UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Date & Day June, 2015 09th,Tuesday 10th,Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th, Friday NOTIFICATION NO. 184 /COND.D.S. DATE SHEET FOR THE M.A./M. Sc. PART-II, ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2015 TO BE HELD IN JUNE, 2015 WRITTEN EXAMINATION Subject Paper Computer Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. Code VI-N1 Applied Psychology VI (a) Social Psychology (Old Course) I Arabic I Uloom-Al-Lisan (Old & New Course) I-1-N Chemistry I-A Physical Chemistry (Special Written) (Old & New ) VI Diplomacy & Strategic VI Theories and Concept of International Relations Studies I English I Poetry-II I-N Economics I International Trade Theory and Finance 1 Economic Planning (Old Course) Fine Arts I I Muslim Architecture with Special Emphasis on Muslim Architecture in Indo- Pak. VI Geography VI (Comp.) Pakistan (old & New Course) VI-N International Relations VI International Political Economy VII Mass Communication VII Editorial, Feature and Column Writing (For Urdu Medium) VII VII Editorial, Feature and Column Writing (For English Medium) I Mathematics I Advanced Analysis I- (A) Persian I Mubadiaat-e-Qawaid-e-Arabi, Tarjama Wa Farsi Guftari I Physical Education I Methods of Research in Physical Education VI Political Science VI Comparative Political Systems I Punjabi I Jadeed Poetry VI-N Archaeology VI Numismatics of Pakistan and India II-1-N Chemistry I-B Inorganic Chemistry (Special Written) (Old & New) I-A French I Traduction et Interpretation I Gender Studies I Gender, Education and Economic Empowerment I-N-14 Kashmiryat I Modern Poetry of Kashmir (New Course) I-N I Modern Kashmiri Poetry (Old Course) I Mountain Conservation I Database Management Information System & and Watershed Management Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System I-N Philosophy I Modern Philosophical Movements I Physics I Solid State Physics-II VII-N Psychology VII Neuroscience in Psychology I-N Social Work I Social Policy Planning & Welfare Administration (Old Course) I-N15 I Social Policy Planning & Welfare Administration (New Course) I-N11 Space Science I Astronomy and Astrophysics (Old Course) I-N14 I Astrophysics and Cosmology (New Course) I Statistics I Statistical Inference I Urdu I Urdu Adab Beesveen Sadi Main I Zoology I Environmental Biology VII-N1 Applied Psychology VII (a) Neuroscience in Psychology (Old Course) VII-N11 VII Behavioural Neuroscience (New Course) II Arabic II Al-Shair-Al-Arabi (Old & New Course) III-1-N Chemistry I-C Organic Chemistry (Special Written) (Old & New) VII Diplomacy & Strategic VII Conflict and Conflict Management Studies II English II Drama-II II-N Economics II Econometrics Theory and Application II Development Economics (Old course) Fine Arts II II Techniques of Graphic Arts Modelling and Casting VII-N Geography VII Population Geography (old & New Course) VII-N International Relations VII Research Methodology VIII Mass Communication VIII Communication- II II Mathematics II Methods of Mathematical Physics II Persian II Adabiyat-e-Irfani II Physical Education II Movement Education (Bio-Mechanics) VII Political Science VII Pakistan Movement II Punjabi II Tanqeed Nazree Tay Amly VII-N Archaeology VII Muslim Art and Architecture IV-1-N Chemistry I-D Bio-Chemistry (Special Written) (Old & New ) II-N French II Les Etudes litterairies Et Comparatives II Gender Studies II Gender & Environment II-N-14 Kashmiryat II Religions in Kashmir (New Course) II-N II Religions in Kashmir (Old Course) II Mountain Conservation II Sustainable Development and Watershed Management Date & Day Subject June, 2015 12th, Friday Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Social Work Space Science 