April 2015 Sunday 12 April 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER 0800 Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer 1030 Eucharist (Quire) sung by Verbum Tuum Quasi modo geniti Plainsong tone VI Missa Brevis Dove Mitte Manum Tuam MacMillan Preacher: Canon Anthony Rustell 1800 Choral Evensong Monday 13 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1000 Intercessions Group 1800 Evening Prayer sung by Verbum Tuum Wesley in E Blessed be the God and Father Wesley Preacher: Revd Dawn Banting (Asst. Curate) In residence: Canon Michael Tristram Hymns AM213, AM622, AM624, AM741 Responses Radcliffe Hymns 103, 113, 114 Psalm 143.1-11 In residence: Canon Nick Ralph Wednesday 15 April 0745 Morning Liturgy In residence: Canon Nick Ralph 1200 Holy Communion attended by the Mothers Union 1400 Baby & Toddler Group 1800 Holy Communion said 1900 An Introduction to Political Philosophy : Morality and politics - the greatest good for the greatest number: in the Bishop Kenneth Room policy and unintended consequences Saturday 18 April 1000 Spirituality Day 1700 Choral Evensong In residence: Canon Anthony Rustell said In residence: The Dean said In residence: Canon Michael Tristram sung by the Choir of St Mary’s, Fratton Stanford in B flat Ye choirs of New Jerusalem Stanford Monday 20 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1000 Intercessions Group 1800 Choral Evensong The Very Reverend David Brindley Dean Book of Common Prayer In residence: Canon Anthony Rustell Congregational Preacher: Revd Dr James Grenfell (Director for Mission Engagement Us) Voluntary: Postlude in D Smart Hymns 186, 342(t178), 375, 339 Hymns 345, 477, 486 Psalm 142 In residence: The Dean sung by the Layclerks and Choral Scholars Wood in E Most glorious Lord of Life Harris Responses Harris Psalm 28 Hymn 170 Tuesday 21 April Anselm, abbot, archbishop, teacher of the faith, 1109 0745 Morning Liturgy In residence: Canon Peter Leonard 1230 Lunch Club in Becket Hall 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir Sumsion in G Responses Neary Come my way, my truth Sanders Psalm 33 Hymn 186 Wednesday 22 April 0745 Morning Liturgy In residence: The Dean 1200 Holy Communion 1400 Baby & Toddler Group 1800 Holy Communion said 1900 An Introduction to Political Philosophy: The problem of inequality: the growing gap - does it matter? in the Bishop Kenneth Room Thursday 23 April George, martyr, patron of England, c.304 0745 Morning Liturgy In residence: Canon Anthony Rustell 0815 ‘Ringing for England’ 1310 Lunchtime Live: Mark Bradfield (organ) 1445 Cathedral Club: Katy Walsh from the Council's Carers Centre in Becket Hall 1800 Evening Prayer said Cantate is singing a concert at St Peter’s, Soberton at 1900 this evening Friday 24 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1200 Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong Responses Ayleward Psalm 24 Hymn 117 Us. ‘every person, every community , every life’ photo exhibition in the Ambulatory until Saturday 1 May 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER 1030 Eucharist and Baptism Congregational (Nave) Mass of St Thomas Thorne Preacher: Mrs Kitty Price (Reader) Voluntary: Carillon de Longpont Vierne said Ecclesia / Synagoga art exhibition is in the Baptistery until Thursday 29 April Friday 17 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1200 Holy Communion 1800 Evening Prayer 0800 Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong In residence: Canon Michael Tristram Tuesday 14 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1230 Lunch Club in Becket Hall 1800 Evening Prayer said Thursday 16 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1800 Evening Prayer Sunday 19 April Saturday 25 April 1700 Choral Evensong The Reverend Canon Michael Tristram Canon Liturgist In residence: Canon Michael Tristram sung by the Cathedral Choir Second Service Byrd Great Lord of Lords Gibbons Responses Smith Psalm 35 Hymn 214(tii) sung by Amici Noble in B minor O Thou the central Orb Wood Mark the Evangelist In residence: Canon Peter Leonard Responses Rose Psalm 45 Hymn 163 Dr David Price Organist & Master of the Choristers April/May 2015 Sunday 26 April 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER In residence: Canon Michael Tristram