6th May 2015 Dear Parents / Guardians YEAR

6th May 2015
Dear Parents / Guardians
In order for Year 10 pupils to make the best use of their time during the school examinations
we will be operating a study leave system which will work as follows:
On days or half days when a pupil does not have an examination they will not need to
attend school, they should use this time to study at home. When a pupil has an examination
in the morning they will need to register at 8.50am and when an examination is in the
afternoon they will need to register at 1.20pm. This includes the days when there is a
languages speaking examination. Pupils should check their timetable carefully as on
occasion the afternoon examination may begin earlier. If a pupil has both a morning and
afternoon examination they will be expected to remain in school for the duration of the day.
During the examination fortnight a signing in and out procedure will replace the usual
formal registration, this will take place on notice boards outside room 30. It is vital that
pupils sign in as they arrive and out when they leave. After an examination has finished
pupils should sign out and leave school premises so as not to disrupt other examinations
unless they are staying in school to study or have another examination that day. All pupils
are expected to wear school uniform when they come into school.
If a pupil is ill and unable to attend an examination the school must be notified that morning
by telephone before 8.40am. In addition a doctor’s note and letter from a parent/guardian
must be supplied upon return to school.
I hope that these arrangements will benefit your daughter and help her to make the best
use of revision time. I would like to stress that this provision is for study purposes only and
girls should spend their time revising at home when they are not in school. If there are times
when your daughter would prefer to remain in school to study a classroom will be available
for quiet revision.
Examination timetables have now been issued, a copy of this can also be found on the
school website and the Year 10 notice board. Please take particular note of the time issued
for language speaking exams as these have been individually given to pupils and do not
appear on the published timetable.
The majority of the examinations during this period are internal school examinations, with
the exception of the Philosophy RE examination on Thursday 11 th June which is an external
GCSE examination. Pupils must be ready 10 minutes before the start of each examination
and should have safely locked away their belongings, including any valuables.
When pupils return from study leave on Monday 15th June they will be participating in our
‘Pathways to the Future’ week of events. Further details about this will be provided shortly.
Normal lessons will be resumed on Monday 22nd June.
Please would you sign and return the attached permission slip for study leave to your
daughters form tutor by Friday 15th May. We must have reply slips from all pupils.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Buck
Head of Year 10
To: Form Tutor – Year 10 Study Leave 2015
Student name: ............................................................................
Form: ............................
I agree to the conditions set out for study leave and accept responsibility for my daughter
on the days she is studying at home.
Signature of Parent / Guardian .......................................................................................
Date ........................
Please return this slip by Friday 15th May 2015 to your daughters Form Tutor.