BIOSIMILARS NEWSLETTER 01 HOT TOPIC Signal Management in Drug and Biosimilars Development Vol ume 6 , Ap r il 2 0 1 5 05 BIOSIMILAR APPLICATIONS 07 COMPANY NEWS Pfizer to Acquire Hospira First Biosimilar Approved in the US Welcome Welcome to the sixth edition of Biosimilars Newsletter, a quarterly publication dedicated to keeping you updated on current biosimilars news, including the global regulatory landscape, biosimilars articles and reports, and company news as reported by the company press releases. Highlights at a Glance • • • • Hot Topic - Signal Management in Drug and Biosimilars Development Regulatory - First Biosimilar Approved in the US Articles of Interest: - Assessment of Pharmacists' Views on Biosimilar Naming Conventions - Considerations in the Early Development of Biosimilar Products - The Challenging Definition of Naïve Patient for Biological Drug Use Company News - Pfizer to Acquire Hospira HOT TOPIC Signal Management in Drug and Biosimilars Development by Jacinta Aniagolu-Johnson, Phd, MSc. Senior Director, Safety and Risk Management INSID E T H I S I S S UE: 01. Biosimilars Newsletter Welcome Hot Topic 04. Regulatory Framework Update Europe United States Rest of World 05. Approved & Under Review Europe United States Rest of World 05. Regulatory Meetings 06. Articles & Reports of Interest 07. Company News 07. Next Edition S ignal management in drug development has been ongoing, evolving, and improving for many years. For the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory bodies immunogenicity is a major area of safety concern for bio- similars as well as for peptide, protein, and drug therapeutics, all of which have the potential to trigger some level of antibody response1-7. Hence, there is the regulatory requirement to conduct immunogenicity testing and safety assessment during pre-clinical and clinical studies, and post-approval; thereafter, usually requiring continued pharmacovigilance monitoring of immunogenicity. During pre-clinical and clinical studies, the critical focus is to decipher the potential for immunotoxicity and allergenicity, supported by appropriate data collection in order to evaluate impact of the pres- 01 B I OS I M I L A RS N E W S L E TTE R | Vol u me 6 , Ap r i l 20 1 5 ence of Anti-Drug Antibody (ADA) on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and safety. While a target focus is to ensure comparable immunogenicity, a biosimilar product with lower immunogenicity than its innovator reference product would not be excluded for biosimilarity approval1. As most biosimilars are intended for long-term use to treat chronic diseases, monitoring of safety concerns beyond clinical development will continue to be equally crucial. Therefore, even though pre-clinical and clinical trials are indispensable for determining identified and potential immunogenicity risks, not all such risks (especially risks that are rare) can be identified during pre-market phase, and as such, customized risk management, pharmacovigilance, and post market commitments such as Post Authorization Safety Studies (PASS) will continue to be essential8-10. Iterative signal management process is critical to demonstrate the safety of biosimilars and comparability of their safety profiles to innovator reference products, and overall risk management to ensure that their benefits continue to outweigh their risks. Likewise, post-approval, continued safety monitoring is essential and required. The EMA’s Good Pharmacovigilance Practices guidelines define11-12 signal management as follows, “includes the following activities: signal detection, signal validation/confirmation, signal analysis and prioritization, signal assessment, and recommendation for action. It therefore is a set of activities performed to determine whether, based on an examination of individual case safety reports (ICSRs), aggregated data from active surveillance systems or studies, literature information or other data sources, there are new risks causally associated with an active substance or a medicinal product, or whether known risks have changed”. The initial step in the signal management process is detec- tion of a signal, and the EMA defines a signal as “information arising from one or multiple sources, including observations and experiments, which suggests a new potentially causal association, or a new aspect of a known association between an intervention and an event or set of related events, either adverse or beneficial, that is judged to be of sufficient likelihood to justify verificatory action12-13”. An appropriate signal management process needs to be designed to support both pre- and post-approval phases of biosimilars development, and should also