R E A D E R s ’ C h o I C E AwA R D s Who was voted the best in Webster? INSIDE MINDEN PRESS-HERALD www.press-herald.com April 17, 2015 | 50 Cents FRIDAY INSIDE today CAMP MINDEN CLEANUP Air sampling, monitoring to begin in 2-3 weeks Minden falls to Loyola SPORTS PG.6 MICHELLE BATES [email protected] Green Thumb Jamboree kicks off this Saturday LIFE PG.5 Clinton’s Conundra OPINION PG.4 WEATHER TOMORROW’S OUTLOOK MICHELLE BATES [email protected] 73 HIGH 63 LOW Thunderstorms likely. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. CONNECT WITH US @mindenph Vol. 46 No. 206 I n the wake of recent officer-involved shootings and one where an officer stopped a suspect by running over him with his patrol unit, law enforcement is under the spotlight again. So, it begs the questions: When is deadly force appropriate, and how are officers trained to handle suspects who do not comply? Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd says the use of deadly force should always be a last resort. “As police, we try to avoid deadly force at all costs,” Lynd said. “People forget that police are human beings as well, and no human being wants to ever take another one’s life. Deadly force is a last resort.” See SHOOTINGS, Page 16 Environmental Protection Agency officials say baseline air sampling and monitoring should begin within the next two to three weeks. Officials with the EPA, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and scientists were on hand at an educational workshop Thursday to explain the methods and equipment that will be used to conduct the studies as well as answer questions from community members. Adam Adams, onsite coordinator with EPA Region 6 says there are six proposed sites where equipment will be located, four around Camp Minden and two on the military installation. So far, agreements have been signed to allow them to place their equipment at Lakeside Jr./Sr. High School, possibly at the fairgrounds in Minden, a location in Doyline by the water tower and an undecided location eight to 10 miles north of Camp Minden. They are also working on getting permission to place equipment somewhere in Haughton or Princeton. “The reason for that is because of the predominant wind that comes from the south,” he said. “It’s pretty substantial, so we wanted to have one that was pretty far out and one that was pretty close.” The two proposed sites at Camp Minden will be on the S-line and at the north gate. During the session, meteorologist Steven Mauch, of Weston Solutions of West Chester, Pennsylvania, talked about the processes of each piece of equipment and how samples will be obtained and tested. At each site, sampling and monitoring will be taking place simultaneously for about 16 days, and Adams says a safe turnaround time for getting results is about 30 days – two to three weeks for analyzing the samples and the remaining time to get the results back. Adams says the baseline characterization is See EPA, Page 2 SECONDFRONT 2 Friday, April 17, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald www.press-herald.com LoUIsIANA LEgIsLAtURE Privatization deals leave schools stuck with ‘legacy costs’ MELINDA DESLATTE Associated Press costs associated with exhospital employees, without giving them money to pay for them. The private managers that took control of the LSU hospitals and clinics didn't take on the liabilities associated with former and retired hospital employees. Millions of dollars in those costs are expected year after year. Medical school leaders — Larry Hollier from the New Orleans school and Robert Barish from the Shreveport school — told the Senate Finance Committee that they've burned through cash reserves covering the expenses. "There's no way we can absorb the legacy costs and survive," said Hollier, chancellor of the LSU Health Sciences CenterNew Orleans. The costs slated to fall next year on the New Orleans medical school are $36.6 million and $19.8 million for the Shreveport medical school, LSU officials said. Barish, chancellor of the LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport, described the former hospital employee costs as items such as termination pay and unemployment for laid off workers, health and life insurance for retirees and workers compensation expenses. Frank Opelka, the university system's health EPA meteorologist did a very good job in laying that out. I was very interested in how the data collection units work.” While a recommendation has been made by the Louisiana Military Department and turned in to the EPA, the method of disposal has not been released to the public. EPA officials at the meeting were hesitant to discuss the method, saying they weren’t prepared to discuss it until the EPA has had time to review it and approve it. The materials for Thursday’s meeting are on the EPA’s website, and any feedback, input or concerns can be emailed to [email protected] ov. Adams says if anyone feels an additional workshop needs to take place, those concerns can be emailed as well. During the meeting, some of the community members thought it would be a good idea to have an additional workshop on the effects on the groundwater. Several questions were asked in that regard, and officials said they would be open to the idea. The topic of the next workshop will be response preparedness, which will be at 6 p.m., Thursday, April 23, at the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries office, just outside of Camp Minden. BATON ROUGE — LSU's medical schools in New Orleans and Shreveport are struggling to pay millions of dollars in insurance, retiree and maintenance costs left to them from the privatization of the state's charity hospitals, state senators were told Thursday. The chancellors of the two medical schools outlined more than $56 million in "legacy costs" they face in the fiscal year that begins July 1. Gov. Bobby Jindal's budget would leave the health sciences centers in New Orleans and Shreveport to cover Continued from page 1 what everything is before remediation of the M6 propellant at Camp Minden begins. Scientists will be looking for pollutants in the air before the destruction of the propellant begins. “When we have a removal action, we want to know what the conditions are before the action starts, we want to know what the actions are during the operation and after,” he said, “so there is a comparison if there is an impact during that. Generally, we look at air, water, soil – in this particular sampling plan, this is the first step in the process.” He says that just because air and soil are the only ones being addressed during this particular workshop doesn’t mean groundwater and other “media” aren’t being addressed. Jason Veitch, a member of the Citizens Advisory Group, says he learned a great deal during the workshop. He works with chemicals every day, he says, but this is a whole other ball game. “For what we’re trying to do with the advisory group, it sounds like we’re on par with a lot of things,” he said. “It was really good. I’ve been studying some stuff, and the scientists and the care chief, said the Jindal administration thought it had found a fix to pay for the expenses with federal Medicaid money. But he said the state recently realized it's reached a cap on the federal financing source targeted. Sen. Sherri Buffington, R-Keithville, asked what happens if the medical schools are forced to absorb those costs. "The term bankruptcy comes to mind," Hollier replied. With the medical schools running out of reserves, Buffington asked, "Is there a plan B at this point?" Opelka said LSU is negotiating with the Jindal administration about a financing plan. "We're still looking for the magic pill," he said. "Currently, we haven't come to an agreement. But we are talking." Jindal has privatized nine LSU-run hospitals and their clinics since 2013 through no-bid contracts. In most instances, the management company of a nearby hospital took over operations. Three contracts closed an LSU hospital and shifted its services to private hospitals. Sen. Ed Murray, D-New Orleans, said lawmakers were never told the legacy costs would become medical school liabilities when the LSU-run hospitals were privatized. "It's just amazing to me that we're even having these discussions and these things were not taken into account when we went down this road with privatization," Murray said. As the medical schools struggle with the ex-hospital worker costs, private operators of the stateowned hospitals and clinics say they need $142 million more than what's included in Jindal's budget to provide the same level of services to the uninsured next year. The Jindal administration says it has identified some money to fill that gap, though it hasn't outlined the plans. Steven Mauch, a meteorologist with Weston Solutions of West Chester, Pennsylvania, explains how air sampling and monitoring equipment works. This unit is called a PQ200, which gathers samples of particulates in the air. Those samples are then collected and sent to a lab for analysis. Michelle Bates/Press-Herald LoUIsIANA LEgIsLAtURE Jindal defends religious objections bill BRIAN SLODYSKO Associated Press BATON ROUGE— Gov. Bobby Jindal on Thursday gave a full-throated defense of a divisive religious objections bill that critics say could sanction discrimination against same-sex couples in Louisiana The Republican governor's comments doubling down in support of the legislation came one day after computer giant IBM sent Jindal's office a letter signaling "strong" opposition to the bill. Jindal, speaking to reporters in a wide-ranging interview, attempted to flip the script on opponents by describing the bill as an anti-discrimination measure designed to protect Christians who are morally opposed to same-sex marriage in an increasingly permissive society. "Religious liberty is not just about the ability to pray a couple of hours a week," said Jindal, who has presidential ambitions built on an appeal to evangelical Christians and social conservatives. "Religious liberty is about being able to live your life seven days a week according to your beliefs." The letter from IBM — which has plans for an 800worker facility in Baton Rouge — cuts into the business-friendly reputation Jindal has sought to cultivate and frequently touts. "A bill that legally protects discrimination based on same-sex marriage status will create a hostile environment for our current and prospective employees, and is antithetical to our company's values," wrote James M. Driesse, a senior state executive for the company. "IBM will find it much harder to attract talent to Louisiana if this bill is passed and enacted into law." As written, the "Marriage and Conscience Act" — a cornerstone of Jindal's legislative agenda — would prohibit the state from denying any resident or business a license, benefits or tax deductions because of actions taken "in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction" about marriage. Jindal and the bill's sponsor, Rep. Mike Johnson, RBossier City, say the measure would in no way condone discrimination against LGBT couples. But what exactly the bill would accomplish is the subject of heated debated, with critics and some legal experts arguing the bill would allow discrimination should gay marriage become legal in Louisiana. When asked how the proposed religious objection law is any different from laws that used to condone discrimination against black people on religious and moral grounds, Jindal said such comparisons were "offensive." "I personally think it is offensive to compare Catholics, evangelical Christians and others that are trying to obey their teachings, their churches' teachings, their conscience, to racists, to bigots," Jindal said. "I know a lot of people are changing their views on (same-sex marriage), but I think it would be wrong to compare ... them to racists, to bigots." To illustrate his point, Jindal raised the specter of Christian business owners who were threatened with fines for refusing to participate in gay and lesbian weddings "in New York and ... western states" where samesex marriage is allowed. Such businesses could include bakers, florists, wedding planners and photographers. "These are people who were forced by their state to pay heavy fines or lose their business licenses," he said, though he added that has not happened in Louisiana. Religious objections laws have recently drawn fierce debate in other states including Indiana and Arkansas, prompting changes to the laws. Same-sex couples in Louisiana are not allowed to marry under the state constitution, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman, and there are no legal protections from discrimination for gays and lesbians. But the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to soon rule on a case that could strike down same-sex marriage bans across the country, one reason Johnson's bill was proposed. 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Email Letters to the Editor to [email protected]. Friday, April 17, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald 5 Around Town Saturday, April 18 Creighton Hill Community Development Corporation will sponsor classes to inform the community of how to “own a house with no money down” and about “grants available for home owners older than 62 years of age.” Topics include budgeting, credit, banking, home ownership, effective ways of saving, breaking free of pay day loans and how a homeowner older than 62 years of age can get grants for home repairs. Facilitators are Tamekia Farley and Willie Roberson. Cost is free. For more information and registration contact Willie Roberson at 318-834-3698, Sandra Scott at 318-9495768 or email [email protected]. Sunday, April 19 Annual choir anniversary program at 3 p.m. at Union Grove Baptist Church. Special guest is Springfield Baptist Church of Mt. Lebanon. Other guests will be soloists and choirs from the surrounding area. Lakeview Preschool plate lunch fundraiser from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Plates will include Hugh Woods pork chop dinner with pork chops, au gratin potatoes, dirty rice, roll and a dessert. Plates are $10 each, carry out only. For tickets call 377-1226 or 377-1302 before noon. St. John Divine Baptist Church will celebrate Minister Herbert L. Rhone and his wife’s 10th anniversary at 3 p.m. at 517 Lake Road in Sibley. Come and share this special occasion with guest speaker Minister Rodney Williams, pastor of King Solomon Baptist Church in Sibley. The theme will be “Don’t give out, don’t give in, don’t give up,” Galatians 6:9. Mt. Olive Baptist Church will have an installation service for Rev. Roy Glenn Edwards at 2:30 p.m. Special guest and presiding minister will be Rev. Asby Glosson of New Light Baptist Church. Bright Star Baptist Church will have its annual Deacon and Deaconess Program at 2:30 p.m. Special guest will be Rev. Dwayne Redman and Egypt Hill Baptist Church of Plain Dealing. Just Faith COGIC will be having a musical at 4 p.m. Special guests will be the Amos Brothers of Athens. Event will be located at 210 South Fairview. All are invited. Greater St. Paul Baptist Church will celebrate its fourth Pastor’s Appreciation at 3 p.m. Lunch will be served. All are invited. MASTER GARDENERS Green Thumb Jamboree kicks off this Saturday The Piney Hills LA Master Gardeners will host the Green Thumb Jamboree at the Webster Parish Extension Office in Minden from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m on April 18. There is no cost to attend the festival. A welcome center in the Teaching Garden gazebo will be manned by Master Gardeners to enable attendees to sign up to be on a gardening event email list, get festival questions answered and plant-related questions as well. A variety of vendors, demonstrations, children’s activities and speakers will be available for visitors. The PHLMG annual plant sale will also be held at the Jamboree. The Jamboree will be held in lieu of the annual garden tour, Trails & Trellises for 2015. The demonstration schedule is as follows: 9 a.m. - Lee Faulk, asst. extension agent - Soil Sampling 9:45 a.m. - Tiffany Fox, master gardener - Plants That Attract Butterflies 10 a.m. - Julie Alexander, master gardener - Bale Gardening 11 a.m. - Evalyn Cabell, president, PHLMG - Propogation Noon - Mary Anna Perryman, master gardener - Container Gardening/Succulent Plants Annual Women’s Day Pine Grove Baptist Church will celebrate Annual Women’s Day at 11 a.m. on April 19. Guest speaker will be Sister Lillie M. Norton of Mt. Canaan Baptist Church. Is your church or organization hosting a local event? 