Stories of the First World War Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin Project Grants Grant Guidelines 2015 Purpose Stories of the First World War Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin Project Grants are designed to support the creation of a digital legacy of stories related to the Queensland experience of the First World War and a record of centenary commemorative activities using Historypin. Overview of Q ANZAC 100 Memories for a New Generation Historypin Hub State Library of Queensland launched the Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin hub in November 2014. It currently contains 18 projects from a range of individuals and organisations with over 520 pieces of digital content including images, text, video and audio material. This project hub on Historypin has been created as a place to share Queensland related First World War stories and a record of centenary commemorative activities. The aim of these Q ANZAC 100 Historypin Project Grants is to enable organisations to share their local stories on the Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin hub. Link to Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin hub. The following guidelines have been developed to assist organisations to complete an application for funding from the Q ANZAC 100 Historypin Project. Who can apply? Eligibility To be eligible to apply your project must be in collaboration with an organisation such as the examples listed. Individuals involved in a community based event such as a local First World War commemorative event or activity are also eligible to apply. The following organisations are all eligible and encouraged to apply Libraries Local councils Schools, Preschools and Kindergartens Parents and Citizens or Parents and Friends Associations Museums Galleries Local historical groups, Returned & Services League of Australia, and other groups based around a community of interest Previous experience using Historypin is not a requirement for applying for this grant funding. Existing contributors to the Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin hub are eligible to apply for funding to further develop their Historypin projects or to create a new First World War Historypin project. State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for A New Generation Historypin Project Grant – Acquittal Report Grant amount The grant amount is $10,000 (GST exclusive). You may be offered a smaller funding amount. In this instance a revised project plan may be requested. Using Historypin Historypin is a UK based online platform for sharing photos, audio and video content. It describes itself as a global community collaborating around history. In 2014 Historypin established the First World War Centenary hub as a digital home for local projects based on the First World War Centenary. State Library of Queensland has established a Queensland focused hub within this digital space titled Q ANZAC 100 Memories for a New Generation. Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation is a place for people to share their unique and diverse stories about the Queensland experience of the First World War. Comm unities discovering and contributing local stories and personal histories of those who served and those who stayed behind, along with creative responses to how the centenary is commem orated, will build a legacy for future generations. We invite you to explore and contribute your story. The Q ANZAC 100 hub was launched in November 2014 and contains local projects from a range of libraries, schools, individuals and other organisations. It currently contains 18 projects with over 520 pieces of digital content including images, text, video and audio material. State Library of Queensland selected Historypin as a tool for community engagement based around stories of the First World War and centenary commemorative events. It provides a digital space for sharing of local content. Using this platform you can ‘pin’ local photos, text, audio or video content to a map and add the story. The content is listed as a project within the Q ANZAC 100 hub and also made discoverable in the First World War Centenary hub. We encourage you to consider ways to continue to develop your project by adding more content in the future and considering ways to use other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to promote you project. Examples of projects on the Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin hub include: Mackay Honours the Fallen The Gold Coast and The Great War Anzac Day today State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for A New Generation Historypin Project Grant – Acquittal Report Support provided The outcome of your proposed project must include content to be shared using Historypin. You can add photos, text, audio and video to Historypin. In addition to the grant funding State Library of Queensland will also provide the following support to assist you with your project. A dedicated Discovery Services staff member based at State Library of Queensland to support you in developing your project and uploading your content onto Historypin. Access to online resources – Digitisation Toolkit We want you to be successful in securing grant funding. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Discovery Officer at State Library of Queensland to discuss their Historypin project prior to completing the application form. Discovery Officer - Rachael Browning [email protected] Historypin Project proposals Your proposed projects should be designed to engage your community to discover and share stories related to your local communities’ involvement in the First World War and/or local First World War centenary commemorative activities. You are welcome to use existing digitised content from your organisation or from the State Library of Queensland as part of your project. Project need to be developed around the stated outcome of sharing content using the Q ANZAC 100 Historypin hub. The priority areas for this grant funding include: 1. Local content related to the First World War 2. Local content related to First World War centenary commemorative activities. State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for A New Generation Historypin Project Grant – Acquittal Report Application process and timelines Stage Date Applications open 12 May 2015 Applications close 5 June 2015 Applications evaluated 12 June 2015 Decisions announced by State Library 16 June 2015 Grant Agreement to be signed 30 June 2015 Projects commence (no later than)* 1 July 2015 Projects completed (no later than)* 30 Nov 2015 Projects to be acquitted* 1 Feb 2016 * Extensions to these dates may b e negotiated under exceptional circumstances and b y agreement with State Lib rary. Submitting an application Applications must be submitted electronically to State Library of Queensland by email to: [email protected] Late applications will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted using the correct Grant Application Form and signed by the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer or authorised delegate. Applications should be complete and all relevant supporting material appended to the completed application form. All applications will be checked for basic compliance with the Grant Guidelines. If minor details are missing, further information may be sought as necessary. Applications that are non-compliant on multiple fronts will not be considered further. Assessment of applications Applications for funding will be assessed against the selection criteria detailed below by an Assessment Panel with appropriate knowledge and expertise. Assessment is based on the information provided in the organisations application, including supporting material. State Library may elect to fund only a portion of a project, and reserves the right to negotiate with applicants in relation to project scope, budget items and costings. The number of grants awarded and amount awarded for each grant is at the discretion of State Library of Queensland. When submitting an application, you must disclose all matters that would affect the State Library of Queensland’s decision to approve the grant funding allocation. State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for A New Generation Historypin Project Grant – Acquittal Report Selection criteria Applications will be assessed on the basis of the following selection criteria: Project coordination Extent to which the project supports local community involvement. 30% Content Proposed project enables the discovery and sharing on Historypin of local content related to First World War stories or recording of centenary commemorative events. 30% Engagement Evidence of a plan for engagement with the community around the development and delivery of this project. 30% Creativity Creativity is considered in your approach to the development and delivery of this project. 10% Activities/expenses not funded The funding for these grants cannot be used in relation to the following: 1. core operating and administration costs, including current core training programs 2. furniture for organisation (new or replacement) 3. staff wages greater than 50% of the grant amount 4. retrospective deficit funding (funding of past organisation projects). Notification All applicants will be notified in writing no later than 16 June 2015 regarding the outcome of their application. Unsuccessful applicants may request feedback on their application. There is no course for applicants to appeal the results of the evaluation process or the decisions made in awarding grants. State Library will make publicly available the results of this grants round on websites and in media. Payments Successful applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement with State Library which will detail the obligations of both parties and the agreed timelines for delivery and acquittal of the project. The grant payment will be made in one lump sum to the organisation within 28 days of receipt of a signed Grant Agreement from successful applicants. Grant payments do not attract GST. Funding provided under this grant program is not recurrent funding and success in this grant process does not provide any ongoing funding for the organisation. State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for A New Generation Historypin Project Grant – Acquittal Report Funding acknowledgement Grant recipients must acknowledge the Queensland Government’s financial assistance to the project in the manner described below. As a minimum, publicity material relating to the approved project must include the following words: This project has received financial assistance from the Queensland Government through State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation. Reporting requirements Grant recipients must provide an acquittal report on the finalised project (on a template supplied are part of the Application Form) by no later than 1 February 2016. To be considered final the project must have content available on the Q ANZAC 100: Memories for a New Generation Historypin hub. Next steps It is recommended that applicants contact the following State Library staff prior to submitting an application to discuss ideas and seek initial feedback about the eligibility of their proposed project. Applicants need to have reviewed the Acquittal requirements for this grant funding prior to completing and submitting a Grant Application Form. Further information Rachael Browning Discovery Officer, Discovery, Content Development State Library of Queensland Tel: 07 3842 9322 Email: [email protected] State Library of Queensland Q ANZAC 100: Memories for A New Generation Historypin Project Grant – Acquittal Report
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