13th, Saturday Statistics Urdu Zoology Applied Psychology Arabic Chemistry Diplomacy & Strategic Studies English Economics Fine Arts Geography History International Relations 15th, Monday Mass Communication Mathematics Persian Physical Education Political Science Punjabi Archaeology Chemistry French Gender Studies Kashmiryat Mountain Conservation and Watershed Management Philosophy Physics Psychology Social Work Space Science 16th ,Tuesday Statistics Urdu Zoology Applied Psychology Diplomacy & Strategic Studies English Economics Geography International Relations II (i) II (ii) II XXVIII VIII II II II II II II II VIII (a) VIII III I-E XV Computer Code II-1-N II-2-N II XXVIII VIII-N II-N II-N15 II-N 11 II-N 14 II II II VIII-N1 VIII-N1I III V-1-N XV Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. III (i) III (ii) III (iii) VI IX-a X III III III-1-N III-2-N III-3-N III III-N11 III III-N14 III (Part-A) III III IX (a) (i) IX (a) IX (b) ii IX(b) IX (c) (iii) IX (c) IX (d) IV A IV B IV C IV D IV E IV F X III III III IXA-N1 IXA-N1I IXB- N1 IXB- N1I IXC-N1 IXC-N11 IXD-N11 IV-1-N IV-2-N IV-3-N IV-4-N IV-5-N IV-6-N X Muslim Thought in South Asia Philosophy of Religion Statistical Physics Public Policy Experimental Psychology Social Research Methods II (Old Course) Social Research Methods II (New Course) Electromagnetic Waves and Space Plasma (Old C) Electrodynamics and Space Plasma (New Course) Regression Analysis and Econometrics Tanqeed Evolution and Principles of Systematic Zoology Experimental Psychology (Old Course) Experimental Psychology (New Course) Tareekh-Al-Adab-Al-Arabi (Old & New Course) Analytical Chemistry (Special Written)(Old & New) Evolution of International Politics Post Second World War Novel-II Development Economics Theory and Policy Economic Analysis (Old Course) History of Western Painting from 19th to 20th Century Urban Geography & Planning (old & New Course) Ancient India Umayyads and Abbasides Early Modern Europe 1453-1789 Foreign Policy of Major Powers Foreign Policy of Pakistan Development Support Communication Numerical Analysis Iqbal Shanasse Sports Medicine The Muslim World-Dynamics & Issues Study Seerat National Poetry Pre and Proto History of Pakistan Applied Chemistry (Special Written) (Old & New) Poesie et theatre, Women in Work and Business Political History of Kashmir (New Course) Iqbal and Kashmir (Old Course) Environmental Impact Assessment and Research Methods and Techniques Modern Metaphysics Philosophy of Mind Philosophy of Education Nuclear Physics Clinical Psychology Counseling Psychology Population Planning. (Old Course) Social Statistics & Computer Applications (New Course) Telecommunication and Satellite Communication (Old Course) Telecommunication and Satellite Communication (New Course) Data Processing and Computer Programming Iqbal Ka Khususi Mutalaa Zoogeography & Principles of Paleontology Counseling Psychology (Old Course) Counseling Psychology (New Course) Clinical Psychology (Old Course) Clinical Psychology (New Course) Developmental/Child Psychology (Old Course) Developmental Psychology (New Course) Organizational Psychology (New Course) Manhaj-Al-Bahas Wa-Al-Tahqeeq Al-Lisaniat (Ilm-ul-Lughah) Tarjamat-Al-Nusoos Bil Lughatain Al. Saqafah-Al-Arabiah Tareekh-Al-Islam Al-Adab-All-Arabi Fil Andalus Only New An Introduction to International Law IV IV IX IX IV IV-N XIII IX-N Literary Criticism Research Methodology Cultural Geography (Old & New Course) Conflict Management and Resolution III III III VIII I Group A I Group B I Group C XXI XII IX III III III VIII III VIII I-F III-a III III III III III III-N III III VIII-N I-1N I-2N I-3N XXI-N XII-N IX III III III VIII III VIII-N VI-1-N III-A III III-N-14 III-N III VI IX-N X-N III-N III-N15 Old & New Course Arabic