1 p.m. - Melba Love, master gardener - Fresh Wreaths 2 p.m. Julie Alexander, master gardener - Children’s Garden Demonstration The following vendors will be on site: • Brickart • Cathy McCormick Wreaths • Willis Farms Native Plants • Granddaddy’s Workshop • Plum Nelly, Eric’s Pens • Buford Shively Plants & Herbs • Brenda Perryman Wreaths and Arrangements • Sunny Side Farms • Bird Brained Birdhouses • Turk Valentine Cutting Boards • Fiddler Creek Trading • Paige Burton Scentsy • Chrissy Smith Jeunesse • Piney Hills LA Master Gardeners (plant sale, gently used books, gloves, plant markers, etc.). • Drinks and food will also be available for purchase from several food vendors. For more information, please call 318-927-2106, 318377-1513 or visit www.phlmg.com. UCAP needs: Food: canned beef stew, canned fruit, rice, spam, sugar (1-2 lb. bags or boxes) Household Items: dishes and king and queen sheets Clothing: boy's shirts - size 2, men's work boots - all sizes, men's shorts - all sizes, men's pants - 32 waist Donations may be made at 204 Miller Street between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday or call 377-6804. Call the Minden Press-Herald at 377-1866 to learn how to get the word out in the Webster Life section! 6 Friday, April 17, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald sports briefs nfl Adrian Peterson reinstated to NFL MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Adrian Peterson has been cleared to return to the NFL. Now all that remains to be settled is where he will play next season. Commissioner Roger Goodell sent the Minnesota Vikings star a letter on Thursday advising him of his reinstatement. Peterson missed most of last season while facing child abuse charges in Texas. Goodell wrote that Peterson will have to fulfill all the obligations of his plea deal that reduced a felony charge to a misdemeanor. Goodell also told Peterson he would have to continue attending counseling while adhering to the league's new personal conduct policy to avoid further discipline. "Any further violation of the personal conduct policy by Peterson would result in additional discipline, which could include suspension without pay or banishment from the NFL," the league said. Peterson's agent has said the star running back wants to play elsewhere next season. But the Vikings say they have no plans to trade him. "We look forward to Adrian re-joining the Vikings," the team said in a statement issued after the announcement. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL minden falls to loyola BL AKE BR ANCH [email protected] The Minden Crimson Tide, playing back-to-back days due to Tuesday’s rain, fell to the Loyola Flyers on the road, 8-5. Loyola did most of their damage early on, scoring six of their eight runs in the first inning. The Tide are nearing the end of a brutal road stretch, with games left at Northwood and Huntington, before they come home for their district finale against Fair Park. In this contest, the Tide bats were held in check by Loyola’s starting pitcher, Austin Townsend. The Tide could only muster five hits off the big lefty, as he went all seven innings, striking out five and only allowing two earned runs Crimson Tide reliever Gunner Stephens pitched well in relief of starter Gavin Smith, going 5 2/3 innings, allowing seven hits and striking out four. Jordan Lyday led the offense for Minden, going 2-3 with two singles and a RBI. Gunner Stephens had the only other RBI, going 1-4 with a runscoring single. Cameron Morgan and Peyton Gray rounded out the Tide’s offense with singles. The Tide will play at Northwood tomorrow, starting at noon. Jordan Lyday led the Tide offense Wednesday with two singles and an RBI. Press-Herald Photo/Blake Branch Glenbrook Hunter’s Super Raffle Congratulations to last week’s big winners in the Glenbrook Hunter’s Weekly Super Raffle. Left, Jason Veitch of Minden poses with the Heritage Rough Rider 22 LR Revolver Pistol he won in the Wednesday, Apr. 8 drawing, with winning numbers 970. Right, Chad Callendar of Minden poses with the Diamond Back AR15 with Mag Pul accessories he won in the Saturday, Apr. 11 drawing. His winning numbers were 576. The Glenbrook Super Raffle is sponsored by Rockin’ Rooster in Minden and Michael’s Men’s Store and Sporting Goods in Homer. Submitted photos swimming Phelps wins first race in eight months MESA, Ariz. (AP) — Michael Phelps won the 100-meter butterfly at his first meet in eight months Thursday night, beginning his push to compete at a fifth Olympics next year. The 18-time Olympic gold medalist led at the halfway mark and went on to touch first in 52.38 seconds in front of a big crowd at the outdoor Arena Pro Swim Series meet. "I thought it was OK," said Bob Bowman, Phelps' coach. "There's so many things he could do better. That was kind of his get-into-it swim." Phelps' time was slower than a year ago, when he finished second to longtime rival Ryan Lochte in 52.13 at the same meet after ending an abbreviated retirement. Lochte was second this time in 53.11. "I trained the living crap out of him," Bowman said, explaining this year's slower time. Phelps is back competing after serving a sixmonth suspension handed down by USA Swimming after his second drunken driving arrest. He said Wednesday that he's aiming for the 2016 Rio Olympics. It's his first meet since the Pan Pacific Championships in August. He was cheered on by mother Debbie and fiancee Nicole Johnson, who smiled while gazing at Phelps during his postrace interview. "I'm always hard on myself," he said. "It's OK, probably some things to fix. It's a good starting point." MLB ROUNDUP D’backs win, Stanton homers in MLB action SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Aaron Hill hit a two-run double with two outs in the 12th inning and the Arizona Diamondbacks held on to beat the San Francisco Giants 7-6 on Thursday night. Ender Inciarte singled to lead off the inning against Sergio Romo (0-1) and stole second base. After Paul Goldschmidt was intentionally walked with one out, Cliff Pennington popped out to short. Hill followed with a line shot into the gap in left-center to drive in both runners. Randall Delgado (1-1), the eighth Arizona pitcher, retired six batters for the win. Mark Trumbo, Paul Goldschmidt and A.J. Pollock homered for the Diamondbacks, who blew a three-run lead late before beating San Francisco for only the fourth time in the last 15 games. Brandon Crawford homered to end an 0-for-23 slump for the Giants. San Francisco has lost seven straight. Mets 7, Marlins 5 Lucas Duda got three more hits and New York overcame Giancarlo Stanton's blast and Ichiro Suzuki's ballet for its fifth straight win. The Mets lost a replay challenge that took nearly six minutes, but posted their longest winning streak since May 2013. Wilmer Flores hit a threerun homer that helped the Mets rally from a 3-0 deficit. Duda raised his average to .395. Stanton hit his first home run since a fastball to the face ended his season last September. Suzuki made a pair of headfirst dives into home plate on the same play, eluding catcher Travis d'Arnaud to make it 5-all in the seventh. Originally called out, Suzuki was ruled safe after a lengthy replay review. Jerry Blevins (1-0) got the win and Jeurys Familia closed for his fourth save. Mike Dunn (0-1) took the loss. Twins 8, Royals 5 Kennys Vargas and Kurt Suzuki each hit a two-run homer, powering Minnesota to its first series win this season. Tommy Milone (2-0) picked up his second straight victory for the Twins, recovering from a rough start to log 5 1-3 innings. Lorenzo Cain put the Royals in front with his tworun shot in the first inning, but starter Jason Vargas (1-1) was shelled. Cardinals 4, Brewers 0 John Lackey threw seven scoreless innings and Matt Carpenter doubled twice, helping St. Louis over Milwaukee. Lackey (1-0) gave up five hits, struck out eight and walked one. St. Louis took a 2-0 lead on two doubles and two singles in the sixth inning. Carpenter doubled to right to begin the sixth inning. With one out, Matt Holliday hit a 32 pitch up the middle for a run-scoring single. Holiday stole second and went to third on Jhonny Peralta's single. Mark Reynolds hit an RBI double to center, but Peralta was thrown out trying to score. Brewers starter Mike Fiers (0-2) allowed seven hits in 5 2-3 innings. Nationals 5 Phillies 2 Doug Fister pitched effectively into the seventh inning, Yunel Escobar and Michael A. Taylor each hit a homer, and Washington beat Philadelphia. Ryan Zimmerman added a two-run double for Washington which, after averaging 2.4 runs through its first seven games, has 22 runs and 28 hits over its last three. Fister (1-0) allowed two runs on four hits in 6 2-3 innings, striking out four and walking four. Drew Storen pitched the ninth for his third save. Cole Hamels (0-2) gave up five runs and five hits in six innings. He walked four and struck out seven. The lefthander had allowed three earned runs or fewer in each of his last 15 starts against Washington. Rays 4, Blue Jays 2 Chris Archer struck out 11 in seven shutout innings and pinch-hitter Tim Beckham had a two-run homer in the sixth to lead Tampa Bay. It was the second pinch-hit homer of the season for Beckham, making him the first rookie in Tampa Bay history with two pinch-hit long balls — and the first Rays player since Willy Aybar in 2010 to hit two in a season. Before this season, the only Rays rookies with pinchhit home runs were Bubba Trammell in 1998 and Jonny Gomes in 2005. Archer (2-1) allowed just two hits and two walks, lowering his ERA to 1.37. Friday, April 3, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald 7 COLLEGE BASKETBALL COLLEGE BASKETBALL Smart heading to Texas Big blue nation set to invade RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Shaka Smart has been a hot coaching commodity since leading Virginia Commonwealth to the Final Four in 2011. He had reportedly shunned several big-time offers, but the lure of Texas was finally too much to turn down. VCU sports information director Scott Day confirmed Thursday night that Smart was leaving the Richmond university to take over the program in Austin. Smart met with VCU players earlier in the evening at the Siegel Center, the team's home arena, and at least one player was seen crying when he left. Smart, who has won at least 26 games in each of his six seasons at VCU, is bolting for a Texas program that hasn't been able to unseat Kansas atop the Big 12. But the Longhorns also boast the wealthiest athletic department in the country and easy access to some of the nation's most fertile recruiting grounds in Dallas and Houston. Terms of Smart's con- tract were not immediately released and VCU said a statement would be released Friday. Barnes made $2.62 million last season, while Smart made $1.8 million with the Rams. Texas athletic director Steve Patterson had zeroed in on bringing Smart to Texas immediately after firing former Longhorns coach Rick Barnes last weekend. Patterson flew to Richmond on Thursday to close the deal. Texas officials did not have any immediate comment on the hire. Smart did not speak to the media gathered Thursday and VCU players were escorted from the building by university public relations without offering comments. That Barnes was pushed out shows Patterson, a former NBA executive, expects big things from basketball. Barnes won three Big 12 titles and recruited elite talent to Austin. Former Longhorns T.J. Ford (2003) and Kevin Durant (2007) won national player of the year honors. But the program had plateaued and the earlyround exits in the NCAA Tournament started to mount, despite rosters full of future NBA talent. At VCU, Smart took over a program that had had great success under Jeff Capel, and then Anthony Grant. He hopes to avoid the pitfalls at Texas that his predecessors encountered when they left to take over programs at universities considered "football schools." By leaving before May 1, Smart owes VCU a $500,000 buyout. His contract also contains a provision that if he became a head coach at another institution, that school would have to play VCU in a home-and-home series, or pay VCU $250,000. