Growing Trees

How to grow trees in
your garden...
Step 4
•Keep your trees happy and
healthy by using organic based
fertilisers. These products do
more than feed the plants they also feed the soil and
encourage earthworm and soil
microbial activity.
•Feed fruit trees annually after
flowering finishes in Spring
using a complete fertiliser,
then monthly using either
seaweed based tonic or a
flower and fruit fertiliser.
•Add a handful of fertiliser per square
metre once a season, then cover
with mulch.
•Use a Lime Sulphur spray to protect
your tree against pests and disease.
Step 5
•Prune early with clean sharp secateurs.
•All branches except the central leader should be cut
back about 2/3rds. This will give the tree an attractive
shape and let air into the centre of the plant.
How to grow trees
in your garden...
1.Dig a hole 2-3 times the size of the root ball and
mix in plenty of compost with your existing soil.
2. Never put fertiliser down the hole! It will burn
the roots and kill your tree. Seasol planting gel
is the exception.
3. Remove the plastic and sawdust and trim any
broken roots. Gently place tree roots in prepared
hole and backfill with soil and compost mix.
If grafted, keep the graft above the soil surface.
4. Create a well around your tree (or use a greenwell)
5. Water in very well with a Seasol solution.
6. Continue deep soakings 2-3 times per week
throughout first and second season until tree
has established.
Water until area is saturated.
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îs.27164_JUNE 2013
Trees can provide the perfect
framework for your garden. There
are so many varieties to choose from,
such as shade trees, ornamentals
and fruit trees, which can reward you
with Spring blossoms, Summer fruit
and Autumn colour displays.
Step 1
Bare Rooted
Purchasing bare rooted
deciduous trees and
shrubs is the most
economical way to
establish your garden.
Popular varieties include
Cherries, Apricots, Plums
and selected Autumn
foliage trees.
•Look for plants with
strong main roots.
•Choose the plant with
the shape you want
as the shape won’t
change much from
now until maturity.
•If selecting a weeping
specimen such as
Cherries or Elms the
branches should be
spread like spokes on
a wheel.
Dwarf Trees
There is no need to avoid
trees just because your
backyard is small. Many
compact trees with
non-invasive roots and
well-behaved limbs fit into
today’s smaller gardens,
even into courtyards.
Japanese Maples, Silver
Birches and Magnolia Little
Gem are some varieties that
grown well in small areas.
Fruit trees also grow well
on patios and in courtyards.
Dwarf fruit trees still
produce full sized fruit and
often have good yields.
Try a Meyer Lemon or
Golden Delicious Apple.
•When planting dwarf trees
in pots, use a good quality
potting mix such as Plants
Plus Terracotta and Tub.
•Water regularly and feed
with an organic fertiliser
such as Plants Plus
All Purpose Fertiliser.
Step 2
•Give deciduous trees and shrubs the best start by planting
them in Winter.
•During the cooler months deciduous trees slow their
growth and become dormant. During these months it is
the best time to plant new trees and shrubs before new
growth occurs.
•Keep the roots moist until planting.
•Before planting consider how big the tree or shrub will
be at maturity, think about where you want it planted for
shade or the view from your window.
•Ensure the graft is kept well above soil level (at least 10cm).
•When planting your tree, loosen the topsoil, add some
gypsum, then cover the roots with organic matter.
•Make sure the hole is broader than the extended roots.
•Back fill the hole with organic compost.
•Water in well to remove air pockets, then gently trample
down soil.
•If your tree doesn’t display good growth in Spring it may
be planted in a damp or too shady position. Consider
moving it to a sheltered full sun position in Winter when
growth is dormant.
Step 3
Fertilise bare rooted trees in Spring
after rain with a well-balanced
organic fertiliser such as
Plants Plus All Purpose Fertiliser.
Trees love to be
drip fed as it delivers
slow trickle of water that
seeps down into the soil to
the roots. Ask your local Plants
Plus Garden Centre about an
irrigation system today.