Progress Test Module 4

Progress Test Module 4
Part 1: Listening Beate: I (4)
(work) as a volunteer
on an aid programme. Have you (5)
(ever visit) Peru?
Anya: No, I (6)
(not). In fact I
(7) I
(never fly) anywhere.
I’m scared of planes you see! But I (8)
(travel) all around
Europe by train. Each year I buy an
inter-rail card. So far I (9) (visit) eighteen
different countries.
Beate: That sounds fun. (10) I
(only be) to Scotland on a school trip.
1 Listen to the story about five tourists’
frightening adventure and answer the
questions with short notes or sentences.
Example: How many divers were there? five
1 How long did their adventure last?
2 What distance did the current take them?
3 What did they see?
4 How did they feel when they got to the island?
5 How big can a Komodo dragon be?
6 It can kill an animal _______ its size.
7 What did the divers do to keep away the
8 What does Frank Winkler do?
9 How did he know where to look for the divers?
10 Who saw the people on the island?
2 Complete the sentences by changing the verb
into the simple past or the present perfect.
Example: I did not (not see) him last night.
1 Dennis is a real Globetrotter, he
(live) in Thailand, Argentina and Sri Lanka.
2 She is very adventurous, she
snails on her trip to France.
(you be) here before? It’s my
first time.
4 I
(never/fly) across the Atlantic,
but I’d like to one day.
5 We’ll need to go back home, I
(forget) the plane tickets.
3 Complete the conversation by putting the
verbs into the simple past or the present
Example: Hi Beate, you’ve got a lovely tan, where
have you been (You / be)?
Beate: ( 1) Yesterday I
back from Peru. (2) I
there for three months.
Anya: Peru! Wow! So what (3)
(you do) while you were there?
4 Make complete words by taking a beginning
and finding an ending. Write the words in a list.
Example: sce-nery
sce- 1 sou 2 tour
3 sta 4 mus
5 hist 6 gall
7 birth 8 sight
9 fes 10 guide-nery; -tival; -ery; -book; -seeing; -ism;
-venir; -oric; -tue; -eum; -place
Part 4: Communication
5 Miranda and Gabby are discussing a trip to
Part 2: Grammar
Part 3: Vocabulary
Poznan from Krakow. Create questions from
the prompts.
Example: Ask for a cheap and fast way of travelling
from Kraków to Poznan´.
What do you think is the best way of getting to
Poznan´ from Kraków?
1 Suggest taking an air-conditioned coach.
2 Ask the time needed for the journey from
Kraków to Poznan´ by coach.
3 Ask the distance between Kraków and Poznan´.
4 Ask for a suggestion about where to stay?
5 Make a suggestion about where to stay.
youth hostel.
Part 5: Reading
6 Look at the tips for travellers. Read the text
and answer the questions by answering J for
Japan; A for Arab countries; T for Thailand or
C for China.
Where ... ?
Example: should you avoid pointing
at someone with the foot
© Heinle, Cengage Learning PHOTOCOPIABLE
1 don’t you wash in the bath
2 don’t you show the soles of your feet
3 should you never say anything
against the king or queen
4 should you avoid giving something
in ‘fours’
5 do you cover your face if you’re ill
6 shouldn’t you expect to meet the
female members of the family
7 should you be careful not to seem greedy
8 do you have to eat with a particular hand
9 should you never touch someone on the head
10 should you avoid sitting on tables
In Japan people bow or shake hands. They never kiss.
When you go into someone’s flat make sure that you
take off your shoes. There are special slippers by the
door for guests. When you take a bath you wash
yourself outside the bath – the bath is simply there
for relaxing. Never blow your nose in public, even if
you have a cold. When people have colds they cover
their noses and mouths with masks. In the home, never
sit on tables. It is common to drink food, particularly
© Heinle, Cengage Learning PHOTOCOPIABLE
soup noisily!
Arab countries
Make sure that you dress modestly. Away from tourist
­areas never wear shorts, women should keep their arms
and heads covered. When you enter someone’s home
­remove your shoes, but be careful never to show the
bottom of your feet to other people as this is considered
rude. Always eat with your right hand, it is taboo to eat
with the left one. If you are invited to someone’s home
you may not meet the women of the family.
It is important to show respect in Thailand. Never raise
your voice or speak angrily. Thai people are very proud
of their monarchy and you should never criticise them
whatever your feelings. Never touch people on the head
as this is considered a sacred area. Feet, as in many
cultures are considered dirty so never point to someone
with your foot.
It is customary to give small gifts, if you can give
­something from your country. Wrap it in red paper as red
is a lucky colour. Four is an unlucky number in China
as it sounds like ‘death’! So never give four cups, or four
flowers. It is polite to refuse food a couple of times so
as not to appear greedy. Do not wave your chopsticks
around or leave them in your food. Leave a little to show
that you are no longer hungry.