THOSE TO SERVE SUNDAY MORNING GREETERS – April 5, 2015 Front Door – Joe and Sandi Cook West Door – Jim and Kaley Donnelly East Door – Randy and Martha Britton AUDITORIUM CLASS PRAYER............................................Joseph Cook MORNING WORSHIP – April 5 OPENING PRAYER…...........................................................Jim Donnelly PRESIDE AT TABLE...........................Brad Nielsen and Brent McKamey SERVE AT TABLE Billy Helton III.................................................................Caleb Shadrick Jacob Cothren...............................................................Cam Mashburn Brandon Snider..............................................................Jeffrey Hughes USHERS Joe Gambrell, Patrick Hughes, Brian Robertson, Shayne Adams, Steve Leeper March 18 and March 22 Mid-Week Bible Study….......................................192 Sunday Morning Bible Study.……….......................239 Sunday Morning Worship.………............................319 Sunday Evening Worship.…….....…........................165 Contribution (Budget $9,069)……...............$9,194.00 (Average through February).......................$9,144.34 Pulaski Street Church of Christ 247 Pulaski Street Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE PAID LAWRENCEBURG, TN PERMIT NO. 112 If you cannot serve on Sunday morning, please call Reggie Holt at 629-8920 or Ricky Smith at 244-5982. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE – April 5 Ushers......................................Jacob Cothren and Shane Hughes Front Door Greeters….….……………..……..……..Jack and Judy Butler Scripture Reading, Mark 3:13-19..……………………….……Rick Sellers Lead Prayer.................................................................T.J. Hughes Closing Prayer……………………………………………..……..Tim Hammond Communion & Contribution.................................Patrick Hughes The elders ask that our Bible readings come from the King James or the New King James versions. WEDNESDAY EVENING – April 8 Scripture Reading, Isaiah 20:1-6…………………….…………....James Weeks Lead Prayer…………….......................................................Robert Morris Closing Prayer……......................................................Chuck Richardson If you cannot serve on Wednesday, please call Reggie Holt at 629-8920. VAN DRIVERS FOR April 5 and 8 Call the driver listed below if you won’t be riding the van. SUNDAY MORNING Tim Miller: 244-6113. SUNDAY EVENING Scott Harris: 629-5994. WEDNESDAY EVENING Tim Hammond: 852-4832. If you cannot drive the van, please contact Scott Harris at 629-5994. PROJECTOR OPERATORS FOR April 5 and 8 Sunday Morning………............................Jacob Cothren Sunday Evening Service..................................Tim Hammond Wednesday Evening……….........................Mark Miller SERVING THROUGHOUT APRIL Nursery Attendant…......................................................Jenifer Hughes Baptismal Clothes...................................Gina Burns and Shirley Evans Auditorium Class Song Leader………….................................Reggie Holt Sunday Morning Song Leader………………………............…………..Eric Nutt Sunday Evening Song Leader…………………...........………….Jeremy Gargis Wednesday Evening Song Leader…................................Billy Helton III Prepare Communion.............................................Tony and Pam Allen Pick up Cups.....................................................JoJo and Vangie Gieske Pulaski Street Church of Christ 247 Pulaski Street, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Phone: (931) 762-5161 Fax: (931) 762-5269 [email protected] VOLUME 26, NUMBER 12 March 26, 2015 Attitude Attitude has so much to do with living the Christian life. A negative attitude will cause one to be overly critical and to see only the dark side of life. Such a perspective can be very depressing. When we see only the bad, we cease to experience the joys of being a Christian. Our focus should be on the positive. Just look around. See our wonderful world as it was created by God. The sunrise, the majestic mountains, the rivers and oceans, the beautiful flowers and trees, and all the magnificent wonders of the world were given to us by God to enjoy. What a great love God has for mankind! We are such a blessed people. How can we help but be happy? CLOSING PRAYER…………………............................................Andy Brown If you cannot serve on Sunday evening, please call Eric Nutt at 242-3566 or Jeremy Gargis at 231-9557. PULASKI STREET BULLETIN The positive Christian has hope burning like a flame in his heart. He has learned from God’s word about His love for His children, and he knows the great price God paid for all of us, not just for His children, but for all the souls of the whole world. SCHEDULE of SERVICES Sunday Bible Classes…………......