Victory Over Rejection L P n

Life Principles Notes
Practical Lessons for Understanding the Word of God
Victory Over Rejection
KEY PASSAGE: Romans 8:31-39 | Supporting Scripture: John 1:11; 3:16 | Romans 5:8; 8:16
Philippians 4:13
unworthy or that we don’t fit in.
It is a form of control. Those who refuse to
accept us can influence both what we do and
how we think.
It leads to self-rejection. We become critical
of ourselves and lose our self-respect.
It can become a syndrome. If we never deal
with our bondage, we can act in ways that
cause others to reject us.
People can live in bondage and not even
know it.
Some prisons don’t require physical bars or
chains; they are made by the emotional burden
of rejection that affects every area of our lives.
It causes us to believe lies about ourselves and
undermines our relationships with the Lord.
Even though God says He is for us and nothing
can separate us from Him (Rom. 8:31-39), past
experiences we’ve suffered can oftentimes make
us feel differently.
If you’ve experienced rejection, you’re not
alone. It’s almost impossible to go through life
without feeling its sting. Often, the hurt lies
dormant until a word, situation, or memory
brings it back up, and then the pain resurfaces.
Rejection penetrates beneath the surface and
shapes what we think and feel about ourselves.
The only way to rid ourselves of its effects is to
acknowledge its presence, discover its source, and
ask the Lord to help us deal with it.
What are the characteristics of a person
suffering from rejection?
People who are consciously or unconsciously
enslaved by rejection will:
Have a critical spirit toward themselves
and others. People who don’t feel good about
themselves might try to bring others down.
Experience difficulty in loving others.
If people cannot love themselves, they’re not
equipped to love another person.
Have feelings of inferiority. Rejection makes
people feel as though they’ll never measure up.
Be preoccupied with their appearance.
Sometimes, those suffering because of rejection
try to dress in ways they think will help them
feel accepted.
Be prone to perfectionism. To avoid failure,
people won’t attempt any task they can’t do
perfectly. This also leads to procrastination.
Live in a state of floating anger. An attitude
of bitterness permeates their lives and leads
them to find fault with others.
Display an attitude of superiority. An
arrogant demeanor is usually a cover-up for
feelings of inferiority.
Scriptural Principles:
The Nature of Rejection
Many people in the Bible—Joseph, Moses, David,
Paul, and even Jesus—experienced rejection. It is
a painful emotion created when someone refuses
us. It’s something we’ve all had to go through in
our lives, and it has several negative outcomes.
For example:
It creates a feeling of being excluded
or unwanted. We believe we are somehow
Be overly sensitive. Those who struggle with
feelings of rejection are easily hurt and are
prone to misinterpreting innocent comments as
being unkind.
Resist being loved. People who don’t feel
worthy have difficulty accepting affection.
Be suspicious. When people doubt their value,
they become suspicious of anyone who tries to
befriend them because they think there must be
a hidden motive.
Become aloof. To avoid rejection, some people
choose to be alone.
his view of himself. He will spend a lifetime
trying to validate his worth.
How can we overcome rejection?
This negative feeling must be dealt with if we
want to be whole, and there are three essential
truths we need to understand in order to have the
right attitude about ourselves. Thankfully, the
Lord has provided them all, so we can be complete
and escape the bondage of rejection. Through
Him, we gain:
A sense of belonging. Those in the body of
Christ are part of God’s family (Rom. 8:16).
Once we fix this truth in our hearts, we’ll feel
secure—no matter what.
Fall into depression. When people feel
unworthy, they become sad and discouraged.
Be cheated out of life. People who can’t
overcome the emotional effects of rejection miss
God’s best blessings.
Have a materialistic focus. To feel valuable,
some people gather possessions only to find
they never satisfy.
A feeling of worthiness. Jesus considered us
so valuable that He was willing to die in our
place (John 3:16).
A sense of competence. When we accepted
Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit came to
live inside us. One of His tasks is enabling us
to accomplish whatever tasks God calls us to do
(Phil. 4:13).
Miss God’s plan for their lives. Feelings
of rejection cheat people out of what the Lord
wants to do in and through them.
Adopt sinful practices. When people can’t
accept themselves, they sometimes turn to
drugs, drinking, or sex in search of relief.
Reasons for Feeling Rejected
The underlying cause of this painful emotion is
a person’s negative opinion of himself, which is
brought about by hurtful experiences such as:
Physical “flaws.” A person who isn’t happy
with his looks can feel undesirable or unlovable.
Past emotional hurts. When a person is hurt,
the damaging effects always linger.
The death of a loved one. Some people see
loss as rejection because they feel alone. In their
eyes, God has turned His back on them.
Divorce. This is a very painful experience
because both spouses and children are left
feeling discarded.
Childhood experiences. Criticism and
rejection stick in a child’s memory and shape
There is no need to go through life handicapped
by past experiences. The first step to victory over
a debilitating sense of rejection comes when you
choose to believe the Lord and find your acceptance
in Him. He says you belong to Him and are worthy
in His eyes.
Second, ask the Lord’s forgiveness for allowing
hurtful emotions to hinder your walk with Him
and to help you sift them out of your life. The
third thing you need to do is reach out to those you
have harmed and seek their forgiveness because
true healing requires us to address both sides of
rejection. In the end, it boils down to a simple
choice—are you going to believe what God says or
what others say about you?
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