V.) BRANTLEY County Attorney ANDREW BAKER, AICP Director of Planning and Sustainability
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