Fuzzy Logic, i Sets S andd Systems S Lecture 1 Introduction Hamidreza Rashidy Kanan Assistant Professor, Professor Ph Ph.D. D Electrical Engineering Department, Bu-Ali Sina University [email protected]; [email protected] Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 2 Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 3 Course Information Evaluation Policy Final Exam 70% Project 30% Text/Reference Books [1] Li Xin Wang, “A course in fuzzy systems and control”, Prentice Hall 1997. Prentice-Hall, 1997 [ ] Timothy [2] y J. Ross,, “Fuzzy y Logic g with Engineering g g Applications”,John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 4 Course Information Objective To provide a basic understanding of the: Fuzzy Logic, Sets and their mathematics. Design methods of Fuzzy systems. Some applications of Fuzzy systems. Pre-requisites Calculus and MATLAB Software. Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems Syllabus 5 Introduction The Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems Fuzzy Sets and Basic Operations on Fuzzy Sets Further Operations on Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy Relations and the Extension Principle Linguistic Variables and Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning Fuzzy Systems and Their Properties Fuzzy F R Rule l Base B andd Fuzzy F IInference f E Engine i Fuzzifiers and Defuzzifiers Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems Syllabus 6 Fuzzy Systems as Nonlinear Mappings Approximation Properties of Fuzzy Systems (I) Approximation Properties of Fuzzy Systems (II) Design of Fuzzy Systems from Input-Output Data Design of Fuzzy Systems Using A Table Look-Up Scheme Design of Fuzzy Systems Using Gradient Descent Training Fuzzyy Classification and Clustering g Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 7 Professional Organizations and Networks International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems (SOFT) Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) Northh A American i Fuzzy Information f i Processing i Society S i (NAFIPS) ( A S) Spanish Association of Fuzzy Logic and Technologies Th European The E Society S i t for f Fuzzy F Logic L i andd Technology T h l (EUSFLAT) EUROFUSE Hungarian Fuzzy Society EUNITE Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 8 Fuzzy Logic Journals Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics International Journal Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Information Sciences International Journal of Intelligent Systems M th Mathware and dS Soft ft Computing C ti Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Soft Computing Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) Biological Cybernetics International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications (IJCIA) International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS) Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 9 Main Components of an Expert System Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 10 Main Components of an Expert System Knowledge Base Contains essential information about the problem domain p as facts and rules Often represented Inference Engine Mechanism to derive new knowledge from the knowledge base and the information provided by the User Often based on the use of rules User Interface Interaction with ith end users sers Development and maintenance of the knowledge base Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 11 Wh F Why Fuzzy Based on intuition and judgment No need for a mathematical model Provides a smooth transition between members and nonmembers Relatively simple, fast and adaptive Less sensitive to system fluctuations Can implement design objectives, difficult to express mathematicall in linguistic mathematically, ling istic or descriptive descripti e rules. r les Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems Wh F Why Fuzzy 12 Approximate and inexact nature of the real word; vague concepts easily dealt with by humans in daily life. Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems Wh F Why Fuzzy 13 Complex, ill-defined processes difficult for description and analysis by exact mathematical techniques. Tolerance of imprecision in return for tractability, robustness, and short computation time. Thus, we need other technique, as supplementary to conventional ti l quantitative tit ti methods, th d for f manipulation i l ti off vague and d uncertain information, and to create systems that are much closer in spirit to human thinking. thinking Fuzzy logic is a strong candidate for this purpose. purpose Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems Advantages and Drawbacks of Fuzzy Logic 14 Advantages Foundation for a general theory of commonsense reasoning Many practical applications Natural use of vague g and imprecise p concepts p Hardware implementations for simpler tasks Drawbacks Formulation of the task can be very tedious Membership functions can be difficult to find Multiple ways for combining evidence Problems with long inference chains Efficiency for complex tasks There are many ways of interpreting fuzzy rules, combining the outputs of several fuzzy rules and de-fuzzifying the output. Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 15 Application Domains Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Neuro - Fuzzy System Intelligent g Control Hybrid Control Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Fuzzy F Modeling M d li Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 16 Some Interesting Applications Sendal S d l subway b (Hitachi) (Hit hi) Elevator Control (Fujitec, Hitachi, Toshiba) Sugeno's g model car and model helicopter p Hirota's robot Nuclear Reactor Control (Hitachi, Bernard) Automobile A t bil automatic t ti transmission t i i (Nissan, (Ni Subaru) S b ) Bulldozer Control (Terano) Ethanol Production (Filev) ( ) Appliance control • Washing machine • Microwave • Ovens • Rice cookers (temperature control) • Vacuum V cleaners l • Camcorders and Digital Image Stabilizer (auto-focus and jiggle control) • TVs, • Copier quality control • Air-conditioning systems Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems 17 The Major Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory Fuzzy Logic, Sets and Systems
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