MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE V.N.KARAZIN KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL FACULTY “Assert” Vice-president for education Professor __________________ “___” ________ 2014 y. “Is recommended” At methodical conference of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology (name of department) Head of Department Prof._V.I. Ponomaryov_________ (name, signature) “___” ________ 2014 y. The educational program Of the discipline ______PSYCHYATRY, NARCOLOGY_______ (worked out on the basis of typical educational program of 2007) Kharkiv 2014 Explanatory note Executable code from psychiatry, narcology for higher medical establishments of formation of Ukraine ІІІ-ІУ levels of accreditation "Curative business" made for specialities 7.110101, "Paediatrics" 7.110104, "Медико-профілактична business" 7.110105 straight preparations a 1101 "Medicine". Ultimate goals from discipline are identical and that is why the made only program from psychiatry and narcology for the marked specialities. According to the curriculum of study of psychiatry and narcology comes true during VII - VIII of semesters of 4th of studies. The program is made in accordance with next normative documents: - by educationally-qualifying descriptions(EQD) and educationally-professional programs(EPP) of preparation of specialists, ratified by an order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 16.04.03 after №239 "About claim of component industry standards of higher education from direction of preparation a 1101 "Medicine"; - by the experimental curriculum, worked out on principles of the European credit-transfer system(ЕСТS) and by the ratified order of MH of Ukraine from 31.01.2005 after №52 "About a statement and introduction of new curriculum of preparation of specialists of educationally-qualifying level "Specialist" of qualification "Doctor" in higher educational establishments of ІІІ-ІУ of levels of accreditation of Ukraine after specialities "Curative business", "Paediatrics", "Medical and prophylactic business"; - by recommendations in relation to educational program of educational disciplines development, МОЗ of Ukraine ratified by an order from 24.03 2004 after №152 "About claim of recommendations in relation to educational program of educational disciplines" development with changes and additions, МОЗ of Ukraine brought in by an order from 12.10.2004 after №492 "About making alteration and adding to recommendations in relation to educational program of educational disciplines" development; - by the order of MH of Ukraine from 31.01.03 after №148 "About measures in relation to realization of positions of Булонської of declaration in the system of higher medical and pharmaceutical education"; - by instruction about the system of evaluation of educational activity of students on condition of the credit-module system of organization of educational process(Medical education in the world and in Ukraine. МОЗ of Ukraine as train aid for teachers, master's degrees, graduate students, students is ratified. Kyiv. A book is a plus. 2005). The program is structured on the modules, semantic modules, themes. Psychiatry and narcology as educational discipline : а) is base on study of psychology students, medicopsychology, anatomy of man, physiology, патоморфології, physiopathology, biological and bioorganic chemistry, пропедевтики of internal medicine, pharmacology and medical compounding, radiation medicine, neurology and integrated with these disciplines; b) mortgages bases of study of clinical disciplines students, that envisages integration of teaching with these disciplines and forming of abilities to apply knowledge from psychiatry and narcology in the process of further studies and in professional activity; c) mortgages bases of healthy way of life and prophylaxis of psychical violations in a process of life activity Organization of educational process comes true after the credit-module system in accordance with the requirements of Bolognia process. The program of discipline is structured on 2 modules the blocks of the semantic modules enter in the complement of that : Module 1.General questions of psychiatry and narcology and general abnormal psychology Content modules: General questions of psychiatry. 2. General abnormal psychology. Module 2. Special(nosology) psychiatry: Content modules: 3. Organic and symptomatic psychonosemas and ecological psychiatry. 4. Psychonosemas related to abuse of психоактивними substances. 5. Neurotic, related to stress and соматоформні disorders, psychiatry of catastrophes 6. Polietiological psychonosemas 7. Disturbances of psychical development The volume of the educational loading of students is described in the credits of ЕСТS, that is set off to the students at the successful mastering by them corresponding to the module(test credit). Credit - module system of organization of educational process induces students systematic to study during a school year. The types of educational activity of students according to a curriculum are: а) lectures, b) practical employments, c) independent work of students(СРС), consultations of teachers have a considerable role in organization of that. Thematic plans of lectures, practical employments, СРС provide realization in the educational process of all themes that enter in the complement of the semantic modules. The themes of lecture course expose the problem questions of corresponding divisions of psychiatry and narcology. Practical