Supplementary appendix This appendix formed part of the original submission and has been peer reviewed. We post it as supplied by the authors. Supplement to: Meara JG, Leather AJM, Hagander L, et al. Global Surgery 2030: evidence and solutions for achieving health, welfare, and economic development. Lancet 2015; published online April 27. The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery Appendix 1 The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery Appendix .................................................................................. 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Appendix 0.0: Commission Methods and Scope .................................................................................. 4 Appendix 0.1 Methods for assessing the global volume of surgery in 2012 and its relationship to cesarean delivery and life expectancy ................................................................................................... 8 Key Messages (KM) .................................................................................................................................10 Appendix 1.0: Measuring Burden of Disease ......................................................................................11 Appendix 1.1 Deaths from acute abdominal conditions and geographic access to surgical care in India: a nationally representative population-based spatial analysis ....................................................13 Appendix 1.2: New Zealand Data Set ..................................................................................................14 Health Delivery and Management (HDM) ...............................................................................................15 Appendix 2.0: Healthcare Delivery and Management Key Findings ...................................................16 Appendix 2.1: Health Delivery and Management Supplemental Core Content...................................17 Appendix 2.2: Situational Analysis Tool .............................................................................................30 Appendix 2.3: Infrastructure Literature Review ..................................................................................36 Appendix 2.4: The How Project ..........................................................................................................47 Appendix 2.5: Provider Surveys Summary ..........................................................................................49 Appendix 2.6: Blood ............................................................................................................................51 Appendix 2.7: First Level Referral Hospital Procedures .....................................................................77 Appendix 2.8: A Novel Web-Based Strategy to Identify Non-Governmental Actors in Global Surgery. ..............................................................................................................................................104 Workforce, Training, and Education (WTE) ..........................................................................................106 Appendix 3.0: Workforce, Training And Education Key Findings ...................................................107 Appendix 3.1: The Surgical Workforce .............................................................................................108 Appendix 3.2: The Global Surgeon, Anaesthesiologist, and Obstetrician Workforce Thresholds and 2030 Projections ................................................................................................................................109 Appendix 3.3: Surgical Volume and The Surgical Workforce ..........................................................111 Appendix 3.4: Geospatial Mapping to Estimate Timely Access to Surgical Care in Nine Low-andMiddle Income Countries...................................................................................................................112 Appendix 3.5: Task Shifting Around the World ................................................................................113 Appendix 3.6: Surgical, Anaesthetic, and Obstetric Training Paradigms ..........................................115 Appendix 3.7: A Systematic Literature Review on Methods for Scaling up the Anaesthesia Workforce ..........................................................................................................................................118 Appendix 3.8: The Scale-up of the Surgical Workforce ....................................................................120 Appendix 3.9: Increasing Access To Surgical Care Through Task Sharing in Malawi .....................123 Appendix 3.10 Partnering with the NGO sector for Training and Education ....................................124 Appendix 3.11: Tanzanian Tele-Education for Laparoscopic Surgery ..............................................126 Appendix 3.12: Health Worker Retention in The University of West Indies ....................................127 Economics and Financing (EF)...............................................................................................................128 Appendix 4.0: Economics and Financing Key Findings ....................................................................129 Appendix 4.1: Funding Flows to Global Surgery ..............................................................................130 Appendix 4.2: Operative Volumes and per capita Government Health Expenditure.........................132 Appendix 4.3: Surgical Procedures, Packages, and Platforms ...........................................................133 Information Management .......................................................................................................................134 Appendix 5.0: Information Management Key Findings ....................................................................135 Appendix 5.1: Surgical Inclusion Household Surveys .......................................................................136 Appendix 5.2: Validation of Household Surveys...............................................................................137 Appendix 5.3: Facility Surveys and Surgery .....................................................................................138 Appendix 5.4: Registries ....................................................................................................................139 Appendix 5.5: Indicator Search .........................................................................................................140 Appendix 5.6: Indicator Development ...............................................................................................142 Appendix 5.7: Literature Review of Utilization Of Metrics For Surgery In Low- And Middle-Income Countries ............................................................................................................................................144 Appendix 5.8: Use and Definitions of Perioperative Mortality Rates In Low-Income And MiddleIncome Countries: A Systematic Review ..........................................................................................150 Research..................................................................................................................................................156 2 Appendix 6.0: Research Key Findings...............................................................................................157 Appendix 6.1: Bibliometrics; Surgery And Surgical Oncology Research Outputs 2009-2013 .........158 The Patient Voice ...................................................................................................................................165 Appendix 7: Patient Quotations .........................................................................................................166 Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................................175 Appendix 8: Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................176 Introduction 3 Appendix 0.0: Commission Methods and Scope BEGINNINGS At the beginning of 2013, a small group of global surgery advocates initiated discussions with The Lancet regarding a crucial need for improvements in access to and delivery of surgical care around the world. The Lancet acknowledged this need and plans for the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery were developed through 2013 leading up to the first official meeting and launch in January 2014. COMPOSITION A total of twenty-five Commissioners were recruited from geographically and categorically diverse networks involved with key issues pertaining to global surgery including governments, academic institutions, international bodies, policy groups, and surgical establishments. Commissioners included three Chairs who led the Commission process, as well as four Facilitators who conducted the day-to-day work of the Commission. The Chairs and Facilitators formed the Commission’s Core Implementation Team. All Commissioners were responsible for providing expertise and guidance to determine the course and content of the project and were divided into four working groups: Healthcare Delivery and Management, Workforce Training and Education, Economics and Financing and Information Management. A Working Group Lead directed each working group supported by a Research Team responsible for generating new data and completing necessary reviews. This research arm consisted of Modelling Experts, an Epidemiologist, a Health Economist, a Statistician, and numerous Research Assistants. Finally, a number of key advisors were engaged to provide additional external feedback on the Commission content and process. PROCESS Three structured Commissioner Meetings attended by all Commissioners and a number of nonCommissioner contributors were held during 2014. The first meeting took place in Boston, USA in January 2014 with attendees from eighteen countries. It provided an introduction to the process, developed a framework for subsequent work, and established the main directions and policy foci of the Commission. The second meeting was held in Freetown, Sierra Leone in June with participants from twenty-eight countries. Commissioners discussed the results of their work from the prior five months, and determined the Commission’s key messages and recommendations. The third and final structured meeting occurred in Dubai, UAE in November. Results from the first round of peer review were discussed and necessary report modifications made. An Implementation Meeting was held in February 2015 in Bellagio, Italy with a small group of key policy makers, funders and process experts in order to support the implementation of the Commission’s recommendations. In addition to the three primary meetings, a number of Regional Meetings were held throughout 2014 to engage and generate feedback from additional interested parties. These occurred in Cartagena, Colombia; São Paulo, Brazil; Chhattisgarh, India; and Singapore. The Commission work was also presented at a number of prominent health and policy meetings in 2013 and 2014, including the 1000+ OBGYN Conference in Accra, Ghana; the West African College of Surgeons meeting in Kumasi, Ghana the American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress in Washington DC, USA (2013), and San Francisco, CA (2014); side events to the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland; the Swedish Annual Surgical Conference in Sweden; and a Surgical Summit in Cape Town, South Africa. ENGAGEMENT In order to animate the global health community, engage additional participants, gain knowledge, and build an inclusive global surgical movement, widespread efforts were employed to generate discussion and share Commission information. Commissioners engaged in direct outreach efforts with Ministries of Health, frontline providers and implementers, global health organizations, funders, professional societies, associated institutions, surgical colleges, academic establishments, industry, educators and students, and patients. An active social media campaign using Facebook and Twitter was instituted, generating over 4 1 400 Twitter followers and 500 Facebook likes. A website with Commission information and portals for discussion and input was maintained. Updates were distributed through monthly newsletters, intermittent emails, social media endeavours and website newsfeeds. A number of quantitative and qualitative surveys were employed to assess opinions regarding areas of global surgical import. A total of 666 online surveys from 72 countries and 145 qualitative interviews in 23 countries were completed. In addition, rolling discussions pertaining to Commission content and processes were held with a number of key health related institutions including the World Bank, the World Health Organization and USAID. Finally, groups and individuals were asked to generate standalone global surgery publications and teaching cases to support the overall Commission momentum and output. Five business schools from three different countries engaged to create fifteen business-style teaching cases on global surgery topics, and numerous global surgery papers were published alongside the Commission. PATIENT VOICE The patient is central to virtually all health-related movements. Yet what is meaningful to the patient is too often lost in academic pursuits and publications. Therefore, we attempted to solicit and record direct quotations from real surgical patients and family members of those undergoing surgical procedures to represent the “patient voice” throughout The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Quotations and stories generated from in person interviews are included in both the appendix (page 165) and the social media campaign. Written or verbal consent was obtained for all patient voice interviews. FUNDING Funding was acquired by the Core Team from grants, individual donors, academic partners and supporting institutions. These are listed on the main report and in the acknowledgements. SCOPE The Commission defined global surgery in detail in a preceding publication.1 In brief, “global surgery is an area of study, research, practice, and advocacy that seeks to improve health outcomes and achieve health equity for all people who require surgical care, with a special emphasis on underserved populations and populations in crisis.”1 This definition encompasses all members of the surgical workforce, includes all surgical and perioperative specialties as well as non-procedural aspects of surgical care, extends to all underserved populations and populations in crisis regardless of geographic location, and recognizes the numerous direct and indirect interdisciplinary factors that affect health from individual to supra-territorial levels. Although the scope of global surgery extends across countries of all income-levels, the largest area of unmet need currently exists within LMICs. Therefore, surgical care delivery within LMICs, rather than HICs, was the primary focus of this Commission (Figure 1). Similarly, global surgery refers to all groups facing inequitable or inadequate surgical care delivery, whether they are chronically underserved populations or those in more acute crisis, conflict or disaster settings. Factors influencing and methods for care delivery in these two rudimentary designated settings can be quite different. Therefore, the scope of this commission was primarily on underserved populations. 5 Figure 1. Global surgery definition and scope Global Surgery Improved health & health equity for all Underserved populations LMICs Populations in crisis HICs Conflict & Displacement Disaster Global surgery aims to improve health and health equity for all who are affected by surgical conditions or have a need for surgical care, with a special focus on underserved populations in both LMICs and HICs and populations in crisis, such as those experiencing conflict, displacement and disaster. The scope of this particular Commission is highlighted in red. 6 Figure 2. Scope of global surgical care The scope and reach of processes involved in global surgery and global surgical care extend from those occurring at the level of the individual to those which are supra-territorial (transcend geography), and are influenced by the many interactions that occur between and across the different levels. REFERENCES 1. Dare AJ GC, Gillies R, Greenberg SL, Hagander L, Meara JG, Leather AJ. Global surgery: defining an emerging global health field. The Lancet Global Health. 2014. 7 Appendix 0.1 Methods for assessing the global volume of surgery in 2012 and its relationship to cesarean delivery and life expectancy TOM WEISER, ALEX B HAYNES, GEORGE MOLINA, et al. POPULATION AND HEALTH DATABASES We obtained 2012 population and health data for all 194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states. These data included total population, life expectancy (LE) at birth, percent of total urban population, gross domestic product per capita in US$, and total health expenditure per capita in US$. We used data from similar sources for countries (n=11) missing population or health data from WHO or the World Bank. All dollar values were adjusted for inflation to 2012 using the consumer price index. For countries with reported surgical data we also obtained population and health data from the year for which surgical volume is reported. We classified countries as poor- (n=50), low- (n=54), middle- (n=46), or high- (n=44) expenditure based on per capita health spending of $0-$100, $101-$400, $401-$1000, and >$1000 respectively. SURGICAL DATA SOURCES Operations were defined as procedures performed in operating theatres that require general or regional anesthesia, or profound sedation to control pain. We searched for the most recent annual surgical volume in PubMed for all 194 WHO member states, with the earliest cut off date being 2005. We also searched the internet for each ministry of health or national statistical office website to identify available data and to obtain email addresses for ministers of health, ministry of health officials, or individuals responsible for auditing surgical data at a national level. We contacted these officials to request the total volume of operations (using the above definition) for the most recent year. Letters were written in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Chinese. Surgical volume for 26 countries from the Organization for Economic CoOperation and Development (OECD) was obtained and calculated from the OECD database. For all countries from which we obtained surgical data between 2005 and 2013, we calculated the surgical rate per 100,000 population for the year that the data was reported by using the annual surgical volume and total population estimate. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS We developed a predictive model for surgical rates using the bivariate Spearman association between surgical rate and five a priori country-level variables: total population, LE, percent urbanization, gross domestic product per capita, and total health expenditure per capita. As we found previously, total health expenditure per capita was the most highly correlated variable with surgical rate (Spearman R=0.87297, p<0.001). We then considered Spearman partial correlation coefficients between surgical rate and each of the other five variables after adjusting for total health expenditure per capita; none of these variables remained significant. We then investigated the bivariate relationship between region (six levels) and surgical rate after controlling for total health expenditure per capita using rank regression and noted no significant association. Thus our final predictive model contained only total health expenditure per capita. We log-transformed total health expenditure per capita and surgical rate to account for their right-skewed distribution. We build a spine model, positing zero to three inflection points, to find the best fitting model for the relation of these two variables, which we defined by maximizing the adjusted cross validation R2 (CVR2) where the predicted surgical rate value for a country is calculated without that country in the regression model. The spline model with two inflection points had the highest adjusted CVR2 (0.7449) while the models with zero, one and three inflection points had adjusted CVR2 of 0.7064, 0.7071 and 0.7332 respectively. We fit a multivariable logistic regression model to determine if the probability that a country’s surgical rate is missing is related to any of the same a priori predictors identified above. This multivariable logistic regression model allowed us to determine important variables associated with surgical rate that could then be included in an imputation model to predict the rates for the countries with missing data. The only variable significantly associated with whether a country’s surgical rate was missing was total health expenditure per capita, which was already included in the imputation model. 8 We used total per capita health expenditure from 2012 and our predictive model to impute estimates of surgical rates for all countries with missing surgical data. We produced 300 imputed datasets to estimate the mean global surgical volume and its corresponding 95% confidence interval. Using the imputed country-level surgical rates and population estimates for 2012 we calculated the number of operations performed in each country in 2012. We also used published cesarean delivery data to calculate the proportion of surgical volume accounted for by cesarean delivery for each country. These data came primarily from the WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository, WHO World Health Statistics and World Health Reports from 2010, the Demographic and Health Surveys Program, and OECD data. We fit a spline regression model with zero, one, two, or three inflection points to assess the general relationship between imputed surgical rates and national life expectancy. Once again, the best-fitting spline model was found by maximizing the adjusted CVR2. The spline model with three inflection points had the highest adjusted CVR2 (0.4838) while the models with zero, one and two inflection points had adjusted CVR2 of 0.3224, 0.4727, and 0.4805, respectively. In order to compare estimated surgical rates and global surgical volume from 2012 to that of 2004, we performed a similar spline regression analysis described above on the 56 countries with reported surgical rate data from our 2008 analysis. We evaluated the change in surgical rates that occurred for each health expenditure group between 2004 and 2012. This provided a sensitivity analysis to assess if the observed changes in surgical rates and global surgical volume from 2004 to 2012 were due to the new modeling approach used in this current study. All p-value <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Statistical tests were 2-sided. We used SAS software version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) for all statistical analyses. 9 Key Messages (KM) 10 Appendix 1.0: Measuring Burden of Disease BLAKE ALKIRE The burden of disease (BoD) enterprise dates back to 1990, when the World Bank commissioned a study (GBD1990) to quantify the magnitude of lost health secondary to disease and injury.1,2 The 1993 World Development Report featured this analysis, and through multiple iterations, BoD studies have gone on to play an essential role in global health research, policy-making, and resource allocation.3-5 Collection of national health statistics from various sources is fundamental to BoD studies. However, mathematical modelling is also critical when raw data does not exist. Although successive revisions with “piecemeal”2 improvements in methodology have been published since GBD1990,1,6-9 the first complete overhaul was the global burden of disease study 2010 (GBD2010). Overseen by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), GBD2010 assessed 291 cause groups and 1160 disease sequelae at the country level for 20 age groups for the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010.2 GBD 2010 was the first of the BoD studies to systematically account for uncertainty with confidence intervals, overhauled the method of formulating disability weights from an expert-based to a population-based approach, simplified the assumptions for calculating disability adjusted live years (DALYs), accounted for comorbidities, and created a number of new modelling techniques to account for data scarcity. While lauded as an important achievement,10,11 there were notable and sometimes substantial differences between IHME and United Nations interagency estimates of cause-specific mortality, particularly with respect to adult malaria,12 conflict-related mortality,13 the attribution of cause of maternal death in sub-Saharan Africa,12 and overall under-5 mortality.5 Although the WHO was one of the main original collaborators with IHME for GBD2010, the organization did not endorse the final results and continues to produce its own global burden of disease estimates, termed the Global Health Estimates (GHEs).14 Although differences remain in some cause-specific estimates, there is considerable overlap in results between the two groups’ results.14 Further, data sources and methods, especially with respect to YLDs and countries with sparse data, are often shared.14 Major updates of BoD estimates have historically occurred every decade. However, IHME has signalled its intention to continuously incorporate new data with a goal of at least annual updates,15 the first of which was already published in May 2014.16-18 REFERENCES 1. Murray CJ LA. The global burden of disease: a comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases, injuries and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020. Cambridge, MA: Harvard School of Public Health on behalf of the World Health Organization and the World Bank, 1996. 2. Murray CJ EM, Flaxman AD, Lim S, Lozano R, Michaud C, et al. GBD 2010: design, definitinos, and metrics. The Lancet 2012; 380(9859): 2063-6. 3. World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health. New York: The World Bank, 1993. 4. Farmer P. Reimaging global health: an introduction. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2013. 5. Jamison DT, Summers LH, Alleyne G, et al. Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation. Lancet 2013; 382(9908): 1898-955. 6. The World Health Repot 2001 - Mental Health, New Understanding, New Hope. Geneva, Switzerland: The World Health Organization, 2001. 7. Lopez A, Mathers CD, Ezzat M, Jamison DT, Murray CJL. Disease Control Priorities Project. Global burden of disease and risk factors. . New York, NY; Washington, DC: Oxford University Press and World Bank; 2006. 8. Mathers C FD, Organization WH, Boerma JT. The global burden of disease: 2004 update: The World Health Organization, 2008. 9. The World Health Report 2000 - Health systems: improving performance. Geneva, Switzerland: The World Health Organization. 10. Horton R. GBD 2010: understanding disease, injury and risk. The Lancet 2012; 380(9859): 20534. 11. Kim J. Data for better health - and to help end poverty. The Lancet 2012; 380(9859): 2055. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. P B. The imperfect world of global health estimates. PLoS medicine 2010; 7(11). Mathers C SG, Fat DM. WHO methods and data sources for global causes of death 2000-2011. Geneva, Switzerland: The World Health Organization, 2013. Mathers C SG. WHO methods and data sources for global burden of disease estimates 2000-2011. Geneva, Switzerland: The World Health Organization, 2013. Murray CJ FJ, Piot P, Mundel T. GBD 2.0: a continuously updated global resource. The Lancet; 382(9886): 9-11. Murray CJ OK, Guinovart C, et al. Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet 2014; S0140-6736(14): 60844-8. Wang H LC, Coates MM, et al. Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet 2014; S0140-6736(14): 60497-9. Kassebaum NJ B-VA, Coggeshall MS, et al. Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet 2014; S0140-6736(14): 60696-6. 12 Appendix 1.1 Deaths from acute abdominal conditions and geographic access to surgical care in India: a nationally representative population-based spatial analysis JOSHUA S NG-KAMSTRA, ANNA J DARE, JAYADEEP PATRA, SZE HANG FU, PETER S RODRIGUEZ, MARVIN HSIAO, RAJU M JOTKAR, J S THAKUR, JAY K SHETH, PRABHAT JHA, FOR THE MILLION DEATH STUDY COLLABORATORS STUDY METHODOLOGY The Million Death Study is a nationally representative mortality survey of over 1.1 million homes in India. Its methodology has been described previously.1, 2 Briefly, 8000 small areas in India were randomly selected for continuous monitoring of births and deaths through six-monthly household visits by 800 nonmedical staff.1 A validated Verbal Autopsy tool was used to determine cause of death for each decedent during the study period.1 All deaths attributed to a pre-selected list of time-critical acute abdominal diagnoses (ICD-10 codes3) in individuals aged 0-69 years were included in this analysis and were termed Deaths from Acute Abdomen (DAA). Postal-code level population data were derived from a national household survey,4 and agestandardized DAA-specific mortality rates were calculated for each sampled postal code. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic5 was used to identify spatial clusters with higher or lower rates of DAA. This yielded clusters of high– and low–DAA mortality areas at the 99% confidence level. Health facility data were drawn from the District-Level Health and Facility Survey (DLHS-3), which provides information on District Hospital (DH) surgical capacity and hospital resources.6 We classified DH according to available resources. Well-resourced DH had 24 hour surgical and anaesthetic services, critical care beds, a blood bank, and basic laboratory and radiology services. Hospitals were geocoded using data from a commercial data vendor. Odds ratios (OR) for spatial access to DH in high–mortality versus low–mortality clusters were estimated by multivariate logistic regression. The main model included Euclidean distance to the nearest wellresourced district hospital as the primary predictor variable, with adjustment for poverty and the proportion of the population belonging to a scheduled caste or tribe. Calculation of avertable deaths at the population level under the scenario of full coverage of well-resourced DH within 50km was made on the basis that odds of mortality for those currently living >50 km from a well-resourced DH would fall to the level of those living within 50 km of a well-resourced DH. REFERENCES: 1. Aleksandrowicz L, Malhotra V, Dikshit R, et al. Performance criteria for verbal autopsy-based systems to estimate national causes of death: development and application to the Indian Million Death Study. BMC medicine 2014; 12: 21. 2. Hsiao M, Malhotra A, Thakur JS, et al. Road traffic injury mortality and its mechanisms in India: nationally representative mortality survey of 1.1 million homes. BMJ open 2013; 3(8): e002621. 3. World Health Organization. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ICD-10: Three Volume Set. Geneva: WHO; 2010. 4. Registrar General of India. Special fertility and mortality survey, 1998: A report of 1.1 million households. New Delhi: Registrar General; 2005. p. 302. 5. Getis A, Ord J. The analysis of spatial association by use of distance statistics. Geographical analysis 1992. 6. International Institute for Population Sciences. District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-3), 2007-2008: India. Mumbai: IIPS; 2010. 13 Appendix 1.2: New Zealand Data Set To estimate global surgical need, we used a New Zealand-based dataset to estimate the "surgical incidence", defined as the procedure:diagnosis ratio, for each diagnosis. The following briefly outlines our rationale for using this dataset. Additional details can be found in the accompanying paper.1,2 New Zealand has a healthcare system that is primarily (~83%) funded by government expenditure (general tax revenue) and although inequities exist,3,4 it is generally considered to provide extensive and high quality hospitallevel care with good population coverage. New Zealand has low per capita spending on health compared to other OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, with comparable or better life-expectancy.5 Access to elective surgical care within the public system follows national criteria for need and priority, which limits unnecessary operations within this sector. However, long waiting times for elective surgical operations exist.6 Consequently excess surgical procedures are not considered to be a prominent feature of the health system. Additionally, the New Zealand surgical admissions and procedures dataset is publically available and based on ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems version 10) codes, facilitating data use and comparison. REFERENCES 1. Rose J WT, Hider P, Wilson L, Gruen R, Bickler SW. Estimated need for surgery worldwide based on prevalence of diseases: implications for public health planning of surgical services. Submitted to The Lancet Global Health 2014. 2. Hider P WL, Rose J, Weiser TG, Gruen R, Bickler SW. The role of facility-based surgical services in addressing the national burden of disease in New Zealand: an index of procedure frequency based on country-specific disease prevalence. Submitted as a conference abstract to The Lancet; 2014. 3. JC G. Rural surgery and rural surgeons: meeting the need. ANZ J Surg 2007; 77(11): 919-20. 4. Sheridan NF KT, Connolly MJ, Mahony F, Barber PA, Boyd MA, Carswell P, Clinton J, Devlin G, Doughty R, Dyall L, Kerse N, Kolbe J, Lawrenson R, Moffitt A. Health equity in the New Zealand health care system: a national survey. Int J Equity Health 2011; 10(45). 5. Health Services Delivery Profile, New Zealand. Accessed Online: WHO and the Ministry of Health, New Zealand, 2012. 6. Assessing the demand for elective surgery amongst New Zealanders. Accessed online (26/09/14): the demand for Elective Surgery for release.pdf: TNS New Zealand, 2013. 14 Health Delivery and Management (HDM) 15 Appendix 2.0: Healthcare Delivery and Management Key Findings • • • • • • Patients face significant barriers to accessing surgical care, including financial, geographic, and cultural factors, and poor pre-hospital transportation systems Poor connectivity between traditional healthcare providers, community health workers, and the formal health system compromises surgical care delivery Most hospitals lack the necessities for surgical care provision including basic physical infrastructure, equipment, supplies, and support services such as radiology, pathology and equipment maintenance Limited focus on leadership, management, and research leads to process inefficiencies, poor system performance, and suboptimal safety International assistance in the form of equipment donations and visiting surgical teams is often not designed to contribute towards long-lasting system improvement Performance of the Bellwether Procedures (laparotomy, caesarean delivery, and open fracture fixation) serves as a proxy indicator for delivery of a broad range of surgical care; 80-90% of which can be provided in well-equipped first-level hospitals 16 Appendix 2.1: Health Delivery and Management Supplemental Core Content NAKUL RAYKAR, ROWAN GILLIES, EDGAR RODAS, SHENAAZ EL-HALABI, GANBOLD LUNDEG, RACHEL YORLETS, AND NOBHOJIT ROY Contributing Authors: MOSIUR RAHMAN, DAVID BARASH, KRISTIN HATCHER, MAGEE, RICHARD VANDER BURG, LUCAS CARLSON, DAVID WATTERS, SAM ENUMAH AND BRIGITTE FRETT 2.1.1 The Three Delays In Context A case vignette, grounded in real-life experiences, can be useful to put a theoretical framework into context. Here we present the case of Sydney, a Zimbabwean labourer who is failed by a weak health system and poor access to surgical services, a scenario familiar to billions of individuals worldwide. Through the Commission process, the Commission had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of front-line clinicians and their patients around the world, through both in-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews (The How Project, Appendix 2.3) and countless undocumented conversations in person and over the phone. Sydney, then, is a composite of thousands of patient interactions and experiences relayed to the Commission or experienced first-hand by the Commissioners, many of whom have had decades of experience in serving low-resource populations. The vignette of Sydney is arbitrarily set in Zimbabwe, but would not be out of place in any of the world’s many resource-poor systems. The three delays are used in the Health Delivery & Management section as a framework to describe the numerous challenges to access and availability of surgical care. Figure 1 summarizes the three delays as they pertain to surgical care. Figure 1. The Three Delays and Surgery 17 The First Delay Sydney is a 41-year-old man who lives in the rural regions of eastern Mashonaland, Zimbabwe. Sydney is a daily wageworker who puts in long hours of manual labour in various construction jobs in the region. For the past year, Sydney has been experiencing a bulge in his right groin accompanied by progressively worsening pain. Several months ago, he had visited the local healer who suggested he wrap his groin with a tight towel around his waist. Unable to sacrifice a day’s wages, and without a means of transportation, he works through the pain and puts off visiting the nearest health centre located 100 kilometres away. The Second Delay One day, however, he experiences a sharp and persistent pain. The lump, previously reducible, is now hard and does not slide back to its normal size. Unable to continue work, he takes the advice of the village elders who send him to the primary health centre 20 kilometres away. A nurse at the facility tells him he needs to see a doctor, and possibly a surgeon, but they are only available at the district hospital, which is 100 kilometres away. Without his own means of transportation, the clinic staff arrange for him to ride with the supply truck, which is expected the next day. He spends the night in excruciating pain. Fortunately, Sydney is able to find transportation to the district hospital with the clinic supply vehicle the next afternoon. The Third Delay Sydney reaches the district hospital in persistent pain, accompanied by his wife. It has now been almost two full days. He is running a slight fever, feels weak and the bulge in his groin is hot to the touch and very tender. The physician at the hospital tells him he needs an operation, but there is neither electricity nor the required surgical supplies. The operating theatre has not been functional for months, and the surgeons no longer come to the hospital. He tells Sydney that he must go to the tertiary hospital in the capital city. The Second and Third Delays, again Fortunately, Sydney is able to take a bus to the capital, which takes only five hours. By his arrival at the tertiary hospital, though, Sydney is lethargic and febrile. After waiting in a busy waiting area with many ill patients, he is seen by a surgeon. Unfortunately, the operating rooms are full, he is told, and he will be slotted in as soon as possible, but probably not until the morning. He is started on some intravenous fluids. At this point, he has had a strangulated hernia for days. “You came too late,” admonishes the surgeon. “We could have treated this if you had come sooner.” Treatment Sydney is lucky. He was taken to the operating room the next morning where the surgeon found necrotic bowel, which was resected. Post-operatively, he was able to stay in the hospital for his recovery. Unfortunately, he and his wife spent their full savings on the ordeal of travel to the hospital and there is none remaining for fees. Seven days after his operation, the care staff at the hospital advises him to abscond to avoid harassment from revenue collectors. 18 2.1.2 The View from a Crowded LMIC Tertiary Hospital Constructed from interviews from the LCoGS Qualitative Interview (The How Project) (Appendix 2.3), a description of a tertiary centre in a busy LMIC environment: At a tertiary public hospital in a major South Asian city, a team of four faculty surgeons is responsible for seeing 400 outpatient surgical appointments daily. The inpatient service is no less busy. The result is that the hospital “floor” is very much the physical floor, and doubles as a bed; patients are left on a stretcher in the hall, minimally attended, only hours after a craniotomy. A single nurse and resident physician will be responsible for hundreds of patients, and relatives of patients must provide bag-mask ventilation given insufficient ventilator capacity. Faculty and trainees lose the ability to perform non-clinical tasks, such research or administrative duties. 