Nike Certified Auditor’s T i i Program Training P 1. Sales Samples. 2. Development Submit. 3 Design 3. D i Review. R i 4. PP meeting Comments. PROTO & SALES SAMPLES Proto is a sample where developer reviews styling and fitting of the garments. Once proto gets approved, approved SS are placed with factory. factory Matrix conducts SS PP meeting with factory before proceeding for SS production production. Matrix do conduct in-line & final inspection of SS as per methods defined by b Nike. Nike Nike shows SS to its customer for orders booking Customers place their orders with Nike on the basis of sample like or dislike. SS TRACKING SHEET Matrix i do d trackk SS samples l on attached h d fformat. MATRIX SOURCING SALES SAMPLE TRACKING SHEET SR # STYLE # PP MEETING DATE CW # QTY INLINE DATE FINISHING INLINE DATE FINAL DATE OGAC DATE 1 258667 25/12/2010 010 100 2/1/10 8/1/10 25/1/10 2/2/10 063 80 5/1/10 12/1/10 28/1/10 5/2/10 451 65 5/1/10 12/1/10 28/1/10 5/2/10 245 2 341574 25/12/2010 063 100 2/1/10 8/1/10 25/1/10 2/2/10 071 100 5/1/10 12/1/10 28/1/10 5/2/10 405 100 5/1/10 12/1/10 28/1/10 5/2/10 300 SALES SAMPLES CHECKLIST The following sheet should be reviewed for checking SS compliance, 1. Received date : 2. Review date : 3. Style # : 4. P- Status BOM Date : 5. Specs Date : 6. Detail measurement Page (DMP) Date : 7 Graphic 7. G hi information i f ti sheet h t GIS : IM # …….. 8. Fabric Face Side confirmation as B.O.M / D.S 9. Is there any document up date required : Yes No SALES SAMPLES CHECKLIST 1. Main label: IM # ……….. Checked PIG for Art work Yes……. , No…….. Size Matrix IM # ……….. Checked with inter change chart Yes…….., No……. 2. C & C label: IM # , ……….. Content information : IM # ………. C Instructions Care i : IM # …….. Fabric contains with BOM fabric detail : Yes….., No….. 3. I.D. Label: IM # ………… Season : ……… Si :…… Size Style # : ………. Barcode # : ……. Matchingg with UPC : Yes…….,, No…… CW # ……. SALES SAMPLES CHECKLIST 4. HANGTAG: a a. Primary Hangtag IM # ………… b. Supplemental Hangtag IM # ……….. c. Insert IM # …………. All above hang tags IM # checked with relevant interchange chart yes………, No……… Hangtag H t sequence correctt as per the th guide id line li yes…….., No…… N Tagg ppin size color checked yes y ………,, No……… Hang tag placement ok as per the guide line Yes………, No……. 5. PACKING ORIENTATION: – OK ………, REJECT………. SALES SAMPLES CHECKLIST 6. POLYBAG : * Language - ……… No of ventilation holes……… Usedd ventilation il i holes……… h l Butterfly vent ………. Ski Vent………. Skip V X- Vent……….. 7. UPC STICKER : IM # ………. G d Gender……… CW# ……… Style #........ # Size……. Checked with UPC interchange chart Yes………. Yes No…….. No Approved DS Comments &……. OK……. SALES SAMPLES CHECKLIST 7. EMBELLISHMENTS: Approved strike off ( Review against with app. Strike Off & in matching Yes……., No……… * EMB ………… * Print…………. * Weld………… ld * Flock………… * Heat transfer……. * Embroidery/ Print placement (D.M.P) checked again ( Logo placement l Line Li art ) Ok Yes…….., Y No……… N Embellishment durability wash details Pass……., Failed……. No any cracking / Puckering effects on wash sample yes……, No…. SALES SAMPLES CHECKLIST 8 ACCESSORIES / MD STATUS: i i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. i vii. Meet all product safety requirement. Draw cord cord…………. Sharp points………….. Small part-……………. p Neck minimum……….. Flammability test……… T Torque & TensionT i Sharp Edge……. All measurement fallen with in tolerance limit : yes……No…….. DEVELOPMENT SUBMIT (DS) DS is representative of SS. DS is sent to Nike LO for review. DS is pulled during final audit of SS. DS represents t ffactory t execution ti ability during production. DS COMMENT SHEET DESIGN REVIEW MEETING Design review meeting is being called to discuss and review sales samples for, for Anyy operation p which can be problematic during production. Any operation which can not execute in bulk or may cause high rejection rate. rate Anyy clarity/ y understandingg required q from Nike or Matrix on documents. Any tolerance l required i d from f production point of view. PRE-PRODUCTION MEETING PP meeting is called once original QRS gets approved from Matrix/ NCA. PP meeting is conducted prior to production start. Trial garments are reviewed during PP meeting. PP meeting is conducted to see the readiness of factory b f before bbulk lk starts. t t PP meeting form must be completely filled while conducting PP meeting. All information discussed should be mentioned on the form and must be signed by production responsible person at factory. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
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