employments on methodology of their organization provide for : research by the students of violations of psychical functions in clinical conversations with patients or on the basis of clinical examples, writtenin in video films, movies given in the computer programs and other educational technologies(estimation and analysis of mental condition, symptoms and syndromes of psychical violations, determination of etiologic factors, nosotropic mechanisms, as to the flow of disease); grounds of previous diagnosis of psychical and psychosomatic disorders, determination of tactics of conduct of patients, setting of the first medical aid; decisions of situatioonal tasks(estimation and analysis of mental condition, symptoms and syndromes of psychical violations, determination of tactics of conduct of patients) that have clinical direction. Current educational activity of students is controlled on practical employments in accordance with concrete aims, with the help of such facilities of diagnostics of level of preparation of students : computer tests, untiing of situatioonal tasks, realization of abnormal clinical and psychopathological research and interpretation and estimation of his results, analysis and estimation of results of experimentally-psychological and pathopsychological researches; control of practical skills, other. Final module control comes true on completion of study to the module. An estimation of success of student from discipline is rating and proposed on a multimark scale as a middle arithmetic estimation of mastering of the corresponding modules and has determination by system of ЕСТS and by the traditional scale accepted in Ukraine. The AIM of STUDY of EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE "PSYCHIATRY, NARCOLOGY". Aim of study of psychiatry and narcology - ultimate goals are set on the basis of ОПП of preparation of doctor on speciality in accordance with the block of her semantic to the module(naturally is scientific preparation) and is basis for the construction of maintenance of educational discipline. Description of aims is set forth through ability as having a special purpose tasks(actions). On the basis of ultimate goals to each to the module or semantic to the module concrete aims are set forth as certain abilities (actions), having a special purpose tasks that provide the achievement of ultimate goal of study of discipline. Eventual aims. Students must: - to Appoint the first medical aid at heavy psychonosemas - to Determine tactics of conduct of patients with psychonosemas - to Determine in a complex etiologic factors, nosotropic mechanisms, types of motion, and clinical displays of psychical and psychosomatic disorders - to Use the methods of prophylaxis of psychical and psychosomatic disorders - to Put the previous diagnosis of psychical and psychosomatic disorders. Eventual aims of the discipline. 3.ПФ.С.10.ПР.Н.10.25.01-27 To appoint the first medical aid at heavy psychonosemas 3.ПФ.Д.03.ЗР.Р.10.01-280 To determine psychonosemas 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.01 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.02 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.03 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.04 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.05 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.07 3.ПФ.С.01.ПР.Р.08 To determine in a complex etiologic factors, nosotropic mechanisms, types of motion and clinical displays of psychical and psychosomatic disorders 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.01 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.02 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.03 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.04 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.05 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.06 2.ПФ.С.01.ПР.О.07 To use the methods of prophylaxis of psychical and psychosomatic disorders 1.ПФ.Д.01.ПР.Р.01.01-51 To put the previous diagnosis of psychical and psychosomatic disorders tactics of conduct Description of curriculum from discipline "Psychiatry and narcology" Year Structure of Amount of hours, from them of educational All together auditory IWS study discipline lectures Practical classes 135 20 60 55 4 Credits ЕСТS 1,5 Module1: 45 h. /1,5 4 22 19 Content modules 2 credits ЕСТS Module 2: 90 h. /3,0 16 38 36 of patients with Type of control Current and final module -“- Content modules 3 Including, final control of mastering of the 2 modules Week load credits ЕСТS 4 h./0,13 credit ЕСТS 4 8 _”_ ___ h. /___ credits ЕСТS CONTENTS OF WORKING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMM OF THE DISCIPLINE PSYCHIATRY, NARCOLOGY" Module 1. GENERAL QUESTIONS OF PSYCHIATRY AND GENERAL ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY The Semantic module 1. General questions of psychiatry The Concrete aims: ➢ To explain an object and basic tasks to psychiatry and narcology ➢ To explain the value of psychiatry for the separate divisions of medicine, her copulas with other medical specialities ➢ To analyse the basic methods of research of mental condition of man ➢ To explain principles and methodology of realization of abnormal клініко-психопатологічного research and interpretation his result ➢ To analyse the features of organization of psychiatric help and supervision after mentally sick ➢ To explain principles of prophylaxis, treatment and examination of psychical disorders. The Content module 2. General