2.1.3 Examples of Context-Specific Strategies to Mitigate the First Delay Contextually and culturally appropriate interventions can mitigate the first delay. The Commission learned of many such interventions, many of them small-scale and sparsely evaluated but nonetheless demonstrating value to the providers and communities in which they were applied. Outreach efforts consisting of taking hospital personnel into communities, for example, to set up diagnostic or treatment camps are common and can be used to engage the community and build awareness of services. This is an important mode of outreach of the Jan Swasthya Sahyog, a private/NGO rural hospital that provides free surgical services in rural India, as well as that of many rural providers in African countries whom the Commission interviewed in the How Project (Appendix 2.3).1 An outreach effort in Pakistan through community health workers that engaged traditional healers led to increased care-seeking behaviour, greater utilization of skilled care providers and improved neonatal mortality rates.2 World Health Partners is one of many NGOs that has used telemedicine to strengthen existing informal health networks through improved connectivity with the formal health system.3 Satellite dishes adorn the top of the mud huts of traditional healers in rural Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India, and serve as a conduit for consultations from infectious disease to psychiatry, and to assess need for referrals to a hospital. Consultants are located worldwide. In rural Bangladesh and eastern Uganda, groups of women participate in a facilitated process to prioritize local issues affecting women’s and neonatal health.4Some of these interventions occur at socially convenient times of the day, for example, during a break in afternoon agricultural activity. Community outreach designed to build trust in the system is also important to mitigate the first delay. In rural Nigeria, the Awojobi Clinic Eruwa established ‘village square consultations’ in the 1980s, a forms of a communitybased monitoring board, where members of the community were participatory in the running of the hospital.5 19 Table 1. First-Delay Mitigation Strategies from Commission Qualitative Interviews Barriers contributing to the first delay Financial Geographic Cultural and patient education Interventions (The How Project) Donations, subsidized or free care (in some cases, free care is provided if the patient presents letters from community members stating that the patient is poor) Church in rural area donates a piglet to be raised and sold to fund planned surgery Use less expensive materials (i.e.; mosquito net instead of hernia mesh) and avoid diagnostic tests Hospital accepts payment in animals or maize, or in patients working in the hospital garden Providers pay on behalf of patients Satellite clinics Community health workers Mobile clinic Social workers meet with patients to discuss need for care (in patient’s first language) Increase positive experiences – when patients experience the benefits of surgery, they share their story with their community Increase education and literacy through seminars and community outreach, including posters and radio Diagnostic camps in rural areas 20 2.1.4 A Model for a Pre-Hospital Surgical Referral System from BRAC Health Contributing Author: Mosiur Rahman Community health workers (CHWs) empowered with mobile phones and connected to the health system can have powerful implications for surgical referral.6 BRAC, a Bangladeshi NGO based in Dhaka, reports that more than 90% of rural households have access to a mobile phone.7 BRAC has devised a comprehensive system of referral that, accordingly, leverages connectivity to systematically target the first, second and third delays of care.8 Pregnant women are provided with the phone numbers of their community health worker as well as the BRAC call centre, which is located in Dhaka and staffed around the clock to field calls from pregnant women and CHWs. Women are counselled to use the phone to call their CHW at the onset of labor. CHWs also engage with the traditional birth attendants and ask to be called during any delivery in order to optimize safety. At the time of delivery, if the community health worker recognizes a complication, she will initiate referral to the hospital by calling the BRAC call centre. The call centre staffer can determine the appropriate hospital for referral and will call one of the hundreds of local, private vehicle owners (with whom BRAC has signed memoranda of understanding to provide transportation in emergency situations). The vehicle owner is instructed to meet the patient and CHW at a pre-determined landmark within the village. While the patient is en route, the call centre will alert a program officer (PO), located at the first-level hospital to communicate with hospital staff in order to alert them of the situation and impending arrival of the patient. This allows the hospital to gather necessary supplies and personnel, and be prepared for patient arrival, thereby addressing the beginnings of the third delay. In program evaluations, the referral program has demonstrated reductions in the first and second delays, in the rural and in the urban environment.9,10 Figure 2. Schematic of BRAC Referral System. Source: BRAC Health 21 2.1.4 Community-based (Lay) Responder Trauma Programs Community-based trauma response, or lay responder programs, have been attempted in many parts of the world without formal emergency medical systems, often to strengthen an existing mode of pre-hospital transportation.11 Bus and taxi drivers, for example, were trained in first aid and rescue in Ghana, as they were the dominant mode of pre-hospital transport for road traffic victims.12 A similar program was developed in Madagascar 13 and Uganda, though the trainee base in Uganda was wider and included city police and city council members.14 SaveLIFE Foundation in New Delhi is an NGO that exclusively focuses on training city police, given the size and presence of the Delhi Police force.15 This has reduced response time within the congested traffic environment, as traffic police now serve as first-responders and police vehicles now serve as ambulances. Likewise, programs in Iraq and Cambodia have taught villagers to respond to trauma from mine injuries (in addition to training paramedics).16 Most of these programs have undergone varying levels evaluation for process measures demonstrating that lay responders can be trained in first aid, and some programs demonstrate long-term improvement in outcomes. Variation in individual program design and individual study design, however, make it challenging to make broad conclusions besides the fact that these interventions, adapted to local context and culture, can be valuable additions to improving a pre-hospital transportation network. 2.1.5 A Model for Mobile Surgery from Cinterandes Contributing Author: Edgar Rodas Difficulties in accessing the formal health system contribute to the first delay, and geographic challenges with poor transportation infrastructure contribute to the second delay. Cinterandes (, an Ecuadorian NGO founded in 1994, uses “mobile surgery” to combat both by taking surgical care directly to the patient. The mobile surgical unit (MSU) consists of a 24-foot Isuzu truck that houses the operating room213. It provides balance between the size needed for an operating room and the manoeuvrability needed to deal with the narrow and winding Andean roads. The van is outfitted with basic surgical and anaesthetic equipment, a scrub sink, an autoclave and cabinets for supplies. It also includes a laparoscopic tower. The process from referral to treatment is multi-staged. First, rural physicians and traditional providers are contacted to identify patients in need of planned surgical treatment. A surgeon and anaesthesiologist from Cinterandes then travel to communities to perform a second screening and to make arrangements for laboratories and/or imaging, when needed. Patients with multiple comorbidities or requiring specialized attention are referred to the referral hospital. Finally, the MSU is brought to the community and parked at a rural hospital, clinic, school or community centre to provide surgery. The team will perform an average of 22 cases per trip, ranging from hernia repairs to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The team can provide a broad range of anaesthetic services including spinal and general anaesthesia. Mobile surgery patients are monitored in the short term before being left in the care of the local medical team. Follow-up is conducted jointly with the local medical team through the use of telemedicine services with videoconferencing capabilities.298 The Cinterandes surgeon and anaesthesiologist is also available by phone or for home visit. Since 1994, Cinterandes has performed more than 7,500 surgeries using a model that integrates mobile surgery with strong engagement of local health providers and the incorporation of telemedicine to optimize pre and post-operative evaluations. The mobile surgery program includes teaching for surgical trainees and students from both local and international universities.299 Mobile surgery is an innovative platform to deliver planned surgical care to particularly remote patient populations around the world. 22 Figure 3. Inside the Cinterandes Mobile Surgery Unit is a fully functioning operating room. Photo courtesy of Cinterandes Figure 4. The Cinterandes Mobile Surgical Unit is a truck, nimble enough to navigate mountainous terrain. Photo courtesy of Cinterandes 23 2.1.6 A Multi sectorial Partnership for Biomedical Equipment Maintenance Author: David Barash MD, GE Foundation; Ed Hutton, Engineering World Health; Robert Malkin PhD, Duke University For months, Rwamagana Hospital, a district hospital in Rwanda, did not have a working anaesthesia machine. Among the broken equipment were shattered lights, a non-functioning aspirator, and an out-ofcommission X-ray machine. This severely curtailed the hospital’s ability to offer surgical care. Patients with life-threatening conditions could not be treated; the next referral facility was 60 km away. In 2010, the GE Foundation (, Engineering World Health (, and Duke University ( began an evidence-based training program for biomedical equipment technicians (BMET). The training is delivered in 18 four-week modules over three years of classroom, laboratory, and field practicum work. Students are high-school graduates who learn about healthcare technology management, computer skills, device operation, and professional development. Individuals are taught skills to maintain and repair biomedical equipment, and earn a nationally recognized certificate. In addition to basic BMET training, the effort focuses on creating the next generation of BMET educators, such that the program is self-sustaining. Rwamagana Hospital technicians were among the BMET program’s first cohort. It has since been expanded to Honduras, Ghana, Cambodia, and Nigeria. Rwandan hospitals with a BMET-trained technician have almost halved the amount of out-of-service equipment compared to those without technicians (17·8% vs. 10·2%).17 2.1.7 Common Protocols and Clinical Practice Guidelines Published guidelines for clinical management and hospital processes abound; however, they tend to reflect the high-income standard. Fewer published clinical management and process guidelines are based on care practices and resources more typical of the low-and-middle income environments. Listed below are a sampling of clinical guidelines developed for the low-resource setting. This is not an exhaustive list. Many hospitals and organizations that provide care in these settings have developed their own internal guidelines, though few find avenues for publication or public posting. This is unfortunate, as they could be of broad value to clinicians practicing in remote or low-resource environments. The Commission suggests organizations make these freely available (to LMIC providers), and academic and professional societies create forums to catalogue these for easy access. • The World Health Organization’s Integrated Management for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (IMEESC) toolkit provides a wide variety of relevant guidelines for the low-resource environment. These range from best practices in safety processes to clinical management of trauma. • Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai, India, lists extensive clinical management guidelines on a broad range of topics related to oncologic care, on its website Tata Memorial Hospital Evidence Based Management Guidelines, • The American College of Surgeons has developed a Rural Trauma Training Development Team Course ( Access to course materials is available for a fee. • A rural NGO surgical hospital in India, Jan Swasthya Sahyog, makes its research efforts and clinical practices available through its website ( Reports such as the ‘Appropriate Technologies Catalog’ provide low-cost adaptations to common clinical practices. 24 2.1.8 A Model for Contextually-Sensitive NGO Assistance with Surgical Volume: Lessons Learned from Operation Smile Contributing Authors: Kristin Hatcher, Bill Magee, Richard Vander Burg, Lucas Carlson Operation Smile has worked to expand access to safe, well-timed and effective care for cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) in resource-poor settings for over 32 years.18 Central to this evolution have been institutional efforts to build and support local capacity for CL/P and surgical care, consisting of infrastructure investments, education efforts and mission-based support. Operation Smile operates multiple permanent care centres in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These facilities are staffed by local volunteers, as well as full-time personnel and medical providers, and deliver care that is directly aligned with local needs. The goal of these centres is to serve as a dedicated space for patients and families to receive reliable medical services, support and information related to CL/P care. Centre staff provide feeding and nutritional support; dispel myths related to CL/P aetiology; connect patients with medical services; and help coordinate CL/P surgical care. Several of these institutions were built as Comprehensive Care Centers, which mirror the multidisciplinary approach employed in most high-income countries such as the U.S. or U.K.19 Within these centres, patients can access services which address the multifaceted health needs associated with CL/P, such as speech therapy, dental care and psychological counselling. While the infrastructure of the permanent care centres represents a substantial component of Operation Smile’s strategy to build local capacity, the indirect impact of the organization’s education and missionbased efforts have also had a significant impact. While directly providing surgical care to over 220,000 children with CL/P, Operation Smile has cultivated a powerful network of local partners and providers. Today, nearly three-quarters of the all surgical and medical services sponsored by Operation Smile are provided by local clinicians. This has occurred through substantial investments in education, regionallyhoused surgical equipment, and reliable donations of consumable supplies.20 As a whole, the organization’s education and mission-based efforts have served the dual purpose of ensuring access to CL/P care and building local capacity to respond to the growing global burden of surgical disease. Operation Smile has learned many valuable lessons about care delivery in low-resource settings since its inception in the early 1980s.21,22 First, organizations must listen to patients and acknowledge the complex environments in which the poor live. Investment in local capacity must be congruent with the needs, culture and context of the local population.23 Second, organizations must strive to deliver services that reduce barriers and allow even the most marginalized to reach needed care. A combination approach of Comprehensive Care Centers, mission-based diagnostic and surgical camps have worked well to equitably increase access to a broad population. Third, coordinating efforts with local governmental structures is important to minimize service duplication, optimize use of existing resources and avoid detracting from other important health services. Further work is necessary to optimize local infrastructure development and surgical system strengthening, recognizing that the patient voice and community perspective are central to the conversation. 2.1.9 Pacific Islands Program: Coordinated volunteerism supported by The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Contributing Author: David Watters Along with hospitals and Ministries of Health, the Pacific Islands Program (PIP) works to coordinate with medical volunteers to provide care in 10 medical and 9 surgical specialties in the following countries: Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, and Nauru. Volunteer teams work towards durable commitments through provision of educational courses, workshops, and conferences for local teams. Financial support, travel, and accommodations for local staff are often provided when there are no local options for courses. Since 1995, PIP has facilitated the volunteer provision of over 19,000 surgeries and 74,000 consults on non-surgical cases. In 2014 alone, 188 volunteers performed 1,415 operations, 5,385 consultations, and 32 25 deliveries. Three hundred staff members participated in the trainings and educational offerings. The program was delivered at a cost to Australian Aid of AUD$ 7.2m, ranging from $1.37m in 2011 to $2.2m in 2014 (Currently 1AUD = 0.85USD though over the four years the currencies would have averaged out on parity). During this period 17 candidates completed their MMed (4 years of Surgical Specialty Training) as did 13 in anaesthesia (4 years specialty training). Data for the first fifteen years of the program is discussed in a 2012 paper by Watters et the ANZ Journal of Surgery.24 Data from 2011-2014 is shown in the table below. Learn more: Table 1. Summary Statistics, Pacific Islands Program 2011-2014. Source: Royal Australasian College of Surgery YEAR CLINICAL VISITS NO. VISITS CONSULTATIONS OPERATIONS VOLUNTEERS WEEKS 2011 37 3777 1099 237 48 TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES NO. ATTE DELIVERED NDEE S 29 501 2012 43 4332 1178 205 50.5 32 455 2013 45 4862 1179 256 54 40 632 2014 43 5385 1415 188 58 32 300 26 2.1.10 Minimum Operating Theatre Standards Contributing Authors: Brigitte Frett and Sam Enumah Several organizations have listed infrastructure, equipment, supply and medicine requirements for surgical functionality. The Commission used panel discussions to identify all known minimum operating theatre standards (MOTS) around the world. The scope of this review was to focus specifically on the minimum items needed to provide regular access to non-specialty surgical care within a country and therefore excluded documents that focused on specialty services and short-term specialty visiting teams. Any MOTS utilized for groups treating specific populations (e.g. civilian war casualties) were included if the documents discussed the supplies needed to treat essential surgical conditions. Many of these are in the published literature, several are internal lists. Source Lists for Suggested Surgical Infrastructure Requirements 1. Paediatric emergency and essential surgical care in Zambian Hospitals 25 2. Anaesthesia services in developing countries: defining the problems 26 3. International Standards for a Safe Practice of Anaesthesia 2010 (Small Health Center, district or provincial hospital, referral hospital) 27 4. GIEESC IMEESC Toolkit (Small Hospital/Health Centre, District Hospital, Referral Hospital ( 5. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Standards and Protocols 6. Disease Control Priorities for Developing Countries, 2nd Ed. Chapter 67: Surgery (Community clinic, 100 Bed Hospital, tertiary hospital) 28 7. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Survey ( 8. Surgeons Over Seas (SOS) PediPIPES ( 9. SOS PIPES ( 10. WHO Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care: Basic (Health Outposts, Clinics, General practitioner hospitals, specialty hospitals, tertiary hospitals) 29 11. WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery: Local Health Center, District Hospital, Tertiary Hospital 30 12. WHO Surgical Care at the District Hospital Chapter 15 31 13. WHO Service Availability and Readiness Assessment ( 14. WHO Situational Analysis Tool ( 27 REFERENCES 1. Sahyog JS. JSS Activities: Clinical Services. 2014; 2014(10/2014). 2. Bhutta ZA, Memon ZA, Soofi S, Salat MS, Cousens S, Martines J. Implementing communitybased perinatal care: results from a pilot study in rural Pakistan. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2008; 86(6): 452-9. 3. Partners WH. Engaging Private Providers to Improve Management of Tuberculosis, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Childhood Pneumonia, and Diarrhea. World Health Partners Report 2014. 4. A H. An approach to reaching the poor and disadvantaged to promote health equity in rural Bangladesh. BRAC Health Research Report 2004. 5. Ajayi OO. The Imperatives for a Community in Search of Health Development. Primary Health Care in Western Nigeria 1977-2007 2007: 1-9. 6. Bloomfield GS, Vedanthan R, Vasudevan L, Kithei A, Were M, Velazquez EJ. Mobile health for non-communicable diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of the literature and strategic framework for research. Globalization and health 2014; 10(1): 49. 7. Afsana KM, S; Aziz, M; Rahman, M; Hossain, M. An affordable and sustainable transport system: solution to address the second delay. South Asia Institute at Harvard Abstract 2012. 8. School BCaHM. Surgical Referral Systems with BRAC in Bangladesh. Lancet Commission on Global Surgery Teaching Cases; 7. 9. Nahar S, Banu M, Nasreen HE. 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Jayaraman S, Mabweijano JR, Lipnick MS, et al. First things first: effectiveness and scalability of a basic prehospital trauma care program for lay first-responders in Kampala, Uganda. PLoS One 2009; 4(9): e6955. 15. Chatterjee P. India’s deadly roads. BMJ: British Medical Journal 2013; 347. 16. Murad MK, Husum H. Trained lay first responders reduce trauma mortality: a controlled study of rural trauma in Iraq. Prehospital and disaster medicine 2010; 25(06): 533-9. 17. Malkin RA, Whittle C. Biomedical Equipment Technician Capacity Building Using a Unique Evidence-Based Curriculum Improves Healthcare. Journal of Clinical Engineering 2014; 39(1): 37-44. 18. Magee Jr WP. Evolution of a sustainable surgical delivery model. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2010; 21(5): 1321-6. 19. Campbell A, Restrepo C, Mackay D, et al. Scalable, Sustainable Cost-Effective Surgical Care: A Model for Safety and Quality in the Developing World, Part II: Program Development and Quality Care. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2014; 25(5): 1680-4. 20. Magee WP, Raimondi HM, Beers M, Koech MC. Effectiveness of international surgical program model to build local sustainability. Plastic surgery international 2012; 2012. 21. Muntz HR, Meier JD. The financial impact of unrepaired cleft lip and palate in the Philippines. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 2013; 77(12): 1925-8. 22. Khajanchi MU, Shah H, Thakkar P, Gerdin M, Roy N. Unmet Burden of Cleft Lip and Palate in Rural Gujarat, India: A Population-Based Study. World journal of surgery 2014: 1-6. 23. Sharp HM, Canady JW, Ligot FAC, Hague RA, Gutierrez J, Gutierrez J. Caregiver and patient reported outcomes after repair of cleft lip and/or palate in the Philippines. The Cleft PalateCraniofacial Journal 2008; 45(2): 163-71. 24. Watters DAK, Ewing H, McCaig E. Three phases of the Pacific Islands Project (1995–2010). ANZ journal of surgery 2012; 82(5): 318-24. 28 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 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Organization WH. WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery. WHO Report 2008; (First Edition). World Health O. Surgical care at the district hospital: World Health Organization; 2003. 29 Appendix 2.2: Situational Analysis Tool KATHLEEN O’NEILL, KIMBERLY M. DANIELS, SARAH GREENBERG AND NAKUL RAYKAR BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization’s Emergency and Essential Surgical Care Situational Analysis Tool (SAT) database is the largest multi-country dataset of surgical infrastructure and workforce. It represents a convenience sample of self and researcher-reported facility surveys from participating nations and organizations. At the first meeting of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, a working group of experts theorized that performance of caesarean section, laparotomy and open fracture repair (the Bellwether Procedures) at the facility level would indicate the presence of systems, resources, and skill sets needed to treat a broad range of additional essential and emergent surgical conditions. The SAT database was used to (1) assess the utility of these core indicator procedures to predict the performance of a wide range of other surgical services and (2) gain insight into the infrastructure of reporting facilities that offer surgical services. METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of facility-level survey data of the WHO SAT database. The SAT itself has a total of 256 unique data points within the categories of facility demographics, infrastructure, human resources, equipment and supplies, and procedure performance. At the time of our analysis in April 2014, the WHO SAT database contained information from 1357 unique facilities in 54 different countries. Since inception of the SAT in 2007, there has been one revision of the survey. Our analysis included data from both the initial survey (968 facilities), as well as the revised survey (389 facilities). When analysis is restricted solely to hospital level facilities, there were 1009 facilities in 52 countries. We made several small changes, described below, to the categorization and presentation of data from the second version so that it could be analyzed in concert with data from the first version. There were slight variations between the two survey versions. The first version used ranges to estimate the number of operating rooms (ORs), admissions, beds, average distance travelled and the estimated population served. In the second version, these data points were collected as exact numbers. For our analysis, the middle point of each range from the first survey was used for ease of comparison and computation using both datasets. In addition, there were minor changes to the ways in which facilities were classified between the two survey versions. In the second version, the category “District/Rural/Community Hospital” was split into “Subdistrict/Community Hospital” and “District/Rural Hospital.” For our analysis, these two categories were re-combined to match the first survey version. Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) version 9.3 and Stata 12 were used to calculate conditional probabilities with confidence intervals to determine the strength of relationships between performance of the bellwether procedures (both as a group of three as well as individually) and performance of each of the other surgical procedures included in the SAT. Procedures included within the SAT are what we define as “essential and emergent surgical procedures.” The p-values were calculated for the hypothesis that the conditional frequency will not be random (>50%). In addition, we used the same method to analyse other data points gathered in the WHO SAT including infrastructure availability as well as the estimated distances that patients travel to get to each facility. 30 RESULTS: Table 1. Demographics of all facilities in the database FACILITY INFORMATION COUNTRY INCOME GROUPING* LIC LMIC UMIC HIC Total – N (%) 155 87 52 396 93 10 793 (58) 7 5 5 3 4 0 24 (2) 50 4 0 1 0 0 55 (4) 316 (23) 549 (40) 86 (6) 133 (10) 241 (18) 32 (2) 1357 Type of facility Health centre District/Rural/Community Hospital Provincial Hospital General/Teaching Hospital Private/NGO/Mission Hospital No response Total – N (%) 104 142 29 44 144 22 485 (36) 31 Table 2. Proportion of Hospitals with a Blood Bank Income Status Surveys % Blood Bank 626 # Hospitals Reporting Blood Bank 175 LIC LMIC 361 97 26.87 27.96 Median Distance to a Facility that Provides These Procedures 100 Kilometers 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 C-section Laparotomy Open Fracture Figure 1. Distance to facilities that offer the Bellwether procedures. Horizontal line indicates median, box indicates interquartile range. 32 0 Acute burn management Amputation Appendectomy Biopsy Cataract surgery Chest tube insertion Cleft lip Closed treatment of fracture Clubfoot repair Contracture release/Skin Grafting Cricothyroidotomy/Tracheostomy Cystostomy Dilatation and Curettage Drainage of osteomyelitis/septic… General anesthesia Hernia Hydrocele Incision & drainage of abscess Joint dislocation treatment Ketamine IV anesthesia Male circumcision Neonatal surgery Obstetric fistula Regional anesthesia Removal of foreign body Resuscitation Spinal anesthesia Suturing for wounds Tubal ligation/Vasectomy Urethral stricture dilatation Wound debridement Conditional Frequency 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Figure 2. Frequency of performance of essential and emergent surgical procedures at facilities that perform the three Bellwether procedures. 33 Median Distance (km) to a Hospital in Each Income Level 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Low Middle High Figure 3. Distance to a hospital. Median and Interquartile Range of the distance to a hospital per the WHO Situational Analysis Tool database. Distance range for each income level: Low: 0 to 5000, Middle: 0 to 760, and High: 10 to 20. Physical Infrastructure (% Hospitals Reporting Absence) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 4. Proportion of hospitals reporting the absence of physical infrastructure 34 Equipment (% Hospitals Reporting Absence) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 HB/Urine Test Autoclave Oxygen Concentrator Anesthesia Machine Figure 5. Proportion of Hospitals Reporting an Absence of Equipment Pulse Oxymeter Supplies (% Hospitals Reporting Absence) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Adult ETT Sterile Gloves Exam Gloves Figure 6. Proportion of Hospitals Reporting an Absence of Supplies Eye Protection 35 Appendix 2.3: Infrastructure Literature Review PENELOPE MILSOM, SWAGOTO MUKHOPADHYAY, FREDERICK FEDERSPIEL, SARAH LM GREENBERG, AND NAKUL RAYKAR BACKGROUND The provision of surgical care requires basic infrastructural, equipment, and supply needs. Several survey methodologies have been developed to assess surgical infrastructure in LMICs. We perform a systematic review of the published literature on this topic. METHODS Search Strategy We searched Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane, WHOLIS, and five regional databases (AIM, LILAC, IMEMR, IMSEAR and WPRIM) for studies published with data collected after 1999 that described existing comprehensive surgical care delivery in LMICs and the necessary equipment and supplies to safely and effectively provide these services. The PubMed search string included a search for titles and abstracts including any of the existing published standardized surgical infrastructure assessment tools including the Tool for Situational Analysis to Access to Emergency and Essential Surgical Care, the Service Availability and Readiness Assessment, the Personnel, Infrastructure, Procedures, Equipment and Supplies assessment and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative tool. It also included 9 MeSH terms for variations on surgery, anaesthesia and caesarean section, and 7 MeSH terms for variations on health services, equipment and supplies and 142 MeSH terms for developing countries, including all 139 low, low-middle and high-middle income countries as classified by the World Bank. This search string was adapted for use in all other data bases searched. Across all nine databases our search yielded a total of 4293 publications after removal of duplicates. All articles and citations were downloaded to Endnote (Version X4) for initial screening and sorting. Additional to the database review, the WHO Emergency and Essential Surgical Care list of research publications by topic was searched yielding an additional 6 non-duplicate articles. The WHO health statistic and information systems Service Availability And Readiness Assessment tool webpage was also searched yielding an additional 6 relevant, non-duplicate publications. References of included publications were also assessed for relevant articles and resulted in a further 12 articles being included. In total 4319 publications were included in the initial screening phase. Articles were screened based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria outlined below. Inclusion criteria: • English language • Studies reporting data collected after 1999 • Surveys that specifically report on quantitative data that describes provision of comprehensive surgical services and availability of equipment and supplies essential to comprehensive surgical care delivery in LMICs • Surveys expressing comprehensive surgical care delivery and/or availability of equipment and supplies essential for comprehensive surgery as a percentage or fraction of all hospitals surveyed or reporting data that can be converted to such • Surveys that disaggregate data by facility type and report data on hospitals (of any level) 36 • Surveys of as few as one hospital were included Exclusion criteria: • Surveys reporting on ophthalmological services • Surveys only reporting population or national level data • Surveys reporting only on non-hospital facilities including health centres, primary health care centres/ facilities not deemed suitable for the safe and effective provision of comprehensive surgical and anaesthetic care • Surveys that aggregate all healthcare facilities types during analysis • Surveys inclusive of facility level infrastructure data in LMICs but focused on readiness for medical health care delivery with no mention of surgical or anaesthetic services available within the facilities surveyed (e.g. management of sepsis) • Surveys primarily reporting on comprehensive EmoC without discussion of other surgical service availability • Studies providing only descriptive information on surgical and anaesthesia infrastructure Screening and data extraction Initial screening involved a systematic review of all publication titles by two independent reviewers based on the discussed inclusion and exclusion criteria. When article titles were ambiguous, reviewers examined the abstract to ascertain their suitability for inclusion. For those articles considered relevant by both reviewers after the initial screen, the full texts were retrieved for a complete review and potential data extraction. For those articles on which the reviewers initially disagreed, the decision to include the article was made after three reviewers read the abstract and a consensus reached. A total of 184 publications were selected for retrieval in full-text and examined by a single reviewer before the final decision to include the articles was made. After full-text reviews were completed a total of 46 articles were ultimately selected for inclusion. Data was extracted from each article by three trained coders using a standardized Excel spreadsheet containing variables on the country surveyed, hospital type and number, the surgical infrastructure tool used, provision of 3 essential comprehensive surgical procedures, basic hospital infrastructure, surgical equipment and supplies, anaesthetic equipment and supplies, blood bank services and ICU services. Where the original article did not present results as a percentage value, this was calculated for each variable using the number of responding hospitals as the denominator. When possible, data was presented both disaggregated by hospital type and as a calculated weighted average. Table 1. Screening process Total identified PubMed Embase Regional* WHOLIS Cochrane Library WHO Emergency and Essential Surgery publication list WHO Health Statistic & Information website References Number of records retrieved in full text Number of records included after reading full text 3234 534 99 16 429 14 Number of unique records identified and screened (title/abstract) 3234 531 99 0 429 6 157 1 0 0 0 6 32 0 0 0 0 4 8 8 8 6 14 Total 4348 12 Total 4319 12 Total 184 4 Total 46 37 Variable definitions Essential Surgery To date no consensus has been reached on a single definition of essential surgery. For the purposes of this review we selected three acute, emergent surgical procedures to indicate the current state of essential, comprehensive surgical service provision at a facility level. These include laparotomy, treatment of an open fracture and caesarean section. These procedures were specifically selected by the Lancet Commission researchers based on the rationale that if a facility can provide these services, it is a reasonable assumption that they either do perform or at least have the capacity to perform most other general surgical, orthopaedic and obstetric procedures. Health care facilities A consensus was reached amongst the researchers that district hospitals were considered the lowest level facility capable of safely providing comprehensive surgical services. Therefore this literature review reports data only on district hospitals and above. Level of facility was disaggregated using the WHO definitions as described below. WHO definitions of District Hospitals, Regional Hospitals, and Referral-level hospitals were used ( District hospital: hospitals with few specialties usually including obstetrics and general surgery. Receives referrals from primary health care centres. Functionally similar to rural and community hospitals. Regional hospitals: hospitals with a greater differentiation by function and 5-10 specialty services provided. Functionally similar to provincial, and general hospitals. Referral-level hospitals: hospitals with highly specialized staff and equipment and highly differentiated by function. Functionally similar to national, central and academic, teaching or university hospitals. Basic surgical and anaesthetic infrastructure, equipment and supplies Selection of relevant variables for data extraction was based on a review of the existing published standardized survey tools available for assessing surgical capacity. These include the WHO Tool for Situational Analysis to Assess Emergency and Essential Surgical Care, the Surgeons OverSeas Personnel, Infrastructure, Procedures, Equipment and Supplies tool, the WHO Service Availability and Readiness Assessment tool, the Harvard Health Initiative Burden of Surgical Care Survey. Attempts were made to develop common variables that would capture as much of the heterogeneous data as possible from across all the mentioned survey tools. See appendix 2 for a complete list of the variable definitions. 