Presentation Éy à{x Blessed Virgin Mary 4123 Robertson Avenue | Sacramento | CA 95821-0208 Pastor—Fr. Jeremy Leatherby Pastor Priest in Residence—Fr. Patrick Lee Fr. Jeremy Leatherby Deacon—Lawrence Klimecki Our Mission Statement Deacon—Lawrence Klimecki To bring souls to the salvation which Jesus Christ has won for us, by our proclamation of and witnessing to the splendor, beauty and fullness May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday of the Catholic Faith. Parish Office | 8:30am-4:30pm May 25 Barbara Fay (M-Tu) [email protected] Amy Glaser (W-F) [email protected] 916.481.7441 | Fax 916.481.2841 General: [email protected] Parish School Principal—Sr. Maria Rose 916.482.0351 [email protected] Religious Education Sidney Curry | 916.482.8883 [email protected] Youth & Young Adult Ministry Brennen Cull | 916.481.7441 x204 [email protected] Mass Times: Saturday 8:30am | Vigil • 5:30pm Sunday 8:00am | Family • 10:30am | Youth • 4:30pm Healing Mass (3 Sunday of the Month) • 1:00pm rd Weekdays 6:30am | 8:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 9:30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday-Friday | 24 Hours A Day Communications Coordinator Amy Glaser | 916.481.7441 x202 [email protected] Immaculata Coordinator Celeste Spitz | 916.923.8272 [email protected] Come, Holy Spirit, come! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam My Dear Parishioners, On Pentecost Sunday, as we remember the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, bringing about a profound interior transformation and thus preparing them with the necessary spiritual gifts and charisms to preach the Gospel to the nations, we are reminded that we share in that one same mission: preaching the Gospel to all peoples. In order to fulfill this responsibility, the Holy Spirit has given, and will give, special graces and charisms to us also. Sometimes they are lying dormant in us and need to be uncovered and put into action. Other times, our Heavenly Father is longing to pour them out upon us and is simply waiting for us to ask them of Him. Recall the words of our Savior: “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Thus, Jesus calls us to ask for the Holy Spirit. As we are to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, we should ask for an increase in His presence and graces daily! Recently, someone gave me a copy of the following prayer, which I have added to my own daily prayer repertoire. In praying it, we do precisely what our Lord exhorted us to do – ask the Father for the Spirit: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I petition the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to come upon me, that I may have faith, hope, love, strength, power, the presence of Christ and the ability to comprehend Christ’s love at work in individual lives and within the Church. Holy Spirit, I request an increase and release of all charisms including, Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment of Spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Deliverance, Inner Healing, Teaching, Encouragement, Leadership and Preaching. I ask for the seven gifts of the Spirit to be active in me: wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, fear of the Lord and piety. Heavenly Father, give me all the power and authority needed today, through the Holy Spirit, to set the captives free, just as you have commanded. I ask that the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control be abundance today. I ask that all spiritual gifts and abilities You have given me be cleansed in the Blood of the Lamb, sanctified by the God of Peace, and anointed by God who sealed me with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Allow to appropriate the authority and power needed for my mission with the fullness of Your grace and mercy.” The phrase Jesus most used was: “Be not afraid.” The second most common phrase of His was: “Anything you ask the Father in my name, He will give you.” Let us ask, and let us ask often, for that most precious gift of the Father – the gift of His Spirit. In Jesus, through Mary, Father Jeremy Leatherby Deacon Lawrence The task is daunting, to go out and preach the Word of God to a hostile world. That is what the apostles were called to do. That is what we are called to do. The apostles hid in the darkness with the doors locked. Wondering what they were to do next. They wondered how they were to fulfill this mission. The Spirit descended upon them and they broke out of their isolation. Rushing into the market square, they spoke openly of God in all the tongues of the world. We should not huddle in the dark afraid to go out, afraid to expose ourselves to hostility. It doesn’t matter if