Paper Date & Day Subject III-b IV III-B IV Islamic Studies I I I IV I I-N I-N15 IV IV-VI (opt.ix) IV (i) IV (ii) IV (iii) IV XII X IV-N IV-9 IV-1-N IV-2-N IV-3-N IV XII-N X IV IV IV IV VI (i) VI (ii) VI (iii) VI (iv) IV IV- 6A IV-N IV-N15 IV-N11 IV-N14 X-b (ii) X (b) V (B) V (C) V (D) V (E) II- A II- B II- C II- D II- E II- F XI XB-2N1 XB-N1I V-2-N V-3-N V-4-N V-5-N I-2-N II-2-N III-2-N V V (i) V (ii) V (iii) XV XI XI IV-VI(opt.ii) V (opt. i) V V-1-N V-2-N V-3-N XV XI-N XI IV-2-(A) V-1 V (opt. ii) V(opt. iii) V XI V X III-C IV V II Group A II Group B II Group C V V V-2 V-3 V XI V X-N III-C IV V II-1N II-2N II-3N V-N-14 V-N Kashmiryat Mathematics Philosophy Physics Psychology Political Science Social Work Space Science Statistics Urdu Zoology 18th, Thursday Applied Psychology Arabic Chemistry Diplomacy & Strategic Studies English Economics Geography International Relations Mass Communication Mathematics Persian 19th, Friday Physical Education Political Science Punjabi Archaeology French Gender Studies History Kashmiryat IV-N-14 VI-1 VI-2 VI-3 VI-4 IV IV-VIA IV-2-N V-2-N VI-2-N XI Public Relations Operations Research Tarikh-e-Adbiyat-e-Farsi Psychology of Sports External Relations of Pakistan Translation from Arabic, Persian to Punjabi Museum Study and Conservation of Museum Objects Roman et critique Violence against Women & Counseling of Women in distress Al Fiqah (Old Course) Al Fiqah and Illum ul Fiqah (Old Course 2014) Al Fiqah wa uloom al Fiqah (New Course) Regional Languages of Kashmir/ Iqbal & Kashmir (A+B) (New Course) Kashmiri Text (Old Course) Electromagnetic Theory Philosophy of Law Philosophy of Art Indian Philosophy Computational Physics Organizational Psychology Foreign Policies of Major Powers U.S.A, Soviet Union/Russia, China and Britain Social Legislation (Old Course) Social Legislation (New Course) Space Systems and their Applications (Old Course) Space Systems and their Applications (New Course) Statistical Quality Control Population and Demographic Methods Operations Research Part-A-Survey and Research Methods Lisaniyat Fisheries ‘A’ Human Resources Management (Old Course) Human Resources Management (New Course) Arabic Language and Computer Al-Adab-Al-Muqaran (Arabic, Urdu) Al-Adab-Al-Arabi Fi Shibh-Al-Qarah Al-Adab-Al-Islami Physical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Analytical Chemistry Applied Chemistry International & Regional Organization Old & New Course French Gender Studies Mass Communication Mathematics Persian Physical Education Political Science Punjabi 17th, Wednesday Archaeology Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. Old & New Course X IV-VI(opt. x) IV IV IX IV IX Computer Code X IV-10 IV IV IX IV IX-N June, 2015 16th ,Tuesday Paper Short Stories Advanced Mathematical Economics Applied Economics and Computer Application Operations Research Environmental Geography (Old course) Diplomacy (Theory & Practice of Diplomacy) Electronic Journalism Computer Applications Zaban Shanasi, Maanee Wa Biyan, Marja Shanasi Wa Rawash-e-Tahqeeq Iran Shanasi Adbiyat-e-Deeni Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education International Law Lisaniyat Cultural Tourism and Heritage of Pakistan Linguistique et Didactique Didactique du Fle Research Methods II Muslim Rule in India 712-1526 Muslim Rule in Spain Modern Europe 1789-1919 Kashmiri Essay (New Course) Essays on Kashmir (Old Course) Date & Day Subject June, 2015 19th, Friday Political Science Philosophy Physics Psychology Social Work Space Science Statistics 20th, Saturday Urdu Zoology Applied Psychology Diplomacy & Strategic Studs English Economics International Relations Islamic Studies Mass Communication Mathematics Physical Education Political Science Psychology Punjabi Zoology 