support comparability assessment of safety and immunogenicity profile of the index biosimilars to the innovator reference product. Preceding this process would be the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Work Instructions (WIs), to ensure adequate training (and documentation of such training) of medical and safety pharmacovigilance professionals with relevant pre-requisite education and experience, preferably in the treatment disease indication under investigation. Therefore, the set-up phase of the signal management process should encompass customization of all relevant documents including: strategy document, signal management plan (includes timelines, blinded/unblinded data handling, communication and escalation process), templates, trackers for documentation of medical review; subsequent steps should include, signal detection, validation, confirmation, analysis and prioritization, and recommendation for action. Please note that during the conduct of a blinded study, unblinding of data for signal detection is not necessarily required except in special situations that warrant such action. However, any existing unblinded data such as expedited reports should be reviewed. Situations warranting unblinding should be defined in the protocol. Quality control checks should be part of the quality management system. Overall, a signal management process should define a quality tracking and management system that supports and ensures adequate evaluation of operational quality from “A-to-Z”. In designing a signal detection and management strategy for a drug or biosimilar in development, a necessary first step is thorough review and understanding of the current non-clinical and clinical safety data, including pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of the innovator reference product, as well as legacy data of the index biosimilar in development. Then, carefully delineating the “assumptions” based on documented scientific and medical evidence on which signal detection will be performed. This should include clearly stating clinical trial study protocols and the safety population to be included in the signal detection and evaluation data. In addition, signal detection strategies should factor in index protocol designs, ensuring that careful data screening is performed on all available safety data, especially during investigational product treatment switch from index biosimilar to comparator as applicable (ie, reference biologic product) and vice versa. Furthermore, well-defined and easy to follow threshold algorithms, both qualitative and quantitative, should be specified, and also ensure that all necessary data output specifications delineated can support the application of the algorithms and the entire signal detection process. A dynamic and clearly outlined signal management strategy, translated into a plan, should be well-documented and should consider all available data sources and data output, as well as defined assumptions based on pre-clinical and clinical information. Such information includes the current safety and immunogenicity profile (per index innovator reference product) highlighting target medical events such as: adverse events of special interest, safety and medical review guidelines including qualitative and quantitative algorithms to be applied, relevant epidemiology and natural history data, and other peer-reviewed literature to be reviewed as required. A signal management plan should also delineate an appropriate signal validation and confirmation process, in addition to a signal analysis and prioritization process, and signal assessment method. Such a plan should also include an approach to ensure appropriate recommendation for action. During the pre-approval phase, all signal management activities should be conducted on a compound level, considering the known safety profile of the index innovator reference product per protocol design and indication, as well as relevant approved products of the same class. Overall, a signal detection and management process should be designed to identify and characterize risks during pre- and post-approval phases of development, supporting safety profiling, and description of possible safety issues that may arise with subject/patient exposure to a biosimilar relative to the reference product. Also, a comprehensive and well designed signal management process feeds into benefit-risk evaluation (BRE) and risk management, as such, should be well-documented, including documentation of qualification and training of all involved medical and safety pharmacovigilance professionals. In the European Union (EU), a Risk Management Plan is mandated to support marketing authorization application, and should include a safety specification encompassing identified and potential risk characterization and safety concerns, as well as pharmacovigilance planning, and planning and implementation of routine and additional (as needed) risk minimization measures and assessment of the effectiveness of such measures9,10. 