…….9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship……………10:25 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship………………6:00 p.m.* Wednesday night………………...........7:00 p.m. (*Each 4th and 5th Sunday evening service is at 1 p.m.) SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES ♦ On WDXE AM 1370 ♦ 12:45 p.m. ♦ Monday through Friday ♦ The upcoming week of March 30 – April 3 will be hosted by the DEERFIELD Church of Christ. PANTRY LIST instant potatoes/8 oz. pkg. rice/1 lb. bag crackers/1 lb. box macaroni & cheese/7.25 oz. box quick oats/18 or 42 oz. OR boxes of individual packets dried beans/1 lb. bag ramen noodles/3 oz. pkg. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life "(John 3: 16). Knowing such a price was paid for us, we cannot help but be joyful and confident that, if we remain faithful, we will receive that crown of life that has been promised (Revelation 2: l0). Another of the beauties and joys of this life is the Christian home. A truly Christian home is one with loving, godly parents who are working together to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Such a home has members who desire to spend eternity together in heaven. To achieve this marvelous goal, this family spends time studying together in order to be familiar with God’s road map to heaven. Yes, attitude can make the difference between being saved or being lost. We are the light of the world, a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14). Let’s be sure the world knows that we are happy to be Christians! Dale Grissom, Northridge church of Christ, Dayton, OH cans of: tuna/6 oz. Vienna sausage/5 oz. salmon/ 15 oz. SpaghettiOs, ravioli, etc./15 oz. can fruit or vegetable juice/46 oz. can or bottle peanut butter/18 oz. jar soup/10.5 oz. can canned vegetables/14.5 oz. can… (corn, green beans, peas, baked beans, pork & beans, etc.) canned fruit/15 ¾ oz. (peach, pear, etc.) canned meat/12-24 oz. (Spam, Treet, Chicken, etc.) jelly, jam, or preserves/18-32 oz. jar Monetary contributions are always welcome! Make check payable to Pulaski Street Church of Christ, and please indicate “PANTRY” on the memo line. Thank you! via, 1002 N Johnson St., McCrory, AR 72101 ELDERS: Tim Hammond, 852-4832 Biff Helton, 242-8785 Bob Markus, 762-9779 Eric Nutt, 242-3566 Please speak with the elder chairman regarding anything you'd like for the elders to discuss or to arrange a time to meet with them. The elder chairman for March and April of 2015 is Tim Hammond. DEACONS: Shayne Adams Joe Cook Jacob Cothren Jim Donnelly Scott Harris Billy Helton III Reggie Holt Shane Hughes Kenneth Kidd Mark Miller Brad Nielsen Olen Springer MINISTER: Jeremy Gargis, 231-9557 AGAPE COUNSELING OFFICE: 762-8502 PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED YOUTH NEWS (Addresses are listed when possible in case you'd like to send a card.) ~Please continue to pray for Jeremy Gargis and Joey Barrier as they work in Burma/Myanmar. Their return is scheduled for Monday, March 30. March 28th: Teens Activity! 6:30 p.m. at Brad and Emily Nielsen’s house, 207 Admiral Circle, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. April 3rd – 5th: Lads to Leaders and Leaderettes Convention! At the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. April 9th: Tweens Activity! 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. April 14th: Inbetweens Activity! 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. April 19th: Youth-led Service! Also-Soul Food Sunday! For th th the 7 -12 grades. HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GRADS-Where are your photos? •MAXINE ANDERSON is scheduled for an MRI on Monday, March 30, related to her recent diagnosis of early stage breast cancer. 140 Michael Circle, Lawrenceburg, TN. •TIM CLIFTON’s knee replacement surgery has been rescheduled for Monday, March 30, depending upon the results of an additional heart test that is scheduled for this Thursday, March 26. 204 Shackleford Rd., Leoma, TN 38468. •CAROLYN FRAZIER was able to return home on Tuesday, March 24, from stays in STRHS and its Rehab wing. She is continuing to recover after being very seriously ill. 416 Douglas Drive, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. •ROBBIE GUTHRIE is now undergoing radiation treatments for lymphoma. 