Advanced Quantitative Research Methodology, Lecture Notes: Research Designs for Causal Inference1 Gary King April 10, 2015 1 c Copyright 2015 Gary King, All Rights Reserved. Gary King () Research Designs April 10, 2015 1 / 23 Reference Kosuke Imai, Gary King, and Elizabeth Stuart. Misunderstandings among Experimentalists and Observationalists: Balance Test Fallacies in Causal Inference Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A Vol. 171, Part 2 (2008): Pp. 1-22 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 2 / 23 Notation Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Treatment assignment: Ti is 1 for treated group, 0 control group Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Treatment assignment: Ti is 1 for treated group, 0 control group (Assume: treated and control groups are each of size n/2) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Treatment assignment: Ti is 1 for treated group, 0 control group (Assume: treated and control groups are each of size n/2) Observed outcome variable: Yi Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Treatment assignment: Ti is 1 for treated group, 0 control group (Assume: treated and control groups are each of size n/2) Observed outcome variable: Yi Potential outcomes: Yi (1) and Yi (0), Yi potential values when Ti is 1 or 0 respectively. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Treatment assignment: Ti is 1 for treated group, 0 control group (Assume: treated and control groups are each of size n/2) Observed outcome variable: Yi Potential outcomes: Yi (1) and Yi (0), Yi potential values when Ti is 1 or 0 respectively. Fundamental problem of causal inference. Only one potential outcome is ever observed: If Ti = 0, Yi (0) = Yi Yi (1) = ? If Ti = 1, Yi (0) = ? Yi (1) = Yi Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Notation Sample of n units from a finite population of N units (typically N >> n) Sample selection: Ii is 1 for units selected, 0 otherwise Treatment assignment: Ti is 1 for treated group, 0 control group (Assume: treated and control groups are each of size n/2) Observed outcome variable: Yi Potential outcomes: Yi (1) and Yi (0), Yi potential values when Ti is 1 or 0 respectively. Fundamental problem of causal inference. Only one potential outcome is ever observed: If Ti = 0, Yi (0) = Yi Yi (1) = ? If Ti = 1, Yi (0) = ? Yi (1) = Yi (Ii , Ti , Yi ) are random; Yi (1) and Yi (0) are fixed. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 3 / 23 Quantities of Interest Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 4 / 23 Quantities of Interest Treatment Effect (for unit i): TEi Gary King (Harvard) ≡ Yi (1) − Yi (0) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 4 / 23 Quantities of Interest Treatment Effect (for unit i): TEi ≡ Yi (1) − Yi (0) Population Average Treatment Effect: PATE ≡ N 1 X TEi N i=1 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 4 / 23 Quantities of Interest Treatment Effect (for unit i): TEi ≡ Yi (1) − Yi (0) Population Average Treatment Effect: N 1 X TEi N PATE ≡ i=1 Sample Average Treatment Effect: SATE ≡ Gary King (Harvard) 1 n X TEi i∈{Ii =1} Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 4 / 23 Decomposition of Causal Effect Estimation Error Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 5 / 23 Decomposition of Causal Effect Estimation Error Difference in means estimator: X 1 1 D ≡ Yi − n/2 n/2 i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference X Yi . i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =0} April 10, 2015 5 / 23 Decomposition of Causal Effect Estimation Error Difference in means estimator: X 1 1 D ≡ Yi − n/2 n/2 i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} X Yi . i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =0} Estimation Error: ∆ ≡ PATE − D Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 5 / 23 Decomposition of Causal Effect Estimation Error Difference in means estimator: X 1 1 D ≡ Yi − n/2 n/2 i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} X Yi . i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =0} Estimation Error: ∆ ≡ PATE − D Pretreatment confounders: X are observed and U are unobserved Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 5 / 23 Decomposition of Causal Effect Estimation Error Difference in means estimator: X 1 1 D ≡ Yi − n/2 n/2 i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} X Yi . i ∈{Ii =1,Ti =0} Estimation Error: ∆ ≡ PATE − D Pretreatment confounders: X are observed and U are unobserved Decomposition: ∆ = ∆ S + ∆T = (∆SX + ∆SU ) + (∆TX + ∆TU ) Error due to ∆S (sample selection), ∆T (treatment imbalance), and each due to observed (Xi ) and unobserved (Ui ) covariates Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 5 / 23 Selection Error Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 6 / 23 Selection Error Definition: ∆S ≡ PATE − SATE N −n = (NATE − SATE), N where NATE is the nonsample average treatment effect. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 6 / 23 Selection Error Definition: ∆S ≡ PATE − SATE N −n = (NATE − SATE), N where NATE is the nonsample average treatment effect. ∆S vanishes if: Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 6 / 23 Selection Error Definition: ∆S ≡ PATE − SATE N −n = (NATE − SATE), N where NATE is the nonsample average treatment effect. ∆S vanishes if: 1 The sample is a census (Ii = 1 for all observations and n = N); Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 6 / 23 Selection Error Definition: ∆S ≡ PATE − SATE N −n = (NATE − SATE), N where NATE is the nonsample average treatment effect. ∆S vanishes if: 1 2 The sample is a census (Ii = 1 for all observations and n = N); SATE = NATE; or Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 6 / 23 Selection Error Definition: ∆S ≡ PATE − SATE N −n = (NATE − SATE), N where NATE is the nonsample average treatment effect. ∆S vanishes if: 1 2 3 The sample is a census (Ii = 1 for all observations and n = N); SATE = NATE; or Switch quantity of interest from PATE to SATE (recommended!) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 6 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Decomposition: ∆S = ∆SX + ∆SU Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Decomposition: ∆S = ∆SX + ∆SU ∆SX = 0 when empirical distribution of (observed) X is identical in population and sample: Fe (X | I = 0) = Fe (X | I = 1). Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Decomposition: ∆S = ∆SX + ∆SU ∆SX = 0 when empirical distribution of (observed) X is identical in population and sample: Fe (X | I = 0) = Fe (X | I = 1). ∆SU = 0 when empirical distribution of (unobserved) U is identical in population and sample: Fe (U | I = 0) = Fe (U | I = 1). Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Decomposition: ∆S = ∆SX + ∆SU ∆SX = 0 when empirical distribution of (observed) X is identical in population and sample: Fe (X | I = 0) = Fe (X | I = 1). ∆SU = 0 when empirical distribution of (unobserved) U is identical in population and sample: Fe (U | I = 0) = Fe (U | I = 1). conditions are unverifiable: X is observed only in sample and U is not observed at all. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Decomposition: ∆S = ∆SX + ∆SU ∆SX = 0 when empirical distribution of (observed) X is identical in population and sample: Fe (X | I = 0) = Fe (X | I = 1). ∆SU = 0 when empirical distribution of (unobserved) U is identical in population and sample: Fe (U | I = 0) = Fe (U | I = 1). conditions are unverifiable: X is observed only in sample and U is not observed at all. ∆SX vanishes if weighting on X Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Selection Error Decomposition: ∆S = ∆SX + ∆SU ∆SX = 0 when empirical distribution of (observed) X is identical in population and sample: Fe (X | I = 0) = Fe (X | I = 1). ∆SU = 0 when empirical distribution of (unobserved) U is identical in population and sample: Fe (U | I = 0) = Fe (U | I = 1). conditions are unverifiable: X is observed only in sample and U is not observed at all. ∆SX vanishes if weighting on X ∆SU cannot be corrected after the fact Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 7 / 23 Decomposing Treatment Imbalance Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 8 / 23 Decomposing Treatment Imbalance Decomposition: ∆T = ∆TX + ∆TU Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 8 / 23 Decomposing Treatment Imbalance Decomposition: ∆T = ∆TX + ∆TU ∆TX = 0 when X is balanced between treateds and controls: Fe (X | T = 1, I = 1) = Fe (X | T = 0, I = 1). Verifiable from data; can be generated ex ante by blocking or enforced ex post via matching or parametric adjustment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 8 / 23 Decomposing Treatment Imbalance Decomposition: ∆T = ∆TX + ∆TU ∆TX = 0 when X is balanced between treateds and controls: Fe (X | T = 1, I = 1) = Fe (X | T = 0, I = 1). Verifiable from data; can be generated ex ante by blocking or enforced ex post via matching or parametric adjustment ∆TU = 0 when U is balanced between treateds and controls: Fe (U | T = 1, I = 1) = Fe (U | T = 0, I = 1). Unverifiable. Achieved only by assumption or, on average, by random treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 8 / 23 Alternative Quantities of Interest Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 9 / 23 Alternative Quantities of Interest Sample average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 SATT ≡ TEi n/2 i∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 9 / 23 Alternative Quantities of Interest Sample average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 SATT ≡ TEi n/2 i∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} Population average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 PATT ≡ ∗ TEi N i∈{Ti =1} (where N ∗ = population) Gary King (Harvard) PN i=1 Ti is the number of treated units in the Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 9 / 23 Alternative Quantities of Interest Sample average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 SATT ≡ TEi n/2 i∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} Population average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 PATT ≡ ∗ TEi N i∈{Ti =1} PN (where N ∗ = i=1 Ti is the number of treated units in the population) When are these of more interest than PATE and SATE? Why never for randomized experiments? Why usually for matching? Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 9 / 23 Alternative Quantities of Interest Sample average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 SATT ≡ TEi n/2 i∈{Ii =1,Ti =1} Population average treatment effect on the treated: X 1 PATT ≡ ∗ TEi N i∈{Ti =1} PN (where N ∗ = i=1 Ti is the number of treated units in the population) When are these of more interest than PATE and SATE? Why never for randomized experiments? Why usually for matching? Analogous estimation error decomposition: ∆0 = PATT − D, holds: ∆0 = (∆0SX + ∆0SU ) + (∆0TX + ∆0TU ) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 9 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU ∆ TX ∆ TU April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU ∆ TX ∆ TU April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg ∆ TX ∆ TU = 0 April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg ∆ TX ∆ TU = 0 = 0 avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg ∆ TX ∆ TU = 0 = 0 =0 avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg ∆ TX ∆ TU = 0 = 0 =0 =? avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX ∆ TU →? →? avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX ∆ TU →? = 0 avg avg avg →? = 0 April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Complete