38 SELECTED RESULTS Table 2. Percentage of hospitals providing comprehensive surgery 39 Table 2A. Percentage of hospitals with basic infrastructure for surgery 40 Table 2B. Percentage of hospitals with basic infrastructure for surgery 41 Table 3A. Percentage of Hospitals with safe anaesthetic equipment and supplies Laryngoscope* Country Author Tool used★ Number of hospitals∞ by hospital type (%) ∞ total (%) WHO Trauma 16(PM), 9(D), 2(RF) Botswana Hanche-Olsen, 2012 94(PM), 100(D), 100(RF) 96 Nigeria Adudu, 2012 unique 30(NS) x 100 Zambia MoH, 2010 SARA 28(D), 8(RG), 3(RF) 65(D), 88(RG), 67(RF) 70 Somalia Elkheir, 2014 WHO 5(PR), 5(P), 3(RG) x 21 LMIC countries with data LMIC without hospital level data 4 135 * largynoscope reported as being available in the hospitals ∞ D= district, RG= regional, RF= referral, P=private, PR= provincial, PM= primary hospital, NGO= non-government organization, NS= non-specified weighted average type of systematic tool used to assess surgical and anaesthetic infrastructure, WHO= Tool for Situational Analysis to Assess Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (WHO), PIPES= Surgeons Pesonnel, Infrastructure, Procedures, Equipment and Supplies (Surgeons OverSeas), SARA=Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (WHO), HHI= Burden of Surgical Care Survey (HHI), WHO Trauma= survey developed from WHO Guidelines for Essential Trauama Care, Unique= unique survey developed specifically for the given study 42 Table 3B. Percentage of hospitals with safe anaesthetic equipment Pulse oximeter* Country Author Tool used★ Number of hospitals∞ by hospital type (%) ∞ total (%) Bangladesh LeBrun, 2014 HHI 7(D) x 71 Bolivia LeBrun, 2014 HHI 11(D) x 100 Botswana Hanche-Olsen, 2012 WHO Trauma 16(PM), 9(D), 2(RF) x 85 HHI 6(D) x 50 Ethiopia LeBrun, 2014 Liberia LeBrun, 2014 HHI 11(D) x 64 Nicaragua LeBrun, 2014 HHI 10(D) x 100 Nigeria Adudu, 2012 Unique 30(NS) x 100 PIPES 24 (D), 16(RG) 69(D), 90(RG) 77 Henry, 2012 Nigeria Rwanda LeBrun, 2014 HHI 21(D) x 57 Rwanda Notrica, 2011 Unique 21(D) x 57 Unique 4(D), 3(RG), 2(RF) 57(D, RG), 100(RF) 43 WHO 48(US) x 17 Tanzania Baker, 2013 Tanzania Peyonr, 2012 Uganda LeBrun, 2014 HHI 12(D) x 0 Zambia Bowman, 2013 WHO 79(D), 20(RG), 4(RF) x 54 Zambia Jochberger, 2008 Unique 24(NS) x 40 LMIC countries with data LMIC without hospital level data 11 128 *Pulse oximeter reported as being available in the hospital ∞ D= district, RG= regional, RF= referral, P=private, PR= provincial, PM= primary hospital, NGO= non-government organization, NS= non-specified weighted average type of systematic tool used to assess surgical and anaesthetic infrastructure, WHO= Tool for Situational Analysis to Assess Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (WHO), PIPES= Surgeons Pesonnel, Infrastructure, Procedures, Equipment and Supplies (Surgeons OverSeas), SARA=Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (WHO), HHI= Burden of Surgical Care Survey (HHI), WHO Trauma= survey developed from WHO Guidelines for Essential Trauama Care, Unique= unique survey developed specifically for the given study 43 REFERENCES 1. 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Available at 20/8/14. 46 Appendix 2.4: The How Project NAKUL RAYKAR, RACHEL YORLETS, CHARLES LIU, ALIREZA SHIRAZIAN, DIMPLE MIRCHANDANI, SARAH GREENBERG, MEERA KOTAGAL, NOBHOJIT ROY, JOHN MEARA, ROWAN GILLIES BACKGROUND: The challenges in safe access to surgical and anaesthetic care worldwide are varied, differing across the context of local customs, environments, and resources. In initial conversations with surgeons from around the globe, the Commission repeatedly heard from frontline providers that their voice was not reflected in the published academic literature. The How Project was an attempt to elicit opinions, input, and involvement in the Commission process from healthcare workers, a powerful mechanism to provide a ‘reality check’ for the Commission. It provided a window into what clinicians and administrators see every day but do not write about. METHODS A semi-structured interview was designed in order to collect qualitative data from different types of providers in urban and rural facilities in low- and middle-income countries. An implementation manual was created to standardize the interview process, and interviewers were trained to ensure consistency in asking questions and recording data. Interviewers were recruited through contacts of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, and initial interviewees were identified through additional local contacts. Stratified purposive sampling and reputational case selection were used to identify the full set of contacts for interviews between urban and rural zones; data collection continued until saturation was reached in each country’s data. A coding manual was created to identify the major themes and sub-themes that arose from the interviews, and they were stratified by those involving access to safe, timely surgery and anaesthesia, in-hospital delivery of care, and policy and governance surrounding healthcare. The qualitative data was analysed using the coding manual, and this facilitated the summary of country-specific data, as well as the results from the overall project. Over 137 interviews were conducted in 19 countries: Argentina (5), Botswana (3), Brazil (10), China (14), Colombia (4), Ecuador (6), Ethiopia (10), India (15), Indonesia (1), Mexico (9), Mongolia (4), Namibia (2), Pakistan (11), Peru (5), Philippines (1), Sierra Leone (11), Thailand (2), Uganda (9), and Zimbabwe (15). RESULTS Tables 1-3 highlight prominent themes and workarounds in the areas of access, hospital and policy challenges. 47 Table 1. Access Challenges Access Challenge Patient financial constraints Geographic restrictions Patient education and delayed presentation Workarounds • Refer to public hospitals • Limit length of stay • Use less expensive materials and reduce unnecessary tests • Satellite clinics or community health workers for follow-up • Provide accommodations for family and pregnant women • Educate patients in their own language • Seminars and awareness campaigns Table 2. Hospital Challenges Hospital Challenge Insufficient infrastructure Limited resources Insufficient capacity Workarounds • Transfer • Torches, carry-on lights, and bucketed water • Improvise • Borrow • Re-sterilize single-use materials • Black market • Transfer • Work overtime Table 3. Policy and Governance Challenges Policy and Governance Challenge Lack of context-specificity Training programs Lack of provider incentives Workarounds • Protocols that require unavailable supplies • No relevant standardized practices • Priorities do not align with distribution of burden • Programs are few, and of poor quality • Limited continuing education • Low pay and long hours without support staff • Bans on recruitment • Medical malpractice 48 Appendix 2.5: Provider Surveys Summary RACHEL YORLETS, SARAH GREENBERG, NAKUL RAYKAR, AND IAIN WILSON BACKGROUND In addition to the How Project, which used interview-based methodology to examine the challenges inherent to the delivery of surgical and anaesthetic care and their workarounds, the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery conducted an online Provider Survey. We asked frontline providers working in or with experience working in low-resource areas their thoughts, opinions, and inputs on the state of surgical care delivery, key obstacles, metrics to track progress, and strategies for improvement. METHODS This questionnaire was designed in REDCap, and offered to all levels of providers in all countries, and specifically asked about time spent practicing in low- and middle-income countries. It was translated, and offered in the 6 WHO languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. It was widely distributed through a number of channels. Results were then compiled at the beginning of September 2014, and the quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. No identifiable data were collected or presented. The purpose of this questionnaire was to learn about perceptions, celebrate the current workarounds that providers use, while highlighting areas of need, and engaging a wider audience in the overall process of the Commission. RESULTS Demographics of Participants The first questions asked participants whether or not they worked in an LMIC for the majority of the time, and in which country they worked. For those who did not spend most of their time working in LMICs, the majority of them (68%) said that they had spent less than 6 months working in an LMIC during the previous two years. From this data, we identified that 133 participants were from high-income countries, and were discussing their time working as part of a visiting team. A total of 666 providers from 72 different countries responded to the questionnaire. Most (79%) providers said that they worked in a healthcare facility in an urban area, while few (17%) said that they work in a rural area. Most commonly, respondents said that they work in a teaching or tertiary hospital (46%) or a private facility (24%). Most respondents (79%) were doctors, and almost half of all respondents (49%) said that their specialty was surgery, while about a third (30%) said they specialized in anaesthesia. 49 Perceptions of surgery and anaesthesia within country of practice. When asked if at least 90% of people in their country have access to safe, high-quality, affordable surgery and anaesthesia when needed, most (85%) said no, while few said yes (10%) or that they did not know (5%). These answers align with those received when we asked providers to describe their Ministry of Health’s focus on access to surgical services: the majority said that it was either a moderate (27%) or low (37%) priority, while some (16%) said it was not a priority at all. When asked to describe the practice of surgery and anaesthesia in at least 90% of hospitals in their country, both were considered by respondents to be mostly safe: Very safe Mostly safe Mostly not safe Very unsafe I do not know Surgery 4% 56% 26% 2% 12% Anesthesia 8% 50% 27% 6% 9% Table 1. Perceptions of surgery and anaesthesia Role of outside resources Participants were asked what role non-governmental organizations, industry, and the private sector should have in helping to deliver surgical services. Table 2. Role of outside resources Improving accessibility Addressing inhospital challenges NGOs • • • • • Policy & governance reform • • • Provide ambulances Advocacy campaigns Provide skilled workforce and new facilities Create low-cost alternatives Help promote selfsufficiency Create quality and safety standards Facilitate education Define priorities and pathways for implementation Industry • Provide educational literature • Improve roads • Sponsor patients for procedures • Provide high-quality equipment and maintenance • Reduce costs and increase production and distribution • Increase capacity • Support conferences • Identify opportunities for efficiency, quality control • Avoid giving money • Corporate responsibility Private Sector • Advocacy campaigns • Waive or reduce costs of care • Provide ambulances and roads • Provide trained workforce • Reduce waiting lists • Create an “ideal” environment for safe surgery and anesthesia • Partner with medical schools to facilitate training • Provide expertise • Build and maintain highquality facilities 50 Appendix 2.6: Blood An estimation of Optimal Blood Donation Rate and a Review of the Blood Supply Literature KATHERINE KRALIEVITS, NAKUL RAYKAR, MARK SHRIME, NOBHOJIT ROY, ROWAN GILLIES, JOHN MEARA Background: Blood is an essential need for surgery; a safe and adequate blood supply is an essential need for a surgical system. Massive disparity exists in the safety and adequacy of the global blood supply. The WHO recommends at least 10 units/1000 population as a population donation rate. We undertook a literature review to assess the current state of blood donation, banking and safety worldwide, and performed a regression analysis to find an optimum target blood donation rate. Methods: Optimum Blood Donation Rate Methods: Life expectancy data was obtained from the World Bank global indicator database ( Data on blood donation rates per country was obtained from the World Health Organization from Global Database on Blood Safety ( Missing values per country were imputed based on a linear regression of blood donation rate against gross domestic product. Blood donation rate was then log-transformed and a linear regression was fitted of the form LE = ln(donation rate) + e. The resultant fit had an R2 value of 0.602. Literature Review Methods: A review of the literature was conducted using electronic databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE and Google Scholar. Search terms used were “blood donor”, “blood donation”, “blood safety”, “blood bank”, “transfusion safety”, “blood services”. Advanced search options were used to streamline results for the low-resource setting or LMICs. Additionally, World Health Organization reports, country-specific Ministry of Health websites and national blood services websites were searched. Specifically, data targeted on these websites were indicators for comparing the blood supply across countries: donation rate, % voluntary non-remunerated donors, number of blood banks/centres, and national blood policies. Both quantitative and descriptive data was used for inclusion in the summary table. Results: Figure 1 presents the regression output. Figures 2 and 3 highlight the disparity in blood donation rates from around the country from existing data.Table 1 presents the results of the literature review. 51 Figure 1. Optimal Donation Rate Life expectancy fitted to a linear regression against blood donation rate. There is not a single ‘optimal blood donation rate, though a rate of 15 donations/1000 people/year correlates with diminishing returns on life expectancy. Figure 2. Blood Donation Rates per World Bank Income group Range of annual blood donation rates/1000 population in low, middle and high-income countries. Yellow line denotes average for that income group. Source: World Health Organization 52 Figure 3. Map of worldwide blood donation rates Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, has critically low donation rates. Source: World Health Organization 53 Table 1. Review of Global Blood Supply and Safety BDR per 1000 % VNRBD No. Blood Banks National Policy Country Income Group Afghanistan Low Income 30550000 0.8 5 8 Yes Benin Low Income 10050702 6.6 92.1 2 Yes Burkina Faso Low Income 16460141 3.7 100 4 Yes Population Notes 243 facilities total (27 public, 105 private); 63% in urban cities (24% in Kabul); private facilities less likely to have adequate supplies (GF Mansoor et al. 2013) 33.5% of donors harbored trophozoites and were capable of transmitting malaria via blood donation (Kinde-Gazard et al. 2014) The National Blood Transfusion Centre of Burkina Faso (CNTS) established centralized system with four regional blood transfusion centres; however, 40% of the blood was collected in other institutions, mostly hospitals relying on family⁄replacement donors (Dahourou et al. 2010). 24.0% of donors infected with at least one TTI; NAT might significantly improve the situation. (Nagalo et al. 2012) Burundi Cambodia Low Income Low Income 9849569 14864646 4.4 3.1 99.9 80.4 7 23 Central African Republic Low Income 4525209 2.5 68 2 Chad Low Income 12448175 2.7 4.7 43 Yes Yes Comoros Low Income 717503 3.7 15.7 5 Yes Congo, Dem. Rep Low Income 65705093 4.7 35.5 577 Yes Eritrea Low Income 6130922 2.8 88.4 1 Yes 91728849 0.6 23.5 14 Yes 1791225 7.2 24.1 7 Yes 11451273 2.4 14.7 19 1663558 2.7 19.9 7 Ethiopia Gambia, The Guinea Guinea-Bisau Low Income Low Income Low Income Low Income No KAP: blood is one’s “power” and when someone donates, he or she loses power and gives it to someone else; in Cambodia, more than 80% of the blood is donated by foreigners. (Keating et al. 2012) 9% of blood supply infected with TTIs (Cambodia MOH) WHO supports the establishment of a centralized national transfusion service; donates test kits, blood bags, and consumables (WHO 2014) There is a national infection control policy for blood banks. All donated blood units (including family donations) and blood products nationwide are screened for hepatitis B, but not for hepatitis C (Global Policy Report On The Prevention And Control Of Viral Hepatitis) 4.7% of the donors positive for HIV, 5.4% for HBV and 3.7% for syphilis; lower in VNRBD (A Batina et al. 2007) Over all prevalence of TTI's is 3.8% 3.5% in voluntary blood donors and 5.1% in family replacement donors (Fessehaye et al. 2011) Prevalence of HIV is 4·3% in blood donor pool (Kassu et al. 2006). Prevalence of hepatitis C is 1.1% and lower than average in SSA (CI Mboto et al. 2005) 14.81% of blood discared due to TTIs; 2.2% of donors infected with HIV (WHO GDBS 2012) No Haiti Low Income 10173775 0.7 85 31 Yes The Haitian blood service, in conjunction with the Haitian Red Cross, used mobile blood drives to meet blood donors in secure parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince (PEPFAR) Kenya Low 43178141 3.5 100 6 Yes Blood donations from volunteer donors nearly 54 Income Korea, Dem Rep. Low Income 24763188 Liberia Low Income 4190435 Madagascar Low Income 22293914 1.2 18.4 42 Yes Malawi Low Income 15906483 5.5 57.3 38 Yes Mali Low Income 14853572 3.1 30.4 7 Yes Mozambique Low Income 25203395 4.7 61.2 149 Yes Myanmar Low Income 52797319 1.1 359 Yes Nepal Low Income 27474377 3.2 5.2 70 Yes Niger Low Income 17157042 3.5 36.3 5 Rwanda Low Income 11457801 5 15 Yes Yes 3.6 100 3 Yes tripled in two years, from 43,000 units to 117,482 units. The NBTS now supplies 125 healthcare facilities with at least 80 percent of their blood needs, up from only eight sites in 2004 (PEPFAR). Very little information available; BTS is a centrally coordinated and monitored blood transfusion service under the Ministry of Public Health (Choudbury 2011). The national Blood Transfusion Service is not well developed; capacity for transfusing, storing and managing blood is limited. (WHO 2012) Prevalence of HBV in blood supply 3.84% (RZ Arivelo et al. 2011) Mean Hb of transfused patients was 4·8 g/dl. Fifty-seven percent of the transfusions were given to children diagnosed with malaria, and 17% were given to pregnant women. During the study period, blood was in stock and available for transfusion within 1 h of requisition (HF Bugge et al. 2013). Rate of positive donations per blood unit collected was 2.6% for HIV, 3.3% for HCV, 13.9% for HBV and 0.3% for syphilis (A Diarra et al. 2009) Prevalence of HIV, HBV and syphilis infections was 8.5%, 10.6 % and 1.2% (J Stokx et al. 2011) National Blood Center at Yangon is the technical hub for development of the BTS in the country. Blood and blood product law was enacted in 2003 for implementing regulatory mechanism in the country. The Blood Policy is in the stage of finalization and subsequent implementation. Voluntary blood donation in the country is about 85%. National Blood Center coordinates with Red Cross and other organizations for voluntary blood donation. It distributes components only in the capital Yangon and more than 20,000 blood units are distributed per year. As per the report of 2007, 100% blood units are tested for HIV and syphilis infections. However, only 85 and 65% blood units are tested for HBsAg and anti HCV antibody, respectively (Choudbury 2011). There are about 70 blood centres in 50 districts; no blood banks in 25 districts. There is one Central Blood Transfusion service in the capital Kathmandu and four regional BTS (Pokhra, Nepalganj, Biratnagar, Citwan). There are 21 district blood transfusion services; 19 emergency BTS and 25 hospitalbased blood transfusion services. The central blood transfusion service at Kathmandu collects more than 300 units per day and out of which about 200-250 units are collected from mobile blood collection units. National blood policy was enacted in 2006 and national guideline for BTS was published in 2008 (Choudbury 2011). More than 75% of blood donors are less than 30 years of age; mean ages are 10 – 15 years less than those observed in European countries (Tagney et al. 2009). 55 Sierra Leone Somalia Low Income Low Income 5978727 5.2 10195134 2.4 9.7 30 Yes 36 Yes The Blood Service of Tajikistan is composed of 1 Republican Research Blood Centre, 3 regional centres, 44 departments of blood transfusion in medical establishments and 29 cabinets of transfusion therapy. To ensure quality and safety, the decision was made to centralize the collection of blood at two regional blood centres and to re-organize the departments of blood transfusion into departments of clinical transfusiology and transfusion therapy. The new organizational structure will be upgraded with modern technologies, to provide an increased quality output. Tajikistan Low Income 8008990 5 47 Yes Tanzania Low Income 47783107 2.7 94.9 7 Yes Togo Low Income 6642928 5.9 98.3 4 Yes Uganda Low Income 36345860 6 100 7 Yes Zimbabwe Low Income 13724317 5.1 100 8 Yes Armenia LowerMiddle Income 2969081 4.2 4 Bhutan LowerMiddle Income 741822 10.8 46 Yes 27 Yes In 2009, the government adopted the law on donating blood and its components, and approved a programme to develop blood donation and improve the blood services for the period 2010–2014. It also adopted a programme for blood safety control and a programme for the rational use of blood. The number of donations did undergo substantial decrease from 32/1000 population in 1991, to 5/1000 in 2009. The quality of work on recruitment, selection and retention of safe donors needs to be urgently scaled up, considering also the 5.04% discard rate of collected blood due to infectious markers (WHO EURO 2010). Criteria for blood transfusion are not always fulfilled; time to initiate and complete the transfusion is often unacceptable long and monitoring of vital signs during transfusion is poor. Blood from the blood bank was often not available and transfusion often depended on local donors which implied lack of screening for hepatitis B and C (D Mosha et al. 2009). In 2003, 24% of the blood products were rejected for positive viral markers against 8.37% in 2008 in relation with the improvement of blood safety (AY Ségbéna et al. 2009). "Bottleneck": limited amount of blood makes it from blood bank to hospital (I Kajja et al. 2010) The Club 25 concept where teenagers 16 years and above are encouraged to donate 25 times in their life times, has increased voluntary units of blood and forms a vital part of the NBTS (Mvere, 2002). In 2009, 12 560 units of blood were collected, of which 54.6% from paid donors (US$ 30 is paid per donation), 40.4% from family/ replacement donors and 5% from voluntary non-remunerated donors (WHO EURO 2012). All blood banks are hospital based and managed by the Royal Bhutan Government. There are two qualified and dedicated transfusion medicine specialists in the country and there are other trained doctors to run the BTS. Because of geographical terrain, 50% blood donation from relative donors, 56 inconsistent supplies of test reagents and consumables and awareness on rational use of blood/ components by clinicians and nurses (Choudhury 2011). Bolivia Cameroon LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income 10496285 7 35.1 19 Yes 21699631 2.7 10 15 No No Cabo Verde LowerMiddle Income 494401 5.6 77.3 2 Congo, Rep. LowerMiddle Income 4337051 10.1 35.5 23 Côte d'Ivoire LowerMiddle Income 19839750 4.5 100 14 Djibouti LowerMiddle Income 859652 3.1 20 1 Yes Egypt, Arab Rep. LowerMiddle Income 80721874 8.8 63.6 100 Yes El Salvador LowerMiddle Income 6297394 13.43 11.7 27 No Georgia LowerMiddle Income 4490700 7.9 5 Ghana LowerMiddle Income 25366462 5.4 27.1 15082831 6.53 4.51 62 Yes 795369 10.1 80 6 Yes 7935846 7.8 17.38 22 Yes Guatemala Guyana Honduras LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle 2 Yes Yes Blood seen as something common to families and kin and to possess inherited character and physical traits Absence of national blood transfusion policy; deficit in number and training of blood bank staff and in the number of facilities; deficient supply of reagents to the laboratories; inadequate application of asepsis and sterilization rules in health centres (National Strategic Plan Against AIDS) The most frequent reason for donor deferral was a low hemoglobin level (42.5%), with females constituting the majority of those deferred. The second most frequent reason for deferral was a reported change of or new sexual partner (34.3%); male donors were predominant in this group (MD Kouao et al. 2012). Blood transfusion system is based on family donors (one tested unit of blood for every two untested units donated); spontaneous donations mainly from the police and army personnel account for only 20% of the 2500 units collected each year (O Erhabor et al. 2011). Blood safety presents a serious challenge in Egypt, having the highest recorded prevalence of HCV antibodies in the world. Prevalence of HCV was reported to be 20% among healthy populations (D Omran et al. 2013). No paid donors; majority replacement/family (Cruz et al. 2003). Blood transfusion system is privately managed and there is government funding for blood donation and tests. The main challenges are a lack of modern quality assurance systems in the blood service, frequent use of rapid tests for blood borne pathogen identification, and paid donation. In addition, there is a very high prevalence (approximately 6%) of Hepatitis C carriers (WHO EURO 2012). In rural hospital, all donors were family or replacement donors. Positivity rates for infectious disease markers were 7.5% for HBV, 6.1% for hepatitis C virus, 3.9% for HIV, and 4.7% for syphilis; lack of refrigeration and difficulties in sample labeling, storage of blood and laboratory supplies, and disposal of waste (Kubio et al. 2012) 1 in 286 donations tested positive for antibodies to T cruzi (Bwititi et al. 2012) 57 Income Indonesia LowerMiddle Income 246864191 8 82 312 Yes 211 blood banks under Indonesian Red Cross (IRC) and another 150 hospital-based blood banks under government control. Governmentcontrolled blood banks are gradually becoming operational and IRC blood banks take care of major part of the blood supply. IRC blood banks collect more than 2 million units per year and 87% donation comes from voluntary source. About 70% of total collection is separated into components (Choudbury 2011). Collecting blood is difficult during Ramadan. Low haemoglobin levels and low body weight in females contributes to the low proportion of females in the donor population. Problems include limited facilities and an inadequate system to promote voluntary donation. Financial resources are also limited and a significant constraint to improving the overall system (WHO Global Consulation 2009). The India BTS is highly fragmented and there are about 2750 blood banks in the country in an unofficial estimate. Nationally coordinated by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) which is under government of India. India Kiribati Kosovo Kyrgyzstan LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income 1236686732 4 80 2545 Yes 100786 Yes 1807106 Yes 5607200 45 Yes There are about 940 (39.4%) blood banks managed by the central or provincial governments; 376 (14.4%) blood banks are voluntary in nature; 753 (28.8%) blood banks are private, hospital-based blood banks and 540 (20.7%) blood banks are designated as private charitable type. About 35% blood units are separated into components and all collected units are tested for five transfusion-associated infections as on record. BTS in India is in fairly advanced stage which is mainly concentrated in metros and major cities. BTS at sub-urban and rural areas need improvement. National blood policy was adopted in 2003 and firm regulatory mechanism is in place (Choudbury 2011). All donated blood units (including family donations) and blood products nationwide are screened for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. HBV prevalence among donors is 4.2%; HCV prevalence is 0.3% (Fejza et al. 2009). The blood services in Kyrgyzstan are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Health. There is one new large Republican Blood Centre, 5 regional blood centres, and 39 local clinical transfusion departments. There is also one bus for blood drives. In 2009, 4141 litres of blood (13.79 % of the total amount of collected blood) were rejected mainly due to positive tests for hepatitis B (WHO EURO 2010). Lao PDR LowerMiddle 6645827 4.8 60 66 Yes 58 Income Lesotho Mauritania Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Moldova Mongolia Morocco Nicaragua LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income 2051545 2.1 93.8 1 Yes 70% of the blood is collected from blood collecting campaigns in institutions all around the country, whilst 25-30% is collected at the LBTS. Replacement/family donors form about 5%. About 20% of donors are first time donors interested in ascertaining their HIV status (Lesotho BTS). 3796141 2.5 31.3 1 Yes Mauritania discards 26.63% of blood supply due to TTIs (WHO GDBS 2012). 2796484 22 16.7 2796484 7.3 621081 6 80 5991733 12.12 103395 Yes Yes High prevalence (9.6%) of HCV among donors (Tserenpuntsag et al. 2010). 53 Yes Four blood banks in University hospitals closed down because of low collection volume; solution = mobile clinics 100 3 Yes Nigeria LowerMiddle Income 168833776 0.2 94.2 16 Yes Pakistan LowerMiddle Income 179160111 3.3 0 620 Yes 7167010 3.8 34 Yes 6687361 10.53 57 Yes 96706764 5.4 Papua New Guinea Paraguay Philippines Samoa LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income 188889 5.71 Willingness to donate was positively associated with being a male, single and Christian; more willing for family/friends than voluntarily (Sekoni et al. 2014) The BTS is not nationally coordinated and proper regulatory mechanism is not available. As per unofficial sources, there are 450 hospital-based blood banks and 2357 private blood banks. Many private blood banks maintain questionable quality standard and ethics. About 90% blood is collected from family replacement donors and out of which 10% comes thorough ‘unsafe’ paid donors. Disease burden among blood donor is high and needs screening of all units with sensitive tests. 20-40% blood collected is not even screened for disease markers especially in nonregulated private sectors. There are 13 regional blood centres and under which 78 hospitalbased blood banks are operating mainly in public sector. Two policies are designed, one at national and another in ground level. Proper degree or diploma courses in transfusion medicine for medical graduate and technologists are the need of the hour (Choudbury 2011). The Blood Transfusion Service remains fragmented and hospital-based, and the network is very weak (WHO 2014) Yes Red Cross provides 15% all blood donors and is advocating for a greater pool of voluntary blood donations (VNRBD). The majority of blood provided is from family replacement donors. All blood donors are screened for HIV, syphilis, HBV, and HCV (Global AIDS Country Progress Report) 59 São Tomé and Principe LowerMiddle Income Senegal LowerMiddle Income Solomon Islands South Sudan LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income 188098 13726021 5.4 4.5 53.4 79.4 1 18 Yes Does not carry out ABO serum grouping of the donations (WHO AFRO 2014). No Plasmodium represents the third most common risk in Senegalese donors of blood-transmitted infectious agents after HBV and syphilis, and more common than HCV and HIV (S Diop et al. 2009). 549598 10837527 77 hospital-based blood banks in public sectors and 6 blood banks in private sector. There is no stand-alone blood bank in NGO or private sector. There are a total of 83 blood banks across the country in 16 clusters. Sri Lankan BTS is the sole supplier of blood and components to all public sectors and majority of private sector hospitals. Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income 20328000 17.1 100 83 Yes 8.4 100 1 Yes The BTS has established a system of functional hospital transfusion committee in all hospitals. It has also established hemovigilance system and irradiation facility in the center (Choudhury 2011) Every month, on the day there is a full moon, people are encouraged to give blood. Social groups organize blood donation sessions on this day on their own premises - often temples, schools or universities – which results in 85% of all donations in Sri Lanka being collected at mobile sessions (WHO 2014). 37195349 1230985 In order to increase blood safety, WHO is providing essential reagents, diagnostic kits (rapid testing kits for Hep B and C, HIV), and equipment. The WHO procured safety blood kits for both the central blood bank and hardto-reach areas, including equipment for ELIZA testing for the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The current procured quantity will serve about 100,000 blood recipients (WHO 2014). Syrian Arab Republic LowerMiddle Income 22399254 Timor-Leste LowerMiddle Income 1148958 1.3 20 4 Yes Ukraine LowerMiddle Income 45593300 16 9 520 Yes Uzbekistan LowerMiddle Income 29774500 4 6 Yes Blood transfusion network includes 3 institutes, 24 regional blood centers, and 493 hospital based centers, many of which are currently being closed (WHO 2012). The national structure includes five regional blood centres and one national blood centre reporting to the Ministry of Health 27 blood transfusion stations and 187 blood transfusion departments in Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vietnam LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle 247262 88772900 8.6 93 4 Yes HBV is endemic in rural areas of Vietnam almost half of the population is or has been 60 Income West Bank and Gaza Yemen, Rep. Zambia Angola Albania Algeria American Samoa Argentina Azerbaijan Belarus Belize LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income LowerMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income infected. HCV is rare, but false negative test results cannot be ruled out. NAT for HBV should be considered for blood donor screening in Vietnam (L Viet et al. 2012). 4046901 No 23852409 Yes 14075099 6.8 20820525 5 2801681 5 38481705 11.9 99.9 19.3 9 31 Yes Yes Supply collected from 59.5% family replacement donors, and 19.3 % voluntary donors (78.5% first time donors). Since 2003, total blood collection has doubled, and unpaid donation has been raised 5.7 times (WHO EURO 2010). 187 55128 41086927 9295784 15.36 34.04 4.9 364 90 Yes Yes There are 70 blood service establishments, 4 blood banks and 86 blood banks for treatment prophylaxis. In the population, there is a sizeable prevalence of haemophilia, sickle cell anaemia and thalassemia. In 2008, law was passed for blood from only non-paid donors. There is no remuneration for donors other than in some cases travel expenses (WHO EURO 2010). 9464000 324060 12.96 6 Yes 100 Bosnia and Herzegovina UpperMiddle Income 3833916 10 Botswana UpperMiddle Income 2003910 10 Brazil UpperMiddle Income 198656019 18.9 Bulgaria UpperMiddle 7305888 19 100 59.66 12 Yes 2 Yes 585 Yes 56 Yes Blood donation campaigns are organized via the government, NGOs, the Association of Voluntary Blood Donors of Sarajevo canton, the Federal Red Cross, the private sector and media support. The Federal Red Cross organizes 10–12 blood donation campaigns per year in association with the Federal Institute (WHO EURO 2010). Blood banks in Brazil provide safe and reputable services for test seekers. In order to prevent people from going to blood banks for testing, offering alternative locations that provide comparable service is crucial. Male gender, lower education, and lower income were also significantly associated with test seeking (Oliveira et al. 2013). 61 Income China UpperMiddle Income 1350695000 4 99 452 Yes 452 centres (32 provincial, 321 regional, 99 county) Challenges: • Increasing clinical demand and shortage of supply • Seasonal blood supply shortage (summer and winter because majority of donors are college students) • Continuing existence of paid donations • Cultural barriers to donation (belief of loss of health and vitality from blood donation) • Idea of blood gifting / altruism • Inappropriate blood utilization (L Shi 2014) Colombia UpperMiddle Income 47704427 15.17 82.54 94 Yes Costa Rica UpperMiddle Income 4805295 12.96 61.5 34 No Cuba UpperMiddle Income 11270957 35.97 100 46 Yes 1 No 71684 13.4 8.93 10276621 8.4 18.24 58 Yes Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income 15492264 12.84 49.95 17 Yes TTI prevalence was 2.95%: Chagas disease 0.49%, HbsAg 0.21%, HCV 0.45%, HIV 0.12%, and syphilis 1.68%. Reactivity was more frequent in men with a mean age of 36.35 years. HIV was present in the youngest donors with a mean age of 26.5 year; Chagas disease was found in the oldest donor population, with a mean age of 40 years (Gomez et al. 2013). Case study of P. malariae infection in a nonimmune traveller that occurred without symptoms and persisted subclinically for months. This case shows that these infections pose a threat to transfusion safety when subclinically infected persons donate blood after their return in a non-endemic malaria region. An unexplained low platelet count after a visit to malaria-endemic countries may be an indicator for asymptomatic malaria even when caused by non-falciparum Plasmodium species (EE Brouwer et al. 2013). Since 1997 approximately 5% of the population per year has donated blood, thus meeting the goal recommended by the Pan American Health Organization of one voluntary blood donation annually for every 20 persons. During 2002, 563,204 blood donations were received, and there were 445,898 transfusions of blood or blood components. All donations are individually screened for HIV 1 and 2, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and syphilis, thus meeting the country's current regulations. In 2002 these screening measures led to discarding, respectively, 0.12%, 0.60%, 0.71%, and 1.8% of the blood donations (JM Ballester Satovenia et al. 2003. 1 hospital-based blood bank nationwide. The Ecuadorian National Blood System screens for infectious a using different methodologies and reagents. Large and medium blood banks obtained better results than small ones. Small laboratories reported 62 all of the 37 HIV antibody false negative results and all of the 20 HBsAg false negative results. False negative results were associated with the use of rapid tests Laboratories using rapid tests failed to detect HCV reactive serum. The high number of incorrect results in small blood services indicates weaknesses in blood screening. The National Blood System has implemented on-site audits, training, technical assistance, and increased oversight. The long-term proposal is to centralize blood testing in two large blood centres (Grijalva et al. 2005). Fiji Gabon Grenada Hungary Iran, Islamic Rep. Iraq Jamaica Jordan UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income 874742 10 1632572 8.4 105483 13.3 9920362 9.15 6318000 17 Lebanon 4424888 Libya UpperMiddle Income 6154623 Maldives 100 44 Yes 16.07 10 No 26.9 2707805 UpperMiddle Income Malaysia NR Established in 2000, the HNBTS now consists of 5 regional and 18 local institutions linked to the nearest regional centre and 21 hospital blood banks. The regional centre are located in the main towns of the country (Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Pécs, Szeged). (European Blood Alliance 2014). 32578209 Kazakhstan UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle NR 7624443 UpperMiddle Income Macedonia, FYR 1 16791425 18 89 26 No 5.76 100 12 Yes 2105575 11.6 29239927 19.7 338442 There are 14 regional blood centres and 12 urban blood centres. The funding for the blood service in Kazakhstan is shared between the Republican budget, the local budget and other sources (investors). The Lebanese Red Cross had started blood transmission service in 1964 by opening its centre in Beirut. Blood can be donated at the Lebanese Red Cross blood transfusion centres or at hospitals (Lebanese Red Cross). Frequency of HBV, HCV, and HIV in blood donors was 12.8, 6.9, and 0.9 per 1,000, respectively. In Libya, most of the blood donors are young men (20–40 years of age). It is known that this age group is usually in the high-risk group for drug abuse, unprotected sex, and other unsecure habits for the transmission of the virus (Khmmaj et al. 2010). There are two multi-specialty hospitals, one in government sector i.e. Indira Gandhi 63 Income Marshall Islands Mauritius Mexico UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and another one in private sector. IGMH has a basic level of modern blood bank with component preparation facility. Blood collection by IGMH is about 300 units per month. There is another blood bank attached to National Thalassaemia Center (NTC) which caters to only thalassaemia patients in the city as well as from other parts of the country. NTC collects about 500 units per months. Both the blood banks collect blood mainly from family replacement donors and directed donors for their own patients. About 80% blood units are collected by this mechanism. There are few blood banks in other islands of Maldives (Choudbury 2011). 