USS Arizona Memorial National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior USS Arizona Memorial Pearl Harbor, Hawaiʻi It is a hard thing to have survived when we owe our place to the dead. Rene Quinton Soldier’s Testament The Fortunate Few Their Stories During the Pearl Harbor attack, 1,512 officers, sailors, and marines were assigned to the battleship USS Arizona. Only 335 survived the “Day of Infamy.” Many of these survivors were aboard the Arizona during the attack. Others were away on liberty, attending training, or assigned to special duty ashore. Since that tragic day all of these men have worn the mantle of “survivor” with grace and reluctance. Many feel fortunate to have survived but some are haunted by the loss of their friends and fellow shipmates. As you read through this list you may wonder, as they have, why were they spared from the sea of death that engulfed their shipmates on that fateful day in 1941? “Were you scared? Yes, one does get scared. Then you think, Will I ever see home again? Will I see my family? How can I get out of this alive?” That’s when you pray a lot and tell yourself to remember your Navy and Marine Corp training; stay calm, and try to be like Major Shapley and [Lieutenant] Commander Fuqua. Those who have seen war carry unforgettable memories of their fellow men.” COURTESY/JIM VLACH - USAR PHOTO COLLECTION #719 Russell J. McCurdy, Lt Col, USMC Retired “There was a tremendous explosion as I reached the quarterdeck ladder, and a terribly burned sailor laid under the ladder. I got him by the hand to get him to safety when the forward part of the Arizona blew up. We were thrown back toward the stern. This sailor I managed to save; my twin [brother] I could not.” John D. Anderson, BMC, USN Retired Twin brother, Delbert, died on the Arizona. Vincent Vlach was at home with his wife in Honolulu at the start of the attack. He hurried to Pearl Harbor amidst the air strike to help men from their boats as they came ashore. Many were badly burned, injured, and covered with oil. Vincent said his “whites [uniform] were a bloody and oily mess.” Honoring a Final Request In the Shrine Room at the USS Arizona Memorial, a large wall lists the names of the Arizona’s dead. A smaller wall (top of page) contains the names of Arizona survivors who chose to rejoin their shipmates in their final resting place. Each of these men asked that their remains be placed back into the Arizona. To honor this final request, National Park Service divers ceremoniously transport the urns of survivors back to the ship (at right). Resting their remains in the sunken wreck allows them to finally reunite with their brothers who died on December 7, 1941. Vincent Vlach with wife, Jeanne, September 3, 1941 UNITED STATES NAVY Vincent J. Vlach Jr., LCDR, USN Retired Survivors of the December 7, 1941, Attack on the USS Arizona United States Navy & Reserve (320) AMACHER, Charles Andrew ANDERSON, John Delmar Sea1 BM2c BAGBY, Walter Franklin BALL, Masten “A” BALLARD, Galen Owen BARTH, DeWayne BASS, Edward Forester BAUMEISTER, William Nicolas BECKER, Harvey Herman BEMIS, Edwin Wallace BENNETT, Earl