SPARE PARTS FOR COMPRESSORS MODELS SF052511300-SF041513300 SF052511500-SF041513500 : FEATURES : Vo lt 400V - 3 Phase s kW/HP 5,5 / 7,5 lite r 500 b ar 11 2 2 c m3 727 l/ min 866 l/ min 736 RPM 1200 cm 195x65x150 kg 265 400v - 3 Phase s 5,5 / 7,5 500 13 2 2 727 765 650 1050 195x65x150 270 COMPONENTS : REF DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tank 500L Pump Ele ctrical mo to r 7,5 HP Fly whe e l (Ø 130 o r Ø 120) B e lt Pre ssure switch 16 b ar 3P 3/8" Safe ty valve 1/2" Safe ty valve 1/4" Safe ty valve 3/8" Pre ssure g aug e Ø 60 - 16 b ar Ball valve 3/4" F No re turn valve Fle xib le tub e 3/4" MF Le ng h: 1M Co mp e nsatio n tank Fan Ø 240 Co p p e r tub e Ø 18 So und p ro o fing kit Drain valve 3/8" Ho urly me te r CODE (11 Bar) CODE (13 Bar) 52F511 K30 307534 130282A A67 MDR31616 631211 631404 633811 1196M 1964 1754VT 661034 520001 670240 C18 370940 1941 1530891207 52F515 K30 307534 120282A A67 MDRET151016 631213 631404 633813 1196M 1964 1754VT 661034 520001 670240 C18 370940 1941 1530891207 STAR / DELTA TYPE: M ODE L S P rogressi ve starter SF052511500 & SF041513500 DE55400 5- 3/4/15 - 2- -19 12- -17 6- -11 10- -13 7- 8- 16- 9- 14- 18- 1- 7- 8- 16- 9- 14- 18- AUTOMATIC SAFETY VALVE CERTIFICATE FOR SIMPLE PRESSURE TANKS CATEGORY 1 RÉF: 631404 / 631211 / 631213 RÉF: 633811 / 633813 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Safety valve -> PT= Setting pressure Q = Max opening flow Input threading Input pressure rated Opening diameter Opening area 11- USED MATERIAL: 631404 631211 631213 633811 633813 4 10 13 10 13 l/min bar 1038 3880 4306 4829 5605 Gaz 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 3/8" 3/8" bar 25 25 25 25 25 mm 6 11 11 10 10 mm² 28,26 94,9 94,9 78,5 78,5 a -Body valve b -Rubber gasket c -Obturating d -Spring stop e -Spring f -Conical tapped g -Plate :BRASS UNI EN 12164 :NBR - VITON :BRASS UNI EN 12164 :BRASS UNI EN 12164 :STEEL C98 UNI 3823 :BRASS UNI EN 12164 :ALUMINIUM - Manufacturer's logo - Fluid type : Compressed air - Working temperature : NBR -10°C +90°C - The setting of this safety valve, carried out at T°=20°C, garantees an opening beginning and a mawimum outflow according to the indicated values in the technical characteristics. - These values are recalled on the identification sticker set on the security valve. - Identification of the marking: PT= Setting pressure D= Opening diameter and Q = Flow to full opening for the compressed air. - The used materials fit to good functioning according to the working conditions and the aforementioned fluids. The technical data that identify the safety valve are indicated on the plate. The mechanical locking of the setting is obtained by the application of a glue-sealing (Loctite 270). The setting of the safety valve is secured by a final punching on the body of the safety valve. Satisfactory results were obtained after the final check and after the hydraulic test carried out at 37,5 bar. Buc: 26-03-2012 F. MURET Le Président "CE" EUROPEAN COMPLIANCE DECLARATION WE DECLARE UNDER OUR RESPONSABILITY THAT THIS VALVE COMPLIES WITH THE SAFETY RULES REQUIRED IN KEEPING WITH: European directive : 2006/42/CE - 97/23/CE (This soupape was classified according to the annex II § 2 and therefore evaluated according to unit A) This security valve is uniquely destined to equip simple pressure tanks or equipments category 1. Applied rule : ISO 4126-1 PRODIF S.A. 500 rue Clément Ader - 78532 BUC Cedex FRANCE THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT CONTRACTUAL. Technical characteristics for information only. Subject to modifications without advance notice. Vo ltag e Tank cap acity Tank cap acity Maximum p re ssure Numb e r o f p isto n Numb e r o f stag e Swe p t vo lume Air d isp lace me nt Air d e live ry at 7 b ar Re vo lutio n p e r minute Dime nsio ns Ne t we ig ht Nota : You will find all compressor characteristics on the identification sticker on the rear panel. 2012-03-26 SF052511300 & 500 SF041513300 & 500 A-SF052511-ce.pmd M ODE L S Compresseur biétages - Two-stage compressor Compressore bistadio - Zweiestufige Kompressor Compressor dos etapas K30 GASKETS KIT : 32546000 30502330 37302770 F134 37502320 PRF1 32902730 31302700 240002 30502270 30502330 32902710 240001 37302530 32702750 32902720 32702400 32702750 32702390 30502290 30502340 31602020 36902110 37302420 37302480 37504220 31203390 31202160 32546120 31202200 37403780 30502280 31202170 32546110 31202210 31202180 37502450 31202190 31002060 31202240 31203050 31102250 37302460 31202230 37602260 31102130 30502300 3650020A 31101990 3050016A 37500400 37402590 30302140 30500130 36500140 30502310 37300730 30402740 37500330 37500330 30402800 37300070 30502310 30302150 30302140 36500110 30202000 30500160 33102030 IMPORTANT : To order the spare parts of the compressor, please quote the mark number K30 with the code. Ex: Gasket, CYLINDER HEAD K30 code 30502270. POWAIR Industrie - 500 rue Clément Ader - ZI - 78532 BUC FRANCE - Tel: 01 39 56 20 66 - Fax: 01 39 56 29 07
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