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — John Calipari has endeared himself to Big Blue Nation because he does what Wildcat fans demand — win. He's delivered a championship, competes annually for national titles. Now he can immortalize himself in the eyes of Kentucky's rabid fans by giving them something they've never had — an undefeated national championship. And you can bet your last Bluegrass dollar that Indianapolis will be overwhelmingly blue with throngs flocking to see firsthand if their unbeaten Wildcats can get two more wins at the Final Four. Then again, they always are. "Ever since we've been going to games we've hoped for a season like this, unbeaten and perfect," said Roy Holsclaw, 81, who attended Kentucky's 1958 title-clinching game with his wife Katherine and has been a season ticket holder since 1959. "I never thought we'd experience anything like this. It's a once-in-a-lifetime possibility and we hope to see it happen." An estimated 10,000 turned out in Louisville for the Midwest regional and filled the lower bowl of the rival Cardinals' home court — for practice. Yes, we're talking about practice! "I think they're crazy, but I've said it before," Calipari said of his fan base. "They're nuts. But it makes them what they are and they're passionate about letting everybody know, 'I'm a Kentucky fan.'" Friday's open practice at 71,000-seat Lucas Oil Stadium leaves room for at least twice as many Wildcats fans to invade in hopes of giving Kentucky (38-0) a decided advantage in Saturday night's Final Four rematch with Wisconsin (35-3). Fans of the Badgers, Duke and Michigan State no doubt have similar ideas and are known to travel just as well. That's just fine with Big Blue Nation, which welcomes challengers to their boasts of being national champions in fandom as well. The fans will take over the city because that's what they do. During last month's Southeastern Conference tournament, Wildcat faithful swarmed Nashville to turn Bridgestone Arena to Rupp Arena South, buying up tickets as other schools were eliminated. When the SEC tournament was held in Atlanta, there would be many Wildcats fans the city became known as "Catlanta." Tipoff for the first semifinal game is still more than 36 hours away, and no disrespect to the Badgers, but Kentucky fans have already accounted for 17 percent of early ticket sales to Monday night's championship on StubHub.com to see if the Wildcats can pick up a ninth NCAA championship. COLLEGE BASKETBALL Organization being formed to address minority coaches A group of prominent black coaches headlined by Tubby Smith and Shaka Smart are forming an organization to address the dwindling numbers of minority head coaches in college basketball. The National Association for Coaching Equity and Development is in response to the dissolution of the Black Coaches Association. Ten years after minority coaches held more than 25 percent of the jobs across the country, the percentage dropped to 22 percent last year. And another 12 minority coaches have been fired this season. As the NCAA's crown jewel — the men's Final Four — descends on Indianapolis this weekend with all four teams coached by white men, Smith, Smart, John Thompson III and a growing list of some of the game's most accomplished coaches say they are answering the call from those who came before them to speak up with authority and address the issues that have bubbled back to the surface. "There hasn't been a voice for people speaking out and saying, 'Look, what are you all doing administratively? What's this about? Why has this all happened?' And question it," Smith, who won a national title at Kentucky and now coaches at Texas Tech, told The Associated Press. Smith was one of the charter members of the Black Coaches COLLEGE FOOTBALL Taylor won’t return to Bama TUSCALOOSA, Ala. - Alabama spokeswoman Deborah Lane said in a statement Thursday that former defensive tackle "Jonathan Taylor is no longer a student at The University of Alabama and is not eligible for readmission," even though the accuser in Taylor's domestic violence case recanted her story to police that Taylor assaulted her. Consequently, Alabama coach Nick Saban said that Taylor will not return to the He dismissed team. Taylor from the Tide on Sunday. "That decision has already been made. He won't be back with us," Saban told ESPN.com on Thursday. A deposition released Thursday by Tuscaloosa County District Court indicates the 24-year-old woman, identified as Gina Marie Nawab, said the bruises on her neck were self-inflicted and damage to a door in her apartment was already there. She was charged with false reporting to law enforcement. "She made it up to get back at him for cheating on her in December and she thought he was cheating again," the deposition said. Tuscaloosa Police Lt. Kip Hart said Wednesday that the charges against Taylor will be reviewed after the woman said in interviews with police over two days that she made up the story and that he didn't hurt her. Attorney Kim Stephens, who's representing Taylor in a pending Georgia domestic violence case, said his client has maintained all along he didn't assault Nawab. "I know he's upset and I know that he's been adamant that he didn't do anything as far as touching her improperly or hitting her or choking her," Stephens said. "Nothing criminal in nature. Association, a once-powerful group headed by trail blazers like John Thompson, George Raveling and John Chaney to kick down the doors that colleges and universities slammed in the faces of minority coaches. So it pained him to watch the BCA lose its influence in recent years while struggling to come up with funding from the NCAA and other sources. As the BCA started to disappear, so have the opportunities for black coaches across the country. The new group, the National Association for Coaching Equity and Development, has more than 40 minority coaches on board and aims to replace the now-defunct BCA as the most influential advocate to push schools to give candidates of color more consideration for head coaching jobs. It also wants to better prepare the younger generation of coaches to succeed in those jobs and help athletes gain admission to col- lege and excel when they get there. "These coaches need to understand that guys like Chaney and Thompson and Nolan Richardson paid their dues," said organizer Merritt Norvell. "They're upset right now with us because nobody has continued to fight the fight." Of the final 16 teams in the NCAA Tournament, not one had a black head coach. So far only one vacancy — Dave Leitao at DePaul — has been filled by a black coach. ENTERTAINMENT Friday, April 17, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald 7 facebook.com/mindenph ‘Duck Dynasty’ family debuts musical in Las Vegas i^p= sbd^p= Ô= qÜÉêÉ= áë åç= ëÜçêí~ÖÉ= çÑ= ÄÉ~êÇëI Å~ãçI= ÜìåíáåÖ= ~åÇ= dçÇ ~äçåÖëáÇÉ= ~= Äáí= çÑ= êÉÅÉåí êÉ~äJäáÑÉ= ëÅ~åÇ~ä= áå= ?aìÅâ `çãã~åÇÉê=jìëáÅ~äK? qÜÉ=i~ë=sÉÖ~ë=ëÜçï=éêÉJ ãáÉêÉÇ= tÉÇåÉëÇ~ó= ~í= íÜÉ oáç= ^ääJpìáíÉë= eçíÉä= C `~ëáåç= ~åÇ= íÉääë= íÜÉ= ëíçêó çÑ= ~= Ñ~ãáäó= ÇìÅâJÅ~ää= ÄìëáJ åÉëë= íÜ~í= äÉÇ= íç= êÉ~äáíó ëÜçï= àìÖÖÉêå~ìí= ?aìÅâ aóå~ëíóK? qÜÉ= VMJãáåìíÉ= ëÜçï ïáíÜ= _êç~Çï~ó= Ä~ÅâÉêë ~åÇ= Äçå~ÑáÇÉëI= áåÅäìÇáåÖ íÜÉ= Åçãé~åó= ÄÉÜáåÇ ?gÉêëÉó= _çóëI?= ~äíÉêå~íÉë ÄÉíïÉÉå=ëçãÉíÜáåÖ=~âáå=íç ~= äáîÉJ~Åíáçå= ÅçããÉêÅá~ä ÅÉäÉÄê~íáåÖ= íÜÉ= Ñ~ãáäó ÄìëáåÉëë= íç= ~= ãçëíäó ÅÜÉÉêó= ëáåÖáåÖ= ~åÇ= Ç~åÅJ áåÖ= ëÅê~éÄççâ= çÑ= íÜÉáê íáÖÜíJâåáí=àçìêåÉóK pâÉéíáÅ~ä=çÄëÉêîÉêë=ïÜç ÉåîáëáçåÉÇ= ~= ÜáÖÜJâáÅâáåÖ Ç~åÅÉ= åìãÄÉê= ÅçãéäÉíÉ ïáíÜ= ÜìåíáåÖ= êáÑäÉë= ~åÇ Ñä~ëÜó= ëÉèìáå= Å~ãçìÑä~ÖÉ ÅçëíìãÉë=ïÜÉå=íÜÉó=ÜÉ~êÇ çÑ= íÜÉ= ãìëáÅ~ä= ïçåDí= ÄÉ Çáë~ééçáåíÉÇK= mêçÇìÅÉêëI áå= çå= íÜÉ= àçâÉI= áåÅäìÇÉÇ çåÉ= ëìÅÜ= íê~Çáíáçå~ä _êç~Çï~óJëíóäÉ= åìãÄÉêK qÜÉ= êÉëí= áë= éçéìä~íÉÇ= ïáíÜ É~êåÉëí= ëçåÖë= ïáíÜ= äóêáÅë ëìÅÜ=~ë=?íÜÉêÉDë=åç=íáãÉ=Ñçê êÉëíI=íÜáë=áë=ãó=èìÉëíI?=~åÇ ?ÄÉ= óçìêëÉäÑ= áå= Å~ãçìJ Ñä~ÖÉ?= ~åÇ= çå= íÜÉ= çíÜÉê ÉåÇI= ÅçãáÅ= êÉäáÉÑ= ÅçìêíÉëó çÑ= íÜÉ= Ñ~ãáäóDë= råÅäÉ= pá çÑÑÉêáåÖ= Ñ~êí= àçâÉë= ~åÇ ?íÜ~íDë= ïÜ~í= ëÜÉ= ë~áÇ? êÉéäáÉëK= pÅÉåÉë= ~êÉ= ëÉí ~Ö~áåëí= ~= ÜáÖÜJíÉÅÜ= ëí~ÖÉ ëÉí= çÑ= ãçîáåÖ= ëÅêÉÉåë áåÅäìÇáåÖ= ~ééÉ~ê~åÅÉë= Äó íÜÉ= êÉ~äJäáÑÉ= oçÄÉêíëçå Ñ~ãáäóK kÉ~êäó= íÜÉ= ÉåíáêÉ= ?aìÅâ aóå~ëíó?= Ñ~ãáäó= Ñêçã içìáëá~å~= ~ííÉåÇÉÇ= íÜÉ éêÉãáÉêÉ= ~í= íÜÉ= oáç= ÜçíÉä ~åÇ=Å~ëáåçI=ä~íÉê=ÇáåáåÖ=çå ÄáëÅìáíë= ~åÇ= ÖìãÄç= ~í= ~å ~ÑíÉê=é~êíóK jáëëáåÖ= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= ~ìÇáJ ÉåÅÉ= ~åÇ= ëÜçïDë= ÇÉîÉäçéJ ãÉåí= ï~ë= ÄÉ~êÇÉÇ= é~íêáJ ~êÅÜ= mÜáä= oçÄÉêíëçå= ïÜç ï~ë= èìçíÉÇ= îáäáÑóáåÖ ÜçãçëÉñì~ä= ÄÉÜ~îáçê= áå= ~ g~åì~êó= OMNQ= áëëìÉ= çÑ= dn BABY BLUES | RICK KIRKMAN AND JERRY SCOTT ã~Ö~òáåÉK qÜÉ~íêÉJÖçÉêë=ÉñéÉÅíáåÖ ~å= ~éçäçÖó= Ñêçã= íÜÉ= ~Åíçê éä~óáåÖ= mÜáä= oçÄÉêíëçå ïçåDí= ÖÉí= çåÉK= fåëíÉ~ÇI íÜÉó=ÖÉí=~=ÖäáãéëÉ=áåíç=Üáë äçåÖJ~Öç= ÇÉëÅÉåí= áåíç ÇêìåâÉå= áêêÉëéçåëáÄáäáíó ÄÉÑçêÉ= ÜÉ= ÑáåÇë= dçÇ= ~åÇ ~íçåÉë= áå= é~íÜçë= íÜ~í ~êêáîÉë= åÉ~ê= íÜÉ= ÉåÇK= qÜÉ Éñéä~å~íáçå= Ñçê= íÜÉ= ÅçãJ ãÉåíë\=mÜáä=ï~ë=àìëí=ÄÉáåÖ mÜáäK=^åÇ=mÜáäI=äáâÉ=íÜÉ=êÉëí çÑ= íÜÉ= Ñ~ãáäóI= äçîÉë= ÉîÉêóJ çåÉI=íÜÉó=ëáåÖK lå= ëí~ÖÉI= íÜÉ= ëìÄàÉÅí ~êêáîÉë=~í=Ñáêëí=áååçÅìçìëäó íÜÉå= çãáåçìëäó= ïáíÜ= ~ ã~Ö~òáåÉ= êÉéçêíÉê= ïÜç ~ÑíÉê= ÄÉáåÖ= ÅçåëáëíÉåíäó ëåìÄÄÉÇ= Äó= íÜÉ= Ñ~ãáäó é~íêá~êÅÜ= ~ëâëW= ?tÜ~í= ~êÉ óçìê= íÜçìÖÜíë= çå iÉîáíáÅìë\? få= êÉ~ä= äáÑÉI= dn= Ü~ë= ë~áÇ íÜÉ= èìÉëíáçå= íÜ~í= äÉÇ= íç oçÄÉêíëçåDë= ÅçããÉåíë ï~ëWW=?tÜ~íI=áå=óçìê=ãáåÇI áë=ëáåÑìä\? ^åóçåÉ= ïÜç= êÉ~Ç= íÜÉ éêçÑáäÉ=çê=ÉåëìáåÖ=ÅçîÉê~ÖÉ âåçïë= ïÜ~íDë= ÅçãáåÖ= ~åÇ íÜÉ= éä~ó= Åçóäó= ã~âÉë= åç ÇáêÉÅí=ãÉåíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÅçãJ ãÉåíë=íÜÉãëÉäîÉëK HAGAR THE HORRIBLE | CHRIS BROWNE bããóJ~ï~êÇ= ïáååáåÖ ~Åíçê= jáÅÜ~Éä= bãÉêëçå ïÜç=éä~óÉÇ=_Éå=çå=íÜÉ=íÉäJ Éîáëáçå= ëÜçï= ?içëí?= ~åÇ ï~ë= áå= íÜÉ= ÅêçïÇ tÉÇåÉëÇ~ó= åáÖÜí= íç= ëìéJ éçêí=Üáë=ÑêáÉåÇëI=íÜÉ=ëÜçïDë ÅêÉ~íçêëI= ë~áÇ= íÜÉó= ã~åJ ~ÖÉÇ=íÜÉ=êÉ~ä=ïçêäÇ=Ñ~ääçìíI ?áå=~=êÉ~ääó=ÇÉäáÅ~íÉ=ï~óK? BEETLE BAILEY | MORT & GREG WALKER HI AND LOIS | BRIAN WALKER, GREG WALKER AND CHANCE BROWNE BLONDIE | DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM | MIKE PETERS FUNKY WINKERBEAN | TOM BATIUK SAM AND SILO | JERRY DUMAS Classifieds 8 Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald NORTHWEST LOUISIANA The Marketplace of Webster and Bossier Parishes. Minden Press-Herald | 203 Gleason Street • Minden, La. 71055 | 318-377-1866 | www.press-herald.com APARTMENTS FOR RENT SERVICES FOR SALE ing, hedging, weed eating, blowing, other services available. Call for a free quote. Lawn Management 318377-8169 beige $4,026 2006 CADILLAC SRX silver, 3rd row seat, fully loaded, full length sunroof, 75,000 miles, $9,995 382-0309 Serving Minden & surrounding areas. 15 yrs experience. Call 318-525-2099 for pricing estimates. DENIED Social Security DISABILITY and/ or SSI? Please CALL 318272-3312 ALWAYS leave a message. NO money up front 8.5 miles south of Lakeside HS. Hwy 371. Call 410-9137412 PIANO 1904 Everett from Boston with matching bench. Great Shape. Was always on inside wall. Paid $650, make offer. 318230-3877 Department Report: Mike Chreene that there were some maintenance issues at the sewer plant and is in the process of replacing some pipes and other items. He also reported that the Brad Graff, the village engineer, will be helping with a grant application to help with the expenses of the work. NEED LAWN SER- 2014 BRAHMA 6X16 reported TRAILER VICE/CARE? mow- HORSE SALE BY COMPLETE LAWN FOR CARE SERVICES OWNER 5.3 acres, GrowÊ YourÊB usiness Call Courtney to place your ad! 377-1866 PLACEÊ YOURÊ ADÊ TODAY! HUSBAND FOR HIRE Home main- Classified line ads are published Monday through Friday in the Minden Press-Herald, Bossier Press-Tribune and online at tenance jobs. Call Charles Stubbs 253 SOUTH TANSat426-5425 or 377- GLEWOOD urday April 18th, 865 LAND CLEARING 7AM- Until. No earBush hogging, ly birds! forestry/mulching head w/ bobcat. Call 371-1743 or 294-5052. NANNY NEEDED Rates PricingÊisÊe asy! $7.75 Per Day - Up to 20 words! Additional words are only 30¢ cents more! GarageÊS ales No word limit. $11 One Day $16.50 Two Days Receive a FREEÊGar ageÊS aleÊ KitÊ with your two day ad! *Garage Sale ads must be prepaid. Deadlines Ads Line ads must be submitted by noon the day before publication. Display ads two days prior to publication. Public Notices Public notices must be submitted two days prior to publication date depending on the length. Notices may be emailed to [email protected] Payments Cash, Checks, Billing RealÊE stateÊNot ice “All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. GARAGE SALES RENTAL 2BR 2BA MH all appliances including washer & dryer. $400/ mo $400/ dep 382-0045 3BR MOBILE HOME Seeking Experience Nanny for part time seasonal car provided for work 350$ weekly email your resume via [email protected] or Text 267) 607-3862 267-607-3862 YARD WORK Call HOMES FOR SALE HOME FOR 3BR, 2BA BRICK HOME, ON 3.08 ACRES. 2517 JACK MARTIN ROAD $160,000. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. CALL 318-453-8685 318-617-0924 MOBILE HOME lo- cated in MH park. For sale cheap. Cash only. 8949279 or 617-0150 LAND FOR SALE 5 ACRE LOT Pine St. Owner Finance Available. 3778652 FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL SPACE for lease - 25’ x 30’ Strip Mall Space, spacious windows on two sides - Eastwood Country Square 2036 E Hwy 80 Haughton LA Contact: Mgr. (702) 419-2675 FARM/ RANCH 2006 john deere 5525 asking $15000, cab, cd, air seat, 540 pto only, toplink, drayah1992@ gmail.com / 337422-774 pool CNA, PRN LPN’s, PRN CNA’s, All Shifts, Leslie Lakes Retirement, Arcadia, La. 318-263-9581 NOW HIRING qualified servers, hostesses and food runners/ bussers. Email contact information and previous work experience to admin@myromas. com. WOW DAIRY QUEEN now hiring general managers!!! Make up too $900.00 per week! Send resume to [email protected] DRIVERS BILL & RALPH’S INC., 118 B&R Drive, Sarepta, La., Accepting applications for Delivery Route Drivers with a CDL-A License. Paid employee medical insuarance. Also available, family medical, employee dental and family dental. 401K match benefits, hourly plus incentive pay, yearly safety bonus pay. Apply at Bill & Ralph’s, Contact Mickey Hodges at (318)539-2071. patrol officer, will be completing the police academy within the next weeks and will be back on the job. Alderman Connie asked about spraying for mosquitoes. Mike Chreene reported that when the weather is right, he would be spraying the village. SALE Woods for rent. $500/ EMPLOYmonth $400/ dep. MENT No Pets. Call 584Village of Dixie Inn 5600 CARING & COM421 MEADOWVIEW, PASSIONATE CNA’S Regular Session April 13, 2015 MINDEN com- WANTED mercial property Apply in person. 3,000sqft $1,500 Cypress Point The Village of Dixie monthly rent, 12 Nursing Center InnÕ s Mayor and month lease. 721 Bossier City, LA L E W I S V I L L E , (behind Lowe’s on Board of Aldermen MINDEN 2bd Douglas Dr.) met in regular 1ba house, $575 318-747-2700 session on April monthly rent. 12 Come & make a month lease. 7913 difference in some- 13, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in Village Hall, HWY 80, PRINC- one’s life ETON 3 or 4bd 2ba MINISTER OF MU- Dixie Inn, Louisiana doublewide mobile S I C / O R G A N I S T with the following house, $700 mont- Methodist church. ly rent, 12 month 11:00 Sunday ser- members present: vices and additional Mayor Ava Nell lease. 382-0309 services. Details: M c W h o r t e r , BOATS Rev. Linda FlournAlderperson Kay FOR SALE 2008 oy, Church Admin. Stratton, Connie Rev. Raymond Nitro Z-6 115 HP Pastor. Woods, and Merc. $12,500 Hampton Firm. 318-265- 318-377-4171 Evelyn Walden. NEEDED! F/T Whirl0266 MOBILE HOMES Police Chief James Edwards reported that Alan Davis, Mayor Ava Nell M c W h o r t e r reported that she had attended a Louisiana Municipal Association meeting in Ruston c o n c e r n i n g d e v e l o p i n g businesses in your towns and villages. She informed the council that there were many good speakers that gave good information. Old Business: The subject of hiring a part time investigator for the police department The meeting was was tables until called to order and a later date. the invocation and pledge of allegiance There being no were given. further business, a motion to adjourn A motion was made was made by by Kay Stratton Evelyn Walden and seconded by and seconded by Connie Woods to Kay Stratton. Vote adopt the minutes on the motion of the March 9, 2015 was unanimous. regular session. Vote on the motion A T T E S T : was unanimous. Jane Rogers, Municipal Clerk The financial statements were April 17, 2015 Minden Press-Herald presented and _______________ were accepted. Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald 9 SMALL ADS DO SELL! CALL AND PLACE YOURS TODAY! 