April 2015 Dear Prettyboy Families, Welcome back! I hope you had

Our Mission
We believe in excellence and equity
by providing every student with the highest quality,
21st century education in a safe and engaging
learner-centered environment.
We commit to fostering a love of learning
in order to produce globally competitive graduates
who are creative thinkers, problem solvers, analysts, synthesizers
and navigators of information.
Susan Truesdell
Mark Harris
Assistant Principal
April 2015
Dear Prettyboy Families,
Welcome back! I hope you had an enjoyable spring break. We have completed the first round of
PARCC testing in reading and mathematics and our third, fourth, and fifth grade students are to be
commended for their diligence and perseverance! Thank you for supporting their efforts by making
certain students came to school each morning rested, nourished, and well-prepared. During the month
of April, fifth grade students will complete the MSA Science assessment.
Once again, our Jump-a-thon to benefit the American Heart Association was a major success. Due
to your generosity, Prettyboy raised over $10, 000! Thank you so much for your support of this
important fund raising event.
Where does the time go? It is hard to believe that we have begun the final quarter of the 2014-2015
school year. Report cards for the third quarter will be sent home on Thursday, April 23rd. As soon
as the Board of Education determines the actual final day of school, we will let you know.
As always, thank you for your partnership in ensuring the safety and success of our students
Best regards,
Sue Truesdell
Author visit - 9:00-11:00a.m.
Art Expo - 5:00-7:00p.m.
Kindergarten Registration 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
2nd grade field trip to Goucher 9:15-12:30p.m.
HMS Parent Orientation Night - 6:00 p.m.
Four Way Test Awards Ceremony - 7:30 p.m.
Loch Raven High School
Spring pictures
Spring Concert - 7:00 p.m.
Bus driver breakfast
1st grade field trip to Hershey Museum
4th grade field trip to Londontown
9:00 - 4:00p.m.
HZ Safety Advisory Committee Meeting
7:00-8:00 p.m.
April Art News
Please review my teacher website for all important Art news.
Art Expo 2015 News:
Once again, the Art Expo 2015 will take place on Tuesday, April 21st @ Prettyboy
Elementary School. The time of the show is 5-7pm. Please join us for
refreshments, music, activities, and students’ amazing display of artwork. The
exhibit will be in the cafeteria, kindergarten and art gallery hallways, and
extending upstairs just outside of the library. All students who will have artwork
in the show will receive an invitation prior to the Art Expo, and a certificate the
evening of the show. This year we’ve decided to have one People’s Choice Award
per grade level, where teachers, friends and family members who come to the Art
Expo 2015 can select who they want as a winner for each grade K – 5. Note: only
one name can be entered on the ballot per grade level. Voting will take place
between 5-6pm that evening, and ballots must be turned in promptly at 6pm or
before, or they will not be used in the judging process. If all ballots can be
calculated by 6:30pm we will announce the winners the night of the Art Expo,
however, in the event that it takes longer to calculate the ballots we will
announce the winners the next morning on the morning announcements.
Summer Art Camp News:
Summer Art Camp registration forms (hard copies) have been sent home, and the
link to download/print the form is located on the homepage of my teacher
website. Many registration forms have already been collected, as always sign up is
on a first come, first serve basis.
Clay Club News:
Clay Club Session 4 is currently in progress. Sorry we have a few make-up days set
in the month of May, but thank you so much for your patience. Please view my
website for further Clay Club news. Also, keep revisiting my Student Gallery link
showing the journey through some of our art projects. I’m in the process of
posting some new student photos as they show off their talents in Art.
Art Supplies:
As for art supplies, I’m always in need of baby wipes, small empty (washed out)
containers, and lots of plastic grocery bags.
Please email me with any further questions @ [email protected]
Jim Briggs
Prettyboy STEM Fair Results
Have you ever wondered which paper towel brand is the strongest? Or which boat shape floats the
best? You may have found the answer to these questions and others at the annual STEM Fair at
Prettyboy Elementary School.
Fourth and fifth grade students entered individual projects for Prettyboy’s STEM Fair on March 24th.
Using county STEM criteria, thirty-six judges interviewed students and then chose one project from each
grade to represent our school in the Baltimore County STEM Fair.
Fourth Grade Winners:
First Place winner: Kaylee Hough for her project that tested how different types of soil affect plant growth.
Second Place winners: for their group project- Hadley Sweeney and Julia Felter who investigated the
absorbency of various diaper brands.
Third Place winners (tie at this level): Logan Kampes who investigated how temperature affected battery
power and Norah Greene who tested various rising agents for baking bread.
