Shopping Cart Add-On Help for Price Comparison

Shopping Cart Add-On Help
Price Comparison Script
Last Updated On:
April 9, 2015
What is Shopping Cart Add-On?
With the shopping cart add-on, merchants on your price comparison website will be able to sell their
products without having their own website.
All they have to do is setup their store and add products and set them to be sellable on your website.
Now these products can be added to cart by visitor and ordered directly from your website, without
redirecting to the merchant site.
How to Install and Enable Add-On:
Extract and upload the add-on source onto the root folder of your price-comparison script.
This add-on can be enabled by setting the value of the php define:
in the file /include/constants.php
After you have installed and enabled the add-on, you will see new options appear on the website.
Admin Area:
These are the new sections you will see after the add-on enabled:
Manage Orders:
The visitor orders can be seen here
Admin can search view and update orders here:
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Price Comparison Script Help
Admin can also update the order:
And also can view and update order items.
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Price Comparison Script Help
Payment Requests:
When a payment request is sent by merchants from their account balance area, you see a notification
like this:
You will see the payment requests when you click this link:
You can send payments from here and log the transaction:
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Price Comparison Script Help
Merchant Area:
Merchants will see these new options appear on their dashboard:
They can setup their store using the link.
And view orders placed by customers using the Orders icon in the tab bar.
Getting Started:
You need to setup your store to start selling your products. Click the link that shows up on your
dashboard (as shown in the above screenshot) to start selling!
Setup your Store:
When you click that link, you will see a screen like this:
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Click the checkbox to start setup. You will see a bunch of options when you click that checkbox:
Store Online/Offline:
You can set your store to be Online/Offline
You store is initially offline, which means that your products will not have an “Add to Cart” button on
them yet.
First let us setup the store and then we will turn it to Online.
NOTE: You can set your store to Offline mode at any time. This will simply stop it from showing products
for sale (adding to cart).
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Products to be Sellable:
There are three options:
1. All products are sellable
2. None of them is sellable
3. Selected products are sellable
#1 and #2 are self-descriptive.
If you select #3, then on the merchant products page you can set which products you want to sale by
editing each product. You can also see which products you have set as sellable on the listing page:
Also you have to provide available stock quantity of your products in order to make them sellable:
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Shipping & Tax information:
You can provide local shipping (applied to all your products) and/or tax rate:
Payment Information:
You can select any one of two options to accept payments of customer shopping:
1. Use system payment methods: this means that payments will be taken using the admin’s setup
payment methods. After deduction of commissions, the remaining balance will be added to
merchant account, which the merchant can request to be sent to him.
2. Use my Payment Gateway Settings: this way store owner can provide his own payment settings
and the payments will directly go to the store owner account. The commissions will be debited
from the merchant balance which can be paid by merchant
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When you are done setting up your store, you can turn it Online, and all your sellable products will start
to show an Add to Cart button.
Manage Orders:
Any orders placed on the merchant store will be listed here:
Merchant can search orders here by date.
Merchant can view billing and shipping information here:
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Merchant can Approve or Reject the Payment of orders:
Once approved, merchant can mark the order processing when it goes into the processing stage:
When the order is delivered, merchant can mark it delivered:
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Once delivered, the order status is no more editable:
Account Balance:
Merchant account balance can be viewed by clicking the detail link on Orders page:
This page will show up:
This page will show you all the account balance activity.
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You can click the “Act On This” link on top to go to the request payment page.
Click on request payment and you land here:
This payment request will be received by admin in their notification area.
When admin sends money to you, you will see the transaction in this area:
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Shopping Cart Add-on
Price Comparison Script Help
Public Site:
On all sellable products, visitor will see an Add to Cart button:
When this button is clicked, the product is added to cart:
Users can provide zip code here to find applicable tax on the products.
Users can also update quantity or remove products from cart.
Once ready, users can Checkout using the button on the footer.
You need to login/register to checkout from cart.
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After login, user is displayed an overview page where user can fill in the delivery and billing addresses
and also select a payment method, and then checkout.
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Customers can view their orders and its status in their member area under Orders tab:
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Shopping Cart Add-on
Price Comparison Script Help