psychopathology. Concrete aims: ➢ To explain психофізіологічні and нейропсихологічні bases of abnormal psychology disorders ➢ To demonstrate ability to find out abnormal psychology symptoms in different psychical spheres ➢ To draw conclusion about the state of psychical functions of patient and determine the presence of abnormal psychology symptoms ➢ To determine abnormal psychology syndromes and explain their features at different psychical diseases. Module 2. The SPECIAL(NOSOLOGY) PSYCHIATRY The Semantic module 3: the Organic(including symptomatic) psychonosemas. Ecological psychiatry. Concrete aims: to Find out psychical violations for patients with the organic diseases of cerebrum. to Determine etiological and nosotropic factors of psychical violations at organic diseases of cerebrum. to Determine most distribution psychical clinical symptoms and syndromes at the organic defeats of cerebrum. to Analyse the results of inspection of patients of с the organic diseases of cerebrum. to Determine character and principles of treatment of patients of с psychical violations at the organic defeats of cerebrum. to Diagnose the urgent states and render urgent medicare to the patients with psychical violations at organic defeats of the brain. The Content module 4: psychonosemas as a result of the use of psychoactive substances and dependence on them The Concrete aims: - to Determine the etiologic and nosotropic factors of dependence at abuse of психоактивними substances. - to Analyse influence of психоактивних substances on a man. - to Determine the diagnostic criteria of narcological diseases. - to Diagnose the urgent states at abuse of psychoactiive substances. - to Render urgent medicare to the patients at the urgent states. - to Determine the prophylaxis of narcological diseases. - to Determine character and principles of treatment of patients with dependence on psychoactive substances. The Content module 5: the Psychogenic psychical diseases The Concrete aims: to Determine the etiologic and nosotropic factors of psychogenic disorders - to Analyse influence of psychical factors on a patient to Determine clinical symptoms and syndromes at psychogenies to Diagnose the urgent states in the situations of catastrophes and natural calamities and render urgent medicare to the patients to Determine character and principles of treatment of patients with somatoform disorders to Determine the prophylaxis of посттравматичного stress disorder The Content module 6: Polietiological psychical diseases. Concrete aims: - to Determine influence of basic factors of development of polietiological psychical diseases - to Analyse the value of psychotraumatic factors in the origin of displays and relapses of disease - to Determine basic clinical symptoms and syndromes at polietiological psychonosemas - to Diagnose the urgent states and be able to render urgent medicare to the patients on polietiological diseases. The Content module 7. Disorders of mature personality and behavior in adults. Mental retardation. Disturbance of psychological development. Behavior disorders that begin in child's and juvenile age. Concrete aims: - to Demonstrate ability to educe the clinical displays of disorders of psychological development and pathology of forming of personality for patients. - to Determine etiologic factors and nosotropic mechanisms for patients with violation of psychological development and pathology of forming of personality. - to Determine clinical symptoms for patients with violation of psychological development and pathology of forming of personality. - to Analyse clinical displays for patients with violation of psychological development and pathology of forming of personality and to determine the known syndromes. - to Determine the methods of curatively-correction influence for patients with violation of psychological development and pathology of forming of personality. - to Draw conclusion from examination of patients with violation of psychological development and pathology of forming of personality and define measures of rehabilitation. REFERENCE STRUCTURE of TEST CREDIT - to MODULE 1: the General questions of psychiatry and general psychopathology Lectures Practical classes Topic Content module I. General questions of psychiatry 1. Subject and task to psychiatry and narcology, history of development. Organization of help to the patients is with psychical 0,5 2 violations. Features of structure of funny house and dispensary. Principles of supervision after mentally sick. 2. Methods of psychiatric research. Psychonosology, concept of abnormal psychology symptom, syndrome and disease, registers of 0,5 2 psychonosemas. 3. General principles of treatment, rehabilitation and examination 1 2 of psychical diseases and disorders. Content module 2. General psychopathology 4. Disturbance of sensations and perception 0,5 2 5. Disturbance of memory 0,5 2 Individual Work of students (IWS) 2 2 1 2 1 6. Disturbance of thinking and intellect 0,5 2 2 7. Disturbance of emotions 0,5 2 1 8. Disturbance of effector-volitional sphere 9. Disturbance of consciousness and self-consciousness - 2 2 2 2 10. Psychopathological syndromes - 2 2 Final module control 4 2 22 2 19 All hours\credits ЕСТS – 45\ 1,5 IWS - - - REFERENCE STRUCTURE of TEST CREDIT - to MODULE 2 Special(nosology) psychiatry Lectures Practical classes IWS Topic Indivi dual Work of studen ts (IWS) Content module 3. Exogeneous mental disorders 1. General description of organic (including 1 symptomatic) psychonosemas 