14853572 1291167 33.8 88.6 1 Yes 120847477 14.62 2.45 558 Yes 16 medical doctors who are specialists in blood transfusion and 32 technicians educated to work in the Transfusion Service along with 16 technicians with laboratory and general education. There are currently two people who work on promoting voluntary blood donation. Montenegro UpperMiddle Income 621081 21 26.5 9 No The blood transfusion service is not organised on a national level yet but functions through the work of nine independent blood establishments that are hospital based, which collect and process blood for their own use. There is no specific fund allocated to finance the transfusion activities in Montenegro. These services are financed from resources allocated to the host hospitals by the republic Fund for Health Insurance (WHO EURO 2010). Namibia Palau Panama Peru UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income 2303000 9.6 100 1 Yes 3802281 14.92 5.95 26 No 29987800 7.59 4.08 NR No 20754 20 Romania UpperMiddle Income Serbia UpperMiddle Income 20076727 7199077 100 31 100 41 47 Yes Yes Predicted decrease in Romanian population by 2018, but slight increase in blood donations due to retention of younger voluntary blood donors (Burta et al. 2013). BTS is decentralized and organized on three levels: 1. Departments/laboratories for blood transfusion, that receive blood and blood products from the Centres and Institutes for blood transfusion 64 2. Centres for Blood Transfusion in general hospitals, health centres, and clinical centres, that perform core transfusion activities 3. Institutes for Blood Transfusion which are independent institutions in University centres that perform highly specialized activities, such as tissue typing and quality control, as well as coordinating activities between laboratories and Centres. Seychelles UpperMiddle Income 88303 South Africa UpperMiddle Income St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Thailand Tonga Tunisia UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income 16.9 0 1 No 52274945 18.6 100 11 Yes 180870 15.3 66.94 3 No 109373 9.4 5.97 1 No 53584 18.8 100 1 Yes 100 13 66785001 8.7 The main challenge is the fragmentation of the service (44 blood hospital based transfusion services, 3 blood transfusion institutes Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš; and 70 clinical transfusion departments without clearly defined responsibilities). (WHO EURO 2010) Received first mobile blood collection unit from WHO to facilitate blood services (WHO 2014). Cultural obstacles are often an enormous problem with respect to donation: “In South Africa, because of history of interracial tensions, we have to deal with the cultural issues, population diversity, and beliefs about getting blood from anonymous donors,” says Dr. Loyiso Mpuntsha, CEO of the South African National Blood Service. (CMAJ 2010). National Blood center is in the capital Bangkok and there are 12 other regional centers in provinces Yes 104941 The National Center collected about 539,094 units in 2009. More than 93% of total collected blood in the country is separated into components. In 2008, the rate of syphilis, HBsAg, HIV and HCV seroreactive is approximately 0.28, 1.01, 0.15 and 0.19%, respectively. All blood collected by National Blood Center is screened by NAT test and 44.5% blood from rest of the country is also tested by the same test (Choudbury 2011). In 2009, 100% of blood donations were screened for HIV in quality-assured manner (UNAIDS Country Progress Report). 10777500 Turkey UpperMiddle Income 73997128 Turkmenistan UpperMiddle 5172931 24.3 4 Yes Donor characteristics: 89.1% male donors and 59.9% between 30 to 49 years old. Female donors were deferred more frequently than male donors. Donor education level had no effect on the deferral rates. The main reason for deferral was common cold and/or sore throat or elevated temperature (20.4%) in male donors and low hemoglobin (51.6%) in female donors (O. Arslan 2007). The Turkmen blood service is organized on a national basis, supported by dedicated 65 Income Tuvalu Venezuela, RB Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Aruba UpperMiddle Income UpperMiddle Income High Income High Income High Income legislation and regulatory documents approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, and fully funded from the state budget. The national health authority started reconstructing/refurbishing health facilities and selected blood banks and a new blood center is being built in Ashgabat, in accordance with the highest quality and safety requirements (WHO EURO 2012) The national blood service comprises 4 regional blood banks, 38 offices and 18 ambulatory blood transfusion departments, with additional blood transfusion service units in many large medical institutions (Turkmenistan Ministry of Health). 9860 29954782 16.14 6.38 313 No 78360 89069 13.36 102384 15.3 1 100 1 No Australia High Income 22723900 58 Austria High Income 8429991 40.7 371960 20.2 43.95 3 No 283221 16.8 NR NR NR 11128246 28.5 Bahamas, The Bahrain Barbados Belgium High Income High Income High Income High Income 100 Yes Yes Blood supply is managed by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS). Blood is donated by non-remunerated, volunteer donors. Donors undergo a rigorous screening process that involves a questionnaire and an interview to identify relevant medical history and risk factors that could influence the quality or safety of the donated blood, or the health of the donor. Every unit of donated blood is also screened for HIV 1 and 2, HBV and HCV, syphilis. In addition, 1% of blood products undergo additional, quality assurance testing including volume and cell counts in addition to haemolysis and haematocrit for red cell concentrates, pH for platelet concentrates and clotting factors for plasma products. Donations are also screened for bacteria (Greening et al. 2010). In Austria, over 90 % of the processed whole blood is collected by blood services of the Austrian Red Cross. Four of these services, the Blood Donation Center for Vienna, Lower Austria & Burgenland, the Blood Center for Upper Austria, the Blood Center for Carinthia as well as the Blood Center for Vorarlberg cover the whole range of activities from collection, testing, production to distribution. The Red Cross Blood Centers for Styria, Salzburg and Tyrol collaborate with the Regional University Hospitals and are responsible for collection and distribution (European Blood Alliance). 1317828 The French and Flemish sections of the Belgian Red Cross have their own blood institutes. 66 The French section has three blood centers, 20 fixed collection sites and 600 mobile sites to cover the operations. The Flemish section has four blood centers to cover collection of blood, plasma and platelets, processing of blood, storage and delivery to the hospitals. In addition blood and plasma are collected in 12 fixed donor centers. The testing lab of the Flemish blood institute, the quality assurance and the donor recruitment are centralized. Approximately 85% of blood collection comes from the different mobile collections in Flanders and Brussels (European Blood Alliance). Bermuda Brunei Darussalam Canada Cayman Islands Channel Islands High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income 64798 16.6 100 1 No 412238 34754312 55 100 57570 19.7 100 Yes 2 The Canadian Blood Services (CBS) is responsible for the collection and provision of blood and blood products to nine provinces and the territories. In Canada, the blood products are purchased by the CBS. The prices are negotiated with the supplier. The blood products are then issued to blood centers and provided to the hospitals free of charge. Patients will not be billed for bloo and blood is given only on prescription by a physician. Blood was declared a drug in 1989 and, as such, falls under the regulatory control of the Bureau of Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals (BBR) of Health Canada. The BBR stipulates the required testing for infectious diseases. The required tests are HIV, HBV, HCV, and syphilis (Rock et al. 2000). No 161235 Rural Chile: • Low blood donation rate (14.3 per 1000) Chile High Income 17464814 12.2 21.17 76 Yes • Low % of voluntary donors (10%) • Excessive amount of blood banks à non-centralized system No national IT system and lack of standards • (C Herrera 2010) Croatia Curaçao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income 4267558 36 152056 40.7 1128994 63.3 10510785 35.3 5591572 67.6 100 13 Yes 1 Yes Yes The Organization of Transfusion Centres in Denmark (OTCD) was established in 2001 to coordinate countrywide responsibility for the blood transfusion services and to represent the interests of blood program of the country. The members of the OTCD represent 100 % of blood collection in Denmark (European Blood Alliance). 67 The Estonian Blood Transfusion Service consists of four separated blood centers merged to main hospitals: North Estonia Blood Center located in capital city Tallinn, Tartu University Clinic’s Blood Center, Pärnu Hospital Blood Center and East-Viru Hospital Blood Center. Estonia High Income 1325016 25.4 Yes Blood components are used in 23 hospitals in Estonia, most of them (20) are supplied by Tallinn’s and Tartu’s Blood Centers. The Blood Transfusion Service action is regulated by the Blood Act and bylaws (since May 2008). The Estonian Blood Act is in accordance with related European Directives (European Blood Alliance). Equatorial Guinea Faeroe Islands Finland High Income High Income High Income 736296 5413971 High Income 65676758 French Polynesia High Income 273814 High Income 0 3 49506 France Germany 0.9 80425823 30.5 23.5 35.9 100 100 100 13 17 Yes Yes Yes The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service is the nationwide blood service operator in Finland. It provides Finnish hospitals with all the blood products they need. It also offers hospitals a range of laboratory and specialist services, including laboratory tests relating to blood transfusion, stem cell and organ transplantation and haemostasis, and distribution of many plasma derived and recombinant pharmaceuticals. Many functions of the Blood Service, such as testing, quality control and administrative support functions, are centralized to the Helsinki Blood Centre. In addition to the Helsinki Blood Centre, operations are carried out in four regional centers and 12 collection centers (European Blood Alliance). The French National Blood Service (EFS) is a public organization established in January 2000 and has the monopoly on collection, testing, preparation and distribution of blood products to some 1900 health care facilities (these activities can be made only by blood transfusion establishments approved by the competent authority). The issuing of the majority of blood components is carried out by the blood transfusion establishments directly to patients in hospitals from orders received from the prescribers. The 17 regional centres of the EFS (14 in the metropolitean area) are headed by directors appointed by the President of EFS and acting by delegation from him in regard to management and operations (European Blood Alliance). In Germany, blood services are provided by four types of organizations: German Red Cross Blood Transfusion Services, state and communal blood transfusion services, commercial blood centers, and plasmapheresis centers. The German Red Cross Blood Transfusion 68 Services is a non-profit organization and they do not receive any funds from the government (European Blood Alliance). Greece Greenland Guam Hong Kong SAR, China Iceland Ireland Isle of Man Israel High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income 11092771 39.3 56810 162810 7154600 27 320716 29.7 4586897 21.8 100 9 Yes The Irish Blood Transfusion Service, established in 1965, is headed nationally by the Chief Executive who reports to the Board of the IBTS. The twelve Board members, including the Chairman, are appointed by the Minister for Health & Children. IBTS has its headquarters in Dublin and a regional centre in Cork. In addition there are six local centers from where procurement teams depart to collect donations in their respective regions and three fixed centers (European Blood Alliance). 85284 7910500 In Italy, the Blood System is part of the National Health Service. National Blood Centre (Centro Nazionale Sangue – CNS): the national coordinating organization in the country. It is one of the national technical centers of the Ministry of Health and it operates at the National Institute of Health in autonomous position. It is responsible for coordination as well as scientific and technical control of the national Blood System. It also provides blood inspectors education and qualification and manages a national register of qualified blood inspectors as well as the periodic assessment of their activities and skills. Italy High Income 59539717 27 100 400 Yes Regional Health Authorities: inspect, authorize and accredit Blood Establishments and Blood Collection Units, according to regional, national and European regulation. Each regional inspection team must include at least one nationally qualified blood inspector from the CNS register Regional Blood Centers: in each of the 21 regions, a Regional Blood Centre is instituted by law. Regional Blood Centers coordinate the respective local networks of Blood Establishments and Blood Collection Units, complying with national regulation and selfsufficiency, quality and safety plans. Blood Establishments: beyond performing blood and blood component collection, processing, testing, storage and distribution, most BEs also function as hospital blood banks. They are being progressively reorganized in local/regional blood departments, merging processing and testing activities in a 69 limited number of establishments. Blood donors associations: in Italy there are four main blood donors organizations (AVIS, FIDAS, FRATRES, CRI), highly involved in blood donor management. By law, they can run BCUs upon specific regional authorization and accreditation, under the technical control of BEs and Regional Blood Centers (European Blood Alliance). Japan Korea, Rep. Kuwait High Income High Income High Income 127561489 70 50004441 53 3250496 Latvian National blood service is a healthcare institution financed by state budget in accordance with Latvian Blood Centre operation and structure optimization concept for 2006 – 2010. Latvia High Income 2034319 23.9 100 11 Yes There are 10 blood establishments in hospitals and State Blood Centre with its branch in Eastern part of the state. The organization of blood donations, collection, testing, blood processing is centralized and it is used unified technologies. The blood products’ quality control is managed by the accredited laboratory (European Blood Alliance). Liechtenstein High Income 36656 Two blood establishments, one private and one public, covering the needs of 97 hospitals and collecting 96.5% of total blood donations. In addition, two hospitals collect and process blood for their own purposes, representing the remaining 3.5% of the national volume of blood transfused. Lithuania High Income 2987773 17.7 33.3 2 Yes The National Blood Centre is a public institution (not for profit) and was established by the Ministry of Health of Lithuania. It is the largest blood establishment in Lithuania and covers up to 60% of blood donations. The National Blood Centre covers transfusion needs in three cities: Vilnius (the largest city), Klaipeda (the third largest) and Panev žys (the fifth largest). It is the only blood establishment in the country, which is licensed (including the laboratory) and it is also licensed for manufacturing plasma derivatives. The Centre performs individual nucleic acid tests for HBV, HCV and HIV (ID-NAT), which significantly reduce the “window period”. Luxembourg High Income 530946 29.8 1 Yes Payment for blood donations started in 1995 and has been reduced several times until 2004. It is currently equal to €11 and is regarded as compensation for travel and time. In 2009, approximately 60 000 units were collected from paid donors and 32 000 from unpaid voluntary donors (WHO EURO 2010). The Luxembourg Red Cross is in charge of the blood program and operates one single blood 70 center to meet the demand for blood components and plasma derivatives. The blood program has a national responsibility to supply all blood and plasma products requested by the hospitals (Luxembourg Red Cross). Macao SAR, China High Income 556783 Malta High Income 419455 Monaco High Income 37579 23 37.8 Netherlands High Income 16754962 New Caledonia High Income 258000 New Zealand High Income 4433000 Northern Mariana Islands High Income 53305 Norway High Income 5018573 22.3 Oman High Income 3314001 14.2 Poland High Income 38535873 23.5 5 Yes Sanquin was established in 1998 through a merger between the Dutch blood banks and the Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (CLB). On the basis of the Blood Supply Act, Sanquin is the only organization in the Netherlands authorized to manage our need for blood and blood products. The Sanquin organization is constantly conducting research and developing new and improved blood products. There is also a constant search to replace the roughly 10% of the donors who become unavailable due to age, pregnancy, illness or relocation (European Blood Alliance). 23.8 28.2 The Islands have always been self-sufficient with regards to blood products. There is one government funded Blood Establishment which collects (2 fixed donation sites, one mobile unit), processes, screens and distributes blood. There are four Hospital Blood Banks that are mainly involved with patient care. The Blood Establishment and the main Public Teaching Hospital Blood Bank, which receives over 90% of blood products manufactured, work closely together but are administratively separate and autonomous. A national haemovigilance system lead by the Public Health Regulation Division captures the adverse events and reactions reported by all hospitals (European Blood Alliance). 100 73.9 12 Yes 50+ Yes 14 Yes 23 Yes Established in 1996, the New Zealand Blood Service is the sole provider of blood products to hospitals in New Zealand (NZBS 2014). All blood banks are integrated to hospitals and owned by regional health trusts. Around 75% of blood is collected by 14 blood banks in major cities (European Blood Alliance). A modest start by providing blood units through import from the US, Oman is now self-reliant on procuring blood units from voluntary non-remunerated blood donors. A steady growth of blood banks is witnessed in every aspect of blood banking including blood collection, blood processing and supply. Various modalities are adapted in promoting voluntary blood donation program (S Joshi et al. 2010). The activity of the Polish Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) is based on the Public Blood Transfusion Service Act sanctioned by the Polish Parliament. There are 21 regional Blood Transfusion Centers (BTCs), 1 Military BTC and 1 BTC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 71 The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine (IHTM) is responsible for issuing guidelines for blood transfusion medicine. All BTCs must have an accreditation from the Ministry of Health. Poland has a national system of hemovigilance. Hospitals are obliged to immediately report all posttransfusion complications and adverse events (Antoniewicz-Papis et al. 2006). Portugal High Income 10514844 Puerto Rico High Income 3615450 Qatar High Income 2050514 Russian Federation High Income 143178000 San Marino High Income 31247 38 100 Yes Notable prevalence of dengue virus in blood donations in Puerto Rico: daily maximum of 45.0 per 10,000 donations and daily mean of 7.0 per 10,000 donations. Prevalence varied considerably by season and year (Petersen et al. 2012). For 20 years after collapse of the Soviet Union, blood donation in Russia was based solely on fee-based services; blood donors received fees for each unit given (Russian Ministry of Health). 12 Saudi Arabian blood services are divided into four departments: Donor Services, Processing, Transfusion Services and Administration and Quality Control. All departments are hospital-based; no centralized blood bank. Saudi Arabia High Income 28287855 14.7 100 Yes Each hospital, tertiary or secondary, has its own Blood Bank and its own policies and procedures. Blood Banks can supply the other primary and satellite hospitals that may not have their own facilities. Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Spain St. Kitts and Nevis St. Martin High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income High Income 5312400 21.2 5407579 19.8 2057159 57.4 100 Yes 46761264 21 100 24 Yes 53584 10.4 11.69 1 No Approximately 98% of donors are male (Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health) The Blood Services Group (BSG) of the Health Sciences Authority is responsible for collecting, processing and distributing blood and blood components to all public and private hospitals in Singapore. In Spain, a highly decentralized country, blood components and services are provided by 17 Regional Blood Transfusion Services (regional governments). Despite their autonomous operations management, every Regional Blood Transfusion Service is fully incorporated into a unique and common Public National Health System, supplying a cohesive blood transfusion care to all citizens, residents, and visitors in Spain based on 100% voluntary and non-remunerated blood donation (European Blood Alliance). 30959 72 Blood centers in Sweden are integrated parts of the public health hospital organization. The governments in the 21 counties are responsible for the hospitals (Rock et al. 2010). The Swedish Blood Alliance (SweBA) was formed September 1st 2004 as a non-profit organization and is responsible for blood safety. Sweden High Income 9519374 31.4 Switzerland High Income 7996861 33 100 14 Yes Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands United Arab Emirates High Income High Income High Income 1337439 16.7 NR 6 No 32427 3.5 57.7 1 No 9205651 9.34 99 United Kingdom United States High Income High Income 63695687 313873685 40 65 Yes 100 Among the national services presently maintained by SweBA the SBS, “Samverkande Blodsystem,” a web-based system for safe exchange of blood donor information between IT systems in different blood establishments. SweBA also administers the translation, incorporation and availability of ISBT 128 codes through a web-based database (European Blood Alliance). Each year around 380,000 blood donations are procured in Switzerland, around 40% by mobile blood donating units and another 60% at stationary centers. The supply of blood for the Swiss population has been met at all times. (European Blood Alliance). Prices for blood products are set by the Swiss Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, which is the only supplier, other than some state hospital blood banks. Federal Regulations on blood, blood products and transplants have been in place since 1 January 1996. Blood products are given only on prescription by a physician (Rock et al. 2010). Yes Yes The United Kingdom has four Blood Transfusion Services based largely on the devolved political bodies of the United Kingdom: NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) for England and North Wales, the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS), the Welsh Blood Service (WBS) and the Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS). (European Blood Alliance). Blood is a national resource that is collected and banked locally through England’s network of 14 local blood centers. Generally each hospital has a blood bank holding an average of 8—10 days of stock of red cells with a further five days held in the Blood centers (Rock et al. 2010). There are about 6000 hospitals in the US that purchase the majority of blood products. The vast majority of these facilities are privately held and not-for-profit. The government (through Medicare, Medicaid, the VA system, and the military) pays for about 65% of blood transfusions. Private thirdparty payers, both not-for-profit (like Blue Cross) and for profit (like US Healthcare/ Aetna), pay for the rest. The major suppliers of blood for transfusions in the US are the independent, not-for-profit 73 community centers, as represented by America’s Blood Centers (ABC) that provides 6.7 million donations (about half of the US blood supply). The American Red Cross (ARC) provides about 6 million donations with the remainder coming from hospitals that collect their own blood and from the military (about 1%) which runs its own comprehensive transfusion service. There is no payment for blood for transfusion. Hospitals are turning to suppliers, including blood centers, trying to reduce costs. Approximately 90 – 95% of blood and its components are transfused within 100 miles of where they are collected. The US market is essentially based on supply and demand. There have been increasing shortages of RBCs due to increasing demand and shortfalls especially because of declining blood collections by the Red Cross (Rock et al. 2010). Uruguay Virgin Islands (U.S.) High Income High Income 3395253 27.39 NR 75 Yes 105275 11 0 1 No REFERENCES 1. Allain, J. P., & Lee, H. (2005). Rapid tests for detection of viral markers in blood transfusion. Expert Rev Mol Diagn, 5(1), 31-41. doi: 10.1586/14737159.5.1.31 2. Arivelo RZ, Hendrison RD, Elie RF, Tantely RM, Ramamonjisoa A, Barnia RF, Paquerette HS, Raft HF, Aimée RA, Andry R. The seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among first time blood donors in Antananarivo (Madagascar) from 2003 to 2009. Blood Transfus. 2011 Oct;9(4):475-7. 3. Arslan O. Whole blood donor deferral rate and characteristics of the Turkish population. 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In order to realize the Commission’s vision of universal access to safe, timely, and affordable surgical care, the first-level hospital must provide broad-based services, including the vast majority of emergent and planned surgical procedures. The Health Delivery & Management (HDM) Group was asked to assess which procedures could (and hence, should) reasonably be offered at the first-referral level. METHODS A list of procedures was obtained from a LMIC tertiary center (Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, India; The list, part of a billing manual for the tertiary center, listed 792 procedures across 13 specialties. Each specialty’s procedures were broken down into six grades of complexity, ranging from “Supra-Major” (most complex) to “Grade V” (least complex). HDM participants were asked to classify each procedure as whether it was possible to do at a district hospital, taking into account case complexity, operative equipment needs, and post-operative care needs. Where classification was not unanimous, consensus was achieved through discussion. RESULTS Table 1 lists procedure categories as defined by the tertiary center list of procedures. Table 2 lists procedures that were evaluated. Of 792 procedures on the list, 682 (86%) were deemed appropriate for delivery at the first-level hospital, given it was structurally equipped and staffed with workforce. In some cases, the services of a surgeon with a broad skillset or specialist support would be needed (e.g. cleft lip and palate repair). CONCLUSION The majority of surgical procedures can be delivered at the ideal first-referral hospital. 77 Table 1. Number of Procedures by Specialty and Grade, classified as appropriate for the average LMIC first-level or tertiary hospital. Supra-Major FirstTertiary Level Grade I Tertiary Grade II First-Level Tertiary Grade III First-Level Tertiary Grade IV First-Level Tertiary Grade V First-Level Tertiary First-Level 13 1 11 3 9 3 6 6 3 3 4 4 Ear 2 0 7 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 0 0 Nose 1 0 4 2 3 3 8 7 2 2 5 5 Throat 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 0 0 General Surgery 10 5 15 12 34 34 32 32 17 17 9 9 Head Face Neck 2 2 3 3 9 9 6 6 2 2 1 1 NeuroSurgery 8 1 8 3 5 5 2 2 4 4 0 0 ObGyn 2 2 6 6 17 17 30 30 13 13 2 2 11 2 37 30 9 9 11 11 7 7 7 7 Ophthalmology 0 0 0 0 14 11 7 7 21 18 8 8 FacioMax 7 4 5 5 8 8 4 4 5 5 2 2 Orthopaedics 10 5 12 12 24 24 12 12 9 9 1 1 Pediatric Surg 13 9 12 10 19 19 14 14 7 7 3 3 Reconstructive 9 1 10 9 12 12 18 18 4 4 0 0 Urology 2 0 16 10 19 19 33 33 22 22 9 9 90 32 148 109 187 178 190 189 126 123 51 51 Cardiothoracic Oncology Percentage of surgeries that can be done at the First-Level Hospital 35.6 73.6 95.2 99.5 97.6 100.0 TOTAL PERCENTAGE THAT CAN BE PERFORMED AT FIRST-LEVEL 78 86 Table 2. Procedure List CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY Supra-Major Coronary artery bypass grafting All open heart surgery for congenital heart disease Redo bypass surgery Total arterial revascularization Left ventricular revascularization Post infarction ventricular septal defect Sympathectomy Excision of paraspinal mass Repair of aortic tear Tetrology of Fallot Double valve repair and replacement surgeries Surgery for aneurysm of aortic arch and thoracic aorta Reconstruction of trachea Grade 1 Single valve replacement and repair Coarctation of aorta Pericardiectomy Resection of aneurysm of abdominal aorta Aortofemoral bypass Operations for oesophageal varices Pneumonectomy Closed heart valvotomy Repair of patent ductus arteriosus Open thoracotomy Thorascopic lung biopsy Grade 2 Blalock Taussig shunt Femoropopliteal bypass Carotid endarterectomy Pleurectomy Removal of mediastinal mass Repair of diaphragmatic hernia Segmental resection of the lung Lobectomy Arteriovenous graft Grade 3 Decortication Embolectomy Venous thrombectomy 79 Ligation and stripping of varicose veins Ligation or plication of vena cava Re-exploration Grade 4 Bronchoscopy Removal of sternal wires Intercostal drainage Grade 5 Tube thoracotomy Pleural tapping Pericardiocentesis Secondary suturing 80 ENT Supra-Major Translabyrinthine/retrosigmoid approaches to cerebellopontine angle tumour Cochlear implant surgery Transphinoidal pituitary surgery Grade 1 Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy Stapedectomy Labyrinthectomy Facial nerve decompression Jugulobulbar tumour Congenital ear excision surgery Endolymphatic sac decompression Maxillectomy Excision of a nasopharyngeal tumour Excision of ethmoid tumour Cerebrospinal leak closure Uvuloplatopharyngopasty Cleft palate and cleft lip Grade 2 Tympanoplasty Mastoidectomy Pan endoscopic nasal surgery External ethmoidectomy Endoscopic dcr Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy Cleft lip only Cleft palate only Grade 3 Myringoplasty Grommet insertion Auroplasty Ear polypectomy Rhinoplasty Caldwell-Luc operation Ethmoidectomy - intranasal Vidian neurectomy Rhinosporidosis Septoplasty Functional endoscopic sinus surgery Acrylic grafting Uvulectomy Adenoidectomy 81 Tonsillectomy Grade 4 Myringotomy Wax granuloma excision Incision and drainage of furuncle abscess Piercing of ear lobule Removal of foreign body Polypectomy Laser excision of small nasal mass Throat biopsy Incision and drainage of a peritonsillar abscess Removal of foreign body Cauterization of pharyngeal granules Post nasal pack removal Grade 5 Antrum puncture Incision and drainage of abscess Cauterization of inferior turbinate 82 GENERAL SURGERY Supra-Major Total thyroidectomy with radical neck dissection Total radical gastrectomy Oesophageal resection Total pancreatectomy Total colectomy Hepatic lobectomy Liver transplant Liver resection Pancreatic necrosectomy Grade 1 Surgery for portal hypertension Abdominoperineal resection Pancreatico-jejunostomy Distal pancreatectomy Hepaticojejunostomy Choledochojejunostomy Partial gastrectomy Anterior resection of left colon Excision retroperitoneal tumours Total thyroidectomy Parathyroid surgery Multiple organ surgery (polytrauma) Bilateral block dissection of lymph nodes of neck, axilla, groin Total parotidectomy Right hemicolectomy GRADE 2 Modifed radical mastectomy Bilateral partial/subtotal thyroidectomy Superficial parotidectomy Choledochoduodenostomy Sphinteroplasty of sphincter of Oddi Partial gastrectomy Hemi/partial colectomy Small intestine resection and anastamosis Abdominal repair of rectal prolapse Surgery for achalasia cardia (Heller's cardiomyotomy) Surgery for hiatus hernia Operation for hydatid cyst liver Ventral incisional hernia Paraumbilical hernia 83 Umbilical hernia Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia Bilateral inguinal/femoral hernia Splenectomy (no portal hypertension) Vagotomy and bypass Proximal gastric vagotomy (highly selective vagotomy) Pancreatic cyst/abscess-drainage Block dissection lymph nodes of neck, axilla, or groin Hemithyroidectomy Laparotomy for abdominal trauma - single organ injury Exploratory laparotomy Cholecsystectomy/cholecystostomy Repair of fecal fistula Cholecystojejunostomy/choledochojejunostomy Gastrojejunostomy Entero-enterostomy Near total thyroidectomy Peritoneal - venous shunt Ileostomy closure Lap cholecystectomy Grade 3 Excision of sinus/bursa/ganglion/scar Excision of submandibular salivary gland Cervical oesophagostomy Simple mastectomy Hydrocele (unilateral or bilateral) Varicocelectomy Fistulectomy Excison of pilonidal sinus Varicose vein (ligation of sfa and perforation) Orchidopexy Excision of surface tumour with skin grafting Sistrunk operation Laparotomy for liver abscess, liver biopsy Appendicectomy Drainage of subphrenic abscess Gastrostomy/colostomy/ileostomy Inguinal/femoral hernia (unilateral) Open operation for piles Wide excision of malignant tumor of skin Lipectomy Partial glossectomy Branchial cyst/fistula 84 Excision of multiple lymph glands neck/axilla/inguinal region Orchidectomy (unilateral or bilateral) Repair of "burst abdomen" Circumcision Evacuation/excision of superficial haematoma Secondary suturing Excision of neurofibroma Closure of gastric fistula Lords procedure for haemorrhoidectomy Lap adhesiolysis Grade 4 Stricturoplasty Removal of foreign body from muscles tendons Multiple tumors/cysts excision Fissurectomy Anal dilation, sclerosant injection of piles CO2 laser (surgery for superficial lesions) Excisions of warts/keloids Sphinterotomy (lateral) Banding piles Thierson's operation Excision of nodule Excision of sebaceous cyst Rectal biopsy Excision of breast lump Evacuation/excision of superficial hematoma Grade 5 Lacerated wound suturing Foreign body removal from skin/subcutaneous tissues Biopsy of skin, mucosa, muscle, gland Release of tongue tie Dilation of salivary duct Excision of ranula Incision and drainage of abscess Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy Perianal abscess-drainage 85 HEAD AND NECK Supra-Major Laryngopharyngectomy with block dissection Total thyroidectomy with block dissection Grade 1 Total thyroidectomy Hemimandibulectomy Total parotidectomy Grade 2 Thyroplasty Partial/subtotal thyroidectomy Laryngopharyngectomy Submandibular gland excision Tracheal repair and reconstruction Excision of cystic hygroma Excision of paraphyrengeal tumour Excision of parathyroid adenoma unilateral Microlaryngealscopy with laser excision of subglottic stensosis Grade 3 Excision of thyroglossal fistula Excision of branchial sinus Micro laryngoscopy Bronchoscopy Oesophagoscopy Lymphnode biopsy Grade 4 Tracheostomy Direct laryngoscopy Grade 5 Incision and drainage of abscess NEUROSURGERY Supra-Major Craniotomies for cerebral aneurysms Excision of spinal av malformations Spinal intramedullary tumors Post-lumbar interbody fusion Transnasal/transphenoidal pituitary tumor Epileptic surgery involving hemispherectomy Grade 1 Craniotomies for intracerebral/extracerebral clots Stereotactic surgery Cranioplasty Epilepsy surgery temporal lobectomy or similar ablative procedure Decrompressive laminectomies for stenosis, surgery for discs Other spinal fusion, procedures apart from posterior lumbar fusion Peripheral nerve injury Endoscopic 3rd ventriculoscopy and aqueduct stenting Grade 2 Subtemporal/suboccipital decompression and other craniotomies Operation for simple depressed fractures of the skull Decompression of peripheral nerve entrapments Carotid ligation and thromboembolectomy Shunts: ventriculoperitoneal, Grade 3 Radiofrequency or chemical lysis of trigeminal nerve Burr holes followed by various procedures like evacuation of subdural hematoma, intracranial cyst, aspiration of abscesses Grade 4 Skull traction Aspiration: abscess, subdural hematoma or cysts through existing burr holes Burr holes for ventricular taps 87 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY Supra-Major Wertheim’s hysterectomy Panhysterectomy with omentectomy and lymphnode dissection (by laparotomy – laparoscopic) for carcinoma ovary Grade 1 Radical vulvectomy Presacral neurectomy for grade 4 endometriosis Abdominal hysterectomy Vaginal hysterectomy Lap. Assisted vaginal hysterectomy Laparoscopic hysterectomy Grade 2 Repair of vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistulae Tuboplasty Laparoscopic hysterectomy with laparascopic burch Calposuspension Laparoscopic tubal recanalization Operative laparoscoy for moderate to severe endometriosis Operative laparoscopy for vault prolapse hysteroscopic Myomectomy with transcervical resection of endometrium Abdominal hysteroplasty Operations for stress incontinence – sling procedures Vault prolapse repair Mayovard’s hysterectomy Transcervical resection of endometrium Laparoscopic myomectomy Abdominal hysterectomy Laparoscopic adhesiolysis Tubal ligation Grade 3 Hyseteroscopic cannulation Internal iliac artery ligation Laparoscopic metroplasty Operative laparoscopy hysteroscopy Laparoscopic appendicectomy Hysterscopic septal incision Operative hysteroscopy for mild to moderate ultra uteri adhesions Tension-free vaginal tape for stress urinary incontinence Hysterotomy Ovarian cystectomy (including laparoscopic) Ovarian wedge resection Appendicectomy Pre-sacral neurectomy Ventrosuspension Repair of complete perineal tear Anterior colporrhaphy and posterior colpoperineorrhaphy Operative laparoscopy for small to moderate ovarian cyst Operative laparoscopy for small (up to 5 cm.) Sized myoma Operative laparoscopy for mild to moderate endometriosis 88 Laparoscopic hysterectomy Operative laparoscopy for ovarian cyst (large) Operative laparoscopy for dermoid (large) Fothergill’s operation Simple vulvectomy Laparoscopic polycystic ovarian drilling Laparoscopic salpingo-ovariolysis Cervical cerclage Hysterscopic polypectomy Thermal balloon ablation Vaginoplasty Grade 4 Diagnostic laparoscopy & hysteroscopy Culdoscopy colpotomy Posterior repair Fenton’s operation Excision of bartholin cyst Trachelorrhaphy Cone biopsy Dialation and curettage cervical biopsy and electroconisation or electrocautery of the cervix Hysteroscopic missed cu-t removal Microwave ablation Dilation and curettage Tubal ligation Grade 5 Vulva biopsy Incision of Bartholin’s abscess 89 ONCOLOGY Supra Major Total oesophagectomy Total gastrectomy with node dissection Whipple’s (total pancreatectomy) Total exenteration Craniofacial resection with reconstruction – microvascular Radical nephrectomy with renal vein or inferior vena cava thrombus removal Radical cystectomy with ileal conduit or neobladder Any operative procedure of 6 hours duration or more will be considered as supra major surgery Microvascular reconstruction Tracheal reconstruction (major) >4 rings Total thyroidectomy Tracheal resection Grade 1 Radical hysterectomy/ Wertheim’s Total thyroidectomy Double flap reconstruction Partial hepatectomy Commando operation Laryngopharyngectomy Total parotidectomy Wide field laryngectomy Pneumonectomy Ivor lewis Hepaticojejunostomy Abdomino perinial repair or subtotal Low anterior resection Posterior exenteration Radical prostatectomy Pelvic and retroperitoneal node dissection for carcinoma testis or ovaries Nerve sparing retroperitoneal lymph node dissection Radical cystectomy with ileal conduit or neobladder Ovarian debulking – operation (bilateral salphingo opherectomy hysterectomy + omentectomy removal of multiple intra peritoneal nodules) Excision large retroperitoneal tumour Bilateral ilio inguinal node dissection Removal of adrenal tumour (bilateral) Thymectomy Partial nephrectomy Total nephrectomy Partial gastrectomy-radical Maxillectomy Hemicoloectomy + lymph node dissection Lobectomy Partial gastrectomy Total amputation penis Removal of adrenal tumour Radical mastectomy Grade 2 90 Radical neck dissection Hemi-mandibulectomy Superficial parotidectomy Hemi colectomy Transuretheral resection multiple bladder tumours Bilateral salphingo opherectomy hysterectomy + peritoneal lymph node dissection Trans urethral resection – prostrate Excision very large tissue and tumour Grade 3 Hemiglossectomy Hemi-thyroidectomy Simple mastectomy Gastro-jejunostomy High orchidectomy Orchidopexy Partial amputation penis Cystoscopy + trans urethral resection bladder tumour Hickmen port insertion Colostomy Orchidectomy Grade 4 Partial glossectomy Excision breast lump Excision multiple lipoma Insertion of hickman’s catheter Scalene/supra adrenal axillary node Small node (neck) Orchidectomy Grade 5 Biopsy lymph node Circumcision Biopsy of mole, wart, or small skin lesion Excision of lipoma, sebaceous cyst Direct laryngoscopy Cystoscopy Removal of Hickman’s catheter 91 OPHTHALMOLOGY Grade 2 Keratoplasty Orbital surgery Cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant Vitrectomy Anti glaucoma surgery Squint surgery involving 2 muscles or more Secondary IOL (intra-occular lense) implantation Intra-occular lense exchange Retinal detachment surgery Dacryocystorhinostomy Ptosis correction Lid reconstruction with membrane Trauma repair of global Retinal membrane surgery Grade 3 Cataract extraction Pneumoretinopexy Entropion correction Ectropion Pterygium removal with graft Tarsorrhaphy Lensectomy Grade 4 Silicone oil removal/injection or injection of gas Dacryocystectomy Lid repair Evisceration Enucleation Iridectomy Prophylactic cryopexy Cyclodestructive surgery Anterior chamber wash Encirclage Paracentesis Capsulectomy Synechiotomy Peritomy or pterygium Endolaser Indirect laser Removal or dislocated nucleus or lens implant Lensectomy Retinectomy or subretinal surgery Intravitreal Anti VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) Anterior Segment Membranectomy and Capsulectomy Grade 5 Chalazion removal Abscess incision & drainage Eye examination under general anesthesia 92 Suture removal corneal ulcer cauterization punctum occlusion Probing + syringing Funduscopy Needling or capsulotomy Cauterization of corneal ulcer 93 ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Supra Major Accessosteotomies for resection of lesions/pathologies Orthognathic surgeries Panfacial fractures Resection of tumours/cysts with reconstruction Parotid gland tumours Ankylosis TM (Tempero-mondibular joint) Bilateral condylectomy with interposition Grade 1 Mandibular fractures maxillary fractures zygomatico-orbital complex Submucous fibrosis release Multiple implants for oral rehabilitation onlay bone grafting procedure, subtotal/partial mandibulectomy/maxillectomy total extractions with alveoloplasty Grade 2 Sequestectomy and/or saucerization for chronic osteomyelitis of jaw Removal of multiple (all 4) molar impactions Closure of oroantral fistula Multiple eoisectomies Neuroectomies Panfacial infection/drainage Unilocular cystic lesion of the jaw Multiple extractions Grade 3 Dental implants (single) Management of dentoalveolar fractures Single tooth apicecotomy Single arch alveoloplasty Grade 4 Excision of sinus tract or scar tissue Clw Removal of teeth in single quadrant Frenectomy Removal of splints and intermaxillary sutures Grade 5 Biopsies Secondary suturing 94 ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Supra Major Revision joint replacement Complex primary joint replacement requiring use of revision components Primary joint replacement with add-on procedure (eg. Total hip replacement with, impaction bone grafting; removal of dynamic hip screw and convert to total hip replacement) Multiple fracture fixation Any operative procedure of 6 hours or more Spinal fusions Spinal instrumentations Multilevel discectomy Multilevel vertebroplasty Hind quarter/fore quarter amputations Combination of three grade 2 procedures Combination of two grade 1 procedures Grade 1 Primary joint replacement/resurfacing Bipolar hip replacement Peri prosthetic fracture fixation Rotator cuff repair Meniscal repair Combination of 2 knee procedures (eg. Anterior cruciate ligament + meniscus) Fracture fixation with bone grafting Fixation of more than 1 fracture Hip arthrodesis/fusion Single level discectomy Lumbar spine decompression 2 level vertebroplasty Combination of two grade 2 procedures Combination of three grade 3 procedures Grade 2 Austin Moore prosthesis Removal of infected joint replacement Core decompression Bankart repair Shoulder stabilizations Biopsies secondary suturing Superior labrum from anterior to posterior repair Subacromial decompression or acromioplaty Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction High tibial osteotomy Single fracture fixation Fracture plating External fixation Open reduction of dislocations Arthrodesis/fusion of joints Drainage of deep psoas abscess Single level vertebroplasty Above knee amputation/arm amputation 95 Below knee amputation/forearm amputation Repair of two tendons Tendon transfer Carpal tunnel decompression Tumour curettage/excision Grade 3 Simple knee arthroscopy Menisectomy Arthroscopic knee debridement Implant removal Closed reductions and plastering Toe or finger amputations or amputations on small bones/joints Single tendon repair Skin grafting Major biopsy Trigger finger release Dequervains release Contracture release Grade 4 Closed reductions/manipulations Simple plastering Spinal root canal block Facet block Epidural injection Minor biopsy Soft tissue suturing Soft tissue debridement Incision and drainage of abscess Grade 5 All other procedures done under local anesthesia 96 PEDIATRIC SURGERY Supra Major Tetralogy of Fallot Diaphragmatic hernia repair Intestinal atresia surgery Hepatic lobectomy Biliary atresia choledochal cyst Pectus Ectopic vesicae One stage severe hypospodios repair Abdo perineal pull through Bilateral ureteric implant abdominal tumours Multiple organ injuries Grade 1 Hiatus hernia repair Intestinal strictures Malrotation Thoracotomy with decortication with lobectomy Large cystic hygroma Large hemangioma Ureteric implant Meningomyelocele Pyeloplasty and renal op Intestinal resections Achalasia cardia Hydatid cysts excision Grade 2 Pyloromyotomy Appendicectomy (open + lap) Ventriculo peritoneal shunt Cystic hygroma excision Hemangiornas excision Herniotomy Orchiopexy Incision and drainage (large retropharyngeal abscess + renal abscess + psoas abscess) Umbilical hernia repair Exchange blood transfusion Cleft lip/palate repair Gynecomastia Gastrotomy Colostomy Intussusception Brachial and thyroglossal cyst excision Scopes with procedures Cystolithotomy Sacral dermal sinus excision Grade 3 Circumcision Incision and drainage under general anesthesia Confused lacerated wound under general anesthesia 97 Diagnostic scopes Intercostal drainage under general anesthesia Liver/kidney biopsies Rectal polypectomy Thierch’s operation Para rectal injection Tongue tie release Submucous cysts Dermoid cysts under general anesthesia Sebaceous cyst under general anesthesia small haematoma + lymph Sinuses with skin tags – lymph node biopsies Grade 4 Urethral dilation Examination under anesthesia Incision and drainage under local anesthesia Intercostal drainage under local anesthesia Contused lacerated wound under local anesthesia Anal stretching Cysts excision under local anesthesia Grade 5 Umbilical polypectomy Dressings Suture removal Note: Neonatal surgery + surgery on children below 6 months should go one grade higher. Bilateral surgery one grade higher. 