ANALYSING THE COGNITIVE ABILITmS OF FORM 5 STUDENTS IN LEARNING BIOLOGY THROUGH HERMENEUTICS PEDAGOGIC SITI SHAKINA BINTI SHAROM DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION PSYCHOLOGY (MASTER BY RESEARCH) FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT UNIVERSITI PENDIDIKAN SULTAN IDRIS 2014 v ABSTRACT experiences using their Paper 1 (Objective), Paper 2 cognitive learning Biology (Structured & Essay), and Paper 3 (Written Practical). This study employed Hermeneutics pedagogic method, i. e the method that deals with text interpretation to understand the text. The distribution of research questionnaires was employed randomly to 57 of Form 5 science stream students in 2 different schools in Taiping. The Hermeneutics pedagogic method was used in order to interpret the students' written texts on the students' cognitive abilities of learning Biology and categorized the cognitive abilities into a few main learning ways for the 3 papers. The findings of the study indicated that the main learning ways for acquire the knowledge of Biology for Paper 1 (Objective), Paper 2 (Structured & Essay), and Paper 3 (Written Practical) were answering techniques, i. e. provide answer points based on marks allocated with explanation and examples of the points, exercises on SPM model questions, past year questions, trial questions, and spot questions, revision by referring to text books and reference books, initiatives in searching information in internet, newspapers, and educational website, and learning styles, i. e. visual type like to make colorful notes and mind maps, auditory type prefer to have discussion and listen attentively in class, and kinesthetic type love to write notes and draw diagrams. In short, the cognitive abilities had managed to enhance the students' effectiveness in learning Biology and at the same time helped the students to be more positive in acquiring knowledge oflearning Biology. The purpose of this study abilities in was to examine the Form 5 students' accordance with the vi ABSTRAK Menganalisis Keupayaan Kognitif Pelajar Tingkatan Melalui Kaedah 5 dalam Mempelajari Biologi Pedagogi Hermeneutik Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengalarnan pelajar menggunakan keupayaan kognitif mereka dalarn mempelajari Biologi bersesuaian dengan Kertas 1 (Objektif), Kertas 2 (Struktur & Esei) dan Kertas 3 (Praktikal Bertulis). Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah pedagogi hermeneutik, iaitu kaedah yang melibatkan pentafsiran teks untuk memahami teks tersebut. Pengedaran soal selidik dilakukan secara rawak terhadap 57 orang pelajar Tingkatan 5 aliran sains di 2 buah sekolah di Taiping. Kaedah pedagogi hermeneutik digunakan bagi mentafsir teks bertulis pelajar mengenai keupayaan kognitif pelajar mempelajari Biologi dan mengkategorikan keupayaan kognitif tersebut kepada beberapa cara pembelajaran utama bagi ketiga-tiga kertas. Dapatan bagi kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa cara pembelajaran utama untuk memperoleh pengetahuan Biologi bagi Kertas 1 (Objektif), Kertas 2 (Struktur & Esei) dan Kertas 3 (Praktikal Bertulis) adalah teknik menjawab, iaitu memberikan isi jawapan berdasarkan markah yang diperuntukkan berserta penjelasan dan contoh bagi isi jawapan tersebut, latihan dalarn soalan model SPM, soalan tahun-tahun lepas, soalan percubaan dan soalan rarnalan, ulangkaji dengan merujuk kepada buku teks dan buku rujukan, inisiatif dalarn mencari maklumat di internet, surat khabar dan larnan web pendidikan dan gaya belajar, iaitu jenis visual suka membuat nota berwarna-warni dan peta minda, jenis auditori lebih suka membuat perbincangan dan menumpukan perhatian di dalarn kelas dan jenis kinestetik, iaitu suka menulis nota dan melukis garnbar rajah. Secara ringkas, keupayaan kognitif dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan pelajar dalarn mempelajari Biologi dan pada masa yang sarna membantu para pelajar untuk menjadi lebih positif dalam memperoleh pengetahuan mempelajari Biologi. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of study 3 1.2 Problem statement 5 1.3 Research 10 objectives 1.3.1 General 1.3.2 10 objective 10 Specific objectives 1.4 Research 1.5 Conceptual 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Limitation and scope of the 1.8 Operational 11 questions and theoritical framework 11 12 study definition of terms 14 15 viii 1.8.1 Cognitive abilities 15 1.8.2 Biology 16 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.9 CHAPTER 2 Form 5 students Hermeneutics pedagogic 16 17 17 Conclusion LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 18 2.1 Cognition 19 2.2 Cognitive abilities 20 2.2.1 The and 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 Analysing the cognitive abilities in learning Biology syllabus for secondary school in Malaysia 22 24 30 2.3.1 Learning of Biology 34 2.3.2 Analysis of SPM Biology 36 2.3.3 Demands of the 41 Hermeneutics method 2.4.1 2.5 importance of cognitive thinking cognitive abilities Biology pedagogic as an interpretive Traits of Hermeneutics Conclusion 45 48 52 ix CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction 53 3.1 Research 54 3.2 Research framework 57 3.3 Study phases 59 3.4 Sampling procedure 60 3.5 Instrument of the 60 3.5.1 3.6 design study Data collection method and procedure 63 3.6.1 Getting approval procedure 63 3.6.2 Conducting questionnaires procedure 64 3.7 Data 3.8 Reliability and validity analysis procedure 64 67 3.8.1 Reliability with reference to this study 68 3.8.2 Validity with reference to this study 69 3.8.3 3.9 60 Questionnaire Quality considerations of Hermeneutics pedagogic analysis Conclusion 70 73 x CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.0 Introduction 74 4.1 Research 75 fmdings learning Biology of Form 5 1 in Paper (Objective), 76 4.1.2 Ways of learning Biology of Form 5 students in Paper 2 (Structured and Essay), Biology 83 4.1.4 Ways of learning Biology of Form 5 students in Paper 3 (Written Practical), Biology. 92 1 97 4.2.1 Prominent themes that emerged from students' essays of learning ways in Paper 1 (Objective), Biology 98 4.2.2 Prominent themes that emerged from students' essays of learning ways in Paper 2 (Structured and Essay), 102 4.1.1 Ways of students Biology 4.2 Discussion on ways of learning in Paper (Objective), Biology Biology 4.2.3 emerged from learning ways in (Written Practical), Biology Prominent themes that 108 students' essays of Paper 3 4.3 Summary of the research 113 4.4 Conclusion 116 x CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.0 Introduction 74 4.1 Research 75 fmdings learning Biology of Form 5 1 in Paper (Objective), 76 4.1.2 Ways of learning Biology of Form 5 students in Paper 2 (Structured and Essay), Biology 83 4.1.4 Ways of learning Biology of Form 5 students in Paper 3 (Written Practical), Biology. 92 in Paper 1 97 emerged from students' essays of learning ways in Paper 1 (Objective), Biology 98 4.1.1 Ways of students Biology 4.2 Discussion on ways of learning (Objective), Biology 4.2.1 4.2.2 Prominent themes that emerged from learning ways in (Structured and Essay), 102 emerged from learning ways in (Written Practical), Biology 108 Prominent themes that students' essays of Paper 2 Biology 4.2.3 Prominent themes that students' essays of Paper 3 4.3 Summary of the research 113 4.4 Conclusion 116 xi CHAPTERS IMPLICATION, RECOMMENDATION & CONCLUSION 5.0 Introduction 117 5.1 Implications of the research 118 5.2 Recommendations of the research 122 5.3 Conclusion of the research 126 127 REFERENCES APPENDIXES Research Permission letter to conduct research Ministry of Education by 140 Permission letter to conduct research by 141 Perak Educational / 136 questionnaire Department xii LIST OF TABLES Title Table Page 2.1 Cognitive abilities are mental skills 2.2 Learning styles 2.3 Biology syllabus of secondary 2.4 Analysis ofSPM Biology Paper 1 Paper 2, 21 24 school in Form 4 and Form 5 , 32 and Paper 3, year 38 2011-2012 of answers based action words of questions in 39 2.5 Approaches Biology 2.6 Analysis Biology questions 43 2.7 Levels of cognitive domain in Bloom's Taxonomy 44 3.1 Knowledge sought by each study phase 59 3.2 Summary of research instrument 62 4.1 Form 5 students ways of on learning in Paper 1 (Objective), 76 and 83 (Written 92 Biology 4.2 Form 5 students ways of learning in Paper 2 (Structured Essay), Biology 4.3 Form 5 students Practical), Biology ways of learning in Paper 3 xiii LIST OF FIGURES Title Figure Page 1.1 Requirements of cognitive construct for Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3 in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Biology 1.2 Conceptual framework of this study 1.3 Theoritical framework of Hermeneutics and 8 11 Pedagogic in this 12 study and academic skills 20 2.1 Cognitive 2.2 Scientific methods in 2.3 The basic form of the Hermeneutics Circle 50 2.4 Detailed 51 2.5 Ontopretation scheme 51 3.1 Research 54 3.2 Overview of the research 3.3 Procedures for 3.4 Flow chart of data 3.5 Research Biology study ontopretation process design approach conducting the study collecting process procedure of this research 35 57 58 63 66 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS DOK Depth of Knowledge ICPS Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools ICSS Integrated Curriculum for Secondary PISA Programme for International Student Assessment