Φιλοσοφια [Philosophia]: International Journal of Philosophy (Two Issues per Year: Semiannual) [URL: http://ejournals.ph/index.php?journal=PIJP] Φιλοσοφια Volume 16, Nos. 1-2: January & May 2015 Φιλοσοφια (Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy) is published every January and May of each year. Manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal should be sent to the editor-in-chief, Φιλοσοφια, 25 Capitol Homesite Subd., 99 Tandang Sora Ave., Quezon City 1116, Philippines. Preferably, the manuscript should not be more than fifteen pages—including notes and references—single-spaced, and can be sent as an email attachment to [email protected] or [email protected] in Microsoft Word, font 12, Times New Roman. Manuscripts are double-blind refereed. References or bibliography should utilize standard parenthetical references (PR) and reference lists (RL). For 2016, this may be done in accord with the specifications given in the eight edition of Kate Turabian’s A manual for writers. The editor, associate editor, and book review editor reserve the right to make editorial modifications. Thesis-oriented discursive papers are preferred. Basically expository writings of a philosopher’s ideas should show—rather than simply assuming it impliedly—the significance of the exposition. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and for providing complete references. The abstract should not be more than one hundred wordssummarizing the thesis or intent of the articleand should be appended along with the brief curriculum vitae of the author. Contributors should keep their own copies of all materials submitted. They should also include their respective email addresses. Authors of accepted articles are enjoined to become members of the Philippine National Philosophical Research Society. They are entitled to receive the two issues of the journal of the current year and a pdf copy of one’s own article. Foreign annual subscription rate (including mailing and handling) is US$80.00 for libraries and institutions. Annual individual membership to the Philippine National Philosophical Research Society is $US70.00 (including mailing and handling of the journal issues). Local annual membership is P850.00 including domestic mailing while annual local institutional subscription is P1,600. Checks, International Money Orders, or Postal Money Orders should be made payable to the Philippine National Philosophical Research Society, c/o The Philosophia editor, 25 Capitol Homesite Subd., 99 Tandang Sora Ave., Quezon City 1116, Philippines. The journal editor is Dr. Rolando M. Gripaldo; the associate editors are Dr. Jove Jim S. Aguas, Dr. Napoleon Mabaquiao Jr., Dr. Nicolito Gianan, and the book review editor is Dr. Wilfried Vanhoutte. The circulation manager for 2015 is Mr. Alvin Tan. Part of the policies are mentioned at the back cover of the journal. Articles submitted during the current year, say 2015, will be published, when accepted, in 2017 because by this current year, the next year’s issues (2016) have already been filled up. To view the back covers of Philosophia, click “Archives” at the Home page. R.M.G. “My loyalty to myself ends where my loyalty to my country begins.”
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