June 4 14 2015 Sunday Worship: 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am Saturday Worship: 5:30pm Peace Signs 5475 Brand Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017 www.princeofpeacedublin.org [email protected] 614-766-6377 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church New This Week Calendar To the members of Prince of Peace~ Staff Updates Our deepest thanks for your kind words, The Church Council has recently appointed two loving support and farewell greetings on our to look at And staffing at Prince Peace. lastcommittees weekend with you. many thanksoffor Each committee is tasked withcertificate separate responsibilities. the engraved vase and gift to the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. We you in will our work hearts. Thewill Callhold Committee with the Southern Ohio Synod to recommend a candidate as an Associate Pastor at Prince of Peace. This committee had its May Blessings surround always,soon firstGod's meeting on May 21 and willyou be meeting Pastor Gail and Pastor Craig Swanson with Rev. Jeff Wick, from the Southern Ohio Synod, during the second week of June. 256 Greystone Lane Call Committee members include: Rochester, NY 14618 Hannah Rust, Kathy Hockenberry, Chair, [email protected] Pastor John Morris, Erin Focht, Jim Schafer, Herb Ligocki, Brad Mehl and Sue Miller. Saturday, June 6 9:00am Global Missions Meeting 5:30pm Worship Service Sunday, June 7 8:15am Worship Service 9:30am Worship Service 9:30am New Member Orientation 11:00am Worship Service 7 :00pm Detroit Youth Group Meeting with parents Monday, June 8 7:00pm VBS Planning Meeting Tuesday, June 9 9:30am Morning Prayer 7:00pm Evening Prayer 7:00pm Council Meeting The Search Committee for a new Director of Music also had its first meeting in May, and is currently working on a job description for that new position. They will meet again in June to continue their work. Serving on this committee are: Barb Hunt, John Alford, Suzy Biehl, Pastor John Morris, Karen Lintala, Church Council rep, Ron Kenreich and Lucille Gill. Thursday, June 4 11:00pm Bible Study 1 Congregational members should feel free to talk to the members of these committees about the needs of the parish and updates on their work. Thursday, June 11 11:00am Bible Study 7:00pm Call Committee Readings for this weekend: Gen 3:8-15; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35, Psalm 130 Announcements Congratulations Graduates! If your son or daughter will be graduating from high school, college, technical school, or another post high school institution this year, please let us know. Call the church office at 766-6377 or email; [email protected] by Friday, June 5. New Members Are you interested in joining Prince of Peace? Please contact either Pastor John Morris or Pastor Wayne Harrison and then plan to attend the following events. We look forward to serving with you! Orientation Session #1 Sunday, June 7 at 9:30am in the Chapel New Member Open House Saturday, June 13 at 7:00pm at the home of Pastor John and Sharon Morris Orientation Session #2 Sunday, June 14 at 9:30am in the Chapel New Members Received Sunday, June 14 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary Youth Groups HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12) Sunday, June 7 – 7:00-8:00pm Youth Gathering Meeting for Detroit trip. Parents and youth. July 15-19 2015 National Youth Group Gathering in Detroit. MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 6-8) TBA JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP (Grades 3-5) TBA Children’s Ministry – Sunday School News – Sunday School will resume on Rally Day, Sunday, September 13. As we end this year, we begin preparing for next school year. Thankfully many of teachers will be returning to teach next year. Each year we do need parents to sign up to help in classrooms preschool through 1st grade; our policy is to have at least 2 adults per classroom each Sunday. We will need teachers for preschool and 2nd grade. Prayerfully consider teaching! Look for our sign up later this summer, or contact Sue Miller if you are interested in teaching. Would You Like to Help Fund Our Youth Group? We give you all the supplies and the teaching curriculums are very teacher friendly. There are many exciting bible stories and children learn many good lessons from them about trusting God, and learning that God loves us and protects us. Then register your Kroger card, it’s as easy as 1-2-3! 1) Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com 2) If you already have an account, then click ‘sign in’, if not, click ‘register’ 3) Then search for “Prince of Peace Lutheran Church” or put in our organization number: 80930 and click enroll. Staff & volunteers will be scheduled to cover the nursery on Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00am during summer months. Families are welcome to use the nursery room on Saturdays at 5:30pm & Sundays 8:15am worship services. Our staff attendant Cindy Pearson will be taking some Sundays off this summer, we welcome Sara Jablonski who will be filling in on those Sundays! That’s all you need to do! Now simply use your Kroger Plus card as normal to save on groceries, and the youth group will get a portion of your sale. Thank you for all the volunteers who help in the nursery every week. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please let Sue Miller know or contact Barb Hoyt, Director of Congregational ministries at [email protected] to be scheduled. Thank you so much for your support! Preschool Little Shepherds Learning Center: Prince of Peace owns and operates a Christian based part time preschool and full day kindergarten each school year since 2001. The program operates September to May each year, is licensed by the State of Ohio Child Care licensing, is a Star Four Step Up to Quality Center and is nationally accredited by the National Association of the Education of Young Children. We offer a play based experience for toddlers 2.5 years through PreK. Kindergarten operates Monday through Thursday 9:30am to 3:00pm. We would like to thank our teaching staff for such a wonderful 2014-2015 school year! Little Lambs class- Monica Warnsman & Anna Munhall Lambs class- Michelle Davakis, Anne Connelly, Lisa Gevas & Alice Lawler Rainbows class – Amy Tabit, Cindy Pearson & Joy Wheeler Shepherds class- Barb Miller & Cindy Nogar Disciples class- Jill Rust & Toni Farwick Kindergarten class- Susan Pero & Mindy Miller Preschool Board meets Tuesday, June 16 at noon. The Board is seeking someone to handle Financial reporting, if you are interested in learning more about this volunteer opportunity, please contact Pastor John Morris or Sue Miller. Registration 2015-2016 information is available on the website. Classroom availability is listed on the website. For more information contact director, Sue Miller; [email protected] Worship and Music Parish Health Ministry Join us to Sing or Ring! VOCAL CHOIRS Children’s Choir Sunday School Class Grades 2-5 Rehearsals: Sunday mornings Will resume in the fall Adult Choir High School Youth & Adults Rehearsals: Thursday nights Will resume in the fall BELL CHOIRS Handbell Choir High School Youth & Adults Rehearsal: Wednesday nights Will resume in the fall Prince of Peace Symphonic Band The next opportunity to play with the Prince of Peace Symphonic Band will be July 5. BAPTISM SCHEDULE: July 4 & 5 August 15 & 16 September 19 & 20 Last week's article reminded us that I am serving as parish nurse at Prince of Peace. This week let's learn more about theChoir role of parish nurse. Handbell Christian Education Adult Sunday School We will resume in the fall. Wednesday Morning Bible Study We will resume in the fall. At some point in our lives we experience challenges Wednesday Evening Bible Study in our physical and spiritual health. Whether it is We will resume in the fall. ourselves, aHigh family member, friend, or community School Youth & Adult 7:30pm in the Sanctuary member, these experiences can Class be overwhelming Tone Chime Choir and confusing. Having a parish nurse to help and guide you can help provide comfort and relief. A parish nurse can accompany you on your health journey, providing information, referral, and support. This help may be provided: · By personally contacting you via phone, visit, email, or by an impromptu visit at church. · By accompanying you to a medical appointment to assist in collecting and interpreting information. · By connecting you to educational or healthcare resources or supportive healthcare agencies. · By listening to your concerns with compassionate ears. If you have need to contact me, you may do so by calling the church and leaving me a message at extension #31, or by emailing me at: [email protected]. Barb Baker, RN Thursday Morning Bible Study The Psalms 11:00am Led by Pastor Wayne Join any time! Parish News Vacation Bible School Confirmation Scholarships for Lutheran Students at Confirmation Lutheran Schools Journey Off the Map Scholarships are available for students of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church who are attending a Lutheran College, University or Graduate School. Monday, June 22, Tuesday, June 23 & Wednesday, June 24 Applications are available in the church office, and awards will be announced around August 1 for the 2015-2016 academic year. (lunch is included at the end of each day) 9:15am to 12:45pm Applications should be received by July 1. “This is the Way, Walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21 Applicants must be active members or our congregation and enrolled as a full time student. Awards