The Parish Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury Brentwood WEEKLY BULLETIN THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT - 8th March 2015 We welcome, in the name of Jesus Christ, any newcomers to our church today. Please make yourself known to one of the priests or the people who gave you the service books. Younger children may be taken into the crèche in the Church Centre for a time-out as necessary (through the doors on the right near the organ). After the 10.00am Mass please come through to the Church Centre for tea or coffee and to meet other members of the congregation. At holy communion, if you do not normally receive the blessed sacrament you are invited to come to the altar for a blessing, carrying the purple booklet as a sign; and we do ask everyone to try and keep a time of quiet prayerfulness during this part of the service. 8.00am MASS Readings as at 10.00am 10.00am SUNG MASS Introductory Rite (purple book page 4) Entrance Hymn: Lift high the cross (separate leaflet) Kyrie: Penitential Rite (Brentwood Mass) - David Rooke Collect: Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 6.00pm CHORAL EVENSONG Responses: Richard Ayleward Psalms 11 12 Office Hymn: 63 Readings: Genesis 24: 1-9 Philippians 3: 4b-14 Canticles: T Tertius Noble in B minor Anthem: Give us the wings of faith - Ernest Bullock Hymns: 385 359 (tune 322) Organ: Rockingham - Elizabeth Hill 6DP$GDPV He was speaking of the temple of his body. After he was raised from the dead, the disciples remembered that he had said this: and they believed the scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. John 2: verses 21 and 22 6(59,&(67+,6:((. Liturgy of the Word (page 6) First Reading: Exodus 20: 1-17 5LFKDUG+HDO\ Responsorial Psalm 19 - Bernadette Farrell Please join in the response: Your words are spirit and life O Lord, richer than gold, stronger than death. Your words are spirit and life, O Lord, life everlasting. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1: 18-25-RKQ*RZOHWW Acclamation: Praise to you O Christ - David Rooke Gospel Reading: John 2: 13-22 Intercessions: %HFNHW.H\V6FKRRO Liturgy of the Sacrament (page 9) Hymn: Lord thy word abideth (separate leaflet) Sanctus & Benedictus: Paul Inwood (repeat after choir) Agnus Dei: Brentwood Mass - David Rooke Communion Motet: If ye love me - Thomas Tallis Hymn: How deep the Father’s love (separate leaflet) Concluding Rite (page 14) Final Hymn: And can it be (separate leaflet) Organ: Herzlich tut mich verlangen - Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 727) 6DUDK6WRQHKRXVH 0RQ 7XH 1R0DVV DP 0DVV :HG SP 0DVVIROORZHGE\3ORXJKPDQ¶V/XQFK 7KX DP 0DVV )UL DP 0DVV 6DW DP 0DVV 6XQ DP DP SP V®Ù Rã®ÙC½Ù¦ù C«çÙ«óÙÄÝ 7+()2857+681'$<2)/(17 0RWKHULQJ6XQGD\ 0DVV 6XQJ0DVV &KRUDO(YHQVRQJ Father Colin Hewitt Father Ossie Trellis 225700 215954 Tony Painter John Gowlett 261102 218084 C«çÙ«CÄãÙ Open: MondayͲFriday Saturday PٮݫO¥¥® 201094 9.00amto3.00pm 9.00amto12noon 201094 Open:Tuesday&Thursday9.00amto12noon alsoopenduringtheMinistryTeamSurgeryheldon Wednesdays7.00pmto8.00pmforenquiries, includingBapƟsmsandWeddings NOTICESANDINFORMATION ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WELCOME Ǧ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Lentǡ Ǧ Ǥ Ȃ Ǥ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ȱ BIRTHDAYS: Congratulations toȱ Anna Benns, whosebirthdayisTODAY,andtoHarrietBarnes,Faith Lynn, James Wells, Patricia Francis, Mark Fritz, Harry Beamyman, James Penfold, Charlotte Larter, Nicola Ower and Andrew Ward, who all have birthdays this comingweek. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ȱ BrianȱShearmur:ȱ we are very sorry to hear of the passing of our very dear friend, Brian. The arrangements for his funeral will be announced in due course. Our love and prayers are with Brian’s family and friends at this very sad time. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lent Charity ideas from Tina Lumer :DWHU$LG -DUVRI&KDQJH$SSHDO This good idea will be running throughout Lent for the congregation and visitors to the church centre. The idea behind it is: x To give up one daily/ weekly coffee/tea and replace it with a glass of water x Order a label at audience/community-groups/lent x Make a donation in the labelled jar (in the foyer) for the amount you would have spent on your beverage. At the end of Lent all the proceeds collected will be given to Wateraid and the Medhanealem Church, Ashalta, Ethiopia. This will help them build a manual pump so they are able to get fresh water, improving their health and living conditions. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The Children’s Society: ourȱ churchȱ membersȱ haveȱtraditionallyȱsupportedȱtheȱChildren’sȱSociety.ȱȱAtȱ Christmasȱ weȱ alsoȱ giveȱ theȱ proceedsȱ fromȱ theȱ Christinglesȱ toȱ thisȱ muchȱ respectedȱ charity.ȱ ȱ Wouldȱ youȱkindlyȱsignȱupȱtoȱhaveȱaȱChildrenȇsȱSocietyȱboxȱatȱ home?ȱ ȱ Weȱ haveȱ receivedȱ someȱ newȱ boxesȱ readyȱ forȱ distributionȱȬȱhandyȱboxesȱforȱyourȱlooseȱchangeȱandȱaȱ goodȱwayȱtoȱmakeȱanȱextraȱdonation.ȱȱPleaseȱaddȱyourȱ nameȱtoȱtheȱlistȱonȱtheȱFoyerȱNoticeboardȱandȱweȱwillȱ contactȱyou.ȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱManyȱthanks,ȱTinaȱȱ WEȱ NEEDȱ YOURȱ HELPȱ PLEASE!ȱ can you comealongonthemorningofSaturday14thMarch,to help make theposiesforthechildrentogivetotheir mums at the Mothering Sunday Mass on Sunday 15th March? Everyone will be welcome – no experience needed!Helpwillbegiven.Thankyou. EvelynAdams –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DeadlineforTheSpireisnextSundayǦ15th March! ȱȱIfȱ youȱhaveȱanyȱarticlesȱorȱmaterialȱyouȱ wishȱ toȱ include,ȱ pleaseȱ emailȱ itȱ toȱ [email protected]ȱ orȱ youȱ canȱ leaveȱ anȱ envelopeȱ pinnedȱ toȱ theȱ Messageȱ Boardȱ inȱ theȱ ChurchȱCentreȱmarkedȱforȱChris’ȱattention.ȱȱȱ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHURCH CLEANING: RXU FKXUFK LV FOHDQHG E\ NLQG YROXQWHHUV DQG \RXU KHOS ZLOO DOZD\V EH PRVW ZHOFRPH3OHDVHMRLQWKHURWDVLI\RXKDYHDVSDUHKRXU RU VR LQ WKH ZHHN 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ ZH KDYH IRXQG PRXVH GURSSLQJV DURXQG WKRVH DUHDV ZKHUH SDUHQWV DOORZWKHLUFKLOGUHQWRHDWLQFKXUFK:HZRXOGSUHIHU WKDWFKLOGUHQGLGQRWHDWDQGGULQNGXULQJWKHVHUYLFHV EXWLIWKH\UHDOO\QHHGIRRGRUOLTXLGVSOHDVHFOHDUXS DQ\ PHVV DQG FOHDQ WKRURXJKO\ &OHDQLQJ PDWHULDOV FDQEHIRXQGLQWKHFXSERDUGLQWKH)R\HU3OHDVHDVN RXUNLWFKHQYROXQWHHUVIRUWKHNH\ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ȱ What’sonthisweekintheChurch&Centre? Caféopeneachweekday9amto3pm(Sat9amto12noon) 0RQ 0RWKHUV¶3UD\HU0HHWLQJ DP 6FRXWV SP SongCycleUHKHDUVDO SP 7XH 0DVV %HDYHU6FRXWV &XEV :HG 7RGGOHUV6HUYLFHIROORZHGE\ SOD\LQWKHKDOO 0DVV 3ORXJKPDQ¶V/XQFK &KRLU3UDFWLFH 0LQLVWU\7HDP6XUJHU\ 7KX 0DVV± %HOOULQJLQJSUDFWLFH )UL 6DW 0DVV 0DVV DP SP SP DP SP SP SP SP DP SP DP DP ȱ Please let Father Colin or Christine Rooke have any items you would like included in next week’s Bulletin by the evening of Tuesday 10th March. Details can be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you.ȱ ________________________________________________________________________ Pleasetakethissheethomewithyouasareminderofwhatishappeninginourchurch ǣwww.stǦ
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