377-1866 CRYPTOQUIPÊ CROSSWORDÊ 10 Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald PUBLICÊ NOTICES IN RE: MATURED, UNREDEEMED, DOCKET NO. 638348 SEC. 21 Savings Bonds in the Louisiana State TreasurerÕ s Possession and Location, If Known: AND UNCLAIMED Aaron UNITED STATES Grace ( O u a c h i t a ) Abney SAVINGS BONDS Barbara WITH PURCHASERS ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Abney 19TH JUDICIAL Jennifer Jennifer DISTRICT COURT a.k.a Phemister (California) OR OWNERS WITH Christopher D. Adams LAST KNOWN (E. Baton Rouge) Tangee R. Adams ADDRESSES IN THE (E. Baton Rouge) Emma L. Aggison STATE PARISH OF EAST ( G e o r g i a ) B. BATON ROUGE George Aggison (Georgia) OF LOUISIANA Aguillard STATE OF Bette L O U I S I A N A (Lafayette) Lottie M. Aguillard ________________ ( L a f a y e t t e ) Marcie Michelle (Calcasieu) NOTICE OF SUIT Allen Allison Gordon (Orleans) To the list below of Amedee Patrick owners of United Christian (Orleans) States savings Amedee bonds currently in Gloria L. Amedee the possession of ( O r l e a n s ) Anderson the Louisiana State Edna Treasurer and to the ( L a f a y e t t e ) class of unknown Christopher Jamaal owners of all United Anderson (E. Baton States savings Rouge) Anderson bonds that have also Theresa reached their maturity ( L a f a y e t t e ) Anderson date, that have not Joseph been redeemed, that ( L a f a y e t t e ) have purchasers Joseph F. Assunto Bernard) or owners with last (St. Assunto known addresses in Theresa Bernard) the state of Louisiana (St. according to the Clara Aucoin (Orleans) August records of the U.S. Mary Treasury Department, ( L a f a y e t t e ) and that were Karen Elise Babin issued during the (E. Baton Rouge) Babin following timeframes: David ( J e f f e r s o n ) Babin 40-year Series Helen E bonds issued ( J e f f e r s o n ) between 1941 and Alphonse L. Babin, February 28, 1967; Jr. (E. Baton Rouge) James Michael (Lafayette) 30-year Series Baggett Seth E bonds issued Michael (Lafayette) between 1965 and Baggett Ashley February 28, 1977; Lauren Baggett (Lafayette) Series EE bonds Laura L. Baggett issued between ( L a f a y e t t e ) Seth July 1, 1980 and Michael (Lafayette) February 28, 1993; Baggett Barbara Baham Series A, B, C, D, ( J e f f e r s o n ) Keith F, G, J and K bonds Brian (Jefferson) (all of which were Baham Anne issued prior to 1958); Charlotte Bahn (Florida) Series H bonds Ed Bailey (Caddo) A. Bailey issued on or before Hardy February 28, 1977; ( B e a u r e g a r d ) Rene T. Bailey Tammany) Series HH bonds (St. issued on or before John L. Ballantyne, (Orleans) February 28, 1987; Jr. Helen M. Barideaux and to all other ( M i c h i g a n ) M. concerned persons. Jackelyn Barideaux (Michigan) Barnes You are notified that Brittny such property has ( O u a c h i t a ) Barrington been presumed to be Grant abandoned. You are ( L a f a y e t t e ) Barrington further notified that a Patt petition pursuant to ( L a f a y e t t e ) Morgan the Louisiana Uniform Sallie (Orleans) Unclaimed Property Barsock A. Act (R.S. 9:151, et Myram (Texas) seq.) and identifying Barton D. Belida you as an owner Irene Landry) has been filed in the (St. Russell 19th Judicial District John (Orleans) Court for the Parish Basco Beach of East Baton Rouge, Michael Louisiana, by the ( O r l e a n s ) Michelle Louisiana Department Julie (Jefferson) of the Treasury Berins M. seeking a declaration Leonard (Jefferson) that title to the above- Berins Bernard described U.S. Alanina (North savings bonds has Bernard passed to the state C a r o l i n a ) Bernard of Louisiana by way Hilarius of escheat pursuant III (North Carolina) Bezue to R.S. 9:182. For Shree further information ( O r l e a n s ) Scott about this lawsuit, Brandon visit http://www. Blackshire (Jefferson) Blackshire treasury.state.la.us/ Janice default.aspx. You ( J e f f e r s o n ) Blackwood are hereby required A. C. to answer the petition ( A c a d i a ) Blanchard or other pleading or Barney otherwise defend or ( P l a q u e m i n e s ) Blanchard before June 9, 2015, Dwayne in the 19th Judicial ( P l a q u e m i n e s ) Blanchard District Court for the Barney Parish of East Baton ( L a f a y e t t e ) Blanchard Rouge, Louisiana. If Shon you fail to answer or ( L a f a y e t t e ) Bollinger otherwise defend, Barbara the petition or other ( O k l a h o m a ) Bollinger pleading will be R.P. taken as true, and ( O k l a h o m a ) judgment, the nature George M. Bonnett of which will be stated Jr. (St. Tammany) B. Bonnett and may include a Mary Tammany) declaration that title to (St. A. the above-described Gretchen U.S. savings bonds Boothe (Oklahoma) Boothe have passed to the George state of Louisiana ( O k l a h o m a ) by way of escheat, Burnette L. Bordelon, (Jefferson) will be rendered Jr. accordingly. You are Burnette L. Bordelon, (Jefferson) further notified that Sr. Borne on June 15, 2015, at Delta 10:00 a.m., a hearing ( J e f f e r s o n ) will be held, at which Dorothy S. Boudreaux time the Court will ( T e n n e s s e e ) determine whether Joseph F. Boudreaux the above-referenced ( T e n n e s s e e ) Boudreaux savings bonds Katie should escheat to the ( L a f o u r c h e ) Bourgeois State of Louisiana. Garland ( O r l e a n s ) Owners of U.S. Margaret Bourgeois ( O r l e a n s ) Nathaniel Boyance ( L a f a y e t t e ) Jamie Noelle Bozeman (Alabama) Jimmy Bozeman ( A l a b a m a ) Cindy Patrice Bradshaw (Orleans) James Bradshaw Jr. (Orleans) J. Dustin Brandon Jerry Lee Brandon (Bossier) Beverly Brandon ( B o s s i e r ) Emma D. Brast (St. Mary) Paul Breaux ( L a f a y e t t e ) Nancy Wendell Brian (Arkansas) Susan B. Brian ( A r k a n s a s ) Arian Angelle Brignac (Orleans) Paul M. Brignac, III (Orleans) Brian Brothers (St. Tammany) Lynette Brothers (St. Tammany) Ernest Alvin Brooms, Jr. (Iberia) Melvina Augusta Brooms (Iberia) Colleen Broussard Gertie Broussard ( O r l e a n s ) Natalie Colleen B r o u s s a r d Pierre Whitney Broussard (Lafayette) Ethel Brown (Orleans) Gordon Keith Brown (Morehouse) Mary Brumfield Mary Brumfield ( T e x a s ) Mary A. Brumfield ( O r l e a n s ) Nolan Brumfield Nolan Brumfield Jr. (Texas) Paul O. Bryant ( O r l e a n s ) James L. Buffin (Virginia) Elizabeth Milliken (Westerfield) Burke (Orleans) James Gibbons Burke, III (Orleans) Ruth Nairne Burke (Orleans) Laul Burns Thais L. Butler ( O r l e a n s ) Thais S. Butler ( O r l e a n s ) Kathleen W. Caboni (Colorado) Marissa Kristin Caboni (Colorado) Tr & Sav Caddo ( V i r g i n i a ) Paul E. Calais ( O r l e a n s ) Clarence Caldwell ( O r l e a n s ) Saundra Caldwell ( O r l e a n s ) Heather Lee Capello (E. Baton Rouge) Darryl John Carimi (Orleans) David Darryl Carimi (Orleans) Beth Carmack Robert Carmack (Minnesota) Elmer C. Carr ( O r l e a n s ) Quanetta Tamika Carroll (Iberia) Alice Carruth (Orleans Cecil W. Carter Jr. (Mississippi) Georgia A. Carter (Orleans) Marc T. Carter (Mississippi) Allison Cavalier ( O r l e a n s ) Geralyn B. Cavalier ( Te n n e s s e e ) Janice Carrol Cavalier (Orleans) Leslie Cavalier ( O r l e a n s ) Raymond A. Cavalier ( Te n n e s s e e ) Michael J. Cenola (Orleans) Mona Centola ( O r l e a n s ) Lloyd Champagne (St. John the Baptist) Staci Champagne (St. John the Baptist) Thomas H. Charlebois (Orleans) Amelia M. Chastant (Orleans) Lawrence T. Chauvin (Plaquemines) Una Mae Chauvin (Plaquemines) Kathleen M. Chevalier (Caddo) Stephen F. Chevalier (Caddo) Nellie N. Christopher (Point Coupee) Robert Christopher (Point Coupee) Benjamin Todd Clark (Caddo) Bonnie S. Clark ( M a r y l a n d ) Joseph M. Clark Jr. (Maryland) Paul M. Clark, Jr. (Caddo) Harry L. Colcolough ( O r l e a n s ) Maureen G. Colcolough (Orleans) Pauline Wright Pugh Cole (Calcasieu) Jeffrey Martin Cole (Calcasieu) Lois Jane Whetsel Collins (Lafayette) Juanita M. Collins (Assumption) Stephen Boring Collins (Lafayette) Ernest T. Conolly ( O r l e a n s ) Irene C. Conolly ( O r l e a n s ) James L. Cooper (Lincoln) Sheron Cooper ( L i n c o l n ) Albert L. Cormier (St. Martin) Theresa S. Cormier (St. Martin) John Costanza ( J e f f e r s o n ) Troy Costanza ( J e f f e r s o n ) Doris J. Courville (St. Landry) Etienne Courville (St. Landry) L.G. Coy Ethel Viola Crabb (Orleans) Billie H. Crabtree ( O r l e a n s ) James Aubrey Crabtree (Orleans) Dolores Craven ( O r l e a n s ) Timothy Craven ( O r l e a n s ) Bob Creech (Caddo) Chad Harris Creech (Caddo) Marie B. Culver ( O r l e a n s ) Raymond J. Culver (Orleans) Maurice Cummings (E. Baton Rouge) Allen Dalfrey ( L a f a y e t t e ) Mary T. Dalfrey ( L a f a y e t t e ) Janet M. Daly ( O r l e a n s ) Woodrow W. Daniel Mary Daniels (New York) Francisco da Silva Terra (Orleans) Lee Davis (Jefferson) Earnestine C. Davis (Ouachita) Edna E. Davis ( O r l e a n s ) Charles Dawson ( O r l e a n s ) Melvin Earl Dawson (Orleans) Laurence C. Deblanc (Lafayette) Louis Paul Deblanc ( L a f a y e t t e ) Tessa A. Debose ( O r l e a n s ) James W. Debuys ( J e f f e r s o n ) Marion G. Deckelman ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Robert C. Deckelman ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Numa Delhomme ( L a f a y e t t e ) Dana Marie Dell Ira T. Dell Steven Hudson Dell (Jefferson) Shamus Paul DeMary (Calcasieu) Julianna L. DePrinse (Ontario, Canada) Cynthia Louise Derbins (Orleans) Todd Devidts ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Clifton J. Devillier (St. Landry) Irene DeVillier (St. Landry) Joseph Abram Devillier (St. Landry) Clay Devillier (St. Landry) Clay G. DeVilliere (St. Landry) Mary A. Dodge ( F l o r i d a ) Shani Marie D o m e n g e a u x ( L a f a y e t t e ) Emile J. Donaldson ( O r l e a n s ) Charles Jessie Donato (St. Landry) Theresa Donato (St. Landry) Larry Merrell Doss (Jackson) Regile Doucet, Jr. (St. Landry) Myrtle Doucet (St. Landry) Debra Dretar ( J e f f e r s o n ) Diane S. Drury ( J e f f e r s o n ) Edward R. Drury ( J e f f e r s o n ) Jessie L. Duckworth (E. Baton Rouge) Lawyer T. Duckworth (E. Baton Rouge) Harold John Baptist Duhon (Lafayette) G. Steven Duplechain (E. Baton Rouge) Matthew Ross Duplechain (E. Baton Rouge) Anthony Dupre (St. Landry) Jessie Dupre (St. Landry) Melvin D. Edward (Caddo) Billy R. Edwards ( C a d d o ) Annie R. Eiseman ( A r k a n s a s ) Richard J. Eiseman ( A r k a n s a s ) Mary Ann Eller ( J e f f e r s o n ) Mae Elizabeth Ellerman (Orleans) Mary R Ellerman (St. Tammany) Maude Bertha Emery (Orleans) William Emery ( O r l e a n s ) Elizabeth Erwin ( O u a c h i t a ) Walter Essect Nicholas Estiverne (E. Baton Rouge) Nell S. Estorge (Iberia) Anita M. Evans ( O r l e a n s ) Angele V. Evans (Orleans) Stacie Ray Evans (Orleans) Norman Evens Dianne Fagot ( O r l e a n s ) Herbert Fagot ( L a f a y e t t e ) Herbert Fagot ( V i r g i n i a ) Lisa Fagot (Virginia) Mary West Farris (Natchitoches) Reginald M. Farris (Natchitoches) Andrea Joy Faulk (Calcasieu) Patricia Faulk ( C a l c a s i e u ) Robert Felknor ( B o s s i e r ) Christopher Waynn Fergeson (Oklahoma) Dianne Turnley Fergeson (Oklahoma) Dolci Fillinich ( L a f o u r c h e ) Zach A. Fillinich ( L a f o u r c h e ) Fannie G. Fiorella (Orleans) William H. Fiorella, Sr. (Orleans) Ida E. Fischer ( O r l e a n s ) Calvin A. Fleming, II (Jefferson) Carrolyn Foland ( J e f f e r s o n ) Joseph Elmo Foland (Jefferson) Berth Fontenot ( O r l e a n s ) James Billier Fontenot (Orleans) John Y. Fontenot (St. Landry) Joseph R. Fontenot ( C a l c a s i e u ) Sidney S. Fontenot (St. Landry) Virginia Fontenot ( C a l c a s i e u ) Lemoine Ford (Caddo) Mosie L. Ford (Caddo) Carol P. Ford (E. Baton Rouge) Edward A. Ford ( J e f f e r s o n ) Leonie S. Ford ( J e f f e r s o n ) James Alvin Freeman, Jr. (California) James A. Freeman ( L a f a y e t t e ) Janet Sue Freeman Mark Evan Freeman ( L a f a y e t t e ) Mary Catherine Furman (Orleans) Nell Furman (Orleans) Aaron J. Fuselier ( J e f f e r s o n ) Paul Michael Galaforo Jr. (Jefferson) Catherine L. Galaforo (Jefferson) Angela K. Gallagher ( L a f a y e t t e ) Dudley M. Gallagher (Orleans) Dudley Michael G a l l a g h e r , Jr. (Orleans) James Sean Gallagher (Lafayette) Mary H. Gallagher ( O r l e a n s ) Harry Genry (Orleans) Sophronios K. Georgeades (Orleans) Robert Michael Geraci (Orleans) Carol Lee Gervais (Orleans) Harold W. Gervais (Orleans) Daniel J. Gianelloni (Prov de Habana, Cuba) Imogene Gianelloni (Prov de Habana, Cuba) Adrian Joseph Gibbs (Orleans) Booker Gibbs, Jr. (Orleans) Michelle Theresa Gibbs (Orleans) Linda Jane Gimma (Orleans) Payton B. Givens ( M o r e h o u s e ) Mittie Givins ( M o r e h o u s e ) Anthony L. Glorioso (Jefferson) Anthony L. Glorioso (Ouachita) Jay Lewis Glorioso ( O u a c h i t a ) Jill Ann Glorioso ( J e f f e r s o n ) Charlotte Lewis Glover (Lafayette) Mary Goddard Marissa Ann Goldsmith (California) Matthew F. Goldsmith (Florida) Morissa A. Goldsmith ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Hollace Goldsmith ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Michael Goldsmith ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Bernadine L. G o o d e a u x (Beauregard) Shawn Paul Goodeaux (California) Anne B. Goodyear ( O r l e a n s ) Casey Brooks Gordon (Ascension) Judi Gordon ( A s c e n s i o n ) George H. Gossom (Orleans) Kathleen E. Gossom (Orleans) Glenn Gothreaux ( C a l c a s i e u ) Louis Gothreaux ( C a l c a s i e u ) Arthur Gordon Grant III Arthur Gordon Grant Jr. Earl Nelson Gray, Jr. (Orleans) Earl Nelson Gray, Sr. (Orleans) Mary Greco (Orleans) Rose M. Greco ( O r l e a n s ) Samuel Greco ( O r l e a n s ) Vincent J. Greco (Orleans) Edith C. Green Elena Green (St. Landry) Keith W. Green Kristi Sharon Green (Tennessee) Nicholas Green, Jr. (St. Landry) Earl Grogren, Sr. (Jefferson) Audrey W. Groves ( C a l c a s i e u ) William J Groves ( C a l c a s i e u ) Arthur Guedes ( O r l e a n s ) Earl A. Guidroz ( O r l e a n s ) Alvin L. Guidry (St. Landry) Edward J. Guidry ( L a f o u r c h e ) Lois A. Guidry ( L a f o u r c h e ) Joseph G. Guillory ( C a l c a s i e u ) Evelena Fontenot Guillory (Calcasieu) Henry Gumbaugh Connie C. Haerer ( J e f f e r s o n ) Philip L. Haerer ( J e f f e r s o n ) John J. Haggerty ( O r l e a n s ) M a r c e l i n e Haggerty (Orleans) George Hall (Orleans) Caroline Halpern ( O r l e a n s ) Minette Halpern ( O r l e a n s ) Eleanor Halprin ( O r l e a n s ) Michael Halprin ( O r l e a n s ) Ethel B. Hamelback ( C a d d o ) Walter Hamelback ( C a d d o ) Edrea K. Handy ( L a f a y e t t e ) Katherine Handy ( L a f a y e t t e ) Ed Handy (Lafayette) Bobby D. Hanson ( W e b s t e r ) Celia Ann Hanson ( W e b s t e r ) Meredith T. Hanson (Webster) Delia V. Hardee ( C a d d o ) Mildred Irene Hardee (Caddo) Ellen C. Harper (Orleans) Bennie G. Harris, Sr. (E. Baton Rouge) Bryan K. Harris (E. Baton Rouge) Nefertiti Akeita Hawkins (E. Baton Rouge) Harry R. Hawthrone Fredonia Haymond ( A s c e n s i o n ) Leo F. Haymond, Jr. (Ascension) Leo Hegwood (Point Coupee) John Hebert, III (St. Tammany) Barbara C. Heitmeier (Orleans) Dewey J. Heitmeier ( O r l e a n s ) G e r a l d i n e Henry (Orleans) Harry Henry, Sr. (Orleans) Michael P. Henry (Orleans) Adam Hesko, Jr. (Orleans) Frank Hidalgo ( L a f o u r c h e ) John F. Hiendlmayr Claude Hidgon, Jr. (Vermilion) Claude Higdon, Jr. (St. Landry) Velma D. Higdon (St. Landry) Beau M. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Kathryn W. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Lee C. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Prentist L. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Charles E. Hill (Orleans) James M. Hill ( A s c e n s i o n ) Marilyn A. Hill (Orleans) Marie Robbins Hill (Texas) Rosemary Hill ( A s c e n s i o n ) W.O. Hills Joseph R. Hogh III (Jefferson) Bessie W. Holland (Orleans) Malane Leigh Honsinger (Orleans) Michelle Leigh H o n s i n g e r ( L i v i n g s t o n ) Ophelia H. Horns (St. Landry) Willie J. Horns (St. Landry) Forrest Donald Horrom (Winn) V i r g i n i a Horrom (Winn) Anthony E. Howells, Jr. (Alabama) Sara Elizabeth H o w e l l s Leigh Huggins ( Te n n e s s e e ) Jennifer M. Huggins Giner Hutchens ( L i n c o l n ) Mary Hutchens ( L i n c o l n ) Joseph Hymes, Jr. (Orleans) Helen M. Iverson (Washington State) George Iverson Jr. (Washington State) Lawrence Jacket ( L a f a y e t t e ) Marion Jackson (E. Baton Rouge) Ruby Ann Jackson (E. Baton Rouge) Billy Mason Jambon, Jr. (Jefferson) Bobby S. Jambon ( J e f f e r s o n ) Linda Z. Jambon ( J e f f e r s o n ) Mildred B. James (Iberia) Elissa Gwen Jastal (Orleans) Judith R. Jastal ( O r l e a n s ) Nikki Jastel Charles Jeanmard ( L a f a y e t t e ) Cornelia Webre Jeanmard (Lafayette) Elliott J. Jefferson ( O r l e a n s ) Hattie Jefferson (Orleans) James Jendrain (West Feliciana) Arthur Mallitz Jenson (Orleans) Bertha Mallitz Jenson (Orleans) E l a n o r Prezestwor Jentry Danny Wayne Johnson (Union) Danny Wayne Johnson (Ouachita) Harvard H. Johnston (Ouachita) Huey P. Johnston ( O u a c h i t a ) Mary Elaine Johnson (Ouachita) Dannye B. Jones (Mississippi) Hiram Jones Michael A. Joyce (Florida) Florence B. Juttner (Orleans) Richard L. Juttner (Orleans) Adele T. Kaupp ( O r l e a n s ) Joe Paul Kaupp ( O r l e a n s ) John F. Kelley Maude H. Kelley ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Mary Elizabeth Kelly (Orleans) Jean Kelly (Orleans) ( C a l i f o r n i a ) S t e p h a n i e Kennedy (Rapides) Auton B. King (Iberia) Bessie King (Iberia) C h r i s t o p h e r Klein (Jefferson) Henry Klein ( J e f f e r s o n ) Kim Klein (Jefferson) Allen J. Klibert ( J e f f e r s o n ) Tressie E. Klibert ( J e f f e r s o n ) Stella Guidry Krantz (Lafayette) Bernie Laclair Barry Louis LaCour (Orleans) Lorraine A. LaCour (Orleans) Austin W LaMarche (Caddo) Margaret B. LaMarche (Caddo) Catherine V. Lambert (St. Bernard) Joseph Authur Lambert (St. Bernard) Matthew Peter Lambert (St. Bernard) Paul Landry (E. Baton Rouge) Phyllis B. Landry (E. Baton Rouge) Andrew Lansdown ( O k l a h o m a ) Ben Lansdown (Mississippi) Mary Ann Lansdown Mary Ann Lansdown (Mississippi) Dora Lawrence ( L a f a y e t t e ) John E. Lawrence ( A v o y e l l e s ) Oscar O. Lawrence ( A v o y e l l e s ) Delta Lazaro ( J e f f e r s o n ) Ladislas Lazaro, Jr. (St. Landry) Stephen Charles Lazaro (St. Landry) Tracy Lynn Lazaro (Jefferson) William A. Lazaro Jr. (Jefferson) Christel R. League (Orleans) William C. League (Orleans) Catina LeBlanc (St. Mary) Catina LeBlanc ( I b e r i a ) J e n n i f e r LeBlanc (Iberia) Janice LeBlanc (St. Mary) Jennifer Michelle LeBlanc (St. Mary) Steve Joseph LeBlanc (Ascension) Natasha Denee LeBlanc (Iberia) Bobby Jane LeBlanc (Iberia) Joseph LeBlanc (Lafayette) Eva C. Ledet (St. Landry) Florence Levin ( O r l e a n s ) Barbara K. Ligon (Orleans) Walter B. Ligon ( O r l e a n s ) Henry Linam, Jr. (Caddo) S u s a n n a Linam (Caddo) Susan Felice Linam (Caddo) Glen R. Loeber ( J e f f e s o n ) Glennis R. Loeber ( J e f f e r s o n ) Dennis Vincent Lopez, Jr. (Orleans) Dennis V. Lopez (Orleans) Frank Lopinto (St. Bernard) Shawn Michael Louviere (Jefferson) Jon Allen Luckett (E. Baton Rouge) Katie Ludwig (Orleans) Shirley M. Ludwig (Orleans) Martin Lund (Orleans) Anna D. Lundburg ( M i n n e s o t a ) Mark Lupher (Mississippi) Reva E. (Berins) Lupin (Orleans) Alene J. Lyle ( C a l c a s i e u ) John S. Lyle ( C a l c a s i e u ) Thomas Eugene M a c i u l s k i Louis J. Maco Jr. (Jefferson) Phillip Welsey Maco (Jefferson) Ginger L. Madden ( J e f f e r s o n ) Kenneth L. Madden (Jefferson) James O. Manning ( J e f f e r s o n Lena Manuel ( C a l c a s i e u ) Riley Manuel ( C a l c a s i e u ) Carol Marange (St. Tammany) Ferdinand Joseph Marange, III (St. Tammany) Jean Wright Martin (Jefferson) Mary Ella Martin ( W e b s t e r ) William Watson Martin (Jefferson) Johnnie Welch Mason Sybil Mason (Illinois) Mary Scharff Massengill (Orleans) Evan R. Mather ( C a l i f o r n i a ) John W. Mather ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Louis P. Mattis (Pennsylvania) Albert Brown May (Calcasieu) Junior May ( C a l c a s i e u ) Emory Mark M c C h a r g u e ( Te r r e b o n n e ) Randall Mark M c C h a r g u e ( Te r r e b o n n e ) Esther McClendon ( O r l e a n s ) Sheman McClendon ( O r l e a n s ) Francis J. McDonald (North Carolina) Lovell McElroy ( R a p i d e s ) Lillie M. McElroy ( R a p i d e s ) Ciara McGarry (E. Baton Rouge) Conal McGarry (E. Baton Rouge) David William McGuire (Orleans) David R. McGuire, Jr. (Orleans) John Barrett McGuire (Orleans) Bruce W. McIntyre (Caddo) Constance N. McIntyre (Caddo) James D. McKnight (North Carolina) Marie Mcleod (St. Bernard) Chris Junior McNabb (Lafayette) Chris Senior McNabb (Lafayette) Nancy McNabb ( L a f a y e t t e ) Norman C. McNabb, Jr. (Lafayette) James S. Meagher (Florida) William A. Meagher (Florida) Louis Mendez ( O r l e a n s ) Early J. Meche (St. Landry) J. R. Meng (Point Coupee) Louis E. Meng (Point Coupee) Lucille Marie M. Meche (St. Landry) Carrie M. Meng (Point Coupee) Carrie Elizabeth M. Meng (Point Coupee) Mary Elaine Meng (Point Coupee) Rae E. Meng (Point Coupee) Angelia Merritt ( O r l e a n s ) Barbara Ann Messarra (Caddo) Elie John Messarra (Caddo) Lillian Michie ( O u a c h i t a ) P. C. Miller (E. Baton Rouge) Thomas P. Mince (Orleans) Avery A. Mitchell ( L a f a y e t t e ) Ethel L. Molligan ( O r l e a n s ) Judy Ann Molligan ( O r l e a n s ) Eugene Montgomery ( O r l e a n s ) H.E. Montgomery ( O r l e a n s ) Jennie Elizabeth M o n t g o m e r y ( O r l e a n s ) Jenny Elizabeth M o n t g o m e r y ( O r l e a n s ) John B.Montgomery Jr. (St. Tammany) Noreen Montgomery (St. Tammany) Megan Lee M o n t g o m e r y ( O r l e a n s ) Harold T. Moore ( O r l e a n s ) Margot Alexius Moore Hiram Morehead Danielle T. Morgan (Orleans) Ursula C. Morgan ( O r l e a n s ) Gina Marie Morgani (Jefferson) Lisa P. Morgani ( J e f f e r s o n ) Dr. Benjamin O. Morrison (Red River) J. J. Mullen (Jefferson) Marie Mullen ( J e f f e r s o n ) Ola Christopher Murtagh (Orleans) Louis Murtagh, Jr. (Orleans) Isabelle C. Murthogh (Orleans) Betty M. Muse (Point Coupee) Tommy L. Muse Jr. (Mississippi) Betty J. Muse (Mississippi) Gilbert B. Myles ( O u a c h i t a ) Gilbert B. Myles, Sr. (Ouachita) Richard S. Nadler (Orleans) Neil M. Nadler (St. Tammany) Stephanie Nadler (St. Tammany) Haakon Nelsen ( O u a c h i t a ) Mary Elizabeth Nelson (Ouachita) Terry L. Newman ( C a l c a s i e u ) Isaac Newton ( O r l e a n s ) Beulah Newton ( O r l e a n s ) Carmen P. Nichols ( J e f f e r s o n ) Dawn Lea Nolen (St. Mary) Ralph Norman Nolen, Jr. (St. Mary) Ralph Norman Nolen, III (St. Mary) William Richard North (Lafayette) Annie M.. Ogborne ( L a f a y e t t e ) Clyde D. Ogborne ( L a f a y e t t e ) Janice E. Ogborne ( L a f a y e t t e ) Elroy J. Pabst ( J e f f e r s o n ) Fannie Clare Pabst (Jefferson) Edward Page (E. Baton Rouge) Julia S. Page (E. Baton Rouge) Anthony J. Palermo III (Orleans) Anthony J. Palermo Jr. (Orleans) Tiffany Elizabeth Palermo (Orleans) Lillian Palermo ( O r l e a n s ) Henry Parker ( A r k a n s a s ) Era Lee Parks (Union) Zelma Patchin ( L a f a y e t t e ) Mary Brown Patchin (Oklahoma) Luna B. Patton Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald 11 DELINQUENTÊ TAXES ( L i n c o l n ) David F. Pearley (Assumption) Charline C. Pentecost ( C a l c a s i e u ) Joe B. Pentecost ( C a l c a s i e u ) Susan Pettigrew ( O r l e a n s ) Zachry Pettigrew ( O r l e a n s ) Yvette Marie Pflug (St. Bernard) Rachel Pflug (St. Bernard) Cynthia Alicia Pierce (E. Baton Rouge) Mitchell A. Pierce, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge) Milben J. Pitre (Evangeline) Sheila Ann Pitre (Evangeline) Barry R. Pittman, Jr. (St. Tammany) Tina Marie Plattsmier (Acadia) Catherine O. Porche (Lafayette) James D. Porter, Jr. (North Carolina) James D. Porter, Sr. Samantha Mae Porter (North Carolina) Melissa Renee Powdrill (Caddo) William E Powdrill III (Caddo) Clifford Powell John E. Prengenser ( O r l e a n s ) Joe M. Price ( C a l c a s i e u ) Micelle Louise Price (Calcasieu) Joseph W. Prince (St. Landry) Argentine C. Prince (St. Landry) Jeffrey Bryan Pugh (E. Baton Rouge) Nina Nicols Pugh (E. Baton Rouge) Herman Pullin ( C a d d o ) Robert C. Pullin (Caddo) Cory Rabalais (Caddo) Patricia Rabalais ( C a d d o ) Christopher C. Rachal (Rapides) John J. Raezer ( O r l e a n s ) Verna Raezer ( O r l e a n s ) Harry E. Ragland (Caddo) Emma L. Rambin (Caddo) Richard H. Rambin (Caddo) John V. Ramirez, Jr. (Jefferson) Kathy M. Ramirez ( J e f f e r s o n ) Fraaklin Rash ( L a f a y e t t e ) Jamie Rash ( L a f a y e t t e ) Blanche V. Ray (Ouachita) Henry C. Ray, Jr. (Ouachita) Robert M. Reaves, Jr. (Orleans) Robyn L. Reaves ( O r l e a n s ) George L. Rhinehart, Jr. (Rapides) Duand Kendell Rhodes (Mississippi) Diane Rhodes (Mississippi) Ora T. Rice (Orleans) Shirley Stearns Richardson (Orleans) Catherine Nan Richaud (Jefferson) Georgene Buist Richaud (Texas) Katheryn B. Richaud (Texas) Kathryn Buist Richaud (Jefferson) Kathryn B. Richaud (Orleans) Paul Buist Richaud (Orleans) Earl Ricks Lodema Riggs ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Alfred R. Ripoll III (Orleans) Cheryl M Ripoll ( O r l e a n s ) Brenda Faye Robbins (Texas) Murphy Roberson (St. Landry) Grager Robert (St. Landry) Tony Robert (St. Landry) Minnie Robertson ( M o r e h o u s e ) Taylor J. Robertson (St. Landry) Susanne Camille Robicheaux (Caddo) Noamie Robin ( L a f a y e t t e ) Anthony P. Robino (Jefferson) Melissa Anne Robino (Jefferson) Bessie Martha Stringer Robinson ( Te r r e b o n n e ) Burloe Robinson ( C a d d o ) Elizabeth Robinson ( O r l e a n s ) Francis J.G. Robinson ( Te r r e b o n n e ) Jesse Robinson ( C a d d o ) Ruby Rochon ( L a f a y e t t e ) Larry Rochon ( L a f a y e t t e ) John H. Roemers ( O r l e a n s ) Eddie Mae Rogers (E. Baton Rouge) Rose Guidroz Rogers (Orleans) Elizabeth Ann Rush (E. Baton Rouge) Richard O. Rush (E. Baton Rouge) Peggy F. Russell (New York) Ronald W. Russell (New York) Thomas Wayne Russell (New York) Joel Virginia Russell (Orleans) Virginia Spaar Russell (Orleans) Marlyn R. Ruttley (St. Mary) Eve Elizabeth Sam (Lafayette) Rita Sam (Lafayette) Wilbert Sam ( L a f a y e t t e ) Lydia Sanchez ( O r l e a n s ) James Sanders ( O r l e a n s ) John J. Sanders ( O r l e a n s ) Lnda J Savage ( O r l e a n s ) David Lawrence Scally (Iberia) Everett Gordon Schaefer, III (Orleans) Frances Darrah Schaefer (Orleans) Clara G. Schaefers ( O r l e a n s ) Clara G. Scharfers ( O r l e a n s ) Durel C. Scharfers ( O r l e a n s ) Mosses Clyde Scharff (Orleans) Seth Schaumburg Ada Lou Schaumburg Durel Scheafers ( O r l e a n s ) Carl Schellton Bernie Schelton Emily Schloss ( O r l e a n s ) Margaret Schloss ( O r l e a n s ) Howard M. Schloss Howard L. Schloss Ann Schmidt (Caddo) Frederick Schmidt ( O r l e a n s ) Philip J .Sciortino ( O r l e a n s ) Patricia E. Sciortino (Orleans) Christopher Michael Scivally (Caddo) Hazel Mae P. Scott (E. Baton Rouge) Mabel Scott (Orleans) Martha Nell H. Scott (Vermilion) Raymond Scott (E. Baton Rouge) Ozeme B. Scott (St. Landry) Donald Ray Scroggins (Texas) Mark Carlson Seaver (Orleans) Joseph H. Seaver (Orleans) Shelly Beth Seaver (Orleans) David Alan Seeder (Orleans) Sharon Seeder ( O r l e a n s ) Deborah Marguerite Seelig (Orleans) Philipp A. Seelig (Orleans) Jennifer E. Seelig (Orleans) Lisa Seelig (Orleans) Virginia Miriam Seibert (Red River) Emelia Trumps Semar (St. Landry) Raymond J. Semar (St. Landry) Stephen Shambuger (E. Baton Rouge) Joel Shamburger (E. Baton Rouge) William Shannon William Q. Shannon Alan West Shaw, III (Lafayette) Alan West Shaw, IV (Lafayette) Christopher Howard Sherwood (Orleans) Edward Read Sherwood (Orleans) Dorothy Lynn Shields (Orleans) Laurie Lynn Shields (Orleans) Joseph R. Siegel (West Feliciana) Jason Allen Siegel (West Feliciana) Robert Joseph Simkins (California) Robert Shaw Simkins (California) Margret Simkins ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Carolyn Read Simmons (Orleans) Fisher E. Simmons ( O r l e a n s ) Nathalie Read Simmons (Orleans) Stephen D. Simmons (Orleans) John B. Simon (Mississippi) U r e l a i n e Rashandanique Simon (Mississippi) Lauren Denise Slavant (Ouachita) Tammy Slavant (Ouachita) Christian A. Smalley (Orleans) Kent Smith (E. Baton Rouge) Kent J. Smith, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge) Kurt Smith (E. Baton Rouge) Randall Johnson Smith, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge Parish) Robert Randolph Smith, Jr. (Texas) Robert Smith, Sr. Felton Sneed ( O r l e a n s ) Barbara L. Sneed (Orleans) Judy B. Solomon ( O r l e a n s ) T h e o r d o r e George Solomon, III (Orleans) Elliot B. Stamps ( G e o r g i a ) Charles J. Stein (St. Bernard) Angela R. Stemley (Orleans) Girline M. Stemley (Orleans) Adam Malcolm S t e v e n s o n (Orleans) Malcolm Stevenson ( O r l e a n s ) William E. Stevenson (E. Baton Rouge) Richard A. Stockwell (E. Baton Rouge) Gayle Lavonne Stookberry (Orleans) April Strickland ( J e f f e r s o n ) Barbara Strickland ( J e f f e r s o n ) T. R. Strohe (Jefferson Davis) Stephan Ward Strohe (Jefferson Davis) William Peter Strohe (Lafayette) Charles Suazo ( O r l e a n s ) Melvin A. Swancy, Jr. (St. Mary) Dorothy I. S z c z e p a n s k i (Pennsylvania) Eva R. Szczepanski Marilee Trice Tabb (Orleans) William Granville Tabb, IV (Orleans) Chaim Nelson Ta n n e n b a u m ( O r l e a n s ) Harold Tannenbaum ( O r l e a n s ) Rubie G. Tate ( O r l e a n s ) A n d e r s o n Taylor (Orleans) Chavada Taylor ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Ellis Taylor (Orleans) Eran Taylor ( C a l i f o r n i a ) Zola Thayer ( J e f f e r s o n ) Dolores Ann Theriot (Orleans) Gilda M. Thibodeaux (Acadia) John L. Thibodeaux ( A c a d i a ) Charles E. Thompson Charles E. Thompson, II (Texas) Laferne Tibbs J B Tonkel III (Florida) J B Tonkel Jr. (Florida) Natalie Elizabeth Tonkel (Orleans) Betty Tonkel (Orleans) Rene Toups ( L a f o u r c h e ) Judy W. Toups ( L a f o u r c h e ) Michael Troyer ( C o l o r a d o ) Larry Troyer Anthony Trusch (North Carolina) Lillian Huther Tsecouras (Orleans) Louise Tsecouras ( O r l e a n s ) Elijah Tyler (Caddo) Rosa M. Tyler (Caddo) Carroll D. Van Geffen (Jefferson) Lauren Elizabeth van Loon (Jefferson) Troy Verges ( J e f f e r s o n ) Emile Verges, Jr. (Jefferson) Paula Gayle Vice (Calcasieu) S e m p i l i c i o Vilbar (Orleans) Sofronio Vilbar ( O r l e a n s ) Neal Paul W a g u e s p a c k ( J e f f e r s o n ) George Walcher ( C a d d o ) Bertha Mae Walker (St. Landry) Ralph A. Walker (St. Landry) Willie Walker Jr. (Lafayette) Albert Walters ( O r l e a n s ) Barrett Gibrian Walters (Orleans) Treva L. Walters ( O r l e a n s ) Helen E. Warren ( O r l e a n s ) James Washington Jr. (Jefferson) James Washington Sr. (Jefferson) Valeria Olivia Washington (Orleans) George Thomas Waterfallen (Caddo) James R. Waterfallen, Sr. (Caddo) William S. Webb (Caddo) Kay C. Webb (Caddo) Dennis James West (Orleans) Lucy West (Webster) Arden Allen White (Orleans) August Rist White Carolyn C. White ( J e f f e r s o n ) Charles Brent White (Orleans) Gerogia Bell White Lorraine White ( O r l e a n s ) William A. White, IV (Orleans) Hiram Wilder S.H. Wilder Dwayne Wilkerson (Orleans) Yvette Wilkerson (Orleans) Jimmie Williams ( C a d d o ) Juanita Williams (Caddo) Dorothy Williams ( O u a c h i t a ) Weldon Williams ( O u a c h i t a ) Charles Williams (Texas) Julia Gray Williams Oliver Williams (Florida) E. Eileen Williamson ( C a l i f o r n i a ) G. Richarda Williamson (Orleans) James Willoughby ( J e f f e r s o n ) Estew Wilson (Morehouse) Katherine Ann W i n c h e s t e r ( A s c e n s i o n ) Stanley Allen W i n c h e s t e r ( A s c e n s i o n ) Evelyn Winn (Orleans) Otilia Winn (Orleans) Thedore S. Wittels, MD (Bossier) Judith A. Woods ( O r l e a n s ) Tom Hamilton Woods (Michigan) V i r g i n i a Margerette Woods Michael R. Yarborough (E. Baton Rouge) Nicholas Hovey King Yokum (Orleans) Rita Hovey King Yokum (Orleans) Ellison B. York Perry Wayne Young (Jefferson) Perry Wayne Young, II (Jefferson) Ruth Helen (Orleans) Young Geraldine F. Zauner (Orleans) Richard D. Zauner (Orleans) Brett A. Zukowski (New York) Stanley H. Zukowski (New York) Vito C. Zuppardo ( O r l e a n s ) Vito Zuppardo, Jr. (Orleans) WARD 1 DUDLEY, ANGELINE 22915 1 0 3 6 8 6 RESEARCH WARD 1 LBEY TAX INFORMATION 37137 IS AVAILABLE 1 0 0 6 8 4 A ADVISORY GROUP, N C ONLINE @ www. DUFOUR, PETER D. I w e b s t e r s h e r i ff . o r g WARD 1 54595 WARD 1 50543 1 0 7 6 9 0 1 0 4 4 4 2 CLICK ON TAX INFO D U K E S , LEGGETT, DEWITT A. DAVID ALLEN 15151 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 4 4 6 2 GARY S. SEXTON 53443 1 0 2 1 6 5 L E O N A R D , EARL SHERIFF & EX- E D W A R D S , KENNETH B. OFFICIO TAX MELVIN 28683 WARD 1 C O L L E C T O R WARD 1 1 0 5 8 8 2 A ____________Julie 60883 Lewis Ð Deputy 1 0 2 1 6 5 A M A N G R U M , RAY Tax Collector E D W A R D S . SAMUEL K E N N E T H WARD 1 SR. 44895 24079 WARD 1 WAYNE, 1 0 5 4 6 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 A WARD 1 M A R T I N , ADAMS, THOMAS 44630 LEE BURTON, JR. 1 2 9 7 0 3 CARLTON EVANS, ELMER 10079 WARD 1 19373 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 4 7 9 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 15608 A D A M S , 1 2 9 3 4 0 M A R T Z , W., EST TYLER DUANE FEDERAL NATIONAL CECIL M O R T G A G E WARD 1 23686 WARD 1 A S S O C I A T I O N 53000 1 0 7 6 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 9 WARD 1 MCEACHERN, A D D I S O N , 16744 IRENE MARK TIMOTHY 1 3 0 9 0 6 A BRENDA F E R G U S O N , T O M L I N S O N 43621 WARD 1 CHARLES LESTER 1 0 0 2 0 7 12185 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 2 0 4 5 ALFORD, TONYA 31091 LEA AULD 1 3 1 4 2 0 MERCADO, CONNEE F E S T E R V A N , RUTH HICKMAN ANN 47646 WARD 1 DELORES 1 0 0 2 0 6 A M E A C H A M 27377 WARD 1 ALFORD, TONYA 1 0 4 9 2 2 WARD 1 MILES, LEA AULD 57954 FRANKIE 1 0 2 2 9 1 A L P H O N S E 44570 WARD 1 F I N D L E Y , TILLMAN 14904 1 0 0 4 3 7 ESSIE WARD 1 BEAVERS, PATRICIA 1 0 5 7 2 5 48388 WARD 1 M I L L E R , 32962 WARD 1 1 0 2 2 9 4 JERRIMY WAYNE JIM 1 0 0 4 9 4 FINLEY, BENNETT, LUCY B. 34846 WARD 1 13067 WARD 1 1 0 0 5 4 4 A 21975 WARD 1 1 0 2 2 9 7 M I L L E R , (S/BE STEVEN 1 0 0 5 3 2 FINLY, ALLEN JIM B I R D W E L L , FINLEY) BLANCH WEST 11889 WARD 1 35608 WARD 1 1 0 5 0 8 5 33723 WARD 1 1 0 2 4 0 9 M O D I S E T T E , NORMA WAYNE 1 0 7 9 7 7 A FRAZIER, H. JONES ETAL BLAKELEY, THOMAS R. EDWARD, II 46171 WARD 1 54484 WARD 1 1 0 5 0 9 5 30831 WARD 1 1 0 2 1 6 6 M O N K , 1 0 0 6 3 2 F R O S T , ROBERT M., JR. BOOTH, JOE KATHERINE ETOLA H A R O L D E D W A R D S 16200 WARD 1 1 0 5 2 6 4 WARD 1 M O R R I S , 54987 WARD 1 36493 1 0 0 8 0 1 1 0 2 4 9 7 BENJAMIN JON ROY E. B R O W N , GADD, MARGIE LEE 35570 WARD 1 15425 WARD 1 1 0 5 2 6 3 27328 WARD 1 1 0 2 4 0 4 M O R R I S , 1 0 0 8 8 9 G I L B E R T , C A T H E R I N E JONES JETER BROWN, VIVENNIE BARBARA ETAL CORNELIOUS 19467 WARD 1 50103 WARD 1 36157 WARD 1 1 0 8 2 5 7 1 0 5 5 0 0 1 0 0 9 9 0 A G I L L E S P I E , N O T R U B MARK INVESTMENT, L.L.C. BURSON, JAMES JAMES April 17, 2015 Minden Press-Herald _______________ EXHIBIT Ò AÓ OFFICE OF THE TAX COLLECTORMINDEN, COTTON VALLEY, SAREPTA, DOYLINE, CULLEN, WEBSTER PARISH, L O U I S I A N A April 17, 2015 NOTICE TO DELINQUENT P R O P E R T Y OWNERS OF I M M O V A B L E PROPERTY TAXES FOR PARISH, CITY OF MINDEN, CITY OF COTTONVALLEY, CITY OF SAREPTA, CITY OF DOYLINE, AND CITY OF CULLEN: In compliance with section 52 of the Act 170 of 1898, you are hereby notified that the taxes for the year 2014 on the assessments listed below are delinquent and that I will advertise and sell according to law on May 20, 2015 at the principal front door of the Courthouse in Minden, Webster Parish, Louisiana, said property to satisfy the judgment against you as shown by the assessment roll for the year 2014 on file in the recorders office of Webster Parish Louisiana. 47878 WARD 1 1 0 1 1 7 2 CARR, ELOISE BROOKS EST 41726 WARD 1 1 0 3 2 4 6 A G I O V E N G O , ANTHONY W. 21145 WARD 1 1 0 5 9 5 0 C H I B N I C K , CHAROLOTTE A. 60368 WARD 1 1 0 2 9 3 0 H A D W I N , THOMAS LEE 48480 WARD 1 1 0 1 3 3 0 C L A R K , CLAUDE, EST 52226 WARD 1 1 0 3 1 3 1 HARVEY, WILLIE JAMES ETAL 18446 WARD 1 1 0 7 5 7 3 C L O U D , DAVID CHRIS 27538 WARD 1 1 0 2 5 4 0 H E D R I C K , CHRISTOPHER L Y N N 23644 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 2 8 7 7 57884 COBB, JEFFREY LEN 1 0 3 2 3 1 HEDRICK, NICKLAS 34888 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 1 3 9 5 36662 COKER, TROY LYNN 1 0 3 2 3 3 HEDRICK, NICKY 10830 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 1 4 1 3 24799 C O L E M A N , 1 0 3 3 0 3 JACK EST H I C K M A N , BENJAMIN JAMES 52898 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 1 4 2 6 38573 C O L E M A N , 1 2 9 7 8 5 A PAUL EST H U D S O N , JENNIFER LYNN 50502 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 1 7 0 8 47505 C O R N E L I U S , 1 0 7 0 5 7 THEODIS, JR. JOHNSON, ADELL WARD 1 51302 WARD 1 12286 1 0 4 3 8 6 1 0 3 9 0 2 COX, TERRY GLEN J O H N S O N , BRENDA J. ETAL 46345 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 1 6 6 3 43323 C R A W F O R D , 1 0 3 3 2 5 PAUL GILBERT J O N E S , EMMETT F., III 50150 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 1 1 4 5 45041 CROW LANE 1 3 2 1 4 3 HUNTING CLUB J O N E S , EMMETT F., III 23313 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 2 0 6 5 60255 CROW, DONNA L. 1 0 0 7 6 1 J O N E S , F., III 27052 WARD 1 EMMETT 1 0 1 7 5 2 WARD 1 C U N N I N G H A M , 34507 VINCENT L 1 0 5 8 2 1 A L B J & M O V A B L E WARD 1 ASSOCIATES, LLC PROPERTY IS 36462 ALSO LISTED 1 0 2 0 9 3 S H A D I D , 15312 WARD 1-DI ROSS 1 0 8 6 5 9 GLEN RILEY, BRIAN A. 46808 WARD 1 1 0 6 8 5 5 A 21780 WARD 1-DI SIAH, CASSANDRA 1 0 8 7 8 5 RILEY, BRIAN A. 46566 WARD 1 1 0 6 9 6 9 37743 WARD 1-DL SMITH, CASEY 1 0 9 2 4 7 BALENTINE, LEE 13665 WARD 1 1 0 7 0 7 3 54941 WARD 1-DL SNEED, ALMINTA 1 0 8 8 4 7 BALLENTINE, 40125 WARD 1 LEE EARL 1 0 7 1 7 6 STATON, GARY 48592 WARD 1-DL MICHAEL JR. 1 0 8 8 5 7 BINGLE, F. M. EST 14117 WARD 1 1 0 7 1 8 4 37208 WARD 1-DL S T E P H E N S , 1 0 8 8 4 3 JANICE TRAYLOR C A R R I S , JASON ALLEN 39684 WARD 1 1 0 7 1 8 2 43001 WARD 1-DL S T E P H E N S , 1 0 8 9 1 9 JANICE TRAYLOR DICKEY, GERTRUDE 23554 WARD 1 1 0 7 1 9 7 STERLING, GEORGE R O O S E V E LT 10931 WARD 1-DL 1 0 9 2 5 3 GUICE, CECIL D O U G L A S 36738 WARD 1 1 0 7 2 0 3 S T E R L I N G , WILBERT EST ETAL 39060 WARD 1-DL 1 0 9 0 9 9 GUICE, CECIL D O U G L A S 55169 WARD 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 STEVENSON, DEBORAH B. 15970 WARD 1 0 9 1 S I S E M O RONELDA C. 30409 WARD 1 40583 WARD 1-DL 1 0 7 3 1 1 A 1 0 9 1 7 1 STUART, BRIAN E S P U R G I N , SHARON ANNETTE 36508 WARD 1 1 3 0 7 6 1 24947 WARD 1-DL S U P E R I O R 1 0 9 1 7 2 I N V E S T M E N T S STANLEY, CHESTER H O L D I N G CO., L.L.C. 34526 WARD 1-DL 1 0 9 1 7 8 41164 WARD 1 S T E P H E N S , 1 2 8 3 1 0 CLAY ALAN S U P E R I O R I N V E S T M E N T S 10103 WARD 1-DL H O L D I N G 1 0 9 1 8 3 COMPNAY LLC STEWART, ARTHUR BENJAMIN, JR. 10089 WARD 1 E T A L 1 0 5 5 6 1 THE ROSLYN W. 16880 WARD 1-DL HANEY REVOCABLE 1 0 8 8 7 9 T R U S T S T E W A R T , TONY DWAYNE 17930 WARD 1 1 0 7 5 3 2 22427 WARD 1-DL T H O M P S O N , 1 3 0 7 6 7 B WILLIAM B. ETAL TEAGUE, AUTUMN F A R R E L L 35253 WARD 1 1 0 7 5 3 1 23565 WARD 1-DL T H O M P S O N , 1 0 9 2 4 5 WILLIAM B. ETAL WEEMS, RONALD F. 38050 WARD 1 1 0 7 6 0 5 T I N S L E Y , 18409 WARD 1 GILLAM DREW II 1 0 5 7 1 5 WARD 1 O A K E T R E E 46172 APARTMENTS 1 0 7 6 0 3 T I N S L E Y , 14724 WARD 1 GILLAM DREW II 1 0 5 7 2 9 WARD 1 ODOM, BRAINARD 49392 A N S O N 1 0 7 6 0 2 T I N S L E Y , 33102 WARD 1 GILLAM DREW II 1 0 7 4 0 2 WARD 1 OWENS, FREDRICK 21084 1 0 2 5 2 5 A 52072 WARD 1 T I N S L E Y , 1 0 5 7 9 5 GILLIAM DREW, II O W E N S , WARD 1 TERRY WAYNE 16540 1 0 7 6 2 3 45441 WARD 1 TOMLINSON, WILEY 1 0 5 8 0 6 BRANDEN P A C E , WARD 1 MADISON T. JR. 47731 1 0 7 7 7 4 42223 WARD 1 T Y S O N , A. EST 1 0 3 6 5 3 JESSE P E A R S O N , WARD 1 CHRISTIAN TYLER 19691 1 0 8 1 6 4 41936 WARD 1 W E S T O W E R 1 0 6 0 4 7 L E A S I N G P L A N C H E , WARD 1 THOMAS MICHAEL 51051 1 0 5 5 4 3 31245 WARD 1 W H E E L E R , LYNN 1 0 2 7 7 9 B KENNETH PRINCE, DON WARD 1 EDWARD, SR. 42730 1 0 6 8 0 6 L. T. 32367 WARD 1 WILLIS, 1 0 6 5 3 8 WARD 1 ROY, WILLIAM 54851 M I C H A E L 1 0 8 3 8 1 WILLIS, L. T. 12428 WARD 1 WARD 1 1 0 7 2 7 6 15343 S A S S Y 1 0 4 4 7 8 A PROPERTIES, LLC WOOD, HUGH M. 51770 WARD 1 1 0 6 7 1 0 SEALE, HAZEL W A L L E R 53308 WARD 1 1 0 2 7 6 8 C SECREATRY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF WASHINGTON, DC 54171 WARD 1 1 3 0 4 1 0 S E N T E L L , JULIANNA SIMS 22042 WARD 1 0 6 7 5 1 8 1-DL 5 8 R E , ETAL 47294 WARD 1 1 0 8 5 0 9 W O O D F O R K , WILEY EST 22364 WARD 1-DL 1 0 8 8 4 5 A W O L F ENTERPRISES, INC 59288 WARD 1-DU 1 0 9 4 5 2 SHIRLEY, FRANK M. 40160 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 8 1 2 A D A I R M A N A G E M E N T, L . L . C . / B M O H A R R I S 28307 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 5 3 3 A D V A N C E R E S O U R C E S I N C O R P O R AT E D 34935 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 5 3 2 A D V A N C E R E S O U R C E S I N C O R P O R AT E D 26453 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 5 8 0 A L L E Y , ZACHARY RAY 54321 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 1 6 6 ALSTORK, ANTAVA T. 45919 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 0 8 8 ALSUP, SABRINA M I C H E L L E F E R R E L L 41986 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 6 2 1 ANDERSON, CLARA 42913 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 6 3 9 A N D E R S O N , RONALD W 33781 WARD 1-MN 1 0 0 2 4 5 B & K ENTERPRISES OF NORTH C E N T R A L 31079 WARD 1 LOUISIANA, INC. 1 0 8 6 0 5 Y A T E S , 14313 WARD 1-MN TOMMY R., JR. 1 2 8 5 6 6 BAILEY, ALONZO 16324 WARD 1-DI B E R N A R D 1 0 8 6 9 8 HAYNES, ELROY 12400 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 7 0 4 49513 WARD 1-DI BAILEY, EMMITT 1 0 8 6 6 1 J A C K S O N , 43085 WARD 1-MN LEMORIS TRENT 1 1 1 5 2 6 BAILEY, SARAH 12 Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald DELINQUENTÊ TAXES D E A N N E 52207 WARD 1-MN 50713 WARD 1-MN 31477 WARD 1-MN 1 3 1 0 4 8 1 1 1 7 1 1 A 1 0 9 8 1 4 E A T O N , HAYNES, DAKOTA C. B A R R I O S , ROBERT BRIAN 13259 WARD 1-MN LUCIAN A., JR. 44485 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 8 4 1 48342 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 2 9 1 HEARD, EDDIE L. 1 1 4 6 8 8 E D W A R D S , B E N N E T T , R I C H A R D 46285 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 6 6 5 VALARY LASHON 39834 WARD 1-MN HERS BRIDAL, LLC 60230 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 3 2 6 1 1 5 1 9 1 ELON OIL 57737 WARD 1-MN B L A K E L E Y , COMPANY, LLC 1 1 1 8 9 7 HICKORY RIDGE THOMAS E. 36615 WARD 1-MN A P A R T M E N T S , 26430 WARD 1-MN 1 3 0 5 7 5 A 1 1 3 1 3 9 E X P R E S S 29284 WARD 1-MN BOTZONG, MONA INVESTMENTS, LLC 1 1 1 9 4 5 HILLS, BESSIE M. LISA MONK 48220 WARD 1-MN 27682 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 5 9 3 29556 WARD 1-MN 1 1 0 0 0 0 F E R R E L L , 1 1 1 9 4 8 BOYD, HASLETINE S H A V E N S K I E HINES, CARL HENRY WEBB EST 30861 WARD 1-MN 57696 WARD 1-MN 32928 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 0 4 4 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 0 0 3 5 FIRST CHOICE H O L L E Y LLC BRANCH, JAMES HOME BUYERS, LLC BUILDERS, TENNEY III 50006 WARD 1-MN 59025 WARD 1-MN 12059 WARD 1-MN 1 0 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 0 1 7 JO 1 1 2 7 1 2 FISH, JOSHUA M. HOLLIER, ANN SHAVER BRIM, THERESA & 51700 WARD 1-MN 29684 WARD 1-MN 1 3 1 0 6 8 47090 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 2 2 6 FISH, WILLIAM 1 1 2 0 5 8 O P E BROWN, DAVID A N D R E W H CONSTRUCTION, N C . 10051 WARD 1-MN 58381 WARD 1-MN I 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 4 1 BROWN, MARY JEAN F L O U R N O Y , 60384 WARD 1-MN SMITH ANDERS GLORIA C. 1 1 0 6 3 7 J A C K S O N , L. 36541 WARD 1-MN 53787 WARD 1-MN JOHNNY 1 1 0 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 9 B U R N S , F L O U R N O Y , 43180 WARD 1-MN WILLIE CLYDE LINDA WESLEY 1 1 2 2 3 6 J A M E S , CALVIN 17987 WARD 1-MN 10035 WARD 1-MN LOUIS 1 1 1 5 6 4 1 0 9 6 6 3 CANADY, SANDRA FOSTER, RANCE 55569 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 2 4 4 G U L L E T T D A R B O N N E 51248 WARD 1-MN J E F F E R S O N , WAYNE 1 0 2 3 6 4 DONALD 39400 WARD 1-MN FOSTER, RANCE 1 1 0 4 2 6 D E W A Y N E 29391 WARD 1-MN 1 1 0 4 5 8 CATO, WILLA 28094 WARD 1-MN J E N K I N S , ETUX 20927 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 2 8 2 RICHARD 1 1 0 5 6 1 GALL, DEAN C O L E M A N , E D W A R D 12148 WARD 1-MN 12148 WARD 1-MN DENNIS L. 47274 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 5 3 1 22419 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 3 4 1 JENKINS, RICHARD 1 1 0 5 9 0 G E R M A N Y , L E O N A R D C O L V I N , JUDGE JR. 26229 WARD 1-MN GALEN DALE 38334 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 2 5 8 40342 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 3 4 0 JENKINS, WILSON 1 1 0 5 9 3 GERMANY, JUDGE COMBS, ALVIN M. JR. ESTATE 35203 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 2 7 9 41377 WARD 1-MN 38156 WARD 1-MN JOHNSON, ADELL 1 1 2 4 7 7 1 1 0 1 6 1 C O R D O V A , G O R I L L A 59110 WARD 1-MN EDWARD PAUL ENTERPRISES, INC 1 1 2 3 0 4 J O H N S O N , WAYNE 56534 WARD 1-MN 55797 WARD 1-MN RICHARD 1 1 0 7 0 7 1 3 0 1 0 0 C R A W F O R D , GRAHAM, WAVIE L. 12558 WARD 1-MN 1 2 9 8 8 5 DONNIE COLEMAN 44212 WARD 1-MN J O N E S , JAMES 26747 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 6 6 0 WALTER 1 1 1 5 5 0 GRAY, PAUL L. 60709 WARD 1-MN D A N C E , SHANNON K. 34678 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 4 3 9 1 1 2 5 7 3 K E E N E R , D. 35553 WARD 1-MN GRAY, PAUL RODNEY 1 1 2 8 1 1 L I N C O L N 50664 WARD 1-MN DAVIS, KIMLA L O W E R Y 33351 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 8 2 1 MILTON 1 1 1 4 5 6 KEMP, 27925 WARD 1-MN GREEN, ANGELA D. D E W A Y N E 1 1 0 8 1 5 DAVIS, LOYD 19590 WARD 1-MN 12543 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 1 2 4 7 5 21880 WARD 1-MN GREEN, MACK K E N N E D Y , ASHLEY 1 1 0 8 3 0 HENRY, SR. TRISTA DAWSON, WILLIE JR. 52572 WARD 1-MN 36904 WARD 1-MN 53323 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 5 0 3 1 1 3 7 9 0 KAREN P. 1 1 0 8 6 4 G R E E N I N G , KEY, D E S A D I E R , ROBERT EST. 24089 WARD 1-MN EDWARD L. 16471 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 5 5 9 53788 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 6 5 4 KING, JOHN DAVID 1 1 0 8 6 5 HAMM, DONALD D E S A D I E R , W A Y N E 17392 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 6 2 4 EDWARD L. 21550 WARD 1-MN L E B A R O N , 27760 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 5 4 5 G W E N D O L Y