may also be matched by the school or by Thrivent Financial. The Journey Begins…………we pray you will join in the journey. Speak to Pastor John for more information. Scouting Possibilities at Prince of Peace Ian Vitkus, District Executive of the Boy Scouts is exploring the possibility of starting a new scout unit in the Dublin area. Scouting has a long history of equipping young people for leadership through activities that strengthen ethical and moral choices. If you have an interest in participating in a new scout unit, either Cub Scout pack or Boy Scout troop and would like to know more or are interested in starting a unit at Prince of Peace, please contact me. I hope to hear from you. Jim Hoyt [email protected] 614 917 3493 Journey Off the Map helps us get to know that Jesus is our Guide, that Daniel chose to follow God no matter what, and we need to trust, stay on track and keep watching for things to come. These are great lessons for our children to learn and what better place than at church during Vacation Bible School! There are wonderful places we will create that help us make this a fun experience for all! The Overlook – our bible story & music rally; The Tangled Branch Tree House – classroom area; Rappelling Ravine for games; Shady Grove for crafts and Survival Springs for lunchtime together! Parish News VBS Leader Meeting Monday, June 8 at 7pm VBS is not possible without Leaders & Helpers. We are thankful for the following leaders: Bible Story & Music – Jan Ostarchvic Craft – Cindy Pearson Lunch – Amy Brack & Carrie Hoover Games – Christa VanBuskirk Preschool class - Audra Connell Kindergarten – Taylor Brack 1st Grade – Mandy Wynk 2nd Grade – Amy Spears 3rd Grade - Ellie Heneman 4th & 5th Grade – Lynette Mehl We have many Helpers signed up and always have room for more; check out the VBS display in the Fellowship Hall to see where you would like to serve. For other questions contact Sue Miller, [email protected] Bible Trivia Church Council Trivia question: President Adam Biehl What is the longest season of Sue the church? Vice-President Umland Secretary Jim Hoyt Last week’s trivia question:Kay Crosby Financial Secretary What was the Holy Spirit called in most Treasurer Chris Joos churches before the 1970s? Members: The Holy Ghost Service – try something new! Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. ~ 1 Peter 4:10 deserved break from our kitchen. In order to continue providing breakfast God’s promises. for the congregation, we will need some new helpers – just for the summer. Service is at the heart of Christianity! Wednesdays April 2, 9 It is NOT something we do with our left-over time; it is at the core of who we are. Perhaps you would like to use your gifts and talents in some new ways this summer? Here are some ideas: If your family has enjoyed breakfast in the Café, would you consider serving JUST ONE SUNDAY during the summer? POPs Café – help us serve breakfast. Join a team of kitchen helpers and serve just 1-2 times this summer We will pair you with a “pro” – so no experience is needed. At Prince of Peace, we are all in ministry TOGETHER! If you have new ideas for worship, service, or fellowship programs, please talk to the church staff. Contact Barb Hoyt if you have questions or would like to talk about other ways to serve. [[email protected]] on a Sunday morning. This is a good ministry for families with children over 12 years old. During the summer, our POP’s Café serves a continental breakfast. No cooking involved! Nursery Care –will In order to keep our little safe,eggs, we need adults to help in the nursery during our Breakfast be continental (hardones boiled pastries, fruit). 6:30 pm Dinner worship services. If you love children, perhaps you would like to serve for 1 hour just once every 2-3 months. Moms, dads, grandparents, and teens are welcome. No cooking necessary. Vacation Bible School – Help with this 11:00 most important of hour teaching our children Serving hours will be 9:00usam until am with task a half of prep beforeabout God and The above Adult Class will explore God’s love for us. You don’t have to do this alone! We have wonderful curriculum and will ask you to serve a halfteachers/aides. hour of cleanup after. with a 1 and or 2 other five different personalities that were Worship Assistants – Help us with worship on Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings. Serve as an usher or greeter (a great parent/older child opportunity), help prepare the altar area for communion, or read This is a great activity for families with children over the age of 12 years. the lessons. you are willing–toPrince serve, contact serve Barb during Hoyt at DublinIfFood Pantry of please Peace members thechurch. month of July. Sign up soon in the Fellowship Hall to assist Food Pantry clients or stock