D T I D I NG S GG L A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHOF OF WESTERN WESTERN SPRINGS CHURCH SPRINGS PRESBYTERIAN Holy Week Events Palm Sunday - March 29 8:15 - 8:30 a.m. on the Tower Green: Join the nine congrega,ons of Western Springs for a brief blessing of the palms service. 9:30 a.m. Worship at PCWS. Join the fes,vi,es as we honor Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We’ll have palms galore and the Chancel Choir will sing. Maundy Thursday - April 2 6:30 p.m. in the Jones Room: Join PCWS and Highlands Presbyterian as we gather for a simple meal of finger foods (bring your favorites). 7:15 p.m. Worship: We will sing, pray, observe the solemn words of Jesus at his last supper with his friends, as the light dims and we draw closer to Good Friday. Good Friday - April 3 7:00 p.m. at Highlands Presbyterian Church. We join together for a second ,me in 24 hours to commemorate Jesus’ crucifixion. Music, prayer and silence will surround us as we recall Jesus’ journey to the cross…. Easter Sunday - April 5 Three Services and an Egg Hunt! 6:27 a.m. Sunrise service - Outdoors and indoors, we will travel to various “sta,ons”, including communion, and give thanks for good news of great joy. 9:00 a.m. Worship with joyful music, communion and an upliBing message. 10:15 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt! (see below) 10:45 a.m. Worship with joyful music, communion and an upliBing message. Grab those Easter baskets and bring them to church Easter morning for a tradi,onal Easter egg hunt! Since Easter falls during spring break, we will not be having the full Bunny Brunch ac,vi,es, but we do hope you will join us for the egg hunt between church services. The hunt will kick off promptly at 10:15 a.m. rain or shine. Your liGle chickadees will have a great ,me finding the eggs and will be delighted by the surprises inside. APRIL, 2015 MONTH YEAR Youth Sunday April 19 - 9:30 a.m. The UPYs are hard at work planning, wri,ng, discussing, laughing and prac,cing for Youth Sunday on April 19. This year’s theme is all about no,cing God’s goodness in our everyday lives. The Hebrew word for “good” and “goodness” is tov, and it is used all throughout the Bible to describe God’s nature and to describe God’s crea,on. Like in Genesis, as God makes each day, God also responds, “that it was good”. So the youth are searching for goodness and they’re excited to show you all the places they find it at Youth Sunday this year. EXPLORE: “God is Green” Explore’s April lineup is fresh and final because 1. It’s spring,me! And 2. This is the final Explore series un,l next fall! “God is Green” is a series of workshops aBer worship from April 12 – May 3 open to people of all ages. There will be ac,vi,es, games and craBs for kids, hands-on learning experiences, Bible teachings and important conversa,ons for adults. For a schedule of ac,vi,es, turn to page 4. Spring Blood Drive Sunday, June 14 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! C !"# L$" Lent is a journey. Some take it literally, like my friend Teri, who took on a prac,ce of walking, mostly on a treadmill this winter, to “walk” from Jerusalem to Damascus with her equivalent mileage. Some take it figura,vely, by denying themselves or adding some prac,ce to their daily lives to deepen their spiritual journey. I’ve been doing a lot of de-cluGering and dona,ng and recycling, which has been a very good journey. When you receive this issue of Glad Tidings, it will be April 1st, or shortly before, and we’ll be walking into the deepest, darkest part of the Chris,an journey as we consider Jesus’ last week. And soon thereaBer we will celebrate Easter, with all of the joy and the hope and the promise that encounters and overcomes the relentlessness of winter, or us falling short of the mark, of all that would separate us from God’s love. I cannot wait to wish you the happiest of Easters, praying that you, too, will be experiencing hope, good news, grace in abundance, and deep, deep joy. Joy to you, Jennifer We've Trained Stephen Ministers. What Now? In January, we commissioned five Stephen Ministers at PCWS which was a great beginning. But the heart of Stephen Ministries is providing care. How does that happen? There are three ways someone can come under the care of a Stephen Minister: If you think that a friend or family member could benefit from Stephen Ministries, you should talk to your friend/family member and ask permission to refer him/her to Stephen Ministries. You should emphasize that the inquiry is not a commitment. In the course of her pastoral care, Pastor Jennifer may feel that someone