INDEPENDENCY DEVELOPMENT PundG WE DEVELOP Agency Portfolio Potyka & Gropper I Independency Development 10.04.15 S/1 INNOVATION, RELEVANCE, OPTIMISM PundG PundG was founded as we, two veterans of the media business, decided to emancipate ourselves from assumed market imperatives, next big things and structural conditions. PundG is evidence of our very personal way of doing things. To step back in a critical situation, to try to understand the bigger picture and then to decide. We want to act independently and we want our clients to be able to do the same. PundG knows about imperatives and necessities. We do take them very seriously, and use them as fields of gravitation and landmarks on our way forward. Potyka & Gropper I Independency Development 10.04.15 S/2 WE THINK HUMAN CENTRIC PundG PRODUCTS NEED TO UNDERSTAND PEOPLE – NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. We make sure that your product development makes sense to people. Potyka & Gropper I Independency Development 10.04.15 S/3 PundG PORTFOLIO DISCOVER DESIGN QUALITATIVE BETA TESTING INNOVATIVE PROTOTYPING Before you invest in development, we challenge your ideas in real life scenarios: In potential clients’ lives as well as regarding current market trends. We help to transform ideas into products. We craft prototypes based on human centric insights. INDUSTRY SCOUTING STRATEGY We deliver a qualitative analysis of the market, based on our solid expertise in interactive, digital media and entertainment. We highlight structures, we unveil potentials and we identify relevant market drivers. We outline white spots and scout viable routes to establish your objectives in the market. Potyka & Gropper I Independency Development DELIVER IDEATION CULTURE We activate your native potential to develop ideas. We establish being innovative as part of a company’s very culture. PROCESS ASSISTANCE & PROJECTMANAGEMENT We assist and support building new competences - in house or abroad. We build networks to harmonize partners - worldwide. 10.04.15 S/4 PundG ABOUT US LARS POTYKA KLAUS GROPPER BACKGROUND Lobbyist, Format-Inventor, Networker, Developer, Multiplier, Musician BACKGROUND Print Editor, Tech- and Interactive Consultant, Synthetical Thinker, Qualitative Researcher, CEO, Journalist, Freeride Mountainbiker TODAY Founder, Strategy and Lobbying Expert at PundG [email protected] Potyka & Gropper I Independency Development TODAY Founder, Tech-/Interactive Expert at PundG. [email protected] 10.04.15 S/5 PundG CONTACT Independency Development Hobrechtstr. 20 · GER-12047 Berlin · [email protected] Potyka & Gropper I Independency Development 10.04.15 S/6
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