P04 27 March 2015, PLATINUM BUSHVELDER, Tel: 081 309 3876 / 081 542 6796, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected] Obscure view may have lead to accident Thabazimbi - A vehicle crashed into a motorcycle just after 13:00 on Tuesday 24 March, in what seemed to be an accident caused E\RYHUJURZQVKUXEVFUHDWLQJDEOLQGVSRWWRRQFRPLQJWUDI¿F “I heard a loud bang and ran outside,” an eyewitness told PlatiQXP%XVKYHOGHU7KHDFFLGHQWWRRNSODFHDWWKHFRUQHURI(OHYHQWK$YHQXHDQG)ULNNLH0H\HU6WUHHWWKHURDGPRVWKLJKVFKRRO OHDUQHUVXVHDIWHUVFKRRO7KHGULYHURIWKH+RQGDFFD)ULNNLH0H\HU+LJK6FKRROOHDUQHUZDVRQKLVZD\KRPHZKHQWKH GULYHURID9RONZDJHQFUDVKHGLQWRWKHOHIWVLGHRIKLVPRWRUF\FOH “I didn’t see him,” the driver, a preschool educator from Thaba]LPEL WROG WKH SROLFH$W WKDW FRUQHU DQ RYHUJURZQ VKUXE PD\ KDYHREVFXUHGKHUYLHZLQWR)ULNNLH0H\HU6WUHHW 0U %DUHQG 6FKOHEXVK 7KDED]LPEL 3RVW 2I¿FH¶V 3RVWPDVWHU WRRNLWXSRQKLPVHOIWRUHJXODWHWKHWUDI¿FXQWLOWUDI¿FRI¿FHUVDUULYHGDWWKHVFHQH7KHPRWRUF\FOHGULYHUZKRKDGWROLHRQWKH extremely hot tar, waited for almost half an hour for the ambuODQFH+HZDVWKHQWDNHQWRKRVSLWDOZKLOH&DSW%HQ&RHW]HHRI WKH6$36WRRNWKHPRWRUYHKLFOHGULYHU¶VVWDWHPHQW The caring heart of the Thabazimbi community showed clearly at WKHVFHQHZKHQRQHRIWKHE\VWDQGHUV0DULH+HUEHUWZHQWRYHU WRWKHWUDXPDWLVHGGULYHUWRJLYHKHUDKXJRIHQFRXUDJHPHQW ,W ZDV ODWHU UHSRUWHG WKDW WKH GULYHU RI WKH PRWRUELNH RQO\ VXVWDLQHGPLQRULQMXULHV7UDI¿FRI¿FHUVVDLGWKDWPDQ\DFFLGHQWVLQ 7KDED]LPELRFFXUGXHWRGULYHUVVNLSSLQJVWRSVLJQVDQGVSHHGLQJ³:HZLOOLQYHVWLJDWHWKLVDFFLGHQWWR¿QGWKHWUXWK´ The scene of the accident after the driver of a Volkwagen crashed into a Honda 125cc motorcycle. Current water situation in Thabazimbi Thabazimbi - In an urgent media release, Thabazimbi Local Municipality’s communication department emphasised that the water situation still remains critical hence they’ve begun to put measures in place to address WKHFKDOOHQJH 7KHFXUUHQWZDWHUVXSSO\IURP0DJDOLHV:DWHU%RDUGLVPHJDOLWUHVSHUGD\7KHLQLWLDO VXSSO\LVPHJDOLWUHVSHUGD\³:HDUHOHVV by 4,1 mega litres per day than the number VXSSOLHG7KHFXUUHQWVXSSO\LVDW´ 0DJDOLHV :DWHU %RDUG KDG D EUHDNGRZQ DW WKH9DDONRSZDWHUSXUL¿FDWLRQSODQWUHVXOWLQJ LQ(LODQGVIRQWHLQUHVHUYRLUJRLQJEHORZ 7KH0DJDOLHV:DWHU%RDUGZLOORQO\VXSSO\D full daily allocation once the reservoir levels DUHQRUPDO 7KHHPHUJHQF\VWHSVWDNHQE\WKHPXQLFLSDOity is as follows: Upgrading of the pump and motor at 7KDED 3DUN IURP .LORZDWWV .LORZDWWV :DWHUVXSSO\LQWHUYDOVDUHLQSODFHZDter is supplied to Regorogile 1, 3-6 from 22:00-03:00am and from 03:00am-22:00 all water is transferred to Thabazimbi town, Mmebane hostel, Ipelegeng and 5HJRURJLOHH[WHQVLRQ :DWHU UHVWULFWLRQV UHPDLQ LQ IRUFH XQWLO IXUWKHUQRWLFH Replacing two stolen transformers at group 7 boreholes before the end of 0DUFK 8SJUDGLQJ %RVYHOG SDUN ERUHKROH ZLWK LQVWDOODWLRQRIQHZSXPSDQGPRWRU &RQQHFWLQJ-XGLWKSDUNERUHKROHLQWRWKH ZDWHUQHWZRUN ³:HDSSHDOWRWKHUHVLGHQWVWRVWDUWXVLQJZDWHU VSDULQJO\ LPPHGLDWHO\$FWLYLWLHV VXFK DV watering gardens and car washing must be halted to lengthen the supply of water to all UHVLGHQWV,WLVXSWRXVDOOWRWDNHUHVSRQVLELOity to conserve water and we therefore urge all community members to immediately report ZDWHUOHDNDJHVVRWKDWZHFDQSUHYHQWIXUWKHU ORVVRIZDWHULIDQ\´ The implementation of these water-saving measures by residents coupled with interventions from the municipality would assist in ensuring that the community will have water PRVWRIWKHWLPH7KHRI¿FLDOVDUHDYDLODEOHWR assist residents with queries related to water VKRUWDJH7KHPXQLFLSDOLW\ZLOOFRQWLQXHPRQLtoring water restrictions to curb water shortDJH:DWHUUHODWHGHQTXLULHV%LOO\7OKDEDGLUD /DQGOLQH[&HOO RU:LOOLDPDW
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