ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 09 JUNE 2015 8.1 SUBMISSIONS ON REVISED COUNCIL PLAN 2013-17 AND DRAFT BUDGET 2015/16 LOCATION/ADDRESS: WHOLE OF MUNICIPALITY GENERAL MANAGER: CHRIS CARROLL, ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE PREPARED BY: TERESA PARSONS, ACTING EXECUTIVE MANAGER SERVICE & BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DAVID FILMALTER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER STEVEN ROSS, PROGRAM MANAGER TRIM FILE NO: ATTACHMENTS: 16/02/142 1. Submissions received on revised Council Plan 2013-17 and Draft Budget 2015/16 PURPOSE To receive and hear public submissions on the proposed revisions to the Council Plan 2013-17 – Year 3, including the draft Strategic Resource Plan 2015-2019, and the Draft Budget 2015/16. 1. RECOMMENDATION That Council: 2. 1.1 Receives the report detailing the submissions received on the revised Council Plan 2013-17 - Year 3 and the Draft Budget 2015/16. 1.2 Hears from those who have requested to speak in support of their submission. 1.3 Notes that further reports on the revised Council Plan and Budget will be presented at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 June 2015. BACKGROUND 2.1 Under the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), each year Council must prepare an annual Budget and consider whether the four-year Council Plan requires adjustment in respect to the remaining period of the Council Plan. 2.2 Under the Act, prior to the adoption of the revised Council Plan and Draft Budget, Council is required to call for submissions from the public during a 28-day statutory public review period. 1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL– 09 JUNE 2015 2.3 3. Council released the proposed changes to the Draft Budget 2015/16 and the revised Council Plan 2013-17 – Year 3, including the Draft Strategic Resource Plan 2015-19, and called for public submissions at the Special Council Meeting held on 5 May 2015. KEY INFORMATION 3.1 Council must formally receive and hear from those who wish to speak to their submission before giving consideration to the submissions ahead of the adopting the revised Council Plan and proposed Budget. 3.2 By close of business Thursday 4 June 2015, Council had received eight submissions on the proposed revisions to the Council Plan 2013-17 and 35 submissions on the Draft Budget 2015/16. These submissions have been summarised and provided in full in Attachment 1. 3.3 Each submitter has been notified that any person who has made a submission can also request that he or she be heard in support of the written submission. By close of business Thursday 4 June 2015, Council has been notified that three submitters wish to speak to their submission. 3.4 The option available to Council at this stage is to receive, hear and give consideration to the submissions ahead of the adoption of the revised Council Plan 2013-17 and Budget 2015/16 at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 June 2015. 3.5 After Council has formally received and heard submissions, officers will provide further advice regarding the items raised by the submissions to assist in Council’s consideration prior to the adoption of the revised Council Plan 2013-17 and Budget 2015/16 at the Council Meeting on 23 June 2015. 2 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL– 09 JUNE 2015 FURTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION 4. ALIGNMENT TO COUNCIL PLAN AND COUNCIL POLICY 4.1 5. The revised Council Plan 2013-17 – Year 3 sets out Council’s strategic approach to delivering on its vision over the full term of this Council. The Draft Budget 2015/16 details the resources required over the next year to deliver the large range of services Council provides to its community. The public submissions in Attachment 1 are in response to these documents. CONSULTATION AND STAKEHOLDERS 5.1 Council commenced the annual review of the Council Plan and the development of the Draft Budget 2015/16 in February 2015 by providing opportunities for members of the community to have their say online and in person: 5.1.1 Ten ‘Consultation Caravans’ were held across the municipality between 11 February and 7 March 2015. These meeting points provided an opportunity for members of the community to speak with their local councillors, provide feedback on current issues and make suggestions for improvements. 5.1.2 A survey (hardcopy and online) containing targeted questions to obtain feedback on importance of services, challenges facing Council, future direction and priorities was made available. This survey closed on 9 March 2015. 5.2 Feedback from the community informed Council’s review of the Council Plan and development of the Draft Budget 2015/16. 5.3 Council released the proposed changes to the revised Council Plan 2013-17 – Year 3, including the Draft Strategic Resource Plan 2015-19, and the Draft Budget 2015/16 and called for public submissions at the Special Council Meeting held on 5 May 2015. 5.4 In accordance with statutory requirements, Council must provide a 28-day period for the public to review the draft Council Plan 2013-17 – Year 3 and draft Budget 2015/16. The public review period commenced from Thursday 7 May to close of business Thursday 4 June 2015. 5.5 During the public review period Council: 5.5.1 advertised the public review period in The Age (7 May 2015) and Port Phillip Leader (12 May 2015) and invited members of the public to make submissions from the public 5.5.2 made copies of the draft revised Council Plan 2013-17 –Year 3, the Draft Strategic Resource Plan 2015-19 and Draft Budget 2015/16 available at all town halls and libraries 5.5.3 provided a summary fact sheet and promoted the public review period including an online submission form available on Council’s Have Your Say website. 3 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL– 09 JUNE 2015 6. LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS 6.1 7. SUSTAINABILITY – Triple Bottom Line 7.1 8. Pursuant to section 223 of the Act, Council has a legislative obligation to receive and hear public submissions following the 28 day statutory review period. Officers will provide further advice to Councillors regarding the relevant triple bottom line implications of the items raised by the submissions to assist in Council’s consideration prior to the adoption of the revised Council Plan 2013-17 and Budget 2015/16 at the Council Meeting on 23 June 2015. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY TIMELINE 8.1 Council will give consideration to the submissions ahead of the adoption of the revised Council Plan 2013-17 and Budget 2015/16 at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 June 2015. COMMUNICATION 8.2 9. Each person who has made a submission has received an acknowledgment letter and will receive a written response from Council to thank them for their submission and advise them of Council’s decision and the reasons for the decision following the adoption of the revised Council Plan 2013-17 and Budget 2015/16. OFFICER DIRECT OR INDIRECT INTEREST 9.1 No officers involved in the preparation of this report have any direct or indirect interest in the matter. 4
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