could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister and she would ask permission to make a referral. Someone can contact Pastor Jennifer or our Stephen Leader directly. Regardless of the source, once a referral is made the Stephen Leader will make an appointment with the individual to talk, answer ques,ons, and explore Stephen Ministries together. Stephen Ministry is not for everyone but the care, concern, and support of a Stephen Minister has made a life-changing difference ,me and ,me again. Please note that if you make a referral, your role within Stephen Ministries ends there. In order to protect individual's privacy, we cannot discuss the results of the referral with anyone. If you think that you could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, you can contact Pastor Jennifer or our Stephen Leader, Joyce Rodos ([email protected]) directly. OUR PASTORS Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Ma9hew Paul Schmidt, Associate Pastor [email protected] [email protected] For a complete list of our staff, visit our website: www.presbyws.org. 2 April, 2015 C !"# N"% Congrega?onal Mee?ng Wrap-up All of the tradi,onal parts of our annual mee,ng showed up on March 1. During worship, we enjoyed a year-in-review slideshow at the beginning of worship and several of our re,ring elders and deacons led worship. We heard an interes,ng presenta,on on the state of our organ . . . heard a 260 word sermon . . . remembered members of the congrega,on who had passed away in 2014 as part of our prayer of thanksgiving during communion and held a mee,ng of the corpora,on during joys and concerns. We thanked outgoing and current leaders in the life of the church, and then we adjourned to the Jones Room, where excellent ques,ons were asked and answered regarding the 2015 budget which was then adopted, along with changes in the terms of call of our pastors. The Annual Mee,ng concluded with a beau,ful presenta,on of our second hour learning program called Explore and was closed with prayer. Great thanks to Janet Andersen, for serving as clerk for the congrega,onal mee,ng, to Carolyn Bozek, Dom Garino, Paul Banovic and Paul Clou,er for their worship leadership, to Hank Vaughan, Paul Banovic and Kurt Smyers for invaluable technology assistance and to all who aGended the annual mee,ng and par,cipated fully, with your voices and your votes. www.facebook.com/presbyws You don’t need to join Facebook to see photos of all the ac,vi,es that happen at PCWS. April, 2015 Ge@ng to Know Your Deacon: Lisa Wennerstrum The first thing you no,ce about Lisa is her smile. She always seems to be wearing one. And it’s contagious - you can’t help but feel a liGle lighter, a liGle happier in her presence. What’s more, she can strike up a warm conversa,on and draw you into it like bees to honey. How fortunate for PCWS that she has agreed to serve a second term as Deacon, beginning this year. Place of birth: Coral Gables, Florida - but I was raised in Garden City, New York Family: Husband, ScoG; and three sons: Erik, 20; Jack, 19; and Charlie, 16 Nicknames: Liesel, Schnitzel Growing up: I was one of six siblings so my household was very ac,ve with friends inside and outside the house. I grew up near the ocean on Long Island so I spent many days at the beach. My hobbies included pain,ng, needlepoin,ng, running and swimming. Educa?on: I went to Marymount University in Virginia. At the ,me it was an all-girls college; now it’s co-ed. I majored in fashion merchandising. Employment: I have the enormous pleasure of working with my sister-in-law, Sheryl, of Sheryl Allen Interiors. Hobbies: Yoga, biking, walking, designing, cooking & gardening. On joining PCWS: I was raised Roman Catholic so it wasn't un,l I met my husband that I started going to 4th Presbyterian Church and PCWS. We were married at PCWS and have been members since. What makes PCWS special: It sounds so cliché but the dedicated membership. They put so much life into the church! Also, the UPY program, the Christmas pageant and Fellowship. What you like about being a Deacon: Staying connected with fellow members and geSng to know them beGer. We have so many giBed members at PCWS! How else are you involved at PCWS: I was a Sunday School teacher, a Deacon and UPY leader many years ago. I was also a Confirmand mentor. Something you are really good at: Organizing Something you would like to learn to do: Play bridge Favorite food: Does chocolate count in the food chain? Favorite color: Oh, this is tough! The Pantone Color deck? Con,nued on page 5 3 C !"