1.1 Somatogenic psychonosemas 2 2 2 1.2. Patients have psychical violations at somatic and endocrine diseases 1.3. Psychical violations are at the damage of vessels of cerebrum 2. Exogeneous 2 4 3 2.1. Psychical violations are at infectious violations 2.2. Psychical violations are at craniocerebral traumas 2.3. Psychical violations are at intoxications 3.4. Psychical violations are as a result of ecologically unfavorable influences 3. Psychical violations are in declining and senile 1 1 years 4 8 6 Content module 4. Mental disorders as a result of the use of psychoactive substances consumption and dependence on them Medical and social problems of the use of психоактивних substances. Legal questions of 2 2 narcology Mental and behavior disorders due to alcohol 4 2 consumption Mental and behavior disorders due to consumption of psychoactive substances and thase 4 2 which are included to the state list of narcotics 2 8 6 Content module 5. Psychogenic mental disorders General characteristics of psychogenic diseases 1 1 Neurotuc disorders 1 2 2 Somatoform disorders Reactive psychoses Posttraumatic stress disorder Schizophrenia, disorders 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 8 Content module 6. Polietiological mental disorders schizotypical and delirious 2 4 2 6 Affective disorders Epilepsy 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 8 6 Content module 7. Disorders of mature personality and behavior in adults. Mental retardation. Disturbances of psychological development. Behavior disorders which start in child and adolescent age. 15. Mental retardation.. 2 1 2 16. Psychopathies and pathocharacterologic develoment of 1 2 personality. 17. Disturbances of psychological development. 1 1 18 . Behavior disorders which start in child and adolescent age. 1 1 2 4 6 Final test control of module 2 2 6 16 hours – 90 38 36 credits ЕСТS – 3,0 № з.п. 1. 2. 1. 2. THEMATIC PLAN OF LECTURES OF MODLE 1 TOPIC Content module I. General questions of psychiatry Subject and tasks of psychiatry and narcology, their place among other medical disciplines. History of development and modern state of psychiatry and narcology. Classification of mental disorders and diseases. The principles of therapy, prophylaxis and rehabilitation. Content module 2. General psychopathology Pathology of cognitive processes. Disturbances of sensations, perceptions, presentations; their age peculiarities. Disturbances of memory, thinking and intellect. Disorders of effectory-volitional sphere, disturbances of inclinations. Syndromes of disturbances of consciousness. All Hours 1 1 1 1 4 № з.п. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. THEMATIC PLAN OF LECTURES OF MODLE 2 Тopic Content module 3. Organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders. Ecological psychiatry. General characteristic of organic, incuding symptomatic, mental disorders. Mental disturbances in patients with somatic, endocrine and vascular diseases. Mental disturbances in patients with exogeneous brain lesions. Probems of ecological psychiatry. Content module 4. . Mental disorders as a result of the use of psychoactive substances consumption and dependence on them Medical and social problems of psychoactive substances consumption. Content module 5. Psychogenic mental disorders Emotional stress and psychotrauma. General characteristic of psychogenic disorders and their classification. General characteristic of neurotic disorders. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Acute and protracted reactive psychoses. Psychiatry of catastrophes and natural calamities. Content module 6. Polietiological mental disorders Schizophrenia. Principal hypotheses of pathogenesis. Clinical forms and types of course. General principles of treatment. Affective psychoses. Masked depression. Epilepsy. Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification. Epileptic psychoses. Personality changes in patients suffering from epilepsy. Content module 7. Disorders of mature personality and behavior in adults. Mental retardation. Disturbances of psychological development. Behavior disorders which start in child and adolescent age. Pathology of personality formation. Oligophrenia and devlopment retardation. Psychopathy. Pathological personal development All together Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 16 № з.п. THEMATIC PLAN OF PRACTICAL TRAINING OF MODULE 1 Topic Hours 1 2 3 4 Content module I. General questions of psychiatry Subject and tasks of psychiatry and narcology, history of development. Organization of psychiatric aid. Peculiarities of psychatric hospital and dispensary structure. Principles of psychiatric care. Methods of psychiatric examination. Classification of mental disorders. Psychiatric symptom, syndrome and disease. Registers of mental disorders. General principles of treatment, rehabilitation and expert examination of mental diseases. Content module 2. General psychopathology Disorders of sensations and perceptions. Disorders of memory. Disorders of thinking and intellect. Emotional disorders. 5 Disorders of effector-volitional sphere. 2 6 Disorders of consciousness and self-consciousness. 2 7 Psychopathological syndromes. Final module control #1. All together 2 1. 2. 3. № з.п. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 THEMATIC PLAN OF PRACTICAL TRAINING OF MODULE 2 ТЕМА Кількість годин Content module 3. Organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders. Ecological psychiatry. General characteristic of organic, incuding symptomatic, mental 1 disorders. Mental disturbances in patients with somatic, endocrine and vascular 2 diseases. Mental disturbances in infectious disorders and brain injuries. 