98 RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Supra Major Craniofacial reconstructions Head and neck resections with primary reconstruction Head and neck reconstructions of multiple units of the face Major reconstructions for full thickness loss of the walls of the trunk Extensive surgery involving more than one surgical discipline Limb replantation of multiple units Limb replantation with a simultaneous free flap cover Microvascular limb transplantation Participation of other disciplines to be billed as per the schedule of that discipline Whole body contouring Any operative procedures of 6 hours duration or more will be considered as Supra-major surgery Grade 1 Microvascular flaps Microvascular limb replantation Head and neck reconstructions Primary Reconstructions with local tissue transfers Secondary cleft deformities: more than two components, lip, alveolar, bone graft, palate, pharynx, septoplaty or rhinoplasty. Face lift Penoscrotal hypospadias Extensive scarring (more than 3 hours surgery) Bilateral breast reduction Abdominoplasty Multiple lipectomies/liposuction – 3 to 4 areas Grade 2 Localized face-lift Cleft lip and palate simultaneous repair Hypospadius – one stage of a staged repair Perineal hypospadias Extensive scarring (more than 2 hours of surgery) Multiple contracture (2 to 3) Septo-rhinoplasty Release of two syndactylies Blepharoplasty (4 lids) Bilateral mastopexy Bilateral breast implants Multiple lipectomies/liposuction – 1 or 2 areas Grade 3 Cleft lip repair Cleft palate repair Scar revision (major) Hypospadius, a stage of the repair Epispadias, etc., a stage of the repair Post-burn contracture (single) Rhinoplasty Blepheroplaty (2 lids) Bed sores Various distant flaps (transfer) Temperomandibular joint ankylosis (unilateral) 99 Congenital deformities of hand syndactyly, etc. Gynecomastia Local flaps (lasting for more than 2 hours) Nerve and tendon repair Skin graft (for extensive defect procedure more than 1.5 hours) Forehead lift Eyebrow lift Grade 4 Scar revision (intermediate) Blepharoplasty local flap Skin graft (for small defects procedure less than 1.5 hours) Dressings under anesthesia 100 UROLOGY Any operative procedure of 6 hours duration or more will be considered as supra major surgery. Supra Major Renal transplant – living Renal transplant – cadaveric Grade 1 Donor nephrectomy Bilateral adrenal surgery Bench surgery for kidney Anatropic nephrolithotomy Reno vascular surgery Total cystectomy with diversion Radial prostatectomy Augmentation cystoplasty Radical inguinal lymphadenectomy – bilateral Radial nephrectomy Nephroureterectomy Lap nephrectomy Radical cystectomy Lab donor nephrectomy Total cystectomy Bilateral ureteric reimplantation Grade 2 Unilateral adrenal surgery Partial nephrectomy Percutaneous nephrolithotomy Uretero renoscopic surgery Pyeloplasty Endopyelotomy Bowel replacement of ureter Ileal conduit Urinary unidiversion Surgery for post prostatectomy incontinence Total penectomy Radical inguinal lymphadenectomy – unilateral Uretero neocystostomy – bilateral Surgery for retroperitoneal fibrosis – unilateral Extended pyelolithotomy V.V.F. repair (vesicovaginal fistula) Surgery for stress incontinence Repair of epispadias Repair of hypospadias – one stage repair Grade 3 Simple nephrectomy Simple pyelolithotomy Uretero lithotomy Nephrolithotomy Operations for renal cysts Stone basketing Ureterectomy 101 Cutaneous ureterostomy Ileo ureterostomy Ureteric reimplantation – unilateral Surgery for R.P.F. – unilateral Trans urethral resection bladder tumour Open prostatectomy Trans urethral resection – prostate Partial cystectomy Partial amputation of penis Excision of bladder diverticiulum Staged urethroplasty Resection of posterior urethral valves Urethrectomy Epididymectomy Orchidectomy Vasovasotomy Vaso epididymostomy Orchiopexy Cystoscopic teflon injection for reflux Uretero ureterostomy Uretero colic anastomosis Penile prosthesis Repair of hypospadias – staged Bilateral varicocelectomy Release of chordee Transobturator tape Grade 4 Arteriovenous fistula Unilateral varicocelectomy Percutaneous nephrostomy Drainage of perinephric abscess Cystoscopy retrograde pyelography Double J stenting Cystoscopy + biopsy Cystolitholapaxy Cystolithotomy Extraction of urethral calculi Testicular biopsy Varicocele surgery Surgery for hydrocele Vasectomy Circumcision Meatoplasty Optical urethrotomy Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter insertion/removal Diagnostic cystoscopy Cysto visual internal urethrotomy Renal biopsy Cystoscopy fulgaration Grade 5 102 Urethral dilation Prostatic biopsy Arteriovenous shunt Urethral catheterization Supra pubic cystostomy Drainage of abscess-scrotal, prostatic Meatotomy Cystoscopy Cystoscopic stent removal N.B.: All laparoscopic operations to be graded on same scale as their open surgery counterparts. 103 Appendix 2.8: A Novel Web-Based Strategy to Identify Non-Governmental Actors in Global Surgery. STUDY METHODOLOGY JOSHUA S NG-KAMSTRA, SUMEDHA ARYA, TIMOTHY E CHUNG, BRAD WESTON, CLAUDIA FRANKFURTER, JOHANNA N RIESEL, TINO KREUTZER, JOHN G MEARA We sought to catalogue and describe all NGOs providing surgical care in low and middle income countries (LMICs). For this purpose, delivery of surgical care by an NGO was narrowly defined as the manipulation of tissues taking place within an operating room, and was distinguished from the financial or logistical support of such care. Non-governmental organizations were defined by the UNROL definition as “not-forprofit group[s], principally independent from government. . .organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in support of the public good.”1 LMICs were identified by their respective World Bank lending groups, including upper-middle, lower-middle, and low-income countries.2 Only organizations with evidence of surgical delivery available on the web (mission statements, reports, trip schedules, photos, or testimonials) were included. NGOs with one or more national or regional branches were counted only once. This included the 191 national societies of the IFRC, the 24 national and regional boards of MSF, and the 15 national branches of Medecins du Monde, each of which may engage in surgical delivery to varying degrees.3-5 Several strategies were used to identify NGOs, with all searches completed in September 2014. First, an attempt was made to identify organizations providing surgery during humanitarian disasters. ReliefWeb, an online service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), provides an Application Program Interface (API) service listing all organizations reporting data to UNOCHA.6 These were then screened for inclusion according to the above definition. Next, an attempt was made to identify organizations providing surgery in non-disaster settings. We used, an online clearinghouse including data on 92,262 NGOs at the time of review.7 A Boolean search string was developed to capture all organizations involved in surgical delivery, and the resulting organizations were similarly screened. Third, we used the method of Casey and McQueen to improve yield, incorporating organizations from the Society of Pediatric Anesthesia, Operation Giving Back, and US State Department Private Volunteer Organizations (PVO) registry databases.8-11 Fourth, we included organizations surveyed by Nguyen, et al, in a study of NGO delivery of pediatric cardiac surgery.12 We completed a PubMed search using terms related to “nongovernmental organizations”, a variety of surgical specialties and procedures, and LMIC country names, and extracted organization names from relevant results. Furthermore, we incorporated a list of organizations provided by a collaborating group resulting from a search of the GuideStar database.13 Finally, we screened all Twitter followers of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery for organizations meeting inclusion criteria.14 104 Once duplicate organizations were eliminated, the resulting screened organizations were then subjected to a careful review of their websites, extracting data on the location of each organization’s headquarters, its model of engagement, countries of care delivery, and surgical specialties offered. Short-term missions were defined as those lasting <30 days, while long-term engagement was defined as permanent presence or repeated trips to the same sites. Humanitarian surgical care was defined as the provision of surgery during public health crises or following natural disasters. For organizations providing surgical care in addition to a broader suite of health and development interventions, we attempted to list only countries in which the organization provided surgery. Where such information was not available, we assumed surgical delivery in all of the organization’s country sites. There were several limitations of this approach. First, our search strategy was biased toward organizations based in the US and with websites in English. Second, although numerous data sources were employed, it is difficult to determine whether this review is exhaustive. We did not study surgical volumes or organizational lifespans, which are critical areas of further research to determine the total and relative contribution of the charitable sector to global surgical delivery. REFERENCES 1. United Nations Rule of Law. Non-governmental organizations. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 2. The World Bank Group. Country and Lending Groups. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 3. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Where we work. 2014. (accessed September 8 2014). 4. Medecins Sans Frontieres. National and regional boards. 2014. (accessed September 8 2014). 5. Medecins du Monde. Reseau International. 2014. (accessed September 8 2014). 6. ReliefWeb. ReliefWeb API. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 7. Idealist. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 8. McQueen KA, Hyder JA, Taira BR, Semer N, Burkle FM, Jr., Casey KM. The provision of surgical care by international organizations in developing countries: a preliminary report. World J Surg 2010; 34(3): 397-402. 9. Society for Pediatric Anesthesia. Volunteer Medical Services Abroad. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 10. Operation Giving Back. Resources by Specialty. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 11. US Agency for International Development. Private Voluntary Organizations. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 12. Nguyen N, Jacobs JP, Dearani JA, et al. Survey of nongovernmental organizations providing pediatric cardiovascular care in low- and middle-income countries. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery 2014; 5(2): 248-55. 13. GuideStar. GuideStar Nonprofit Directory. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 14. GSCommission. The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery: official Twitter account. 2014. (accessed September 24 2014). 105 Workforce, Training, and Education (WTE) 106 Appendix 3.0: Workforce, Training And Education Key Findings • • • • • The surgical workforce is a diverse network of individuals who collectively contribute to the delivery of surgical and anaesthesia care There are over 2 million specialist surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and obstetricians in the world but their distribution is not commensurate with population size and need; the poorest half of the global population is served by only a fifth of the global specialist surgical workforce To meet projected population needs by 2030, today’s surgical workforce would need to double in 15 years. Task sharing in combination with scale-up of specialist surgical and anaesthetic providers may be an appropriate means of achieving workforce goals Accreditation, licensing, and continuing professional development, shown to improve quality of the provision of care, are poorly documented around the world Rural surgical and anaesthesia care is underemphasized in graduate and post-graduate surgical and anaesthetic education contributing to the mal-distribution of surgical and anaesthetic providers worldwide 107 Appendix 3.1: The Surgical Workforce The health workforce involved in the delivery of surgical care consists of an interdependent network of clinical and non-clinical professionals involved in healthcare delivery, administration, management, training, and monitoring.1 A common perception of “surgery” is that of a surgeon and an anaesthetist alone in a sterile environment. However, a more accurate depiction encompasses an interdependent network of individuals working in harmony to deliver safe, affordable surgical and anaesthetic care. This includes, but is not limited to: community health workers (CHWs), hospital managers, theater technicians, a heterogeneous group of providers, including consultant surgeons, anaesthetists and obstetricians as well as those still in-training, generalist physicians providing surgical care, associate clinicians providing surgical and anaesthetic care, educators and educational stakeholders, rehabilitation specialists, technicians and diagnosticians in laboratory and radiology science (Figure 1). Clinical leadership, monitoring, evaluation, and care provision are equally important to the necessary delivery of safe, effective surgical and anaesthetic care. Although workforce considerations for surgical and anaesthetic care extend well beyond the provision of frontline clinical care, in this section we will focus on issues pertaining primarily to surgical and anaesthetic providers. Surgical Provider Rehabilitation Specialists Trained Theater Staff Hospital Managers Anaesthetic Provider The Surgical Workforce Technical Support Staff Perioperative Nurse Radiologist/Pat hologist Laboratory Staff Community Health Worker Figure 1 The Surgical Workforce 108 Appendix 3.2: The Global Surgeon, Anaesthesiologist, and Obstetrician Workforce Thresholds and 2030 Projections STUDY METHODOLOGY HAMPUS HOLMER, MARK G. SHRIME, JOHANNA N. RIESEL, JOHN G. MEARA, LARS HAGANDER National data on the density of specialist surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and obstetricians per 100 000 population, from Holmer et al 20151, were compared to the most recent national maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births, modelled estimate; MMR)2. A regression line was fit between provider density and the logarithm of MMR and the percent change in MMR per 10 unit change in provider density was expressed with 95% confidence interval. The correlation was explored for an upper and a lower density threshold. Thresholds were identified as particularly steep improvements were seen from 0 to approximately 20 providers per 100,000 population, and a flatter gradient above approximately 40 providers per 100,000 population. The global median in MMR was calculated (67·5 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births). The formula of the regression line between surgeon, anaesthesiologist and obstetrician density and the logarithm of MMR was used to derive the approximate MMR level at each threshold (103·5 and 36·3, respectively). The global median was centred almost exactly between the two thresholds of 20 and 40 providers per 100 000 population. The thresholds were also symmetrically distributed around the estimated global need of surgical procedures, as calculated by multiplying the density with the average productivity of surgical procedures per surgical specialist globally each year3. We calculated the average productivity for surgeons and obstetricians (with anaesthesiologists analysed separately as they would typically work side by side with the operating surgeon or obstetrician) to be 196 operations per surgeon and obstetrician per year (or 569 operations per anaesthesiologist). Using the global proportion of anaesthesiologists to surgeons and obstetricians, we were able to convert the thresholds to represent only surgeons and obstetricians (15 and 30 per 100 000 respectively). By multiplying the average productivity of surgeons and obstetricians with the corresponding threshold densities, we obtained the number of operations per 100 000 population at each density level (2917 and 5834 per 100 000, respectively). The global estimate of the number of surgical operations needed annually presented by Rose et al.3 (4661 per 100 000) was found to be almost exactly between the two thresholds of 20 and 40 providers per 100,000 population. Based on imputed and absolute numbers of providers by income category, divided by the total population of each category, we established that the suggested thresholds roughly corresponded to the current provider densities in the lower-middle income (16 per 100 000) and upper-middle income countries (38 per 100,000), respectively. For countries with a provider density below the respective threshold (i.e. excluding all countries with a density above those levels), we compared the current number of providers with the number needed to reach each threshold. The number of providers was calculated using absolute or imputed national densities from Holmer et al.1 multiplied by the population in 2012 by country. By subtracting the needed number with the current number of providers, we were able to quantify the gap between the current and needed surgical workforce. REFERENCES 1. Holmer H; Lantz A; Finlayson S; Hoyler M; Siyam A; Montenegro H; Kelley E.T; Campbell JC, M; Hagander, L The Global Distribution of Surgeons, Obstetricians and Anaesthesiologists. The Lancet Global Health in press; 2015. 2. World Bank. Data: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births). 2015. (accessed January 25 2015). 3. Rose J, Weiser TG, Hider P, Wilson L, Gruen R, Bickler SW. Estimated need for surgery worldwide 109 based on prevalence of diseases: implications for public health planning of surgical services. The Lancet Global Health in press; 2015 110 Appendix 3.3: Surgical Volume and The Surgical Workforce While counting the number of surgical and anaesthetic providers alone cannot guarantee surgical productivity, they do correlate with surgical volume (Figure 1). While it is not surprising that the higher the density of the surgical workforce, the higher the number of surgical procedures performed, it is reassuring that counting the number of surgeons, anaesthetists, and obstetricians per country is not as misleading as some might suspect. Rather it is a reasonable first step in creating a National Surgical Plan that can later be expounded with further information once it available. Average imputed surgical rate (per 100,000; log scale) 100000 10000 1000 r=0.69 2 r =0.47 100 10 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Number of specialist surgical providers (per 100,000; log scale) Figure 1 Relation between number of major surgeries1 and number of specialist surgeons, anaesthetists and obstetricians2, logarithmic scale REFERENCES 1. Weiser TG, Haynes AB, Molina G, Lipsitz SR, Esquivel M, Uribe-Leitz T, Fu R, Azad T, Chao TE, Berry WR, Gawande AA. The global volume of surgery, cesarean delivery, and life expectancy in 2012. Currently under review. 2015 2. Holmer H; Lantz A; Finlayson S; Hoyler M; Siyam A; Montenegro H; Kelley E.T; Campbell, J; Cherian, M; Hagander, L. The Global Distribution of Surgeons, Obstetricians and Anaesthesiologists. Currently under review. 2014 111 Appendix 3.4: Geospatial Mapping to Estimate Timely Access to Surgical Care in Nine Low-and-Middle Income Countries STUDY METHODOLOGY NAKUL RAYKAR, ALEXIS BOWDER, MARTHA VEGA, JONG KIM, GLORIA BOYE, CHARLES LIU, SARAH GREENBERG, JOHANNA RIESEL, ROWAN GILLIES, JOHN MEARA, NOBHOJIT ROY DATA COLLECTION AND SOURCES Information detailing surgeon and practice locations within countries was obtained through Ministries of Health, surgical or medical professional societies, providers or researchers with in-country knowledge of surgeon distribution, medical school and provider registration databases, and the published literature. Data for Sierra Leone, for example, referenced in the report, was obtained from the research team led by Hakon Bolkan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology),1 and consisted of a detailed review of all hospitals in Sierra Leone and the number of full-time-equivalent (FTE) surgeons operating in each hospital. ESTABLISHING COVERAGE ZONES ON GOOGLE MAPS ENGINE API Hospitals locations were identified and geocoded on Google Maps Engine API and thereafter de-identified and only referenced based on municipal location.2 Google Maps Engine API was used to identify 2-hour driving distances from each geocoded location based on all major roadways leading into the municipality in which the hospital resided. Where documented roads were present, 2-hour distances were calculated off of major roadways into minor roads. Where these were not present, an approximate 10 km distance in each direction off the major roadway was included in the coverage zone. CALCULATING COVERAGE ZONE POPULATIONS The outlined coverage zones in Google Maps Engine API were transposed to NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) Population Estimation Service to estimate population sizes residing in coverage zones.3 SEDAC relies on 2005 population data. DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION Populations of coverage zones were compared to full-country populations from comparable SEDAC data to establish proportions of the country populations with and without access to surgical care. REFERENCES 1. Hakon Bolkan et al. Hospital Infrastructure and Human Resource Evaluation for Sierra Leone. Unpublished, 2014. 2. Google Maps Engine API,; accessed January 2015. 3. NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) Population Estimation Service,, accessed January 2015. 112 Appendix 3.5: Task Shifting Around the World STUDY METHODOLOGY FREDERIK FEDERSPIEL, SWAGOTO MUKHOPADHYAY, PENELOPE MILSOM, JOHN W SCOTT, JOHANNA N RIESEL, JOHN G MEARA DATABASE SEARCHES We followed the 2009 PRISMA guidelines for review without meta-analysis.1 Data for this review were identified by searches of PubMed on August 17, 2014, yielding 4111 records, and an additional 9 databases on August 29, 2014: Embase, The Cochrane Library, CINAHL, WHOLIS and 5 regional databases (AIM, LILACS, IMEMR, IMSEAR and WPRIM), adding a total of 640 records. Our search string consisted of 4 components: 9 database-specific subject heading terms for healthcare personnel (e.g. ”Allied Health Personnel Statistics”), ”OR”, 50 variations of 15 associate clinician terms (e.g. ”nurse practitioner”), ”AND”, 14 variations of 9 general terms for surgery, anaesthesia, and obstetrics (e.g. anaesthetist), ”AND”, database-specific subject heading terms for geographic locations in general. All terms within the components were combined with ”OR”. References of included articles were screened for potential relevancy. INCLUSION CRITERIA Articles published from January 1, 1995 to August 17, 2014 with title or abstract mentioning surgical or anaesthetic care provision by non-specialist physicians or associate clinicians, where associate clinicians included physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurse anaesthetists, medical officers, clinical officers, surgical technicians, Técnicos de Cirurgia, anaesthesia technicians, anaesthetic care practitioners, anaesthesia assistants, anaesthetic technical officers and anaesthetic medical assistants. EXCLUSION CRITERIA Articles that focused on ophthalmologic or odontologic main topics, task shifting of diagnostic or outpatient procedures, non-English language, or opinion pieces. GREY LITERATURE AND REGIONAL SURVEYS: Grey literature was searched with a hand search of the WHO Global Health Workforce Alliance website adding 168 records.2 To obtain data on countries not found in our literature searches, and to resolve conflicts encountered in published data we directly emailed surgical and anaesthetic professionals in these countries with an un-validated survey consisting of a standard inquiry asking whether or not surgical or anaesthetic task shifting was currently occurring in these countries and whether it was occurring under supervision. These countries were: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Canada, Dominican Republic, Equator, Egypt, Honduras, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Somalia, Sri Lanka and United Kingdom. All professionals contacted responded to our inquiry. REVIEW PROCESS: Three reviewers conducted a primary screening of titles and abstracts of all records so that each record was screened for eligibility by two independent reviewers. Any discrepancies in decisions on eligibility between the two reviewers were resolved by consensus between all three reviewers. Decision on eligibility for fulltext review was reached by consensus among all three reviewers. To ensure the data would not be dominated by literature from single countries with large bodies of literature, we introduced a 10-article limit per country. This showed only to affect USA and UK (61 relevant articles in total). A total of 10 articles from each of these 2 countries published over the recent 10 years were randomly selected for fulltext review, removing 41 additional articles. 113 DATA EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS: Data on which health cadres, if any, were performing task shifting in each country, the types of tasks performed, the presence of a training program for the given profession and whether given tasks were performed under supervision were extracted where available and the data were compared across regions and income groups. REFERENCES 1. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and metaanalyses: the PRISMA statement. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2009;62(10):1006-12. 2. WHO Global Health Workforce Alliance. Available from: 114 Appendix 3.6: Surgical, Anaesthetic, and Obstetric Training Paradigms STUDY SUMMARY AND METHODOLOGY FREDRIK OHER AND JOHANNA N RIESEL There are no comprehensive reports on surgical, anaesthetic, or obstetric training programs around the world. As we move forward in surgical and anaesthetic training, it is important that we reflect on our current practices and search for ways to improve them. Learning from other countries can be helpful in this practice. To better understand the possibilities and variations in training, we endeavoured to obtain descriptions of surgical and anaesthetic training programs around the world, across all World Bank income categories and WHO regions. STUDY DESIGN This study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. In the fall of 2014, physicians around the world were contacted and asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding surgical, obstetric, and/or anaesthesia training in their country. Physicians were identified via relevant papers (often as corresponding authors), personal contacts, and national and international colleges of surgeons, anaesthetists, and obstetricians (Figure 1). To minimize the risk of misinterpretation or misunderstanding, data was summarized in a table, and survey respondents were at a later stage asked to verify the information pertaining to their country. All WHO member countries were eligible to be part of this survey. However, we prioritized countries with larger populations and countries where data was readily available. DATA PRESENTATION AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Data was stratified according to World Bank income categories. Ordinal data was expressed with median (range) when non-normally distributed, and mean (SD) if normally distributed. Dichotomous data was expressed with percentages or proportions. Data was obtained from survey respondents in 40 countries for surgery, 30 countries for anaesthesiology, and 32 countries for obstetrics. At the deadline for this publication, the survey respondents had verified the data (for their country) in all but 5 countries for surgery, 2 for anaesthesiology, and 2 for obstetrics. Figure 1: Survey Respondents by Country. 115 World Bank Income Category N Median Minimum Years in Medical School (Range) Median Minimum years of post-graduate pre-residency years 1 (Range) Median Minimum years of primary residency 2 (Range) Do trainees receive a salary or pay tuition for residency? Are rural placements required during residency? Is passing a final exam required to practice as a surgeon, anaesthetist or obstetrician? Are work hours regulated in residency? Are residency programs monitored for quality by any national or international institution? Are there any official Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements? Surgery LIC/LMIC 40 13 6 (4·5-8) 1 (0-3) 4 (2-5) Yes 31 % No 69 % Yes 92 % No 8 Yes 8 % No 92 % Yes 54 % No 46 % Yes 46 % No 54 % UMIC 10 6 (4-7) 0 (0-4) 4·5 (2-6) Salary 69 % Tuition 23 % Both 8 % 3 Salary 100 % Yes 70 % Optional 30 % Yes 70 % No 30 % 17 6 (4-7) 4 0 (0·2) 5 (2-8) Salary 88 % Both 6 %3 Variable 6 % 5 Yes 76 % No 24 % Yes 40 % No 50 % Variable 10 % Yes 71 % No 29 % Yes 60 % No 40 % HIC Yes 20 % No 60 % Variable 20 % Yes 24 % No 65 % Variable 12 % Yes 88 % No 12 % Yes 65 % No 35 % Anaesthesia LIC/LMIC 30 12 5·5 (4·5-8) 1 (0-3) 3 (2-4) Yes 17 % No 67 % Variable 17 % Yes 83 % No 17 % Yes 8 % No 92 % Yes 50 % No 50 % Yes 42 % No 58 % UMIC 6 5·5 (5-7) 1 (0-4) 4 (2-5) Salary 58 % Tuition 25 % Both 8 %3 Variable 8 %5 Salary 100 % No 83 % Variable 17 % Yes 83 % Optional 17 % Yes 50 % No 50 % Yes 67 % No 33 % HIC 12 6 (4-7)4 1 (0-2) 5 (2-7) Salary 100 % Yes 8 % No 83 % Variable 8 % Yes 75 % No 25 % Yes 75 % No 25 % Yes 50 % No 33 % Variable 17 % Yes 92 % No 8 % Obstetrics LIC/LMIC 32 11 6 (4·5-7) 1 (0-3) 4 (2-5) Yes 50 % 6 No 50 % Yes 91 % No 9 % Yes 9 % No 91 % Yes 45 % No 55 % Yes 50 %6 No 50 % UMIC 10 6 (4-7) 0·5 (0-4) 4 (2-5) Salary 64 % Tuition 27 % Variable 9 %5 Salary 100 % 6 (4-7)4 1 (0-2) 5 (3-7) Yes 70 % No 20 % Variable 10 % Yes 91 % No 9 % Yes 50 % No 50 % 11 Yes 70 % No 20 % Optional 10 % Yes 64 % No 36 % Yes 40 % No 60 % HIC Yes 10 % No 80 % Variable 10 % Yes 27 % No 64 % Variable 9 % Salary 82 % Both 18 %3 Yes 82 % No 18 % Yes 67 % No 33 % Yes 64 % No 36 % Table 1. Post-graduate education stratified by income and field Can include internships, social service, minimum time to prepare for entrance exam, and similar. Defined as the level of training where after completion you are called a surgeon (or anesthesiologist or obstetrician) and are allowed to practice individually in at least some parts of the country. Synonymous with specialist or post-graduate or mMed training. 3 Indicates that the trainee receives a salary/stipend but is also required to pay a fee/tuition 4 Includes the United States and Canada where the pre-med years required to enter medical school have not been included 5 Throughout that country, practices of receiving a salary or paying tuition vary between programs 6 Data only available for 10 countries for this question 1 2 116 REFERENCES 1. Pollett, W.G. and B.P. Waxman, Postgraduate surgical education and training in Canada and Australia: each may benefit from the other's experiences. ANZ J Surg, 2012. 82(9): p. 581-7. 2. Collins, J.P., et al., Surgical education and training in Australia and New Zealand. World J Surg, 2008. 32(10): p. 2138-44. 3. Ferreira, E.A. and S. Rasslan, Surgical education in Brazil. World J Surg, 2010. 34(5): p. 880-3. 4. Wan, Y.C. and Y.I. Wan, Delivering surgical training in the People's Republic of China: Are current mechanisms adequate? International Journal of Surgery, 2008. 6(6): p. 443-445. 5. Shen, B.Y. and Q. Zhan, Surgical education in China. World J Surg, 2008. 32(10): p. 2145-9. 6. Udwadia, T.E. and G. Sen, Surgical training in India. World J Surg, 2008. 32(10): p. 2150-5. 7. Ito, Y., Surgical education and postgraduate training in Japan. World J Surg, 2008. 32(10): p. 2134-7. 8. Lum, S.K. and A.C. Crisostomo, A comparative study of surgical training in South East Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom. Asian J Surg, 2009. 32(3): p. 137-42. 9. Itani, K.M., et al., Training of a surgeon: an international perspective. J Am Coll Surg, 2007. 204(3): p. 47885. 10. Cervantes, J., Surgical education in Mexico. World J Surg, 2010. 34(5): p. 875-6. 11. Ojo, E.O., et al., Post-graduate surgical training in Nigeria: The trainees' perspective. Niger Med J, 2014. 55(4): p. 342-7. 12. Bode, C.O., C.C. Nwawolo, and O.F. Giwa-Osagie, Surgical education at the West African College of Surgeons. World J Surg, 2008. 32(10): p. 2162-6. 13. Talati, J.J. and N.A. Syed, Surgical training programs in Pakistan. World J Surg, 2008. 32(10): p. 2156-61. 14. Kevau, I. and D.A. Watters, Specialist surgical training in Papua New Guinea: the outcomes after 10 years. ANZ J Surg, 2006. 76(10): p. 937-41. 15. Degiannis, E., et al., Surgical Education in South Africa. World Journal of Surgery, 2009. 33(2): p. 170-173. 16. Galukande, M., et al., Pretraining Experience and Structure of Surgical Training at a Sub-Saharan African University. World Journal of Surgery, 2013. 37(8): p. 1836-1840. 117 Appendix 3.7: A Systematic Literature Review on Methods for Scaling up the Anaesthesia Workforce SWAGOTO MUKHOPADHYAY, MD AND JOHANNA N RIESEL, MD INTRODUCTION To fill the current gaps in the global surgical workforce, address the large burden and backlog of surgical conditions, and meet the demands of a growing and ageing population with increasing surgical needs, a dramatic scale-up in the availability and accessibility of surgical and anaesthetic providers is required. However, it will not be sufficient to simply increase the numbers of trainees in each country. Attention must be paid to improving recruitment and retention, strengthening training and professional development, and developing appropriate regulatory mechanisms to enhance quality, safety, and responsiveness. In a comprehensive literature search performed for this Commission, programs that focus on sustainability, recruitment, retention of providers, and continued access to current educational materials were found the most effective at scaling up anesthetic training programs and therein anesthetic providers. METHODS To assess which methods had been previously successful in scaling up surgical workforce members in LMICs, we conducted a comprehensive literature search, outlined in the search graphic below. In order to have a more focused understanding of effective means of scale up, we narrowed our search to examine scale up in the anaesthetic workforce. Anaesthetists were identified as an essential part of the surgical workforce, and programs effective in anaesthetic training expansion were presumed generalizable to surgical workforce expansion. RESULTS Tools that were useful included video conferencing for teaching sessions to providers not in immediate proximity, primary textbook donation to anaesthetists, as well as free online journal access provided by the WHO’s Health 118 InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative.4-6 The key issue of recruitment has been successfully addressed through collaboration with Ministries of Health and accrediting bodies from the initiation of training programs.7-8 Simultaneous training of task-sharers, e.g. nurse anaesthetists, alongside anaesthesia residents has not only expanded the skilled workforce, but has also addressed both sustainability and retaining of providers.6 Furthermore, programs with junior and senior residents working in the same training facilities with visiting professors, instead of fully outsourcing education to foreign nations, is an additional method employed to increase retaining of locally trained anesthesiologists.9 The American Society of Anaesthesiologists Global Humanitarian Outreach (ASAGHO) has quadrupled the number of anaesthesia providers in Rwanda by ‘providing a support network and elevating the status of anaesthesia providers’.10 Barriers to scale up included: shortage of teaching faculty, emigration of junior skilled workers, and varying levels of infrastructure with no maintenance personnel.7,11 However, overall, data on effective means of and pitfalls of scale-up are limited. Increased research is needed in these areas to improve efficacy of efforts to increase the surgical workforce. REFERENCES 1. World Health O. The world health report: 2006: working together for health. 