# "% Endowment & Special GiFs EXPLORE: “God is Green” Tithing is tough. One recent survey discovered only one in every 25 Americans engaged in giving 10 percent of their income to churches. Perhaps that's why one preacher started a sermon on the maGer by telling his congrega,on, “I have some good news and some bad news. Con,nued from Page 1 “The good news is this congrega,on has plenty of money to fund its capital projects, mission work and day-to-day opera,ons. The bad news is the money is s,ll in your pockets.” To be sure, nothing makes ,thing or contribu,ng the money you have worked so hard to acquire easy. That is, unless, the alterna,ve to dona,ng is paying taxes. Some might have just experienced that feeling when filing their income tax returns or es,ma,ng the amount to pay while they finalize their extensions. There are myriad tax rules surrounding charitable contribu,ons and their deduc,bility on income taxes. There are an equally dizzying array of whether dona,ons net any tax benefit at all. Despite all of the possible scenarios, the general rule is dona,ons reduce tax liabili,es. Because all tax situa,ons are different and the tax code undergoes change, it is always worth checking with a tax professional to see how dona,ons fit a par,cular situa,on. For tax purposes, there are different types of dona,ons. Savvy donors realize there are tax advantages for dona,ng more than just cash, which includes dona,ons by checks and credit cards. For example, dona,ng stock that has appreciated in value can net more tax savings. Consider two people who each want to contribute $10,000 to their church. Both own iden,cal stock for which they paid $2,000. One of them sells that stock and then donates the $10,000; the other donates the stock to the church. In the first scenario, the donor is permiGed to deduct the $10,000 as a charitable contribu,on, but must report and pay tax on a capital gain of $8,000. The person who donates the stock directly also gets the $10,000 charitable contribu,on deduc,on and has no capital gain to report. The church, of course, would turn around and sell the stock so it can have the cash. 4 Here’s a schedule of ac,vi,es: 4/12 – Guerilla Gardening 101: This day is filled with fun craBs for kids like ,e-dying shirts and decora,ng love seeds. There will also be a Bible lesson focused on some of Jesus’ most important teachings. For adults who want to learn about the actual art of Guerilla Gardening in south LA, there will be a TED video and discussion as well. 4/19 – Guerilla Gardening: Plan,ng Love Seeds. This day, following Youth Sunday worship, join us in a challenge to spread Love Seeds all around town. It will be fun and easy for all ages. 4/26 – The Sunday aFer Earth Day: Share your Love Seed plan,ng pictures. Also, aGend workshops about gardening, compos,ng, recycling and reducing our impact on the planet. This Explore will feature helpful ,ps for becoming personally more sustainable and will have a ,me for everyone to share their best ideas and prac,ces as well as ask ques,ons. 5/3 – “God is Green”. . . The final Explore will be a crea,ve workshop by MaG Schmidt that will zoom into a few key passages in the Bible like Psalm 1, Noah’s Ark, Revela,on 21 and John 21. You may have never known that the Bible says this about that. There will be a special ac,vity for kids to explore the same informa,on this day as well. For more info on Guerilla Gardening, turn to page 9. April, 2015 A&# "% Cheap and Cheerful Fashion Show Luncheon April 9th, 12:30 p.m. Fashion Show at 1:15 p.m. Salad Bar Luncheon, Tea and sweets for dessert. Luncheon price is $10. Come view the hoGest spring and summer trends. All ouZits were purchased for under $20 from local resale shops. Come to the Jones Room for an aBernoon of friendship and a few good laughs! We are s,ll looking for a few models if anyone is interested. Please contact Aileen Pendleton for details PW Gathering 1:00 p.m. Meets April 16 (3rd Thursday of each month) at church. We meet as a large group for fellowship and then discuss the In-depth Bible Study Op,on: Women covenant to study and come prepared to par,cipate and discuss. They are studying Fruits of the Spirit. You are cordially invited to Anglo-Philia… A Programme of English Organ Music Guest Organist Dr. A. Steven Taranto Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 p.m. To begin our celebra,on of PCWS's 60th anniversary, Guest Organist Dr. A. Steven Taranto will play during morning worship on April 26 which will feature the combined choirs of PCWS and Highlands, organ, brass and percussion. He will perform for the community at 2:00 p.m. and the concert will be followed by an classic English Tea. Dr. A. Steven Taranto received a Bachelor of Arts in Church Music from Elmhurst