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Master's degree in Agriculture/Forestry/ Agroforestry/
Rural development or any other relevant subject in
Natural Resources. The participants should not be below
the rank of Assistant Professor/ equivalent and be working
under State Agricultural University/ ICAR/ State and
Central Organizations.
Nomination and Registration
Applications are invited from eligible candidates in the
given format along with registration fee of Rs 50/-(Rupees
fifty only) as DD/ postal order in the name of Registrar,
SHIATS, Allahabad payable at Allahabad. Applications in
the prescribed format should be sent through proper
channel to the course Director, Winter School. The last
date for receiving the nomination is 10 th June, 2015. The
advance scanned copy of the nomination may be sent by
E-mail. You may also apply online as follows:
1. Visit the website or Click on
'Capacity Building Program' link under
2. Login using your User Id & Password. To create User Id
use "Create New Account“ link.
3. After login, click on "Participate in Training“ link and fill
the Performa. Take a printout and send duly signed copy
through proper channel to the course Director of Winter
School by post including DD/Postal order. (Application
form can be downloaded from website
Note: The candidates will be notified about selection latest
by 15th of July 2015.
ICAR Sponsored Winter School
Managing Natural Resources For Sustainable
Rural Livelihood Security
November 18 to December 08, 2015
Full Name (Block Letter):…………………….........
Present employer & address:...............................
Address to which reply should be sent (along
with mobile, telephone, email):……………………
Date of birth:…………………………….................
Teaching/ Research/ Professional Experience
(mention post held) during last 5 years:…………
No. of research publications:………………......…
Mention if you have participated in any research
seminar, summer/ winter/ Short Courses etc.
during last year under ICAR/ other
DD/ Postal Order No. _____dated,_____or Rs.
50/- towards registration(nonrefundable):…………............................................
Academic record:
November 18 to December 08, 2015
…………. ………………...
…………. ………………...
…………. ………………...
…………. ………………...
Prof. (Dr.) S. B. Lal
Signature of Applicant
serving the nation for the past
Recommendation of forwarding Institute:
It is certified that information furnished by the
candidate has been verified and found correct:
shiats 105
Managing Natural Resources
For Sustainable Rural Livelihood Security
Degree Major subject Year Division/ Class University/ Institute
B.Sc. ………….
M. Sc. ………….
Ph.D. ………….
Dr. H.P Chaudhary
Tel: 0532 2684295, 09415129830
Email: [email protected]
ICAR sponsored Winter School On
Signature with Seal
Course Director
Dr. H.P Chaudhary
M. Sc. (Ag) Ph.D., FTEA(Scottland), OTTA (England)
Course Co-ordinators
Dr. B. Mehera & Dr. Neelam Khare
School of Forestry & Environment
(Formerly Allahabad Agricultural Institute)
Deemed University
Tel: 0532 2684295, 09415129830
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
India a home for 18% of the world’s population and over 15 % of the
world’s livestock, has only 2.4% of the land and 4.0% water resource of
the world to meet their basic requirements. Nearly 57% of the land
resource in India is facing degradation due to water erosion, wind erosion,
loss of productivity and chemical and physical degradation. About 5333
million tones of top soil is displaced every year only through water erosion
which also accounts for a loss of 8 million tones plant nutrients. About
65% rain water goes as runoff and the same % of country’s agricultural
area is still rainfed. According to National Forest Policy 1988, country
need 33% of its geographical area under forest cover but at present it is
about 19% and the effective cover is only 11%.
Man has been relying on the natural resource to meet his basic
requirement since time immemorial. With the unprecedented increase in
the population during the last few decades, clearly mankind faces
formidable problem to ensure food and nutritional security for all,
considering reduced per capita land reduced availability of water,
depleting biodiversity and need to preserve ecology and environment. The
Problems are much alarming in rural areas and consequently that about
40% farmers are not inclined to continue agriculture and migrating to
urban areas.
The natural resource management at most places in the country is
inappropriate, exploitative and unscientifically planned. Even today, land
and water are being exploited without restraint considering them as
inexhaustibly and waste are discharged freely into air and water assuming
that these have unlimited assimilative and carrying capacities. As a result
very disturbing figures of natural resources degradation have emerged.