Dean BERDOLLT, George Anthony BIRD, Leroy Alexander BIRDSELL, Estelle BIRTWELL, Daniel Thomas Jr. BODEY, Edward Raymond BOWEN, Andrew Jackson Jr. BRADSHAW, Harry Frederick BRAYDIS, John BROWN, Gene R. BROWNING, Robert James BRUCE, John Franklin BRUNER, Lauren Fay BRUNS, Martin Benjamin BUEHL, Herbert Vincent BURCHAM, Jimmie Charles BURK, Leland Howard BUSH, William Jack BYARD, Ralph Duncan SF3c F1c F1c BM1c F2c ACMM GM2c Sea1c GM3c FC3c CTC MM1c Lt Comdr BM2c CMM Sea1c Sea1c Sea1c Sea2c GM3c FC3c Y2c F3c Sea1c GM3c Ens CCStd FOSTER, James Park Jr. FOWLER, Ralph Edward FOWLER, Robert Dale FRAZIER, Glen FRYE, Everett Ellsworth FUQUA, Samuel Glenn Sea1c BM1c Sea2c CGM Sea1c Lt Comdr GALLAGHER, William Fred GARFIELD, Jerome Harold GASKINS, Walter James GAUT, Harold Woodson GEISELMAN, Ellis Hugh GENEST, Dayton Merrill GIBSON, Claude Clenton GILBERT, Arthur Barnes GILLEM, Charles “M” GILLENWATER, Charles Ervin GILLESPIE, David William GLENN, Richard Clyde GOLDSBERRY, William Joseph GORDON, Donald Eugene GOSHEN, William Eugene GRABOWSKY, Leon GRAHAM, Donald Alexander GRAY, James Victor GREEN, Clay Douglas Jr. GREEN, James William GRIM, George Edwin GUERIN, Charles William Jr. GUNA, Andrew CEM Ens Sea1c Sea1c Comdr Sea1c Sea1c Sea1c Sea1c Sea1c Sea1c Ens Sea1c GM2c Sea1c Ens AMM1c Sea1c Sea1c GM3c GM1c Sea1c BM1c HAERLING, Howard Gustave BM1c HAERRY, Raymond John Cox CAMPBELL, Frank Monroe Ens HAMILTON, Elsworth Fonzo ACMM CAMPBELL, George Kilgore CTC HAMILTON, James Edward Sea1c CARLSON, Ray Christian Sea2c HAND, Vernon Sea1c CARSON, Carl Malvin Sea1c HARGIS, Paul Eugene Y3c CHANDLER, Edwin Ray Sea1c HARR, Oliver Virgil MM1c CHAPMAN, Noel “B” Sea2c HARRELL, Allen Boyd Sea1c CHAPPELL, William Robert Sea1c HARRIS, Henry Sherman Sea1c CHRISTIANSEN, Harlan Carl AS HARRIS, John David Sea1c CHUNG-HOON, Gordon Patea Lt HART, James Willard F1c CLOUSER, Marion Howard GM1c HARTLAND, Alfred Jack Sea1c COBURN, George W. Sea1c HAUFF, Richard GM3c COKER, Charles Walter Lt HEIN, Douglas Ens COMBS, Clyde Jefferson Sea1c HEINZ, Robert Henry Sea1c CONDON, Daniel Jerome Lt(jg) (MC) HENDON, Robert Marvin CGM CONTER, Louis Anthony QM3c HENRY, John William Ens COOK, Lonnie David Sea1c HETRICK, Clarendon Robert Sea1c COOLE, Lloyd Edward Sea1c HILL, Richard Howe Y3c COPLIN, Norman Walter Sea1c HINTON, John Harold CSM CORBIN, Ralph Victor Leon Sea1c HJELLE, Clarence Otto Sea2c CORNELIUS, Lyle Richard Sea2c HOLLAND, Fred McKenzie Sea1c COSBY, Ray Charles Sea1c HOLMES, Roy Willard Sea1c COX, John Madison Jr. Lt Comdr HOMANN, Alfred James Lt COZAD, Francis Burnard Sea2c HOOKS, Woodrow Robert Sea2c CROTHERS, Lee Raymond BM1c HOOPER, Clifford Charles RM2c CRUZ, Henry Mesa MAtt1c HOWATT, John Paul Ens CULP, Donald Arthur Sea2c HUGHES, James Curtis Sea1c CZARNECKI, Anthony Francis MM1c HULL, Lester DeLance Sea1c HURST, Milton Thomas AMM3c DANIEL, Alfred Eugene GM1c HUTCHINS, Edward Francis Lt DARE, James Ashton Ens HUZAR, Peter WT1c DAVIS, Carl Everette GM3c HYSLOPE, Charles Edward F1c DAVIS, Elvin Clay Sea1c DAVISON, Henry Donald Ens INSELMAN, Donald Sea1c DEAN, William Ernest BM1c DEARING, John Davis WT2c JANIKOWSKI, Edward