• DECLARATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES BY MEMBERS OF LOK SABHA FORM I A. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER 1. Name of the Member (in block letters) PR AM RRTPRL YAbAV 2. Fatlier's/Husband's name KL.SHORT PRASKD YPOA"( 3. Permanent address (9cAllYPi To i , 6TATTO f<0 A I) f POST (19 o , PAT NA 61)-IRk, 18, MOTH ER TEP\E-A cfZEILQ\11-, 4. Delhi address GO DELHI - 0011 5, Party affiliation BHA ATIYA ,7-4\141 PAR-Ty 6. Date of election 1110‘41200-1 7. Date of taking oath/ making.affirmation in the House ocQ)2,t)i L Details of immovable property (1) Name of the State, District, Subdivision and village in which property is situated. (2) Details of property (a) House and buildings and their present value (b) Lands and their present value (3) Whether held as owner or beneficiary 1\1.EL- (4) Whether held jointly or severally- If property held jointly with another person share of property held (5) If not held in member's own name, state in whose name held and his/her relationship with the member (6) How acquired (whether by purchase, lease, mortgage, inheritance, gift or otherwise with date of acquisition and name of person from whom acquired) (7) Any other relevant information which the member may like to mention II. Details of movable property 6/201Pc_ 0110 (1) Description of the property 6LoRPro Uoo tlyriie) (i.e. car/motorcycle/jewellery/ o 382-ii2.5 investments in banks/stock 5coAs 6611k Alc. no. co 2. (Ris.1068,50) markets/companies/financial 19165.00) ro6 64.0K morw. 9 ‘1602-n (Ro. g3 lo institutions/insurance policies etc.) • m R/5. 1,04coo) Mc' 66276 84/IX Poh`tj no. 511 33216 4 (burl Ass ' k;r479 Deyi • N6Ljoi Up) Pe 0i))) d4 .24 IDS! 2011 D S (2) Make, model (and also registration No. in case of vehicles) where necessary (3) Mode of acquisition (purchase/gift/mortgage lease or otherwise) ASE (4) Purchase price of the property qk• 7,311,5)15 (5) In case of purchase, source or sources from which financed (a) personal savings Pe ci5579 (b) other sources (6) Any other relevant information which the member may like to furnish 00 exPP" Sav? • 3 M. Details of Liabilities of the member to public Financial Institutions/Central Government and State Government (1) Details of loans raised from Banks/ Companies/Financial Institutions/Central/ State Governments (2) Amount of loans raised in each case (3) The period for which these loans were raised in each case. CeL1P-AfThvili 4ctei oar 41)-Yoi P•N Pa(h0a /,6 • o? 1 L i k Gal 0 2o11 lo,D) -7-85003 4 B. INFORMATION REGARDING IMMOVABLE AND MOVABLE PROPERTIES HELD BY MEMBER'S SPOUSE 1. Name of the Member's spouse (in block letters) RANIKRrfRL YAbA }' 2. Father's/HU:s-band's name Sk , 3. Permanent Address ci okly Po ST: 4. Delhi Address To LT , 6TRl .1-231\I PAT/0, 61-7./ A 71/), Vo l (ResLQJ\r) 18, HOTHEA lippli I. Details of immovable property (1) Name of State, District, Sub-division and village in which property is situated _TAMP!, koA6, PATNA, A.DiAX (2) Details of property (a) House and buildings and their present value (b) Lands and their present value (3) Whether held as owner or beneficiary (4) Whether held jointly or severally. If property held jointly with member, share of property held Rh I•bc LiC5?"C qh, • I. co (,XaL owN NI 'A' (5) If not held in spouse's own name, State in whose name held and his/her relationship with the spouse (6) How acquired (whether by purchase, lease, mortgage, inheritance, gift or otherwise with date of acquisition and name of person from whom acquired). )2(30/ASE csry 0 ,1 o71)qci at L!,66, °on • op 5 (7) Any other relevant information which the member may like to mention 1 \1, A II. Details of movable property (ot_b 2 Sv Yn/6. (l) Description of the property Lrla 1038%1 (A6.01,1' To& *wino 84 (i.e. car/motorcycle/jewellery/investments 1015 080311(R6.34,)s5 A)c, /.10. in banks/stock markets/companies/ ' •561: , PAINA PArAl.9 D AJc ;lb • g11 oopoo3 (TDB, financial institutions/insurance policies etc.) (e.eVit....4to Inglet .Thirt w7i 4.4,/ • N NAVAL `-rADAV Samd R 04tI 194st off • qb 4jc Plc.:- 551.51 rAINA (2) Make, model (and also registration No. in case of vehicles) where necessary NI. A (3) Mode of acquisition (purchase/gift/mortgage lease or otherwise) (4) Purchase price of the property (5) In case of purchase, source or sources or sources from which financed (a) personal savings (b) other sources (6) Whether held as owner or beneficiary (7) Whether held jointly or severally (8) Any other relevant information which the member may like to furnish Ni • A • 6 C. INFORMATION REGARDING IMMOVABLE AND MOVABLE PROPERTIES HELD BY MEMBER'S DEPENDENT CETI DREN 1. Name of the member's dependent children (in block letters) N1,6 2. Father's/Husband's name 3. Permanent Address 6H. RAM R1-17 )1-PAL. vow 610 RT1A TOLE , STATION Rte, Po sr 4. Delhi Address I 0, PAM , 611-ti IS frIOTHE I-ENE3A v)) )N1E:LD DELNT-- n o CAR,f317\1.7) I. Details of immovable property (1) Name of State, District, Sub-division and village in which property situated t\1 p j (2) Details of property (a) House and buildings and their present value (b) Lands and their present value (3) Whether held as owner or beneficiary (4) Whether held jointly or severally. If property held jointly with member, share of property held (5) If not held in the child's own name, state in whose name held and his/her relationship with the child (6) How acquired (whether by purchase, lease, mortgage, inheritance, gift or otherwise with date of acquisition and name of person from whom acquired) NI. A • PPPLIZA8 L I (7) Any other relevant information which the member may like to mention (N1 , A • II. Details of movable property (1) Description of property (i.e. car/motorcycle/jewellery/ investments in banks/stock markets/ companies/financial institutions/ insurance policies etc.) (51 0 L t 30 (2) Make, model (and also registration No. in case of vehicles) where necessary (3) Mode of acquisition (purchase/gift/mortgage/lease or otherwise) (4) Purchase price of the property 'NI • A • • (5) In case of purchase, Source or sources from which financed (a) personal savings (b) other sources (6) Whether held as owner or beneficiary (7) Whether held jointly or severally (8) Any other relevant information which the member may like to furnish 1\1. Q. 'ie:.. DECLARATION h RI PAL YA 6/1 y hereby declare that the uiation given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief In the event of any change in the infounation given above, I undertake to intimate the Speaker as provided under the rules. Yours faithfully, Date : O 3 220N 8
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