02 B I OS I M I L A RS N E W S L E TTE R | Vol u me 6 , Ap r i l 20 1 5 SIG NAL M ANAG EM E N T BE N E F I T RISK AS S E S S M ENT RISK MA NAGEMENT Iterative Signal Detection and Management Activities, Signal-to-Risk Translation and Benefit Risk Assessment Evaluation for any need for Risk Minimization(if any risk is identified) SAFETY PROFILING: Biosimilars vs. Reference Innovator Product Index Drug (relative to drugs of the same class) Benefit Risk Assessment PH A S E I T O I I I C L I N IC A L T R I A L S (B LI NDE D/OPE N LA B E L) DI S EA S E I N DIC AT ION S U N DE R I NV E S TIGATION QUA L I T Y C ON T ROL / M A NAGE M E NT S YS TE M S Integrated Process of Signal Management, Benefit Risk Evaluation, and Risk Management Overall, the signal management process should be governed by SOPs which should include, signal detection, validation (and confirmation), analysis and prioritization, assessment, and effective communication of significant findings especially validated signals. In addition, there should be appropriate documentation, and tracking of activities and findings. Signal detection and management strategies translated into a plan should be comprehensive in nature, in both planned qualitative and quantitative approaches, as well as tailored to specific biosimilar relative to its innovator reference product and target indication, and taking into account regulatory guidelines and requirements. As the focus on biosimilar development continues to grow, so does the critical need for a comprehensive, efficient and well defined signal management process, continued benefit risk evaluation, and an overall risk management process. References: 1. Hincal F. An introduction to safety issues in biosimilars/follow-on biopharmaceuticals. J Med CBR Def. 2009;7. 2. EMA Guideline on Immunogenicity Assessment of Biotechnology-derived therapeutic proteins. [London, 13 December 2007 Doc. Ref. EMEA/CHMP/BMWP/14327/2006; Effective April 2008]. 3. EMA Guideline on immunogenicity assessment of monoclonal antibodies intended for in vivo clinical use. Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), 24 May 2012 EMA/CHMP/BMWP/86289/2010. Effective December 1, 2012]. 4. Tobias Blank, et al. 2013. Safety and toxicity of biosimilars—EU versus US regulation Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal (GaBI Journal). 2013;2(3):144-50. [DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2013.0203.039]. 5. FDA Guidance for Industry Immunogenicity Assessment for Therapeutic Protein Products, August 2014. 6. FDA Guidance for Industry Immunotoxicology Evaluation of Investigational New Drugs, October 2002. 7. Vera Brinks, 2013. Immunogenicity of biosimilar monoclonal antibodies Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal (GaBI Journal). 2013;2(4):188-93.[DOI: 10.5639/gabij.2013.0204.052] 8. Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Module VIII – Post-authorisation safety studies (Rev 1) (19 April 2013 EMA/813938/2011 Rev 1) 9. EMA Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Module V – Risk management systems (Rev 1). 15 April 2014 EMA/838713/2011 (Rev 1). 10. EMA Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Module XVI– Risk minimisation measures: selection of tools and effectiveness indicators (Rev 1). 11. EMA Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Annex I - Definitions (Rev 3) 15 April 2014 EMA/876333/2011 (Rev 3). 12. EMA Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices (GVP) Module IX – Signal management 22 June 2012 EMA/827661/2011 13. Practical Aspects of Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance: Report of CIOMS Working Group VIII (2010) 03 B I OS I M I L A RS N E W S L E TTE R | Vol u me 6 , Ap r i l 20 1 5 Regulatory Framework Updates Europe EMA Issues Finalized Insulin Biosimilars Guideline T he EMA has released its finalized guideline on the non-clinical and clinical development of insulin biosimilars. The new guideline replaces the "Guidance on similar medicinal products containing recombinant human soluble insulin" (EMEA/CHMP/ BMWP/32775/2005), which came into effect in June 2006. The new guideline lays down the non-clinical and clinical requirements for recombinant insulin-containing biosimilars, including human insulin and insulin analogues (both referred to as insulin). Guideline on non-clinical and clinical development of similar biological medicinal