Joseph Cox DECKER, Deward Cox JEFFERS, Warren Edwin Sea1c DESERANO, Joseph Charles Mldr1c JOHNSON, Donald R. Sea1c DICKERSON, William Charles A. RM2c JOHNSON, Neil Francis Cox DICKINSON, Merle Edward GM3c JOHNSTON, Brooxey “J” Jr. GM3c DOBSON, Clarence Junior GM3c JONES, Hubert Hayes CWT DOHERTY, John Andrew CGM DONEGAN, Timothy Albert Prtr1c KARB, Joe Frank CWT DOUCETT, John Walter GM3c KEENER, “C” “H” GM3c DUNCAN, Henry Barnett FC3c KEFFER, Carl Emerson Sea1c DUNCAN, Tommie Wilson BM2c KELLEY, Bruce Draper Lt Comdr KIRK, Guy Duane Sea1c EDMONDSON, Kenneth Eugene Cox KISSINGER, Walter Marlond MM1c EGAN, Paul Howard FC3c KUHN, Harold Joseph Sea1c ELKINS, Merle Sea1c KURTZ, Stanley Robert Sea1c ELLIOTT, Lawrence Emitt MM1c ELLIS, George William SC1c LANCASTER, James Daniel Sea1c ENOS, James R. Sea2c LANDRETH, Ralph William GM2c ESKEW, Weldon Virgil MM1c LANE, Glenn Harvey RM3c EVANS, John Willard Sea1c LANGDELL, Joseph Kopcho Ens EVERSOLE, Elmer Everett Sea1c LAWRENCE, Thomas Hurshel Sea1c EYMAN, Lawrence Oliver Sea1c LAWSON, James Lenox GM3c LAWSON, Leonard George Sea1c FALGE, Francis Marion Lt LEIGHTON, Lindsay Ray WT1c FARQUHAR, Lawrence Albert FC2c LENCSES, Louie GM3c FAULKNER, Paul Harding Sea1c LENNING, George BirminghamEns FAY, Lawrence Edward GM3c LEOPARD, Curtis James BM1c FELTON, Nathaniel MAtt1c LEWIS, William Edward Lt(jg) (MC) FIELD, Jennings Pemble Ens LINDSEY, Jack Lawton Sea1c FINGER, William Ralph SM1c LOTT, Russell Ardell Sea1c FITCH, Harry Lionel Ens LUKASAVITZ, Steven Jerome Sea1c FLANAGAN, Guy Spalding Jr. Ens FLANNERY, Wendell Lee Cox MacQUEEN, Donald E. Ens FLORY, Dale Frederick WT2c MAINWARING, Billy Braun F3c FORBIS, James Leamon Cox MALASKI, John Sea1c E X P E R I E N C E Y O U R A M E R I C A™ MALCOLM, Everett Allen MANCUSO, Joseph MANN, Charles Clark MARCUM, Harry Bedford MARKS, Edward Joseph MASTERSON, Kleber Sandlin MATTLAGE, Herbert McCARRON, John Harry McDONALD, Don Erwin McFALL, Charles William McKENNA, Kenneth Kermit MELVIN, Earle Thomas METCALF, John Howard MIGLIACCIO, Thomas William MILHORN, Harvey Hollis MILLER, Jim Dick MILLIKIN, Donald Hugh MINI, James Haile MODE, Stanley Robert MOMMER, Rolland Earl MURDOCK, Thomas Daniel MUSICK, Clay Henry MYLAN, Jack Clement Ens Sea1c Lt CEM Cox Lt Ens GM2c Sea1c GM1c SM1c CFC Sea2c Sea1c GM3c Ens Sea2c Lt(jg) EM1c BM2c CY Sea1c SM2c NELSON, Grady Lee Jr. NEWELL, Bobby Earl NICHOLS, John Edward NIEMARA, Stanley Joseph Sea2c Sea2c RM1c Sea1c O’BRION, Edward Francis Joseph OLIPHANT, Harold Eugene OLSEN, Vernon James OSBORNE, William Daniel Jr. OSMOND, Robert Hugh OSTERBERG, Vernon Magnus OTTERMAN, Clarence Wayne OWEN, Paul Ralph Sea1c GM3c Sea1c Sea1c FC3c Ens GM2c Sea1c PABLO, Patrocinio PACITTI, Louis John PARKER, William Whiteford PECOTTE, Earl Henry PEIL, William John PERRY, Seth Harold PHIPPS, Berwyn Robert PHRANER, George Dewey Jr. PITTARD, George Franklin PITZ, Robert Leo POLLACK, Francis Lee PORT, Stanley Harrison Jr. POSEY, Ernest Mendum POTTS, Howard Kenton POUSSON, Alfred Andrew PROBST, Richard William PUCKETT, Louis Alfred PURVIS, William Robinson OS1c Gm3c Sea1c Gm2c BM2c Sea2c SF2c Sea2c Lt Sea1c SC3c