College. While a student, he was organist for Bethel UCC. He earned a Master of Sacred Music from the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. While in Dallas, he was the Assistant Music Director and Organist for North Park Presbyterian Church. He completed his Ph.D. in Music Educa,on at The University of Mississippi in 2010. Currently, Dr. Taranto is serving as Choirmaster and Organist for St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Oxford, Mississippi. Before moving to Oxford, he was the Director of Music and Organist for the First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Tennessee. He remains ac,ve as a composer of music for choir and organ, and has four children’s and two handbell anthems published by the Choristers Guild. Theology and Brew—April line up April 22,2015 Get to Know your Deacon - cont’d. Best vaca?on: Daufuskie Island, SC Something people don’t know about you: I’m terrified of birds. Three words to best describe you: ChaGy, chaGy and chaGy When people see you at church, what should they ask you about? They won’t get a chance to ask. I’ll be talking first. April, 2015 Although not much happened historically on April 20 (unless you count the crea,on of the Wisconsin territory—where would we be without the “cheese curtain”?), you’re in for a treat at the Evening Edi?on on Monday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. at Now Serving in La Grange. Adults of all ages will gather again (some will bring their favorite wine) for food, drink, and conversa,on about a recent blog that will get your energy flowing as well as provide a chance to get to know other members and friends even beGer. Email [email protected] or call the church office to get on the mailing key for the blog. As a bonus, invite a friend you’d like everyone to meet. If aBernoons are open for you, please join us one week later on Monday, April 27 at 1:00 p.m. at Saban's, located at 9507 Joliet Rd, Hodgkins IL. 5 C'!" ( ) &#' Mark your calendars, Vaca?on Bible School will be July 20-24! At Everest VBS, kids will embark on the coolest adventure of the summer while conquering challenges with God's mighty power! If you have ques,ons or are interested in helping, please contact Carolyn Bozek or Kim Fronk. Spaghe@ Dinner Thanks! Thanks to all who supported this year’s SPAGHETTI DINNER! We raised $1,100 to support the Mission Trip this summer to Tennessee. Special thanks to: Steve Blough with the help of Mary Jo and Ron Blough, for their hard work preparing the sauce and meatballs!! • MAD CAMP • Mark your calendars and invite your friends! Dates for this summer's MAD (Music and Drama) Camp are June 8-14. Camp will run Monday-Friday, 2:00 -5:00 p.m. and then the group will lead worship on Sunday morning June 14 at 9:30 a.m. Kami Booth, Laurie Merrifield, Erin Sullivan and PaS Mangis will serve as the leadership team again this year. Watch the music bulle,n board for the announcement of the ,tle soon. MAD Camp is a perfect way to introduce new families to PCWS, so feel free to invite friends. Boys and girls entering grades 2-8 are welcome. Tui,on fee to cover music and materials is $20 for an individual, $30 per family. We’re a Safe Church! But can we become safer? One of the tasks of the new Faith Forma,on CommiGee is making sure our ministries are as safe and welcoming for children under 18 and adults over 18 as possible. Which is why a special team of people including MaG Schmidt, Carolyn Bozek, Kim Fronk, Michelle Hennessy, and LoreGa Gra,as-Bremer, are wri,ng a fresh policy for 2015 and beyond. The policy will help us keep our ministries as responsible, healthy and loving as possible. One reason we’re exploring this issue is because the Presbytery recently updated their policy in 2014. Now we’re doing the careful work of comparing ours with theirs, discussing their new adapta,ons, and ul,mately wri,ng something we hope Session will adopt for our church. Stay tuned for more Safe Space updates as this policy approaches Session approval! 