2 015 YOUTH BA S E BALL & SO F TBALL PAR ADE DAYS J O I N T H E DO D G E R S W IT H YO U R BA S E BA LL O R SO F T BA LL TE A M AN D PA RT I C I PAT E I N A P R E - GA M E PA R A D E O N T H E F I E LD! S U N DAY PA R A D E S : APRIL 19 P R E GA M E PA R A D E R U L E S : IN ORDER TO QUALIFY YOUR GROUP MUST SELL 30 OR MORE TICKETS AND YOU MUST ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING: 1:10 • Check in 1.5 hours before the game (outside centerfield gate) at the parade check-in table VS pm MAY 3 • The parade is for players and up to 4 coaches per team only. All other parents and siblings should go to their seats. 1:10 pm VS MAY 17 VS JUNE 7 VS Kids Yasiel Puig Replica Jersey Giveaway • Players must wear their team issued uniforms or jerseys to participate in parade. 1:10 • Coaches must wear uniform jerseys and/or team hat to participate in parade. • No autographs while on the field. pm TBD • No bags, gloves, balls or bats will be allowed on the field. Kids Cereal Bowl Giveaway • Stopping to take pictures during the parade is prohibited. LOCATION APRIL 19, MAY 17 PRICING MAY 3 PRICING JUNE 7 PRICING RESERVE MVP $27 $45 $32 INFIELD RESERVE $20 $30 $24 PREFERRED RESERVE $16 $27 $20 TOP DECK $15 $27 $20 AYCE PAVILION $32 $47 $39 OTHER OPPORTUNITIES: Fundraising opportunities are also available for non-parade game dates. Please contact us for more information on how to create your own event. I NT E R E ST ED I N B R INGING A GRO UP, CONTACT: BRYAN SCHIEFELBEIN [email protected] 323-224-1376 SAMMY PARK [email protected] 323-224-4287 *Prices are subject to change without notice. Lock in your prices by purchasing tickets in advance. 2 015 G RO U P O R D E R FO R M DAT E MAIL Order Form to: T I CK E T LO C AT I O N Los Angeles Dodgers Group Sales 1000 Elysian Park Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 N U M B ER O F T I CK E TS S E AT I N G T I CK E T P R I CE S U BTOTA L FAX Order Form to: 323-224-4294 S ERV I CE FEE $ PHONE Order, call: 323-224-1421 TOTA L $ 10.0 0 GROUP NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP__________________________________________________________________ DAY PHONE ____________________________________ EVENING PHONE _________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT: CH ECK A M E X V I SA M C D I S COV ER CREDIT CARD NUMBER___________________________________________________________________________________ EXP. DATE_______________________________ BILLING ZIP_____________________________ CO M P L I M E N TA RY G RO U P M ES SAG E (75 CHARACTERS MAX)_ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For information on Dodgers’ privacy practices, please email [email protected]. Thank You. Please remember that due to the discount, there are NO returns, exchanges, or refunds. Seating is limited for these special programs and receipt of this form with payment does not guarantee the purchase of tickets. All tickets are subject to availability and are sold on a first come, first served basis. Ticket orders may be placed in person at the box office, again subject to availability, however a 24 hour period may be required in order to print your ticket order.
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