22nd, Monday Applied Psychology Chemistry French History Mathematics Physics Political Science Social Work Space Science Urdu Zoology XX Computer Code XX Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. XXI XXIV XXIII XXVII V III XIII V V V VI VIII X VII (i) VII (ii) V IV-4 X-b (i) X (a) XIV VI VI (i) VI (ii) VI (iii) VI (iv) XVI XXI XXIV XXIII XXVII V-1-N III XIII-N V-N V-N15 V-N11 VI-N14 VIII-N14 X-N14 VII-1 VII-2 V IV-IA XB-1N1 XA-N11 XIV VI VI-1-N VI-2-N VI-3-N VI-4-N XVI-N XXII XXII-N Political Systems of India, Bangladesh, Sri lanka and Nepal OR Political Systems of Iran, Iraq and Egypt OR Political Systems of France, Germany & Switzerland Political Systems of Sweden, Norway & Denmark Governance and Development Essay Relativity & Cosmology Human Resource Management NGO Management & Leadership (Old Course) NGO Management & Leadership (New Course) Geographic Information System (Old Course) Geographic Information System (New Course) Weather Forecasting (New Course) Stellar Astrophysics (New Course) Time Series Analysis Multivariate Analysis Hali-o-Akber Ki Shaeree Ka Khususi Mutalaa Entomology ‘A’ Health Psychology (Old Course) Health Psychology (New Course) Terrorism & Counter Terrorism Linguistics Monetary Theory and Policy Public Sector Economics Investment and Project Appraisal Managerial Economics Pleistocene Geomorphology With Special Reference to Pakistan Tourism Geography XVI II II V (ii) XII (opt.i) IV-VI (opt. V) VI XII XI VI V-1 V-2 V-3 V-7 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-20 V-22 V-26 V-27 V-29 V-28 V-30 V-39 V-42 XVI-N II-A II-N15 V-2-N XII-1 IV-5 VI XII XI VI V-I V-II V-III V-VII V-XVI V-XVII V-XVIII V-XX V-XXII V-XXVI V- XXVII V-XXIX V-XXVIII V-XXX V-XXXIX V-XXXXII V-17 Nuclear Proliferation Dawah Tul Irshad (Old Course) Dawah Tul Irshad (New Course) Dawah tul Irshad (Old Course 2014) News Paper Management Number Theory Leadership in Sports International Organization Industrial and Organizational Psychology Essay Integrated Pest Management Medical & Veterinary Entomology Insect Classification Pests of Agriculture Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology Applied Fisheries Fish Disease & Health Management Fundamentals of Microbiology Mammalogy Vector Biology Human Embryology & Teratology Cancer Biology Molecular Biology General Parasitology Virology & Viruses Apiculture Ecological Modeling and Natural Photography Biological & Chemical Control of Insects X (h) IV (Comp.) IV-a III Group-A III Group-B III Group-C IV-VI ( V XIII VI VI VII IX XI VI IV-6B IV-5A IV-7A XH-N11 IV IV-A III-1N III-2N III-3N IV-6 V XIII VI-N VI-N15 VII-N14 IX-N14 XI-N14 VI IV-VIB IV-VA IV-VII(a) Child Psychology (New Course) Environmental Chemistry (Old & New))(Common) Francais des Affaires The Great Mughals 1526-1707 The Ottoman Empire 1288-1924 History of England 1688-1919 Fluid Mechanics Classical Electrodynamics Political Sociology Human Rights (Old Course) Medical & Psychiatric Social Work (New Course) Image Processing and GIS (New Course) Climate Change (New Course) Galactic Astrophysics (New Course) Almi Classic,Taarufi Mutalaa Fisheries ‘B’ Microbiology ‘A’ Principles of Environmental Health Old & New Cours e Geography Paper Date & Day Subject June, 2015 23rd, Tuesday Applied Psychology Political Science Psychology Social Work Urdu Zoology 25th, Thursday Applied Psychology Diplomacy & Strategic Studies English Geography History International Relations Mass Communication Mathematics Political Science Psychology 26th , Friday Applied Psychology Diplomacy & Strategic Studies French Geography III-N15 II (IV-VI)(opt.iv) VII IX XV XXIX XIV VII VII II-N VII-1 IV-5B IV-7B X-b (v) X (e) XXI IV-4 VII VIII-1 XV XXIX XIV-N VII-N VII-1N15 VII-2N15 VII-1 IV-VB IV-VII (b) XB-7N