2 Mental disorders caused by ecologically unfavorable influnces. Mental disorders of old age. Content module 4. . Mental disorders as a result of the use of psychoactive substances consumption and dependence on them Mental and behavior disorders caused by alcohol consumption. Mental and behavior disorders caused by narcotic substances consumption. Mental and behavior disorders caused by consumption of substances which are not included in the state list of narcotics. Content module 5. Psychogenic mental disorders 2 1 4 2 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Definition of psychogeny. Etiology and pathogenesis of psychogenies, role of heredity, acquired factors, personal peculiarities. Neuroses, etiology, pathogenesis, classification according to clinical manifeststations and course. Acute neurotic reactions, neuroses. Somatoform disorders. Acute and protracted reactive psychoses. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Content module 6. Polietiological mental disorders Schizophrenia. Premorbid manifestations. Main clinical symptoms. Clinical forms and types of course. Treatment of the patients with schizophrenia. Affective disorders. Clinical manifestations, types of course. Somatovegetative equivalents of depressia. Principles of therapy of the patients with affective disorders. Epilepsy, main symptoms. Clinical characteristics of paroxysm. Classification of epilepsy. Epileptic psychoses. Treatment of the patients with epilepsy. Emergency aid in epileptic status. Content module 7. Disorders of mature personality and behavior in adults. Mental retardation. Disturbances of psychological development. Behavior disorders which start in child and adolescent age. Oligophrenia and mental retardation. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations. Diagnostics and differential diagnostics. Treatment, prophylaxis, expertise. Psychopathies and pathologic development of personality. Etiology 1 and pathogenesis. Clinical forms of psychopathy. Diagnostics and differential diagnostics. Treatment and social rehabilitation. Expertise. Infantile autism. Etiology and epidemiology. Clinical manifestations. 1 Diagnostics. Treatment. Prophylaxis. Questions of expertise and rehabilitation. Hyperkinetic dsorders in children and adolescents. Etiology. 1 Pathogenesis. Clinical manifestations.Social behavior disorders. Clinical manifestations, course, prophylaxis. Principles of medical and pedagogical correction, social rehabilitation. FINAL MODULE CONTROL ALL TOGETHER 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 1 2 40 THEMATIC PLAN OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS (IWS) AND ITS CONTROL OF MODULE 1 № 1. 1. TOPIC Content module I. General questions of psychiatry Preparation to practical classes – theoretical preparations and practical skills training. Content module 2. General psychopathology Preparation to practical classes – theoretical preparations and practical skills training. 3 Hours Type of control 5 Current control on practical classes 12 2 Current control on practical classes Fnal module control Preparations to final control of module mastering. 19 All together IWS THEMATIC PLAN OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS (IWS) AND ITS CONTROL OF MODULE 2 № TOPIC Hours Type of control з.п. Content module 3. Organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders. Ecological psychiatry. 1. Preparation to practical classes – Current control on practical theoretical preparations and practical 6 classes skills training. Content module 4. . Mental disorders as a result of the use of psychoactive substances consumption and dependence on them 1. Preparation to practical classes – 6 Current control on practical theoretical preparations and practical classes skills training. Content module 5. Psychogenic mental disorders 1. Preparation to practical classes – 6 theoretical preparations and practical skills training. Content module 6. Polietiological mental disorders 1. Preparation to practical classes – 6 Current control on practical theoretical preparations and practical classes skills training. 1. Content module 7. Disorders of mature personality and behavior in adults. Mental retardation. Disturbances of psychological development. Behavior disorders which start in child and adolescent age. Preparation to practical classes – theoretical preparations and practical skills training. 3 6 6 Current control on practical classes Fnal module control Preparations to final control of module mastering. 36 All together IWS List of practical skills that is mastered in the process of audience work to the module 1 1. To conduct the clinical inspection of psychical status of patient. 2. To define the psychotic or unpsychotic level of psychical violation. 3. To define tactics of general practitioner at an exposure psychical violations for a patient. 4. To define a presence for the patient of testimonies for urgent hospitalization. 5. To define the level of social danger, risk of self-aggression mentally sick. List of practical skills that is mastered in the process of audience work to the module 2 1. To analyse data clinical and paraclinical research and to put the previous diagnosis of psychical or psychosomatic disorder. 2. To define the initial clinical displays of illness. 