Honorable Mentions: Emi Mallon, Bailey Berquist and Sierra Fox (group), Jack Elkner, Joelle Jones, Owen
Bell and Max Morrison (group), Jack Nicholson and Xander van Dorpe (group,) Baylor Davis and Connor
Hartlove (group,) Krystal Villanueva, Jordan Ackerman, Lilyann Price and Riley Keegan (group)
Fifth Grade Winners:
1st Place Winner: Julia Devaney who discovered that adding gelatin slowed the melting process of
2nd Place Winner: Anthony Miller for his investigation testing pulleys and angles
3rd Place Winner: Matthew Campbell for his project testing which type of liquid dissolves Alka Seltzer the
Honorable Mentions: Jackson Libonate & Brennan Rumsey, Joan Steinly-Marks, Chris Stelmack, Josh
Stelmack, Elizabeth Barshinger, Chayla Jeppi, Cassidy Chrest, Austin Leisher, Cole Erikson
We wish our school representatives, Kaylee Hough and Julia Devaney, the best of luck at the County
STEM Fair in May. Although we are only able to send one project from each grade as our Prettyboy
representative to the county competition, in our eyes, all of our students are winners, as each student
learned how to investigate a topic using the scientific method as well as lessons in time management.
Library Corner:
Important Date: Celebrate National Library
Week, April 12th-18th 2015
As many of us know, libraries are essential to communities all over the United States.
National Library Week is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of our school
library, as well as, libraries all over our great country. In the weeks leading up to National
Library Week, all students will have the opportunity to participate in activities which highlight
their love of libraries. Below are some of the activities being sponsored by the school library.
Bookmark design contest.
Guess the total number of library books, in the school library.
Prettyboy Elementary School Library Gift Fund
Hey Hey Parents!!!!
Your child will soon be celebrating a birthday; a special occasion for your child and family. A
contribution to the Prettyboy Elementary School Library Gift Fund is a unique and meaningful
way to recognize this happy day.
A donation of $25 or more will purchase a book chosen to benefit the school library and to
make it a well-rounded collection. The book will have a bookplate affixed and will be inscribed
with your child’s name and personal message. Your child will be the first to borrow the book
from the library. Such a gift creates a lasting tribute and gives your child a great sense of pride
as he/she, friends and siblings open this book to find the inscription.
The Library Gift Fund can also be used to commemorate other occasions – teacher
appreciation, get well wishes, acknowledgement of special achievements, graduation, holiday
greetings, or just because.
All donations are welcomed and the name of your child or other recipient will be included in
the school newsletter. Please note, however, this is a purely voluntary program and you are
under no obligation to participate.
Please be on the lookout for the Prettyboy Library Gift Fund letter coming home with your child
during their birthday month. Electronic copies are also available on the school library website
link below. http://prettyboyes.bcps.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=155359&pageId=715434
From the School Nurse:
Allergy season is upon us but cold and flu season is still lingering.
Below are some signs and symptoms of both.
Talk to your doctor for treatment if any of the symptoms persist.
Reduce the amount of allergens in your home with these tips:
Try cleaning frequently and keeping clutter to a minimum
Plastic covers for pillows and mattresses help keep dust and other allergens from moving
in. Removing extra items, like throw pillows, from the bed also helps
Washing your bedding in hot water every 7 to 14 days can help ease allergy symptoms
Keeping air ducts clean can reduce dust in your home
Using an air purifier in your home helps reduce allergens, too. Consider a HEPA (highefficiency particulate air) filter or an electrostatic precipitator. They can help clean pollen
and mold from the air
If possible, avoid outdoor activities in the morning, when pollen count is highest
Upon returning home, shower and wash your clothing in hot water to prevent bringing
allergens in
Keep windows closed at night
Adapted from: www.allegra.com
Instrumental Music News
Hereford String Festival: Our string students have been working hard to prepare for their
performance on April 24th at Hereford High School. Save the Date papers have been coming home since
December and we hope all string can make it to this special performance showcasing over 120 string
students in the Hereford Zone. Please be on the lookout for a letter/permission slip coming home the
week before spring break. Our string students will perform 3 songs in a combined elementary orchestra
that includes Prettyboy, Seventh District, Fifth District, Sparks, and Jacksonville Elementary as well as a
grand finale concert piece that has over 120 performers!
As always, thank you for your continued support. This concert is free and open to the public.
Spring Cleaning:
We will be doing some basic maintenance in lessons this month to help ensure that we keep our
instruments in proper playing condition. I appreciate your help with this at home too! Mouthpieces can
be cleaned out at home with a mouthpiece brush and lukewarm water. Spring is a great time to clean
out cases and get rid of old reeds.
Music Karate is alive and well and it is nice to see how motivated students are to earn their belts! They
have been coming to play for me at recess as well as their lesson times. All students had the goal of
earning their orange and pink belts for the third marking period. Keep up the hard work students! We
have many people on track to earn their black belts by the year’s end!
Spring Concert: Save the Date for our spring concert! Prettyboy will have their spring time
performance on Tuesday, May 12th at 2:30 pm and 7 pm. Concert attire will be nice spring
attire, sun dresses, colorful shirts and nice shorts.
****ALWAYS make sure to bring home instruments every night and especially over the weekends so
that no playing opportunity is missed. Happy practicing!
