HOOVER/JEFFERSON IMPROVEMENTS - SUMMARY University of Southern California, University Park Campus Scope of Implementation Area Prepared by the Hoover and Jefferson Group Nick Armour, Karl Fielding, Lynnette Hartenian, Kurt Taillon, Sam Zneimer USC Price MPL Planning Studio PPD 531 L - Fall 2014 Photo-simulation showing installation of new extended curb cut and new bike path to campus HOOVER & JEFFERSON - ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES • High volumes of cyclists and pedestrians • Poor infrastructure for cyclists - Poor intersection design; exacerbated by USC Village construction • Bad behavior including cellphone use while riding a bike, not wearing a helmet and wrong-way riding • These problems create a dangerous environment for cyclists and pedestrians HOOVER & JEFFERSON - KEY PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS Hoover & Jefferson Intersection • Short-term: - Extending curb cut on south side and relocating signal pole - Extending curb cut on north side and consolidating signal and light poles on east edge - Banning food trucks on Hoover • Long-term: - Remove fountain and flatten plaza - Use green bike lane striping to distinguish bicycle from pedestrian crosswalk - Addition of bicycle traffic signals in conjunction with restructuring of the signal phases to allow for temporal separation by mode Hoover Street & McClintock Avenue •Short-term - Addition of Class III sharrows - Additional paint and signage at Jefferson - Addition of Class III sharrows at 28th and 29th streets •Long-term - Creation of northbound and southbound protected bicycle lanes on Hoover and McClintock - Addition of bike box and sharrow jog on 28th street Proposed long-term improvements along Hoover Street Photo-simulation showing extended curb cut and consolidation of poles HOOVER & JEFFERSON - IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • Short-term goals will span 0-3 years • Long-term goals will span 3-5 years • Similar designs have been implemented in Los Angeles on Broadway • Many entities/stakeholders involved in implementation including: USC (project proponent and funding partner), LADOT and LADPW (Technical partners for design, review, and approval and possible funding), Metro (Coordinates bus service on Hoover), LAFD (Fire station on Hoover) and LAPD (coordination with DPS • Emphasize education, enforcement and encouragement to facilitate implementation Photo-simulation of Broadway in Downtown LA showing protected bicycle lanes recommended for Hoover
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