1804 Jean St., Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. HELP NEEDED –If you can help with getting Robbie back and forth to Columbia for her radiation treatments during the next several weeks, contact Dean Hughes, (615) 516-3868. •BAY and HUD ROBERTSON, twin baby girl and boy of Brian and Cara Robertson, were diagnosed with RSV on Tuesday, March 24. 21 Land Rd., Leoma, TN 38464. •VICKIE BOSTON, sister-in-law of Vickie Crouch, has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was scheduled for a consultation with her doctor on Wednesday, March 25. 546 Clax Branch Rd., Loretto, TN 38469. •TATUM BROWN, baby daughter of Tyler and Audrey Brown and granddaughter of David and Alice Stofel, was hospitalized last week with seizures. No address yet. •EMILY FIFE, a frequent visitor, is scheduled for toe surgery Friday, March 27, at STRHS. 303 Fall River Rd. Apt B4, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. SYMPATHY Again, we extend our Christian love and sympathy to the family of SUE USREY, the wife of Craig Usrey and the mother of Priscilla Usrey Daniels and Travis Usrey. A memorial service was held Saturday, March 21, at Pulaski Street Church of Christ. Condolences may be sent to Craig and Travis at 215 Admiral Circle, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 and to Priscilla Daniels at 644 Greenview St., Apt. A, Albertville, AL 35950. MEMORIALS Two books have been placed in the church library by Pulaski Street Church of Christ in memory of PAUL CHAPMAN. These books are Truth For Today Commentary Series-Mathew 1-13 and Truth For Today Commentary SeriesMatthew 14-28, both by Sellers Crain. The book Distant Voices: Uncovering a Forgotten Past for a Changing Church by C. Leonard Allen will be placed in the church library by Alex and Judy Heffington in memory of JEANNETTE NUTT. Monetary donations have been given to Pulaski Street Church of Christ in memory of JEANNETTE NUTT by Joseph E. and Pat Johnson, James Frank and Sarah Alice Jones, Gene and Jane McCurry, and Jeff and Pam Cole. MISSION TRIP ~Kaleb Jeans will be leaving this Saturday, March 28, with a group from Columbia Academy (where he attends school) to go to Ensenada, Mexico to work with the City of Children. The group plans to return on Friday, April 3. Please pray for the safety and success of these efforts. AREA OPPORTUNITIES March 28: Annual Senior Adult Rally. Henderson Church of Christ, Henderson, TN. Speaker David Shannon. “Renewing Our Strength.” Registration at 9:30 a.m. Lunch provided. RSVP 731-989-5161. March 29, 30, 31: Spring Gospel Meeting, Gandy Church of Christ. Speaker Wayne Kilpatrick. Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m.; Monday and Tuesday at 7 p.m. March 29: Lawrence County Churches of Christ Singing, 2 p.m. at County Line. nd April 18: 2 Annual Ladies’ Day, Charlotte Heights Church of Christ, Nashville, TN. Speaker Carlene Ford. “Once Upon An Apron” – What’s in Your Apron Pockets? THANK YOU Thanks for all the cards, flowers, food, and kind words all of you shared in Daddy’s passing. He fought hard to win! Thanks for the visit, but, most of all, thanks for the prayers! I also thank you for the comforting words and prayers you have sent for my upcoming surgery. It helps a lot! God bless each and all of you. Tim Clifton Thank you, everyone, for your cards, calls, and prayers. We sincerely appreciate your concern. David and Carolyn Frazier HANDYMAN TUESDAYS A group has begun meeting on Tuesday evenings to assist those in need of help with various handyman projects. Available deacons will be participating, and any and all others are invited to be a part of this good service. If you are in need of help, please describe in writing what you need, include your name and contact information, and place this in the box located in the foyer. …gardens are not made by singing: ‘Oh, how beautiful’ and sitting in the shade. R. Kipling March 28: Meet at 10 a.m. in the FB to prepare and deliver Sunshine Baskets. th March 29: 5 Sunday. Fellowship Meal after our morning worship, followed by a 1 p.m. service. April 1: Jacob and Brittany Evans and children, Reese and Chapman arrive this week. Jacob will begin his work as the new pulpit minister here at Pulaski Street. April 5: Please bring snacks for A Kid’s Place child advocacy center. Please place donations in box at exits or give to Jeff Hughes. April 7: Dorcas Sewing Group, 10-3, FB. April 7: 20s and 30s Ladies’ Devo, 6:30 p.m. at Megan Shadrick’s house, 311 Land Road, Leoma. April 21: Dorcas Sewing Group, 10-3, FB. April 21 -24: India Missions Conference at Heritage Christian. April 26: Coming Home Sunday.
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