XE-N11 XXI VIII XI IV Group-A IV Group-B IV Group-C VIII XII (opt. v) IV-VI opt.iii) XVI XX VIII XI IV-1N IV-2N IV-3N VIII-N XII-5 IV-3 XVI XX-N1 Essay Hydro Geography (old Course) Later Mughals and British India 1707-1857 Central Asia United States After Second World War Defence & Strategic Studies Radio Production Group Theory Defence and Strategic Studies Computer Studies in Psychology (Theory) X(G) VIII XG-NII VIII Forensic Psychology Study of Major Issues in Global Politics IV-c XIV XVIII IV (i) IV (ii) IV (iii) IV-C XIV XVIII-N IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 Francais de l’ Hotellerie et du Tourisme Transportation Geography (Old & New Course) Fundamentals of GIS (New Course) Islam & Science Islam & Philosophy The World of Islam, Resources &Problems IV (i) IV (ii) IV (iii) IV-1-N15 IV-2-N15 IV-3- N15 Islam & Science Islam & Philosophy The World of Islam, Resources &Problems III-1-N III-2-N III-3-N Islam and Science Islam and Philosophy The World of Islam, Resources & Problems Special Theory of Relativity and Analytical Dynamics Advertising III 1 III 2 III 3 Mathematics IV-VI (opt.viii) IV-8 Mass Communication XII (opt.vii) XII-7 Old Course Islamic Studies III Literature in English Around the World History of Economic Thought Comparative Economic Systems Environmental Economics Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics (Old Course) Political Economy and Global Order South Asia North America South West Asia Australia International & Regional Organizations Magazine Journalism Theory of Approximation & Splines Curriculum Planning in Physical Education Local Self Government in Pakistan Khoog Tey Uhdey Asool (Elective) Islamic Perspective in Psychology (New Course) Francais de la Banque Islam & Modern Economic Thought & Movements (Old Course) Islam & Modern Economic Thought & Movements (New Course) Islam and Modern Thoughts (Old Course 2014) Rings & Modules Solid State Physics-1 Particle Physics-I Public Administration Political Economy Health Psychology Medical & Psychiatric Social Work (Old Course) Opt 1 - Population Planning (New Course) Opt 2 - Human Rights (New Course) Mir-o-Ghalib Ki Shaeree Ka Khususi Mutalaa Microbiology-B Ecosystem Health Dynamics Psychology of Mass Communication (Old Course) Psychology of Mass Communication (New Course) Strategic Dynamics of Central Asia Old Course 2014 Mathematics Physics VII VII-1-N VII-2-N VII-3-N VII-4-N VII-2 VII-5-N XXIV-4N XXIV-8N XXIV-2N XXIV-10N X-N XII-3 IV-II-N VII XIV VII-2 XIX-N IV-B III Computer Studies in Psychology (Old Course) Computer Studies in Psychology (New Course) Nuclear Proliferation Old & New Course International Relations Mass Communication Mathematics Physical Education Political Science Punjabi Psychology th 24 , Wednesday French Islamic Studies VII VII (i) VII (ii) VII (iii) VII (iv) VII-2 VII (v) XXIV XXIV XXIV XXIV X XII (opt.iii) IV-VI (opt xi) VII XIV VII (B) XIX IV-b III Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. Regional Study Geography X-b (iv) X (d) XIX Computer Code XB-4NN1 XD-NN11 XIX New Course Diplomacy & Strategic Studies English Economics Paper Date & Day Subject June, 2015 26th , Friday Physics Political Science Psychology Punjabi Social Work Urdu 27th, Saturday Zoology Applied Psychology Economics History International Relations Mathematics Psychology Political Science 29th , Monday IV-IB X (c) VIII (i) VIII (ii) VIII (iii) VIII (iv) IV-IB XC-N11 VIII-1-N VIII-2-N VIII-3-N VIII-4-N VIII IV (i) IV (ii) IV (iii) IV (iv) IV (v) IV (vi) V Group A V Group B V Group C XIV IV-VI (opt.vii) XV XIX XXVI X (I) IX V (i) VIII IV-1-N IV-2-N IV-3-N IV-4-N IV-5-N IV-6-N V-1N V-2N V-3N XIV-N IV-7 XV-N1 XIX XXVI XI-N11 IX V-1 V (ii) V (iii) V-2 V-3 V (i) V-1-N15 Time: 