3. To lay down the self-weighted conclusion with a previous diagnosis and give direction on consultation to the doctor-psychiatrist. 4. To define a presence for the patient of testimonies for the grant of the first aid. 5. To appoint the first aid at psychomotor excitation, epileptic status, complications of treatment psychotropic preparations, abandonment from a meal, stupor. 6. To appoint one of adequate the state sick of psychotropic preparations in doses corresponding to age sick. 7. To give recommendations to the relatives of patient about care. List of practical skills that is subject to obligatory verification at to final module control of module1 № 1. 2. 3. 4. Practical skills To conduct clinical examination of patient and discribe menta ctatus. To define the psychotic or unpsychotic level of psychical violation for a patient. To define a presence for the patient of testimonies for urgent hospitalization. To define a presence for the patient of testimonies for urgent hospitalization. To define the level of social danger, risk of self-aggression mentally sick. 5. List of practical skills that is subject to obligatory verification at to final module control of module2 № Practical skills To analyse data clinical and paraclinic research and to put the previous diagnosis of psychical or psychosomatic disorder. To decide a clinical task from diagnosticating and grant of the first aid(at psychomotor excitation, at epileptic status, complications of treatment psychotropic preparations, abandonment from a meal, stupor) To decide a clinical task from determination of tactics of conduct sick with a psychonosema or complication. To lay down the self-weighted conclusion with a previous diagnosis and give direction on consultation to the doctor-psychiatrist. To appoint one of adequate the state sick of psychotropic preparations in doses corresponding to age of a patient. To give to recommending the relatives of patient ofa supervision. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DISTRIBUTION of the POINTS APPROPRIATED to STUDENTS № Module 1 (current study activity) 1. Quantity of points max Min Content Module 1 36 21 Topic1 12 7 Topic 2 12 7 Topic 3 12 7 Content Module 2 84 49 Topic 4 12 7 Topic 5 12 7 Topic 6 12 7 Topic 7 12 7 Topic 8 12 7 Topic 9 12 7 Topic10 12 7 Content modules together 1120 770 Final control of mastering of module2 180 550 TOGETHER sum of points 2200 Ё120 2. DISTRIBUTION of the POINTS APPROPRIATED to STUDENTS № Module 2 (current study activity) 1 Quantity of points max min Content Module 3 18 12 Topic 1 6 4 Topic 2 6 4 Topic 3 6 4 Content Module 4 18 12 Topic 4 6 4 Topic 5 6 4 Topic 6 6 4 Content Module 5 30 20 Topic 7 6 4 Topic 8 6 4 Topic 9 6 4 Topic 10 6 4 Topic 11 6 4 Content Module 6 18 12 Topic 12 6 4 Topic 13 6 4 Topic 14 6 4 Content Module 7 24 16 Topic 15 6 4 Topic 16 6 4 Topic 17 6 4 Topic 18 6 4 Together Content Modules 108 72 Final module control: 80 48 Maximal quantity of points for estimation of individual work of students 12 - TOGETHER sum of points 200 120 2. 3. 4. 5. Scale of converting of current study activity of module 1 Traditional mark “5” “4” “3” “2” Converting into points 12 10 7 0 Scale of converting of current study activity of module 2 Traditional mark “5” “4” “3” “2” Converting into points 6 5 4 0 Criteria of evaluation of knowledge and abilities from discipline "Psychiatry" Criteria of evaluation of knowledge and abilities of current educational activity (CEA) within the limits of the module 1 Control of current educational activity(CEA) comes true on every practical engaging in a teacher in accordance with the concrete aims of theme. On all practical employments the objective type of control of theoretical preparation and mastering of practical skills comes true. An estimation "perfectly" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer enumerated from 100о of 80 educational elements, and also decided 10 - 9 from 10 test tasks. An estimation "perfectly" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student correctly educed all abnormal psychology symptoms for a patient and united them in a syndrome. An estimation "well" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer enumerated from 79 of elements, decided 8 - 7 test tasks from 10. An estimation "well" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student correctly educed to the psychopathological symptoms in patient. An estimation "satisfactorily" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer enumerated from 40 of methodical elements , decided 6 test tasks from 10. An estimation "satisfactorily" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student correctly educed not less than psychopathological symptoms for patients, that supervised. An estimation "unsatisfactorily" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if in the verbal answer of student not more than 1/3 educational elements are adopted and less than 6 test tasks are correctly decided from 10.An estimation "unsatisfactorily" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student was not able correctly to name the more than half of abnormal psychology symptoms of и correctly to define a syndrome. General estimation after IEA - it AV arithmetic among by estimations for theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Estimation "perfectly" are 12 points; Estimation "well" are 10 points; Estimation "satisfactorily" are 7 points; Estimation "unsatisfactorily" are 0 points. The least of points, that