SPM Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia STI Science, Technology, and Innovation Schools CHAPTERl INTRODUCTION Introduction 1.0 This the chapter discusses the background of study problem statement and research and theoritical in the first section and will continue with objectives. Then, the research questions, conceptual framework, the significance of the study, limitation and scope, and operational definition of terms used in this study also been discussed. Cognitive ability (equivalent to cognitive competence) comprises think this (intelligence), knowledge (true knowledge (Rindermann, 2012). and relevant The knowledge) and the of the ability intelligent cognitive thinking is most essential use to of for students 2 skills, thinking skills, cognitive, psychomotor, and in educational aspects. All-round effective development had been introduced into the The efforts capability, capacity In the Integrated were focused on strengthening science and technology's (S&T) Secondary in study Biology students who had the Schools and depth and career-oriented in sciences and producing Eighth Malaysian support productivity driven growth and improve competitiveness. to Curriculum for prepare students to training science had been included in the importance of learning Plan, whereby schooling system (Chua, 2010). (lCSS), Biology so as was designed to to enable them to be in various technology. The curriculum is also aimed at understanding of the biological control of scientific thought and moral values (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2006). However, Biology was identified of the as one toughest subjects to the past several years, the result in Biology in passed the subject compared to the passes Education in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). For showed the lowest number of students who Physics and Chemistry subjects (Ministry of Malaysia, 2012). The above other individuals clearly showed regarded important components growth. Thus, cognitive score it was abilities in that Malaysia through science education for country learning Biology so score Ministry of Education and especially Biology development especially considered to seek the other low-achieving students to also the experiences and cognitive abilities in economy and educational of Form 5 students in using their that this initiative would be able to well in this as subject. help the 3 Background of study 1.1 The science stream is much tougher compared with the humanities, arts, and vocational. The claims of science for inclusion in the school curriculum years of active and could provide persistent efforts. liberal education a the most difficult Malaysia (SPM) subjects to In contrast, other is the national examination of examination determines and recognized after to be were taught because they had been identified in SPM for the past several years. measures Malaysia of Education secondary schools (Ministry students in subjects (Prakash, 2011). Biology score came the students' abilities of of Sijil Pelajaran that must be taken by This Malaysia, 2001). as one Form 5 important learning and also as the benchmark for students to further their studies. is defmed Biology human body as well Biology, 2009). for studying the world's be as There can biological case on no doubt about the thinking (Hiong because in this and simulation era of modem Biology is an importance of Biology and the reasons is able to understand better and learning of Biology need to Teaching actively promote the & encouraged were deals with the knowledge, mankind students' involvement to the students studies, demanded. be living organisms, aspects of everyday life (Why study human and social lives and their processes. critical and creative on many other it at school. Because of this emphasized centered the science of life and as Kamisah, 2013). Various activities which be included in projects. Nowadays, technology, laboratory work, science-related the need for skilled important subject formation of analytical, field research, is popular career people in for admission to the best science is higher highly education 4 institutions in Malaysia. Many science pass in Biology mandatory requirement. as a elective pure science technology Education and subject would later play a leading careers have at least Biology as a their in the field of science and role in this field for national the researcher Biology, abilities involved. This viewed psychological theory abilities which obviously problems faster, were and see development (Ministry of abilities excellent at consistently relationships as was the abilities of which thereby deriving meaning, Interpretation applied added Hermeneutics Zweck to