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. Solid State Physics-II Advance Electronics Particle Physics-II Modern Political Thought-Western Child/Developmental Psychology Warran Jangnamay Tey Lok Adab Social Action (Old Course) Janoobi Asia Ki Muslim Tehzeeb aur Fikr Ka Mutalaa Entomology ‘B’ Military Psychology (New Course) Labour Economics Human Resource Development and Management Regional Economics Economic Principles, Strategies and Techniques of Marketing Econometrics (Old Course) Islam and Modern Western Thought Islami Ikhlaq aur Tassawuf Textual Study of the Quran Hadith and Seerah Study-1 Textual Study of Fiqah Inter Religious Dialogue The Punjab in Modern Times Contemporary Middle East International Relations and Organizations Strategic Dynamics of Central Asia Quantum Mechanics Educational Psychology Research Methodology Political Geography Peace Psychology Advanced Mathematical Economics (Old Course) Islam and Modern Political and Social Thoughts Islam Ethics and Tasawwuf Ilmul Kalam Old Course Applied Psychology Economics Islamic Studies VIII XIII (opt-iv) X XVII XVI VIII VIII VIII Computer Code VIII IX-I VIII-2 XVII XVI-N VIII VIII-N VIII Old Course 2014 Islamic Studies Paper New Course Islam and Modern Political and Social Thoughts V (ii) V-2-N15 Islami Akhlaq o Tasawwuf V (iii) V-3-N15 Islam and Modern Western Thoughts V (iii) V-3-N Topical Study of Quran V (iv) V-4-N Hadith and Seerah Study-II V (v) V-5-N Methodology in Juristic Opinion & Shariah V (vi) V-6-N Islam and Modern Western Thought Mathematics IV-VI (opt.i) IV-1 Mathematical Statistics Mass Communication XII (opt. vi) XII-6 Television Production Political Science XVIII XVIII Modern Political Thought-Muslim Psychology XVIII-N Psychology of Mass Communication XVIII Punjabi IX IX Sahafat Tey Mussawada Nigari (Radio-T.V.) Urdu IX IX Usool-e-Tehqeeq-o-Tadveen Note: - Dates for the viva voce of the Dissertation OR Thesis will be communicated to the candidates directly by the Chairmen/Head of the Departments concerned. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES Candidates are directed to note the following instructions. 1. Roll Number should be written on the right hand top corner of the title page of the Answer Book only and not at any other place. 2. Answer Book Number should not be written inside the Answer Book. 3. Marks of identification should not be made anywhere in the Answer Book or on the title page. 4. Any material relevant to the Syllabus should not be taken while entering the Examination Hall. 5. No appeal be made to the Examiner in the Answer-Book. 6. Obscene language should not be used in the Answer Book. 7. No one will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before first one hour is over. If any one leaves after one hour or before half the time is over, he shall not be allowed to take away the Question Paper. 8. Unauthorized change of Centre is strictly prohibited, if any one will change his/her Centre of Examination of his/her own, unfairmeans case will be registered against him/her. Similarly no change of Subject is allowed unless permitted by the University. 9. No one should appear in the Examination without getting his/her Roll Number Slip. 10. The candidates are allowed to use scientific calculator only which should be without Mini-computer. 11. The candidates are not allowed to bring mobile telephone set in the Examination Hall. 12. Unfair means cases shall be registered against those who will violate the above or such other instructions as are issued. 13. Paper of Social Work is common for both M.A. & M.Sc. Candidates. Old Course 2014 Dated: 11.05.2015. PROF. DR. SHAHID MUNIR CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS.
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