6 • All adults that baked and helped in the kitchen. Sextons for all the extra cleaning and set-up. UPYs for hard work and making it a successful fundraiser. And local businesses: • Casey’s Market in Western Springs for dona,ng the meat! • Western Springs Fruit Store for all the produce! Please tell them “thank you” when you shop! Did you know? The Faith Forma,on CommiGee is mailing out bap,smal anniversary cards to our children this year. Each child receives a ribbon, "I am God's Child", and a card during their special month. Our children are encouraged to wear them to church or use as a bookmark. If you see a child wearing a ribbon, be sure to give them a big smile and a high five for celebra,ng God's love! Alexander Hanson Elena Humiston April, 2015 Y &#' M #!) JUPYS This month at a glance… (Grades 6 – 8) FMNO FPPQ FRSTUV!! Ice Skating Sunday, April 12, 5–6:30 p.m. Seven Bridges Ice Arena Sunday April 26 Cost: $8.00 2:30-6:00 p.m. cost $20 includes skate rental and dinner. Permission slips and advance sign-up required. Friends are welcome to aGend. Sunday, April 5 EASTER Sunday, April 12, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Fast Food Frenzy *Friends welcome Sunday, April 19 No JUPYs Come to Youth Sunday and stay for Explore: Guerilla Gardening *Transportation from church provided Sunday, April 26 2:30-6:00 p.m. Ice Ska,ng *Sign up in advance COMING THIS SUMMER SECRET SAFARI Sunday, May 3, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. End of Year Celebra,on Stay tuned for dates and details This month at a glance… Sunday, April 5 EASTER UPYS (Grades 9 – 12) Prac?ce UPY Subvert Pollu?on Schedule Help lead April 26 Explore! “God is Green” workshop sharing ways to reduce waste at home, at church or work. Sunday, April 12 Youth Sunday Planning Saturday, April 18 Youth Sunday Rehearsal 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, April 12 Youth Sunday Planning Con?nues Sunday, April 19 Youth Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Final run through 11:00 a.m. - Brunch Saturday, April 18 Final Rehearsal 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. - please plan to stay for the whole ,me. This is a mandatory prac,ce. Sunday, April 26 Lead EXPLORE Sunday, April 19Youth Sunday!!! Arrive by 8:00 a.m. for a final run-through. Breakfast will be provided. Join us for brunch aBer worship. April, 2015 UPY MWNNWPT TRWX July 25 - August 1 Tennessee Par?cipants’ Mee?ng Coming In May Car Wash and Bake Sale Sunday, June 14 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Please bring bake sale items Lunch will be provided for $5 7 MWNNWPT Y NSRZW[S One Great Hour of Sharing As we con,nue our prepara,ons for Holy Week and Easter Sunday, please consider a contribu,on to the Presbyterian Lenten special offering: One Great Hour of Sharing. As you have seen in recent bulle,n inserts, and have heard in a Minute for Mission, our giBs to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) can make a significant difference in the lives of others in need. By combining the “fish banks” filled by our children with thoughZul giving by the remainder of our congrega,on, we help the ministry of OGHS provide relief to many who find themselves in need due to a sudden catastrophe (war, storm, fire) or due to other circumstances beyond their control. The OGHS ministry provides this assistance through three primary programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Self-Development of People and the Presbyterian Hunger Program, all supported by this offering. While the offering is officially dedicated on Easter Sunday, giBs may be made any ,me during Lent via 1) the specially designated envelope you may have received in your 2015 box of offering envelopes; 2) a check to PCWS (with OGHS on the memo line) in the Sunday offering plate or 3) online via the OGHS website. Also, please encourage your children to bring their “fish banks” to worship on or before Easter Sunday. Together, our giBs can bring food, shelter and relief to many. Lenten Fair Success! ABer worship on March 8, Sunday School classrooms 201, 202 and 302 opened their doors so everyone could explore all the wonderful things that preschool – 5th grade children have been learning and crea,ng. The teachers and students did a wonderful job hos,ng guests, giving them tours of the rooms and feeding them snacks like trail mix, cupcakes, apples and caramel. The children loved showing off their favorite craBs, artwork, and prayer requests, and they were so thankful that you came out to support them! If you missed this open house, feel free to explore the classrooms another ,me. It can be a profound experience to see the way a child visually interprets the same scripture lesson that was discussed in worship. Also, please make sure to thank all the teachers who have made this year possible! 