Port Sydney Bible Chapel Bulletin April 2015

Port Sydney Bible Chapel v We are an assembly of Bible-­‐believing Christians who gather in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for worship and service to Him. v
We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired, and it is the complete, final, authoritative revelation of God to man. v
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons-­‐God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. v
We believe man is born with a sinful nature and is separated from God by sin. v
We believe that God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, into the world, born of a virgin, and through his sacrifice on the cross at Calvary, paid the price of redemption for all; that He was buried, that He rose again from the dead on third day, and that He ascended into heaven. v
We believe man is freed from the condemnation of sin by accepting, through faith, the atonement that Jesus Christ made at Calvary. Man’s acceptance of this requires both his repentance of past sin, and his acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as Lord as well as Saviour. v
We believe that the Church, referred to as the body and bride of Christ, is composed of all persons who truly believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. v
We believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His church. v
We practice baptism by immersion upon personal confession of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, and the weekly observation of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His death. We meet regularly for prayer, teaching and fellowship. Port Sydney Bible Chapel April 2015 5
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 NIV
370 South Mary Lake Road, Port Sydney, ON P0B 1L0 www.portsydneybiblechapel.com Activities throughout this Month Welcome to Port Sydney Bible Chapel April 2015 Monday 13th 9:30 am 11:00 am Lord’s Supper Family Bible Hour Tuesdays 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Ø Men-­‐ please join us for an informal get together at the Tim Hortons in Bracebridge located opposite the Home Depot @ 10:30 am Ø AWANA program for kids aged 5 – 13 -­‐ 6:30 – 8:15 pm. ** See below for more information Speakers April 5th (Easter Sunday) Douglas Barnes April 12th Douglas Barnes April 19th Tom Hulcoop April 26th Douglas Barnes Ø Combined Leadership Meeting @ 7:00 pm
Sunday For Visitation or Counseling -­‐ Elders Douglas Barnes 705-­‐787-­‐6602 Edward Heidman 705-­‐385-­‐3417 Cliff Peat 705-­‐385-­‐1255 John Sundy 705-­‐645-­‐9118 th
There **Awana Car Rally – Tuesday April 28 This is the final Awana for the season. There will be a barbeque followed by the annual car rally. All are welcome! Please join us for a great family evening, 6:00 pm at the Chapel. For further information please contact Bev McLaren 705-­‐783-­‐4637
Wednesdays 1st (no joke) & 15th Ø Ladies Bible Study – 9:30 am Thursdays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Ø Muskoka Lakes AWANA program @ Port Carling Community Centre 6:15 – 8:00 pm Friday 3rd Ø Good Friday Brunch -­‐ 9:30 am Saturday 18th Ø Men’s’ Breakfast 8:30 am Sunday 12th Ø Community Prayer Service @ The Door In Huntsville See Doug Barnes for further details 7:00 pm Sunday 19th & 26th Bible Study @ 6:30 m All services/activities are held at the Chapel unless otherwise noted.