Al-Ashraf Primary School, Gloucester

Newsletter Term 4 – March 2015
Al-Ashraf Primary
Dear Parents,
Alham……., we have completed another exciting term here at
Full Attendance in terms 3 and 4
Congratulations to the following children who managed 100%
attendance in terms 3&4:
Reception: Aamina Bulbul, Husnaa Veshmia, Jumaimah
Bhaimia, Mehjabeen Ahmed, Muhammad Bhaiyat, Ruqayya
Begum, Yusairah Patel.
Year 1: Ahmad Patel, Rahath Ahmed, Saira Waseem,
Yaseen Salehbhai, Zainub Lasa Patel
Year 2: Hussein Ahmed, Hanfaa Anez, Rumaeesa Piperdy
Year 3: Adel Eladl, Ahmad Veshmia, Eshal Piperdy, Hafsa
Iqbal, Muhammad Veshmia
Upcoming Events
March 28
School closes for spring
April 13
School Re-opens
April 23, 24
Parents Evening
May 4
Bank Holiday
May 11 - 15
SATS – Yr 2 &
May 22
Half day Inset – school closes
at 12.30 pm.
Year 4 : Haleemah Girach, Ilsa Ilyas, Ibrahim Jabbar,
Inaaya Zarqa, Yusuf Ali Ahmed
Year 5: Aaisha Garda, Adam Ismail, Esmail Salehbhai,
Mohammed Patel, Musab Patel
Year 6: Abid Sedoo, Asra Bala, Ahmena Patel, Barakah
Patel, Hajra Nanabawa, Ruqayya Girach, Talhah Shaikh,
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Safiyyah Vaid, Saudah Patel, Umme-Salamah Patel
Important Announcement
House Points
Please ensure that you close the
school gates at all times, when
entering and leaving the school
Congratulations to this term’s winning house which is team
Umar (RA).
Well done to all the houses for evading penalty points!
MA keep up the good work!
Workshops for Parents
Thanks to all who attended the parent workshops, for which the
feedback was very positive, with many finding them useful and
worthwhile. The primary goal of these workshops is to increase
your understanding of literacy and numeracy concepts taught in
school and to equip you with resources and skills that will help
you support your child at home. For those of you that could not
attend the sessions, resources have been uploaded on to the
website under the curriculum support tab on your child’s year
group category. Next year we will endeavour to keep them
earlier on in the year, as per feedback received.
Quran Support Sessions
In response to suggestions made by mothers, we will be holding a
basic tajweed session for reception mothers. This will enable
mothers to support their children with the Arabic alphabet at
home. Further information will be provided after the holidays.
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Respect for other faiths
In line with Ofsted’s requirement to actively promote cultural
diversity and respect for other faiths, we would like to inform
you that from time to time, the school will be taking effective
action to create a learning environment to enable awareness,
tolerance and due regard for other faiths.
Schools are required to further tolerance and harmony
between different cultural traditions by enabling pupils to
acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and
other cultures. Standard 5(b) (v) – ISS
Ofsted Visit
Following the HMI visit in January 2015, OFSTED have
instructed the school to conduct a parental survey to see how
many parents would be happy to attend joint assemblies and
sessions in school. This means both mums and dads would be
attending at the same time without segregation. Please see
attached questionnaire. It is very important that you respond
to this survey as findings will be submitted to the Department
of Education as evidence.
The school is entitled to promote its Islamic ethos as long as
an overwhelming number of parents are happy with this
arrangement. The purpose of the survey is to show we have
consulted parents and thereby fulfilled its duty of promoting
British values of democracy.
Mums and Munchies
MA, we raised a grand total of £8018.84 this year.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank mums, dads,
volunteers, donors, local businesses and well-wishers, who all
came together to make this day a great success.
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A we hope
e to use some of this mone
ey towardss SEN
ressources and
d re-paintin
ng the scho
Re Nose
e Day
ell done to everyone who
joined in
i with the fun and tu
up in red and white to support the
e Comic Rellief; M A we
raised £167.20
Children crossing
g Strattton Roa
It has been noticed thatt some chilldren are being
very careless
e advised to
t teach their childrren the
olden’ rule:
Thiss is the nu
umber one rule when
n crossing the
road. Always
ember to stop, look both wayys and liste
en for onc
trafffic. Never attempt to
o cross a ro
oad withou
ut first loo
oking in
h direction
ns. It is im
mportant no
ot only to look for moving
vehiicles but also pay atte
ention to parked
vehicles on onc
es and moto
orcycles. As
A much ass is possible, parents should
ctice the crrossing of roads
with their
nce Poliicy
nce again I would like to dra
aw your attention
t our
atttendance policy.
he Governm
ment has ma
ade clear th
hat parentss do NOT have
auttomatic enttitlement to
t time off during sch
hool time to
o go on
holiday. Any authorisatiion for abssence durin
ng term tim
me is at
e discretion
n of the Head teache
er and the request wiill need
to be made in advance
e in writing
g. Please do
d not ma
ake any
okings befo
ore leave is granted.
e will NOT agree leave
e during te
erm time un
nder the following
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When a pupil is just starting the school. This is a very
important time as your child needs to settle into their new
environment as quickly as possible.
Immediately before and during assessment periods.
When a pupil’s attendance rate is already below the
school’s target of 95% or will fall below that level as a result
of taking leave.
If the child is in year 2 or year 6, as during this year they are
preparing and taking SATS assessments.
In summary requests for leave will ONLY be granted in
exceptional circumstances on a case-by-case basis. If parents fail
to comply with the above and take unauthorised leave or extend
their leave beyond the authorised limit:
Each child will be charged an unauthorised leave fine of £100
and an additional £10 p/day for every day late past the approval
period, except in unforeseen circumstances.
The pupil will be removed from the school enrolment register
and dropped to the bottom of the waiting list, thereby risk
losing their space at the school and incurring an additional
admission fee. The school also has the right to drop the child
down a year if teachers feel they are not capable of continuing
in their enrolled year group due to the work missed.
Please refer to our attendance policy for more details.
Safeguarding Policy
The school’s safeguarding policy has been updated. Please refer
to it on our website:
Mother’s Committee Coordinator
I would like to introduce you to Zaynab Patel who is now the
school’s Mother’s Committee Coordinator. Please feel free to
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approach her with any queries or suggestions you may have, she is happy to enable liaison between
mothers and school.
We hope that you and your family have a restful spring Holiday. We thank you for your continued
support. It is very much appreciated by all. We will see you bright and early on Monday 13th April,
I A with some spring sunshine.
Happy Holidays !!!
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