Round d table - Urban L Living Lab bs for Vib brant Cit ties

 May 6th
h 2015 14:0
00‐16:00 Grand Hall Virginie LLovelinggebo
ouw ‐ VAC G ent Koningin
n Maria Hend
drikaplein 70
0, Ghent in coopeeration with Ghent Univeersity, AMRP
P Center for Mobility andd Spatial Plan
nning Round
d table ‐ Urban LLiving Lab
bs for Vib
brant Citties Urban LLiving Labs create numerous challeenges and issues i
to be
e tackled byy both scho
olars and practitio
oners. The ro
ound table constitutes c
aan occasion to add to bo
oth the theooretical and practical knowled
dge on Livingg Labs in orde
er to advanc e the learnin
ng in this field. The disccussion will include insights on: Livinng Labs for social innovation; framew
works and paradigms for Livin
ng Labs; urb
ban Living Labs L
and theeir contribution to devveloping Smaart Cities; tools and methodo
ologies for Living Labs; LLiving Labs ass open innovvation netwo
orks and ecoosystems; user‐driven innovation in Livingg Labs/Botto
om‐up Livingg Labs; bestt practices and failed LLiving Labs cases or neurship and
d Living Labs.. initiativees; entrepren
mme (prelimiinary) Moderato
or: Enrica Pap
pa, Ghent Univversity, AMRPP Center for M
Mobility and Sp
patial Planningg, Ghent, Belg
gium ansitions, 14:00 –– 14:20 Keyynote Speecch: prof. Ja n Rotmans,, Dutch Ressearch Instittute for Tra
Maastriccht, The Neth
herlands 14:20 – 115:00 Short presentation from Inviteed speakers (5‐10 minuttes each): prof. Luu
uk Boelens, Ghent Unive
ersity, AMRP Center for M
Mobility and Spatial Plan ning, Ghent,, Belgium Annettee Kuhk, KU Leeuven, Department of Arrchitecture, LLeuven, Belg
gium Ghent Unive
ersity, AMRP Center for M
Mobility and Spatial Plannning, Ghent, Belgium prof. Dirrk Lauwers, G
prof. Beniamino Mu
urgante, Univversità della Basilicata, School of Eng
gineering, Pootenza, Italy prof. Joeerg Knieling, HCU Univerrsity of Hambburg, Germany 15:00 – 116:00 Questtions and Answers sessioon Break 16:00 166:30 Coffee B