8 PC(USA) News On March 17, 2015, an amendment to the Book of Order received the required majority from the presbyteries, affirming that “marriage is a unique commitment between two people, tradi,onally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives.” Our Session voted to affirm this in December 2013. As always, we will make prayerful decisions about who is to be married in this place. This issue is one where people of good faith will disagree. However, we will con,nue to be a congrega,on where dialogue is encouraged and all are welcomed with Christ’s wide arms of love. Read about this at hGp:// oga.pcusa.org/sec,on/ga/ga221/ga221marriage/ or contact your pastors or any member of the Session. CHANCEL CHOIR We want everyone to have a chance to experience the joy we find in singing! So as an experiment, following Easter, Chancel Choir rehearsals will last only 60 minutes. Thursday, April 16 at 7 pm, we will have fun as we focus on learning 6 choral anthems, including a great seSng of Psalm 100 (O Sing to the Lord) and an African Sanctus that will get all our toes tapping. Post-Easter choir season only last 7 weeks. 7 hours -- 7 Thursdays at 7 pm. This is your chance to try choir and see if it is for you. No previous experience is necessary. Our rehearsals include everything you need to be ready to liB your voice in songs of praise on Sunday mornings. April, 2015 M ( S"!+," HANDBELLS Guerilla Gardening: Plan?ng Love Seeds Our Handbell Choir rings joyful music between September and May. For several years we’ve had only a ,ny list of subs,tute ringers so that we can keep on ringing, even when a member of the choir has a life event come up… which is true for everyone. We’re always looking for new ringers. Do you read music? Would you be willing to come and give it a try? Then you’re a prime candidate for handbells! Come join the handbell team, even if just for this spring season. Does a random act of kindness have the power to change someone’s day? Imagine standing in line at Starbucks. You don’t know the person ahead of you. Social code says you probably shouldn’t even talk or look at that person – aBer all, you learned as a child to never talk to strangers! But what would happen if you spontaneously planted a seed of love, kindness, and generosity by helping that person. What if you paid for their order? Would that random act of kindness make an impact? If you have ever had even a passing thought of trying handbells, now is your chance! PaS aGended a handbell techniques workshop in January, so she is burs,ng with ideas and is ready with repertoire for a range of abili,es/ experience. She’s also happy to make private tutoring available to anyone interested. Handbell Choir usually rehearses for about 90 minutes on Wednesday evenings. Percussion Workshop Jesus teaches us to be people who produce lots of fruit and to be people who love our neighbors. That means we should scaGer lots of love seeds in other people’s lives, even people we don’t know. This kind of ac,vity is a liGle countercultural and liGle bit in,mida,ng, but it can be done in a safe, fun and simple way. Even children can do it! For two weeks in our “God is Green” series, we’ll look into Guerilla Gardening and together plan a way to scaGer love seeds in supernaturally kind and spontaneously loving ways. This en,re idea is based on the opening ques,on about the effect of random acts of kindness; it makes an impact beyond our control. Design Day – April 12 at 10:45 a.m. ο Help make Tie-Dye T-Shirts, design and decorate Love Seeds. (For Kids) Watch and discuss a TED Talk about Guerilla Gardening in South LA (For Adults) PCWS is one of five churches sponsoring a percussion workshop led by Dr. Abraham Plant Day – April 19 at 10:45 a.m. ο Wear your Tie-Dye T-Shirt to church on Youth Sunday! Caceres on Saturday, May 9th at Grace ο ABer Youth Sunday’s worship, go plant some Love Seeds! Lutheran Church in Evanston. As a sponsor, we can bring up to five people to ο We’ll have extra shirts and Love Seeds that children made if you missed last week! this limited capacity event. The workshop will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and includes lunch. Youth and adults are welcome to aGend, and you don't need prior percussion experience. Our hope is that percussion will enhance our congrega,onal singing of world music, which is in ample supply in our Glory to God hymnal. If interested, please let PaS know. "Dr. Abe" is an outstanding and enthusias,c teacher. He teaches, demonstrates, performs, and involves students ages elementary thru adult at workshops throughout the United States, South America, Mexico, and the Philippines. Dr. Cáceres earned a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from Indiana University, was a Fulbright-Hays scholar, and a Fellow of the Ford founda,on. To see more about Dr. Abe's work, go to www.worldhousemusic.org. April, 2015 9 M"-."