Maximizing crop, animal, plant etc productivity through sustainable
management of natural resource is not only the need of hour but also the
compulsion to meet the food, feed, fuel and fibre needs for all alongwith to
increase constantopportunity of empowerment and mitigating migration
from rural areas and ultimately sustainable rural livelihood security.
The main objective of the training is to provide latest and economically
viable knowledge of conservation, production and utilization technologies
of natural resources and making the rural people profitable. This course
also aims at creation of human resource for enhancing institutional
capacity and capability to carry out research activities on various aspects
of natural resource management and sustainable rural livelihood security.
This course will also provide an opportunity of interaction between experts
and participants from various universities/organizations and update them
from various scenarios of natural resource management, raising
productivity, profitability and empowerment in rural areas.
Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences,
SHIATS (Formerly Allahabad Agricultural Institute) Deemed-to-beUniversity is striving to acquire a place in the arena of International
Science and Technology while holding a pioneering status in India.
The University offers thirty nine (39) Undergraduate Programmes,
hundred and one (101) Postgraduate Programmes, eighteen (18)
Diploma programmes and Doctoral Programe in various disciplines.
The teaching, research and extension faculties of the University
have highly qualified professionals, trained in specialized areas of
Agricultural Science, Forestry, HRD and Technology.
Realizing the importance of forestry education, Allahabad
Agricultural Institute- Deemed University established the department
of Agroforestry on 19th January, 2001 and started undergraduate
and post graduate courses. The Department of Agroforestry was
upgraded to College of Forestry on 13th October, 2001 with a prime
objective of promoting education, research and extension in the field
of forestry, agroforestry and environmental science. Later on,
College of Forestry was renamed as School of Forestry &
Prof. (Dr.) S. B. Lal is the Founder Dean of the School under whose
leadership the school has shown progress in all directions and made
huge impact at national level. Started as a small department of
Agroforestry, at present the School of Forestry & Environment has
three departments with 21 teaching staff members for catering the
needs of several post graduate and graduate students in forestry,
environment and field of wildlife. The educational programs offered
by the school are recognized by Indian Council of Agricultural
research (ICAR) and Indian Council of Forestry Research &
Education (ICFRE).
Accommodation on twin sharing basis will be made available in the
University guest house. The participants are requested to avoid
bringing any family member with them. In case of bringing any
accompanying person, participant has to bear the boarding and
lodging expenses by himself/herself. This course will bear travel
expenses of trainees by the shortest route as per their entitlement
class of travel, which however, is restricted to the maximum AC II
fare by mail/ express train excluding Rajdhani train. The participants
are advised to make their travel reservations well in advance.
shiats 105
serving the nation for the past
The course has been designed to give participant in depth and
specific exposure on technologies for conservation, development and
management of natural resources namely soil, water plant, animal and
micro-organisms for sustainable rural livelihood security. This will
include conservation agronomical, microbial, forestry and engineering
measures for conserving natural resources and increasing productivity
of agricultural crops, fruit and forestry species. For increasing
productivity of livestock, breed improvement, disease control and
nutritional measures will be presented. Besides, productivity of crops
and livestock to mitigate migration from rural areas, technologies for
rural empowerment throughout the year specially for women, landless,
labors and other weaker section of village like beekeeping,
mushrooming, fisheries carpentry and rope, basket, dona pattal etc.
making and value addition from raw materials of grains, fruit,
vegetable, spices and dairy products etc. will be economically
presented. Importance and scope of bio-industrial watershed
management will be discussed..
The city of Allahabad, also known as Prayag, is among the largest
cities of Uttar Pradesh and situated at the confluence (Sangam) of
three rivers- Ganga, Yamuna and the invisible Saraswati. In 2011, it
was ranked the world's 130 th fastest-growing city. Allahabad became
the capital of the North-Western Provinces in 1858, and was
the capital of India for a day. Allahabad was the capital of the United
Provinces from 1902 to 1920. The city is home to colleges, research
institutions and central and state government offices. Allahabad has
hosted cultural and sporting events, including Kumbh Mela and
the Indira Marathon. Allahabad is basically an Administrative and
Educational city. High Court of Uttar Pradesh, Auditor General of U.P,
MLNIIT, Medical College, IIIT and IIFCO Phulpur are prominent
places. From the days of civilization, Allahabad has been the seat of
learning, wisdom and writing. It is the most vibrant politically, spiritually
conscious and spiritually awakened city of India.