Exploratory Music News
Fourth graders are learning about the string family this marking period. They are learning to
play the violin both pizzicato (plucking the strings) and with the bow. Students will be
introduced to all stringed instruments in the family over the next ten weeks and some will have
the opportunity to try them. 4th graders will also begin the process of deciding what instrument
they would like to play next year. Stay tuned for more information!
Spring Concert Information for All 4th Graders
Friday, April 24
2:30-3:00 Rehearsal in Cafeteria
Monday, April 27
12:15-1:05 Rehearsal in Gym
Tuesday, April 28
2:20 “Dress Rehearsal” for the school (concert dress is optional)
 6:40 Doors will open.
 6:45 Report to Cafeteria for evening concert – PLEASE DO NOT
7:00 p.m. Concert in Gym
 All students are to dress in white tops and black
We look forward to seeing you!
All classes continue to study musical concepts by singing, moving,
improvising and playing instruments. Fifth graders will begin working
on a project composing music.
Please direct any questions to [email protected]
Thank you for supporting your child’s music education.
Rebecca Rodriguez,
Vocal/General Music
¡Hola Prettyboy¡
Senora Gallardo reporting from Spanish class. Hope everyone enjoyed a great Spring Break!
During the last few months we have been learning more vocabulary words, students have been
given a vocabulary sheet to review what they have learned so far. I’m looking forward to
putting into practice what we have learned! Here are some of the new words that we have
learned 
¿De donde eres? - Where are you from?
¿Adonde vas? - Where are you going?
Escuela- School, parque- park, parquet de diversiones- amusement park, playa- beach,
biblioteca-library, Mercado-market, hospital-hospital.
¿Qué quieres ser cuando eres grande?- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Maestro-teacher, astronauta-astronaut, enfermera-nurse, atleta-athlete, constructorconstruction worker, policia-police.
¿Que animal quieres ver en el zoologico?-what animal do you want to see at the zoo?
Mono-monkey, jirafa-giraffe, aguila-eagle, camello-camel, rana-frog, pinguino-penguin, alcemoose, hipopotamo-hippopotamus.
¡Hasta Luego!
Señora Gallardo
Counselor’s Corner
April 2015
Hello parents and guardians!
In Classroom Guidance This Month:
In the month of April I plan to visit classrooms to deliver lessons focused on teaching students about
personal safety issues. These topics include stranger-danger, good touch- bad touch, and who to tell
when they feel uncomfortable. Lessons include topics such as abuse prevention and strategies for
dealing with difficult situations. These lessons on personal safety are part of the school counseling
program offered to all students.
Kids Helping Hopkins Fundraiser:
Prettyboy Elementary School will be hosting a Kids Helping Hopkins Community Yard Sale Fundraiser
to support the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. The event will take place in conjunction with our
Spring Festival on May 9th from 10 AM- 2 PM. We are asking that families donate items to be sold
for best price offers at the yard sale so that we can present a generous gift to support vital programs
at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. The involvement of our students in this event is essential because
aside from the benefit to the children in the hospital each student involved in planning for and helping
with the fundraiser experiences the opportunity to help others without personal gain and learns the
values of compassion and respect for others. Our Student Council is working with organizing, planning,
and publicizing the fundraiser but we need help from parents and other students as well. We will need
parents and students to volunteer for 20 minute shifts to run the yard sale and assist with set up and clean
up. Please contact me if you are interested in helping! We will begin collecting small items for the sale
shortly after returning from spring break and a drop off day will be designated closer to the event for
larger items that your child cannot bring in to the school. Please see this newsletter for more information
about where the money goes.
As always, please feel free to contact me by calling the school or emailing me at
[email protected].
Amanda Pappas
School Counselor
Hereford Optimist Club Inc.
Kids All-American Fishing Derby
When: May 30th, 2015
Time: 8AM to 10AM
Where: The Ponds at Friendly Farm Restaurant
17434 Foreston Road, Upperco Md.
Children in Middle School or younger are eligible … Prizes will
be given in age groups for Largest Fish Caught, Most Fish
Caught, and Many Door Prizes will also be given out.
Children must be accompanied by an adult and provide their
own fishing equipment, including bait. There is NO RAIN DATE!
Event will run RAIN or SHINE (of course no lightning!)
For Questions contact Chuck Bollinger via Email (PREFERRED!)
at [email protected] or via phone at 443-847-1163
“This Organization is not affiliated with Baltimore County Public Schools”
 Girl Scout Troop 874 for weeding and mulching!
 Melissa Hoffner for providing breakfast treats for
faculty and staff!
 Hereford High School students, parents and
community volunteers for judging this year’s
 Polly Keller and volunteers for providing breakfast at the
 Lauren Moore- Williams for organizing the HZ Safety
Advisory Committee and the Bullying Prevention
 Renee and Erin Perloski for collecting and tallying
Graul’s receipts!
 Renee Perloski for sending juice pouches collected in the
cafeteria for Terra Cycle!