a student must collect for admitting to final module, - 70 points. Criteria of evaluation of knowledge and abilities of current educational activity(CEA) within the limits of the module 2 An estimation "perfectly" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer enumerated from 100о of 80 study elements of и decided 10 - 9 test tasks from 10. An estimation "perfectly" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student correctly defined anchorman syndrome, conducted differential diagnostics, defined final diagnosis and correctly appointed therapy to the patient supervised that. An estimation "well" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer enumerated from 79 of methodical elements and decided 8 - 7 test tasks from 10. An estimation "well" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if correctly certain anchorman syndrome, differential diagnostics is conducted not with all diseases(not less than 2/3), a nosology diagnosis is certain, but not certain form, it is appointed no more than 2/3 curative measures. An estimation "satisfactorily" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer enumerated from 40о of 64авчальних elements and decided 6 test tasks from 10. An estimation "satisfactorily" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student correctly estimated anchorman syndrome, not able to name illness at that he meets, correctly set a diagnosis, but did not ground it for a patient supervised that, not able to ground the methods of therapy. An estimation "unsatisfactorily" for the level of theoretical preparation is proposed, if a student in a verbal answer did not name more than 1/3 educational elements and correctly decided less than 6 test tasks from 10. An estimation "unsatisfactorily" for mastering of practical skills is proposed, if a student not correctly defined anchorman syndrome, not able to set a nosology diagnosis and appoint adequate therapy to the patient supervised that. General estimation after CEA - it AV arithmetic among by estimations for theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Estimation "perfectly" are 6 points; Estimation "well" are 5 points; Estimation "satisfactorily" - 4 points; Estimation "unsatisfactorily" are 0 points. The least of points, that a student must collect for admitting to FMC, - 72 points. Evaluation criteria are gentlefolks and abilities of final module control(ПМК) in limits to the module 1 – 2 Final module control (FMC) Mastering to the module takes place on completion of study of block of the corresponding semantic modules on separate control employment. Subject to verification: 1. Level of formed of knowledge in relation to scientifically - the theoretical maintenance of the module, purchased during audience employments(test form of control) the contribution of that to the general estimation folds 50 2. Level of formed of obligatory abilities and skills that enter in the complement of the module(interview, мікрокурація of patients), contribution of that to the general estimation operates 50 3. Implementation of individual tasks of student in the module 2 is a maximal amount of points -12. Estimation "perfectly"( 72 - 80 points), if at the decision of test tasks faithful answers are attained 40 36 from 40 tasks to the test. Estimation "perfectly" for practical skills 40 36 points Module 1 All abnormal psychology symptoms for a курируємого patient and correctly certain anchorman are enumerated syndrome. Certain presence for the patient of testimonies for urgent hospitalization and help, certain level of social danger, risk of self-aggression. Module 2 Certain previous diagnosis mentally sick, direction is given on consultation to the doctor psychiatrist, appointed one of adequate the state sick of psychotropic preparations, given recommendations to the relatives of patient of care. Estimation "well" -(60-71 point), from them at the decision of test tasks faithful answers are attained 35 - 30 from 40 tasks to the test. Estimation "well" - for practical skills - 36-30 points Module 1 To 2/3 abnormal psychology symptoms are certain in курируємих of patients, an abnormal psychology syndrome, level of social danger, risk of self-aggression, is certain. Module 2 A previous diagnosis is full not enough reasonable, at determination of tactics of conduct sick with a psychonosema, to 2/3 necessary measures are enumerated correctly, not in full the given recommendations to the relatives of patient from a supervision. At setting of psychotropic preparations the not taken into account age of patient. Estimation "satisfactorily"(50-59 points) - from them at the decision of test tasks it is attained 25-29 faithful answers from 40 tasks to the test. Estimation "satisfactorily" for practical skills - (29-25 points). Module 1 Educed half of psychical symptoms for a patient, not full described psychical status, a presence for the patient of testimonies for urgent hospitalization and help and risk of self-aggression, not certain level of social danger are certain. Module 2 At establishment of previous diagnosis the not more than half of data is analysed clinical and paraclinic inspection of patient. A previous conclusion is reasonable not enough in direction on consultation to the doctor - psychiatrist. Not all setting psychotropic preparations are adequate the state of patient and his age. Estimation "unsatisfactorily"(0 points)At the decision of test tasks it is attained less than 25 faithful answers from 40 tasks to the test.At