Sunday 3 May 0800 Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer 1030 Eucharist (Nave) sung by the Cathedral Choir 1030 Eucharist Missa Festiva Peeters Hymns 103, 457(tii0, AM671, 124 (Nave) Alleluia, I heard a voice Weelkes Preacher: The Dean Voluntary: Offertoire sur les Grands Jeux Couperin 1200 Annual Meetings in Becket Hall 1230 Baptism 1800 Choral Evensong 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir Rose in C minor Let all the world Vaughan Williams Preacher: Canon Nick Ralph Voluntary: Paean Howells Responses Piccolo Hymns 117, 282, 368 Psalm 81 8-16 2000 Taizé-style Night Prayer Monday 27 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1000 Intercessions Group 1800 Choral Evensong In residence: Canon Peter Leonard sung by the Layclerks and Choral Scholars Short Service Batten Upon this Holy Eastertide Eccard Tuesday 28 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1230 Lunch Club in Becket Hall 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir Brewer in D The Fair Chivalry Ashfield Responses Harris Psalm 47 Hymn 28 In residence: Canon Michael Tristram Responses Piccolo Psalm 116 Hymn 12 Wednesday 29 April Catherine of Siena, teacher of the faith, 1380 0745 Morning Liturgy In residence: The Dean 1200 Holy Communion 1400 Baby & Toddler Group 1800 Holy Communion said 1900 An Introduction to Political Philosophy: The big rights debate: the future of human rights in the Bishop Kenneth Room Thursday 30 April 0745 Morning Liturgy 1310 Lunchtime Live: Pieces of Eight (ensemble) 1800 Choral Evensong sung by Cantate Truro Service Jackson Easter Song of Praise Shephard Friday 1 May 0745 Morning Liturgy 1800 Choral Evensong In residence: Canon Michael Tristram Responses Rose Psalm 62 Hymn 115 Philip and James, apostles In residence: Canon Michael Tristram sung by the Cathedral Choir Second Service Amner O sing to the Lord Amner Saturday 2 May 1430 Holy Matrimony 1700 Evening Prayer 0800 Holy Communion Responses Piccolo Psalm 149 Hymn 164(t388ii) Athanasius, bishop, teacher of the faith, 373 In residence: Canon Michael Tristram Monday 4 May 0930 Morning Liturgy 1000 Intercessions Group 1800 Evening Prayer Book of Common Prayer In residence: Canon Michael Tristram sung by the Cathedral Consort Mass for Four Voices Byrd Haec dies Byrd Preacher: Revd Dawn Banting (Asst. Curate) Voluntary: Pièce d’orgue (BWV 572) Bach Hymns AM665, 369, AM715, 436 sung by Cantate and Romsey Abbey Girls’ Choir Stanford in A Responses Clucas Greater Love Ireland Hymns 119, 102, 120 Preacher: Mrs Kitty Price (Reader) Psalm 96 Voluntary: Postlude in D minor Stanford English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era In residence: The Dean said Tuesday 5 May 0745 Morning Liturgy 1230 Lunch Club in Becket Hall 1800 Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir Murrill in E Joy is come Trad. arr. Carter In residence: Canon Anthony Rustell Responses Spicer Psalm 97 Hymn 357 Wednesday 6 May 0745 Morning Liturgy In residence: Canon Nick Ralph 1200 Holy Communion with Wholeness and Healing, followed by lunch 1400 Baby & Toddler Group 1800 Holy Communion said 1900 An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Just War theory in the Bishop Kenneth Room 1930 The Portsmouth Grammar School Gala Concert Thursday 7 May 0745 Morning Liturgy 1310 Lunchtime Live: Churcher’s College 1800 Choral Evensong sung by Cantate Ireland in F When Mary through the garden went Stanford Friday 8 May 0745 Morning Liturgy 1200 Holy Communion 1800 Choral Evensong Saturday 9 May 1400 Messy Cathedral 1700 Choral Evensong The Cathedral Choir is singing Evensong at St Stephen’s, Bournemouth today The Very Reverend David Brindley Dean 5th SUNDAY OF EASTER The Reverend Canon Michael Tristram Canon Liturgist In residence: Canon Peter Leonard Responses Rose Psalm 104 Hymn 333 Julian of Norwich, spiritual writer, c.1417 In residence: The Dean sung by the Cathedral Choir Second Service Gibbons Thy word is a lantern Purcell Responses Reading Psalm 66 Hymn 408(ti) In residence: Canon Peter Leonard sung by the Cathedral Consort Edwards in C# minor If ye then be risen with Christ Stanford Responses Shephard Psalm 118 Hymn 416(tii) Dr David Price Organist & Master of the Choristers
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