International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICEEBS'2012) Jan. 7-8, 2012 Dubai Degradation of Nitrophenol in Water By Sequential Anaerobic-Aerobic Treatment Basavaraju Manu and Mohammed Yaseen Nitrophenols must be treated to get rid of them before their safe disposal. In general biological treatment techniques are economical and efficient for degrading various kinds of organic compounds. The mineralization of recalcitrant pollutants has been possible by using the integrated or sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment [2]. Some toxic compounds that are difficult to remove in an anaerobic or aerobic environment, can be biotransformed coupling both the anaerobic process to the aerobic one [3]. Sequential anaerobic and aerobic treatment are the most efficient methods of waste water because of its advantage like high quality effluent at varying loads, reduction in space, few mechanical parts and power savings due to lower oxygen requirements while its limitation is its batch operation mode, requiring on and off of influent feed, aeration and effluent decanting controls. An enzymatic approach has attracted much interest in the remediation/degradation of various organic pollutants present in the wastewater coming out of industries. The treatment of several pollutants sometimes causes problems due to the recalcitrant nature of the compounds. However, these recalcitrant compounds were degraded/transformed by enzymes in the presence of certain redox mediators. These redox mediators enhanced the range of substrates and efficiency of degradation of the recalcitrant compounds by severalfold. Use of the enzyme-redox mediator system certainly will enhance the chances of remediation of a wide spectrum of aromatic compounds present in various industrial effluents. Hence in the present study sequential anaerobicaerobic treatment of nitrophenol containing solution has been carried out. Abstract— In the present study, sequential anaerobic-aerobic degradation of nitrophenol in simulated wastewater has been evaluated. Nitrophenol are used as intermediates in the manufacture of pesticides, dyes, etc. Nitrophenols are reported to have ill-effects on aquatic flora and fauna when discharged untreated. Hence wastewater containing Nitrophenols must be treated to get rid of them before their safe disposal. In general biological treatment techniques are economical and efficient for degrading various kinds of organic compounds. Three identical anaerobic and two identical aerobic reactors were operated at 24 hours hydraulic retention time (HRT) for a period of more than 180 days to study the nitrophenol degradation efficiencies. Simulated wastewater containing 2Nitrophenol (2-NP) and 2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) concentrations varying from 0-40 mg/L was fed to the anaerobic reactors and the treated effluent was fed to the aerobic reactors for the sequential aerobic step. The performance of the reactors was assessed by monitoring COD, pH, ORP and nitrophenol concentration in both influent and effluent. Nitrophenol degradation efficiencies of upto 100% were observed under the experimental employed in the present study. Keywords— Aerobic, Anaerobic, Nitrophenol, Sequential treatment I. INTRODUCTION Phenolic compounds have been listed as priority pollutants by the Ministry of environment and Forests, Government of India and EPA, United States of America (USA). Phenolic compounds are the major organic constituents found in effluents of coal conversion processes, coke ovens, petroleum refineries, phenolic resin manufacturing, herbicide manufacturing, fiber glass manufacturing and petrochemicals. Phenol compounds are toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic. Industrial use of phenol and its derivatives over the past decades has led to severe environmental pollution. In Andhra Pradesh (South India) a total of 6884 tonnes of waste is generated per month, of which 190.3 tonnes constitute phenolic wastes disposed by petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and polymer industries [1]. Hence wastewater containing II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Materials The experiments were performed using five bench-scale SBR reactors (R1, R2 R3, R4 and R5) having a working volume of 3 litres for anaerobic phase and 1.5 litres volume for aerobic phase respectively o study the nitrophenol as well as organic substrate removal. Microbial inoculum (seed sludge) used was cowdung in slurry form is used as the seeding material for developing nitrophenol removal organisms. All Chemicals were obtained from MERCK Chemicals of analytical grade. Chemical structures of 2-Nitrophenol (2-NP) and 2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) are given in Fig 1. Basavaraju Manu is with the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, 575025 India (corresponding author to provide phone: +91-8249342036198;fax:+91-824-2474033;e-mail:[email protected]). Mohammed Yaseen, was with NITK, Surathkal Karnataka, India 575025 443 International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICEEBS'2012) Jan. 7-8, 2012 Dubai of 280 nm and 2, 4 DNP was analyzed for 400 nm III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2-NP Quasi-steady state conditions were achieved in the anaerobic reactors in 45 days during the start-up phase where COD removal efficiencies were 65%. For 5 consecutive feedings. On 46th day onwards nitrophenols were fed to the reactors with 5 mg/L during initial stage. 