products containing recombinant human insulin and insulin analogues EMEA/CHMP/ BMWP/32775/2005_Rev. 1. United States FDA Announces List of Guidance Documents for 2015 T he US FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is planning to release 4 new guidance documents on biosimilars during calThe non-clinical section addresses endar year 2015. the requirements of in vitro pharmacodynamic studies and cases when The guidance documents planned are there is a need for additional in vivo as follows: toxicological assessment. The clinical • Biosimilars: additional quessection addresses the requirements for tions and answers regarding pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, implementation of the Bioand safety studies, as well as the risk logics Price Competition and management plan. Innovation Act of 2009. • Considerations in demonIn a change from the previously restrating interchangeability to leased draft version, EMA has dropped a reference product. its requirement for "manufacturers • Labeling for biosimilar biowho are planning comparative clamp logical products. studies to consider reports that in• Statistical approaches to evaldividuals of African, South Asian, or uation of analytical similarity Hispanic descent have reduced gludata to support a demonstracose clearance". tion of biosimilarity. Date: 26 February 2015 Effective date: 1 September 2015 Link to guideline: guidances is seen as a positive devel- Mexico Issues Rules opment for industry groups who have On Biolimbos been calling for FDA to promptly issue appropriate guidance on the issue of he Mexican regulatory body for naming, as well as to issue, or finalize approval of medicines, the Fedguidances on other outstanding issues such as establishing interchangeability. eral Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), Link: has issued rules for older non-orig inator biologicals registered prior GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInforma- to 19 October 2011, when the countion/Guidances/UCM417290.pdf try’s guidelines for biocomparables were first published, mandating that companies conduct clinical trials to prove biosimilarity. These products, known as "biolimbos", have not undergone any marketing authorization review consistent with globally Australia Reviewing Plans accepted standards for the approval of biosimilars. T Rest of World For Naming Biosimilars The companies affected have until 31 ollowing recent international December 2015 to present their tests developments in the area of bi- to the agency. osimilar naming, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) will not be continuing with the previously proposed naming convention for biosimilars while a review of the policy is undertaken. F Link to TGA site, 20 Jan 2015: The news of additional biosimilars 04 B I OS I M I L A RS N E W S L E TTE R | Vol u me 6 , Ap r i l 20 1 5 Biosimilar Applications Approved & Under Review Europe alence trial in patients with moder- Hospira Submits ate-to-severe RA. In Europe, Remi- Application to US FDA cade is indicated for the treatment of RA, adult Crohn’s disease, pediatric for Proposed Epoetin Alfa Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Biosimilar pediatric ulcerative colitis, psoriatic ospira has submitted a Biologics arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and License Application (BLA) to psoriasis. If authorized by the EMA, amsung Bioepis’s Marketing Authe US FDA for Retacrit™, a proposed SB2 could be available for use in all thorization Application (MAA) biosimilar to Amgen's EPOGEN® for its Enbrel (etanercept) biosimilar of the same indications as Remicade. (epoetin alfa) and Janssen's PROCRIT® candidate, SB4 has been validated Company press release 13 Mar 2015: (epoetin alfa). and accepted for review by the EMA. The acceptance of the MAA marks The biosimilar application was subthe first Enbrel biosimilar to advance mitted on 16 December 2014, under the new 351(k) approval pathway created into regulatory review in the Europe by the Biologics Price Competition and EU. The MAA is based on results from Innovation Act of 2009 (BPCIA). United States a phase III clinical trial in patients with moderate-to-severe rheumatoid Company Press release 12 Jan 2015: FDA Approves First arthritis (RA). EMA Accepts Samsung Bioepis’ Enbrel® Biosimilar Candidate, SB4, for Regulatory Review H S Biosimilar Product Apotex Announces FDA Has Accepted For Filing its Biosimilar Application for Filgrastim (Grastofil™) A potex Inc., announced that on the 13 February 2015, the US FDA accepted for filing the company's application for Filgrastim [Grastofil™], a biosimilar version of Amgen's Neupogen®. This product has been jointly developed with Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. This is the second follow-on biologic FDA submission for Apotex via the 351(k) abbreviated approval pathway created by the Biosimilar Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA). Apotex also has a 351k biosimilar application for the long acting pegylated formulation of filgrastim currently under FDA review. In addition to the European filings, Zarxio Samsung Bioepis intends to move US FDA Postpones forward with additional applications he US FDA have approved Zarxfor regulatory approvals in other terio (filgrastim-sndz), the first bio- Celltrion’s Remicade similar product approved in the US. Biosimilar Review ritories worldwide. Company press release 17 Feb 2015: Zarxio has been approved as biosimi- Meeting lar, not as an interchangeable product. Company press release 21 Jan 2015: he FDA has postponed the meetSandoz, Inc.’s Zarxio is biosimilar to ing of the Arthritis Advisory Amgen Inc.’s Neupogen (filgrastim), Committee scheduled for 17 March Rest of World which was originally licensed in 1991 Samsung Bioepis and is approved for the same indica- 2015. The postponement is due to in- None reported. formation requests pending with the Submits Marketing tions as Neupogen. sponsor of the application. A future Authorization For this approval, the FDA designated meeting date is still to be announced ApplicationFor SB2, A a placeholder non-proprietary name in the Federal Register. Remicade (Infliximab) for this product as “filgrastim-sndz.” Biosimilar Candidate, The FDA have stated that the provi- The US delay is unlikely to spell a To The EMA sion of a placeholder non-proprietary major disruption to Celltrion’s global name for this product should not be plans, as Remicade, which brings in viewed as reflective of the agency’s amsung Bioepis have announced that the MAA for SB2, its Remi- decision on a comprehensive naming roughly $8.4 billion around the world cade (Infliximab) biosimilar candi- policy for biosimilar and other bio- each year, isn't scheduled to lose US date, has been submitted to the EMA. logical products. While the FDA has exclusivity until 2018. Celltrion is doThis is the second MAA biosimilar not yet issued draft guidance on how ing its best to move that date forward, current and future biological products challenging some of Johnson’s and that Samsung Bioepis has submitted marketed in the US should be named, Johnson’s (J&J), the originator compato the EMA. the agency intends to do so in the ny, patents in court but J&J is battling near future. The MAA is based on results from back with legal claims of its own in an Europe/US/ an extensive head-to-head pre-clin- FDA news release 06 Mar 2015: Rest of World ongoing dispute. ical data package comparing SB2 to None reported. the originator, a head-to-head phase Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ FDA press release 25 Feb 2015: http:/ / study in healthy volunteers, and a ucm436648.htm mittees/calendar/ucm433919.htm robust head-to-head phase III equiv- T T S Regulatory Meetings 05 B I OS I M I L A RS N E W S L E TTE R | Vol u me 6 , Ap r i l 20 1 5 Articles & Reports of Interest UK Outlines Process For Developing Biosimilars Guidances I n response to the increasing availability and use of biosimilars by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), the country’s healthcare watchdog, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), has updated its methods for providing guidance and advice on biosimilars. NICE is an independent organization, set up by the UK Government in 1999. The agency assesses the clinical and cost-effectiveness of drugs, and decides which drugs and treatments are available on the NHS in England and Wales. substituting interchangeable biologics, the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, the American Pharmacists Association, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists fielded a survey to their membership, or a partial segment of their membership. The survey consisted of 2 sections: (1) current processes for reporting biologics being dispensed, and (2) familiarity and preferences regarding biosimilars. The Challenging Definition of Naïve Patient For Biological Drug Use The results of this survey indicate that the ultimate decision on the naming convention for biosimilars may influence dispensing pharmacists, with the majority of respondents being most comfortable with biosimilars having the same nonproprietary name as the reference biologic. B Link to full free article: Positive appraisals of biosimilars will use the name of the active drug sub- stance, including the reference product and brand name, to inform clinical decisions. Considerations