! N"% Thank you for your service at PCWS in March! We can’t do it without you. Collated and/or folded bulle?ns: Norman Duncan Helped in the office and with scanning and database updates: Donna Strunk, Craig Harris, Michelle Hennessy, Carol Ulreich, Ruth Riordan Crushed cans: David Boxell, Herb Habermann March Food for Life team: Driver/Server: BeGy Banovic, Mary Jo Bough Cooks: Ron Blough, Kim Fronk, Ann De Vries Second Bap?st Food Pantry run: David and Jane Boxell Prepared Glad Tidings for mailing: Mary Kae Headland, Ruth Riordan, Dorothy Andersen, Harriet Potenza and Joyce Habermann Flower Guild designers and flower setup in March: Nancy Glickman, Sue Kovalick and Sue Eck Chair Yoga comes to PCWS! Chair/Senior Holy Yoga takes the great joy of Christ to all people. Chair/Senior Holy Yoga provides an opportunity for people not able to par,cipate in a typical Holy Yoga class due to injury or illness to experience the incredible benefits of Holy Yoga through physical worship, breath and medita,on especially adapted for their par,cular needs. We will begin the class siSng in the chair and progress to standing with the chair along side. Classes will meet Fridays 10:00 a.m. Wear comfortable clothes. No mat is needed. Chairs provided. A dona,on of $10 is appreciated. Hope to see you there! LIFE EVENTS New Address: Craig Harris & HarrieG Potenza 200 Village Drive, Apt. 520 Downers Grove, IL 60516 Phone: 630-769-6517 Tim Karstens married Ilona Ah-Yo, March 13th in Tampa, Florida. LENT/EASTER MUSIC Thanks to all the vocal and instrumental musicians who put in extra ,me rehearsing and worship leading during Holy Week. We are grateful for your giB of ,me and for the offering of your musical talents to enhance our worship experience this Lent and Easter. 10 Sympathy to MaG & Hilary Schmidt on the death of Mary Bartels, MaG’s grandmother, who passed away Thursday, March 6th in Michigan. April, 2015 M"-."! N"% Teacher Apprecia?on The Ahme, Family Mike Slesicki Paul Allen PaS Schoenbeck Tom Allen Connie Sligh Connie Spar Neil Stark Margaret Swaar Beth Tooth Chad Tressler Joe Van Cura BeGy Davis Dorothy Wilson Cathy Dold Dan (friend of Julie Garino) Michael (friend of Jane Norman) Our troops sta,oned abroad Presbyterian Church Congrega,on in Nueva Paz, Cuba The people of Syria, especially family members of PCWS Interfaith Women’s Book Group Kimberly Bone Mary OGmar Booth David Boyer Diane Markley Bruser George Bruser Phil Carper Sandy Carucci Billye Dvorak PauleGe Erickson Jean Geary Maggie Joseph Kathleen Kircher Michael Leong Mary Jo Long Deborah MaGhews Gloria Nicolai Holly Oliver Ginger Oswald Sheila Rensberger April, 2015 Those seeking employment Those in Health Centers Margaret Miller Mary Randa Be9y ToF On Sunday, May 3, we will honor and thank our devoted teachers and advisors who have blessed our children and youth this year. This will also be the last Sunday for regular Sunday school un,l fall. Check out the books purchased in honor of our teachers! They’re available on the rack outside the elevator on the 2nd floor. Please tell them how much we appreciate them . . . “THANK YOU!!!!” Bulle?n Deadline Please submit all announcements to the church office by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Email to [email protected] or fax to 708-246-4276. Glad Tidings Deadline Ar,cles for the May Glad Tidings are due April 10th. To ensure your submission is received, please email ar,cles and pictures to: [email protected] Help prepare the May Glad Tidings for mailing Friday, April 24. Meet @ 10:30 a.m. in the Jones Room. 11 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WESTERN SPRINGS 5250 Wolf Road Western Springs, Illinois 60558-1898 Web Page: E-Mail: Prayer Requests: Telephone: Fax: www.presbyws.org [email protected] [email protected] 708-246-5220 708-246-4276 03-25-15 Dated Mail Scan to Learn about PCWS RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Upcoming Events in April April 1 Commi9ee Mee?ngs April 2 Maundy Thursday April 3 Good Friday April 5 Easter Sunday Worship @ 6:27 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt Upcoming Events in May May 5 Deacons May 6 Commi9ee Mee?ngs May 7 Na?onal Day of Prayer April 7 Deacons April 9 Presbyterian Women Salad Luncheon/ Fashion Show May 10 Glad Tidings Ar?cle Deadline May 12 Endowments & Special GiFs Commi9ee May 16 All Church Work Day May 17 Baccalaureate Breakfast April 10 Glad Tidings Ar?cle Deadline April 15 Session May 20 Session April 16 Presbyterian Women Gatherings May 21 Presbyterian Women Gatherings April 19 Youth Sunday May 24 Pentecost April 22 Book Club May 25 Memorial Day April 24 Mail Glad Tidings May 26 Mail Glad Tidings April 26 Organ Concert and AFernoon Tea To view a full calendar of events, please visit our webpage: www.presbyws.org
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