Polish Cosmetics in the World Vanguard, 01.04.2015

SPC House of Media
Branch Programme of Promotion Organiser
Madalińskiego 20/1A St., 02-513 Warsaw. Poland
ph.: +48 22 43 90 662, [email protected]
Warsaw, 1st April 2015
Branch Programme for the Promotion of the Polish Cosmetics Industry
Press Release
Polish Cosmetics in the World Vanguard
The Polish cosmetics branch made an excellent appearance in great style at the most important
world cosmetics fair, Cosmoprof, which took place in Bologne in Italy from the 21st to the 23rd of
March. The Polish National Pavilion, the biggest one in the history of our branch, was at the same
time one of the biggest at the fair.
The Polish exhibitors, of whom there were over a 100 this year, in the course of 4 fair days competed
with over 2.5 thousand exhibitors from all over the world for the attention of 250 thousand visitors,
80 thousand of whom had come from outside Italy. The Polish National Pavilion was one of 27
national pavilions.
The Polish companies succeeded in making themselves seen. The Polish Pavilion turned out to be the
4th biggest one at the fair. Its elegant stands, meeting the highest standards, drew the attention of
the visitors – including Duccio Campagnoli, the President of the Bologna Fiere, who visited the Polish
Pavilion on the first day – as well as of the fair film and photo cameras:
A video coverage from the national pavilions,
Photos of the Polish National Pavilion.
The Cosmoprof Fair has proved once again that Polish Cosmetic companies can freely compete with
West European ones, being in no way inferior to them. We have not only impressed the exhibitors
and organisers with our Polish National Pavilion, but we have also demonstrated the high quality,
innovativeness and technological sophistication of Polish cosmetics – sums up Henryk Orfinger,
President of the Management Board at Dr Irena Eris Cosmetics Laboratory.
The National Pavilion was organised by SPC House of Media – the co-ordinator of the 1st Branch
Programme to Promote the Polish Cosmetics Industry, commissioned by the Ministry of Economy
and conducted since 2012. SPC House of Media was not only responsible for the organisation of the
Polish National Pavilion, but also for its PR and promotion.
The presence of the Polish cosmetics branch at the fair was strongly marked not only by the
numerous stands of the Polish companies.
Poland was a partner country of the official welcome cocktail party for the most important fair guests
– buyers from all over the world, invited to Cosmoprof by the fair organisers in the framework of the
Hosted Buyer Programme, and for the Italian and foreign journalists. In the name of the Polish
producers, the guests were greeted by Councillor Michał Górski, Director of the Trade and
Investment Promotion Section of the Polish Embassy in Rome. Thanks to the activities of the Section,
the Polish producers had the opportunity to meet buyers and journalists outside the fair hall, in an
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
SPC House of Media
Branch Programme of Promotion Organiser
Madalińskiego 20/1A St., 02-513 Warsaw. Poland
ph.: +48 22 43 90 662, [email protected]
informal atmosphere. The cocktail guests also received bags containing the catalogue of the Polish
exhibitors and samples of their products.
Photos from the Meet&Greet coctail party,
Catalogue of the Polish exhibitors
Advertisements of the Polish Pavilion appeared in the fair catalogue, throughout the fair venue
complex and on billboards placed on the route to the Bologna airport.
Thanks to the combined efforts of the Polish producers, the Programme Co-ordinator and the Trade
and Investment Promotion Section, the Polish presence at this enormous fair could not go unnoticed.
It reflected the true strength of the Polish cosmetics branch and the growing aspirations of the Polish
producers. It also became an excellent culmination of the 1st edition of the Branch Promotion
More information:
Photo Gallery
Catalogue of the Polish Exhibitors
Press release preceding the fair
SPC House of Media website
The participation of Polish producers in the Cosmoprof fair is organised in the framework of the Branch programme for the
Promotion of the Polish Cosmetics Industry, co-ordinated by SPC House of Media, commissioned by the Ministry of
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.