In The The decision by NICE to use the name of the active drug substance aligns with the majority of European Union Member States, which have agreed that biosimilars should have the same International Nonproprietary Name (INN) as their reference biological. Link to article, 06 Jan 2015: Assessment of Pharmacists' Views On Biosimilar Naming Conventions Fernandez-Lopez. S. et al: Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy, March 2015, Vol. 21, No. 3 A s the date for the introduction of biosimilars in the US approaches, questions remain regarding the naming, coding, and approval process for these agents that will need to be carefully considered. Early Development of Biosimilar Products Abbas. R. et al: Drug Discovery Today, In Press, Uncorrected Proof, Available online 5 January 2015 T he widespread use and patent expiration of many biologics have led to global interest in development of biosimilar products. Because the manufacture of biologics, including biosimilars, is a complex process involving living systems, the development of a biosimilar is more rigorous than the development of a generic small molecule drug. Several regulatory agencies have established, or are proposing guidelines, that recommend a stepwise process to ensure the efficacy and safety of a biosimilar are highly similar to the reference product. This article also explores the early clinical phase of biosimilar development, which is particularly important to resolving any uncertainties that might remain following in vitro and in vivo evaluations and to enable a selective and targeted approach to phase III clinical efficacy and safety investigation. To (a) ascertain pharmacists' awareness of and comfort level with biosimilars and (b) determine the impact of identical or different nonproprietary Link to purchase site for article: names on pharmacists' confidence in Biggioggero. M. et al : Autoimmun Rev. 2015 Jan 31. pii: S1568-9972(15)000312. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2015.01.016. [Epub ahead of print] A district court judge from California has denied an injunction by Amgen meant to stop the launch of the first biosimilar approved by the US FDA - Sandoz’s Zarxio. "As the twelve-year exclusivity period for Neupogen long ago expired, there exists no substantive bar to market entry for Sandoz’s biosimilar filgrastim and, consequently, no basis on which Amgen is entitled to injunctive relief or other remedies for disadiosimilar is defined by the EMA vantages it may suffer due to market as a biological medicinal prod- competition from Sandoz." uct, which is similar, but not identical to the biological drug already autho- Amgen originally filed suit when rized. The biosimilar and its refer- Sandoz failed to provide them with ence product are expected to display certain information from its biosimthe same safety and efficacy profile, ilars application, including on the and are generally used to treat the manufacturing processes. However, the judge ruled that in some insame conditions. The Italian Medistances this information does not cines Agency considers biosimilars have to be provided. The judge also as a valid therapeutic option with dismissed claims of harm by Amgen an economic advantage, especial- that would come if Zarxio were to be ly in primary naïve patients with no launched. Questions however, still previous exposure to the originator, remain around the pricing of Zarxio, or with a sufficiently long wash-out details of which were not included in period ("secondary naïve"). The iden- the latest order. tification of "secondary naïve" is not well defined and can be subjected to It appears that Amgen may decide to different variables, mainly the drug appeal. The time frame of Amgen's biologic effect and its immunogenic- appeal seems unclear, and Novarity. The first one depends on the type tis has not specified whether it will of biologics and on their mechanism launch Zarxio prior to completion of of action. The second one is related the appeals process. to the fact that biologicals may be immunogenic and can trigger an an- Link to court order 19 Mar 2015: ti-drug antibody response (ADA). In conclusion, the development and use of biosimilars represent a tool for increasing health system sustainability. However, it is of paramount importance to distinguish between the pharmacodynamics of a given drug and its immunogenicity being the 2 aspects unrelated. Thus a detailed definition of "secondary naïve" patients is challenging, and may be related to both the 2 parameters. Link to purchase site for article: US District Court Dismisses Amgen's Petition To Block Launch of Neupogen Biosimilar Zarxio 06 B I OS I M I L A RS N E W S L E TTE R | Vol u me 6 , Ap r i l 20 1 5 Company News (The information provided is sourced directly from the company websites) Pfizer To Acquire Hospira P fizer Inc. and Hospira, Inc. have announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which Pfizer will acquire Hospira for a total enterprise value of approximately $17 billion. This strategically and complementary combination will add a growing revenue stream, and a platform for growth for Pfizer’s Global Established Pharmaceutical (GEP) business. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals in several jurisdictions and approval of Hospira’s shareholders, and is expected to close in the second half of 2015. Company press release 05 Feb 2015: Hospira Launches First Biosimilar Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Inflectra (infliximab) In Major European Markets H ospira announced the launch of the first biosimilar mAb, Inflectra (infliximab), in major European markets. Inflectra is licensed for the treatment of inflammatory conditions including RA, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, adult and pediatric Crohn's disease, adult and pediatric ulcerative colitis, and plaque psoriasis. Inflectra received its license from the EC in September 2013, following adoption of the EMA Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) positive recommendation for granting marketing authorization. Review by the EMA included detailed analysis of biophysical proper- ties and safety, efficacy, and tolerabili- data, as it is obtained by the company. ty data from an extensive pre-clinical and clinical trial program. Amgen Announces PosiCompany press release 16 Feb 2015: Oncobiologics ONS-3010 Meets Primary Endpoints O ncobiologics, Inc have announced that ONS-3010, its adalimumab (Humira®) biosimilar candidate met the primary endpoints in its first clinical study. tive Results From Phase III Study Of Biosimilar Candidate ABP 501 Proceeds from the financing will be used to advance Innovent’s pipeline, consisting of 8 antibody products, mgen have announced a phase which include 1 approved IND and 3 III study evaluating the effica- additional filed applications, and the cy and safety of biosimilar candidate company’s operations. ABP 501 compared with Humira® (adalimumab) in patients with mod- Company press release 22 Jan 2015: erate-to-severe RA, met its primary and key secondary endpoints. The primary endpoint compared the ACR20 measurements (20 percent or greater improvement in ACR assessment) at week 24. The ACR20 was within the pre-specified margin for Look out for the next edition ABP 501 compared to adalimumab, of the Biosimilars Newsletter showing clinical equivalence. Safe- due out in July 2015. ty and immunogenicity of ABP 501 were comparable to adalimumab. Key secondary endpoints included ACR50, ACR70, and DAS 28-CRP. A A 3-arm single-dose pharmacokinetic (PK) study was performed in healthy volunteers to compare ONS-3010 to both the US- and EU-sourced Humira® reference products, and the 2 reference products to each other. All of the PK endpoints met the bioequivalency and safety and immunogenicity were similar across the 3 arms. ABP 501 is being developed as a biosimilar candidate to adalimumab, an Company press release 12 Feb 2015: anti-TNF-α monoclonal antibody, which is approved in many countries for the treatment of a number of inflammatory diseases. Mabion Submits Registration Dossier in Argentina Amgen has 9 biosimilar molecules in development and expects to launch 5 of these biosimilars between 2017 abion SA is one step closer and 2019. to releasing its MabionCD20 drug in Argentina. Together with the Company Press release 03 Feb 2015: intermediary company LKM SA, a M petition was submitted in Argentina for approval to start the registration procedure of MabionCD20, a drug used in the treatment of blood cancers and RA. complex, biologics to be marketed in the rapidly growing Chinese market and elsewhere worldwide, has raised $100 million in Series C financing. Next Edition Previous Editions Please use the below link to find previous editions of PRA Health Sciences’ Biosimilars Newsletters. Contact Rodeina Challand, Executive Director, Biosimilars Innovent Biologics, Inc. Development, Scientific Affairs Completes Financing Funds [email protected] to Advance Novel Biologic Pipeline Hazel Gorham, The data currently available, is only Director, Biosimilars nnovent Biologics, Inc., a Chinese sufficient to initiate the registration biopharmaceutical company in the Development, Scientific Affairs procedure. The documentation will be regularly updated with additional development and manufacturing of [email protected] I 07
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