blocking Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX ∆ TU avg →? = 0 =0 avg →? = 0 =? avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Complete blocking Exact matching Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX ∆ TU avg →? = 0 =0 =0 avg →? = 0 =? =? avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Complete blocking Exact matching Assumption Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX ∆ TU avg →? = 0 =0 =0 avg →? = 0 =? =? avg April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Complete blocking Exact matching Assumption No selection bias Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX avg →? = 0 =0 =0 avg avg = 0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆ TU →? = 0 =? =? avg avg = 0 April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Complete blocking Exact matching Assumption No selection bias Ignorability Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX avg →? = 0 =0 =0 avg avg = 0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆ TU →? = 0 =? =? avg avg = 0 avg = 0 April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Effects of Design Components on Estimation Error Design Choice Random sampling Complete stratified random sampling Focus on SATE rather than PATE Weighting for nonrandom sampling Large sample size Random treatment assignment Complete blocking Exact matching Assumption No selection bias Ignorability No omitted variables Gary King (Harvard) ∆ SX avg = 0 =0 =0 =0 →? ∆SU avg = 0 = 0 =0 =? →? ∆ TX avg →? = 0 =0 =0 avg avg = 0 Research Designs for Causal Inference ∆ TU →? = 0 =? =? avg avg = 0 avg = 0 =0 April 10, 2015 10 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Matching is like blocking, except: Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Matching is like blocking, except: 1 to avoid selection error, must change quantity of interest from PATE to PATT or SATT, Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Matching is like blocking, except: 1 2 to avoid selection error, must change quantity of interest from PATE to PATT or SATT, random treatment assignment following matching is impossible, Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Matching is like blocking, except: 1 2 3 to avoid selection error, must change quantity of interest from PATE to PATT or SATT, random treatment assignment following matching is impossible, Exact matching, unlike blocking, is dependent on the already-collected data happening to contain sufficiently good matches. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Matching is like blocking, except: 1 2 3 4 to avoid selection error, must change quantity of interest from PATE to PATT or SATT, random treatment assignment following matching is impossible, Exact matching, unlike blocking, is dependent on the already-collected data happening to contain sufficiently good matches. In the worst case scenerio, matching (just like regression adjustment) can increase bias (this cannot occur with blocking plus random assignment) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 Comparing Blocking and Matching Adding blocking to random assignment is always as or more efficient, and never biased (blocking on pretreatment variables related to the outcome is more efficient) Blocking is like regression adjustment, where the functional form and the parameter values are known Matching is like blocking, except: 1 2 3 4 to avoid selection error, must change quantity of interest from PATE to PATT or SATT, random treatment assignment following matching is impossible, Exact matching, unlike blocking, is dependent on the already-collected data happening to contain sufficiently good matches. In the worst case scenerio, matching (just like regression adjustment) can increase bias (this cannot occur with blocking plus random assignment) Adding matching to a parametric model almost always reduces model dependence and bias, and sometimes variance too Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 11 / 23 The Benefits of Major Research Designs: Overview Ideal experiment Randomized clinicial trials (Limited or no blocking) Randomized clinicial trials (Full blocking) Social Science Field Experiment (Limited or no blocking) Survey Experiment (Limited or no blocking) Observational Study (Representative data set, Well-matched) Observational Study (Unrepresentative but partially, correctable data, well-matched) Observational Study (Unrepresentative data set, Well-matched) ∆SX →0 ∆ SU →0 ∆ TX =0 ∆ TU →0 6= 0 6= 0 avg avg 6= 0 6= 0 =0 6= 0 6= 0 →0 →0 →0 →0 →0 →0 ≈0 ≈0 ≈0 6= 0 ≈0 6= 0 ≈0 6= 0 6= 0 6= 0 ≈0 6= 0 = 0 = 0 avg = 0 For column Q, “→ 0” denotes E (Q) = 0 and limn→∞ Var(Q) = 0, avg whereas “ = 0” indicates zero on average, or E (Q) = 0, for a design with a small n. ∆S can be set to zero if we switch from PATE to SATE. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 12 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n blocking on all known confounders Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 ∆ TX = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 The Ideal Experiment (according to the paper) Random selection from well-defined population large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 ∆ TX = 0 E (∆TU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 13 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n blocking on all known confounders Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks ∆ SX = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks ∆ SX = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks ∆ SX = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 ∆ TX = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 An Even More Ideal Experiment Begin with a well-defined population Define sampling strata based on