2006. 2. Holmer H; Lantz A; Finlayson S; Hoyler M; Siyam A; Montenegro H; Kelley E.T; Campbell JC, M; Hagander, L The Global Distribution of Surgeons, Obstetricians and Anaesthesiologists Under peer review with The Lancet Global Health; 2014. 3. Weiser TG HA, Molina G, Lipsitz SR, Esquivel M, Uribe-Leitz T, Fu R, Azad T, Chao TE, Berry WR, Gawande AA. The global volume of surgery, cesarean delivery, and life expectancy in 2012. under review 2015. 4. Higgins NS, Taraporewalla K, Edirippulige S, Ware RS, Steyn M, Watson MO. Educational support for specialist international medical graduates in anaesthesia. Med J Aust 2013; 199(4): 272-4. 5. Aitken H, O'Sullivan E. The International Relations Committee of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Anaesthesia 2007; 62 Suppl 1: 72-4. 6. Enright A. Anesthesia training in Rwanda. Can J Anaesth 2007; 54(11): 935-9. 7. Twagirumugabe T, Carli F. Rwandan anesthesia residency program: a model of north-south educational partnership. Int Anesthesiol Clin 2010; 48(2): 71-8. 8. Lipnick M, Mijumbi C, Dubowitz G, et al. Surgery and anesthesia capacity-building in resource-poor settings: description of an ongoing academic partnership in Uganda. World journal of surgery 2013; 37(3): 488-97. 9. Kinnear JA, Bould MD, Ismailova F, Measures E. A new partnership for anesthesia training in Zambia: reflections on the first year. Can J Anaesth 2013; 60(5): 484-91. 10. Edler AA, Gipp MS. Teaching NonPhysician Anesthesia Providers in Tanzania: a movement toward sustainable healthcare development. Int Anesthesiol Clin 2010; 48(2): 59-69. 11. Newton M, Bird P. Impact of parallel anesthesia and surgical provider training in sub-Saharan Africa: a model for a resource-poor setting. World journal of surgery 2010; 34(3): 445-52. 119 Appendix 3.8: The Scale-up of the Surgical Workforce COUNTRY LEVEL EXAMPLES AND METHODOLOGY KIMBERLY DANIELS, JOHANNA N. RIESEL, JOHN G MEARA The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery found that countries with higher densities of providers per 100,000 population have improved maternal survival. In particular, a specialist surgical workforce density of less than 20/100 000 is associated with a significant decrease in maternal survival. Improved maternal survival is noted as countries approximate a specialist surgical workforce density of 40/100,000. Beyond densities of 40/100,000 gains are still present but less dramatically so. Reaching a specialist surgical workforce density of 40/100,000 by 2030 is an optimum. Setting 20/100,000 as a more realistic interim target may be more feasible. In 2030, countries can re-evaluate their workforce needs and decide how whether to continue to scale up or diversify their workforce. STUDY METHODOLOGY The number of consultant surgical providers needed to reach workforce thresholds of 20/100,000 and 40/100,000 by 2030 was estimated using data on population growth and current workforce numbers. The current number and density of surgical providers for 194 countries was collected from the WHO Global Surgical Workforce Database.1 Data on the current population size and growth rates over the next fifteen years (medium fertility projection) was obtained from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs for each country.2 It was assumed that the SAO workforce will grow exponentially for countries that have not reached these thresholds and that the rate of increase of the workforce/country would be constant over the fifteen-year period. For those countries with current densities less than 20/100K, the current density and the projected 2030 population were used to generate estimates to determine the number of SAO needed in in 2030 in those countries. The same was done with a target density of 40/100K. For those countries that have a 2014 density greater than 20/100K or 40/100K, their current density was assumed to remain constant over the next fifteen years. From these estimates we solved for the necessary net workforce growth rate using the equation below for population growth where P = future SAO population needed, and 𝑃𝑃0 = current SAO population and r = net workforce growth rate and t= time. 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑃𝑃0 𝑒𝑒 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 To determine the rate of SAO entering the workforce from 2015-2030, the rates of retirement were added to the net workforce growth rate in the following equation: Net growth rate=Workforce Entry rate-Workforce retirement rate In these calculations we assumed that the global retirement rate for SAO was between 1% and 10% and that SAO practiced in the country where they were trained for the entirety of their medical careers [retirement rates obtained from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists]. We also assumed that these rates will be constant over the next fifteen years and therefore the population will grow exponentially. Using the previous equation, 𝑃𝑃 = 𝑃𝑃0 𝑒𝑒 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 the projected number of total SAO that had to have entered the workforce by 2030 (P) was calculated by substituting the workforce entry rate in place of the net growth rate. The current number of SAO in 2014 was subtracted from this projected total trained to determine the total number of SAO needed to train in the next fifteen years. From this calculation, a model was generated showing the number of SAO needed to enter the workforce in every country, every year by setting t=1 and using r=the workforce entry rate. This model assumes that each country can exponentially increase their SAO workforce every year starting now and that postgraduate training positions and jobs exist to accommodate increased numbers of providers. Separate workforce growth rates and total SAO needed to train were calculated for a retirement of both 1% and 10% and for a low, middle, and high rate of population growth. The estimates of providers needed by 2030 were re-calculated to incorporate surgical and anaesthetic task sharers or associate clinicians in either a 1:2 or a 1:4 Specialist:Associate Clinicians ratio. 120 The cost to train the necessary providers in order to reach both 20 SAO per 100,000 and 40 SAO per 100,000 was calculated for each country. Cost data for training consultant SAO in twelve countries spanning low-, middle-, and high-income levels were found in the literature.3-6 A linear regression was created relating the natural log of each country’s health care expenditure per capita to the natural log of the cost of medical school and post-graduate training in that country. Using health care expenditure per capita data and the regression model, estimates for the cost of training a surgeon, anaesthetist, or obstetrician were calculated for each country. These costs were multiplied by the total number of SAO needed to be trained in the next fifteen years. Separate costs were calculated for retirement rates of 1% and 10% and for low, medium, and high population growth projections of the country. The cost to train a surgical or anaesthetic associate clinician was calculated in the same way as the cost to train a consultant SAO. Estimates of cost were found from the literature for seven countries spanning all income levels and a linear regression was created using health care expenditure per capita.3, 6-9 The costs were also calculated for a 1:2 or a 1:4 specialist: associate clinicians ratio. In this model we assumed that the cost to train these providers would not change over the next fifteen years and future costs were not discounted. The length of time in person years for each country to train the number of surgical and anaesthetic providers needed to reach the thresholds of 20/100,000 and 40/100,000 by 2030 was also calculated. In the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, they found that it takes approximately 8-10 years following secondary school to train a specialist SAO, while it usually takes five years following secondary school to train an associate clinician [3, 4, 6-8, 10-12]. The number of SAO needed to train from 2015-2030 in each country was multiplied by ten in order to determine the number of person-years it will take to train them. A similar calculation was made for scenarios where there is a 1:2 or a 1:4 Consultant: Associate Clinicians ratio. For all countries to reach a density of 20 surgical, anaesthetic, and obstetric providers per 100,000 by 2030, an additional 1,272,586 providers will need to be trained. For low-income countries to do this in an SAO only model, it will cost over 430 million USD on average. For lower-middle-income countries, this will cost over 950 million USD on average. In the hybrid TS:SAO model, 1,272,586 surgical and anaesthetic providers also need to be trained by 2030 to meet a surgical workforce density of 20/100,000 per country, but it will decrease training costs and time by 40%. This is further illustrated in country level examples in Table 1. Table 1. SAO Only and TS:SAO Scale-Up Models Demonstrated at the Country Level Low-Income Countries Lower-Middle-Income Countries Model SAO only TS:SAO (4:1) SAO only Demonstrative Country Kenya The Philippines TS:SAO (4:1) Upper-Middle-Income Countries SAO only Brazil TS:SAO (4:1) Time in Person Years 131,448 84,710 182,006 Cost in USD 1.0Billion 361 Million 1.9 Billion 117,292 734 Million 318,685 6.1 Billion 205,375 3.1 Billion SAO: Specialist Surgeons, Anaesthetists, and Obstetricians TS: Task Sharers REFERENCES 1. Holmer H; Lantz A; Finlayson S; Hoyler M; Siyam A; Montenegro H; Kelley E.T; Campbell JC, M; Hagander, L, The Global Distribution of Surgeons, Obstetricians, and Anaesthesiologists. 2015, Submitted to the Lancet Global Health. 2. UN World Population Prospects 2012 Total Population-Both Sexes. Accessed from on January 25, 2015 3. Kruk, M.E., et al., Economic evaluation of surgically trained assistant medical officers in performing major obstetric surgery in Mozambique. BJOG, 2007. 114(10): p. 1253-60. 4. Survey of Resident/Fellow Stipends and Benefits Report. 2013, Association of American Medical Colleges: Online. p. 2-14. 5. Fresne, J., J. Youngclaus, and M. Shick, Medical Student Education: Debt, Costs, and Loan Repayment Fact Card, A.o.A.M. Colleges, Editor. 2014, AAMC: Online. 121 6. MacIntyre, P., et al., Cost of education and earning potential for non-physician anesthesia providers. AANA J, 2014. 82(1): p. 25-31. 7. Mkandawire, N., C. Ngulube, and C. Lavy, Orthopaedic clinical officer program in Malawi: a model for providing orthopaedic care. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 2008. 466(10): p. 2385-91. 8. Mullan, F. and S. Frehywot, Non-physician clinicians in 47 sub-Saharan African countries. Lancet, 2007. 370(9605): p. 2158-63. 9. Muula, A.S., B. Panulo, and F.C. Maseko, The financial losses from the migration of nurses from Malawi. BMC Nurs, 2006. 5: p. 9. 10. Hounton, S.H., et al., A cost-effectiveness study of caesarean-section deliveries by clinical officers, general practitioners and obstetricians in Burkina Faso. Hum Resour Health, 2009. 7: p. 34. 11. Gessessew, A., et al., Task shifting and sharing in Tigray, Ethiopia, to achieve comprehensive emergency obstetric care. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 2011. 113(1): p. 28-31. 12. van Amelsfoort, J.J., et al., Surgery in Malawi--the training of clinical officers. Trop Doct, 2010. 40(2): p. 74-6. 122 Appendix 3.9: Increasing Access To Surgical Care Through Task Sharing in Malawi NYENGO MKANDAWIRE HEALTH WORKER TRAINING IN MALAWI Malawi has a longstanding history of associate clinicians in surgery and anaesthesia dating to the colonial and immediate post-colonial period when Malawian health care workers were trained on the job in government and faith based institutions as medical assistants. Formal training of associate clinicians started in 1976, while local training of physicians started in 1991. Malawi has a critical shortage of all cadres of health care workers with an overall vacancy rate of 49% and needs to increase the number of health care workers from 14,039 to 34,303 to meet the current demand.1 TASK SHIFTNG: SCOPE OF PRACTICE OF ASSOCIATE CLINICIANS In Malawi, general clinical officers perform 90% of caesarean sections at the district hospital level, and the postoperative outcomes of their procedures are comparable to those of medical officers.2 The training of orthopaedic clinical officers has improved provision of basic orthopaedic care in Malawi and the programme has been reported as a model of orthopaedic care in resource constrained countries.3 Malawi has 1 specialist ENT surgeon. He has established an ENT clinical officer training programme to increase access to ENT services which were until recently unavailable. 15 ENT clinical officers have been trained and posted to district hospitals. 4 To date 118 anaesthetic clinical officers and 7 specialist anaesthesiologists are registered with the medical council. All physician anaesthesiologists are based at the referral hospitals and clinical officers provide all essential anaesthesia services that would otherwise be unavailable in the first level hospitals. LESSONS OF SUCCESS: POLICY AND REGULATION OF TASK SHIFTING PROGRAMS Currently general clinical officers working in first level hospitals lack continuous supervision and mentorship. Their training programme is not competence based and their job description has no specific limitations on scope of practice. This is being addressed by the introduction of bachelor’s degree ‘specialist’ clinical officer who undergoes a further 3-year training after basic qualification to deepen scientific knowledge and acquire new skills and competencies. These clinical officers will act as mentors, supervisors and trainers of general clinical officers at the first level as well as referral hospital level. They will also play a major role in continuing professional development of general clinical officers. The BSc programme has also opened up the career development paths for clinical officers which hitherto was seen as having reached a ‘dead-end’. Plans are underway to allow bachelor’s degree clinical officers to join the medical school and be exempted from some work due to prior knowledge. At a policy level, all stakeholders in Malawi support associate clinician programmes. As associate clinician training programmes predate the undergraduate and postgraduate medical programmes and the numbers of doctors is small, professional protectionism is currently minimal in Malawi. This has been essential to sustaining successful task shifting programs. REFERENCES 1. Health CHAICMAMMo. Health Workforce Optimization Analysis: Optimal Health Worker Allocation for Public Health Facilities across Malawi. 2011. 2. Chilopora G, Pereira C, Kamwendo F, Chimbiri A, Malunga E, Bergstrom S. Postoperative outcome of caesarean sections and other major emergency obstetric surgery by clinical officers and medical officers in Malawi. Human Resource Health. 2007;5:17. 3. Mkandawire N, Ngulube C, Lavy C. Orthopaedic clinical officer program in Malawi: a model for providing orthopaedic care. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2008;466(10):2385-91. 4. Mulwafu W, Nyirenda TE, Fagan JJ, Bem C, Mlumbe K, Chitule J. Initiating and developing clinical services, training and research in a low resource setting: the Malawi ENT experience. Trop Doct. 2014;44(3):135-9. 123 Appendix 3.10 Partnering with the NGO sector for Training and Education An example from Smile Train ERIN STIEBER, PAMELA SHEERAN, AND ERIC HUBLI Smile Train has trained local surgeons and medical professionals in cleft care since its founding in 1999. Their model embodies the proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. They employ simulation, online libraries, hands-on instruction and regular monitoring and evaluation of quality to enhance the training of local providers. Their scalable model has allowed them to provide more than 1,000,000 cleft lip and palate surgeries in more than 85 countries in 15 years. EXAMPLES OF SMILE TRAIN’S TRAINING PROGRAMS • The Virtual Surgery Simulator: To support essential cleft lip and palate surgical training for surgeons, non-surgeon physicians, residents, medical students and paramedical professionals in the developing world, Smile Train developed the Virtual Surgery Simulator: a freely available, web-accessible, surgical simulator providing instruction for cleft lip and palate surgical repair. This technology provides users anywhere in the world with essential training on cleft lip and palate repair techniques using interactive animated graphics, clear written and oral instructions, and actual intra-operative surgical video footage. • Medical Research Library: Smile Train houses the world’s largest online cleft library which allows their global partners to access information about the latest advances, best practices and research in cleft care at no cost. This library has been used by medical professionals in more than 60 countries around the world. • Hands-on Quality Improvement Trainings and Surgical Training Exchange Programs: Hands-on quality improvement trainings include one-on-one training programs and small group workshops that are organized by Smile Train to improve surgical outcomes across partner networks. These trainings and exchange programs are often the result of needs identified through Smile Train’s Quality Assurance Process, the Smile Train Express medical record database, or observations from Smile Train’s Medical Advisory Boards and global staff. Many of these trainings are “South-South” collaborations. For example, surgeons in need of hands-on training may receive a grant to train at a high-volume Smile Train partner facility in an LMIC. • Targeted Anesthesia Training Symposia and Courses: Smile Train offers targeted training symposia and courses. One example is a course that provided basic lessons in safe anesthesia with a specific module focused on care for children with clefts. All participants also received training on pulse oximetry and a Lifebox pulse oximeter for use in their hospital. • Safe Nursing Care Saves Lives Training Program: Smile Train developed a 3-day, train the trainer program that provides nurses at Smile Train partner facilities with essential skills and information to increase their competency and confidence in administering nursing care for children undergoing cleft lip or palate surgery. The workshop has a strong focus on practical and participatory learning, and contains a train the trainer element that provides nurse participants with information and strategies to teach and disseminate their skills and learning when they return to their hospitals. This program was started by the local Smile Train team in East Africa who noted a clear need to improve nursing care, especially postoperatively. Smile Train has scaled this program to support 17 Safe Nursing Care Saves Lives workshops in 12 countries since 2011. More than 400 nurses have been trained. Upon completing the workshop, nurses report that they are more confident practitioners who are able to deliver safer and more effective nursing care to children undergoing cleft surgery. • Comprehensive Training: Smile Train trains and supports a variety of medical and paramedical professionals including speech therapists, nutritionists and psychologists to address the psychosocial elements of cleft lip and palate conditions. Smile Train educates community health workers to address early feeding challenges and direct patients to treatment. The organization also educates parents to ensure they understand the implications of surgery and are able to provide optimal post-operative care. QUALITY AND SAFETY Smile Train tracks patient outcomes and is committed to offering targeted training and education programs to ensure safe surgery, anesthesia and nursing care are available. An online patient database tracks patient outcomes and ensures the quality of Smile Train surgeries around the world. All Smile Train surgeries must be uploaded to this 124 patient record database via a free, web-based program that is mandatory for all Smile Train global partners. Partners use the database to securely load patient medical records, including clinical photographs, which are reviewed for accountability and quality. The system allows Smile Train to verify that each record is unique and accurate. It also allows them to review the surgical outcomes of individual surgeons to ensure quality and to implement education and training interventions when needed. If the surgeon meets the minimum threshold score, he or she graduates into a pool of established surgeons from which a percentage of all cases are reviewed annually. If a surgeon does not meet the minimum threshold score, the assessment is repeated, and if the threshold is not met after the second round of assessment, training options are explored. When surgeons do not pass the Quality Assessment Process, Smile Train works with experts to determine the best training mechanism with appropriate trainers. 125 Appendix 3.11: Tanzanian Tele-Education for Laparoscopic Surgery LIAM HORGAN AND BRENDA LONGSTAFF A collaboration has existed between Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) in Tanzania and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust since 1998 to increase service capacity and create sustainable change in Tanzania. In 2002 the directors of KCMC approached the trust to develop a new laparoscopic surgery service as a viable solution to overcrowding on the surgical wards where occupancy frequently topped 120%.. In 2003, the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Tanzania was performed. As the patient was discharged home the following day, KCMC Directors were keen to see a laparoscopic service develop at the hospital. By 2005, progress was evident but hampered by the fact that the UK team could only travel to Tanzania once a year to continue training. The Tanzanian surgeons had a high conversion rate during laparoscopic procedures (Figure 1). Without ongoing apprenticeship and training, the Tanzanian surgeons found limited progress and confidence. A new innovative approach was required to bridge the distance between the surgical teams in the UK and Tanzania. In 2007 the partners set up a dedicated trans-continental audio-visual link between Hexham General Hospital in the UK and Theatre 1 at KCMC so that the surgeons in the UK could mentor the Tanzanian surgeons as they were operating. This enabled training to be fast-tracked by providing support for the Tanzanian surgeons each week and increasing their confidence and improving their outcomes (Figure 1). In a relatively short time KCMC was ready to host the first national laparoscopic training course in Tanzania with the support of the UK team. Since 2008, a course has been held each year, training surgeons and nurses from across Tanzania. By 2014 more than 500 laparoscopic procedures had been successfully completed. The UK team has also experienced great gains from this partnership including vital insight into the challenges of establishing a new service through distance learning. UK surgical registrars, who are part of the team, have gained vital skills in leadership, faculty participation and project management. The service is self-sustaining as the Tanzanian surgeons can now provide laparoscopic surgery to the population of Tanzania as well as train others to do the same. The project was financed through the support of a Northumberland family who believed in what could be achieved and raised funds so that it could all happen. Figure 1: Tanzanian Laparoscopic Procedure Characteristics 126 Appendix 3.12: Health Worker Retention in The University of West Indies JACKY FILS The University of the West Indies (UWI) was created by the United Kingdom after World War II to serve the Caribbean region and to promote higher education, learning, and research to address the unique infectious diseases of the region.1-2 Currently, UWI encompasses 16 different English-speaking islands with 4 main campuses (Mona, St Augustine, Cave Hill, and Bahamas). In the 1960s, UWI offered an undergraduate MBBS medical training program. There were no opportunities for postgraduate training, however. Subsequently, as many as 55% trainees traveled elsewhere for specialist training, and many did not return.3 Today, UWI boasts one of the most impressive health worker retention rates: nearly 95% of all the surgical graduates are practicing in the region.4-5 Here we will delineate three critical changes that led to this improvement. First, a joint committee made of The Caribbean Health Minister’s Committee (CHMC), the UWI, and The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) conceived the foundation for post-graduate training as well as an oversight committee referred to as the “Faculty of Medical Science”. Post-graduate medical education was subsequently developed in the 1970s and more than 600 doctors have been trained with 89% of them continuing to work in the region4. Second, The UWI maintains a close relationship with the Ministries of Health (MOH) of the 16 English-speaking islands it encompasses. UWI increases enrollment or adds more programs based on the MOH’s recommendation and needs of the region.5 The CHMC was created to oversee and maintain this relationship. Thus, their contribution to the success of UWI is critical given the importance of Government allocated facilities, trainee posts, and funding. Third, The UWI leads by example. In its world health report in 2006 the WHO noted that one prime minister and four ministers of health in the region are graduates of the Faculty of Medical Sciences demonstrating the virtue in staying local. Furthermore, seven out of the eight heads of clinical departments and all section heads were trained at UWI.4,6 Overall, UWI’s success is multi-faceted and may have had other accomplishments that contribute to their high retention rate. It is hoped that the UWI’s success can be reproduced elsewhere to further build surgical capacity. REFERENCES 1. Branday JM, Carpenter RA. The evolution of undergraduate medical training at the University of the West Indies, 1948-2008. The West Indian medical journal. 2008;57(6):530-6. 2. Fraser HS. The Faculties and School of Medical Sciences of The University of The West Indies at its diamond jubilee. The West Indian medical journal. 2008;57(6):537-41. 3. Ragbeer MM. The Faculty of Medical Sciences--notes of a personal odyssey. The West Indian medical journal. 1998;47(1):5-9. 4. Eldemire-Shearer D, Roberts S. Doctor of medicine training--reflections on the UWI (Mona) experience. The West Indian medical journal. 2008;57(6):634-8. 5. Reid R. The University of the West Indies departmental annual reports 2010-2011. 2011. 6. World Health O. The world health report: 2006: working together for health. 2006. 127 Economics and Financing (EF) 128 Appendix 4.0: Economics and Financing Key Findings • • • • • • • There is a strong case for investing in surgical and anaesthesia care within health systems in LMICs The macroeconomic impact of surgical conditions in LMICs is substantial, and will rise considerably between 2015-2030 without significant and early investment in surgical capacity building Basic, life-saving surgical and anaesthesia care, delivered at the first level hospital, can be very cost-effective in LMICs User fees at the point of care remain a predominant financing mechanism for surgical and anaesthesia care in many LMICs: this can be impoverishing, and negatively affects equity and access to surgical and anaesthesia care Catastrophic health expenditure from the direct medical and non-medical costs of surgery affects a quarter of all those accessing surgical and anaesthesia care globally, and has the greatest impact on the poorest in all countries. Tracking financial flows to surgery through domestic accounts and international development assistance is currently not possible From the financial data that is available, domestic and international contributions to surgical and anaesthesia care are small and are not always well aligned with surgical needs in LMICs 129 Appendix 4.1: Funding Flows to Global Surgery LILY A GUTNIK, JOSEPH DIELMAN, ANNA J DARE, MARGARITA S RAMOS, ROBERT RIVIELLO, JOHN G MEARA, GAVIN YAMEY, MARK G SHRIME Methods: We identified four major funding channels from which we can estimate resources allocated to surgical efforts in low resource settings. These include U.S. charitable organizations, foundations, USAID, and the NIH. We defined charitable organizations as non-profit, non-governmental organizations that serve public interest. The included organizations represent the spectrum of platforms for surgery including: short-term trips, specialized hospitals, and self-contained platforms. Although these organizations may receive their funding from a variety of sources including private donations, grants, government contracts, and user fees, we are only able to track aggregated funds that are reported on federal tax form 990 (our data source). Charitable organizations that provide exclusively surgical care were identified from the surgical volunteerism listings on numerous websites (Table 1). Next, each listed organization website was reviewed to insure adherence to inclusion criteria of providing exclusively surgical care in LMICs. Tax records (Form 990) provide information on the organization’s revenue and expenses and were retrieved either from the organization website or from electronic sources listed in Table 1. Foundations are different from the charitable organizations described above in that the latter are both funding channels and implementation agents. In contrast, foundations are simply the grant-makers; they do not implement a service. The Foundation Center Online Directory (FCOD) is a comprehensive digital library that archives grants made and received by foundations and non-profit organizations. The professional FCOD subscription was used, which has over three million grants covering the last ten years of their database. Together, USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and NIH (National Institute of Health) are the biggest U.S. government investors in global health. Both USAID and the NIH have online searchable databases chronicling their funded projects, including financial allotment. The NIH has project data from 1990. USAID’s project database begins in 1992. We constructed a separate database for each funding channel. USAID and NIH databases provided project-level information on actual disbursed funds. For foundations, grant details including amount, grant recipient, and specified use of funds were extracted. The grants were categorized for surgical specialty supported and the specified purpose of the funds (e.g. earmarked dollars). We extracted data on total revenue and the breakdown of total expenditure from the Forms 990. Due to data limitations, the most current five years of tax forms were collected for each organization. The charitable organizations were categorized by type of surgical service they provide. All nominal dollars were adjusted for inflation by converting to 2014 U.S dollars (USD) using the IMF World Economic Outlook database (downloaded in April 2014). Table 1 summarizes the data sources and detailed research methods. Table 1: Summary of Data Source and Research Methods Funding Definition Data Source Channel Foundations Non-governmental entity Foundation Center Online that is established as a Directory nonprofit corporation or a charitable trust, with a principal purpose of making grants to unrelated organizations, institutions, or individuals for scientific, educational, cultural, religious, or other charitable purpose Methods to Identify Funds towards Global Surgery All database keyword search combinations of the following words: key word searches with combinations of “global,” “international,” “low resource,” “developing countries/nations” “research” and “surgery”, “obstetrics and gynecology,” “obstetric fistula,” “trauma,” “injury,” “congenital birth defects,” “cleft lip/palate,” “cataract,” “ophthalmology,” “burn,” “reconstructive,” “urology,” “orthopedics,” “club foot,” “neurosurgery,” “hydrocephalus,” “anesthesia,” “cardiac,” and “ENT”; manual review of results to assure it was solely related to surgical 130 Charitable Organizations USAID NIH Non-profit, nongovernmental organizations that serve public interest; many of which qualify for tax credits. These organizations may receive their funding from a variety of sources including private donations, grants, government contracts, and user fees. United States Agency for International Development, U.S. government agency focusing on foreign assistance to developing countries National Institute of Health: U.S.- medical research agency from the department of health and human services Organization Identification: American College of Surgeons Operation Giving Back, the Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists, OmniMed, Foundation Center Online Directory, U.S. State Department Private Volunteer Organizations registry Form 990: Guidestar, ProPublica, Economics Research Institute,, National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute, and the Foundation Center Online Directory USAID website interactive project mapper NIH online RePORTER capacity building, delivery, research, and training. Verification of meeting definition criteria by checking each organization website that was listed on the data source websites. Manual review of each of the 524 projects listed on the online global health interactive project mapper. Selection of all fiscal years, selection of all LMICs from drop down menu, following keyword searches for all project descriptions search box: “surgery”, “obstetrics and gynecology,” “obstetric fistula,” “trauma,” “injury,” “congenital birth defects,” “cleft lip/palate,” “cataract,” “ophthalmology,” “burn,” “reconstructive,” “urology,” “orthopedics,” “club foot,” “neurosurgery,” “hydrocephalus,” “anesthesia,” “cardiac,” and “ENT”; manual review of all project to assure it was solely related to surgical capacity building, delivery, research, and training. 131 Appendix 4.2: Operative Volumes and per capita Government Health Expenditure Per capita health expenditure ($US) 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 5000 10000 15000 Cases per 100,000 population 20000 25000 Figure 1: Operative volumes and per capita health expenditure. 132 Appendix 4.3: Surgical Procedures, Packages, and Platforms Table 1 Example of platforms for delivery of the core surgical packages, and an outline of their basic resourcing and staff requirements. These should be tailored to the individual needs and resources of each country, region or district. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE (Primary Care) Resources • Community health center or small rural hospital • May have a small number of inpatient and maternity beds • Capable of performing minor surgical procedures under local anaesthesia Staff • Paramedical staff, nurses, midwives • Visiting doctors DISTRICT HOSPITAL (First-referral level hospital) Resources • District or provincial level hospital, with 50–300 beds. • 1+ major and 1+ minor operating theaters • Recovery room &/or intensive care unit • X-Ray, US • Basic lab: CBC, U&E, urinalysis, blood cross-match Staff • Medical staff: Minimum 4 Medical Officers, 1 General Surgical provider, 1 OBGYN • Anaesthetic technicians/nurses: 2 • Nursing staff: 20 • Midwives: 6 • Orderlies: 6 • Physiotherapists: 2 REGIONAL HOSPITAL (Second-referral level hospital) Resources • A referral hospital of 200-800 beds • Well-equipped 2+ major and minor operating theaters • Supported by imaging, laboratory and blood bank services, as well as intensive care facilities Staff • Consultant general surgeons: 2+ • Consultant obstetrician-gynecologists: 2+ • Consultant anaesthesiologists: 1+ • +/- Specialist consultant surgeons • Nursing staff: 30+ • Anaesthetic technicians/nurses: 4+ • Midwives: 10+ • Orderlies: 12+ Select Procedures Available May Include: • Incision & drainage under local anaesthetic • Treatment of pre-cancerous cervical lesions Packages Available May Include: • Basic Trauma Surgery Package • Basic Emergency Obstetric Surgical Package: • Basic Emergency General Surgery Package • General Surgical Package, Planned Care • Obgyn Surgical Package, Planned Care • Palliative Surgical Package Packages Available May Include: • Basic Trauma Surgery Package: • Basic Emergency Obstetric Surgical Package: • Basic Emergency General Surgery Package • General Surgical Package, Planned Care • Obgyn Surgical Package, Planned Care • Specialist Surgical Package, Planned Care • Palliative Surgical Package 133 Information Management 134 Appendix 5.0: Information Management Key Findings • • • • • Comprehensive surgical and anaesthesia data is absent from major global health databases and repositories, compromising process improvement and research Validated and uniformly used methods to assess the burden of surgical conditions are lacking Monitoring surgical services requires attention to the ‘preparedness’ for surgical and anaesthesia care, the ‘delivery’ of surgical and anaesthesia care, and the ‘impact’ of surgical and anaesthesia care No standard indicators of surgical and anaesthesia care delivery have been adopted globally. Caesarean delivery rate is the only surgically-relevant indicator commonly used by major international agencies. There is no standardized, accepted and utilized coding system for surgical conditions or procedures; this limits the ability to track clinical throughput as well as financial flows linked to surgical and anaesthesia care 135 Appendix 5.1: Surgical Inclusion Household Surveys STUDY METHODOLOGY • • • • • • • • • Several publically available websites widely compile household data sets including the International Household Survey Network (IHSN) and the WHO Central Data Catalog To assess inclusion of surgical conditions within household surveys, we reviewed four of the most widely used multinational household surveys: Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS), and the World Health Survey (WHS). The most recent version of each survey was used: MICS5, DHS6, and the World Health Survey from 2002-2004. LSMS versions vary by country. Therefore, LSMS for Malawi 2013 was chosen for review as it was immediately available. All components of each survey were queried twice. The first time we used the document’s search function to search for 12 surgical keywords, which were words pertaining to surgery, or a condition which typically requires surgical care. The second time we read the documents completely, looking for questions pertaining to surgical conditions. The surgical keywords used were: provider = surg*, operat*, inur*, accident, trauma, fall, road, transport, burn, wound, c-section/caesarean/cesarean/caesarian, cancer/malignancy/tumor/neoplasm Questions or indicators pertaining to surgery or a condition which typically requires surgical care were documented Indicators identified by surgical keywords were only included if they directly or indirectly pertained to the prevention, identification, treatment or monitoring of an actual surgical condition. For example, indicators identified by the keyword “operat” were only counted if they referred to an operation or procedure. Indicators referring to non-surgical foci, such as daily management of operations, were not included Results of this query are within the main report body The search of these surveys was done between 7.28.14 and 8.3.14 136 Appendix 5.2: Validation of Household Surveys ALLISON F. LINDEN, REBECCA MAINE, BETHANY L. HEDT-GAUTHIER, EMMANUAL KAMANZI, KEVIN GAUVEY-KERN, GITA MODY, GEORGES NTAKIYIRUTA, GRACE KANSAYISA, EDMOND NTAGANDA, FRANCINE NIYONKURU, JOEL MUBILIGI, THARCISSE MPUNGA, JOHN G. MEARA, AND ROBERT RIVIELLO STUDY METHODOLOGY Overview: A structured interview questionnaire to assess for the presence or absence of ten index surgical conditions was created. Households in Burera District, Rwanda, were randomly sampled. Results from the questionnaire were compared to the “gold standard” of a physician physical exam of participants included in the survey. Data collection: The index surgical conditions were chosen based on their high burden of disease (defined by disability adjusted life years (DALYs)) and/or high prevalence (based on literature reviews of surgical epidemiology in lowincome countries and supplemented by articles from middle- and high-income countries when data was unavailable). The relevance of these conditions was verified and augmented through a focus groups held with Rwandan surgeons. The questionnaire was forward and back translated into Kinyarwanda, the local language. Culturally-sensitive pictures of each index surgical condition were included as part of the survey tool and shown to respondents during questioning. The tool was pilot tested in March 2012 in Bugesera District, Rwanda, and final edits were made. Rwandan data collectors surveyed a population cross-section throughout Burera District in March 2012. The households identified for the study were selected based on a two-stage cluster sampling design. Thirty villages were randomly chosen with probability proportionate to the village population size. Within a sampled village, 23 households were selected. The first household in each village was randomly selected, with data collectors continuing to the next nearest household until 23 households were sampled. The structured interview, including pictures of the index surgical conditions, was programmed into the mobile data collection platform iFormBuilder (Version 4.0, Zerion Software, Herndon, VA, USA), which was used on an iPad (Apple Inc, Cupertino, CA, USA). In order to validate the structured questionnaire, all surveyed villages were revisited by Rwandan general practice physicians and surgical postgraduates within two to four weeks after being initially surveyed. The physicians performed physical exams on all available household members to verify the presence or absence of the ten index surgical conditions assessed by the questionnaire. This allowed for calculation of sensitivity and specificity of the structured interview tool against the “gold standard” of the clinician exam. Analysis: Statistical analyses were performed using Stata v12 (College Station, TX) software. Ethics: Ethical approval for this study was obtained from: the Rwanda National Ethics Committee; and the institutional review board of Children’s Hospital Boston, MA, USA. Written consent was obtained for both the structured interview and the physical exams. 