PLEASE JOIN THE POWELL VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 PARK COUNTY FAIR PARADE Saturday, July 25th, 2015 This year’s parade theme is: “Kids, Kritters and Kool Knights” The Parade is scheduled to begin at 10am on Saturday. Entries must start lining up no later than 9:00 am. There will be a mandatory parade meeting for all participants on Thursday, July 23rd at 5:00 PM, at the Powell Chamber of Commerce (111 South Day St.). At this meeting participants will receive their parade entry number, starting location of their entry and other pertinent information. The Parade route will be north on Bent Street. The “kiddie” entries may exit parade route east on 3rd Street. All other entries will travel to 6th Street and end at Fairgrounds. Please complete the entry form below, sign the release form on the back and email to [email protected] or return to the Powell Valley Chamber of Commerce office at 111 S. Day St. If you have questions please call the Chamber at: 307-754-3494. FAIR PARADE ENTRY FORM ******************************************************************************************** Group Name: ________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ______________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________ City:________________ Zip:___________ Phone No.____________________ Alternate Phone No._________________ Brief Description of Entry: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ CHECK ALL THAT APPLY TO ENTRY: Walking: _____ Animal Type:___________ # of Animals:_________ Float:_______ Motorized Vehicle:_________ Type of Vehicle:_______ # of Vehicles:________ Political:________ Music will be played or used: ___________ Entry Forms must be received in the Powell Chamber of Commerce office no later than Friday July 17th. The Release and Consent form on back of this form must be signed in order to participate in the parade. Thank you! Return Entry Form to: Powell Valley Chamber of Commerce 111 S. Day Street Powell, WY 82435 307-754-3494 Park County Fair Parade Release and Consent (MUST BE RETURNED WITH APPLICATION) In consideration of the acceptance of the Park County Fair Parade Entry, I hereby, release and hold harmless the Powell Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Park County Fair Committee, the officials and members thereof, and each of them from all and every claim for damages which may occur to me at any time hereafter in favor of myself, my heirs, representatives, or dependents, against said organization, its officials and members or any of them by reason of any injury, or loss, or damage which may be suffered by me or any of them by reason of an injury, or loss or damage, negligence or default, or any person whatsoever, in the Park County Fair Parade Committee and the Powell Valley Chamber of Commerce. I further agree to accept the conditions of this contract. _________________________ Printed Name of Participant __________________________ Date _______________________ Signature of Participant
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