Cox MM1c Cox Sea2c Sea1c Comdr (SC) F3c QUILLIN, Wallace Franklin Sea1c RANN, Carl Frederick RAMPLEY, John Watson RAMSDELL, Millard Arthur REID, Everett Owen REIFERT, Eldon Ray RIDER, Maurice David RIDLEY, William Hull RINER, Earl William ROBINSON, Lewis Perrin ROURKE, John Paul ROWLEY, Welton Dana RUHLMAN, Fred Lee Sea1c GM3c Ens MM1c Cox BM1c RM3c GM3c Sea1c Sea1c Lt Comdr Lt SADLER, Jack Ivan SADOWSKI, Joseph Stephen SANDERS, Elmer Larimore SARGENT, Robert Isaac Jr. SCHAFER, Herman Leroy Jr. SCHUBERT, Anthony Robert SCHUMACHER, William James SEELEY, Robert Fox SHAFFER, John Jackson III SHAWN, Ernest Maurice SHEBAK, Joseph SHEW, Martin Luther SIMMONS, Claude William Jr. SMITH, Clyde Crockett SMITH, Harold Francis SMITH, Roscoe Bryant SMITH, William Hansford Jr. SNOW, Rutherford Hayes Sea2c Sea1c GM1c Sea2c Ens Ens WT1c Sea2c Lt GM3c Sea1c MM2c Sea1c CEM BM2c GM3c Cox WT1c STANBOROUGH, Thomas William Jr. Sea1c STARKS, Don Harrison MM1c STOFFER, Bernald Henry AMM1c STRATTON, Donald Gay Sea1c STRONG, Herbert Ronald Cox STUART, Jean Marcelle Sea1c SULLIVAN, Aubry Randolph Cox TAGTMEYER, Laurence Ernest TAPP, Murray L. TESLOW, Stanley Merlin THOMA, Steven Joseph Chf Gun Sea2c GM2c EM3c THOMPSON, Norman TRANTHAM, Glenwood Orris TRAVIOLI, Vernon Alva TUCKER, Edward Daniel TURNER, Richard Newton Jr. Mach BM1c Sea2c BM2c Sea1c URBANIAK, Edmund Leo Carp VAN WINKLE, Edward LaverneF2c VELIA, Keith Lloyd Sea2c VESSELS, James Allard GM3c VIDAL, Daniel MAtt1c VLACH, Vincent James Jr. Y1c VON SPRECKELSEN, Charles Albert Ptr2c WAGNER, Robert Eugene Sea1c WAGNER, Rudolph Louis CBM WALKER, James Edward QM2c WALSH, Homan Leavell Ens (SC) WARD, James Robert Sea1c WARRINER, Kenneth T. Sea2c WARRINER, Russell Walter Sea1c WASHINGTON, Joseph Henry MAtt1c WATSON, Howard Lincoln BM2c WEAVER, Richard Duncan BM1c WELCH, Frank Jr. Ens WELLER, Oree Cunningham Sea2c WELLS, Harold Leroy Sea1c WELTER, Eddie Charles Sea1c WENTZLAFF, Edward Louis AOM2c WEST, Mark Austin CMM WESTBROOK, Clinton Howard Sea1c WHITE, Thomas Arthur Bm2c WILLIAMS, John Francis Gm3c WILSON, Charles Leo Sea1c WILSON, Harold Green Jr. F2c WISE, James Louis Sea1c ZADIK, Edward Albert Sea2c United States Marine Corps & Reserve (15) BAKER, John MacRae BRAHAM, Edward James Sgt PFC CABINESS, Frank R. CARTER, Edward J. CORY, James Evans COURSEY, John Paul CRAWFORD, Lamar Smead PFC PltSgt PFC 1stLt PFC EARLE, John Horatio Jr. Capt GOODMAN, Kenneth Dale PFC HARDY, Charles L. Pvt McCURDY, Russell J. Pvt NIGHTINGALE, Earl C. Corp SHAPLEY, Alan SOLEY, Michael Major Corp YOUNG, Donald George PFC My father’s memories of the morning of December 7, 1941 were so strong and Reference: painful that he seldom USS Arizona Muster was willing to share Rolls, 1941 them with his family. Arizona Reunion HeUSS didn’t want toAsbe sociation reminded of the horrors heUSS had witnessed... Arizona Pearl Harbor Survivors: Walter M. Kissinger’s Vincent Jenny, J. Vlachreflecting Jr. and daughter, on Lamar S. Crawford the memories of her father. NPS / USS Arizona This publication funded by the Arizona Memorial Museum Foundation.
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