137 Appendix 5.3: Facility Surveys and Surgery Multiple facility assessments currently exist, including the following surgery-specific tools: • WHO Tool for Situational Analysis to Assess Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (SAT) • Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) Burden of Surgical Care Survey • Surgeons OverSeas (SOS) PIPES (Personnel, Infrastructure, Procedure, Equipment and Supplies) tool • SOS’s PediPIPES (Pediatric Surgery Personnel, Infrastructure, Procedure, Equipment and Supplies) More broadly-focused facility surveys that also include surgical sub-components include the following: • WHO Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) • WHO Hospital Assessment Tool (HAT) Additionally, many facility assessments are done using tools that are not formally or widely published, as demonstrated in table 1 of Appendix 2.2: Infrastructure Literature Review. 138 Appendix 5.4: Registries THE NIGERIAN TRAUMA REGISTRY Why it was created: Lack of trauma registries in most LMICs means that comparable, high-quality data on epidemiology, care and outcome of injury are not available. When obtainable, such data are frequently incomplete, making them unreliable for injury surveillance, planning, prevention and control. When some form of registry exists in LMICS, it is often entirely paper-based, making data entry and retrieval cumbersome and time-consuming. Determining the volume and types of trauma patients treated is important to improve patient care and make data-driven resource allocation decisions. The Nigerian National Trauma Registry was implemented for hospital performance improvement and quality improvement purposes, as well as for provision of reliable data for trauma advocacy, resource allocation and planning of prevention and control measures. The registry was developed as a collaborative project between epidemiologists at the University of Wisconsin, USA and surgeons in Nigeria. Data entry commenced in April 2010, starting with two large hospitals, one in a semi-urban area, and one in an urban area. What is included: The information collected includes data on patient demographics, injury setting, transportation to the hospital, injury and arrival timings, vital signs, anatomic sites involved, treatment received, mode of departure from the emergency room, and outcomes. The trauma registry was built using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture), which is a secure, web-based application. The system is password protected and approved users may only enter and view data from their institutions. Why it is beneficial: The benefits to Nigeria and perhaps to other parts of Africa are large. This database was the first means Nigerian surgical providers had to actually count the number of injured patients they treated. Leading causes and mechanisms of injury can be identified and may influence health policy-making for the country. In addition, resource allocations for the injured can be better planned and guided by supportive data. The registry is electronic and webbased, making it less cumbersome to use and readily accessible. Future direction: Other hospitals are gradually being recruited into the registry and expanded coverage is planned for the entire country. An offline application is also planned to enable data capture for later upload in areas where internet bandwidth is low. 139 Appendix 5.5: Indicator Search STUDY METHODOLOGY: • • • • • • Major global health indicator databanks were searched with 20 surgical keywords to identify indicators with a potential surgical focus and 7 non-surgical keywords to identify indicators with a primarily non-surgical focus The number of indictors identified by each surgical keyword were counted and compared to the number of indicators identified each non-surgical keyword Each specific indicator was only counted once per databank, even if it was measured by different divisions and therefore included multiple times within a single databank Indicators identified by surgical keywords were only included if they directly or indirectly pertained to the prevention, identification, treatment or monitoring of an actual surgical disease. For example, indicators identified by the keyword “operat” were only counted if they referred to an operation or procedure. Indicators referring to non-surgical foci, such as daily management of operations, were not included The search of these databanks was done between 7.28.14 and 8.3.14 The search included five databases. One database was searched using two search methods. KEYWORDS • Surgical keywords = keywords pertaining to surgery or a disease which typically requires the expertise of a surgically trained provider = surg*, operat*, inur*, accident, trauma, fall, road, transport, burn, wound, csection/caesarean/cesarean/caesarian, cancer/malignancy/tumor/neoplasm, anaesthe*/anesthe* o For ease of graphical presentation, key words were grouped under the following single titles: Anaesthesia = anaesthesia, anesthesia Operation = operat* Wound = wound Burn = burn Surgery = surg* Caesarean = c-section, caesarean, cesarean, caesarian Injury = trauma, fall, accident, injur* Transport = road, transport Cancer = cancer, malignancy, tumor, neoplasm • Non-surgical keywords = keywords pertaining to diseases or efforts with a primarily non-surgical focus = HIV, TB/tuberculosis, malaria, child, maternal, mental o For ease of graphical presentation, key words were grouped under the following single titles: HIV = HIV TB = TB, tuberculosis Malaria = malaria Child = child Maternal = maternal Mental = mental INDICATOR DATABASES INCLUDED • • WB Data = The World Bank Data Website (indicator search) WHO IMR = The World Health Organization Indicator and Measurement Registry (browse indicators) • WHO GHOi = The World Health Organization Global Health Observatory (search by indicator) • WHO GHOt = The World Health Organization Global Health Observatory (search by topic) • UNICEF = UNICEF Data (quick data search by topic, indicator, keyword) ABBREVIATIONS • • GHO = Global Health Observatory (or the WHO) IMR = Indicators and Measurement Registry (of the WHO) 140 • • • • • • • • UN = United Nations UNICEF = United Nations Children’s Fund WB = World Bank WDI = World Development Indicators WHO = World Health Organization WHO GHOi = The World Health Organization Global Health Observatory, search by indicator WHO GHOt = The World Health Organization Global Health Observatory, search by topic WPRO = Western Pacific Regional Office (of the WHO) 141 Appendix 5.6: Indicator Development Additional Details Not Discussed within the Text of the Report: The Commission convened a working group panel charged with forming recommendations for monitoring surgical care delivery. This panel first met in Boston in January 2014 during the Commission's inaugural meeting. It had members from six different countries, including low-income, middle-income and high-income groupings. The majority had been involved with the development or use of indicators in the past, had experience working with the World Health Organization, and had hands-on experience providing care in low-resource settings. The panel began by assessing prior use of surgical indicators in LMICs as reported in the academic as well as grey literature (Appendix 5.6: Indicator Lit Review). They then considered the present state and feasibility of surgical indicator use globally through review of currently used indicators (Appendix 5.4: Indicator Search); discussions with the WB, WHO and USAID; deliberations at three international LCoGSs meetings with all of the Commissioners and participants around the world; conversations with a number of MoHs in LMICs; and new research to assess potential indicators in the areas of temporal access to surgical care,1,2 surgical volume estimates,3-8 catastrophic expenditure from out-of-pocket payments,9,10 perioperative mortality,11,12 and surgical workforce.13,14 Using this information and our three group framework, the panel aimed to develop a group of core indicators that were feasible (based on research done), relevant to the greatest areas of need, and captured components of equity (currently greatly lacking in global surgery care delivery). REFERENCES 1. Raykar NB, A.; Vega, M.; Kim, J.; Boye, G.; Liu, C.; Greenberg, S.; Riesel, J.; Gillies, R.; Meara, J.; Roy, N. Estimating Global Access to Surgical Care with Geospatial Mapping of Surgical Providers (Abstract accepted for the Academic Surgical Congress conference). 2015. 2. Dare AJ N-KJ, Patra J, Fu SH, Rodriguez PS, Hsiao M, Jotkar RM, Thakur JS, Sheth J, Jha P, for the Million Death Study Collaborators. Deaths from acute abdominal conditions and geographic access to surgical care in India: a nationally representative spatial analysis. Submitted to The Lancet Global Health. 3. Weiser TG HA, Molina G, Lipsitz SR, Esquivel M, Uribe-Leitz T, Fu R, Azad T, Chao TE, Berry WR, Gawande AA. The global volume of surgery, cesarean delivery, and life expectancy in 2012. under review 2015. 4. Molina G WT, Lipsitz SR, Esquivel M, Uribe-Leitz T, Azad T, Shah N, Semrau K, Berry WR, Gawande AA, Haynes AB. The relationship between cesarean rate and maternal and neonatal mortality: findings suggesting an updated target for optimal cesarean delivery. UNDER REVIEW 2015. 5. Esquivel MM MG, Uribe-Leitz T, Lipsitz SR, Rose J, Bickler S, Gawande AA, Haynes AB and Weiser TG. Proposed minimum rates of surgery to support desirable health outcomes: An observational study based on four strategies. Abstract Submitted to The Lancet 2015. 6. Rose J WT, Hider P, Wilson L, Gruen R, Bickler SW. Estimated need for surgery worldwide based on prevalence of diseases: implications for public health planning of surgical services. Submitted to The Lancet Global Health 2014. 7. Rose J, Chang DC, Weiser TG, Kassebaum NJ, Bickler SW. The role of surgery in global health: analysis of United States inpatient procedure frequency by condition using the Global Burden of Disease 2010 framework. PLoS One 2014; 9(2): e89693. 8. Shrime MG DK, Meara JGM. How much surgery is enough? Aligning surgical delivery with best-performing health systems. Submitted to The Lancet Global Health 2014. 9. Shrime MG, Dare A, Alkire B, O'Neill K, Meara JG. Catastrophic expenditure to pay for surgery: a global estimate. Submitted to The Lancet Global Health 2014. 10. Jan S, Kimman M, Peters SA, Woodward M. Socioeconomic consequences of surgery for cancer in South-East Asia: results from the ACTION Study. Surgery (Submitted as part of Lancet Commission on Global Surgery) 2015. 11. Watters DA1 HM, Gruen RL, Maoate K, Perndt H, McDougall RJ, Morriss WW, Tangi V, Casey KM, McQueen KA. Perioperative Mortality Rate (POMR): A Global Indicator of Access to Safe Surgery and Anaesthesia. World journal of surgery 2014. 12. Ng-Kamstra JS GS, Kotagal M, Palmqvist CL, Lai FYX, Bollam R, Meara JG, Gruen RL. Utilization definitions of perioperative mortality rates in low- and midde-income countries: a systematic review. Abstract Submitted to The Lancet; 2015. 13. Holmer H SM, Riesel JN, Meara JG, Hagander L. . Towards closing the gap of the global surgeon, anaesthesiologist and obstetrician workforce: thresholds and projections towards 2030. Abstract Submitted to The Lancet and under peer review; 2014. 142 14. Federspiel FM, S; Mukhopadhyay, S; Milsom, P; Scott, J; Riesel, J.N.; Meara, J.G. Global Surgical and Anaesthetic Task Shifting: a Systematic Literature Review and Survey. Abstract under peer review at The Lancet; 2014. 143 Appendix 5.7: Literature Review of Utilization Of Metrics For Surgery In Low- And MiddleIncome Countries STUDY METHODOLOGY Pubmed was searched for articles related to metrics used for surgery in LMICs. Separate searches to identify articles related to measures of health systems, surgical care and low- and middle-income countries were done. These searches were then joined to identify articles common to all three searches (See search terms below). The total number of articles identified was 10356 (Figure 1). Studies were limited to English and those focused on humans. This reduced the number to 8290. Titles and abstracts were reviewed to identify candidate articles. The full text of 484 articles was reviewed, and 238 were included in the final sample. Articles were included if they described at least one surgical metric that was applied at a system level and measured in a low- or middle-income country. Systems were defined as an entire hospital, region or larger area. This means that metrics applied in a case series at a hospital were not included. Further, articles that did not have specific metrics, were not from LMICs, assessed surgical procedures on a smaller scale, (not at a facility level, case reports, case series), and metrics from surgical humanitarian missions were excluded. As we focused on surgery, we excluded articles focused on trauma or obstetric care in general. This was done, in part, because reviews of metrics in these fields have been undertaken by others.1,2 Advanced and small volume surgeries were also excluded, this included transplantation, cosmetic surgeries, bariatric procedures, endovascular procedures, and dermatologic procedures. Finally surgical tourism and metrics related to surgical trainees from HIC operating in LMICs were excluded (Figure 2). The metrics in each article were recorded and classified according to the following schema: 1: Preparedness for Surgical Care = Includes indicators assessing the degree to which safe surgical care could be provided universally when needed, and of the absence of barriers to obtaining safe surgical care. Includes availability and readiness, and accessibility. 2: Delivery of Surgical Care = Includes indicators assessing the degree to which safe surgical care is being provided to everyone when needed. Includes effective coverage and quality. 3: Impact of Surgical Care = Indicators of the impact of surgical care on the population. Includes human and monetary impacts. 144 Figure 1: Flow Diagram for Article Selection Initial match 10356 Not human or not in English 2066 Titles/Abstracts Reviewed 8290 Met exclusion criteria 7806 Full text Reviewed 484 Met exclusion criteria 246 Included 238 145 Figure 2. Exclusion Criteria - - Not LMIC No specific metric Not assessing surgery at a facility, regional or national level o Specific procedures at a facility that performs more than just a single type of procedures Case series Case reports Mission surgery Obstetric care only – Caesarian sections & fistula surgery only considered Global trauma care - surgery for trauma included Cosmetic procedure Endovascular procedures Abortion Dermatologic procedures Bariatric International rotations for surgical trainees in from HIC Surgical tourism - Articles that focused on a specific area of surgery were included if the article discussed coverage across more than a single institution – at the regional or national level. 146 FIGURE 3: PubMed Query: Metrics: ((((health status indicators[MeSH Terms]) OR (("manpower" [Subheading]) OR (((((("Health Services Needs and Demand"[Mesh]) OR "Delivery of Health Care"[Mesh]) OR "Health Resources/supply and distribution"[Mesh]) OR "Health Services Accessibility"[Mesh])) OR (((quality indicators, health care[MeSH Terms]) OR emergency services, hospital[MeSH Terms]) OR "quality improvement"[MeSH Terms]))))) AND Low and Middle Income Countries: (((("Developing Countries"[Mesh] OR "Africa South of the Sahara"[Mesh] OR "Central America"[Mesh] OR "Afghanistan"[Mesh] OR "Albania"[Mesh] OR "Algeria"[Mesh] OR "American Samoa"[Mesh] OR "Angola"[Mesh] OR "Antigua and Barbuda"[Mesh] OR "Argentina"[Mesh] OR "Armenia"[Mesh] OR "Bangladesh"[Mesh] OR "Republic of Belarus"[Mesh] OR "Belize"[Mesh] OR "Benin"[Mesh] OR "Bhutan"[Mesh] OR "Bolivia"[Mesh] OR "BosniaHerzegovina"[Mesh] OR "Botswana"[Mesh] OR "Brazil"[Mesh] OR "Bulgaria"[Mesh] OR "Burkina Faso"[Mesh] OR "Burundi"[Mesh] OR "Cape Verde"[Mesh] OR "Cameroon"[Mesh] OR "Cambodia"[Mesh] OR "Central African Republic"[Mesh] OR "Chad"[Mesh] OR "Chile"[Mesh] OR "China"[Mesh] OR "Colombia"[Mesh] OR "Comoros"[Mesh] OR "Congo"[Mesh] OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo"[Mesh] OR "Costa Rica"[Mesh] OR "Cote d'Ivoire"[Mesh] OR "Cuba"[Mesh] OR "Djibouti"[Mesh] OR "Dominica"[Mesh] OR "Dominican Republic"[Mesh] OR "Ecuador"[Mesh] OR "Egypt"[Mesh] OR "El Salvador"[Mesh] OR "Eritrea"[Mesh] OR "Ethiopia"[Mesh] OR "Fiji"[Mesh] OR "Gabon"[Mesh] OR "Gambia"[Mesh] OR "Georgia (Republic)"[Mesh] OR "Ghana"[Mesh] OR "Grenada"[Mesh] OR "Guatemala"[Mesh] OR "Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Equatorial Guinea"[Mesh] OR "GuineaBissau"[Mesh] OR "Guyana"[Mesh] OR "Haiti"[Mesh] OR "Honduras"[Mesh] OR "India"[Mesh] OR "Indonesia"[Mesh] OR "Iran"[Mesh] OR "Iraq"[Mesh] OR "Jamaica"[Mesh] OR "Jordan"[Mesh] OR "Kazakhstan"[Mesh] OR "Kenya"[Mesh] OR "Micronesia"[Mesh] OR "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"[Mesh] OR "Yugoslavia"[Mesh] OR "Kyrgyzstan"[Mesh] OR "Laos"[Mesh] OR "Latvia"[Mesh] OR "Lebanon"[Mesh] OR "Lesotho"[Mesh] OR "Liberia"[Mesh] OR "Libya"[Mesh] OR "Lithuania"[Mesh] OR "Macedonia (Republic)"[Mesh] OR "Madagascar"[Mesh] OR "Malawi"[Mesh] OR "Malaysia"[Mesh] OR "Indian Ocean Islands"[Mesh] OR "Mali"[Mesh] OR "Mauritania"[Mesh] OR "Mexico"[Mesh] OR "Moldova"[Mesh] OR "Mongolia"[Mesh] OR "Montenegro"[Mesh] OR "Morocco"[Mesh] OR "Mozambique"[Mesh] OR "Myanmar"[Mesh] OR "Namibia"[Mesh] OR "Nepal"[Mesh] OR "Nicaragua"[Mesh] OR "Niger"[Mesh] OR "Nigeria"[Mesh] OR "Pakistan"[Mesh] OR "Palau"[Mesh] OR "Panama"[Mesh] OR "Papua New Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Paraguay"[Mesh] OR "Peru"[Mesh] OR "Philippines"[Mesh] OR "Romania"[Mesh] OR "Siberia"[Mesh] OR "Rwanda"[Mesh] OR "Samoa"[Mesh] OR "Atlantic Islands"[Mesh] OR "Senegal"[Mesh] OR "Serbia"[Mesh] OR "Seychelles"[Mesh] OR "Sierra Leone"[Mesh] OR "Melanesia"[Mesh] OR "Somalia"[Mesh] OR "South Africa"[Mesh] OR "Sri Lanka"[Mesh] OR "Saint Lucia"[Mesh] OR "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"[Mesh] OR "Sudan"[Mesh] OR "Suriname"[Mesh] OR "Swaziland"[Mesh] OR "Syria"[Mesh] OR "Tajikistan"[Mesh] OR "Tanzania"[Mesh] OR "Thailand"[Mesh] OR "East Timor"[Mesh] OR "Togo"[Mesh] OR "Tonga"[Mesh] OR "Tunisia"[Mesh] OR "Turkey"[Mesh] OR "Turkmenistan"[Mesh] OR "Micronesia"[Mesh] OR "Uganda"[Mesh] OR "Ukraine"[Mesh] OR "Uruguay"[Mesh] OR "Uzbekistan"[Mesh] OR "Vanuatu"[Mesh] OR "Venezuela"[Mesh] OR "Vietnam"[Mesh] OR "Yemen"[Mesh] OR "Zambia"[Mesh] OR "Zimbabwe"[Mesh])) OR ((("internationality"[MeSH Terms]) OR World health organization[MeSH Terms]) OR united nations[MeSH Terms])) OR africa[MeSH Terms])) AND Surgical Procedure: ((("Surgical Procedures, Operative"[Mesh] OR “surgery department, hospital”[MeSH] OR surgery[Title/Abstract] OR surgical[Title/Abstract]) NOT "Bone Marrow Transplantation"[Mesh] NOT "Delivery, Obstetric"[Mesh] NOT "Blood Specimen Collection"[Mesh] NOT "Chorionic Villi Sampling"[Mesh] NOT "Vaginal Smears"[Mesh] NOT "Body Modification, Non-Therapeutic"[Mesh] NOT "Stem Cell Transplantation"[Mesh]) OR "Cesarean Section"[Mesh] OR "Specialties, Surgical"[Mesh] OR ("Wounds and Injuries"[Mesh] NOT "Asphyxia"[Mesh] NOT "Athletic Injuries"[Mesh] NOT "Back Injuries"[Mesh] NOT "Bites and Stings"[Mesh] NOT "Sunburn"[Mesh] NOT "Extravasation of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Materials"[Mesh] NOT "Heat Stress Disorders"[Mesh] NOT "Occupational Injuries"[Mesh] NOT "Radiation Injuries"[Mesh] NOT "Self Mutilation"[Mesh] NOT "Sprains and Strains"[Mesh] NOT "Decompression Sickness"[Mesh] NOT "Drowning"[Mesh] NOT "Tooth Injuries"[Mesh])) 147 RESULTS Most of the articles covered at least one metric about delivery (205/238, 86.1%), and over half had one metric on related to preparedness (139/238, 58.4%). Only 13.4% (32/238) of articles had metrics related to the impact of surgical care. In the delivery category, the majority of the article had at least one metric focused on met need (152/238, 63.9%) (table 1). Met need metrics included measure of the surgical productivity, including number of surgeries performed and surgical rates for populations. A total of 105 (44.1%) articles reported on a surgical outcome or process measure related to safety (either safe or effective metrics). Table 1. Articles with at least one metric in the category Preparedness Percent Workforce Infrastructure Equipment Access-geographic Supplies Medications Leadership/governance Access-sociocultural Access-Financial Other availability Access-temporal Information 84 56 39 39 29 28 28 25 24 12 8 6 35.3% 23.5% 16.4% 16.4% 12.2% 11.8% 11.8% 10.5% 10.1% 5.0% 3.4% 2.5% Delivery Number of Articles Met Need Total Need Safety Effective Efficient Timely Patient-centered Unmet Need Equitable 152 105 83 41 38 19 11 10 3 63.9% 44.1% 34.9% 17.2% 16.0% 8.0% 4.6% 4.2% 1.3% Impact Metric Category Financial Economic Change in disability Change in need Change in death 20 10 6 2 1 8.4% 4.2% 2.5% 0.8% 0.4% 148 Table 2. Number of articles with a metric in each of the major categories – preparedness, delivery and impact (article number = 238) CATEGORY Number of Articles PREPAREDESS 139 % of all articles (n= 238) 58.4% IMPACT 32 13.4% DELIVERY 205 86.1% REFERENCES 1.. Paxton A, Bailey P, Lobis S. The United Nations Process Indicators for emergency obstetric care: Reflections based on a decade of experience. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Nov 2006;95(2):192-208. 2.. Stelfox HT, Straus SE, Nathens A, Bobranska-Artiuch B. Evidence for quality indicators to evaluate adult trauma care: a systematic review. Critical care medicine. Apr 2011;39(4):846-859. 149 Appendix 5.8: Use and Definitions of Perioperative Mortality Rates In Low-Income And Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review STUDY METHODOLOGY JOSHUA S NG-KAMSTRA, SARAH L M GREENBERG, MEERA KOTAGAL, CHARLOTTA L PALMQVIST, FRANCIS Y X LAI, RISHITHA BOLLAM, JOHN G MEARA, RUSSELL L GRUEN OBJECTIVES 1. To describe reported perioperative mortality rates (POMR) across procedures and diagnoses in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). 2. To determine which definition of POMR is most commonly used in the LMIC literature. 3. To determine how POMR has been used in the LMIC literature, describing the types of studies performed and questions answered using POMR as an indicator. 4. To determine how risk adjustment for case mix, patient age, and disease severity have been undertaken. BACKGROUND This project is being undertaken as an investigation for the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Following on the work of Watters, et al, which recommended the global use of Perioperative Mortality Rate (POMR) as an “indicator of access to and safety of surgery and anesthesia”, the need for a systematic review on the state of POMR as a surgical indicator was identified1. SELECTION CRITERIA Inclusion Criteria: Any published paper primarily reporting facility-based outcomes or mortality for patients who have undergone surgery in a low- or middle-income country (LMIC). Any study design (audit, case-control, or cohort) in which such data are presented is eligible for inclusion. The paper must report perioperative mortality rates within a specified patient population. Filters: • Human subjects • English • Publication dates: Jan 1, 2009 to September 1, 2014 For the purposes of this analysis: • • • “Perioperative” refers to the time period from admission to a health facility to either discharge, or 30 days following a surgical procedure (whichever comes later). This is extended to 42 days for outcomes following caesarean section. “surgery” refers to a procedure performed in an operating theatre LMIC are defined by World Bank Country and Lending Groups and include upper-middle, lower-middle, and low-income countries. EXCLUSION CRITERIA Interventions: Percutaneous vascular interventions, percutaneous cardiovascular interventions, transplantation, robotic operations, ECMO, bariatric surgery, trauma sustained during military engagement, surgery performed in temporary combat hospitals, colonoscopy, HIPEC, cosmetic plastic surgery, short-term medical missions, burr holes without further surgical intervention Paper Types: survival analysis for cancer, survival analysis for pericardial effusion, risk factor model assessment without provision of actual mortality rates, trauma/burn mortality studies without reporting of perioperative mortality, maternal mortality studies without reporting of perioperative mortality, studies whose denominator is drawn from an ICU study base, studies of fetal surgery OUTCOME MEASURES Primary Outcome: Perioperative mortality rates Secondary Outcomes: 150 • • • Proportion of studies reporting various definitions of POMR, including intraoperative mortality, 24-hour mortality, 7-day perioperative mortality, inpatient mortality, and 30-day mortality. Proportion of studies reporting other perioperative complications Proportion of studies reporting preoperative risk factors including patient age, comorbidities, ASA status, case urgency, HIV status, and clinical risk scores. SEARCH METHODS Electronic Searches We will search the following databases: • PubMed: January 1, 2009 to September 1, 2014 (search string below) • EMBASE • LILACS • Web of Science • African Index Medicus • WHO Global Health Library N.B. The present analysis presents preliminary data from a search of PubMed, with other databases to be included in subsequent publications. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Selection of Studies Two authors will review all titles and abstracts in duplicate to identify studies reporting: • In-hospital or facility-based mortality or outcomes or results pertaining to surgery or surgically treated diseases • In-hospital or facility-based mortality pertaining to anesthesia • In-hospital or facility-based maternal mortality with specific mention of cesarean section Studies warranting full-text review will be read by one of four authors to evaluate for inclusion or exclusion, with final oversight by one reviewer. DATA EXTRACTION The following data will be extracted from all papers using a piloted Excel form with regular data validation for consistency: 1. Year of publication 2. Study design 3. Start and end dates of study period 4. Country location of participating hospitals 5. Facility type (academic hospital, community hospital, district hospital, mixed hospital types, other) 6. Description of the patient population 7. Type of anesthesia used 8. Definition of POMR employed (including timeframe, numerator, and denominator). 9. Whether or not the study reports HIV status, case urgency, comorbidities, clinical scoring systems, age, and whether or not mortality is adjusted for or stratified on these factors. 10. Names of any clinical scoring systems used. 11. Difficulties raised by authors in data collection, including loss to follow up and other such missing data. 12. Planned versus emergent status of operative cases. A planned surgery is one in which the patient is admitted from his or her place of usual residence at a pre-set date for the purpose of undergoing a surgical procedure. An emergency surgery is one in which the patient undergoes a surgical procedure after being admitted to hospital on an unforeseen date with a potentially life- or limb-threatening disease process. 13. Perioperative mortality rate. Where such a rate is not calculated by authors, but a defined numerator and denominator are reported, it will be imputed as calculated by reviewers. Where studies of operative and nonoperative patients are included, only mortality for patients actually undergoing surgery is reported. 14. Surgical specialty. Where studies are limited to a surgical specialty, the single most appropriate specialty will be assigned according to the case mix reported. 15. Procedure or diagnosis name. This is imputed where studies are limited to a single diagnosis or a single procedure. Planned versus emergent status and perioperative mortality rates will be extracted in duplicate. All other data will be resampled at regular intervals to ensure consistency across reviewers. Surgical specialty and procedure will be imputed solely by one reviewer to ensure consistency. 151 Other variables may be collected as deemed appropriate. RISK OF BIAS On an individual study level, studies risk selection bias (by failing to represent consecutive cases), or detection bias (by failing to provide complete follow-up data). All studies will be assessed for both such biases. On a review level, publication bias may influence results, however the direction of such bias is unclear. Studies may tend to come from larger centres with more complex patients. This may either overestimate mortality (due to clinical complexity) or underestimate mortality (due to greater resource availability at such centres). Authors may be reticent to publish audit data showing high mortality (for professional or political reasons), or they may publish studies of riskier procedures more frequently (for academic reasons). Such biases will be addressed qualitatively—for example, if studies are primarily identified from urban, academic centres, results may not be generalizable to smaller rural centres. DATA SYNTHESIS The data collected will be analyzed as case-series outcomes (mortality rates), regardless of the underlying study design. We anticipate significant heterogeneity in mortality rates across clinical groups (specific procedures or diagnoses), and even within clinical groups. We will therefore simply provide reported ranges of POMR for a variety of procedures or diagnostic groups, and describe variation by case urgency. ANALYSIS: Data analysis will be undertaken using Stata 13/IC PUBMED SEARCH STRATEGY: A search strategy was designed in consultation with a medical librarian to retrieve all relevant articles. Full query: ((("Hospital Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Hospital Mortality"[tiab] OR “Hospital Death”[tiab]) AND ("Surgical Procedures, Operative"[Mesh] OR “surgery department, hospital”[MeSH] OR “General Surgery”[Mesh] OR “Anesthesia”[Mesh] OR "Cesarean Section"[Mesh] OR “surgery”[tiab] OR “surgical”[tiab] OR “anesthesia”[tiab] OR “anesthetic”[tiab] OR “anaesthesia”[tiab] OR “anaesthetic”[tiab] OR "cesarean"[tiab] or "caesarean"[tiab])) OR ("Intraoperative Care/mortality"[Mesh] OR ("intraoperative"[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR "Postoperative Care/mortality"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Complications/mortality"[Mesh] OR ("postoperative"[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR "Perioperative Period/mortality"[Mesh] OR (“perioperative”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR OR ((“cesarean”[tiab] OR “caesarean”[tiab]) AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“surgery”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“surgical”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“operative”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“operation”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR "Anesthesia/mortality"[Mesh] OR (“anesthesia”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“anesthetic”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“anaesthesia”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“anaesthetic”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])))) AND (("Developing Countries"[Mesh] OR "Africa South of the Sahara"[Mesh] OR "Central America"[Mesh] OR "Afghanistan"[Mesh] OR "Albania"[Mesh] OR "Algeria"[Mesh] OR "American Samoa"[Mesh] OR "Angola"[Mesh] OR "Antigua and Barbuda"[Mesh] OR "Argentina"[Mesh] OR "Armenia"[Mesh] OR "Bangladesh"[Mesh] OR "Republic of Belarus"[Mesh] OR "Belize"[Mesh] OR "Benin"[Mesh] OR "Bhutan"[Mesh] OR "Bolivia"[Mesh] OR "Bosnia-Herzegovina"[Mesh] OR "Botswana"[Mesh] OR "Brazil"[Mesh] OR "Bulgaria"[Mesh] OR "Burkina Faso"[Mesh] OR "Burundi"[Mesh] OR "Cape Verde"[Mesh] OR "Cameroon"[Mesh] OR "Cambodia"[Mesh] OR "Central African Republic"[Mesh] OR "Chad"[Mesh] OR "Chile"[Mesh] OR "China"[Mesh] OR "Colombia"[Mesh] OR "Comoros"[Mesh] OR "Congo"[Mesh] OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo"[Mesh] OR "Costa Rica"[Mesh] OR "Cote d'Ivoire"[Mesh] OR "Cuba"[Mesh] OR "Djibouti"[Mesh] OR "Dominica"[Mesh] OR "Dominican Republic"[Mesh] OR "Ecuador"[Mesh] OR "Egypt"[Mesh] OR "El Salvador"[Mesh] OR "Eritrea"[Mesh] OR "Ethiopia"[Mesh] OR "Fiji"[Mesh] OR "Gabon"[Mesh] OR "Gambia"[Mesh] OR "Georgia (Republic)"[Mesh] OR "Ghana"[Mesh] OR "Grenada"[Mesh] OR "Guatemala"[Mesh] OR "Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Equatorial Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Guinea-Bissau"[Mesh] OR "Guyana"[Mesh] OR "Haiti"[Mesh] OR "Honduras"[Mesh] OR "India"[Mesh] OR "Indonesia"[Mesh] OR "Iran"[Mesh] OR "Iraq"[Mesh] OR "Jamaica"[Mesh] OR "Jordan"[Mesh] OR "Kazakhstan"[Mesh] OR "Kenya"[Mesh] OR "Micronesia"[Mesh] OR "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"[Mesh] OR "Yugoslavia"[Mesh] OR "Kyrgyzstan"[Mesh] OR "Laos"[Mesh] OR "Latvia"[Mesh] OR "Lebanon"[Mesh] OR "Lesotho"[Mesh] OR "Liberia"[Mesh] OR "Libya"[Mesh] OR "Lithuania"[Mesh] OR "Macedonia (Republic)"[Mesh] OR "Madagascar"[Mesh] OR "Malawi"[Mesh] OR "Malaysia"[Mesh] OR "Indian Ocean Islands"[Mesh] OR "Mali"[Mesh] OR "Mauritania"[Mesh] OR "Mexico"[Mesh] OR "Moldova"[Mesh] OR "Mongolia"[Mesh] OR "Montenegro"[Mesh] OR "Morocco"[Mesh] OR "Mozambique"[Mesh] OR "Myanmar"[Mesh] OR "Namibia"[Mesh] OR "Nepal"[Mesh] OR "Nicaragua"[Mesh] OR "Niger"[Mesh] OR "Nigeria"[Mesh] OR 152 "Pakistan"[Mesh] OR "Palau"[Mesh] OR "Panama"[Mesh] OR "Papua New Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Paraguay"[Mesh] OR "Peru"[Mesh] OR "Philippines"[Mesh] OR "Romania"[Mesh] OR "Siberia"[Mesh] OR "Rwanda"[Mesh] OR "Samoa"[Mesh] OR "Atlantic Islands"[Mesh] OR "Senegal"[Mesh] OR "Serbia"[Mesh] OR "Seychelles"[Mesh] OR "Sierra Leone"[Mesh] OR "Melanesia"[Mesh] OR "Somalia"[Mesh] OR "South Africa"[Mesh] OR "Sri Lanka"[Mesh] OR "Saint Lucia"[Mesh] OR "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"[Mesh] OR "Sudan"[Mesh] OR "Suriname"[Mesh] OR "Swaziland"[Mesh] OR "Syria"[Mesh] OR "Tajikistan"[Mesh] OR "Tanzania"[Mesh] OR "Thailand"[Mesh] OR "East Timor"[Mesh] OR "Togo"[Mesh] OR "Tonga"[Mesh] OR "Tunisia"[Mesh] OR "Turkey"[Mesh] OR "Turkmenistan"[Mesh] OR "Micronesia"[Mesh] OR "Uganda"[Mesh] OR "Ukraine"[Mesh] OR "Uruguay"[Mesh] OR "Uzbekistan"[Mesh] OR "Vanuatu"[Mesh] OR "Venezuela"[Mesh] OR "Vietnam"[Mesh] OR "Yemen"[Mesh] OR "Zambia"[Mesh] OR "Zimbabwe"[Mesh]) OR ("internationality"[MeSH Terms] OR World health organization[MeSH Terms] OR united nations[MeSH Terms] OR africa[MeSH Terms]) OR (“low-income”[tiab] OR “middleincome”[tiab] OR “low-resource”[tiab] or “developing country”[tiab] or “Africa”[tiab]) OR ("Central America"[Tiab] OR "Afghanistan"[Tiab] OR "Albania"[Tiab] OR "Algeria"[Tiab] OR "American Samoa"[Tiab] OR "Angola"[Tiab] OR "Antigua and Barbuda"[Tiab] OR "Argentina"[Tiab] OR "Armenia"[Tiab] OR "Bangladesh"[Tiab] OR "Republic of Belarus"[Tiab] OR "Belize"[Tiab] OR "Benin"[Tiab] OR "Bhutan"[Tiab] OR "Bolivia"[Tiab] OR "BosniaHerzegovina"[Tiab] OR "Botswana"[Tiab] OR "Brazil"[Tiab] OR "Bulgaria"[Tiab] OR "Burkina Faso"[Tiab] OR "Burundi"[Tiab] OR "Cape Verde"[Tiab] OR "Cameroon"[Tiab] OR "Cambodia"[Tiab] OR "Central African Republic"[Tiab] OR "Chad"[Tiab] OR "Chile"[Tiab] OR "China"[Tiab] OR "Colombia"[Tiab] OR "Comoros"[Tiab] OR "Congo"[Tiab] OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo"[Tiab] OR "Costa Rica"[Tiab] OR "Cote d'Ivoire"[Tiab] OR "Cuba"[Tiab] OR "Djibouti"[Tiab] OR "Dominica"[Tiab] OR "Dominican Republic"[Tiab] OR "Ecuador"[Tiab] OR "Egypt"[Tiab] OR "El Salvador"[Tiab] OR "Eritrea"[Tiab] OR "Ethiopia"[Tiab] OR "Fiji"[Tiab] OR "Gabon"[Tiab] OR "Gambia"[Tiab] OR "Georgia (Republic)"[Tiab] OR "Ghana"[Tiab] OR "Grenada"[Tiab] OR "Guatemala"[Tiab] OR "Guinea"[Tiab] OR "Equatorial Guinea"[Tiab] OR "Guinea-Bissau"[Tiab] OR "Guyana"[Tiab] OR "Haiti"[Tiab] OR "Honduras"[Tiab] OR "India"[Tiab] OR "Indonesia"[Tiab] OR "Iran"[Tiab] OR "Iraq"[Tiab] OR "Jamaica"[Tiab] OR "Jordan"[Tiab] OR "Kazakhstan"[Tiab] OR "Kenya"[Tiab] OR "Micronesia"[Tiab] OR "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"[Tiab] OR "Yugoslavia"[Tiab] OR "Kyrgyzstan"[Tiab] OR "Laos"[Tiab] OR "Latvia"[Tiab] OR "Lebanon"[Tiab] OR "Lesotho"[Tiab] OR "Liberia"[Tiab] OR "Libya"[Tiab] OR "Lithuania"[Tiab] OR "Macedonia"[Tiab] OR "Madagascar"[Tiab] OR "Malawi"[Tiab] OR "Malaysia"[Tiab] OR "Indian Ocean Islands"[Tiab] OR "Mali"[Tiab] OR "Mauritania"[Tiab] OR "Mexico"[Tiab] OR "Moldova"[Tiab] OR "Mongolia"[Tiab] OR "Montenegro"[Tiab] OR "Morocco"[Tiab] OR "Mozambique"[Tiab] OR "Myanmar"[Tiab] OR "Namibia"[Tiab] OR "Nepal"[Tiab] OR "Nicaragua"[Tiab] OR "Niger"[Tiab] OR "Nigeria"[Tiab] OR "Pakistan"[Tiab] OR "Palau"[Tiab] OR "Panama"[Tiab] OR "Papua New Guinea"[Tiab] OR "Paraguay"[Tiab] OR "Peru"[Tiab] OR "Philippines"[Tiab] OR "Romania"[Tiab] OR "Siberia"[Tiab] OR "Rwanda"[Tiab] OR "Samoa"[Tiab] OR "Atlantic Islands"[Tiab] OR "Senegal"[Tiab] OR "Serbia"[Tiab] OR "Seychelles"[Tiab] OR "Sierra Leone"[Tiab] OR "Melanesia"[Tiab] OR "Somalia"[Tiab] OR "South Africa"[Tiab] OR "Sri Lanka"[Tiab] OR "Saint Lucia"[Tiab] OR "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"[Tiab] OR "Sudan"[Tiab] OR "Suriname"[Tiab] OR "Swaziland"[Tiab] OR "Syria"[Tiab] OR "Tajikistan"[Tiab] OR "Tanzania"[Tiab] OR "Thailand"[Tiab] OR "East Timor"[Tiab] OR "Togo"[Tiab] OR "Tonga"[Tiab] OR "Tunisia"[Tiab] OR "Turkey"[Tiab] OR "Turkmenistan"[Tiab] OR "Micronesia"[Tiab] OR "Uganda"[Tiab] OR "Ukraine"[Tiab] OR "Uruguay"[Tiab] OR "Uzbekistan"[Tiab] OR "Vanuatu"[Tiab] OR "Venezuela"[Tiab] OR "Vietnam"[Tiab] OR "Yemen"[Tiab] OR "Zambia"[Tiab] OR "Zimbabwe"[Tiab])) SEARCH BREAKDOWN 1 AND 2 AND 4 OR 3 AND 4 1. Specify hospital mortality "Hospital Mortality"[Mesh] OR "Hospital Mortality"[tiab] OR “Hospital Death”[tiab] 2. Delineate by surgery or anesthesia "Surgical Procedures, Operative"[Mesh] OR “surgery department, hospital”[MeSH] OR “General Surgery”[Mesh] OR “Anesthesia”[Mesh] OR "Cesarean Section"[Mesh] OR “surgery”[tiab] OR “surgical”[tiab] OR “anesthesia”[tiab] OR “anesthetic”[tiab] OR “anaesthesia”[tiab] OR “anaesthetic”[tiab] OR "cesarean"[tiab] or "caesarean"[tiab] 3. Delineate by surgery or anesthesia and mortality "Intraoperative Care/mortality"[Mesh] OR ("intraoperative"[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR "Postoperative Care/mortality"[Mesh] OR "Postoperative Complications/mortality"[Mesh] OR ("postoperative"[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR "Perioperative Period/mortality"[Mesh] OR (“perioperative”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“surgery”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“surgical”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“operative”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“operation”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR "Anesthesia/mortality"[Mesh] OR (“anesthesia”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“anesthetic”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR 153 “death”[tiab])) OR (“anaesthesia”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR (“anaesthetic”[tiab] AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) OR ((“cesarean”[tiab] OR “caesarean”[tiab]) AND (“mortality”[tiab] OR “death”[tiab])) 4. Delineate by low-resource setting ("Developing Countries"[Mesh] OR "Africa South of the Sahara"[Mesh] OR "Central America"[Mesh] OR "Afghanistan"[Mesh] OR "Albania"[Mesh] OR "Algeria"[Mesh] OR "American Samoa"[Mesh] OR "Angola"[Mesh] OR "Antigua and Barbuda"[Mesh] OR "Argentina"[Mesh] OR "Armenia"[Mesh] OR "Bangladesh"[Mesh] OR "Republic of Belarus"[Mesh] OR "Belize"[Mesh] OR "Benin"[Mesh] OR "Bhutan"[Mesh] OR "Bolivia"[Mesh] OR "Bosnia-Herzegovina"[Mesh] OR "Botswana"[Mesh] OR "Brazil"[Mesh] OR "Bulgaria"[Mesh] OR "Burkina Faso"[Mesh] OR "Burundi"[Mesh] OR "Cape Verde"[Mesh] OR "Cameroon"[Mesh] OR "Cambodia"[Mesh] OR "Central African Republic"[Mesh] OR "Chad"[Mesh] OR "Chile"[Mesh] OR "China"[Mesh] OR "Colombia"[Mesh] OR "Comoros"[Mesh] OR "Congo"[Mesh] OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo"[Mesh] OR "Costa Rica"[Mesh] OR "Cote d'Ivoire"[Mesh] OR "Cuba"[Mesh] OR "Djibouti"[Mesh] OR "Dominica"[Mesh] OR "Dominican Republic"[Mesh] OR "Ecuador"[Mesh] OR "Egypt"[Mesh] OR "El Salvador"[Mesh] OR "Eritrea"[Mesh] OR "Ethiopia"[Mesh] OR "Fiji"[Mesh] OR "Gabon"[Mesh] OR "Gambia"[Mesh] OR "Georgia (Republic)"[Mesh] OR "Ghana"[Mesh] OR "Grenada"[Mesh] OR "Guatemala"[Mesh] OR "Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Equatorial Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Guinea-Bissau"[Mesh] OR "Guyana"[Mesh] OR "Haiti"[Mesh] OR "Honduras"[Mesh] OR "India"[Mesh] OR "Indonesia"[Mesh] OR "Iran"[Mesh] OR "Iraq"[Mesh] OR "Jamaica"[Mesh] OR "Jordan"[Mesh] OR "Kazakhstan"[Mesh] OR "Kenya"[Mesh] OR "Micronesia"[Mesh] OR "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"[Mesh] OR "Yugoslavia"[Mesh] OR "Kyrgyzstan"[Mesh] OR "Laos"[Mesh] OR "Latvia"[Mesh] OR "Lebanon"[Mesh] OR "Lesotho"[Mesh] OR "Liberia"[Mesh] OR "Libya"[Mesh] OR "Lithuania"[Mesh] OR "Macedonia (Republic)"[Mesh] OR "Madagascar"[Mesh] OR "Malawi"[Mesh] OR "Malaysia"[Mesh] OR "Indian Ocean Islands"[Mesh] OR "Mali"[Mesh] OR "Mauritania"[Mesh] OR "Mexico"[Mesh] OR "Moldova"[Mesh] OR "Mongolia"[Mesh] OR "Montenegro"[Mesh] OR "Morocco"[Mesh] OR "Mozambique"[Mesh] OR "Myanmar"[Mesh] OR "Namibia"[Mesh] OR "Nepal"[Mesh] OR "Nicaragua"[Mesh] OR "Niger"[Mesh] OR "Nigeria"[Mesh] OR "Pakistan"[Mesh] OR "Palau"[Mesh] OR "Panama"[Mesh] OR "Papua New Guinea"[Mesh] OR "Paraguay"[Mesh] OR "Peru"[Mesh] OR "Philippines"[Mesh] OR "Romania"[Mesh] OR "Siberia"[Mesh] OR "Rwanda"[Mesh] OR "Samoa"[Mesh] OR "Atlantic Islands"[Mesh] OR "Senegal"[Mesh] OR "Serbia"[Mesh] OR "Seychelles"[Mesh] OR "Sierra Leone"[Mesh] OR "Melanesia"[Mesh] OR "Somalia"[Mesh] OR "South Africa"[Mesh] OR "Sri Lanka"[Mesh] OR "Saint Lucia"[Mesh] OR "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"[Mesh] OR "Sudan"[Mesh] OR "Suriname"[Mesh] OR "Swaziland"[Mesh] OR "Syria"[Mesh] OR "Tajikistan"[Mesh] OR "Tanzania"[Mesh] OR "Thailand"[Mesh] OR "East Timor"[Mesh] OR "Togo"[Mesh] OR "Tonga"[Mesh] OR "Tunisia"[Mesh] OR "Turkey"[Mesh] OR "Turkmenistan"[Mesh] OR "Micronesia"[Mesh] OR "Uganda"[Mesh] OR "Ukraine"[Mesh] OR "Uruguay"[Mesh] OR "Uzbekistan"[Mesh] OR "Vanuatu"[Mesh] OR "Venezuela"[Mesh] OR "Vietnam"[Mesh] OR "Yemen"[Mesh] OR "Zambia"[Mesh] OR "Zimbabwe"[Mesh]) OR ("internationality"[MeSH Terms] OR World health organization[MeSH Terms] OR united nations[MeSH Terms] OR africa[MeSH Terms]) OR (“low-income”[tiab] OR “middleincome”[tiab] OR “low-resource”[tiab] or “developing country”[tiab] or “Africa”[tiab]) OR ("Central America"[Tiab] OR "Afghanistan"[Tiab] OR "Albania"[Tiab] OR "Algeria"[Tiab] OR "American Samoa"[Tiab] OR "Angola"[Tiab] OR "Antigua and Barbuda"[Tiab] OR "Argentina"[Tiab] OR "Armenia"[Tiab] OR "Bangladesh"[Tiab] OR "Republic of Belarus"[Tiab] OR "Belize"[Tiab] OR "Benin"[Tiab] OR "Bhutan"[Tiab] OR "Bolivia"[Tiab] OR "BosniaHerzegovina"[Tiab] OR "Botswana"[Tiab] OR "Brazil"[Tiab] OR "Bulgaria"[Tiab] OR "Burkina Faso"[Tiab] OR "Burundi"[Tiab] OR "Cape Verde"[Tiab] OR "Cameroon"[Tiab] OR "Cambodia"[Tiab] OR "Central African Republic"[Tiab] OR "Chad"[Tiab] OR "Chile"[Tiab] OR "China"[Tiab] OR "Colombia"[Tiab] OR "Comoros"[Tiab] OR "Congo"[Tiab] OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo"[Tiab] OR "Costa Rica"[Tiab] OR "Cote d'Ivoire"[Tiab] OR "Cuba"[Tiab] OR "Djibouti"[Tiab] OR "Dominica"[Tiab] OR "Dominican Republic"[Tiab] OR "Ecuador"[Tiab] OR "Egypt"[Tiab] OR "El Salvador"[Tiab] OR "Eritrea"[Tiab] OR "Ethiopia"[Tiab] OR "Fiji"[Tiab] OR "Gabon"[Tiab] OR "Gambia"[Tiab] OR "Georgia (Republic)"[Tiab] OR "Ghana"[Tiab] OR "Grenada"[Tiab] OR "Guatemala"[Tiab] OR "Guinea"[Tiab] OR "Equatorial Guinea"[Tiab] OR "Guinea-Bissau"[Tiab] OR "Guyana"[Tiab] OR "Haiti"[Tiab] OR "Honduras"[Tiab] OR "India"[Tiab] OR "Indonesia"[Tiab] OR "Iran"[Tiab] OR "Iraq"[Tiab] OR "Jamaica"[Tiab] OR "Jordan"[Tiab] OR "Kazakhstan"[Tiab] OR "Kenya"[Tiab] OR "Micronesia"[Tiab] OR "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"[Tiab] OR "Yugoslavia"[Tiab] OR "Kyrgyzstan"[Tiab] OR "Laos"[Tiab] OR "Latvia"[Tiab] OR "Lebanon"[Tiab] OR "Lesotho"[Tiab] OR "Liberia"[Tiab] OR "Libya"[Tiab] OR "Lithuania"[Tiab] OR "Macedonia"[Tiab] OR "Madagascar"[Tiab] OR "Malawi"[Tiab] OR "Malaysia"[Tiab] OR "Indian Ocean Islands"[Tiab] OR "Mali"[Tiab] OR "Mauritania"[Tiab] OR "Mexico"[Tiab] OR "Moldova"[Tiab] OR "Mongolia"[Tiab] OR "Montenegro"[Tiab] OR "Morocco"[Tiab] OR "Mozambique"[Tiab] OR "Myanmar"[Tiab] OR "Namibia"[Tiab] OR "Nepal"[Tiab] OR "Nicaragua"[Tiab] OR "Niger"[Tiab] OR "Nigeria"[Tiab] OR "Pakistan"[Tiab] OR "Palau"[Tiab] OR "Panama"[Tiab] OR "Papua New Guinea"[Tiab] OR "Paraguay"[Tiab] OR "Peru"[Tiab] OR "Philippines"[Tiab] OR "Romania"[Tiab] OR "Siberia"[Tiab] OR "Rwanda"[Tiab] OR "Samoa"[Tiab] OR "Atlantic Islands"[Tiab] OR "Senegal"[Tiab] OR "Serbia"[Tiab] OR "Seychelles"[Tiab] OR "Sierra Leone"[Tiab] OR "Melanesia"[Tiab] OR "Somalia"[Tiab] OR "South Africa"[Tiab] OR "Sri Lanka"[Tiab] OR "Saint Lucia"[Tiab] OR 154 "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"[Tiab] OR "Sudan"[Tiab] OR "Suriname"[Tiab] OR "Swaziland"[Tiab] OR "Syria"[Tiab] OR "Tajikistan"[Tiab] OR "Tanzania"[Tiab] OR "Thailand"[Tiab] OR "East Timor"[Tiab] OR "Togo"[Tiab] OR "Tonga"[Tiab] OR "Tunisia"[Tiab] OR "Turkey"[Tiab] OR "Turkmenistan"[Tiab] OR "Micronesia"[Tiab] OR "Uganda"[Tiab] OR "Ukraine"[Tiab] OR "Uruguay"[Tiab] OR "Uzbekistan"[Tiab] OR "Vanuatu"[Tiab] OR "Venezuela"[Tiab] OR "Vietnam"[Tiab] OR "Yemen"[Tiab] OR "Zambia"[Tiab] OR "Zimbabwe"[Tiab]) FILTERS Publication Dates: 1/1/2009 to 9/1/2014 Species: Humans Languages: English REFERENCES 1. Watters DA, Hollands MJ, Gruen RL, et al. Perioperative Mortality Rate (POMR): A Global Indicator of Access to Safe Surgery and Anaesthesia. World journal of surgery 2014. 155 Research 156 Appendix 6.0: Research Key Findings • • • • The majority of surgical research is done in high-income countries by high-income researchers; surgical research output correlates with country GDP There are large knowledge gaps across nearly all global surgery research topics Current surgical research capacity in LMICs is weak with a lack of training, funding and prioritization Research needs vary by environment, highlighting the need for locally-driven research agendas 157 Appendix 6.1: Bibliometrics; Surgery And Surgical Oncology Research Outputs 2009-2013 SULLIVAN, R AND LEWIS, G. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. This report updates an earlier report on surgical oncology that was subsequently published in Annals of Surgery.1 This covered the 10 years 1999-2008 and was based on the papers in the Web of Science (WoS) at the intersection of two filters, for surgery (SURGE) and oncology (ONCOL). Each of these two filters has subsequently been updated to reflect new technical developments and the wider journal coverage of the WoS: this means that the new combined filter would have identified 58% more papers in 2007-08 than previously. The new filter (SURON) generated a file of 51,202 papers from the five years 2009-13 whose details were downloaded to a spreadsheet for analysis. In addition, some analyses were performed on the 274,492 papers in all surgery. Countries were divided into four income groups: high (HI > $12,746 per caput), upper-middle (UM >$4125 per caput), lower-middle (LM >$1045 per caput) and low (LO <$1045 per caput) for the purposes of analysis. 2. Surgical oncology research accounts for about 19% of all surgery research, but only 13% of cancer research. The leading countries, based on integer counts, are the USA, Japan, China, Germany, Italy, South Korea and the UK. Japan and South Korea show a rather high commitment to SURON relative to their outputs of surgery, and Russia a notably low commitment relative to both ONCOL and SURGE. 3. Outputs of the countries in the four income groups correlated closely with their total GNPs, and the correlation was quite good for individual countries. 4. Of the cancer sites, the ones subject to the most surgical research were colorectal, stomach, liver and breast. The UM country group emphasized research on stomach, liver and cervical cancers. Outputs did not correlate well with disease burden in DALYs except for the UM country group, which was dominated by China whose burden was mainly in stomach and liver cancer. India, with a big (14%) burden in mouth cancer, had a high research output on this site (18%). 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Origins of study This study was requested by Professor Richard Sullivan on 15 July 2014 as an adjunct to the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. The intention was to focus on the relative volumes of output from four groups of countries, defined by the United Nations in terms of income per head as in Table 1, and international collaboration within and between groups. Table 1. Four groups of countries defined by per caput income in 2013 Country group Code Countries Income per caput range in 2013, USD High HI 58 – 57 Above $12,746 Upper middle UM 38 – 54 From $4125 to $12,746 Lower middle LM 31 – 47 From $1045 to $4125 Low LO 19 – 35 Below $1045 The first country number is the number with outputs in the WoS, and the second is the number of WHO Member States. This is usually greater as some countries publish no research, but Taiwan is included in the WoS as a country although not a UN member. 1.2 Extension of the study to surgery research This extension was mentioned in the initial commission, and amplified at a meeting on Monday 28 July 2014. The outputs of the four groups of countries in all surgery research were to be tabulated, together with measures of collaboration within each of the four groups and between them. In addition, the numbers and percentages of each country’s papers that involved clinical trials were to be determined. 158 The outputs of the four country groups in surgical oncology were to be compared with the relative disease burden from different manifestations of cancer, and the relative commitments of the four groups to surgical oncology research on each selected site were also to be compared with the world norms. 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 File creation Since the earlier study, the filters to be applied to the Web of Science (WoS) for both cancer research (ONCOL) and for surgery (SURGE) have both been updated to reflect the advent of new title words and the coverage of more journals by the WoS. In particular, the WoS now processes more journals from developing countries than it did in the 1990s and it also covers more European journals in non-English languages. Surgical oncology papers were identified from the intersection of the two individual filters, as before, but the new definitions of both ONCOL and SURGE meant that the new SURON filter retrieved many more papers than the one used for the earlier study – by 47% in 2005- 06 and by 58% in 2007-08.This means that the results of the new study are not exactly comparable with those of the earlier one, and that there will be a discontinuity from 2008 to 2009. 2.2 Integer and fractional counts; international collaboration measures The analysis of the outputs of individual countries and ones in the four income groups (Table 1) can be conducted on the basis of either integer or fractional country counts, based on their presence in the set of addresses on each paper. For the SURON analysis, full details of all the papers were downloaded to file, and each paper was marked with the fractional count of every country involved. However, for the analysis of SURGE papers, this would have been too big a task (there were almost 275,000 papers in the five years, 2009- 13), and the analysis was performed directly with the WoS software using integer counts. The main measure was the amount of international collaboration both within individual groups of countries, and between the four groups. For the SURON papers, one measure of international collaboration was the difference between the sum of the group fractional counts and the integer count, expressed as a percentage of the integer count. Thus for the upper middle income (UM) countries, their fractional count total was 6880 SURON papers and their integer count total was 7713. The difference is 833, which is 11% of the integer count total, and represents the three other group fractional contributions to the UM output. However, the number of papers with any UM country presence was 7629, little short of the integer count of 7713 and differing by only 1.1%. The latter percentage represents the amount of collaboration between different UM countries, i.e., the “within group” collaboration. There were 1261 collaborative papers with HI countries, 39 with LM countries and 3 with LO countries, total 1303 less the numbers with both HI and LM countries (28) to leave 1275 papers co-authored with other groups, or 16.7%. Similar calculations can be made for the other three groups, and also (since they involve only integer counts) for the SURGE papers. The countries in each of the four income groups are listed in Table 2. Table 2. Countries (WHO Member States) classified by income group in 2013 – for definitions, see Table 1 High income Upper middle Lower middle Low income Andorra Albania Armenia Afghanistan Antigua & Barbuda Algeria Bhutan Bangladesh Australia Angola Bolivia Benin Austria Argentina Cameroon Burkina Faso Bahamas Azerbaijan Cape Verde Burundi Bahrain Belarus Congo Cambodia Barbados Belize Côte d'Ivoire C..Afr. Republic Belgium Bosnia & Herzegovina Djibouti Chad Brunei Botswana Egypt Comoros Canada Brazil El Salvador Congo (D. Rep.) 159 Chile Bulgaria Georgia Eritrea Cook Islands China Ghana Ethiopia Croatia Colombia Guatemala Gambia Cyprus Costa Rica Guyana Guinea Czech Republic Cuba Honduras Guinea-Bissau Denmark Dominica India Haiti Equat. Guinea Dominican Rep. Indonesia Kenya Estonia Ecuador Kiribati Liberia Finland Fiji Kyrgyzstan Madagascar France Gabon Laos Malawi Germany Grenada Lesotho Mali Greece Hungary Mauritania Mozambique Iceland Iran Micronesia Myanmar Ireland Iraq Moldova Nauru Israel Jamaica Mongolia Nepal Italy Jordan Morocco Niger Japan Kazakhstan Nicaragua North Korea Kuwait Lebanon Nigeria Rwanda Latvia Libya Pakistan Sierra Leone Lithuania Macedonia (FYR) Papua New Guinea Somalia Luxembourg Malaysia Paraguay Tajikistan Malta Maldives Philippines Tanzania Monaco Marshall Islands Samoa Togo Netherlands Mauritius S. Tome & Principe Uganda New Zealand Mexico Senegal Zimbabwe Norway Namibia Solomon Islands Oman Niue Sri Lanka 160 High income Upper middle Lower middle Poland Palau Sudan Portugal Panama Swaziland Qatar Peru Syria Russia Romania Timor-Leste Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Lucia Ukraine San Marino Saint Vincent & Gren’s Uzbekistan Saudi Arabia Serbia & Montenegro Vanuatu Singapore Seychelles Viet Nam Slovakia South Africa Yemen Slovenia Suriname Zambia South Korea Thailand Spain Tonga Sweden Tunisia Switzerland Turkey Trinidad & Tobago Turkmenistan Unit. Arab Emirates Tuvalu United Kingdom Venezuela Low income Uruguay USA However, not all the countries in this table had an output of papers in surgical oncology research, or indeed in surgery research. On the other hand, there were also papers from Taiwan (a high income country but not a member of the WHO or the UN). 161 3 RESULTS 3.1 Outputs of papers from leading countries and from country groups The numbers of papers, year by year, in cancer and surgery research, and in surgical oncology, are shown in Table 4. SURON outputs have increased relative to surgery as a whole, but have slightly decreased as a percentage of cancer research. Table 4. World outputs of research papers in oncology (ONCOL), surgery (SURGE) and surgical oncology (SURON) for 2009-13 (articles and reviews only in the WoS). Year ONCOL SURGE SURON % of SURGE % of ONCOL 2009 66012 49878 9007 18.1 13.6 2010 70586 52345 9565 18.3 13.6 2011 74370 54785 10054 18.4 13.5 2012 82666 57683 10979 19.0 13.3 2013 87666 59801 11597 19.4 13.2 Total 381300 274492 51202 18.7 13.4 Table 5. Outputs of papers from 35 leading countries in oncology, surgery and surgical oncology for 2009-13, integer counts Country ONCOL SURGE SURON Country ONCOL SURGE SURON World 381300 274492 51202 Sweden 7230 3864 630 USA 126603 87393 15751 Belgium 5462 3732 577 China 47883 18178 4195 Poland 5466 3357 539 Japan 32175 20064 5997 Greece 4683 3004 625 Germany 28975 22298 3720 Austria 4285 3273 504 UK 25246 20208 3070 Denmark 4209 2089 299 Italy 24576 14992 3666 Israel 3435 2242 352 France 19893 12357 2400 Iran 3023 2426 245 South Korea 17327 12215 3267 Norway 3528 1667 333 Canada 16499 11395 1922 Finland 2763 1638 207 Netherlands 12058 8106 1467 Czech Republ. 2542 1777 296 Spain 11725 7178 1183 Singapore 2823 1292 228 Australia 10612 6584 1138 Egypt 2049 1363 192 Turkey 6764 9812 1248 Ireland 1909 1453 236 India 9296 5709 880 Russia 1805 1031 82 Taiwan 8902 4538 1050 Romania 1356 1043 246 Brazil 6478 6379 775 New Zealand 1221 1103 131 Switzerland 6609 5698 699 Pakistan 855 1300 188 162 The above table shows the outputs of papers for the five years. They are ordered by their combined output in oncology and surgery. The next table shows each country's percentage presence relative to the world in each of the three subjects. Table 6. Percentage presence of each of 26 countries in cancer research, surgery research, and in surgical oncology, 2009-13, based on integer counts Country ONCOL SURGE SURON Country ONCOL SURGE SURON World 100.0 100.0 100.0 Sweden 1.90 1.41 1.23 USA 33.2 31.8 30.8 Belgium 1.43 1.36 1.13 China 12.6 6.6 8.2 Poland 1.43 1.22 1.05 Japan 8.4 7.3 11.7 Greece 1.23 1.09 1.22 Germany 7.6 8.1 7.3 Austria 1.12 1.19 0.98 UK 6.6 7.4 6.0 Denmark 1.10 0.76 0.58 Italy 6.4 5.5 7.2 Israel 0.90 0.82 0.69 France 5.2 4.5 4.7 Iran 0.79 0.88 0.48 S. Korea 4.5 4.5 6.4 Norway 0.93 0.61 0.65 Canada 4.3 4.2 3.8 Finland 0.72 0.60 0.40 Netherlands 3.2 3.0 2.9 Czech Rep. 0.67 0.65 0.58 Spain 3.1 2.6 2.3 Singapore 0.74 0.47 0.45 Australia 2.8 2.4 2.2 Egypt 0.54 0.50 0.37 Turkey 1.8 3.6 2.4 Ireland 0.50 0.53 0.46 India 2.4 2.1 1.7 Russia 0.47 0.38 0.16 Taiwan 2.3 1.7 2.1 Romania 0.36 0.38 0.48 Brazil 1.7 2.3 1.5 N. Zealand 0.32 0.40 0.26 Switzerland 1.7 2.1 1.4 Pakistan 0.22 0.47 0.37 3.2 Output of groups and collaboration within and between the groups As expected, the high-income countries published the largest share of papers followed by the upper middle countries (led by China), the lower middle countries (led by India) and the low- i n c o m e countries (which no longer contain Nigeria, now in the lower middle- i n c o m e group. The numbers of papers – the sum of individual countries’ outputs and the number from the group as a whole – are shown in Tables 7, where the percentages o f “within-group” collaborations are calculated as a fraction of the group total. Outputs from the f o u r groups in S URON correlated closely with the g r o u p s ’ total gross domestic products (GDP) see Figure 1, overleaf. For individual countries, the correlation is less good (Figure 2), and it appears that some countries are publishing relatively more than would be expected (South Korea, Taiwan, Italy) and others rather less (Brazil, Switzerland, India). The UK, although havinga relatively low commitment to surgical oncology and publishing only 6% of world output (integer count) and 4·7% (fractional count) nevertheless appears to be performing slightly well than its GDP might suggest. 163 Table 7. Numbers of papers from four income-level country groups in surgery research, 2009-13, integer counts, and percentages of “within-group” collaboration. Sum of country counts Group total Collaboration, % Year HI UM LM LO HI UM LM LO HI UM LM LO 2009 48977 7229 1656 74 42386 7145 1647 73 15.5 1.2 0.5 1.4 2010 51615 7948 1985 107 44172 7819 1952 98 16.9 1.6 1.7 9.2 2011 53714 8760 2088 113 45909 8602 2061 112 17.0 1.8 1.3 0.9 2012 56866 9911 2003 131 48136 9673 1960 118 18.1 2.5 2.2 11.0 2013 58444 11184 2178 139 48912 10992 2136 134 19.5 1.7 2.0 3.7 Total 269616 45032 9910 564 229515 44231 9756 535 17.5 1.8 1.6 5.4 There is very little “within-group” collaboration except for the high-income country group, which has increased over the five-year period. In the upper-middle and lower-middle groups, there is slightly less collaboration in surgical oncology than in surgery overall. The amount of “inter-group” collaboration is shown in Tables 8 and 9. Table 8. Numbers of papers from two different income groups of countries in surgery research, 2009-13, and percentages of the output of the lower income group of countries. Numbers of papers Inter-group collaboration Set UM LM LO % of UM % of LM % of LO HI 8440 1989 302 19.1 20.4 56.4 321 36 3.3 6.7 UM LM 61 11.4 Most of the inter-group collaboration is between the high-income countries and the others, and such collaborations account for more than half the low-income group’s papers in surgery research. It is expected that the smaller countries in scientific output will collaborate internationally more than the larger companies as it will be less likely that their scientists would find a complementary partner within their borders. However there are some exceptions, notably the Asian countries (Japan, China and South Korea; India, Taiwan and Turkey) which remain rather isolated. REFERENCES 1. Purushotham AD, Lewison G, Sullivan R. The state of research and development in global cancer surgery. Annals of surgery 2012; 255(3): 427-32. 164 The Patient Voice 165 Appendix 7: Patient Quotations Recognizing that the patient is the impetus behind The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, we ventured to maintain the perspective of the patient throughout the commission process. What is meaningful to the patient is too often lost in academic pursuits and publications. Therefore, we attempted to solicit and record direct quotations from real surgical patients and family members of those undergoing surgical procedures to represent the “patient voice” throughout The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Such quotations could be used throughout the text to demonstrate key issues and priorities. Quotations and stories are derived from in-person interviews conducted by Commission partners (The Right to and surgeons from The University of Utah’s Center for Global Surgery) or research associates affiliated with the Commission. Written or verbal consent was obtained for all patient voice interviews. An example of our consent form is appended at the end of this document. Quotations are organized below by country. 166 PATIENTS FROM HAITI 7 33 year old Haitian Man, single, with one child at home, with a large pleural effusion: “Well, the biggest problem is that there aren’t enough doctors where I live. So, I couldn’t find care quickly. I had to travel far and wait a long time to see a doctor… I couldn’t breathe… They gave me oxygen, but they couldn’t give me enough… (They) transferred me to Mirebalais. An ambulance brought me here. The ambulance didn’t have oxygen. It started to rain as well when we were on our way over. Eventually I arrived in the emergency department. I couldn’t breathe—I think I passed out, I don’t remember.” “They thought that maybe it was a mystical illness. The fact that I was swollen and filled with water, made them think that it was a mystical illness. It wasn’t until I came to the hospital and they did all these tests that they believed that it was a hospital illness. That is much better than a mystical illness—once I leave the hospital, hopefully the illness will go away.” “The problem with employment is everywhere in Haiti. If there were a hospital like this in every department, it would help employ people as well—as well as provide an important service. In this hospital, I feel like I will actually get better. I find care, medications and everything. Pain is at a minimum. The doctors are nice and they check on you. There are lots of nurses. It is a beautiful thing. For a long time, in Haiti, you would have to have a ton of money in order to get care like this. But, in Mirebalais, when you arrive it doesn’t matter who you are—you just get taken care of. And they can save your life. It’s a great thing. I like it a lot.” 7 Interviews performed and translated by Morgan Mandigo and Katie O’Neill 167 The Mother of an 8 year old girl, 6th of 8 children, badly burned on left side of her body, who has had multiple skin grafts and debridements: “I was sick. I had to be in bed all day so my older children were making food for the family that day. The food was in the fire and when they took it out to transfer it over to the table. They weren’t watching her and she got too close to the fire. Her clothes caught on fire all of a sudden…[The hospital] was only about 30 minutes away…They gave us lots of medical care. But, it was in a private hospital. We had to pay 20 HD everyday for the bed and then 100gourdes for each dressing change, which they did about 2 times per day. Every time we needed another tub of silver sulfadiazine I had to pay 150 gourdes. Then also, there were medications… I had to sell some things in my home to get more money and I used what I had. [We were there for] 22 days. After a little while, I couldn’t afford the cost of the hospital anymore. So, they transferred us ... [Now I live] here with her in this chair… I am a farmer…I could work, but I can’t find any work here.” “Well, where I live, when someone needs operations, they often cannot find it. We don’t have a hospital like this. There is a higher level of care here. There also just aren’t enough doctors. We have Cuban doctors that come, but if they were not there I don’t know what we would do…there is a group of doctors that come for trips that do surgeries. A lot of people get their surgery then. But, they don’t stay that long and they cannot take care of everyone.” 168 65 years old woman, widowed with 7 children. She had completed 6th grade and previously worked as a farmer but is now unable to work due to illness. She has metastatic breast cancer and goes to the hospital to receive palliative chemotherapy. “Well, once I came here I never had any problems. Everyone here has taken care of me. The only problem I have is that I don’t have money. My husband died and I don’t have money to come back and forth to the hospital 169 60-year old woman with breast cancer, widowed, receiving chemotherapy. Educated half way through primary school, then worked selling items in the market until she became ill “…it was the oldest of my children. She said I had to go see a doctor about the lump in breast. She is training to be a nurse… [so] another child of mine brought me. They paid for the car to bring me here. I am not sure how long it took. We left the house around 5am and got here maybe at 2pm. …No I cannot work. I am sick. Do you think you could give me some money for food? All of my money is completely gone. You know I come from Cap Haitian. If you could give me some money just so I could buy food…” 170 UNIDENTIFIED LOCATION A 15 year old girl, who underwent repair for a vesicovaginal fistula which developed after four days of obstructed labor that ensued after being raped by two of her classmates 8 “… I was 15 years old… and I got pregnant. Those boys in the rural area, you know… they decided to force me… they were two. I went home and tell my mother… and she tell me… [your home] is not here… Labor pain started… they take me to the hospital… it took almost 4 days… they operated and they say the child had already died… after the operation, I stay there for 1 week and I saw the leakage of urine. In hospital you can stay there for 2 weeks, and you have not eaten anything, you are so stressed, you cannot walk with your friends… and you’re always scared… because you smell bad… if you are sitting with people, it is very complicated for you to walk away from them so you wait for the people and they go first and now you can go. It was so painful, with the loosing of the baby already… It was painful. I was thinking I was already dead. Now, my life is becoming near. I am just getting well now. I was happy to hear that I am going back to school. Now I can talk to you people. My mother, she is becoming near to me now. I want to study hard. And then I will do the work that Dr. Mabaya does. Helping those who have this problem like I have. My career is to become a nurse.” 8 source: The Right to Heal, Golden Hour Films, LLC 171 MONGOLIA 9 Quotations from Mongolian Patients regarding Barriers to Surgical Care: - Biggest barrier is emotional. Came to hospital – told us you would have to wait one month for the surgery. Within this month, told to do investigation, while we are getting our testing, sent to place A. Place A tells us that they don’t have it, go to place B. Place B tells you to go to C. You get very discouraged and lose hope. Your sickness can take over you. / If there was a system where they would just admit you – do investigations, would be much better, better resolutions. Who knows what will happen within this one month of waiting. - Had to wait long time before coming to city for surgery (3 years), due to finding time off job. Stopped work 5 days ago. - Investigations before surgery take time to collect. Had to wait long time before getting operation. Initially saw the doctor 5 months ago, with the investigations booked the following week, but I was too busy and working - Diagnosing and testing are biggest barriers. Been coming to the hospital every day for about a month. Many days stand in queue for tests, nothing happens. - For countryside people, many barriers. Nobody to leave behind to herd animals. If they go to nearest hospital, doctors not knowledgeable. Transport to city is a problem. - Surgery healed my pain. Relieved the numbness. But, financially a bit difficult. Lost my job. As couldn’t get back to work, fired. Still looking, debilitated by disability of reduced bending etc. Want to receive monetary help from government, but told I don’t qualify. - Many years ago, thought surgery was dangerous, avoiding at all costs. Now, seeing patient with surgery who were discharged and repaired, seems like surgical care has improved a lot. Doesn’t make me feel scared anymore. If I have to have surgery, I won’t be scared. Chief of surgery at Health Sciences University of Mongolia. Her daughter needed a cholecytectomy. "Laparoscopic surgery is demanded for the Mongolia. Our people are nomadic, have very little, and cannot afford to be sick for long times. Laparoscopy that allows patients to return to work faster, recover quicker, and have less complications is more important for people in poor countries like Mongolia than for people in wealthier countries!" 9 Quotations Collected in a qualitative research study by Dr. Raymond Price, Dr. Katien Wells, Dr. O. Sergelen, & Dr. L. Ganbold from the University of Utah Department of Global Surgery (USA) and the Mongolian Health Sciences University, Mongolia 172 MALAWI 60-year-old man from Malawi, awaiting hernia repair: “We do not have much money and I was told after the repair I would not be able to work until it am recovered. I have had to wait for my children to be able to help on our field so we will be able to have a little money for food while I can not work in the field.” 173 CONSENT FORM FOR INTERVIEW FOR THE PATIENT PERSPECTIVE Information The interview explores the experience of people who have conditions which require surgical care. The interview will ask about the surgical condition, how care was sought, and what care was received. It will also ask about the costs of seeking care. Extracts and quotes from the interview may be published. Please initial all /finger print al boxes 1. I confirm that I have understood the information. I have had the chance to ask any questions that I have. 2. I understand that agreeing or not agreeing to be interviewed will not affect my care in any way. I can choose to withdraw from the interview at any stage. 3. I consent to the use of quotations from the interview being published. 4. I agree to take part. Name of Patient Date Signature Witness to patient signature Date Signature Name of Translator Date Signature Name of Interviewer Date Signature (X or thumbprint in lieu of signature requires witness) 174 Acknowledgements 175 Appendix 8: Acknowledgements The work found in this report was enhanced by the generous financial or in-kind support that we received from the following organizations: Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, Babson College, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Boston Children's Hospital, Dubai Harvard Foundation for Medical Research, FAPESP Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Sao Paolo, Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School Center for Global Health Delivery-Dubai, Harvard Medical School Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, King's College London, Lund University, Melbourne Business School, National Cancer Institute, Operation Smile, Pershing Square, , Steven C. and Carmella R. Kletjian Foundation, Inc., Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, The Rockefeller Foundation, University of Virgina Darden School of Business We are grateful to our core research team without whom this work could not have been feasible. We are indebted to these participants for their input, dedication, and time: Geoffrey Anderson, Rishitha Bollam, Alexis Bowder, Gloria Boye, Kimberly Daniels, Samuel Enumah, Micaela Esquivel, Frederik Federspiel, Jacky Fils, Brigitte Frett, Lily Gutnik, Alex Haynes, Hampus Holmer, Anton Jarnheimer, Jong Hun Kim, Meera Kotagal, Katie Kralievits, Adam Lantz, Jennifer Leahy, Charles Liu, Rebecca Maine, Morgan Mandigo, Penelope Milsom, Dimple Mirchandani, George Molina, Swagoto Mukhopadhay, Shilpa Murthy, EricNagengast, Josh Ng-Kamstra, Kathleen O'Neill, Fredrik Oher, Charlotta Palmqvist, Sherry Prasad, Jonathan Scott, Alireza Shirazian, Bin Song, Gabriel Toma, Tarsicio Uribe-Leitz, Martha Vega, Isabeau A Walker, Rachel Yorlets This report was generated with the tremendous help, wisdom, and counsel of the following individuals: Our exceptionally experienced peer-reviewers who all shared deep insight and wisdom, pushing us to improve this report in a multifaceted manner, The Lancet editing team who worked tirelessly to produce this report and its associated publications, Francis Abantanga, Fizan Abdullah, Leyouget Abebe, Isaac Adewole, Arnav Agarwal, Larry Akoko, Frank Anderson, Zara Ansari, Paul Arkell, Sumedha Arya, Genevieve Barnard, Anne Becker, Carol Benoit, Luis Bermudez, Laura Betcherman, Josh Bleicher, Ties Boerma, Håkon Angell Bolkan, Heather Bougard, Christopher Boyd, Gloria Boye, Susan Briggs, Ruairi Brugha, Marine Buissonniere, Sule Burger, Yvonne Butler, Josh Butts, James Campbell, Katie Campbell, Sally Carver, Jorge Cervantes, Elliot Chaikof, Mack Cheney, Meena Cherian, Vicki Chia, Laston Chikoya, Timothy Chung, Isabel Citron, Mariam Claeson, Ainhoa Costas-Chavarri, Richard Coughlin, Trevor Crofts, James Cusack, Benedict Darren, Ara Darzi, Nils Daulaire, Haile Debas, Miliard Derbew, Catherine DeVries, Rochelle Dicker, Chris Doiron, Brian Donley, George Dyer, Bissallah Ekele, Alex Elobu, Micaela Esquivel, Timothy Evans, Peter Fagenholz, Didi Bertrand Farmer, Alberto Ferreres, Samuel Finlayson, Paul Firth, Hugo Flores, Esteban Foianini, Claudia Frankfurter, John Freeman, Julio Frenk, Sehamuddin Galadari, Rafael Galli, Peter George, Ophira Ginsburg, Richard Gliklich, David Golan, Richard Gosselin, Ramiro Guerrero, Adam Gyedu, Donald Hannan, Hilda Harb, Stephen Hargarten, Alex Haynes, Ryan Hayton, James Heiby, Jaymie Henry, Bernard Ho, Jamal Hoballah, Michael Hollands, Liam Horgan, Richard Horton, Sarah Hosein, Marguerite Hoyler, David Hoyt, Renee Hsia, Guoqing Hu, Eric Hubli, Christopher Hughes, Mautin Hundeyin, Yogesh Jain, Esse Jama, Dean Jamison, Pankaj Jani, Prabhat Jha, Jorge Jimenez, Oliver Johnson, Haythem Kaafarani, Charles Kabetu, Leonard Kabongo, John Kachimba, Robert Kaplan, Brima Kargbo, Raman Kataria, Edward T. Kelley, Caitrin Kelly, Oliver P. Keown, Vanessa Kerry, Monty Khajanchi, Aamir Khan, Abbas Khosravi, Carmella Kletjian, Felicia Knaul, Adofo Koranteng, Jennifer Kreshak, Catherine Kress, Tino Kreutzer, Francis Lai, Robert Lane, Michael Lappi, Aiah Lebbie, Abraham Lebenthal, Katherine Lee, Wan Lee, Tonatiuh Liévano, Jerker Liljestrand, Keith Lillemoe, Allison Linden, Steve Liposky, Brenda Longstaff, Timothy Lu, Laura Luque, William (Bill) Magee, Zoe Maher, Emmanuel Makasa, Keith Martin, Andrew Marx, Alexi Matousek, Mbololwa Mbikusita-Lewanika, Craig McClain, Ian McColl, Colin McCord, Kelly McQueen, Nandakumar Menon, Robert Merrifield, Sam Mills, Charles Mock, Vicki Modest, Gita Mody, Hernan Montenegro, David Mooney, Allisyn Moran, Saba Morshed, Godfrey Muguti, Miriam Mutebi, Brian Nahed, Devina Nand, Asad Naveed, David Nicholson, Georges Ntakiyiruta, Rachel Nugent, Cameron Nutt, Benjamin Nwomeh, Bisola Onajin-Obembe, Elliot Odom, Keith Oldham, Anne Palaia, Dan Palazuelos, Eldryd Parry, Amul 176 Pawaskar, Carlos Pellegrini, Lebei Pi, Michael Porter, CS Pramesh, Raymond Price, Jennifer Puccetti, Jordan Pyda, Mosiur Rahman, Seyed Mohammad Ali Raisolsadat, Gaboelwe Rammekwa, Margarita Ramos, Steve Reifenberg, Joe Rhatigan, Robert Riviello, Selwyn Rogers, TT Rogers*, Sakib Rokadaya, Tapash Roy, Enrique Ruelas, Martin Salia*, Josh Saloman, Lubna Samad, Tom Sato, Sadath Sayeed, Mario Scheffer, Leonard Schlesinger, Camilo Sepulveda, Amina Shamaki, Bob Shamberger, Pamela Sheeran, Jeremy Shiffman, Arvydas Skorupskas, Antanas Slivinskas, Martin Smith, Lucas Sobrado, David Spiegel, Nichole Starr, Michael Steer, Erin Stieber, Mamta Swaroop, Samih Tarabichi, John Tarpley, Robert Taylor, Carrie Teicher, Suzanne Thomas, Marcelo Torres, Ted Trimble, Maeve Trudeau, Stephen Ttendo, Patricia Turner, Bilguun Unurbileg, Richard Vanderburg, Jeffrey Vincent, Johan von Schreeb, Melanie Walker, Waruguru Wanjau, Luther Ward, Benjamin Warf, Andrew Warshaw, Rebecca Weintraub, Brad Weston, Michelle White, Wendy Williams, Andreas Wladis, Herve Yangni-Angate, Celine Yeung, Kenan YusifZade, Michael Zinner *Indicates posthumous acknowledgement An essential team of individuals made substantial contributions to The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery’s plans for implementation of the report. These individuals, known as The Bellagio Commissioners are listed here: Fizan Abdullah, Stephen W. Bickler, Anna J Dare, Justine Davies, Sarah LM Greenberg, Ramiro Guerrero, Lars Hagander, James Heiby, Jaymie Henry, Pankaj Jani, Jorge Jimenez, Edward T. Kelley, Andy Leather, Emmanuel Masaka, Mbololwa Mbikusita-Lewanika, John G Meara, Sir David Nicholson, Rachel Nugent, Bisola Onajin-Obembe, Eldryd Parry, Ray Price, Nakul Raykar, Nobhojit Roy, Tapash Roy, Enrique Ruelas, Martin Smith, Ted Trimble, Melanie Walker, Herve Yangni-Angate 177
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