2-NP and 2,4 DNP removal efficiencies observed during the study period are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. From the Tables 1 and 2, it can seen that the nitrophenol removal for 5 mg/l of 2NP was 80% for 2,4 DNP it was 75%,for 10 mg/l of 2 NP it was 80%,for 2,4 DNP it was 78%,for 20 mg/l of 2NP it was 70%,for 2,4 DNP it was 65%,for 40 mg/l of 2NP it was 64% for 2,4 DNP it was 62%. 2,4-DNP Fig.1 Chemical structures of 2-NP and 2,4-DNP used in the present study B. Experimental Methodology A bench scale SBR with working volume of 3 litres for anaerobic phase was seeded with 1.5 litres of cowdung in the beginning glucose, sodium bicarbonate and other nutrients 2 to 3 ml/l was feed with one litre influent water daily. Simultaneously aerobic phase of reactors in also seeded with 0.5 litre of cowdung slurry and feed with same influent as above till the start up of reactors which was 45 days for anaerobic phase and 25 days for aerobic phase respectively. Trace metals solution was prepared in distilled water by dissolving 5 g MgSO4.7H2O, 6 g FeCl2.4H2O, 0.88 g CoCl2.4H2O, 0.1 g H3BO3, 0.1 g ZnSO4 .7H2O, 0.05 g CuSO4. 5H2O, 1 g NiSO4.8H2O, 5 g MnCl2. 4H2O and 0.64 g (NH4)6Mo7o24 . 4H2O in 1 L distilled water [4]. After the start up nitrophenols are loaded in the increasing concentrations from 5 mg/l to 40 mg/l monitoring each concentration for 15 days. The SBR used during the study was operated started for 24 hrs HRT and SRT of 900 days through sequences of fill, react settle and draw (decant). In the next step 2 aerobic reactors are started up using the same seed as cow dung of 0.5 litre volume along with 1 gm of glucose and 1 gm of sodium bicarbonate solution daily till the start up which took 25 days. In the next step the performance of reactor was monitored under 4 different nitrophenol loadings of 5, 10 20 and 40 mg/l and each concentration is monitored for 15 days with nitrophenol and COD removal efficiencies. Table 1 QUASI STEADY-STATE 2-NP REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES OBSERVED DURING THE STUDY PERIOD Initial Nitrophenol Concentration (mg/L) 2- Nitrophenol Removal Efficiencies (%) After After Aerobic Anaerobic Treatment Treatment 80 80 70 64 5 10 20 40 100 100 100 70 Table 2 QUASI STEADY-STATE 2,4-DNP REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES OBSERVED DURING THE STUDY PERIOD Initial Nitrophenol Concentration (mg/L) 5 10 20 40 C. Analytical Procedure I The samples were collected for the analysis of various parameters at the end of anaerobic and aerobic phases of the SBR as well as influent and effluent of the batch Reactor. During Continuous monitoring in a cycle, samples were collected every 24 HRS and analyzed for the various parameters All the Samples were filtered before analysis and were analyzed for pH, COD, Alkalinity, ORP, MLSS, MLVSS and Nitrophenols in accordance with the Standard Methods [5]. pH was measured by glass electrode pH meter, COD by Closed Reflux Colorimetric Method, Alkalinity by Titrimetric Method, and ORP by Glass Electode-Calomel Electrode Method. Nitrophenols was analyzed by Cintral UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. 2Nitrophenol was analyzed at wavelength 2,4-Di Nitrophenol Removal Efficiencies (%) After After Aerobic Anaerobic Treatment Treatment 75 78 65 62 100 100 100 65 AS the concentration of pollutant increases the removal efficiency decreased gradually due to the toxic effect on the biomass. for the Sequential Aerobic Reactors it can seen that the NP Removal for 5 mg/l,10mg/l and 20 mg/l for both 2NP and 2,4 DNP was 100%,but for 40 mg/l of 2NP it was 70% and for 2,4 DNP it was 65%. Influent alkalinity was in the range of 1000 mg/l to 1800 mg/l and Effluent alkalinity was in the range of 500 mg/l to 2300 mg/l 444 International Conference on Ecological, Environmental and Biological Sciences (ICEEBS'2012) Jan. 7-8, 2012 Dubai containing water/wastewater. 70 COD Removal Efficiencies (%) 60 REFERENCES [1] D. Sreekanth, D. Sivaramakrishna, V. Himabindu, Y. 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Quasi steady-state COD removal efficiencies observed in the anaerobic treatment during the study period From the Fig 1 it can be seen that in anaerobic Reactors COD Removal with Reference to Control Reactor for 5 mg/l for 2NP as well for 2, 4 DNP was 65%, for 10 mg/l it was 65% for 20 mg/l for 2NP, it was 65%, for 2, 4 DNP, was 60% and for 40 mg/l for 2NP it was 55% and for 2, 4 DNP it was 50%. 100 COD Removal Efficiencies *%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 2-NP 30 2,4-DNP 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Nitrophenol Conc. (m g/L) Fig 2 Quasi steady-state COD removal efficiencies during sequential aerobic treatment of the study period Similarly from the fig 2 for the Sequential Aerobic reactor COD Removal for 5 mg/l for 2NP it was 95% for 2,4DNP it was 90 %, for 10 mg/l of NP it was 85 %, for 2, 4 DNP it was 80 %, for 20 mg/l for 2NP, it was 80%,for 2,4 DNP also it was 80% and for 40 mg/l for 2NP it was 65% and for 2,4 DNP it was 60%. And it can be seen that as the concentration of pollutant increases the removal efficiency decreased gradually due to the toxic effect on the biomass. IV. CONCLUSION In the present study sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment of nitrophenol containing water has been carried out. Efficient degradation of upto 100% of 2-NP and 2,4-DNP was observed. Hence it seems that sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment may be sutiable for treatment of nitrophenol 445
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