all can were new as better at many different solving problems most fitting appropriate were more to gain better & Subramanian more knowledgeable about art of interpretation involved in observed percepts into nothing serve as a Some concepts quicker, solve unfamiliar (Reynolds, 2009). The was to the providing guidance solving problems that involve visualization. understood was knowledge of the understanding of (2011) explained that recognized paradigms, than the association of concepts. aspects of the perceptual realm. Ramakrishnan therefore (2008) and the multidimensional people experiences phenomenon. Ramakrishnan, Yahya, interpretation using their cognitive well in their examination. Modem that others do not and pedagogic analysis acquire to helping score correlated: Some wider range of topics than others Hermeneutics hoped aimed at was cognitive positively were verbally while others questions. must Students who had taken take up weak students to enhance their skills and a by universities and skills of Form 5 students in experiences abilities in learning students offered Malaysia, 2006). From the cognitive courses strategy to address a et al. (2011) broad range of research stated every sentence that has been communicated can be 5 understood research only from its context explored or the rationale for situation. This is also true of their content This using cognitive abilities of participants involved demonstrate the interpreting and flexibility utility information from the learning sources. In pedagogic of Biology. It also for pedagogic explore to hope gathering addition, this study provided a the to and review of application within this project. Problem statement In the statistical the in the of Hermeneutics essential Hermeneutics constructs and their 1.2 Hermeneutics analysis of the percentage of students that result showed 101,526 out of 259,300 Biology analysis (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2012). to the other science (50.6%) also been as passed and Physics The decreased SPM 2003 examination, it poorly in delivery passing was showed reported out of that candidates who sat for 259,300 259,300 (48.8%) Biology 2013). In the Biology performed about the test constructs of science process skills and answer Board, 2004). With a based only. This method on logic and not scientific fact solid curriculum content and didactic methods in schools, the students learned examinations 126,429 passed compared out of Education Division of MARA, and this caused candidates to Examination the lowest scored of SPM 2012 result of MRSM students in (Secondary answering questions applications (Malaysia analysis was in 2011, candidates (39.2%) Chemistry which showed 131,145 such passed. reported The percentage subjects candidates candidates who passed in the Biology Biology solely for the purpose of also led students to become bored and did not 6 appreciate their knowledge of Biology did not anything and thus mean was as it related to life since the likely to contribute to the interest in Biology subsequently affecting their performance 2007 the overall performance Examination Board, were 2008). used. They affecting candidates' were score Candidates also lacked the mastering terminology In 2010 they (Hiong & skills in the education system adopt science as of allowing the in maturity the as score was whole process requirements abilities such a in presenting that students term given, still weak in hence Biology. the facts and concepts, perceptual predictive for International Student Assessment due to (Ministry a score in science deficit of higher order of Education questions and manual skills to are thinking Malaysia, 2012). score an very excellent result. important in learning value of perceptual abilities and manual skills tests in had been less than the Higher Education Malaysia, 2010). Therefore, students to demonstrate their applying their knowledge, skills, lower skills, critical and creative thinking skills in of examination Biology concepts involving dentistry (Ministry and were Malaysian students gained Kamisah, 2013). This lower Biology. Generally, (Malaysia and the science process skills of Biology. and the results showed that Cognitive explained explain the and reflected that 50% of students knowledge Meanwhile, in SPM at a moderate level also not able to define and (PISA) accordance with the in SPM. did not understand the concept well and the Malaysia joined the Programme Students need to was process that negative impact of student The SPM 2007 Performance Report poor in science because terminology of the candidate learning cognitive achievements assessments should aim at highest level of performance and competency and their personal qualities. 