cross-classification of all known confounders Random sampling within strata (if strata sample is proportional to population fraction, no weights are needed) large n blocking on all known confounders random treatment assignment within blocks ∆ SX = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 ∆ TX = 0 E (∆TU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 14 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n little or no blocking Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n little or no blocking random treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n little or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n little or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 ∆SU 6= 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n little or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 ∆SU 6= 0 E (∆TX ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Little or no Blocking) nonrandom selection small n little or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 ∆SU 6= 0 E (∆TX ) = 0 E (∆TU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 15 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Full blocking Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Full blocking random treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Full blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Full blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 ∆SU 6= 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Full blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 ∆SU 6= 0 ∆ TX = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Randomized Clinical Trials (Full Blocking) nonrandom selection small n Full blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 ∆SU 6= 0 ∆ TX = 0 E (∆TU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 16 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n limited or no blocking Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SX = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SX = 0 ∆SU 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SU = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SX = 0 ∆SU 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SU = 0 E (∆TX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TX ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Social Science Field Experiment nonrandom selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment ∆SX 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SX = 0 ∆SU 6= 0 or change PATE to SATE and ∆SU = 0 E (∆TX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TX ) = 0 E (∆TU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 17 / 23 Survey Experiment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n limited or no blocking Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment (only question wording treatments) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment (only question wording treatments) E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment (only question wording treatments) E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment (only question wording treatments) E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 E (∆TX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TX ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Survey Experiment random selection large n limited or no blocking random treatment assignment (only question wording treatments) E (∆SX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SX ) = 0 E (∆SU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆SU ) = 0 E (∆TX ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TX ) = 0 E (∆TU ) = 0, limn→∞ V (∆TU ) = 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 18 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n no blocking Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n no blocking nonrandom treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n no blocking nonrandom treatment assignment ∆SX ≈ 0 if representative, corrected by weighting, or for estimating SATE; or 6= 0 otherwise Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n no blocking nonrandom treatment assignment ∆SX ≈ 0 if representative, corrected by weighting, or for estimating SATE; or 6= 0 otherwise ∆SU 6= 0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n no blocking nonrandom treatment assignment ∆SX ≈ 0 if representative, corrected by weighting, or for estimating SATE; or 6= 0 otherwise ∆SU 6= 0 ∆TX ≈ 0 (due to matching well) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 Observational Study, well-matched nonrandom selection large n no blocking nonrandom treatment assignment ∆SX ≈ 0 if representative, corrected by weighting, or for estimating SATE; or 6= 0 otherwise ∆SU 6= 0 ∆TX ≈ 0 (due to matching well) ∆TU 6= 0 except by assumption Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 19 / 23 What is the Best Design? Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 What is the Best Design? The ideal design is rarely feasible Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 What is the Best Design? The ideal design is rarely feasible Effort in experimental studies: random assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 What is the Best Design? The ideal design is rarely feasible Effort in experimental studies: random assignment Effort in observational studies: measuring and adjusting for X (via matching or modeling) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 What is the Best Design? The ideal design is rarely feasible Effort in experimental studies: random assignment Effort in observational studies: measuring and adjusting for X (via matching or modeling) the Achilles heal of experimental studies: ∆S and small n Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 What is the Best Design? The ideal design is rarely feasible Effort in experimental studies: random assignment Effort in observational studies: measuring and adjusting for X (via matching or modeling) the Achilles heal of experimental studies: ∆S and small n the Achilles heal of observational studies: ∆U Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 What is the Best Design? The ideal design is rarely feasible Effort in experimental studies: random assignment Effort in observational studies: measuring and adjusting for X (via matching or modeling) the Achilles heal of experimental studies: ∆S and small n the Achilles heal of observational studies: ∆U Each design accomodates best to the applications for which it was designed Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 20 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Blocking on relevant covariates is better, so choose carefully. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Blocking on relevant covariates is better, so choose carefully. “Block what you can and randomize what you cannot” (Box et al.) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Blocking on relevant covariates is better, so choose carefully. “Block what you can and randomize what you cannot” (Box et al.) Conducting t-tests to check for balance after random treatment assignment Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Blocking on relevant covariates is better, so choose carefully. “Block what you can and randomize what you cannot” (Box et al.) Conducting t-tests to check for balance after random treatment assignment variables blocked on balance exactly after treatment assignment; so if you’re checking, you missed an opportunity to increase efficiency Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Blocking on relevant covariates is better, so choose carefully. “Block what you can and randomize what you cannot” (Box et al.) Conducting t-tests to check for balance after random treatment assignment variables blocked on balance exactly after treatment assignment; so if you’re checking, you missed an opportunity to increase efficiency if variables became available after treatment assignment, a t-test only checks for whether randomization was done appropriately Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 Fallacies in Experimental Research Failure to block on all known covariates seen incorrectly as requiring fewer assumptions (about what to block on) In fact, blocking helps (except in strange situations) Blocking on relevant covariates is better, so choose carefully. “Block what you can and randomize what you cannot” (Box et al.) Conducting t-tests to check for balance after random treatment assignment variables blocked on balance exactly after treatment assignment; so if you’re checking, you missed an opportunity to increase efficiency if variables became available after treatment assignment, a t-test only checks for whether randomization was done appropriately randomization balances on average; any one random assignment is not balanced exactly (which is why its better to block) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 21 / 23 60 20 1 Math test score "Statistical insignificance" region 40 2 t−statistic 3 80 4 100 The Balance Test Fallacy in Matching Research 0 0 QQ Plot Mean Deviation 0 100 200 300 400 Number of Controls Randomly Dropped Difference in Means 0 100 200 300 400 Number of Controls Randomly Dropped Randomly dropping observations “reduces” imbalance??? Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 22 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Bias in coefficient on T from regressing Y on T (without X ): E (βˆ − β | T , X ) = G γ (where G are coefficients from a regression X on a constant and T ) Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Bias in coefficient on T from regressing Y on T (without X ): E (βˆ − β | T , X ) = G γ (where G are coefficients from a regression X on a constant and T ) Imbalance is due to G only. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Bias in coefficient on T from regressing Y on T (without X ): E (βˆ − β | T , X ) = G γ (where G are coefficients from a regression X on a constant and T ) Imbalance is due to G only. If G = 0, bias=0 Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Bias in coefficient on T from regressing Y on T (without X ): E (βˆ − β | T , X ) = G γ (where G are coefficients from a regression X on a constant and T ) Imbalance is due to G only. If G = 0, bias=0 If G 6= 0, bias can be any size due to γ Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Bias in coefficient on T from regressing Y on T (without X ): E (βˆ − β | T , X ) = G γ (where G are coefficients from a regression X on a constant and T ) Imbalance is due to G only. If G = 0, bias=0 If G 6= 0, bias can be any size due to γ If you cannot control G (and we don’t usually try to minimize γ so we don’t cook the books), then G must be reduced without limit. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23 The Balance Test Fallacy: Explanation hypothesis tests are a function of balance AND power; we only want to measure balance for SATE, PATE, or SPATE, balance is a characteristic of the sample, not some superpopulation; so no need to make an inference Simple linear model (for intution): Suppose E (Y | T , X ) = θ + T β + X γ Bias in coefficient on T from regressing Y on T (without X ): E (βˆ − β | T , X ) = G γ (where G are coefficients from a regression X on a constant and T ) Imbalance is due to G only. If G = 0, bias=0 If G 6= 0, bias can be any size due to γ If you cannot control G (and we don’t usually try to minimize γ so we don’t cook the books), then G must be reduced without limit. No threshold level is safe. Gary King (Harvard) Research Designs for Causal Inference April 10, 2015 23 / 23
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