курації of patient flagrant errors that resulted in an incorrect result in the modules 1 and 2. Scale of converting of marks of final module control of modules 1-2 into points ECTS Mark of FMC by the scale ECTS 72 – 80 60 – 71 50 – 59 < 50 Correspondance % of right answers to maximal quantity of points 90 – 100% 75 – 89% 60 – 74% < 60% maximal quantity of points - 80 points. Minimal quantity – 50 points (module 1) 50 points (module 2) Mark of FMC by 4point scale “5” “4” “3” “2” Scale of converting of marks of modules 1-2 in points ECTS into academic and ECTS mark Correspondance % of right answers to maximal quantity of points 90 – 100% 75 – 89% 60 – 74% < 60% Mark of module in points ECTS Mark by scale ECTS 180 – 200 150 – 179 120 – 149 < 120 А В,С D,Е Fx, F Mark of module (MМ) by 4-point system “5” “4” “3” “2” Control forms: Current control comes true on every practical employment according to the concrete aims of theme. It is recommended to apply kinds of objective (standardized) control of theoretical and practical preparation of students. Maximal amount of points, that is appropriated to the students at mastering each to the module(test credit), - 200, including for current educational activity - 120 points, on results module final control are 80 points. Evaluation of current educational activity : At mastering of every theme of the module for current educational activity of student estimations are proposed to converte into ball traditional scale, that is then converted in points depending on the amount of themes in the module. In the program such system of converting of the traditional system of estimation into points was applied. Traditiona l mark “5” “4” “3” “2” Converting into points Module 1 Module 2 12 10 7 0 6 5 4 0 A maximal amount that a student can collect at the study of the module is calculated by the increase of amount of points that answer an estimation "5" on the amount of themes in the module and equals 120 points. The least of points, that a student can collect at the study of the module, is calculated by the increase of amount of points that answer an estimation "3", on the amount of themes in the module and equals 40 points. Evaluation of individual independent work : The amount of points for individual independent work of student(IWS) is calculated as a difference between the maximal amount of points for current educational activity (100 points) and maximal amount of points for current success of student at mastering of themes of the module. Final module control Module final control comes true on completion of study of the module. Before final control students, that executed all types of works, envisaged by an on-line tutorial, are assumed, and at studied the module was collected amount of points, not less than than minimum. A form of realization of final control must be standardized and include control of theoretical and practical preparation. The concrete forms of control from psychiatry are determined in an executable educational code. The maximal amount of points of final control equals 80. Final module control is considered reckoned, if a student collected not less than 50 points. Evaluation of discipline : An estimation from psychiatry is proposed only to the students all modules are reckoned that from discipline. Amount of points, that a student collects from discipline, is determined the as AV arithmetic to the amount of points from the modules of discipline. At the evaluation of educational activity of students must be checked up by statistical methods(a coefficient of correlation is between current success and results of final module control).Converting of amount of points from discipline in estimations after the scales of ЕСТS: The amount of points from discipline that is charged extra to the students is converted in the scale of ЕСТS in next way: Mark ЕСТS А В С D E Statistic index The best 10% of students Next 25% of students Next 30% of students Next 25% of students The last 10% of students The percent of students is determined on an elector for the students of this course within the limits of corresponding speciality. For specialities 7.110101 "curative business", 7110104 "paediatrics", 7.110105 "medical prophylactic business", that study from psychiatry after an only curriculum and only on-line tutorial from psychiatry, a selection consists of students of the adopted three specialities (if Institution of higher learning is not accepted differently). The amount of points from discipline that is charged extra to the students is converted in ball scale the next way: Mark ЕСТS А В, С D, E FX, F Mark by 4-point scale “5” “4” “3” “2” Estimation from discipline of FX, F ("2") is proposed to the students one module is not reckoned even that from discipline on completion of her study. The estimation of FX ("2") is proposed to the students, that collected the least of points for current educational activity, but did not lay down module final control. They have a right on the repeated stowage of final module control no more 2(two) times during winter vacations and during 2 (additional) weeks after completion lend term after a chart, ratified chancellor. Students that got the estimation of F for the completed studies of discipline (did not execute an on-line tutorial even from one module or not collected for current educational activity from the module the least of points) must pass the repeated studies after individual educational plan.
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