N TRUST 1 1 0 8 6 2 HAMM, DONALD C D E S A D I E R , W A Y N E 53191 WARD 1-MN EDWARD LEON 37327 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 5 6 3 30321 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 6 5 3 M A K O W A S K Y , MARTIN 1 1 0 8 6 6 HAMM, DONALD SAMUEL D E S A D I E R , W A Y N E 45724 WARD 1-MN EDWARD LEON 32558 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 8 8 1 31721 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 8 7 8 M A L L O R Y , L. 1 1 0 8 6 8 HAMM, REBECCA LOUVELL D E S A D I E R , S C H M I D T 10538 WARD 1-MN EDWARD LEON 50985 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 9 1 3 51254 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 2 7 6 M A R T I N , ARY 1 1 0 8 6 9 HAMM, REBECCA BARBARA D E S A D I E R , S C H M I D T 30448 WARD 1-MN EDWARD LEON 62036 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 8 7 7 53588 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 6 6 9 MARTIN, CANDACE 1 1 0 8 6 7 HARE, DANA A N G Y L Y N D E S A D I E R , K A T H E R I N E 10832 WARD 1-MN EDWARD LEON 39977 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 3 6 2 43363 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 6 9 9 M C C L E N D O N , 1 1 0 9 0 8 HARNESS, SHARON M A R L I N DIXON, ELROY GALE BATES 20642 WARD 1-MN 39981 WARD 1-MN 32921 WARD 1-MN 1 3 1 8 4 1 1 1 0 0 9 3 1 1 0 8 9 5 MCFARLAND, DLJ MORTGAGE HARRIS, FREDDIE THOMAS JERRY JR CAPITAL, INC L O R E N Z O 20229 WARD 1-MN 14235 WARD 1-MN 53687 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 0 6 6 1 1 0 9 9 3 1 1 1 7 5 7 MIMS, CURTIS EST E A T O N , H A R R I S , ROBERT BRIAN LOVIE ESTATE 16255 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 MINDEN CLUB, 0 9 2 MICHAEL LUVALE RIDING INC. 27348 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 1 1 1 55334 WARD 1-MN S H E P P A R D , 1 1 0 9 0 5 M I C H A E L MOODY, VERA 44701 WARD 1-MN 41852 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 3 9 0 1 1 3 2 6 6 SHINE, C. W. M O R G A N , WALTER JR 35594 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 7 6 4 45799 WARD 1-MN SIMS, MARY HARRIS 1 1 5 2 5 6 MOSELEY, AMBER 48299 WARD 1-MN NICHOLE WATERS 1 1 1 7 6 5 SIMS, MARY HARRIS 17304 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 7 4 3 15042 WARD 1-MN M U R P H Y , 1 1 3 9 8 7 PATRICK WAYNE SIMS, PETER DEVAL 28487 WARD 1 1 3 5 NELOMS, H A W K I 1-MN 33374 WARD 1-MN 4 2 1 1 2 5 8 0 EULA SLACK, J S INC N S 21298 WARD 1-MN 60898 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 4 6 1 1 2 9 3 0 7 SLACK, J. S., INC. NOAH, ORDIE C O R N E L I O U S 31819 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 4 6 3 18867 WARD 1-MN SLACK, J. S., INC. 1 0 9 9 7 9 N O T R U B 34619 WARD 1-MN INVESTMENTS, LLC 1 0 6 9 3 3 SLACK, J. S., INC. 15503 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 5 9 8 40105 WARD 1-MN ODOM, BRAINARD 1 1 4 4 6 2 SLACK, J. S., INC. 53422 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 6 0 1 40115 WARD 1-MN ODOM, BRAINARD 1 1 2 1 7 8 SLACK, J. S., INC. 50467 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 6 0 0 49851 WARD 1-MN ODOM, BRAINARD A 1 1 4 7 7 3 SLACK, J. S., INC. 51437 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 5 9 9 51753 WARD 1-MN ODOM, BRAINARD A 1 1 0 7 2 2 SLACK, J. S., INC. 23305 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 4 9 9 53130 WARD 1-MN O G L E T R E E , 1 0 6 9 3 4 JEFFREY R SLACK, J. S., INC. 56432 WARD 1-MN 60532 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 6 8 1 1 1 0 8 4 3 PACE, HILDA SLACK, J. S., INC. RENE ROBINSON 49936 WARD 1-MN 40136 WARD 1-MN 1 0 4 0 3 2 1 1 3 6 8 4 S M I T H , P A C E , GERALD L., JR. MADISON T. JR 47614 WARD 1-MN 50233 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 5 7 4 1 1 3 6 8 3 SNEED, ROGER P A C E , M C D A N I E L MADISON T. JR. 38497 WARD 1-MN 15115 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 7 0 7 1 1 3 6 8 7 STILES, ANDREW PAGE, JUANITA D A L T O N L O U I S E 24205 WARD 1-MN 11980 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 3 4 6 1 1 5 3 4 6 SUPERIOR INV. R & D FOSTER, L.L.C. HOLDING CO LLC 60438 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 6 5 9 R A M S E Y , JEFFERY DEAN 24441 WARD 1 1 5 3 SUPERIOR HOLDING CO 1-MN 2 1 INV. LLC 59152 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 0 0 8 R A T H B U N , CHARLES ALDEN JR 13371 WARD 1-MN 1 1 0 9 2 6 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G 51426 WARD 1-MN CO., L.L.C. 1 1 4 0 2 9 REED, ERMA 26925 WARD 1-MN S K I N N E R 1 1 0 3 6 2 A S U P E R I O R 32004 WARD 1-MN I N V E S T M E N T 1 1 4 0 8 4 H O L D I N G L.L.C. RHODES, LEAVELL CO., 28531 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 0 4 1 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G L.L.C. 35804 WARD 1-MN CO., 1 1 1 5 2 4 SCHMIDT, REBECCA 30284 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 3 4 5 36960 WARD 1-MN S U P E R I O R 1 0 9 9 1 2 INVESTMENT SCHMIDT, REBECCA H O L D I N G CO., L.L.C. 56217 WARD 1-MN 1 0 9 9 1 4 30979 WARD 1-MN SCHMIDT, REBECCA 1 1 0 7 7 9 S U P E R I O R 60170 WARD 1-MN I N V E S T M E N T 1 3 0 5 0 5 H O L D I N G L.L.C. SCHMIDT, REBECCA COMPANY, 32509 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 2 1 2 ROY, WILLIAM M I C H A E L 62040 WARD 1-MN 38592 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 2 7 7 1 1 4 4 6 5 SCHMITZ, ELSIE L. S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT 16410 WARD 1-MN H O L D I N G L.L.C. 1 1 4 3 0 2 COMPANY, SEALS, WARNIE W A L K E R 17142 WARD 1-MN 1 3 2 9 3 8 40658 WARD 1-MN S U P E R I O R 1 1 4 3 0 6 INVESTMENT S E A M S T E R , H O L D I N G LLC LEN ESTATE COMPANY, 54862 WARD 1-MN 18611 WARD 1-MN 1 1 1 5 0 0 1 3 1 9 3 2 S H E P H E R D , S U P E R I O R JERRY W. I N V E S T M E N T H O L D I N G LLC 23905 WARD 1-MN COMPANY, 1 1 2 7 5 8 S H E P H E R D , 19980 WARD 1-MN MICHAEL LUVALE 1 1 1 0 0 0 S U P E R I O R 55700 WARD 1-MN I N V E S T M E N T 1 0 9 9 2 0 H O L D I N G LLC S H E P H E R D , COMPANY, 21322 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 1 7 7 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G COMPANY, LLC 35440 WARD 1-MN 1 1 0 8 4 8 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G COMPANY, LLC 41983 WARD 1-MN 1 1 4 4 6 4 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G COMPANY, LLC 42371 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 2 3 7 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G COMPANY, LLC 53028 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 8 6 6 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G COMPANY, LLC 43845 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 3 8 7 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENTS H O L D I N G 44982 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 9 0 9 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENTS H O L D I N G COMPANY, L.L.C. WILKINS, BILLY JOE C A R R I E R , MARY ANN 53389 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 4 3 4 16868 WARD 2 WILLIAMS, EVA 1 1 7 1 1 8 COLE, FRED F. 55070 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 4 4 7 14756 WARD 2 WILLIAMS, JOHN 1 1 9 6 1 8 COLE, RICHARD 35782 WARD 1-MN L E R O Y 1 0 9 5 7 9 WILLIAMS, KEVIN D. 61871 WARD 2 1 1 7 1 7 3 54130 WARD 1-MN CONNER, BRACK 1 1 5 4 9 7 WILLIS, L. T. 42045 WARD 2 1 1 7 1 8 6 34147 WARD 1-MN C O O P E R , 1 1 4 1 8 9 CLINTON EST. W I L L I S , LADARRELL T. 24811 WARD 2 1 1 8 5 4 7 43931 WARD 1-MN CROW, THOMAS K. 1 1 1 3 2 1 WILSON, DANIEL B. 54350 WARD 2 1 1 7 3 1 5 53177 WARD 1-MN C U R T I S , 1 1 0 9 7 9 DANNY LAMAR Y O C O M , JIMMY WAYNE 29772 WARD 2 1 1 8 1 5 9 A 34087 WARD 1-MN DAVIS, JAMES M. 1 1 3 7 5 6 YOCOM, JIMMY 54943 WARD 2 WAYNE, JR. 1 1 7 3 9 8 D E N M O N , 58615 WARD 1-MN THOMAS EARL 1 1 4 9 4 5 YOCOM, JIMMY 10230 WARD 2 WAYNE, JR. 1 1 9 1 3 9 DOWNS, RICHARD 49383 WARD 1-SI DALE EST 1 1 5 7 4 7 A - P L U S 33830 WARD 2 PROPERTIES, L.L.C. 1 1 9 7 5 4 ELT, INC. 57781 WARD 1-SI WARD 2 1 1 5 6 8 3 19204 B A R R E R A , 1 1 6 5 7 6 DONALD MICHAEL G. FISH, 42784 WARD 1-MN 1 1 5 6 2 3 S U P E R I O R I N V E S T M E N T S 56882 WARD 1-SI 54676 WARD 2 H O L D I N G 1 1 5 7 9 4 1 1 7 6 3 9 COMPANY, LLC DAVIS, JERRY F L O U R N O Y , ROBERT JENE 46186 WARD 1-MN 22056 WARD 1-SI 1 1 0 8 4 2 1 1 5 8 1 7 54914 WARD 2 S U P E R I O R E A T O N , 1 1 8 0 5 5 I N V E S T M E N T S ROBERT BRIAN H E A R N , H O L D I N G DORIS N. EST COMPANY, LLC 27252 WARD 1-SI WARD 2 1 1 5 8 1 8 47248 49694 WARD 1-MN E D W A R D S , 1 1 8 0 5 6 1 1 0 8 4 4 SAM ESTATE H E A R N , S U P E R I O R DORIS N. EST. I N V E S T M E N T S 43860 WARD 1-SI H O L D I N G 1 1 6 2 0 8 47097 WARD 2 COMPANY, LLC MILES, LASHUNDRA 1 1 8 0 5 7 H E A R N , 53116 WARD 1-MN 20589 WARD 1-SI DORIS N.,EST. 1 1 4 0 1 4 1 1 6 0 2 1 S U P E R I O R MOODY, WARD 2 DOCK 57717 INVESTMENTS 1 1 9 3 0 6 H O L D I N G 28311 WARD 1-SI HICKS, KIMBERLY COMPANY, LLC 1 1 5 8 9 1 WARD 2 S T E W A R T , 32020 37362 WARD 1-MN DAVID LEE ETUX 1 1 8 2 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 8 A HOOD, WILLIAM M. TAMMY FAST TAX 18852 WARD 1-SI E N T E R P R I S E , 1 3 0 3 8 2 50741 WARD 2 I N C . S U P E R I O R 1 1 8 2 1 6 I N V E S T M E N T HOOD, WILLIAM M. 48323 WARD 1-MN H O L D I N G 1 1 4 7 9 8 CO., WARD 2 L.L.C. 28544 TAYLOR, HERBERT 1 1 8 4 7 1 CATHA 16423 WARD 1-SI KNIGHT, 47300 WARD 1-MN 1 1 6 1 8 7 MAE BROOKS 1 1 2 5 8 9 TURK, VICTORIA LEE T H O M P S O N , 56725 WARD 2 DAVID W. 26819 WARD 2 1 2 0 3 3 2 JERI 1 1 9 4 2 6 A KOUNS, 30856 WARD 1-MN ALLMAN, DONNE T H O M P S O N 1 1 2 2 8 2 A M I C H E L L E TILLMAN, TERICA P A R K E R S O N 33926 WARD 2 L A C H A N D A 1 1 7 5 6 4 H A R R I S 54534 WARD 2 L E D B E T T E R , 1 1 6 4 0 2 CHRISTOPHER M. 14336 WARD 1-MN BAER, HENRY 1 1 4 9 7 5 27238 WARD 2 TOWNE SQUARE 11202 WARD 2 1 1 8 5 3 6 A BUILDERS, INC. 1 1 6 4 2 2 LEE, BRANDON L. BAILEY, R. 27000 WARD 1-MN W. WARD 2 ESTATE 55377 1 1 5 0 3 7 1 1 8 6 3 2 TURNER, EDYTHE 25090 WARD 2 LEWIS, RONALD C. C A M P B E L L 1 1 6 4 2 5 WARD 2 BAILEY, R. 31573 40161 WARD 1-MN W. ESTATE 1 1 9 4 7 2 1 1 4 9 2 3 MANCHESTER, WALKER, PAUL, JR. 50257 LOUISE WARD 2 HELEN 1 1 6 4 2 6 32560 WARD 1-MN BAILEY, WARD 2 R. 43117 1 1 5 1 4 2 W. ESTATE 1 1 9 1 6 5 W A L K E R , M C C O O K ROBERT LEE 42485 LIMITED WARD 2 FAMILY 1 1 6 5 2 4 PA RT N E R S H I P 40229 WARD 1-MN BEMIS, LILLIE C. 1 0 9 8 2 2 PITTMAN WARD 2 EST 52011 W A L L A C E , 1 1 9 4 9 5 CARRIE J. 37717 WARD 2 MCGEE, JOHNNIE 1 1 6 5 7 9 M I C H A E L 52503 WARD 1-MN BENSON, KAREN 1 1 5 2 4 6 JEAN WARD 2 STANFIELD 22820 WASHINGTON, 1 2 0 5 1 6 P E N S A C O L A 23064 WARD 2 MCGUIRE, JOHN K. 1 1 6 5 9 3 54117 WARD 1-MN B E S H E A , 50209 WARD 2 1 1 5 2 4 4 RUSSELL PAT 1 1 9 6 8 9 WASHINGTON, M C G U I R E , P E N S A C O L A 43147 O. WARD 2 PATRICK 1 1 6 7 7 4 11717 WARD 1-MN BROWDER, ROBERT 22109 WARD 2 1 1 5 2 4 5 1 1 6 6 2 7 W A S H I N G T O N , 12772 WARD 2 M I D W E S T P E N S A C O L A 1 1 6 7 9 0 MANAGEMENT/ B R O O K S BROWN, BILLIE ANN US BANK 56089 WARD 1-MN 1 1 2 1 9 4 WEBSTER PARISH POLICE JURY 21428 WARD 2 1 1 8 9 3 3 B U R F O R D , CHARLES W. 35205 WARD 2 1 3 1 0 4 3 M O D I S E T T E , JASON WADE 50996 WARD 1-MN 1 1 3 4 2 2 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA 16910 WARD 2 1 3 1 4 6 0 C A R A W A Y , CARL RICHARD 56358 WARD 2 1 1 8 9 8 0 M O D I S E T T E , WAYNE H 40780 WARD 1-MN 19880 WARD 1 1 5 4 0 7 1 1 6 9 7 WARD 2 10867 4 1 1 8 7 7 MOSS, CAROLYN C R U M P L E R 14786 WARD 2 1 1 9 1 8 0 MOSS, CAROLYN C R U M P L E R 15554 WARD 2 1 1 7 8 1 0 NEALY, DONNIE RAY 32679 WARD 2 1 1 9 4 6 8 PEARCE, TERRY 20965 WARD 2 1 1 8 3 4 8 P E A R C E , TERRY JOE 23897 WARD 2 1 1 8 3 9 4 P E A R C E , TERRY JOE 26447 WARD 2 1 1 9 4 7 0 P E A R C E , TERRY JOE 39992 WARD 2 1 1 7 5 5 1 P E A R C E , TERRY JOE 50489 WARD 2 1 1 9 4 6 9 P E A R C E , TERRY JOE 58602 WARD 2 1 1 8 3 4 9 P E A R C E , TERRY JOE 12229 WARD 1 1 8 7 3 PLANTS, SAM 2 3 J. 25223 WARD 2 1 1 8 7 3 3 A PLANTS, SAM J. 30259 WARD 2 1 2 0 2 3 7 PLANTS, SAMUEL J. 28225 WARD 2 1 1 9 5 4 0 PRESTRIDGE, CHARLES EDWARD J R . 59859 WARD 2 1 1 9 5 6 3 PRYOR, WILLIAM E D W A R D 42494 WARD 2 1 1 9 6 2 0 R E Y N O L D S , AMANDA LOUISE 60996 WARD 2 1 1 9 6 1 9 R E Y N O L D S , AMANDA LOUISE 25845 WARD 2 1 1 9 6 2 1 R E Y N O L D S , AMANDA MERRILL 37280 WARD 2 1 1 9 6 2 8 RHONE, KENNETH 48190 WARD 2 1 1 9 7 0 6 SALLEY, THOMAS A. 49561 WARD 2 1 1 9 7 0 9 SALLEY, THOMAS A. 55058 WARD 2 1 1 9 7 0 7 SALLEY, THOMAS A. 44187 WARD 2 1 2 0 5 6 4 S C R U G G S , DUSTIN R. 23168 WARD 2 1 2 9 9 0 2 S L A C K , RUSSELL ALLAN 52138 WARD 2 1 2 9 9 0 3 S L A C K , RUSSELL ALLAN 13280 WARD 2 1 2 0 0 3 9 SMITH, JOHNNY B. 18573 WARD 2 1 2 0 0 3 7 SMITH, JOHNNY B. 58598 WARD 2 1 2 0 0 4 4 S M I T H , JOHNNY DAVID 56066 WARD 2 1 2 0 0 7 2 S M I T H , STEVEN MARK 30676 WARD 2 1 2 0 1 0 7 S P R A W L S , CHARLES THOMAS 39206 WARD 2 1 2 0 1 8 1 STRANGE, LILLIAN BURNS ESTATE 56170 WARD 2 1 1 6 3 4 1 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT H O L D I N G 2 COMPANY, LLC 2 Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald 13 DELINQUENTÊ TAXES 18690 WARD 2 1 2 0 2 7 9 A T E U T S C H , NORMA LOUISE YOUNGBLOOD, EST 44149 WARD 2 1 1 6 5 8 0 THOMAS, RODNEY 58606 WARD 2 1 2 0 4 0 0 T U C K E R , HAROLD W. 14472 WARD 2 1 2 0 4 6 8 V I N E S , RANDALL NEAL, C U S T O D I A N 50524 WARD 2 1 1 9 3 0 2 WALLACE, JILL SHAWN THOMAS 56723 WARD 2 1 2 0 5 4 3 WALLER, ROBERT H. 15670 WARD 2 1 1 8 1 6 0 WRIGHT, RITA S. JONTE 13218 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 1 6 4 LEROY 52362 WARD 2-CL PUGH, 1 2 2 3 0 0 FRAZIER, LAVETA L. 34142 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 2 0 8 54455 WARD 2-CL RHONE, HENRY JR 1 2 1 8 9 4 GOODE, HOSIE 15458 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 2 3 0 14049 WARD 2-CL RISER, VADINE EST. 1 2 1 9 0 4 GREEN, EVANGELA 60632 WARD 2-CL C O Z E T T E 1 2 2 2 5 0 R O W L S , ESTATE 50684 WARD 2-CL JAMES 1 2 2 1 5 1 H A R D E N , 51706 WARD 2-CL ARCHIE RAY 1 2 2 2 6 8 SLACK, JEFFERY 53096 WARD 2-CL S T E W A R T 1 2 1 9 3 0 H A W T H O R N E , 44923 WARD 2-CL BEVERLY JOYCE 1 2 2 2 8 0 SMITH, JOHNNY U R E N 22750 WARD 2-CL B 1 2 2 0 2 4 H A W T H O R N E , 50673 WARD 2-CL T A R C U S 1 2 2 2 8 3 SMITH, PAULINE 42713 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 9 3 4 25032 WARD 2-CL HAWTHORNE, 1 2 2 2 9 1 WILLIE B. STANFIELD, LEROY JAMORRIS 25077 WARD 2 1 1 9 8 5 5 56660 WARD 2-CL W R I G H T , 1 2 2 3 7 5 RITA SHOWS H E A R D , CYNTHIA EVON 10766 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 0 4 1 53779 WARD 2-CL ALLEN, EMMA 1 2 2 3 9 1 M A R T I N HOOF, MARY ANN 11755 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 7 4 5 B R A D F O R D , BEVERLY JOYCE 37561 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 7 4 7 B R A D F O R D , GLADYS MARY EST 33922 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 9 4 4 B R A D F O R D , G W E N Z E T TA G E R M A N Y 27143 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 0 0 BROWN, ANDREW L. 28691 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 0 0 A BROWN, ANDREW L. 32543 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 7 6 4 BROWN, HORACE 18180 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 7 7 BURNS, SONYA 51096 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 8 0 3 COX, ALICE HUBER 33855 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 8 0 4 COX, SANDLIN 52218 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 2 0 