shelves. [(614) 766-6377 or [email protected]] Senior Ministry Group – Join our new leadership team to help plan and organize events, activities, We truly appreciate your help. and service for our senior members. Our next meeting will be in June. Date to be announced. Book Discussion Group – This fun group meets monthly to discuss plot, characters, and themes from their latest book. They read both fiction and non-fiction and members choose the next selection together. Join us for food, fellowship, and learning on the third Monday of every month. Book Discussion Group – This fun group meets monthly to discuss plot, characters, and First English Lutheran Church Thursday Night Dinner Thursday, June 18 Please sign up at the display table in the Fellowship Hall to volunteer to bring or to serve food at our next dinner at First English Lutheran Church. Items may be dropped off at Prince of Peace before 2:30pm on June 18 We also collect ‘gently used’ clothes for all ages. Clothing donations may be dropped off at the display table in the Fellowship Hall. Cash donations for food and supplies are also greatly appreciated! Thank you! Habitat for Humanity God’s promises. Golf Outing to our Benefit deserved break from kitchen. In order Wednesdays to continue providing Habitat for2,Humanity April 9 breakfast forgolfers!! the congregation, wetowill Attention Would you like golfneed and have fun, while helping need? some new helpers – just others for theinsummer. As a proud partner of Habitat for Humanity, Prince of Peace will join our fellow congregations in the Dublin Adopt-A-House partnership at our in If your family has enjoyed breakfast Annual Habitat for Humanity Golf Outing scramble the Café, would you Saturday, June 20 atconsider Timberview Golf Club in ONE Marysville. serving JUST SUNDAY 6:30 pm Dinner during summer? The fourthe person scramble will begin with a shotgun start at 2:30 p.m. Cost per player is $75, which willfees, pairriding you with a “pro” – sogame, no includesWe greens cart, food, a skins a 50/50 raffle, on-course contests, and a prize experience is needed. The above Adult Class will explore drawing. We are also seeking hole sponsors for $250 and for any donations. five different personalities that were To sign up – either as be an individual or a(hard team – Breakfast will continental or to sponsor a hole, please contact Doug Stuart boiled eggs, pastries, fruit). at (317) 517-6506 or [email protected] by Sunday, June 14. Congregational Care Please remember in your prayers… the following members: Gary & Karen Mittendorf, Oliver Moghissi, Betty Richardson, Dan Souder, Bob Luken, Shannon Schmidt, Gaylene Gauntz, Jonathan Davoll and Kathyrn Ligocki the following family members and friends: Bill Daly, John Gatsch, Sandy Babione, Nancy Keller, Judy Schiewer, Rose Sliemers, Erin Shafer, Ken Berhenke, Paul Bean, Dan Sagstetter, Alex Haubert, Paul Mertus, Kyle Bodin, Doris Johnson, Jon Tumas, and Earl Matthews. the following Prince of Peace families: Ed & Fran Eppley Family Gladie Eppley Family Ed & Jane Erfurt Family Mike & Vicki Evarts Family and a half hour of cleanup after. This is a great activity for families with children over the age of 12 years. If you are willing to serve, please contact Barb Hoyt at church. [(614) 766-6377 or [email protected]] We truly appreciate your help. Pastor Interim Pastor Secretaries Dir of Congregational Min Dir of Sunday School Dir of Preschool Organist Saturday Night Organist Adult Choir Director Children’s Choir Director Composer in Residence Wedding Coordinator Parish Nurse Nursery Attendant Youth Advisors Operations Manager Custodian Rev. John Morris Rev. Wayne Harrison Lori Sprockett Sherry Jablonski Barb Hoyt Sue Miller Sue Miller Lucille Gill Jim Hoyt John McClain Alexa Tomey Beth Kenreich Kathy Liebisch Barb Baker, RN Cindy Pearson Matt Baker Ashley Baker Jim Hoyt Mark Kinney Council Members No cooking necessary. Not interested in golf but want to help out with our ServingHabitat hours for willHumanity be 9:00project? am until upcoming 11:00 amPlease with aemail half or hour prep before call of Doug Stuart. Staff Can We Pray for Your Loved One? If you have a prayer request you are welcome to either email or call the church office 614-766-6377; or [email protected]) to submit your prayer concern. We keep the person’s name on the prayer list until the end of the month. You are welcome to resubmit the name on a monthly basis for as long as is necessary. President Vice-President Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Members: Adam Biehl Janice Joos Keith Overly Matt Ludwig Matt Baker Brent McCoy Adam Biehl Matt Ludwig Karen Lintala Kay Crosby Chris Joos Randy Contento Bob Brueggemeier George Leshy Karen Lintala Sue Umland Mary Rose Bolwerk
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