7 According to Ministry abilities such as was to students since implemented cognitive development, language spiritual and moral, aesthetic forming and and creative. Biology of certain facts and laws and phenomenon. organisms happen biologists. the based on Each unit in the chapters the theory topics covered that theory course as are - was carried achieving the which affords main of objective covered in students' topics many already in help XII), 2010). right inquiry, implications causes Students were of to the technologies (Ministry of Education, 2006). the was previous evident and the understanding of required had the thoughts develop knowledge the values and attributes that will with the practical integration into them topics by application of help the to master all the possibility to be stated that the assessment in education learning Biology associated for furthering answer, but extended to the related Students need abilities in skills of science (2012) determined doing from Form 4 to Form 5 because all the for the of the main as one suggestions the rationale for from them would examined. Noor, Zamri and Zahara and in helps only subject itself had been identified in the textbook such concepts (Biology (Classes XI just it is the as in important element It is hard to understand how the processes in science of life and understanding gained not is the most from Form 4 to Form 5 that will examine in SPM. The difficulties in understanding the Biology subject this areas communication, socio-emotional, physical, education (Ministry of Education, 2006). There learning of cognitive pre-school through respective learning essential part of the curriculum an knowledge Malaysia (2010), the importance of Education was with the concept. of bio-science and them to consider issues biological techniques and 7 According abilities such as was to Ministry Malaysia (2010), the importance of cognitive of Education to students since implemented cognitive development, language pre-school through respective learning and spiritual and moral, aesthetic and creative. forming an knowledge education learning essential part of the curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2006). phenomenon. organisms happen biologists. the based on Each unit in the chapters the that theory in the textbook such topics covered as - was carried of objective covered in students' topics many which affords the main achieving already in help XII), 2010). right inquiry, implications causes Students were of to the technologies (Ministry of Education, 2006). the was previous evident and the understanding of required had the thoughts develop knowledge the values and attributes that will with the practical integration into them topics by application of help the to master all the possibility to be stated that the assessment in education learning Biology associated for furthering answer, but extended to the related Students need abilities in skills of science (2012) determined doing from Form 4 to Form 5 because all the for the of the main as one suggestions the rationale for from them would examined. Noor, Zamri and Zahara and are only subject itself had been identified theory course concepts (Biology (Classes XI just in helps in important element It is hard to understand how the processes in science of life and understanding gained not it is the as There is the most from Form 4 to Form 5 that will examine in SPM. The difficulties in understanding the Biology subject this communication, socio-emotional, physical, Biology of certain facts and laws and areas was with the concept. of bio-science and them to consider issues biological techniques and 8 encourages teachers to use Malaysia is content-and-outcome based and in Biology curriculum The Kamisah, 2013). Fragmented T and L methods limit the biological concepts. Biology teachers methods in teaching Biology in encouraged rote important explore to still were Learning (L) delivery applying cognitive abilities knowledge involved in and the interpret be experiences of students students to understand their emphasize their thinking 2010). assess than learning so that the application of Paper 1: Objective answer All was to a by simply knowing something (Ministry long-term higher of Biology. help Such acquire subjects required It the was level of Higher was develop strategies apply Nusbaum, 2006). knowledge for It that could well in be able to Biology & to the students and for examination. learning Biology. in & complex the researcher's intent to they might understanding (Huang The memory load will extend into be loaded by in strengths. Effective learning the fullest with strong efficient to explored