DREW, TYEKO 36244 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 2 8 5 EPPS, FRANKIE L O U I S E 57192 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 2 8 4 EPPS, FRANKIE L O U I S E 44714 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 8 6 5 FLEMING, ROSS 18164 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 1 1 4 F R A Z I E R , 26236 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 5 4 THOMAS, DANICKA 45494 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 3 3 9 THOMAS, DONNA 59990 WARD 2-CL 15179 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 8 1 9 1 2 2 2 6 3 T H O M A S , JONES, ELNORA KENNON WAYNE II J O H N S O N 59833 WARD 2-CL 21174 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 2 5 1 2 2 2 6 4 WHITE, JAMES LEE JONES, ELNORA J O H N S O N 52743 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 3 0 31929 WARD 2-CL WHITE, LEE ESTER 1 2 1 9 8 4 KEENE, FRANKIE 35044 WARD 2-CL 1 2 2 4 3 7 PAMELA 21325 WARD 2-CL WHITE, 1 2 9 2 9 9 L O R E T T A LEE, ANGELIA J. 25675 WARD 2-CV 53642 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 0 1 7 1 2 2 0 2 8 CROW, ESSIE REE MALONE, JIMMY J. 20289 WARD 2-CV 50156 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 4 7 2 1 2 2 0 4 0 D E L O A C H , DAVID M A R T I N , CLINT CORLDON (CARL) 58883 WARD 2-CV 45070 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 5 1 4 1 2 2 4 0 7 D E N N I S , F. M C G U I R E , TALMADGE PATRICK MCGUIRE 18912 WARD 2-CV 32273 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 0 5 1 1 2 2 3 5 8 DOWNS, BEN L. EST M C G U I R E , PATRICK O. 10074 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 0 5 2 53512 WARD 2-CL DOWNS, RICHARD EST 1 2 2 3 5 7 DALE M C G U I R E , PATRICK O. 41511 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 4 0 8 32899 WARD 2-CL DOWNS, RICHARD EST 1 2 2 0 9 5 DALE M C L A U R I N , J O S E P H I N E 16581 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 0 8 2 54861 WARD 2-CL E D W A R D S , B. 1 2 2 0 9 9 MELVIN NEAL, BETTY 32076 WARD 2-CV 54474 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 0 8 3 1 2 2 1 2 6 E D W A R D S , B. ORR, ALICE MELVIN M I L D R E D 32517 WARD 2-CV 41623 WARD 2-CL 1 2 1 0 8 6 GOULD 1 2 2 1 3 1 ELLISON, O V E R S T R E E T, JAMES LOYD, JR. 27293 WARD 2-CV 1 2 0 9 4 6 HALL, GEORGE 1 2 3 0 8 1 35877 WARD 2-CV B A G W E L L , 50849 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 5 1 7 CALVIN EST. 1 2 1 1 8 1 R O W L A N D , R. 32538 WARD 2-SH H A W T H O R N E , JAMES AUDRY GENE 1 2 3 1 8 4 60395 WARD 2-CV B L A N T O N , 36468 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 5 2 1 AMY HALL 1 2 1 0 6 2 SCHMIDT, WILLIE E. HAWTHORNE, 51925 WARD 2-SH BENJAMIN JEROME 28806 WARD 2-CV 1 3 2 0 5 7 1 2 1 5 2 5 B L A N T O N , ISRAEL AMY 39093 WARD 2-CV SERNA, HALL 1 2 1 0 5 4 H E N D E R S O N , 11701 WARD 2-CV 14845 WARD 2-SH T E R R A N C E 1 2 1 6 5 4 1 2 4 8 1 7 S H I R L E Y , B L A N T O N , D. TYLON 43791 WARD 2-CV DONALD BRUCE 1 2 1 2 1 8 H O L L O W A Y , 33389 WARD 2-CV 15522 WARD 2-SH DOUGLAS KEVIN 1 2 1 5 4 3 1 2 3 1 8 2 SHOP-N-SAVE, INC. B L A N T O N , 24784 WARD 2-CV TYLON BRUCE 1 2 1 0 4 6 11105 WARD 2-CV H O L T Z C L A W , 1 2 1 5 7 4 45234 WARD 2-SH JOHNNY 1 2 4 1 5 2 A R O B E R T SMITH, B U R E N BRAGGS, LINDA KAY 26050 WARD 2-CV 1 3 3 5 3 3 11697 WARD 2-CV 39956 WARD 2-SH HOLTZCLAW, 1 2 1 6 0 9 1 2 3 3 3 8 ROBERT A. T A Y L O R , BRYANT, KELLY E A R N E S T I N E DIANNE GIFFORD 26591 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 2 7 9 24734 WARD 2-CV 33248 WARD 2-SH J A C K S O N , 1 2 1 6 1 0 1 2 3 3 8 7 REED ESTATE T A Y L O R , C A B A N I S S , E A R N E S T I N E JOE T EST 18935 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 2 9 2 59053 WARD 2-CV 55294 WARD 2-SH JEFFERSON, 1 2 1 3 8 8 1 2 4 7 2 9 A N D R E W TAYLOR, NORMAN V. C O L E M A N , DANTE R. 26573 WARD 2-CV 24568 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 3 5 4 1 2 9 3 3 5 19412 WARD 2-SH SHELBY 1 2 5 8 0 3 J E F F E R S O N , WILSON, A N D R E W COLEMAN, DANTE 30707 WARD 2-CV R O D R I G U E Z 59991 WARD 2-CV 1 2 1 6 3 9 1 2 1 3 3 6 W I N G F I E L D , 19044 WARD 2-SH D. 1 2 3 4 9 5 KENLY, RANDY LEE JIMMIE COLEMAN, RONNIE 41123 WARD 2-CV 36405 WARD 2-SA 1 2 1 4 1 9 1 2 2 9 3 5 55083 WARD 2-SH L E W I S - C L AV I E R , BASS, JOSHUA B. 1 2 3 4 9 4 C H A R L E N E COLEMAN, RONNIE 13166 WARD 2-SA 16282 WARD 2-CV 1 2 2 6 2 9 27356 WARD 2-SH 1 2 1 3 2 2 D E N M O N , 1 2 3 5 0 6 B. C O L L I N S , L E W I S - C L AV I E R , WILLIAM CHARLENE E. ROGER LEE 52918 WARD 2-SA 29810 WARD 2-CV 1 2 2 7 2 8 10937 WARD 2-SH 1 2 1 1 0 7 DOWNS, RICHARD 1 2 3 0 3 3 L E W I S - C L AV I E R , E D W A R D CURRY, JAMES CHARLENE E. 29136 WARD 2-SA 41038 WARD 2-SH 34296 WARD 2-CV 1 2 2 5 1 5 1 2 3 5 8 4 DON J. C U R T I S , 1 2 1 5 6 0 ENGEL, L E W I S - C L AV I E R , DANNY LAMAR CHARLENE E. 51682 WARD 2-SA 1 2 2 6 8 6 27610 WARD 2-SH DON J. 1 2 3 5 9 6 54129 WARD 2-CV ENGEL, 1 2 1 1 0 5 DARST, MARK MACK, DEVUNKUS 28493 WARD 2-SA 1 2 2 9 0 7 A 46567 WARD 2-SH 40522 WARD 2-CV HUGHES, ROBERT 1 2 3 6 5 0 1 2 1 3 6 1 DISOTELL, DAVID M A R K , 40669 WARD 2-SA ROBERT EARL 1 2 2 7 4 7 28548 WARD 2-SH J A C K S O N , 1 2 3 9 5 8 19955 WARD 2-CV RHONDA PATRICK EASTON, JO KAREN 1 2 1 3 9 0 MID-STATE TRUST, II 58107 WARD 2-SA 21815 WARD 2-SH 1 2 2 7 2 7 1 2 4 6 4 6 11858 WARD 2-CV OWENS, DONALD W. EMERALD COAST 1 2 0 9 0 2 REAL ESTATE NEALY, DONNIE 47565 WARD 2-SA INVESTMENT #1 1 2 2 7 7 9 16153 WARD 2-CV PLANTS, SAM J. 50534 WARD 2-SH 1 2 1 4 1 7 1 2 3 7 6 0 NELSON, ELTON T 26466 WARD 2-SA ESTES, JAMI DÕ ANN 1 2 2 9 3 2 55919 WARD 2-CV RANGEL, STACY 60675 WARD 2-SH 1 2 1 4 4 2 RENEE FLORES 1 2 5 7 3 5 PARISH, TOSHA F L E M I N G , J A C K S O N 12202 WARD 2-SA CHRISTOPHER R. 1 2 2 9 1 3 20765 WARD 2-CV SLACK, JUANITA 12010 WARD 2-SH 1 2 1 4 8 9 R., TRUSTEE 1 2 3 8 2 4 REMER, EMMA EST F L E M I N G , ROSS 58186 WARD 2-SA MELVIN 22921 WARD 2-CV 1 2 2 8 8 8 1 2 1 5 0 0 TAYLOR, JOE KYLE 17678 WARD 2-SH RIGDON, NINA 1 2 3 8 2 1 BELLE SMITH EST. 30583 WARD 2-SH F L E M I N G , ROSS M A Y F I E L D , BOBBY RAY 18864 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 9 47548 WARD 2-SH F L E M I N G , 1 2 3 7 6 6 MELVIN ROSS M C E A C H E R N , K R I S T I N A 19970 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 5 59105 WARD 2-SH F L E M I N G , 1 2 4 8 7 0 MELVIN ROSS M C G U I R E , PATRICK O. 20469 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 1 8 26490 WARD 2-SH F L E M I N G , 1 2 4 2 1 2 MELVIN ROSS M C M U R R A Y , EDDIE R. 22721 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 0 41239 WARD 2-SH F L E M I N G , 1 2 4 5 6 7 MELVIN ROSS MILES, MASON EST. MELVIN 23193 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 1 7 F L E M I N G , MELVIN ROSS 32142 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 2 F L E M I N G , MELVIN ROSS 35547 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 7 F L E M I N G , MELVIN ROSS 41093 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 3 0 F L E M I N G , MELVIN ROSS 49218 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 3 F L E M I N G , MELVIN ROSS 53743 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 2 6 F L E M I N G , MELVIN ROSS 36545 WARD 2-SH 1 2 9 2 0 1 SHAW, TERESA 41958 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 2 0 9 SKINNER, REBECCA JANE LEONARD 55742 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 2 2 1 SLACK, J. S., INC. 38677 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 2 7 7 SMITH CO. INVESTMENTS 53914 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 4 2 2 S P R A W L S , 25141 WARD 2-SH CHARLES THOMAS 1 3 1 8 0 6 MOODY, ROBERT L III 38601 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 0 4 5 15410 WARD 2-SH S T E V E N S , 1 2 9 2 8 2 L O R E A D E R M O O D Y , T H O M A S O N ROBERT L. III 52990 WARD 2-SH 32051 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 5 3 1 1 2 4 6 0 0 S U P E R I O R M O O D Y , INVESTMENT ROBERT L. III H O L D I N G CO., LLC 56665 WARD 2-SH 1 3 0 6 0 7 30427 WARD 2-SH M O O D Y , 1 2 4 1 2 9 ROBERT L. III S U P E R I O R INVESTMENT 57419 WARD 2-SH H O L D I N G 1 2 4 0 3 1 COMPANY, LLC M O O D Y , ROBERT L. III 33096 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 1 2 8 59141 WARD 2-SH S U P E R I O R 1 2 3 3 2 3 INVESTMENT M O O D Y , H O L D I N G ROBERT L. III COMPANY, LLC 15642 WARD 2-SH 59782 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 7 6 4 GLORIA 1 2 3 8 1 9 NEAL, FRAZIER F L E M I N G , DENISE MELVIN ROSS 12108 WARD 2-SH 21560 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 5 3 9 1 2 3 8 2 8 ODOM, BRAINARD A. FLEMING, STEVEN J. 17874 WARD 2-SH 27591 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 2 8 5 1 2 5 8 0 7 ODOM, BRAINARD A. HARRIS SONS INVESTMENTS, LLC 19921 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 2 4 7 28852 WARD 2-SH ODOM, BRAINARD A. 1 2 4 1 7 7 HOOSIER, ROBIN D. 40013 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 8 0 0 18929 WARD 2-SH ODOM, BRAINARD A. 1 2 4 1 8 1 HORNE, COY LEE 13842 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 4 4 0 21777 WARD 2-SH PEARCE, TONY JOE 1 2 5 0 6 3 H U D D L E S T O N , 35406 WARD 2-SH AMY NICOLE 1 2 5 1 1 8 P E R S O N A L 18751 WARD 2-SH FINANCE CO. OF INC. 1 2 3 0 5 2 CULLEN, HUNT, ANGELA 32086 WARD 2-SH 25009 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 5 7 0 E T R O 1 2 5 2 0 6 P INC. J J C C VENTURES, INVESTMENTS, LLC 55206 WARD 2-SH 10582 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 8 9 6 1 2 4 6 3 0 P H I L L I P S , R. L O V I T T , WILLARD CHARLES E., JR. 45265 WARD 2-SH 30814 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 9 4 1 1 2 4 9 9 6 P O W E L L , WAYNE M A X W E L L , DENZIL JONATHAN PAUL 45468 WARD 2-SH 15153 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 4 6 SAYERS, CHELSEA M A Y F I E L D , F L E M I N G BOBBY RAY 33430 WARD 2-SH 61719 WARD 2-SH 1 2 3 6 9 4 TERESA 1 2 4 5 4 5 SHAW, 61111 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 5 3 2 S U P E R I O R INVESTMENTS OF LOUISIANA, INC. 25868 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 6 1 2 T H O M A S , MELVIN, SR. 17935 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 6 4 6 T H O R N T O N , BRUCE E. 22827 WARD 2-SH 1 2 5 8 0 0 WASHINGTON, KEVIN JOSEPH 45532 WARD 2-SH 1 2 4 9 0 2 YOUNGBLOOD, TERESA PICKETT April 17, 2015 Minden Press-Herald _______________ 14 Friday, April 17, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald STATEWIDEÊ ADS Attorneys SERIOUSLY INJURED? 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Call and advertise today! 377-1866 16 Friday, April 17, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald SHOOTINGS Continued from page 1 Minden Police Chief Steve Cropper says he doesn’t believe there is much difference in basic law enforcement training, but rather a difference in individuals. “Law enforcement (is) trained to only use deadly force when they feel their life is in danger or somebody else’s life is in danger,” Cropper said. We b s t e r Parish Sheriff Gary Sexton agreed, saying much CROPPER of it is in the officer’s temperament, or their personality make up. “It’s just the personality of the officer,” he said, “and when you get into situations like (the recent shootings) you can’t gauge all officers like that.” Sexton says before it gets to a decision of using deadly force, it’s a domino effect. “You have your verbal communications, you have chemical mace, tasers and then the ultimate force is the use of deadly force,” Sexton said. The state mandates the standard of training an officer should have. Officers are required to continue yearly training and certification with firearms and other areas. They must obtain a certain number of continuing education hours in order to keep their POST certification as well. Peace Officer Standards and Training is certification they r e c e i v e when they graduate from police academy. Lynd says his officers carry tasers and are taser SEXTON certified. They carry mace as well. Sexton’s deputies carry tasers, but they also use other non-lethal means when the situation calls for it. Sexton recalled a situation a few years ago in which a man barricaded himself in his friend’s home. Negotiators were called to the scene to talk him out of the house. Eventually, he came out and was placed into custody and taken to jail. RECENT SHOOTINGS Michael Slager, a former North Charleston police officer, fatally shot 50-year-old Walter Scott after he fled from his vehicle during a traffic stop. Slager is charged with first degree murder. Mario Valencia, 36, survived being run down by an Arizona police officer in February, where the Marana police chief feels the officer was justified. News reports reveal Valencia was carrying a rifle and had fired shots as well as pointed it at an officer and other people. When Valencia was headed into a heavily populated area, the officer chose to stop him with his patrol unit. A reserve deputy in Oklahoma faces manslaughter charges after fatally shooting a suspect during an undercover operation to recover stolen guns. The reserve officer says he meant to pull his taser, but mistakenly grabbed his service weapon shooting the suspect. In that situation, officers were armed with bean bag bullets, which are designed to subdue a suspect but not kill him. He said in situations like South Carolina, Oklahoma and Arizona, those are split second decisions. Cropper recalled a situation where deadly force would have been justified, but he chose not to go to that extreme. During his days as a sheriff’s deputy for Webster Parish, he says he went on a call of a one vehicle crash at approximately 1 a.m. When he approached the vehicle, he came upon a man in the driver’s seat who appeared to be unre- sponsive. He says he got close enough to check for a pulse, and when he did, he saw the gun pointed in his direction. “The only reason I chose not to (shoot) is because in a split second, I knew this guy did not want to kill me,” Cropper said, “because I’d have already been dead. When you’re dispatched to a wreck, your main concern is the welfare of that driver or the people in that vehicle. “I have my face this close to him,” he said, indicating with his hands a short distance, “and I’m reaching in there to see if he’s alive. I put my hand on his neck to see if he has a pulse, and when I take a second look, he’s got a 357, and that barrel was (very close) to my face.” Upon further investigation, he learned the driver of the vehicle had been trying to commit suicide, even if it was suicide by cop. While Sexton and Lynd feel a taser is one of the more effective non-lethal tools, Cropper says he prefers not to use tasers. Instead some of his officers use pepper guns. “I like it better than a taser,” he said. “The pepper gun shoots out a pepper ball that is designed to put a person down. It works really well.” Cropper explained the first shot is designed to stun them, but the second shot is designed to put them down. The pepper mixture is red in color and looks like blood, Cropper says. Lynd says he’s been asked his opinion on the recent shootings, and he says he doesn’t really have one. He’s hesitant to give facts of the case. But all three say the same thing: deadly force is a last resort. “A deadly force encounter is only going to last a matter of seconds,” Lynd said.
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