the congregation, the world that is the church, does not like us. It does not even matter if we do not like them. We are the shepherds, the pastors. It is our job. The flock is in need and we are bearers of the Gospel, the announcers of salvation and forgiveness. We have to go. We have a mission. And we are not without help or resources. The Holy Spirit of God has been given to us to strengthen us and gives us the grace we need to accomplish the work that has been set before us. On that first day, five thousand were baptized into the Kingdom. And at every turn the Holy Spirit continues to surprise and heal and give us courage. That first day was over two thousand years ago, imagine what we are capable of now. Pax Vobiscum Pray for the sick in our community, especially: Anthony Andreozzi, Theresa Bencken-Garn, Adolf Cascardo, Pieta Marie Cox, Rose Davis, Kristine Dean, Matt Deragisch, Marge Derdowski, Carol Drummond, Madison Diaz, Lee Falkenstein, Bob Fitzgerald, David Fleege, Owen Foley, Patti Fox, Marcy French, Leonard Frizzi, Vienna Golsong, Doug Hagans, Ken Hall, David Hosford, Roger Hughes, Pat Ingram, Kimberly Kaufmann, Linda LaGrange, Shirley Lauwers, Mary Lease, Janet Lee, L. Moessinger, Gene Moore, Kathy Pfeifer, Alyssa Platt, Catherine Post, David Qualls, Russell Qualls, Maryanne Redmond, Lucy Robrecht, Bridget Ruiz, Caleb Rust, Susan, Robin Samas, Gene Segno, Michelle Shiflet, Alan Smith & Gracie Smith. † Mass Intentions † Pentecost Sunday 24 St. Bede 25 Sunday (Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 20:19-23) 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Peter & Elise Leatherby (L) The Elton Family † Lia Gerard (D) Broghammer Family 10:30am · Family Fr. Leatherby † Deacon David Leatherby (L) 4:30pm · Youth Fr. Lee † John Zavala (L) Travis Family Monday (Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27) 8:00am Fr. Lee † Carl Curry, Sr. (L) † Vocations to the Priesthood...Bradshaw’s † Yvonne Poncini (L) Poncini Family St. Philip Neri (Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31) 26 Tuesday 6:30am Fr. Lee † Jack Smith (D) Celeste & Family † Jasper Anderson (L) Curry Family 8:00am Fr. Lee † Michael Lehmkuhl (L) Religious Education News Contact Sidney Curry | DRE 482.8883 Tá ÉâÜ UÄxááxw `Éà{xÜ brings us to her Son Jesus, it is our task also to bring others to the Lord. Is there someone you can invite to explore the Catholic faith — someone unbaptized, or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition? Perhaps you know a Catholic adult interested in being confirmed. Please contact Sidney Curry 482-8883. 6:30am Fr. Lee † Fr. Leatherby’s Priesthood (L) Byers Family 8:00am Fr. Leatherby † Abbie Thompson (D) Bradshaw’s † Mary McFarland (D) Nick Pavelchik (Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52) 28 Thursday 6:30am Fr. Murin † Becky Poncini (L) 8:00am Fr. Lee †Anna Carrillo (D) Cathy Lozano †Carl Curry & Family (L) Friedrich Family 29 Friday (Sir 44:1, 9-13/Mk 11:11-26) 6:30am Fr. Murin † Fr. Leatherby and his His Holy Priesthood † Barbara Diaz (D) Locsin Family 8:00am Fr. Lee † Emily Travis (L) Travis Family † Brennen Cull & Family (L) Friedrich Family (Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33) 30 Saturday 8:30am Fr. Lee † Diane Grass (L) Poncini Family 5:30pm · Vigil Fr. Leatherby †Nina & Louis Linton (D) Linda Fedler The Most Holy Trinity (Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20) 31 Sunday 8:00am Fr. Lee † Michael Lehmkuhl (L) † Lia Gerard (D) The Byram Family 10:30am · Family Fr. Leatherby † Alan Leatherby (L) † Rose Kelly (D) The Byram Family † Kirana Rogers (L) Nita Damore 4:30pm · Youth Fr. Leatherby † Sarah Travis (L) Travis Family Collections 27 Wednesday (Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45) May 16 & 17— $10,225.22 Thank you for your contributions! Please consider ParishPay as a GREEN alternative to envelopes! C a l l B a r b a r a t o i n q u i r e | 481 .7441 Youth Ministry News @pbvmlifeteen High School Youth Enjoy your summer break! Stay in touch by texting PBVMLT to 84576 ENJOY your summer Break! Brennen Cull 916.481.7441 x 204 brennen@presentaƟ Other PBVM Parish Phone Numbers St. Vincent de Paul (Tue | Thu | Fri: 9am-11am) 916.485.3482 Scrip | Diana Jimenez 916.402.1028 Divine Mercy Prayer Line Maureen Bradshaw 916.487.9620 Music Ministry | Becky Poncini 916.541.5805 [email protected] Legion Of Mary Patricia Jackson 916.973.8537 Altar Society Diana Jimenez 916.402.1028 Knights of Columbus Jordan Ruiz Gene Trinca 916.807.4218 916.359.8263 Right-To-Life Sacramento Presentation Parish is holding a prayer vigil every Saturday from 7am-4:30pm in front of the aborƟon mill on Butano Dr. Right to Life is holding a Holy Hour every MONDAY starting at 5:30pm to pray for restoration to the sanctity of life. All are welcome to join! www.presentaƟ Mary Mudd | 916.580.4206 ChrisƟna Maroƫ | 805.256.4801 Fr. Patrick Lee | 916.481.7441 The Gabriel Project is a parish level group that reaches out to women during their pregnancy and afterward. Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery with Bishop Myron Cotta May 25 | 10:00am | Calvary Cemetery Please join us in honoring those who have fallen in service to our country. The Knights of Columbus will be catering light refreshments and the Boy Scouts will be out in force adorning the cemetery with crosses & flags. ALL ARE WELCOME! 7101 Verner Ave | Sacramento | 726-1232 `Éà{xÜá yÉÜ `tÜç PVBM Mothers for Mary is a ministry connecting moms at Presentation for fellowship, bible studies & playdates. Christina | 805-256-4801 [email protected] We say goodbye to a loving mother, daughter, sister and parishioner… Joelle Paquette May eternal rest grant unto her soul... There will be NO 6:30am Holy Mass on Monday, May 25— Memorial Day WE ARE IN NEED OF: Diapers | Size 3 & 5 Christina Marotti | 805.256.4801 Laura Grover | 916.804.5822 Father’s Day With Bishop Soto Take Dad out to the ball park on Sunday, June 21 Play catch on the field with Bishop Soto at 11:00am Saturday—May 30 Maidu Park-Roseville 9:00am-11:30am 11:45am—Special blessing for fathers from the Bishop Tickets: $16 For info & tickets: Get plugged into PBVM this summer! Aren’t signed up to receive Fr. Leatherby’s daily homilies yet? Want to know the latest updates and news at Presentation? Not receiving the Sunday bulletin in your inbox? Text “PRESENTATION” to 84576 or simply visit our website at: News & Events at PBVM! PBVM P V P B : S Presentation Parish is hosting VBS again this summer! July 27-31 | 9am-12pm Here @ PBVM! 3100 Norris Ave | School Gym Buy tickets now! Support our PBVM Youth Pilgrims and join five-time Grammy Nominated music artist Matt Maher for a night of music and worship! Friday | June 19 7-10pm Arcade Church 3927 Marconi Avenue Get your tickets now! Come hear his new #1 hit, "Because He Lives" and his classics, "Your Grace is Enough," "All the People Said Amen" and "Lord I Need You.” Download registration forms @ Ages: Preschool to 6th Grade $30 per child Family Discounts Available Youth Volunteers (7th—12th grade) are needed for leadership roles! For more information contact: Sid Curry | 916.482.8883 [email protected] What a great way to receive service hours! For more information, go to our website. Tickets: $30-VIP | $20-General | $15-Balcony Buy them online or after most Masses! COMMUNITY EVENTS Presentation Parish Events May 24—June 20 24 25 26 27 LegionofMary 9:15am 1 ]âÇx 2 Kniƫng 10am 3 4 8 9 10 Kniƫng 10am Charismatic Prayer-7pm Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm 11 12 13 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm SVdP Mtg 11am KofC Mtg 7pm 15 Charismatic Prayer-7pm 6 Last day of School LegionofMary 9:15am LegionofMary 9:15am Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm 5 Parish AdoraƟon Hour 6-7pm Woodcarving 12:30pm Charismatic Prayer-7pm 14 30 8th Grade GraduaƟon 5:30pm LegionofMary 9:15am 7 29 8th Grade Bacc Mass 9:30am MOM’s Group 7pm Charismatic Prayer-7pm 31 28 May 29—Baccalaureate Mass & 8th Grade Graduation May 30—Sacramento Walk for Life Jun 19—Matt Maher Concert | 7pm Arcade Church Jun 21—Father’s Day with Bishop Soto | River Cats Game Jul 16—Showers on Wheels Baby Shower —3pm Jul 27-31—Vacation Bible School Sept 25-26—Ministry Days at SFHS 16 Kniƫng 10am Camp Pendola Day Camp Trinity Pines Catholic Center Colfax, CA 17 18 19 Woodcarving 12:30pm 20 Prayer Vigil Butano Dr. 7am-4:30pm RCIA Inquiry 6:30pm First grade—Sixth grade June 29-July 3 (Amazing Race) July 6-July 10 (Weird Science) 9am-3:30pm daily | $150/week For info | call 530-389-2780 ~Immacul ata ~ Ministry & Rental Information Eucharistic Adoration Come spend a Holy Hour with Our Lord! Available Adoration Hours: Wednesdays | 11:30am-12:30pm Wednesdays | 1:30pm-2:30pm Fridays | 1:30pm-2:30pm Eucharistic Adoration is honoring and adoring Jesus Christ in His Eucharistic presence. You are invited to spend time with Our Lord in Adoration anytime, Monday-Friday, or you may sign up for a specific Holy Hour. Katie Boyle | 916.889.3345 | [email protected] To use or rent our parish facility, please contact: Celeste Spitz—Immaculata Coordintor 916.923.8272 [email protected] Publishing Deadlines: Church, School & Community Events May 31 Bulletin—Due May 25 @12pm | Amy Glaser 916.481.7441 x 202 [email protected] If you are a new parishioner, or need to update your parishioner information, please call the rectory.
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