seriously. Hence, (Hiong traditional and out-dated learning Biology the students better understand and enhance their abilities to study however had yet to methods of abstract and conveying Biology facts directly memorization of the factual the and fragmented Teaching (T) knowledge usually memory and increase its to more functioning Education to and Malaysia, capacity to deep understanding and keep rehearsing on learning (Reisberg, 2013). -Knowledge -Understanding -Application Paper 2: Structured Paper 3: practical Written and Essay .. -Analyzing -Synthesizing -Evaluating Figure 1.1. Requirements of cognitive Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Biology. Scientific skills construct for Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper I 3 in Sijil 9 SPM and Biology consisted of three papers namely; Paper 1,455111, Paper 2, 455112, Paper 3, 4551/3. Paper 1, Biology consisted of objective items, Paper consist of written in the items subjective in practical highest compared understanding, and and construct needed having Paper 3. the it application, only to score well in Paper 2, and construct is the involve knowledge, and analyzing, synthesizing, mental abilities. In Paper 1, the requirements of more and application, to the students. The and in the higher the students must Biology, Paper 3, the level of valid and useful the assessment would be. acquire these students needed the cognitive Suan constructs (2011) thinking skills on also how to questions. The number of students in science stream had policy 3 also involved the advantageous Biology, Beside right cognitive abilities. Hamdan, Wahida, Tang, and stated that in order to handle the was Paper level of difficulties is identified 3. Paper knowledge, understanding well in the the and 1 required higher the Figure 1.1, the in question Paper 2, requirements of cognitive that could be assessed, the score by applying In Paper scientific skills would be performance Thus, with skills which evaluating 3. As shown in Paper Biology Paper 2 of structured and essay comprising 2 and of 60 the science (science): subject is 40 still (art) seems relatively to be low as impossible since 2007 students had enrolled into science streams students effective ways should be stream to achieve the follow critical subjects reportedly developed in order to as been on the decline. The students' inclination towards only 29% of secondary (Hiong & and tertiary Kamisah, 2013). Hence, increase the number of students in science target. Scoring excellent result in Biology also allows them in universities. In the process of becoming a to developed country 10 Vision 2020, through qualified in interpret the specific understanding from and a higher number of workforces who fields. Given in the above, Hermeneutics the situations of learning interpreting needed Malaysia were the perspectives of students A premise of Hermeneutics Biology. therefore engaged pedagogic was in order to make was that own construct of used to sense people were in the abilities to understand what is and real for them in order to create their were of self important reality of acculturation experiences (Zweck, 2008). 1.3 Research 1.3.1 General To objectives objective analyse Form 5 students experiences in using their cognitive abilities in learning Biology. 1.3.2 To 1 Specific objective analyse ways of learning Biology of Form 5 students according to examination (Objective), Paper 2 (Subjective and Essay), and Paper 3 (Written Practical). Paper 11 1.4 Research questions questions of the present study examine The research's the cognitive learning Biology through Hermeneutics pedagogic students in a) What were the learning ways of Form 5 b) What were the learning the learning students in Paper ways of Form 5 students in as 1 abilities of Form 5 follows: (Objective), Biology? Paper 2 (Structured and Essay), Biology? c) What were ways of Form 5 students in Paper 3 (Written Practical), Biology? 1.5 Conceptual and theoritical Figure 1.2 shows the conceptual framework framework of this study constructed by the researcher which involved input, Hermeneutics pedagogic and output. Input stage would involve the primary part learning ways abilities of in getting data from Form 5 students. Biology Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper Then, through interpretation, the 3 to get the output data: cognitive (set in Biology exam papers and acquired from students). OUTPUT INPUT Form 5 students Figure 1.2. Co - Acquire the students' learning ways in Biology Conceptual framework of this study. - ·tive abilities: set in Biology exam papers acquired by students through learning ways in Biology
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